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October 21, 2015
Mapping the Omnichannel Customer Journey
In Partnership with Forrester
Julie Ask
VP, Principal Analyst
Gail Ennis
Chief Marketing Officer
House Keeping
Webinar will be
recorded and sent out.
Ask using the question box.
Questions will be addressed
in the last 10 minutes.
Participation is encouraged!
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webinar? Great!
1. Importance of Mobile
2. Challenges Marketers Face
3. Mobile Maturity Curve
4. Industry Best Practices
5. 3 Key Learnings

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Four ways to improve dmps
Four ways to improve dmpsFour ways to improve dmps
Four ways to improve dmps

This paper: - Reviews data on the changes in customer behavior that are driving the need for a holistic approach to data including mobile app event data - Summarizes the current state of customer data management and its limitations, using a simple COLLECT|ORGANIZE|ANALYZE|ACTION model - Using the same model, it outlines the necessary characteristics of a data management platform that can meet the needs of enterprise in this rapidly changing consumer media environment

dmpsdata managementcustomer profilles
App Measurement for mCommerce
App Measurement for mCommerceApp Measurement for mCommerce
App Measurement for mCommerce

From the beginning Apsalar has focused major attention on understanding the needs of mcommerce app measurement and how they differ from the needs of gaming companies. Our solution is designed to meet the specific needs of four leading mcommerce business types: ecommerce companies, retailers, travel companies, personal finance companies, and on-demand services. Whether or not you choose Apsalar as your attribution and measurement provider, choosing a product that is right for mcommerce will make a big difference to your business. There are eight questions that we believe you need to ask potential attribution partners in order to suss out which solution is right for your business.

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Top 22 Trends in Digital Marketing for 2017
Top 22 Trends in Digital Marketing for 2017Top 22 Trends in Digital Marketing for 2017
Top 22 Trends in Digital Marketing for 2017

Google makes more than 500 algorithm updates a year. LinkedIn now offers more ways to connect with sales prospects than ever before. Keeping track of the changes in digital marketing can make your head spin. Review this presentation to learn what works today and what you should be thinking about as we head into 2017. Sheila Kloefkorn, of KEO Marketing Inc, named a top 25 Interactive, Social Media, SEO and Advertising Agency by the Phoenix Business Journal, will walk you through the most important trends you should be thinking about heading into 2017.

content marketingadvertisingdata driven marketing
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
It’s a fact: Mobile is big.
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
Sources: Forrester Research Mobile And Smartphone Forecast, 2014 To 2019 (US)
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›Sources: Forrester's US Consumer Technographics Behavioral Study, Q1 2015
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›Sources: Forrester's US Consumer Technographics Behavioral Study, July 2014 To September 2014

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Unless you and your company collect and incorporate in-app behavior activity into your DMP and customer modeling, you don’t have visibility into this important set of customer touch points. You could be missing half of your customer data! FInds out how to fix the problem with this paper.

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Omni Channel Strategies for Walmart
Omni Channel Strategies for Walmart Omni Channel Strategies for Walmart
Omni Channel Strategies for Walmart

This presentation explores the Omni Channel Strategies for Walmart. In this era a lot of companies are looking to expand their presence in Omni channel world and how can a big company venture out to this space is what we would discover

product managementretailomnichannel
6 things to love about Mobile Marketing
6 things to love about Mobile Marketing6 things to love about Mobile Marketing
6 things to love about Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is highly effective due to people's intimate relationship with their smartphones. People check their phones 85 times per day, providing constant access to potential customers (Paragraph 1). Content is easily shared between mobile users, allowing for viral potential (Paragraph 2). Mobile searches often directly lead to purchases, so businesses should optimize for discoverability on mobile (Paragraph 3). Personalized offers and payment options on mobile encourage sales and conversions (Paragraphs 4-5). Interactive ad formats keep audiences engaged on mobile (Paragraph 6). With mobile ownership exceeding basic utilities, mobile should be a core part of any marketing strategy (Conclusion).

mobile marketingcontentreach
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
Mobile moments happen for many reasons
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
And in many ways
Push Notifications SMS Apps
Interactive Notifications
Mobile Web
In-App Notifications
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
These moments occur in many places …
Use the following devices to access the internet from:
Base: 61,222 US online adults (18+)
Source: Forrester’s North America Consumer Technographics® Online Benchmark Survey (Part 1), 2015
Living Room
Home Office
In Stores
Friend’s house
In the Car
Daily Commute
Public Transport
Living Room
Home Office
Friend’s house
In Stores
In the Car
Public Transport
Daily Commute

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The need for an Omnichannel marketing strategy A single view of the customer - A single view of the user’s lifecycle Drive significant ROI through Omnichannel marketing – Industry examples and best practices How AI and machine learning can boost your Omnichannel campaign performance

#CNX14 - Powering the Mobile Customer Journey
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Creating a seamless end-to-end customer experience has never been more important. Consumers expect information how they want it, when they want it, and on whatever device they’re currently using. Join us to learn how ExactTarget Marketing Cloud customers have incorporated mobile into the customer lifecycle to drive engagement, provide real-time customer support, and create the ultimate connected experience.

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Developing Your Omni Channel Strategy in the Digitally Fast-Paced World
Developing Your Omni Channel Strategy in the Digitally Fast-Paced WorldDeveloping Your Omni Channel Strategy in the Digitally Fast-Paced World
Developing Your Omni Channel Strategy in the Digitally Fast-Paced World

Digital media consumption is rising year over year. We are not spreading out our usage across more devices, we’re actually consuming more. As we think about our customer experience, we often forget that they are not reading every word, are not ready to subscribe, set up an account, download our app. If we want to succeed on a large scale, with prospects who are not engaged, we need to surround them with our message, and make it easy for them to interact with us, however and whenever they choose. More brands feel they are “lagging behind” in omni-channel – If your omni-channel strategy isn’t among the elite, don’t fret because you are not alone. In a recent study by SPS Commerce over 37% of businesses feel as though they are still exploring their omni-channel options and have not developed a long term strategy. This presentation will teach you: 1. How to develop your own omni channel strategy 2. How other brands have embraced an omni channel strategy 3. How to leverage your data to create a meaningful customer journey with your brand on the customer’s own terms

omni channelemail marketingmobile
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
.. at each stage of the customer journey
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
Mobile moments come in 3 forms
Customer already
has a relationship
with the brand
Brand creates an
opportunity for
Brand infiltrates
(borrows) the
moments of another
© 2013 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
30 billion

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Omni-Channel Strategy
Omni-Channel StrategyOmni-Channel Strategy
Omni-Channel Strategy

Omni-channel strategy aims to connect and engage customers throughout the entire purchase process by integrating all sales channels. It allows customers to move seamlessly from awareness to research to purchase whether in-store, online, or via mobile. To develop an effective omni-channel strategy, companies should assess their experience, information, product range, pricing, and convenience using the P.R.I.C.E model and consider customer data analytics, niche product sales online, channel integration, customer loyalty programs, and strategic partnerships.

Blueprint for Omni-Channel Roadmap
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Blueprint for Omni-Channel Roadmap

The document provides a blueprint for an omni-channel retail roadmap. It discusses moving from store-centric to customer-centric retail by developing shopping journeys, empowering employees, rethinking fulfillment, leveraging data, innovating with technology, and breaking down information silos. The building blocks include personalizing marketing, empowering store staff, optimizing delivery options, using internal and external data for predictions, and exploring emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and augmented reality.

omni channelroadmapstrategy
The Retail Revolution
The Retail RevolutionThe Retail Revolution
The Retail Revolution

Consumer confidence is skyrocketing thanks to new retail platforms that offer the ideal experience for spending hard-earned money. Shoppers can now act on their “need-it-now” mindset to purchase almost any item, any time, from anywhere. This new retail landscape is becoming more and more intangible as consumers flow through the path of least transactional resistance, and brands that embrace emerging mediums and technologies are seeing the greatest success. This Retail Revolution keynote experience looks at actionable items to transform any organization into problem-solvers developing brand strategies and go-to-market plans that push the limits of creativity and innovation within this space. With this mission in mind, revitalized brands can not only create a plan to reach customers in the moment, but also provide a new level of personalized service and innovative experiences to help drive loyalty and success in the midst of the retail revolution. The Proof Points — • The ways retailers can connect with customers continue to evolve. By taking advantage of new mediums, brand conversations and value can continue to grow even deeper using these trends. • Because of the always-on nature of these brand connections, technology platforms can and should be used to expand and augment the shopping experience. • Brick-and-mortar continues to deliver on the experience customers demand. To win, retailers must focus on the experiences only they can offer, while extending and improving through the introduction of new tools and platforms. • In this fight for attention, each visit must be personalized in order to add greater value.

Thank you
You have some work to do
Thank you
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
Business Disruption
Customer Experience
(CX) Transformation
Mobile First
Companies need to mature their approach
Shrink & Squeeze
Squeeze experiences
designed for the PC
onto small screens.
Enhance physical
world experience with
mobile. Create net
new mobile services.
Win in your customers’
mobile moments.
Ethnographic research
and journey mapping
uncover consumer
needs on the go. Mobile
services proactively
engage consumers
based on their context.
Mobile disrupt
industries, businesses,
and business models –
not just digital
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
Companies fall short today on winning
customers’ mobile moments
› Port existing engagement strategies from direct mail and desktop
› Lose contextual insights in a portfolio of mobile point solutions
› Fail to plan across business units

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Chad Gallagher of - Mobile Myth Busters at SIC2013

Mobile Myth Busters Mobile advertising is unique and introduces a number of new challenges for digital media professionals. One of the biggest challenges is wading through all the noise and data to separate fact from fiction. This session explores the myths vs. the realities of mobile media. It covers topics ranging from tracking to targeting, including the key players, products, and pricing models in the mobile media landscape.

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Closing the Gap: Adopting Omnichannel Strategies for Stronger Brand-Consumer ...
Closing the Gap: Adopting Omnichannel Strategies for Stronger Brand-Consumer ...Closing the Gap: Adopting Omnichannel Strategies for Stronger Brand-Consumer ...
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In partnership with London Research, Catalyst and Xaxis’ new original research and report, “Closing the Gap: Adopting Omnichannel Strategies for Stronger Brand-Consumer Connections,” explores gaps in where consumers are spending their time and where advertisers are investing, revealing opportunities for marketers to adopt and advance omnichannel approaches to media and marketing for long-term growth. Key takeaways: • U.S. consumer trends and engagement compared to advertiser approach to search, social, ecommerce, gaming, CTV, DOOH, podcasts, and more • Media consumption differences across key audience demographics and implications for omnichannel planning • Brands’ mindset, approach, and recommendations for ongoing experimentation and testing into emerging platforms • Barriers to adopting omnichannel programs and recommended solutions • The impact of privacy and identity on consumers, advertisers, and omnichannel programs

How To Grow Your SMS Marketing Database
How To Grow Your SMS Marketing DatabaseHow To Grow Your SMS Marketing Database
How To Grow Your SMS Marketing Database

The document discusses how to grow SMS subscribers by incentivizing customers to opt-in. It recommends clearly promoting the incentive in call-to-action messaging and avoiding "bait-and-switch" tactics. Common incentives include coupons, discounts or free items that drive high opt-in and redemption rates. Case studies show promotions from companies like Seattle Sun Tan, Julep and Taco Bell gaining thousands of opt-ins while retaining most new subscribers.

© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
Mobile marketing demands more
Customer segmentation
Media schedules
Business event
Individual customer
Customer moments
Right time
Customer event
Image source: eCommera (
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
Companies need to change tactics
Online Mobile
Who to
Customer Segment
Use CRM solutions to identify groups
of customers based on core
demographics and historical brand
Use all brand interactions including mobile
behavior and real time context to send individual,
contextually relevant messages.
Pre-fabricated messages sent
through pre-planned channels
Batch email, desktop ads, and direct
Personalized content through optimal touch
Dynamically optimized content and delivery
based on real-time context.
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
Companies need to change tactics
Online Mobile
When to
Triggered by an event the company
wants to notify the customer of:
A sale, etc.
Push-based communication triggered by an event
the consumer needs to know about
An overdue bill, a prescription, gate change, flash sale,
or customer proximity to a store.
Where to
Any location
Wherever the customer is when he uses
the internet, usually a stationary location
(home or work).
An explicit location
The ultimate location to reach the consumer is along his
daily path, including home, work, restaurant, in-store,
Why the
touch point
Pre-fabricated messages sent through
pre-planned channels
Batch email, desktop ads, and direct mail.
Proactive interactions to serve the customer and the
Provide utility (in-the-moment value), help him
accomplish a task quickly, and anticipate his needs.
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
It will only get harder as mobile moments:
Shrink to micro
Move beyond phones to
products and into the ether
Be dynamically assembled and
inserted into third party platforms
Disappear into
Virtual Agents

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Mobile DMP: It's time to end mobile blindness across marketing
Mobile DMP: It's time to end mobile blindness across marketingMobile DMP: It's time to end mobile blindness across marketing
Mobile DMP: It's time to end mobile blindness across marketing

This document discusses the need for marketers to utilize mobile data management platforms (DMPs) to keep up with customers' increasing mobile usage. It introduces Apsalar, a mobile DMP that provides attribution, audiences, and data syncing capabilities. Apsalar's services include tracking mobile metrics like app launches and in-app purchases, creating persistent cross-device profiles, and securely sharing audience data between platforms. Examples are given showing how Apsalar could be used to analyze the differences between web and app customers, retarget mobile users on other channels, and drive incremental sales.

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2ergo Retail Holiday Webinar
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3 Easy Ways Retailers Can Leverage Mobile Marketing for the Holiday Shopping Season. Presented by Lindsay Woodworth, Director of Marketing, 2ergo.

SAS - Hortonworks: Creating the Omnichannel Experience in Retail webinar marc...
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Only 23% of businesses can integrate customer insights in real-time. Learn how to change that. Join us to hear from industry experts on how to transform your organization’s data into the best omnichannel customer experience. Through this webinar, participants will hear how one retailer, with over 5 million customers and 750 brands, developed precise customer lifetime models using trusted data and delivered personalized promotions at scale. Through a single customer view and customer analytics, the retailer was able to quickly learn what changes needed to be made to improve the customer buying journey, and make those changes rapidly and effectively. Presenters : Dan Mitchell, Director of Global Retail and CPG Practice at SAS, Eric Thorsen, VP Retail at Hortonworks

© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
Follow these best practices
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
1. Focus on CX improvements
2. Set clear goals
3. Drive opt-in’s with app downloads
4. Develop your own best practices
5. Learn from vendors
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
1. Focus on CX improvements with the
IDEA framework
Start small
with a platform
to extend.
results to monitor performance
and optimize outcomes.
the mobile engagement.Engineer
your platforms, processes, and
people for mobile.
the mobile moments and context.
Source: The Mobile Mind Shift, Forrester Research
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
Begin with mapping customer journeys…
Customer journey
• What are customer’s
• What does the customer
• What is her context?
Mobile moments of truth Contextual opportunities

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Tips for Omni Channel Strategy
Tips for Omni Channel StrategyTips for Omni Channel Strategy
Tips for Omni Channel Strategy

This presentation will give few tips on how companies can implement Omni-Channel strategy and focus more on the seamless customer experience.

omni-channelstrategycustomer insights
Duitlo - Profile
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Duitlo - Profile

Duitlo is Digital Financial Doctor; the first, the fastest, and free automatic-financial-planning service provider. || Duitlo adalah Dokter Keuangan Digital; aplikasi penyedia jasa layanan Perencanaan Keuangan otomatis pertama, tercepat, dan gratis.

insurancefintechfinancial planning
10 Striking Stats on the Impact of Omnichannel Marketing Strategy
10 Striking Stats on the Impact of Omnichannel Marketing Strategy10 Striking Stats on the Impact of Omnichannel Marketing Strategy
10 Striking Stats on the Impact of Omnichannel Marketing Strategy

A spotlight on omnichannel marketing strategy that is playing a key role in consumer engagement today, all supported by 10 industry statistics illustrating the Why, What and How around it.

omnichannel marketing strategyomnichannelomnichannel marketing
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
…to identify pain points
Customer Journey: Day of Travel
ContextMobile Moments of Truth
Re-book (Irregular operations)
Enter TSA
- 2 hours
- 1 hour
- 30 minutes
• What are customer
• What does the
customer need?
• What is their context?
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
… and use mobile to improve the experience
Customer Journey: Day of Travel (Irregular)
- 2 hours
- 1 hour
- 45 minutes
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
2. Set clear goals that benefit consumers
Drive interest in
new products.
Notify customers of
a flash sale.
Remind customers to pick up a
prescription in-store.
Send customers a discount to
drive a sale.
Notify customers of a
new product.
Add service layer to products.
Remind customers to
refill a prescription.
Help customers get better
use of products.
Drive use of
loyalty rewards.
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
3. Drive opt-in’s with app download
› Communicate the benefits of opting in for push notifications either when the
consumer downloads the app or in a contextually relevant moment
1. Relevant reminders – flash sales, prescriptions ready, gate change
2. Limited frequency – only when the consumer needs info
› Ask permission to track location and explain how you will use that information
› Assure your customers that you will not misuse the privileges

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Customer Journey and Content 2015
Customer Journey and Content 2015Customer Journey and Content 2015
Customer Journey and Content 2015

The document discusses how companies can create engaging content across the entire customer journey to drive brand engagement. It emphasizes understanding customer touchpoints, communication channels, and insights in order to develop relevant content. Companies should map the customer journey and integrate marketing with other departments. In 2015, content will define an organization's voice and marketers will specialize in areas like content, social media, and technology. Tracking engagement and understanding what content resonates will be important. The document provides tips for content strategies including writing regularly, publishing content where customers seek it, optimizing content for mobile, and exploring new markets and services.

How beacons support omnichannel. Present and Future.
How beacons support omnichannel. Present and Future.How beacons support omnichannel. Present and Future.
How beacons support omnichannel. Present and Future.

Beacons can help support omnichannel experiences by connecting online and offline data. They allow retailers to provide a unified brand presence across channels like websites, mobile apps, and physical stores. Beacons transmit signals that can be detected by smartphones to track customers' locations within stores and enable experiences like navigation, analytics, and personalized communications. While beacons face challenges like app integration and privacy concerns, their low cost and support across mobile platforms make them a promising technology for improving customer journeys across online and offline retail channels.

Obserwacja Customer Journey w omnichannel e-commerce -
Obserwacja Customer Journey w omnichannel e-commerce - opiniac.comObserwacja Customer Journey w omnichannel e-commerce -
Obserwacja Customer Journey w omnichannel e-commerce -

Zadowoleni klienci, gotowi do współdzielenia pozytywnych doświadczeń i rekomendacji, to najważniejsza weryfikacja jakości i przyjazności e-commerce. Przykłady punktów kontaktu z marką lub produktem, które wpływają najsilniej na Customer Experience. Odpowiedzi na pytania: - Jak zrozumieć cele i potrzeby, które mają użytkownicy odwiedzający e-commerce. - Jak obserwować i analizować efekt ROPO oraz odwrotne ROPO. - Jak optymalizować Customer Experience, jakie metryki stosować w obserwacjach i jak to wpływa na wzrost ROI.

cx strategyecommercecustomer experience
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
4. Develop your own best practices
› Solutions or platform providers do offer phenomenal
toolkits and expertise.
› However, your business goals and your customers’
motivations and needs on the go may be unique.
› Use these platforms, but develop your own best practices
through dedicated team members and processes. In doing
so, you will gain competitive advantages over other brands.
© 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›
5. Learn from vendors
› Choose vendors with relevant industry expertise
› Vendors have many customers and have seen billions of
mobile moments – tap into what they have learned
• Use templates included in the platforms
• Tap into their professional services
Who we are working with
Survey Learnings
191 (42%)
220 (49%)
37 (8%)
2 (0%) 1 (0%)
A lot more
not sure
A lot less
Next generation of mobile apps emerging
If customer data from CRM, customer database could be
used to inform mobile campaigns, would they be more
What is the primary purpose of your mobile app?
451 companies. >500 employees. North America. Have at least 1 app.
171 (38%)
108 (24%)
53 (12%)
118 (26%)
1 (0%)
Extend the
from the web

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This document is a curriculum vitae for Pratipalak Rajendra Dubey. It outlines his educational qualifications including a diploma in mechanical engineering and ongoing studies for a B.Tech in mechanical engineering. It also details his work experience in mechanical and maintenance roles in the shipping and offshore oil and gas industries, working on vessels, rigs, and platforms. His experience includes equipment maintenance, overhauling engines and pumps, fabrication, and serving as a project manager.

Mobile Only Customer Experience
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Mobile Only Customer Experience

The document discusses how mobile has become the primary screen for many customers, with over half of online retail time now spent on mobile devices. However, many companies still do not have a unified mobile strategy and underestimate mobile's potential. The document outlines how companies need to adopt a mobile-first approach, designing customer journeys and experiences optimized for mobile to better meet customer expectations and engage customers across all touchpoints. It emphasizes that mobile should not be treated as just another channel but the primary platform for the customer experience.

customer journeyhealth clubsbryan orourke
eMarketer Webinar: Omnichannel Retail—Seven Trends in 2015
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eMarketer Webinar: Omnichannel Retail—Seven Trends in 2015

Consumers have shattered the barriers between physical and digital shopping, but both ecommerce giants and traditional retailers are struggling to respond with true omnichannel experiences. Topics in this webinar include: Are shoppers losing interest in physical shopping? How are consumers using their phones to shop? What are retailers doing with personalization to help attract shoppers? How will location-based services like beacons change the retail world this year?

webinaromnichannel retailyory wurmser
Key Learnings
0301 02
End Mobile
Adopt a
1. Adopting customer-first mindset
• Companies are largely still
organized around products
• Get started with your best/most
loyal customers
• Build experiences, not
• Listen to the data
• Go fast: learn, fail fast, optimize
2. End mobile silo > plug into what you have
• Mobile CRM (user profile) is
critical and brings the context
• Connect to back-end customer
and CRM systems
• Personalize trigger-based mobile
• Up-level the performance of
other marketing channels
Customer Data Systems
Connect mobile to your broader
marketing strategy to build
complete user profiles.
3. Leverage technology
Mobile Marketing

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How to Engage the Mobile Consumer: The New Rules For Success (Dx3 2016)
How to Engage the Mobile Consumer: The New Rules For Success (Dx3 2016)How to Engage the Mobile Consumer: The New Rules For Success (Dx3 2016)
How to Engage the Mobile Consumer: The New Rules For Success (Dx3 2016)

This document discusses how mobile has fundamentally changed consumer behavior and provides recommendations for brands to engage mobile consumers. It outlines three key shifts: 1) Brand and store discovery is now mobile-driven, 2) The in-store experience is influenced by mobile searches, 3) Purchases are increasingly made on mobile devices. The document recommends that brands leverage existing first-party data, provide elevated storytelling experiences through video and immersive formats, and ensure their brand can be discovered through apps, app store optimization, and geo-targeted advertising near store locations. Following these "new rules" of engagement will help brands effectively reach consumers on mobile.

The Future of Local Advertising in a Mobile First World.
The Future of Local Advertising in a Mobile First World.The Future of Local Advertising in a Mobile First World.
The Future of Local Advertising in a Mobile First World.

The document discusses local advertising options for businesses in a mobile-first world. It outlines various mobile advertising approaches like Google local ads, mobile ad networks, discovery apps, review sites, branded apps, SMS/geo-fencing, and social media. For each approach, it describes the process and estimated costs, which range from free for social media to $5,000 per month for Google local ads. The goal is to attract local customers by meeting consumers' needs for impulse, promotions, speed, value, loyalty and making purchase decisions.

mobile saaslocation-based marketingmobile advertising
The mobile video experience: A viewer’s journey from discovery to advocacy
The mobile video experience: A viewer’s journey from discovery to advocacyThe mobile video experience: A viewer’s journey from discovery to advocacy
The mobile video experience: A viewer’s journey from discovery to advocacy

This report looks into the factors driving mobile video growth and maps the consumer journey from mobile discovery to advocacy uncovering consumer attitudes towards paid video and the kind of mobile ads they prefer to see.

Julie Ask
+1 415.355.6002
Gail Ennis
Thank You

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Mapping the Omnichannel Customer Journey: How to Engage People in a Mobile First World

  • 1. October 21, 2015 Mapping the Omnichannel Customer Journey In Partnership with Forrester
  • 2. Julie Ask VP, Principal Analyst Forrester @JulieAsk Gail Ennis Chief Marketing Officer FollowAnalytics @FollowAnalytics Speakers
  • 3. House Keeping Webinar will be recorded and sent out. Ask using the question box. Questions will be addressed in the last 10 minutes. Participation is encouraged! Have questions during the webinar? Great!
  • 4. 1. Importance of Mobile 2. Challenges Marketers Face 3. Mobile Maturity Curve 4. Industry Best Practices 5. 3 Key Learnings Agenda
  • 5. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› It’s a fact: Mobile is big.
  • 6. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› 2 BILLION Sources: Forrester Research Mobile And Smartphone Forecast, 2014 To 2019 (US)
  • 7. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›Sources: Forrester's US Consumer Technographics Behavioral Study, Q1 2015 53 HOURS
  • 8. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#›Sources: Forrester's US Consumer Technographics Behavioral Study, July 2014 To September 2014 25 APPS
  • 9. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› Mobile moments happen for many reasons
  • 10. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› And in many ways Push Notifications SMS Apps Interactive Notifications Mobile Web In-App Notifications
  • 11. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› 150-200
  • 12. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› These moments occur in many places … Use the following devices to access the internet from: Base: 61,222 US online adults (18+) Source: Forrester’s North America Consumer Technographics® Online Benchmark Survey (Part 1), 2015 TabletSmartphone 65% Living Room 60% Bedroom 52% Kitchen 47% Bathroom 34% Home Office On-the-go Locations Home Locations Out-of-home Location 63% Outdoors 61% In Stores 60% Friend’s house 59% Restaurant 48% Work 30% Other 29% Library 25% School 63% In the Car 55% Travel 43% Daily Commute 40% Public Transport 65% Living Room 58% Bedroom 40% Kitchen 28% Home Office 25% Bathroom 27% Friend’s house 21% Restaurant 21% Outdoors 19% Work 16% Library 14% Other 13% School 08% In Stores 38% Travel 15% In the Car 12% Public Transport 10% Daily Commute
  • 13. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› .. at each stage of the customer journey
  • 14. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› Mobile moments come in 3 forms Owned Customer already has a relationship with the brand Manufactured Brand creates an opportunity for engagement Borrowed Brand infiltrates (borrows) the moments of another brand
  • 15. © 2013 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› ENGAGE USE BUY EXPLORE DISCOVER ASK 30 billion
  • 16. 4%
  • 19. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› Business Disruption <1% Customer Experience (CX) Transformation 14% Mobile First 42% Companies need to mature their approach Shrink & Squeeze 44% Squeeze experiences designed for the PC onto small screens. Enhance physical world experience with mobile. Create net new mobile services. Win in your customers’ mobile moments. Ethnographic research and journey mapping uncover consumer needs on the go. Mobile services proactively engage consumers based on their context. Mobile disrupt industries, businesses, and business models – not just digital businesses
  • 20. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› Companies fall short today on winning customers’ mobile moments › Port existing engagement strategies from direct mail and desktop › Lose contextual insights in a portfolio of mobile point solutions › Fail to plan across business units
  • 21. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› Mobile marketing demands more THEN Customer segmentation Targeting Campaigns Media schedules Anytime Business event NOW Individual customer Engaging Interactions Customer moments Right time Customer event Image source: eCommera (
  • 22. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› Companies need to change tactics Online Mobile Who to target? Customer Segment Use CRM solutions to identify groups of customers based on core demographics and historical brand interactions. Individual Use all brand interactions including mobile behavior and real time context to send individual, contextually relevant messages. What format and content? Pre-fabricated messages sent through pre-planned channels Batch email, desktop ads, and direct mail. Personalized content through optimal touch point Dynamically optimized content and delivery based on real-time context.
  • 23. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› Companies need to change tactics Online Mobile When to engage? Triggered by an event the company wants to notify the customer of: A sale, etc. Push-based communication triggered by an event the consumer needs to know about An overdue bill, a prescription, gate change, flash sale, or customer proximity to a store. Where to engage? Any location Wherever the customer is when he uses the internet, usually a stationary location (home or work). An explicit location The ultimate location to reach the consumer is along his daily path, including home, work, restaurant, in-store, commute. Why the touch point occurs? Pre-fabricated messages sent through pre-planned channels Batch email, desktop ads, and direct mail. Proactive interactions to serve the customer and the business Provide utility (in-the-moment value), help him accomplish a task quickly, and anticipate his needs.
  • 24. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› It will only get harder as mobile moments: Shrink to micro moments Move beyond phones to products and into the ether Be dynamically assembled and inserted into third party platforms Disappear into Virtual Agents
  • 25. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› Follow these best practices
  • 26. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› 1. Focus on CX improvements 2. Set clear goals 3. Drive opt-in’s with app downloads 4. Develop your own best practices 5. Learn from vendors
  • 27. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› 1. Focus on CX improvements with the IDEA framework Start small with a platform to extend. Analyze results to monitor performance and optimize outcomes. Design the mobile engagement.Engineer your platforms, processes, and people for mobile. Identify the mobile moments and context. Source: The Mobile Mind Shift, Forrester Research
  • 28. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› Begin with mapping customer journeys… Customer journey • What are customer’s motivations? • What does the customer need? • What is her context? Mobile moments of truth Contextual opportunities
  • 29. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› …to identify pain points Customer Journey: Day of Travel ContextMobile Moments of Truth Check-in Re-book (Irregular operations) Enter TSA - 2 hours - 1 hour - 30 minutes • What are customer motivations? • What does the customer need? • What is their context?
  • 30. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› … and use mobile to improve the experience Customer Journey: Day of Travel (Irregular) Check-in Re-book Notification - 2 hours - 1 hour - 45 minutes
  • 31. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› 2. Set clear goals that benefit consumers ENGAGE USE BUY EXPLORE DISCOVER ASK Drive interest in new products. Notify customers of a flash sale. Remind customers to pick up a prescription in-store. Send customers a discount to drive a sale. Notify customers of a new product. Add service layer to products. Remind customers to refill a prescription. Help customers get better use of products. Drive use of loyalty rewards.
  • 32. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› 3. Drive opt-in’s with app download › Communicate the benefits of opting in for push notifications either when the consumer downloads the app or in a contextually relevant moment 1. Relevant reminders – flash sales, prescriptions ready, gate change 2. Limited frequency – only when the consumer needs info › Ask permission to track location and explain how you will use that information › Assure your customers that you will not misuse the privileges
  • 33. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› 4. Develop your own best practices › Solutions or platform providers do offer phenomenal toolkits and expertise. › However, your business goals and your customers’ motivations and needs on the go may be unique. › Use these platforms, but develop your own best practices through dedicated team members and processes. In doing so, you will gain competitive advantages over other brands.
  • 34. © 2015 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited ‹#› 5. Learn from vendors › Choose vendors with relevant industry expertise › Vendors have many customers and have seen billions of mobile moments – tap into what they have learned • Use templates included in the platforms • Tap into their professional services
  • 35. Who we are working with
  • 36. Survey Learnings 191 (42%) 220 (49%) 37 (8%) 2 (0%) 1 (0%) 0 50 100 150 200 250 A lot more successful Somewhat more successful Neutral/I'm not sure Somewhat less successful A lot less successful Next generation of mobile apps emerging If customer data from CRM, customer database could be used to inform mobile campaigns, would they be more successful? What is the primary purpose of your mobile app? 451 companies. >500 employees. North America. Have at least 1 app. 171 (38%) 108 (24%) 53 (12%) 118 (26%) 1 (0%) 0 50 100 150 200 250 Improve customer service Increase revenue Foster customer loyalty Extend the experience from the web Other
  • 37. Key Learnings 0301 02 Leverage Technology. End Mobile Silos. Adopt a Customer-First Mindset.
  • 38. 1. Adopting customer-first mindset • Companies are largely still organized around products • Get started with your best/most loyal customers • Build experiences, not transactions • Listen to the data • Go fast: learn, fail fast, optimize
  • 39. 2. End mobile silo > plug into what you have • Mobile CRM (user profile) is critical and brings the context • Connect to back-end customer and CRM systems • Personalize trigger-based mobile campaigns • Up-level the performance of other marketing channels Salesforce Adobe Microsoft DMPs Customer Data Systems Connect mobile to your broader marketing strategy to build complete user profiles.
  • 42. Julie Ask +1 415.355.6002 @JulieAsk Gail Ennis @FollowAnalytics Thank You

Editor's Notes

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  3. Image source: Silicon Angle (