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   1.   Meet customer requirements in terms of functionality
   2.   Meet customer expectations in terms of performance, reusability, compatibility
   3.   Cost to purchase by customers
   4.   Time to release by development organization

        Requirements gathering

        Analysis and planning

              Design (Logical representation)

              Coding (Physical representatio


        Release and Maintenance

   1.   Waterfall Model (Requirements are clear)
   2.   Prototype Model (Requirements are ambiguous (Confusion))
   3.   Spiral Model (Requirements are enhancing)
   4.   Agile Model (Requirements are changing)

Waterfall Model: Requirements are clear and constant

Prototype Model: Requirements are ambiguity, the software organization is developing
                    sample model first and then go to realsoftware.

Spiral Model: When the requirements are enhancing e.g. eseva

Agile Model: When the customer requirements are suddenly changing. E.g. Mobile

Naga Durga Rao Koya                 M: 9989093551

Note 1:
        All software development models are derived from waterfall model (Linear
sequential model)

Note 2:
         Above all software development process models are maintaining single stage of
testing and that stage is conducting by same development people.

Testing is of two types they are SQA & SQC

Software Quality Assurance (SQA)
                                              The monitoring and measuring the strength of
development process is called SQA

Software Quality Control (SQC)
                                             The validation of software product w.r.t
customer requirements and expectations.

                   (Multiple stages of development and testing)

               Analysis         Design             Coding
BRS              SRS      HLD & LLD             system testing

                                                                   Test Software changes

Real Time Terms of System Testing
       Business requirement specification is defining the requirements of the customer to
be developed as new software. This document is also known as customer requirement
specification (CRS) and user requirement specification (URS)

       Software requirement specification is defining functional requirements to be
developed and system requirements to be used (converting non-technical information in to
technical information. Derived from BRS). E.g. Bank deposit = addition (Functional
requirements) + some languages (System requirements)


Naga Durga Rao Koya                    M: 9989093551

           The completeness and correctness ofa document is estimating by responsible
people through reviews. E.g. walk through (study from first line to last line of document),
inspections (searching for a particular issue), and peer reviews (comparing with other

      High-level design document defines the overall architecture of system from root
module (e.g. login) to leaf module (e.g. logout). This document is also known as
architecture design or external design.

     Low-level design document defines the internal architecture of corresponding
module of functionality. This document is also known as internal design documents. E.g.
Website like yahoo.

              A sample model of software is called prototype. It consists of interface
(screens) with out having functionality.

             It indicates a set of executable statements, some statements in program are
taking inputs, some statements are performing process and other statements aredisplaying
           Module (unit) is a combination of programs and the software is a combination
of modules.

White Box Testing Techniques:
                                        These are program based testing techniques. These
techniques are also known as glass box testing (or) open box testing. The responsible
people are using these techniques to verify internal structure of corresponding program.

System Testing:
Black Box Testing:
                         It is a system level testing technique. The responsible are using
these techniques to validate external functionality.

Naga Durga Rao Koya                   M: 9989093551

       A.exe the executable form of a system is called build (or) A finally integrated all
modules set is called build.

AUT: Application under test

V stands for Verification and Validation. This model defines conceptual mapping in
between development stages and testng stages

BRS/CRS/URS--------------------- User Acceptance Testing

Analysis reviews
       SRS--------------------- System Testing

            HLD-----------Integration testing (programmers)

Designer reviews

                   LLDUnit Testing (programmers)

                     Coding (programmers)

In the above V-Model the multiple stages of development process is embedding
(combining) with multiple stages of testing process. From this model, the maximum
organizations are maintaining separate testing team only for system testing stage because,
that stage is a bottleneck stage (phase) in software development process. After system
testing the organizations are planning to release the software to customer site.

   1. The Reviews In Analysis:
                                      Generally the software development process
   starting with requirements gatherin and analysis. In this phase business analyst
   category people are developing BRS and SRS documents. For completeness and
   correctness of documents, the same business analyst category people conduc  ting a
   review meeting. In this review they are concentrating on below factors.

                   Are they right requirements? (Isthey are correct)

Naga Durga Rao Koya                 M: 9989093551

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Software Testing or Quality AssuranceSoftware Testing or Quality Assurance
Software Testing or Quality Assurance

software testing is necessary to make sure the product or application is defect free, as per customer specifications. Software testing identifies fault whose removal increases the software Quality and Increases the software reliability.Testing effort is directly proportional to the complexity of the program.

smoke testingsoftware testing life cyclesanity testing
What is Regression Testing? | Edureka
What is Regression Testing? | EdurekaWhat is Regression Testing? | Edureka
What is Regression Testing? | Edureka

The document discusses regression testing, including its definition, benefits, when it should be applied, types, techniques, challenges and best practices. Regression testing involves re-running all tests to ensure new code changes have not introduced new bugs or caused existing bugs to reappear. It helps find bugs early, increases chances of detecting bugs, ensures correctness and that fixed issues do not occur again.

what is regression testingregression testingtypes of regression testing
Software Testing
Software TestingSoftware Testing
Software Testing

The document provides an overview of software testing basics, including definitions of key terms like testing, debugging, errors, bugs, and failures. It describes different types of testing like manual testing, automation testing, unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and more. It also covers test planning, test cases, test levels, who should test, and the importance of testing in the software development life cycle.


                  Are they complete requirements? (Is any missing?)

                  Are they achievable requirements?(Whether it is possible)

                  Are they reasonable requirements? (Time factor)

                  Are they testable requirements? (E.g. satellite applications)

   2. Reviews In Design:
                               After completion of analysis and their testing. Designer
   category people are developing HLD and LLD. To verify completeness and
   correctness of those documents the same designer category people are conducting a
   review meeting. In this review they are concentrate on below factors

                  Are they understandable designs? (Flow of diagram)

                  Are they designing right requirements? (With correct functions)

                  Are they designing complete requirements? (What the project need)

                  Are they following able designs? (Understandable to next level 1)

   3. Unit Testing:
                        After completion of design and their reviews programmers are
   concentrating on coding, to physically construct a software build. In this phase
   programmers are writing programs and verify that programs using white box testing
   techniques. They are of four types

   a. Basis Path Testing
   b. Control Structure Testing
   c. Program Technique Testing
   d. Mutation Testing

   a. Basis Path Testing:
                            During these test, programmers is verifying that whether a
   program is running or not. In this basis path testing programmers are following on
   below procedure to test complete program.
   Step 1: Draw flow diagram for that program
   Step 2: Calculate number of independent paths in that program

                            T F

                     IF               IF
                      T     F    T     F

                  (Cyclomatic complexity) = 4

Naga Durga Rao Koya                  M: 9989093551

   b. Control Structure Testing:
                                         During this test, programmers are concentrating
   on the correctness and completeness of corresponding programs output. They are check
   every statement including if conditions, for loops, memory allocations… etc.

   c. Program Technique Testing:
                                            During this test, programmers are verifying the
   execution speed of corresponding programs. In this testing programmers are taking the
   help of monitors and profilers. If the program speed is not good then, programmers
   are performing changes in structure of that program with out disturbing functionality.

   d. Mutation Testing:
                           Mutation means a change in program. Programmers are
   performing wanted changes in programs and performing test repeatedly. In this test
   repetition programmers are verifying completeness and correctness of that test on

                Test                   Test                   Test

Executable                  Change                Change

                Passed                Passed            Passed Failed
                                 (Incomplete Testing) (Complete Testing)

   4. Integration Testing:
                                 After completion of dependent programs development and
   unit testing, programmers are connecting them to form a complete software build. In
   this Integration of programs, programmers are verifying interfaces in between every
   two programs on modules. There are four types of approaches to integration modules
   such as top down, bottom up, hybrid and big bang approaches.

             a. Top-down Approach:
                                           In this model programmers are interconnecting
             main modules to sub modules in the place of under constructive, programmers
             are using temporary programs called as stubs (or) called programs


Naga Durga Rao Koya                M: 9989093551

                                                         Stub (Diverts control to main module)

                        Sub1                          Sub2

         b. Bottom-up Approach:
                                         In this model programmers are interconnecting
         sub modules with out using under constructive main module. In this place of
         that under constructive main module, programmers are using a temporary
         program called as driver (or) calling program


                                               Driver (Diverts to next stage)



         c. Hybrid-Approach:
                                  This approach is a combined form of top down of
         top down and bottom up approaches. It is also known as sandwich approach.





                      Sub2                    Sub3

Naga Durga Rao Koya                 M: 9989093551

          d. Big-Bang Approach:
                                        In this model programmers are interconnecting
          programs after completion of complete coding.

   5.   System Testing:
                                After completion of integration testing development people
   are releasing software build to the separate testing team. This separate testing team is
   validating that software build w.r.p.t customer requirements. In this level of testing, the
   separate testing team is using Black Box Testing Techniques. These techniques are
   classified into 3 categories

          a. Usability Testing
          b. Functional Testing
          c. Non-Functional Testing

          a. Usability Testing:
                                      Generally the system test execution is a starting with
          usability testing. During this test, test engineers are validating user friendliness
          of every screen in our application build. This usability testing is also known as
          Accessibility Testing. This usability testing consists of two sub techniques.

          1. User Interface Testing
          2. Manual Support Testing

          1. User Interface Testing:
                                                (Testing as early as possible before build)
          during this test, test engineers are applying below 3 factors on every screen of
          our application build.

          Screens of Build
          Ease of use (understandable screens)
          Look & Feel (Attractive)
          Speed in Interface. E.g. short navigations.

          2. Manual Support Testing:
                                                 During this test, test engineers are
          studying help documents of our application build to estimate context
          sensitiveness (Test is applied before releasing software build)

                       Generally the technical writers of our company are developing
          user manuals before release the software to customer site. Due to this reason the
          manual support testing is coming in to picture at the end of system testing.

Naga Durga Rao Koya                   M: 9989093551

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Manual testing concepts course 1
Manual testing concepts course 1Manual testing concepts course 1
Manual testing concepts course 1

Testing software is conducted to ensure the system meets user needs and requirements. The primary objectives of testing are to verify that the right system was built according to specifications and that it was built correctly. Testing helps instill user confidence, ensures functionality and performance, and identifies any issues where the system does not meet specifications. Different types of testing include unit, integration, system, and user acceptance testing, which are done at various stages of the software development life cycle.

Agile testing - Testing From Day 1
Agile testing - Testing From Day 1Agile testing - Testing From Day 1
Agile testing - Testing From Day 1

Slides from a session presented by Fadi Stephan from Kaizenko at the 2019 Global Scrum Gathering in Austin, TX on 05/20/2019 DC. Also see the blog series on Agile Testing at Abstract: Many teams struggle with fitting in testing activities inside of a Sprint. They end up doing primarily development activities in a Sprint and push testing activities to run in dedicated testing Sprints following the coding Sprints or have a coding and testing Sprint running in parallel. However, in Scrum, the output of every Sprint is a potentially shippable product increment. This means the product increment should be well tested within the Sprint and ready to be delivered. Come to this presentation to learn how to tackle testing on an Agile team, what kind of tests to execute, what to automate and what not to automate, the different test responsibilities, and when to run which tests. Leave with a testing strategy that you can start applying the next day to gradually get a team to start testing from day 1 of the Sprint and deliver a true product increment at the end of each Sprint.

agileagile software developmentscrum
Types of Software Testing | Edureka
Types of Software Testing | EdurekaTypes of Software Testing | Edureka
Types of Software Testing | Edureka

** Software Testing Certification Courses: ** This Edureka PPT on Types of Software Testing covers the various types of functional and non-functional testing. Below topics are covered in this PPT: What is Software Testing Why need Testing? Software Testing Life Cycle Types of Software Testing Unit Testing Integration Testing System Testing Interface Testing Regression Testing Acceptance Testing Documentation Testing Installation Testing Performance Testing Reliability Testing Security Testing Selenium playlist: Selenium Blog playlist: Software Testing Blog playlist:

types of software testingsoftware testing typeswhat is software testing

                              Receive software build from developers

                                      User Interface Testing

         Testing                   Functional & Non Functional Testing

                                 Manual Support Testing

         b. Functional Testing:
                                       It is a mandatory (Compulsory) testing level in
         system testing. During this functional testing, test engineers are concentrating
         on “meet customer requirements”. This functional testing is classified into
         two sub testing techniques. They are functionality testing and sanitation

         1. Functionality Testing:
                                         During this test, test engineers are verifying that
         whether our build functionalities are working as correct or not? In this this
         testing, test engineers are concentrating on below coverage’s.

                      GUI Coverage (or) Behavior Coverage (Changes in properties
                      of objects in screens).

                      Error Handling Coverage (Verify the prevention of wrong

                      Input Domain Coverage (Verify the size & type of every input
                      object values)

                      Manipulations Coverage (Correctness of outputs)

                      Backend Coverage (The impact of front-end operations on
                      back-end tables)

Naga Durga Rao Koya                  M: 9989093551

                      Order of Functionalities Coverage(

         2. Sanitation Testing:
                                         It is also known as Garbage Testing. During this
         test, test engineers are finding extra functionalities in our application build
         w.r.p.t customer requirements.

               One defect means not only missing functionality, not only mistake in
         functionality but also extra functionality.

         c. Non-Functional Testing:
                                            During this non-functional testing, testing
         team is concentrating on extra characteristics of that software build to satisfy
         customer site people.

         1. Compatibility Testing:
                                             It is also known as Portability Testing.
         During this testing, test engineers are validating that whether our application
         build is running on customers expected platform or not? Platform means that
         operating system, compilers, browsers, and other system software’s

         2. Configuration Testing:
                                             It is also known as Hardware Compatibility
         Testing. During this test, test engineers are running our application build with
         various technologies of hardware devices to estimate hardware compatibility.

         E.g. Different technology printers, different technology network, different
         topology networks.

         3. Recovery Testing:
                                       It is also known as Reliability Testing. During this
         test, test engineers are validating that whether our application build is changing
         from abnormal state to normal state or not?


                                                    Changing from Abnormal to normal
                                                    using back-up and Recovery

Naga Durga Rao Koya                M: 9989093551


         4. Inter-System Testing:
                                           It is also known as Interoperability Testing
         (or) End-to-End Testing. During this test, test engineers are validating that
         whether our application build is co-existence with other software applications to
         share common resources.



             WBA                                                            server
             EBA                            Local
             TBA                            DB                             server
         News component
       (Existing Component)         Common Resource

       5. Security Testing:
                                    It is also known as penetration testing. During this
       test, test engineers are validating below three factors such as

       a. Authorization Testing
       b. Access Control (Authentication) Testing
       c. Encryption / Decryption Testing

       a. Authorization Testing:
                                            In Authorization Testing, test engineers are
       validating that whether our application build is allowing valid users and is
       preventing invalid users or not?

       b. Access control Testing:
                                             In Access Control Testing, test engineers are
       validating permissions of users to utilize our application build services.

       c. Encryption / Decryption Testing:
                                                           In Encryption / Decryption
       Testing, test engineers are trying to trace cipher text to original text.

                       Client                                          Server

Naga Durga Rao Koya                M: 9989093551

   Receiver                                                                   Response
           Request (Sender)                         Receiver      Original Text (sender)

           Encryption                                     Decryption
                                Cipher Text                                     Encryption

                                 Cipher Text

      In above Security Testing, Authorization and Access Control Tests are reasonable to
be applied by test engineers. But Encryption / Decryption test is conducted by separate
people in security team

6. Data Volume Testing:
                                  It is also known as Storage Testing (or) Memory
Testing. During this test, test engineers are finding peek limit of data handled by our
application build.

E.g. Ms-Access technology database are supported 2 GB database as maximum

7. Load Testing:
                       Load means that the numbers of con-current users, which are
accessing our application, build. The execution of our application build on customer
expected configuration and customer expected load to estimate performance is called Load

8. Stress Testing:
                        The execution of our application build under customer expected
configuration and various loads levels to estimate stability is called Stress Testing.

9. Installation Testing:

Naga Durga Rao Koya                  M: 9989093551

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Basics of Software Testing
Basics of Software TestingBasics of Software Testing
Basics of Software Testing

The document discusses key concepts in software testing and quality analysis from the viewpoint of customers and producers. It defines bugs and errors, and outlines common causes like complexity, changing requirements, and time pressure. Testing aims to discover faults and weaknesses through execution with the intent of finding errors. The document also mentions software development lifecycles like waterfall model and V-model, as well as standards organizations. It stresses finding and fixing defects early to improve quality.

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Slides from Software Testing Techniques course offered at Kansas State University in Spring'16 and Spring'17. Entire course material can be found at

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Manual testing good notes
Manual testing good notesManual testing good notes
Manual testing good notes

This document provides information about manual testing and the software development lifecycle. It discusses various testing concepts like types of testing (unit, integration, system), testing methodologies (black box, white box, gray box testing), testing levels, and software development process models like waterfall, prototype, evolutionary, and spiral models. It also defines key terms used in software testing and development such as requirements documents, design documents, defects, test cases, environments, and more.


                                 During this test, test team is doing a practice on software
installation. During this testing, testing team is taking software build and remaining
supported software’s to run our application build in customer side.

10. Parallel Testing:
                             It is also known as Comparative (or) Competitive Testing.
During this test, test engineers are comparing our software build with old-version of
software build (or) with other company’s. This testing is applicable to software products

    6. User Acceptance Testing:
                                       After completion of system testing and bugs
    resolving, the project management is concentrating on User Acceptance Testing to
    collect feedback from Real Customers (or) Model customers. There are two ways to
    conduct User Acceptance Testing.

          Alpha Testing                                                 Beta Testing

        By Real Customers                                       By Model Customers
       In our development site                                 In Model customers site
        For Software applications                               For Software products

                               After Completion of user acceptance testing and their
modifications, project management is concentrating on software release and maintenance.

    7. Maintenance (or) Support:
                                           Project Management is defining the release team
    along with few developer, few test engineers and few hardware engineers. This release
    team is conducting Port Testing (or) Deployment (or) Release Testing. During this
    test release team is observing below factors.

                        Complete Installation

                        Overall Functionality

Naga Durga Rao Koya                    M: 9989093551

                      Input Devices Handling

                      Output Devices Handling

                      Secondary Storage Devices Handling

                      Operating System Error Handling

                      Co-Existence with other Software Applications

                                After Completion of above observations release team is
        giving training to customer site people and then coming back to our organization.

                                During Utilization of that software, customer site people
        are sending change request to our organization. The responsible team in your
        organization is handling the change request to provide service to customer site.
        This responsible team is also known as Change Control Board (C.C.B).

                                     Change Request C.C.B

        Enhancement                                                     Missed Defect

      Impact Analysis                                                    Impact Analysis

    Perform Software Changes                                  Perform Software Changes

Naga Durga Rao Koya                M: 9989093551

      Test Software Changes                                 Test Software Changes

                                                            Improve Test Efficiency

 Numbers         Testing Phase            Testing                Responsibility
      1        Testing in Analysis    Reviews                  Business Analyst
      2        Testing in Design      Reviews & Prototype      Designers (or)
      3        Unit Testing           White Box Testing        Programmers
      4        Integration Testing    Top-down, Bottom-up, Programmers
                                      Hybrid, Big-bang
      5        System Testing         Black box testing      Test Engineers
      6        User Acceptance        Alpha, Beta Testing    Real Customers (or)
               Testing                                       Model customers
      7        Port Testing           Complete Installation, Release Team
                                      Functionalities, Input
                                      & Output Devices
                                      Handling, Secondary
                                      Storage Devices
                                      Handling, Operating
                                      System Error
                                      Handling, Co-Exist
                                      Nance with other
                                      Software Applications
      8        Test Software          Regression Testing     Change Control Board
               Changes in                                    (C.C.B)

Naga Durga Rao Koya          M: 9989093551

Planned Testing Vs AD-HOC Testing:
                                                   Generally every testing team is planning
to conduct complete system testing w.r.p.t requirements of the project sometimes the
testing team is not able to conduct complete testing due to risks or challenges.
e.g. Time Problem, skills, lack of time, lack of knowledge, lack of resources, lack of
                         Due to above risks are challengers; testing team is planning to
follow some informal testing methods.

   1. Monkey Testing:
                             During this style of testing, testing people are concentrating
   on main activities of software due to lack of time for testing. This style of testing is also
   known as champagne Testing (or) Random Testing

   2. Buddy Testing:
                           In this style of testing, test engineers is grouping with
   developer to conduct testing while coding due to lack of time for testing. Buddy means
   a programmer and a tester as a group.

   3. Exploratory Testing:
                                 Generally the testing team is conducting system testing
   depending on functional and system requirement in SRS. If the SRS is not giving the
   complete information about requirementsthen test engineers are depending on past
   experience, discussions with other similar projects, browsing ….etc, to collect complete
   information about requirements. This style of testing is also calling as exploratory

   4. Pair Testing:

Naga Durga Rao Koya                    M: 9989093551

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30 testing interview questions for experienced
30 testing interview questions for experienced30 testing interview questions for experienced
30 testing interview questions for experienced

The document contains 30 interview questions for experienced software testers. Some key questions and answers include: - What is the difference between a Requirements Traceability Matrix and a Test Plan? The RTM ensures requirements remain the same throughout development while the Test Plan describes the scope, approach, resources and schedule for testing. - When should automated testing be chosen over manual testing? Automated testing is preferred when test cases are frequently used, automation scripts can run faster than manual execution, scripts can be reused, and test cases are suitable for automation. - What are some of the main challenges in software testing? Challenges include unstable applications, tight timelines, understanding requirements, limited resources and tools, and changing

Manual testing interview questions and answers
Manual testing interview questions and answersManual testing interview questions and answers
Manual testing interview questions and answers

The document discusses several key aspects of manual testing, including: - What makes a good test engineer, including having a "test to break" attitude and strong communication skills. - The qualities of a good QA engineer, such as understanding the software development process. - The traits of a good test manager, like maintaining team enthusiasm and communicating with different stakeholders. - The importance of documentation in QA and having repeatable practices. - The significance of requirements and ensuring they are clear, testable, and involve all relevant customers.

Chapter 4 - Defect Management
Chapter 4 - Defect ManagementChapter 4 - Defect Management
Chapter 4 - Defect Management

This is chapter 4 of ISTQB Advance Test Manager certification. This presentation helps aspirants understand and prepare the content of the certification.

istqbistqb examinationistqb certification

                          In this style of testing, junior test engineers are grouping with
   senior test engineers in an organization to share their knowledge on testing. This style
   of testing is also called pair testing.

   5. Be-Bugging:
                        In this model development people areadding known bugs in to
   coding and releasing to testing team. This type of defect seeding (or) feeding is useful
   to estimate of testing people. It is also known as defect seeding (or) defect feeding.

   1. Test Strategy:
                      It is a document and it defines the requiredtesting approach to be
   followed by testing people.

   2. Test Plan:
                   It is a document and it provides work allocation in terms of schedule

   3. Test Case:
                 It defines a test condition to validate functionality in terms of
   completeness and correctness.

   4. Test Log:
                 It defines the result of a test case in terms of passed / failed, after
   execution of the test case on our application build.

   5. Error Defect & Bug:
                              A mistake in coding is called error. This mistake found by
   test engineer during testing, called defect (or) issue. This defect reviewed and accepted
   by development team resolved, called bugs.

   6. Re-Testing:
                   It is also known as Data Driven Testing (or) Iterative Testing.
   Generally the test engineers are repeating the test on same application build with
   multiple input values. This type of repetition is called Re-Testing.

   7. Regression Testing:
                           The re-execution of selected test cases on modified build to
   ensure bug fix work with out any side effects is called Regression Testing. (Change

Naga Durga Rao Koya                    M: 9989093551

                               SYSTEM TESTING PROCESS

Test Initiation              Test Planning            Test Design           Test Execution
Test Closure

Test Reporting

      Software Development Process along with Software Testing Process
                                 Requirements Gathering (B.R. )

                             Analysis and project planning (SRS & Project Plan)

                    Development Team                                System Testing Team

                  Design & Reviews                                      Test Imitation

             Coding & Unit Testing                                        Test Plan

                  Integration Testing                                   Test Design

                                              Initial Build

                                             Test Execution               Test Reporting

                                             Test Closure

Naga Durga Rao Koya                    M: 9989093551

                                       User Acceptance Testing

                                              Sign Off (Release the Build to Customer)

   1. System Test Initiation:
                                       Generally the every organization system testing
   process is starting with test initiation. In this phase project manager (or) Test Manager
   are preparing test strategy document. This document defines required testing
   approaches to be followed by testing components in test strategy.

   Components in Test Strategy:
   1. Scope and objective: The importance of testing and their milestones

   2. Business Issue’s: Cost allocation in between development process andtesting

   3. Test Approach: selected list of test factors (or) test issues to be applied by testing
      team on corresponding software build. This selection is depending on requirements
      in that software, scope of that requirements and the risks involved in that project

   4. Roles & Responsibilities: The name of jobs in testing team and their

   5. Communication & Status Reporting: They required negotiation in between every
      two consecutive testing jobs in testing teams

   6. Test Automation & Testing Tools: The purpose of automation and available tools
      in our organization

   7. Defect Reporting & Tracking: They required negotiation in between the testing
      team and development team to review and resolve defects during testing.

   8. Testing Measurements & Metrics: To estimate quality, capability and status,
      testing team is using a set of measurements and metrics.

   9. Risks and Assumptions: The expected list of problems and their solutions to

   10. Change and Configuration Management: Managing the development and testing
       deliverables for future reference

Naga Durga Rao Koya                  M: 9989093551

     11. Training Plan: The required no. of training sessions for testing team to understand
         customer requirements (or) Business logic.

     12. Test Deliverables: Names of test documents to be prepared by testing team during
     E.g. Test plan, test cases, test log, defect reports, and summary reports.

                              Test Factors (or) Test Issues
1          Authorization      Validity of users
2          Access Control     Permission of users to use specific services functionality.
3          Audit Trail        The correctness of metadata
4          Continuity of      Integration of programs
5          Data Integrity     Correctness of Input data.
6          Correctness        Correctness of output values & manipulations. E.g. Mail
                              compose correctly working or not
7          Coupling           Co-existence with other software’s to share common
8          Ease of use        User Friendly Screens
9          Ease of operate    Installation, Un installation, dumping, down loads, up
10         Portable           Run on different platforms
11         Performance        Speed of processing
12         Reliability        Recover from abnormal situations
13         Service levels     Order of functionalities or services to give support to
                              customer site people
14         Maintainable       Whether our software is long time serviceable to customer
                              site people or not?
15         Methodology        Whether our testing team is following pre-defined approach
                              properly or not?

Naga Durga Rao Koya                  M: 9989093551

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Testing types   functional and nonfunctional - Kati HolaszTesting types   functional and nonfunctional - Kati Holasz
Testing types functional and nonfunctional - Kati Holasz

Testing types functional and nonfunctional Unit testing Integration testing System Testing Acceptance Testing (UAT) Smoke Testing Sanity Testing Regression Testing Alpha Testing Beta Testing Usability Security Efficiency → Performance Load Endurance Volume Stress Spike Scalability Portability Internationalization Localization Installation Migration

testingsoftware testingtesting types
Types of testing
Types of testingTypes of testing
Types of testing

This PPT deals with: What is Software Testing? Why testing is necessary? Who does the testing? What do we test?

52892006 manual-testing-real-time
52892006 manual-testing-real-time52892006 manual-testing-real-time
52892006 manual-testing-real-time

The document provides information on various testing concepts: 1. It differentiates between QA and QC, describing QA as process-oriented and prevention-focused, while QC is product-oriented and detection-focused. 2. A bug is defined as an error in a computer program that prevents correct functioning or results. 3. A test case is a set of inputs, execution conditions, expected results, and postconditions developed to exercise a program path or verify a requirement. 4. The purpose of a test plan is to outline the testing strategy, scope, responsibilities, and schedule to guide testing for a project.


     Test Factors V/s Testing Techniques:
                                                      Test factor indicates a testing issue or
     topic. To test every topic in our project. Testing team is following a set of testing

1           Authorization       Security Testing
2           Access Control      Security Testing
3           Audit Trail         Functional Testing
4           Continuity of       Integration testing
5           Data Integrity      Functionality Testing
6           Correctness         Functionality Testing
7           Coupling            Inter System Testing
8           Ease of use         User Interface (or) Manual Support Testing
9           Ease of operate     Installation Testing
10          Portable            Compatibility & Configuration Testing
11          Performance         Load & Stress Testing & Data Volume Testing
12          Reliability         Recovery, Stress Testing
13          Service levels      Regression or Software Change Testing (C.C.B)
14          Maintainable        Compliance Testing
15          Methodology         Compliance Testing

     Compliance Testing:
                                 Whether our project team is following our company
     standards or not?

     Case Study:

     Test Factors ----- 15
                         -4 (w.r.p.t depends on project requirements)
                         +1 (w.r.p.t depends on scope of requirements)
                         -3 (w.r.p.t risks in testing)
                           9 (Finalized factors / issues)

Naga Durga Rao Koya                     M: 9989093551

In the above example the Project Manager / Test Manager finalized 9 testing topics / issues
to be applied by testing team on project / s/w build.

   2. Test Planning:
                          After completion of test strategy finalization, the test lead
   category people are developing test-planned documents. In this stage the test lead
   category people are preparing system test plan and divide that plan in to module test
   plans. Every test plan is defining “What to Test?”, “How to Test?”, “When to
   Test?”, “Who to Test?”
                       To develop these test plans, test lead category people are following
       below approach

                                                Test Team formation
       Project Plan                             Identify tactical risks
                                                  Prepare test plans
       Development Documents (SRS)               review test plans          Test Plans

       Test Strategy

       System test plans are compulsory, module test plans are optional

           a. Testing Team Formation:
                                           Generally the test-planning task is starting with
           testing team formation. In this stage, test lead is depending on below factors

                  Project size. E.g. lines of codes or functional points
                  Available no. of test engineers
                  Test Duration
                  Test Environment Resources. e.g. Testing Tools

               Case study:

               C/s, website, ERP—3 to 5 months of system testing
               System s/w (embedded, mobile...)—7 to 9 months of system testing
               Machine Critical s/w (A.I, Robots, Satellites) – 12 to 15 months of system

           b. Identify Tactical Risks:
                                          After completion of testing team formation, test
           lead is concentrating on the risks analysis and assumptions w.r.p.t that formed
           testing team.
                Risk-1: Lack of knowledge of test engineers on that project
                Risk-2: Lack of time
                Risk-3: Lack of documentation
                Risk-4: Delay in
                Risk-5 Lack of development process rigor
                Risk-6 Lack of resources

Naga Durga Rao Koya                   M: 9989093551

            Risk-7 Lack of communication

         c. Prepare Test Plan:
                                   After completion of testing team formation and risks
         analysis, test lead is concentration on test plan document preparation. In this
         stage test lead is using IEEE-829 test plan document format (Institute of
         Electrical & Electronics Engineers)


         1. Test Plan ID: The title of test plan documents for future reference

         2. Introduction: About Project

         3. Test Items: List of modules in our project

         4. Features to be tested: List of modules or functions to be tested

         5. Feature not to be tested: List of modules, which are already tested in
            previous version testing.

                         3 to 5 “What to Test?”

         6. Approach: List of testing techniques to be applied on above (selected)

         7. Test deliverables: Required testing documents to be prepared by test

         8. Test Environment: Required hardware’s & software’s to conduct testing
            on above module.

         9. Entry Criteria: Test Engineers are able to start test execution after creating
            below criteria

                 Test cases developed and reviewed
                 Test environment established
                 Software build received from developers

         10. Suspension Criteria: Some time test engineers are stopping test execution
             part timely due to

                 Test Environment is not working
                 Pending defects (quality gap, job gap) are more at development side

         11. Exit Criteria: It defines test execution process exit point

Naga Durga Rao Koya                M: 9989093551

                   All requirements tested
                   All major bugs resolved
                   Final build is stable w.r.p.t customer requirements

          12. Staff & Training Needs: The selected test engineer’s names and required
              no. of training sessions for them

          13. Responsibilities: The mapping in between the namesof test engineers and
              the requirements in our project.

          14. Schedule: Dates and time “When to Test?”

          15. Risks & Assumptions: List of analyzed risks and their assumptions to

          16. Approvals: Signatures of P.M or T.M & Test Lead

          d. Review Test Plan:
                                   After completion of test plan documents preparation,
          test lead is conducting a review meeting to estimate completeness and
          correctness of that document. In this review meeting the selected testing team
          members that project are also involving.

   3. Test Design:
                      After completion of test planning, the corresponding selected test
   engineer’s are concentrating on test design, test execution & test reporting.

                       Generally the selected test engi eers are starting testing job with
      the test design in every project. In this test design every test is studying all
      requirements of the project and preparing test cases for selected requirements
      only w.r.p.t test plan.

                      In this test design, test engineers are using three types of test case
   design methods to prepare test cases for responsible requirements.

   1. Functional & System Specification Based Test Case Design
   2. Use Cases Based Test Case Design
   3. Application Build Based Test Case Design

   Test Case:
               Every test case is defining a unique condition. The every test case is self-
   standing and self-cleaning to improve understandability in test design, test engineers

Naga Durga Rao Koya                   M: 9989093551

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The document provides answers to various questions related to manual software testing practices. It discusses key concepts like priority and severity levels of defects, examples of high severity low priority defects. It also covers the basis for test case review, contents of requirements documents, differences between web and client-server application testing, defect life cycle, and techniques for test plan preparation. The document is a guide for manual testers that aims to enhance their understanding of software testing concepts and best practices.

Software testing
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This document provides an introduction to software testing. It defines software testing as a process used to identify correctness, completeness, and quality of computer software. The key points covered include: why software testing is important; who should be involved in testing; when testing should start and stop in the software development lifecycle; the differences between verification and validation; types of errors; types of testing including manual and automation; methods like black box and white box testing; levels of testing from unit to acceptance; and definitions of test plans and test cases.

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The document provides information about manual testing processes and concepts. It discusses various phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC) like requirements gathering, analysis, design, coding, testing, and deployment. It also describes different testing methodologies like black box testing, white box testing, different levels of testing from unit to user acceptance. Key terms discussed include environments, stubs, drivers, and software development process models like waterfall.

manual testingmanual testing conceptsmanual testing complete material

   are starting every test case with verify or check English words.The every test case is
   traceable with requirement in your project

   1. Functional & System Specification Based Test Case Design:

                    S.R.S (Functional & System Requirements)               Test cases

                                                                                   (Run) Test
               H.L.D & L.L.D                                                       Execution

                                                      . Exe (Build)
                   Coding                                                           Build

               From the above diagram the test engineers are preparing the maximum test
cases depending on Functional & System Requirements in S.R.S. In this type of test case
writing, test engineers are following below approach.

Approach For Writing Test Cases:
   1. Step 1: Collect functional and system specifications for responsible requirements

   2. Step 2: Select one specification from that list
           2.1. Identify entry point (start)
           2.2. Identify inputs required
           2.3. Study normal flow
           2.4. Identify outputs & outcomes
           2.5. Identify exit point (End)
           2.6. Identify alternative flow & exceptions (rules)

   3. Step 3: Prepare test case titles or test scenarios

   4. Step 4. Review the test case titles for completeness and correctness

   5. Step 5: Prepare complete documents for every test case title

   6. Step 6. Go to step 2 until all specifications study and test cases writing

Functional Specification: 1
                                     A login process allows user id and password to
authorize users. User id is taking alpha numeric in lower case from 4 to 16 characters long.
The password is taking alphabets in lowercase from 4 to 8 characters long.

Naga Durga Rao Koya                   M: 9989093551

Prepare test case titles or scenarios:

Test Case 1: Verify user id value

BVA (Boundary value analysis) (Size)

Min --------- 4 chars----- pass
Max--------- -16 chars----- pass
Min-1-------- -3 chars------fail
Min+1---------5 chars----- pass
Max-1------- 15 chars------pass
Max+1------ 17 chars------fail

ECP (Equivalence class partition) (Type)

Valid          Invalid
a-z           A-Z
0–9           Special Characters
              Blank Fields

Test Case 2: Verify password value

BVA (Boundary value analysis) (Size)

Min --------- 4 chars----- pass
Max------------8 chars----- pass
Min-1-------- -3 chars------fail
Min+1---------5 chars----- pass
Max-1---------7 chars------pass
Max+1--------9 chars------fail

Test Case 3: Verify login operation

Decision Table:

User id             Password             Criteria

Valid                Valid               Pass

Naga Durga Rao Koya         M: 9989093551

Valid                Invalid              Fail
Invalid              Valid                Fail
Value                 Blank               Fail
Blank                 Value               Fail

Functional Specification – 2:
                                     In an insurance application users can apply for
different types of policies when a user select type A Insurance, system asks, age of that
user. The age value should be greater than 16 years and should be less than 80 years.

Prepare test case titles or scenarios:

Test Case 1: Verify the selection of type A insurance
Test Case 2: Verify focus on age when users select type A insurance
Test Case 3: Verify age value

BVA (Boundary value analysis) (Size)

Min --------- 17 chars----- pass
Max--------- - 79 chars----- pass
Min-1-------- -16 chars------fail
Min+1---------18 chars----- pass
Max-1---------78 chars------pass
Max+1------- 80 chars------fail

ECP (Equivalence class partition) (Type)

Valid          Invalid
               a- z
0–9           Special Characters
              Blank Fields

Functional Specification – 3:
                                    A door opened when a person comes to in front of the
door and the door closed when that person comes to inside.

Prepare test case titles or scenarios:

Test Case 1: Verify door open operation

Decision Table

Naga Durga Rao Koya                  M: 9989093551

Person            Door                     Criteria

Present            Open                    Pass
Present            Closed                  Fail
Absent             Open                    Fail
Absent             Closed                   Pass

Test Case 2: Verify door close operation

Decision Table

Person            Door                     Criteria

Inside             Open                    Fail
Inside             Closed                  Pass

For outside we have possibilities, but we covered in above test case.

Test Case 3: Verify door operation when that person is standing in the middle of the door

Functional Specification – 4:
                                     A computer shut down operation

Prepare test case titles or scenarios:

Test Case 1: Verify shutdown option using start menu

Test Case 2: Verify shutdown option using Alt + F4

Test Case 3: Verify shutdown operation

Test Case 4: Verify shutdown operation when a process is in running

Test Case 5: Verify shutdown operation using power off button

Functional Specification – 5:
                                       In a Shopping application users are purchasing
different types of items. In this purchase order our system is allowing user to select item
no. and to enter quantity up to 10 this purchase order returns total amount along with one
item price.

Prepare test case titles or scenarios:

Test Case 1: Verify the selection of item number

Test Case 2: Verify quantity value

Naga Durga Rao Koya                  M: 9989093551

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Software Testing accounts a very good percentage of the software development market worldwide. With the boom of the third party software testing business, the need for quality and trained manpower has become a critical issue in the industry. Get quality training from us. Visit us at TOPS Technologies

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The document discusses automation testing tools QuickTest Professional (QTP) and Unified Functional Testing (UFT). It provides an overview of QTP, describing its features such as scripting language, supported applications and browsers. The document also covers QTP concepts like object repository, object spy, standard classes and object methods.

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Venkataramana Reddy is seeking a position as a Software Functional Testing Engineer. He has a B.Tech from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University with over 70% and 4 months of testing tools training from LiveTech, Hyderabad. His training included manual and automation testing using tools like HP QTP and HP QC. He has experience in test case design, execution, defect reporting, and functional, compatibility and regression testing. His skills include VB Script, C, SQL, HP QTP, HP QC, Bugzilla and Windows. He has worked on the WBMS project at LiveTech performing test case preparation, execution, and defect reporting using Bugzilla and Track+ for


BVA (Boundary value analysis) (Size)

Min --------- 1 chars----- pass
Max--------- -10 chars----- pass
Min-1-------- -0 chars------fail
Min+1---------2 chars----- pass
Max-1---------9 chars------pass
Max+1------- 11 chars------fail

ECP (Equivalence class partition) (Type)

Valid          Invalid
               a- z
0–9           Special Characters
              Blank Fields

Test Case 3: Verify calculation such as total = price * Qty

Functional Specification 6:
                                    Washing machine operation

Prepare test case titles or scenarios:

Test Case 1: Verify power supply
Test Case 2: Verify door open
Test Case 3: Verify water filling with detergent
Test Case 4: Verify clothes filling
Test Case 5: Verify door closing
Test Case 6: Verify door closing due to clothes overflow
Test Case 7: Verify washing settings
Test Case 8: Verify washing operation
Test Case 9: Verify washing operation with improper power supply (low voltage)
Test Case 10: Verify washing operation with clothes overload inside
Test Case 11: Verify washing operation with door open in middle of the process
Test Case 12: Verify washing operation with lack of water
Test Case 13: Verify washing machine with water leakage
Test Case 14: Verify washing operation with improper settings
Test Case 15: Verify washing operation with machinery problems

Functional Specification 7:
                                  In an E – Banking application, users are connecting to
bank server through Internet connection. In this application users are filling below fields to
connect to bank server.
Password: 6 digits number
Area code: 3 digits number and optional

Naga Durga Rao Koya                   M: 9989093551

Prefix: 3 digits number but does not start with 0 and 1
Suffix: 6 digits alpha numeric
Commands: Cheque deposit, money transfer, mini statement, bills pay.

Prepare test case titles or scenarios:

Test Case 1: Verify password value

BVA (Boundary value analysis) (Size)

Min=Max --------------6 chars----- pass
Min=Max-1--------- -- 5 chars----- fail
Min =Max+1-------- -- 7 chars------fail

ECP (Equivalence class partition) (Type)

Valid          Invalid
               a- z
0–9           Special Characters
              Blank Fields

Test Case 2: Verify area code value

BVA (Boundary value analysis) (Size)

Min=Max --------------3 chars----- pass
Min=Max-1--------- -- 2 chars----- fail
Min =Max+1-------- -- 7 chars------fail

ECP (Equivalence class partition) (Type)

Valid             Invalid
                 a- z
 0–9             Special Characters
 Blank Fields

Test Case 3: Verify prefix value

BVA (Boundary value analysis) (Size)

Min --------- 200 chars----- pass
Max--------- - 999 chars----- pass
Min-1-------- -199 chars------fail

Naga Durga Rao Koya              M: 9989093551

Min+1---------201 chars----- pass
Max-1---------998 chars------pass
Max+1------- 1000 chars------fail

ECP (Equivalence class partition) (Type)

Valid             Invalid
                 a- z
 0–9             Special Characters
                 Blank Fields

Test Case 4: Verify suffix value

BVA (Boundary value analysis) (Size)

Min=Max --------------6 chars----- pass
Min=Max-1--------- -- 5 chars----- fail
Min =Max+1-------- -- 7 chars------fail

ECP (Equivalence class partition) (Type)

Valid             Invalid
 a- z
 0–9             Special Characters
                 Blank Fields

Test Case 5: Verify connection to Bank Server

Field Values                                           Criteria

    All are valid values                       Pass
    Any one is invalid value                    Fail
    Any one is blank except area code          Fail
    All are valid & Area code is blank         pass

Functional Specification 8:
                                    A computer restart operation

Functional Specification 9:
                                        Money with drawl from ATM machine

Naga Durga Rao Koya                     M: 9989093551

Test Case 1: Verify card insertion
Test Case 2: Verify card insertion in wrong angle or improper
Test Case 3: Verify card insertion with improper account
Test Case 4: Verify pin number entry
Test Case 5: Verify operation when you entered wrong pin number 3 times
Test Case 6: Verify language selection
Test Case 7: Verify account type select on
Test Case 8: Verify operation when you selected invalid account type w.r.p.t that inserted
Test Case 9: Verify withdrawal option selection
Test Case 10: Verify amount entry
Test Case 11: Verify with drawl operation correct amount, right receipt and able to take
   back the card
Test Case 12: Verify with drawl operation with wrong denominations in amount
Test Case 13: Verify withdrawal operation when our amount > possible balance
Test Case 14: Verify with drawl operation due to lack of amount in ATM
Test Case 15: Verify with drawl operation when our amount is > day limit
Test Case 16: Verify with drawl operation when our current transaction number > day
   limit on number of transactions
Test Case 17: Verify withdrawal operation when we have network problem
Test Case 18: Verify cancel after insertion of card
Test Case 19: Verify cancel after entry of pin number
Test Case 20: Verify cancel after selection of language
Test Case 21: Verify cancel after selection of account type
Test Case 22: Verify cancel after entry of amount.

Test Case Documentation Format:
                                                After completion of test case titles or
   scenarios selection, test engineers are documenting the test case with complete
   information. In this test case documentation, test engineers are using IEEE-829


   1. Test Case ID: Unique No. or name

   2. Test Case Name: The title or scenario of corresponding test case.

   3. Feature to be Tested: Corresponding module or function or service

   4. Test Suite Id: The name of test batch, in this batch our test case is a member
      (Dependent group of member)

   5. Priority: The importance of test case in terms of functionality

Naga Durga Rao Koya                  M: 9989093551

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             P0 – Basic Functionality (Functionality of projects
             P1 – General Functionality (Compatibility, reliability, performance…)
             P2 – Cosmo tic Functionality (Usability of projects)

   6. Test Environment: The required hardware’s & software’s to execute the test case
      on our application build.

   7. Test Effort: Expected time to execute the test case on build. (ISO – Standards)
                   E.g. 20 minutes is an average time (manually) by using tool 5 min
   8. Test Duration: Approximate Date & Time.

   9. Pre condition (or) Test set up: Necessary tasks to do before start the test case

   10. Test Procedure (or) Data Matrix:

   Format for Test Procedure
Step No. Action       I/P      Expected Actual             Result     Defect

           During Test Design                 During Test Execution

   Format for Data Matrix
Input         ECP Type                    BVA
Object                                    (Size/Range)
              Valid             Invalid   Min                 Max

   11. Test Case Pass (or) Fail Criteria: When this case is passed & when this case is


   1. Above 11 fields test case format is not mandatory because some field’s values are
      common to maximum test cases & some field’s values are easy to remember or

   2. Generally the test cases are covering objects and operations (more than one object).
      If our test case is covering an object input values then test engineers are preparing
      Data Matrix.

Naga Durga Rao Koya                 M: 9989093551

   3. If our test case is covering an operation or function then test engineers are preparing
      Test Procedure from Base-State to End-State.

   Functional Specification: 10
   A login process is allowing a User ID & Password to authorized users.User id is taking
   alpha numeric in lower case from 4 to 16 characters long. The password object is
   taking alphabets in lower case from 4 to 8 characters long.

   Prepare Test Case Document -1

   1.     Test Case ID: Tc_login_ourname_1 (All capital letters)
   2.     Test Case Name: Verify user id
   3.     Test Suite ID: Ts_login
   4.     Priority: P0
   5.     Precondition: User id object is taking values from key board
   6.     Data Matrix:

Input            ECP                            BVA
                 Valid           Invalid        Min            Max
User id          a-z, 0-9        A-z, Special   4              16
                                 Blank Fields

   Prepare Test Case Document -2

   1.     Test Case ID: Tc_login_ourname_2 (All capital letters)
   2.     Test Case Name: Verify password
   3.     Test Suite ID: Ts_login
   4.     Priority: P0
   5.     Precondition: Password object is taking values from key board
   6.     Data Matrix:

Input            ECP                            BVA
                 Valid           Invalid        Min            Max
Password         a-z             0-9, A-z,      4              8
                                 Blank Fields

   Prepare Test Case Document -3

Naga Durga Rao Koya                  M: 9989093551

    1. Test Case ID: Tc_login_ourname_3 (All capital letters)

    2. Test Case Name: Verify login operation

    3. Test Suite ID: Ts_login

    4. Priority: P0

    5. Precondition: Registered user id & password available in hand (tester)

    6. Data Matrix:

Step No.               Action                  Input Required          Expected
1                      Focus to login          None                    User id object
                       window                                          focused
2                      Fill fields             “User id” &             “ok” button enabled
3                      Click “ok”              Valid      Valid        Next message
                                               Valid      Invalid      Error message
                                               In valid   Valid        Error message
                                               Valid      Blank        Error message
                                               Blank      Valid        Error message

    2. Use Cases Based Test Case Design:
                                                    Other alternative method for test cases
    selection is “use cases based” test case design. This method is referable to outsourcing
    testing companies. Generally the maximum testing people are preparing test cases
    depending “Functional & System Specifications” in corresponding project SRS.
    Some times the testing people are preparing test cases depending on use cases also.
    “Use cases” are more elaborative and more understandable than functional and
    system specifications.

    BRS                                                BRS

    SRS                                               SRS
                          Test Cases                                         Use cases

                                                 HLD & LLD’s

Naga Durga Rao Koya                  M: 9989093551


(Functional & System Specification         (Use Cases Based Test Case Design)
Test Case Design)

               From the above diagrams test team is receiving “use cases” from project
management. To prepare test cases, every use case is describing functionality with all
required information. Every use case is following a standard format, unlike theoretical
functional specification.

   1. Use Case Name: The name of use case for future reference

   2. Use Case Description: Summary of functionality

   3. Actors: Names of actors which are participating in corresponding functionality

   4. Related Use Cases: Names of related use cases, which have dependency with this
      use case

   5. Preconditions: List of necessary tasks to do beforestart this functionality testing in
      our project

   6. Activity Flow Diagram: The graphical notation of corresponding functionality

   7. Primary Scenarios: A step by step actions to perform corresponding functionality

   8. Alternative Scenario’s: Alternative list of actions to perform same functionality

   9. Post Conditions: It specifies the exit point of corresponding functionality.

   10. U. I. Make up: Model screen or prototype

   11. Special Requirements: List of rules to be following if possible.

Naga Durga Rao Koya                 M: 9989093551

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                        From the above use case format, project management is providing
   every functionality documentation with complete details. Depending on that use cases,
   test engineers are preparing test case using IEEE-829 Format

   4. Application Build Based Test Case Design:
                                                              Generally the test engineers
   are preparing test cases dependin on functional & system specifications” or “use
   cases”. After completion of maximum test cases selection, test engineers are preparing
   some test cases depending on application build, which received from developer team.
   These new test cases are only concentrating on usability of the screens in our
   application build. These test cases are covering

   1.   Ease of use
   2.   Look & Feel
   3.   Speed in Interface
   4.   User manuals correctness (Help Documents)

   Example Test Cases:
   Test Case-1: Verify spelling in every screen.
   Test Case-2: Verify contrast of each object in every screen
   Test Case-3: Verify alignment of objects in every screen.
   Test Case-4: Verify color commonness in all screens
   Test Case-5: Verify font commonness in all screens
   Test Case-6: Verify size commonness in all screens
   Test Case-7: Verify functionality-grouped objects in screens
   Test Case-8: Verify boarders of functionality grouped objects.
   Test Case-9: Verify tool tips (e.g. Messages about icons in screens)
   Test Case-10: Verify the place of multiple data objects in screens. (E.g. list boxes,
   combo boxes, and table grids, active x controls, menus…)
   Test Case-11: Verify scroll bar.
   Test Case-12: Verify labels of objects in every screen as init-cap
   Test Case-13: Verify keyboard accessing in your application build
   Test Case-14: Verify abbreviations in all screens (E.g. short cuts)
   Test Case-15: Verify information repetition in screens
   Test Case-16: Verify help documents (Help menu contents)

          Generally the test engineers are preparing maximum test depending on functional
& system specifications in SRS, the remaining test cases are prepared using application
build because the functional & system specifications are not providing complete
information about every small issue in our project.
               Some times the testing people are using “Use Cases” instead of functional
& system specification in SRS.

Naga Durga Rao Koya                  M: 9989093551

Review Test Cases:
                         After completion of test cases selection and documentation, test
lead is conducting a review meeting along with test engineers. In this review test lead is
concentrating on the completeness and correctness of test engineers prepared test cases. In
this coverage analysis test lead is using two type of factors.

               Requirement based test cases coverage
               Testing Technique based test cases coverage

                  After completion of this review meeting, test engineers are
   concentrating on test execution.

   4. Test Execution:
                           In test execution, test engineers are concentrating on test cases
   execution and defect reporting and tracking. In this stage the testing team is conducting
   a small meeting with development team for version controlling and establishment of
   test environment.

   1. Version Control:
                             During test execution development people are assigning
   unique version no. To software builds after performing required changes. This version
   numbering system is understandable to testing people.

               For this build version controlling the development people are using version
   control software’s
   Ex. VSS – Visual source safe

   2. Levels of Test Execution:

          Development                                Testing
                              Initial build

Naga Durga Rao Koya                  M: 9989093551

                  Stable build
                                                       Level-0 (sanity / smoke)

                          Defect reporting
        Bug fixing                                     Level-1 (comprehensive / real)

                            Modified build
        Bug resolved                                  Level-2 (regression)

                                                       Level-3(final regression/post mart)

   3. Levels of Test Execution V/s Test Cases:

       Level – 0 (Initial Build) – Selected test cases for basic functionality
                                                       (Sanity/Smoke Testing)
       Level – 1 (Stable Build) – All test cases in order to detect defect.
                                                    (Comprehensive Testing)
       Level – 2 (Modified Build) – Selected test cases w.r.p.t modifications.
                                                      (Regression Testing)
       Level – 3 (Master Build) – Selected test cases w.r.p.t bug density

       After that Golden Build (ready to UAT) released to customer.

    1. Level - 0 (Sanity / Smoke Testing): Generally the testing people are starting test
       execution with level – 0 testing. It is also known as Sanity / Smoke Testing or
       Tester Acceptance Testing (TAT) or Build Verification Testing or Testability

In this testing level, test engineers are concentrating on below 8 factors through operating
corresponding initial build

      Understandable
      Opera table
      Observable
      Controllable
      Consistency
      Simplicity
      Maintainable
      Automat able

   Operation + Observation = Testing

   Programmer: Expect logic & develop functionality

Naga Durga Rao Koya                   M: 9989093551

   Tester: Expecting customer requirement

   2. Level -1 (Comprehensive Testing):
                                            After receiving stable build from development
   team, test engineers are executing all test cases sequentially either in manual or in
               In manual test execution, test engineer is comparing test cases specified
   expected values, and build specify actual values. In this test execution, test engineers
   are preparing “test log” document.This document consists of 3 types of entries.

   Passed: All expected values of the test case are equal to all actual values of that build.
   Failed: Any one expected value is variation with any one actual value of that build
   Blocked: Dependent test cases execution post phoned to next cycle (After modified
   build) Due to wrong parent functionality.

                                 Level-1 (Comprehensive test cycle)

   Level -2 (Regression Testing):
                                     During above level-1 comprehensive testng, testing
   people are reporting mismatches between test casesexpected and build actual to
   development team as “defect report”. After reviewing and resolving the defect,
   development people are releasing modified build to testing team. In this stage, a
   development person is releasin “release note” also. The responsible test engineers are
   studying that release note and try to understand modifications in that modify build and
   then test engineers are concentrating on regression testing to ensure that modificat ons.



Naga Durga Rao Koya                  M: 9989093551

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Qtp commands
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The document provides details about QTP commands available through menus and toolbars to create, open, save, edit, run and manage tests. Key commands allow creating tests and components, opening existing tests, saving tests, editing steps, inserting checkpoints and scripts, recording and running tests, and managing test runs. QTP commands are accessible through menu options, toolbar buttons, and shortcut keys for important operations.

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          Check in  Level-2  Check-out

              From the above diagram, test engineers are conducting regression testing
   on modified build w.r.p.t modifications, which are mentioned in “release note”.

   Study release note & consider severity of resolved bug

   High                   Medium                 Low

   all P0 (priority)      all P0                 some P0
   all P1                 max P 1                some P1
   max P2 test cases      some P2 test cases     some P2 test cases

                       On modified build

   Case1: If the development team resolved bug severity is high then test engineers are
   re-executing all P0, all P1 and carefully selected maximum P2 test cases on that
   modified build w.r.p.t modifications mentioned in release note

   Case2: If the development team resolved bug severity is medium then test engineers
   are re-executing all P0 carefully selected all P1 and some of P2 test cases.

   Case3: If the development team resolved bug severity is low then test engineers are re-
   executing carefully selected some P0, P1, P2 test cases.

   Case4: If testing team received modified build due to sudden changes in customer
   requirements, then test engineers are re-executing all P0, all P1, max P2 test cases.

Naga Durga Rao Koya                 M: 9989093551

   5. Test Reporting:
                             During level –1 & level –2, test execution, test engineers are
      reporting miss matches in between test case expected values and build actual values
      as defect report to development team.
              In this test reporting, development people are receiving defect report from
      testing team in a standard format. This format followed by every test engineer in
      test execution to report defects.

      IEEE-829 Defect Report Format:

      1. Defect ID: Unique no./name for future reference.

      2. Description: Summary about defect.

      3. Build Version: The version no. of current build, in this build test engineers
         detected this defect.

      4. Feature: The name of module / function, in that area test engineers found this

      5. Test Case Name: The name of failed test case, in that case execution test
         engineer found this defect.

      6. Status: New reporting first time, Re-open Re-reporting.

      7. Re-producible: Yes Defect appears every time in test case execution, No
         Defect appears rarely in test case execution.

      8. If Yes: Attach test procedure.

      9. If No: Attach snapshot and strong reasons.

      10. Severity: The seriousness of defect in terms of functionality.

                 High  Not able to continue testing with out resolving this defect
         (show stopper)

               Medium  Able to continue remaining testing, but mandatory resolve.

Naga Durga Rao Koya                M: 9989093551

                      Low  Able to continue remaining testing and May / May not to
      11. Priority: Importance of defect to resolve in terms of customer (High, Medium,

      12. Detected by: Name of test engineer.

      13. Assigned To: The name of responsible person at development side to receive
          this defect report.

      14. Suggested Fix (Optional): Reasons to accept and resolve this defect.

      Resolution Type:
                              After receiving defect report from testing team, the
      responsible development people are conducting review meeting and sending
      resolution type to the responsible testing team.
                              There are 12 types of resolutions, they are

      1. Enhancement: The reported defect is rejected, because this defect related to
         future requirements of the customer.

      2. Duplicate: The reported defect is rejected, because this defect raised due to
         limitations of hardware devices.

      3. Hardware Limitations: The reported defect is rejected, because this defect
         raised due to limitations of hardware devices.

      4. Software Limitations: The reported defect is rejected, because this defect is
         raised due to limitations Software Technologies (Ms-Access).

      5. Not Applicable: The reported defect is rejected because these defects have
         improper meaning.

      6. Functions as Designed: The reported defect is rejected, because the coding is
         correct w.r.p.t design documents.

      7. Need More Information: The reported defect is not accepted / not rejected but
         the developers are requiring more information about the defect to understand.

      8. Not Re-producible: The reported defect is not accepted & not rejected, but the
         developers are requiring correct procedure to reproduce that defect.

      9. No Plan To Fix It: The reported defect is not accepted & not rejected, but the
         development people are requiring some extra time.

      10. Open: The reported defect is accepted & the development people are ready to
          resolve through changes in coding.

Naga Durga Rao Koya                M: 9989093551

       11. Deferred: The reported defect is accepted, but postponed to future release, due
           to low severity & low priority.

       12. User Direction: The reported defect is accepted, but developers are providing
           some valid information about that defect to customer site people, through our
           application build screens.

Defect Tracking Procedure
Large Scale Organizations

   1   to 5 --- (Defect reporting)
   6   to 10--- (Resolution Type)

   Test Manager                  Project Manager

    Test Lead                    Team Lead

   Test Engineer                 Programmer

Small / Medium Scale Organizations

   1 to 4 -------- (Defect Reporting)
   5 to 8 -------- (Resolution Type)


   Test Lead           Team Lead

   Test Engineer        Programmer

Naga Durga Rao Koya                M: 9989093551

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The document provides an overview of QuickTest Professional (QTP) and its key features and functionality. It discusses QTP's basic features, the elements that make up the QTP tool window like the test pane, active screen, and data table. It also summarizes the QTP testing process which involves planning, generating tests through recording or programming, enhancing tests with checkpoints and parameters, debugging, running tests, and reporting results.

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This document discusses the different types of statements used in QuickTest Professional (QTP) test scripts, including declarations, comments, utility statements, object calls, flow control statements, function/action calls, checkpoints, output value statements, synchronization points, and VBScript statements. Declarations are used to define variables and constants. Comments explain parts of the test script. Utility statements launch applications and control program flow. Object calls interact with application objects. Flow control statements include if/else, select case, loops, and more. Functions and actions encapsulate reusable code. Checkpoints and output values verify test results. Synchronization waits ensure objects are ready. VBScript provides additional programming constructs.

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   Bug Life Cycle / Defect Life Cycle


   Open                  Reject

Closed                Re-open

New             Open              Closed

New             Open              Reopen          Closed

New             Reject            Closed

New             Reject            Reopen          Closed

New             Deferred

Types of Defects
                     Generally the Black Box Testing techniques is finding below type of
defects during system testing such as

         User Interface Defects
         Boundary Related Defects
         Error Handling Defects
         Calculations Defects
         Race Condition Defects
         Load Condition Defects
         Hard Ware Related Defects
         ID – Control Bugs
         Version Control Bugs
         Source Bugs

      Note 1:
              Generally the Test Engineer’s are deciding severity & priority of defect
      during reporting but the priority of defect is modifiable by development team

Naga Durga Rao Koya                 M: 9989093551

     Note 2:
             Generally the development peop are postponing / differing low severity &
     low priority defects.

     L-S: Low Severity
     M-S: Medium Severity
     H-S: High Severity
     L-P: Low Priority
     H-P: High Priority

         1. User Interface Bugs / Defects : (L-S)
             E.g.1. Spelling mistake (L-S & H-P) Seriousness is low but importance is
             high priority.
             2. Improper Right Alignment (L-S & L-P)
         2. Boundary Related Bugs: (M-S)
             E.g.1. One object is not taking valid type of values as input (M-S & H-P)
              2. One object is taking invalid type also (M-S & L-P)
         3. Error Handling Bugs: (M-S)
             E.g.1. Does not return error message to prevent wrong operatio on build
             (M-S & H-P)
             2. Returns error message but complex to understand (M-S & L-P)
         4. Calculations Bugs: (H-S)
             E.g.1. Dependent output is wrong (application show stopper) (H-S & H-P)
             2. Final output is wrong (Module show stopper) (H-S & L-P)
         5. Race Condition Bugs: (H-S)
             E.g. 1. Dead lock or Hang (Application Show Stopper) (H-S & H-P)
             2. Does not run on other customer expected platforms (H-S & L-P)
         6. Load Condition Bugs: (H-S)
             E.g. 1. Does not allow multiple users (Application Show Stopper) (H-S &
             2. Does not allow customer expected load (H-S & L-P)
         7. Hardware Related Bugs: (H-S)
             E.g.1. Does not activate required hardware device (Application Show
             Stopper) (H-S & H-P)
             2. Does not support all customer expected hardware technologies           (H-
             S & L-P)
         8. ID-Control Bugs: (M-S)
             E.g.1. Wrong logo, logo missing, copy right windows mixing, wrong
             version no. , development and testing people names missing.
         9. Version Control Bugs: (M-S)
             E.g.1. Invalid differences in between old build version and current build
         10. Source Bugs: (M-S)
             E.g.1. Mistakes in help documents.

   6. Test Closure:
Naga Durga Rao Koya               M: 9989093551

                            After completion of all reasonable cycles of test execution, test
   lead is concentrating on test closure to estimate completeness and correctness of test
   execution and bugs resolving. In this review meeting the test lead is considering some
   factors to review testing team responsibilities.

   1. Coverage Analysis:

          1. Requirements or module coverage (All modules coverage)
          2. Testing techniques coverage (All requirement techniques covered on each

   2. Defect Density:

         Modules                          No. of Defects

            A                                20 %
            B                                20 %
            C                                40 % (Need for regression)
            D                                20 %

   3. Analysis of deferred Defects:
                                       Whether the deferred defects are postponable or
      not? After completion of above closer review testing team is concentrating on
      postmortem testing / final regression testing / Pre-acceptance testing / level-3
      testing if required.

                             Select high
                            Defect density
                                                  Effort estimation

      Test reporting

                                          Plan regression

                     Regression Testing

            Final Regression / Post Mortem / Level -3 Testing

   7. User Acceptance Testing:
                                            After completion of testing and their review,
   project management is concentrating on user acceptance testing to collect feed back

Naga Durga Rao Koya                   M: 9989093551

   from real customers / model customers. There are two ways to conduct user acceptance
   testing such as Alpha Testing and Beta Testing

   8. Sign Off:
                       After completion of user acceptance testing and their modifications,
              project management is defining release team & C.C.B (Change Control Board).
              In both terms few developers & test engineers are involving along with project
              manager. In this sign off stage testing team is submitting all prepared testing
              documents to project management.

   Final Test Summary Report:

             Test Strategy
             Test Plan
             Test Case Titles (Scenarios)
             Test Case Documents
             Test Log
             Defect Reports

                   The above all documents combinat on is also known as “Final Test
          Summary Report”

     Requirements traceability Matrix (RTM):
                                                    It is also a document. This document
     creation & up dating are doing by test lead. This document defines a complete
     picture of testing process from test planning to test closure.

Requirement Test Cases            Pass / Failed       Defect ID       Closed /
     ID             ID                                                Deferred
Requirement Tc1                   Passed          -               -
1 (Modules /   Tc 2               Passed                  -               -
Functionality) Tc 3               Passed                  -               -
               Tc 4               Failed                 D1            Closed

                   -                    -                 -              -

      -            -                    -                 -              -

      -            -                    -                 -              -
      -                  -              -                 -              -

     Above matrix is also known as requirement validation matrix (R.T.M / R.V.M)

Testing Measurements and Metrics:
                                                   Measurement means a basic unit and
metric means a compound unit. In system testing project management and test management
are using 3 types of measurement and metrics.

Naga Durga Rao Koya                    M: 9989093551

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Software testing concepts
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Software Testing basic concepts includes types of testing, testing methodology, Level of Testing, test design technique, Test Plan , test cases etc.

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   1. Quality Assessment Measurements (QAM):
                                                          These measurements used by
   project manager or test manager during testing (monthly once)
           a. Stability:


             Left Side Arrow: No. of defects
             Right Side up Arrow: Defect Arrival Rate

               Duration (Testing)        No. of defects

                  20 %                       80 %
                   80 %                      20 %
                          20-80/80-20 rule

          b. Sufficiency:
                   Requirements Coverage
                   Testing Techniques Coverage
                        Base on this our PM takes decision on testing time is sufficient
                  or not?

          c. Defect Severity Distribution:
                                              Organization trend limit check. (Some
          times defect severity is maintaining depends on organization trend.)
   3. Test Management Measurements:
                                            This Measurements used by test lead category
   people during testing (weekly once)
          a. Test Status:
                       No. of test cases executed and their outputs
                       No. of test cases in execution
                       No. of test cases yet to execute.
          b. Delays in Delivery:
                          Defect arrival rate (Testing team)
                          Defect resolution rate (Developers team (Strong reason for
                            accept / reject))
                          Defect ageing (Time gap in between D.A.R & D.R.R)

Naga Durga Rao Koya               M: 9989093551

           c. Test Efficiency: (Salary increment / hikes depends on this)
                          No. of defects detected / person – day
                          No. of test cases prepared / person – day
                          No. of test cases executed / person - day

    4. Process Capability Measurements:
                                                 These measurements used by P.M &
    T.M to improve testing team effort.

           a. Test Effectiveness:
                       Requirements coverage
                       Testing techniques coverage

           b. Defect Escapes:
                         Type phase analysis (What type of defect, in what phase).
                         Defect removal efficiency = A / A+B

                           (A = No. of defects found on testing
                          A+B = No. of defects faced by customer)

           A  No. of defects detected by testing team
           B  No. of bugs faces by customer site people.

Explain testing process of your company?

In my Company the Testing process starts with “TEST INITIATION”. In this stage the
Project Manager prepares Test Methodology for corresponding Project. He decides
reasonable tests depending upon requirements and releases the test strategy
document to Test Lead. To prepare the “TEST PLAN” My Test Lead studies the BRS,
SRS, Design Docs, development Plan and Test strategy. He goes to HR Manager to talk
about team formation. After completion of Testing Team formation, Risks analysis he
prepares the complete “TEST PLAN”. The Test Lead decides the schedule of the
different tests i.e. what to Test? When to Test? How to Test? Who to Test? After
completion of test plan and review he will take the approval from Project Manager and
provide training to selected test engineers.

         After completion of required training people like me are concentrate on Test
Cases outline. Based on the outlines we prepare in-depth Test Case documents. After
receiving the build from developers we perform sanity testing, comprehensive
testing and regression testing. In sanity testing level, we are concentrating on
below 8 factors through operating corresponding initial build

      Understandable
      Opera table
      Observable
      Controllable
      Consistency
      Simplicity

Naga Durga Rao Koya              M: 9989093551

      Maintainable
      Automat able

In comprehensive testing level, after receiving stable build from development
team we execute all test cases sequentially either in manual or in automation.
In manual test execution, we are comparing test cases specified expected values,
and build specify actual values. In this test execution, we are preparing “test log”
document. This document consists of 3 types of entries.

Passed: All expected values of the test case are equal to all actual values of that
Failed: Any one expected value is variation with any one actual value of that build
Blocked: Dependent test cases execution post phoned to next cycle (After modified
build) Due to wrong parent functionality.

         We report the defects in Excel format. After modifications the Development
people release the modified build. In that we conduct the regression testing.

 In regression testing level, to make sure all the fixed bugs are correct and there
are no side effects i.e. old functionalities will not affect with the new changes after
completion of all reasonable tests and defects closed. The management concentrates
on User Acceptance testing. In this testing level they collect the feed back from
real or model customers. After completion of UAT my test lead will prepare the final
test summary report. This report is submitted to customers by TL or PM.

Naga Durga Rao Koya              M: 9989093551

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Manual Testing Notes

  • 1. 1 SOFTWARE QUALITY 1. Meet customer requirements in terms of functionality 2. Meet customer expectations in terms of performance, reusability, compatibility 3. Cost to purchase by customers 4. Time to release by development organization SOFTWARE DEVEOPMENT PROCESS Requirements gathering Analysis and planning Design (Logical representation) Coding (Physical representatio n) Testing Release and Maintenance SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS MODELS 1. Waterfall Model (Requirements are clear) 2. Prototype Model (Requirements are ambiguous (Confusion)) 3. Spiral Model (Requirements are enhancing) 4. Agile Model (Requirements are changing) Waterfall Model: Requirements are clear and constant Prototype Model: Requirements are ambiguity, the software organization is developing sample model first and then go to realsoftware. Spiral Model: When the requirements are enhancing e.g. eseva Agile Model: When the customer requirements are suddenly changing. E.g. Mobile Application 1 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 2. 2 Note 1: All software development models are derived from waterfall model (Linear sequential model) Note 2: Above all software development process models are maintaining single stage of testing and that stage is conducting by same development people. Testing is of two types they are SQA & SQC Software Quality Assurance (SQA) The monitoring and measuring the strength of development process is called SQA Software Quality Control (SQC) The validation of software product w.r.t customer requirements and expectations. FISH MODEL (Multiple stages of development and testing) Analysis Design Coding Maintenance BRS SRS HLD & LLD system testing Test Software changes Real Time Terms of System Testing BRS: Business requirement specification is defining the requirements of the customer to be developed as new software. This document is also known as customer requirement specification (CRS) and user requirement specification (URS) SRS: Software requirement specification is defining functional requirements to be developed and system requirements to be used (converting non-technical information in to technical information. Derived from BRS). E.g. Bank deposit = addition (Functional requirements) + some languages (System requirements) Review: 2 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 3. 3 The completeness and correctness ofa document is estimating by responsible people through reviews. E.g. walk through (study from first line to last line of document), inspections (searching for a particular issue), and peer reviews (comparing with other documents) Design: HLD: High-level design document defines the overall architecture of system from root module (e.g. login) to leaf module (e.g. logout). This document is also known as architecture design or external design. LLD: Low-level design document defines the internal architecture of corresponding module of functionality. This document is also known as internal design documents. E.g. Website like yahoo. Prototype: A sample model of software is called prototype. It consists of interface (screens) with out having functionality. Coding: Program: It indicates a set of executable statements, some statements in program are taking inputs, some statements are performing process and other statements aredisplaying output. Module (unit) is a combination of programs and the software is a combination of modules. White Box Testing Techniques: These are program based testing techniques. These techniques are also known as glass box testing (or) open box testing. The responsible people are using these techniques to verify internal structure of corresponding program. System Testing: Black Box Testing: It is a system level testing technique. The responsible are using these techniques to validate external functionality. Build: 3 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 4. 4 A.exe the executable form of a system is called build (or) A finally integrated all modules set is called build. AUT: Application under test V-MODEL V stands for Verification and Validation. This model defines conceptual mapping in between development stages and testng stages i W.r.p.t BRS/CRS/URS--------------------- User Acceptance Testing Analysis reviews SRS--------------------- System Testing HLD-----------Integration testing (programmers) Designer reviews LLDUnit Testing (programmers) Coding (programmers) In the above V-Model the multiple stages of development process is embedding (combining) with multiple stages of testing process. From this model, the maximum organizations are maintaining separate testing team only for system testing stage because, that stage is a bottleneck stage (phase) in software development process. After system testing the organizations are planning to release the software to customer site. 1. The Reviews In Analysis: Generally the software development process starting with requirements gatherin and analysis. In this phase business analyst g category people are developing BRS and SRS documents. For completeness and correctness of documents, the same business analyst category people conduc ting a review meeting. In this review they are concentrating on below factors. Are they right requirements? (Isthey are correct) 4 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 5. 5 Are they complete requirements? (Is any missing?) Are they achievable requirements?(Whether it is possible) Are they reasonable requirements? (Time factor) Are they testable requirements? (E.g. satellite applications) 2. Reviews In Design: After completion of analysis and their testing. Designer category people are developing HLD and LLD. To verify completeness and correctness of those documents the same designer category people are conducting a review meeting. In this review they are concentrate on below factors Are they understandable designs? (Flow of diagram) Are they designing right requirements? (With correct functions) Are they designing complete requirements? (What the project need) Are they following able designs? (Understandable to next level 1) 3. Unit Testing: After completion of design and their reviews programmers are concentrating on coding, to physically construct a software build. In this phase programmers are writing programs and verify that programs using white box testing techniques. They are of four types a. Basis Path Testing b. Control Structure Testing c. Program Technique Testing d. Mutation Testing a. Basis Path Testing: During these test, programmers is verifying that whether a program is running or not. In this basis path testing programmers are following on below procedure to test complete program. Step 1: Draw flow diagram for that program Step 2: Calculate number of independent paths in that program IF T F IF IF T F T F (Cyclomatic complexity) = 4 5 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 6. 6 b. Control Structure Testing: During this test, programmers are concentrating on the correctness and completeness of corresponding programs output. They are check every statement including if conditions, for loops, memory allocations… etc. c. Program Technique Testing: During this test, programmers are verifying the execution speed of corresponding programs. In this testing programmers are taking the help of monitors and profilers. If the program speed is not good then, programmers are performing changes in structure of that program with out disturbing functionality. d. Mutation Testing: Mutation means a change in program. Programmers are performing wanted changes in programs and performing test repeatedly. In this test repetition programmers are verifying completeness and correctness of that test on program. Test Test Test Executable Change Change Statements Passed Passed Passed Failed (Incomplete Testing) (Complete Testing) 4. Integration Testing: After completion of dependent programs development and unit testing, programmers are connecting them to form a complete software build. In this Integration of programs, programmers are verifying interfaces in between every two programs on modules. There are four types of approaches to integration modules such as top down, bottom up, hybrid and big bang approaches. a. Top-down Approach: In this model programmers are interconnecting main modules to sub modules in the place of under constructive, programmers are using temporary programs called as stubs (or) called programs Main 6 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 7. 7 Stub (Diverts control to main module) Disconnects Sub1 Sub2 b. Bottom-up Approach: In this model programmers are interconnecting sub modules with out using under constructive main module. In this place of that under constructive main module, programmers are using a temporary program called as driver (or) calling program Main Driver (Diverts to next stage) Sub1 Sub2 c. Hybrid-Approach: This approach is a combined form of top down of top down and bottom up approaches. It is also known as sandwich approach. Main Driver Sub1 Stub Sub2 Sub3 7 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 8. 8 d. Big-Bang Approach: In this model programmers are interconnecting programs after completion of complete coding. 5. System Testing: After completion of integration testing development people are releasing software build to the separate testing team. This separate testing team is validating that software build w.r.p.t customer requirements. In this level of testing, the separate testing team is using Black Box Testing Techniques. These techniques are classified into 3 categories a. Usability Testing b. Functional Testing c. Non-Functional Testing a. Usability Testing: Generally the system test execution is a starting with usability testing. During this test, test engineers are validating user friendliness of every screen in our application build. This usability testing is also known as Accessibility Testing. This usability testing consists of two sub techniques. 1. User Interface Testing 2. Manual Support Testing 1. User Interface Testing: (Testing as early as possible before build) during this test, test engineers are applying below 3 factors on every screen of our application build. Screens of Build Ease of use (understandable screens) Look & Feel (Attractive) Speed in Interface. E.g. short navigations. 2. Manual Support Testing: During this test, test engineers are studying help documents of our application build to estimate context sensitiveness (Test is applied before releasing software build) Conclusion: Generally the technical writers of our company are developing user manuals before release the software to customer site. Due to this reason the manual support testing is coming in to picture at the end of system testing. 8 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 9. 9 Receive software build from developers User Interface Testing Usability Testing Functional & Non Functional Testing Manual Support Testing b. Functional Testing: It is a mandatory (Compulsory) testing level in system testing. During this functional testing, test engineers are concentrating on “meet customer requirements”. This functional testing is classified into two sub testing techniques. They are functionality testing and sanitation testing 1. Functionality Testing: During this test, test engineers are verifying that whether our build functionalities are working as correct or not? In this this testing, test engineers are concentrating on below coverage’s. GUI Coverage (or) Behavior Coverage (Changes in properties of objects in screens). Error Handling Coverage (Verify the prevention of wrong Operations) Input Domain Coverage (Verify the size & type of every input object values) Manipulations Coverage (Correctness of outputs) Backend Coverage (The impact of front-end operations on back-end tables) 9 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 10. 10 Order of Functionalities Coverage( 2. Sanitation Testing: It is also known as Garbage Testing. During this test, test engineers are finding extra functionalities in our application build w.r.p.t customer requirements. Note: One defect means not only missing functionality, not only mistake in functionality but also extra functionality. c. Non-Functional Testing: During this non-functional testing, testing team is concentrating on extra characteristics of that software build to satisfy customer site people. 1. Compatibility Testing: It is also known as Portability Testing. During this testing, test engineers are validating that whether our application build is running on customers expected platform or not? Platform means that operating system, compilers, browsers, and other system software’s 2. Configuration Testing: It is also known as Hardware Compatibility Testing. During this test, test engineers are running our application build with various technologies of hardware devices to estimate hardware compatibility. E.g. Different technology printers, different technology network, different topology networks. 3. Recovery Testing: It is also known as Reliability Testing. During this test, test engineers are validating that whether our application build is changing from abnormal state to normal state or not? Abnormal Changing from Abnormal to normal using back-up and Recovery Procedures 10 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 11. 11 Normal 4. Inter-System Testing: It is also known as Interoperability Testing (or) End-to-End Testing. During this test, test engineers are validating that whether our application build is co-existence with other software applications to share common resources. E-Seva Server WBA server EBA Local TBA DB server ITA Server News component (Existing Component) Common Resource 5. Security Testing: It is also known as penetration testing. During this test, test engineers are validating below three factors such as a. Authorization Testing b. Access Control (Authentication) Testing c. Encryption / Decryption Testing a. Authorization Testing: In Authorization Testing, test engineers are validating that whether our application build is allowing valid users and is preventing invalid users or not? b. Access control Testing: In Access Control Testing, test engineers are validating permissions of users to utilize our application build services. c. Encryption / Decryption Testing: In Encryption / Decryption Testing, test engineers are trying to trace cipher text to original text. Client Server 11 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 12. 12 Receiver Response Request (Sender) Receiver Original Text (sender) Encryption Decryption Description Cipher Text Encryption Cipher Text Note: In above Security Testing, Authorization and Access Control Tests are reasonable to be applied by test engineers. But Encryption / Decryption test is conducted by separate people in security team 6. Data Volume Testing: It is also known as Storage Testing (or) Memory Testing. During this test, test engineers are finding peek limit of data handled by our application build. E.g. Ms-Access technology database are supported 2 GB database as maximum 7. Load Testing: Load means that the numbers of con-current users, which are accessing our application, build. The execution of our application build on customer expected configuration and customer expected load to estimate performance is called Load Testing. 8. Stress Testing: The execution of our application build under customer expected configuration and various loads levels to estimate stability is called Stress Testing. 9. Installation Testing: 12 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 13. 13 During this test, test team is doing a practice on software installation. During this testing, testing team is taking software build and remaining supported software’s to run our application build in customer side. 10. Parallel Testing: It is also known as Comparative (or) Competitive Testing. During this test, test engineers are comparing our software build with old-version of software build (or) with other company’s. This testing is applicable to software products only. 6. User Acceptance Testing: After completion of system testing and bugs resolving, the project management is concentrating on User Acceptance Testing to collect feedback from Real Customers (or) Model customers. There are two ways to conduct User Acceptance Testing. Alpha Testing Beta Testing By Real Customers By Model Customers In our development site In Model customers site For Software applications For Software products After Completion of user acceptance testing and their modifications, project management is concentrating on software release and maintenance. 7. Maintenance (or) Support: Project Management is defining the release team along with few developer, few test engineers and few hardware engineers. This release team is conducting Port Testing (or) Deployment (or) Release Testing. During this test release team is observing below factors. Complete Installation Overall Functionality 13 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 14. 14 Input Devices Handling Output Devices Handling Secondary Storage Devices Handling Operating System Error Handling Co-Existence with other Software Applications After Completion of above observations release team is giving training to customer site people and then coming back to our organization. During Utilization of that software, customer site people are sending change request to our organization. The responsible team in your organization is handling the change request to provide service to customer site. This responsible team is also known as Change Control Board (C.C.B). Change Request C.C.B Enhancement Missed Defect Impact Analysis Impact Analysis Perform Software Changes Perform Software Changes 14 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 15. 15 Test Software Changes Test Software Changes Improve Test Efficiency Numbers Testing Phase Testing Responsibility Techniques 1 Testing in Analysis Reviews Business Analyst 2 Testing in Design Reviews & Prototype Designers (or) Architects 3 Unit Testing White Box Testing Programmers Techniques 4 Integration Testing Top-down, Bottom-up, Programmers Hybrid, Big-bang approaches 5 System Testing Black box testing Test Engineers Techniques 6 User Acceptance Alpha, Beta Testing Real Customers (or) Testing Model customers 7 Port Testing Complete Installation, Release Team Overall Functionalities, Input & Output Devices Handling, Secondary Storage Devices Handling, Operating System Error Handling, Co-Exist Nance with other Software Applications 8 Test Software Regression Testing Change Control Board Changes in (C.C.B) Maintenance 15 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 16. 16 Planned Testing Vs AD-HOC Testing: Generally every testing team is planning to conduct complete system testing w.r.p.t requirements of the project sometimes the testing team is not able to conduct complete testing due to risks or challenges. e.g. Time Problem, skills, lack of time, lack of knowledge, lack of resources, lack of documentation…….etc Due to above risks are challengers; testing team is planning to follow some informal testing methods. 1. Monkey Testing: During this style of testing, testing people are concentrating on main activities of software due to lack of time for testing. This style of testing is also known as champagne Testing (or) Random Testing 2. Buddy Testing: In this style of testing, test engineers is grouping with developer to conduct testing while coding due to lack of time for testing. Buddy means a programmer and a tester as a group. 3. Exploratory Testing: Generally the testing team is conducting system testing depending on functional and system requirement in SRS. If the SRS is not giving the complete information about requirementsthen test engineers are depending on past experience, discussions with other similar projects, browsing ….etc, to collect complete information about requirements. This style of testing is also calling as exploratory testing. 4. Pair Testing: 16 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 17. 17 In this style of testing, junior test engineers are grouping with senior test engineers in an organization to share their knowledge on testing. This style of testing is also called pair testing. 5. Be-Bugging: In this model development people areadding known bugs in to coding and releasing to testing team. This type of defect seeding (or) feeding is useful to estimate of testing people. It is also known as defect seeding (or) defect feeding. TESTING-TERMINOLOGY 1. Test Strategy: It is a document and it defines the requiredtesting approach to be followed by testing people. 2. Test Plan: It is a document and it provides work allocation in terms of schedule 3. Test Case: It defines a test condition to validate functionality in terms of completeness and correctness. 4. Test Log: It defines the result of a test case in terms of passed / failed, after execution of the test case on our application build. 5. Error Defect & Bug: A mistake in coding is called error. This mistake found by test engineer during testing, called defect (or) issue. This defect reviewed and accepted by development team resolved, called bugs. 6. Re-Testing: It is also known as Data Driven Testing (or) Iterative Testing. Generally the test engineers are repeating the test on same application build with multiple input values. This type of repetition is called Re-Testing. 7. Regression Testing: The re-execution of selected test cases on modified build to ensure bug fix work with out any side effects is called Regression Testing. (Change Testing) 17 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 18. 18 SYSTEM TESTING PROCESS Test Initiation Test Planning Test Design Test Execution Test Closure Test Reporting Software Development Process along with Software Testing Process Requirements Gathering (B.R. ) S Analysis and project planning (SRS & Project Plan) Development Team System Testing Team Design & Reviews Test Imitation Coding & Unit Testing Test Plan Integration Testing Test Design Initial Build Test Execution Test Reporting Test Closure 18 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 19. 19 User Acceptance Testing Sign Off (Release the Build to Customer) 1. System Test Initiation: Generally the every organization system testing process is starting with test initiation. In this phase project manager (or) Test Manager are preparing test strategy document. This document defines required testing approaches to be followed by testing components in test strategy. Components in Test Strategy: 1. Scope and objective: The importance of testing and their milestones 2. Business Issue’s: Cost allocation in between development process andtesting process. 3. Test Approach: selected list of test factors (or) test issues to be applied by testing team on corresponding software build. This selection is depending on requirements in that software, scope of that requirements and the risks involved in that project testing 4. Roles & Responsibilities: The name of jobs in testing team and their responsibilities. 5. Communication & Status Reporting: They required negotiation in between every two consecutive testing jobs in testing teams 6. Test Automation & Testing Tools: The purpose of automation and available tools in our organization 7. Defect Reporting & Tracking: They required negotiation in between the testing team and development team to review and resolve defects during testing. 8. Testing Measurements & Metrics: To estimate quality, capability and status, testing team is using a set of measurements and metrics. 9. Risks and Assumptions: The expected list of problems and their solutions to overcome. 10. Change and Configuration Management: Managing the development and testing deliverables for future reference 19 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 20. 20 11. Training Plan: The required no. of training sessions for testing team to understand customer requirements (or) Business logic. 12. Test Deliverables: Names of test documents to be prepared by testing team during testing. E.g. Test plan, test cases, test log, defect reports, and summary reports. Test Factors (or) Test Issues 1 Authorization Validity of users 2 Access Control Permission of users to use specific services functionality. 3 Audit Trail The correctness of metadata 4 Continuity of Integration of programs processing 5 Data Integrity Correctness of Input data. 6 Correctness Correctness of output values & manipulations. E.g. Mail compose correctly working or not 7 Coupling Co-existence with other software’s to share common resources 8 Ease of use User Friendly Screens 9 Ease of operate Installation, Un installation, dumping, down loads, up loading………..etc 10 Portable Run on different platforms 11 Performance Speed of processing 12 Reliability Recover from abnormal situations 13 Service levels Order of functionalities or services to give support to customer site people 14 Maintainable Whether our software is long time serviceable to customer site people or not? 15 Methodology Whether our testing team is following pre-defined approach properly or not? 20 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 21. 21 Test Factors V/s Testing Techniques: Test factor indicates a testing issue or topic. To test every topic in our project. Testing team is following a set of testing techniques. 1 Authorization Security Testing 2 Access Control Security Testing 3 Audit Trail Functional Testing 4 Continuity of Integration testing processing 5 Data Integrity Functionality Testing 6 Correctness Functionality Testing 7 Coupling Inter System Testing 8 Ease of use User Interface (or) Manual Support Testing 9 Ease of operate Installation Testing 10 Portable Compatibility & Configuration Testing 11 Performance Load & Stress Testing & Data Volume Testing 12 Reliability Recovery, Stress Testing 13 Service levels Regression or Software Change Testing (C.C.B) 14 Maintainable Compliance Testing 15 Methodology Compliance Testing Compliance Testing: Whether our project team is following our company standards or not? Case Study: Test Factors ----- 15 -4 (w.r.p.t depends on project requirements) ------- 11 +1 (w.r.p.t depends on scope of requirements) ------ 12 -3 (w.r.p.t risks in testing) ------- 9 (Finalized factors / issues) ------- 21 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 22. 22 In the above example the Project Manager / Test Manager finalized 9 testing topics / issues to be applied by testing team on project / s/w build. 2. Test Planning: After completion of test strategy finalization, the test lead category people are developing test-planned documents. In this stage the test lead category people are preparing system test plan and divide that plan in to module test plans. Every test plan is defining “What to Test?”, “How to Test?”, “When to Test?”, “Who to Test?” To develop these test plans, test lead category people are following below approach Test Team formation Project Plan Identify tactical risks Prepare test plans Development Documents (SRS) review test plans Test Plans Test Strategy System test plans are compulsory, module test plans are optional a. Testing Team Formation: Generally the test-planning task is starting with testing team formation. In this stage, test lead is depending on below factors  Project size. E.g. lines of codes or functional points  Available no. of test engineers  Test Duration  Test Environment Resources. e.g. Testing Tools Case study: C/s, website, ERP—3 to 5 months of system testing System s/w (embedded, mobile...)—7 to 9 months of system testing Machine Critical s/w (A.I, Robots, Satellites) – 12 to 15 months of system testing b. Identify Tactical Risks: After completion of testing team formation, test lead is concentrating on the risks analysis and assumptions w.r.p.t that formed testing team. Risk-1: Lack of knowledge of test engineers on that project Risk-2: Lack of time Risk-3: Lack of documentation Risk-4: Delay in Risk-5 Lack of development process rigor Risk-6 Lack of resources 22 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 23. 23 Risk-7 Lack of communication c. Prepare Test Plan: After completion of testing team formation and risks analysis, test lead is concentration on test plan document preparation. In this stage test lead is using IEEE-829 test plan document format (Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers) Format: 1. Test Plan ID: The title of test plan documents for future reference 2. Introduction: About Project 3. Test Items: List of modules in our project 4. Features to be tested: List of modules or functions to be tested 5. Feature not to be tested: List of modules, which are already tested in previous version testing. 3 to 5 “What to Test?” 6. Approach: List of testing techniques to be applied on above (selected) Modules 7. Test deliverables: Required testing documents to be prepared by test engineer 8. Test Environment: Required hardware’s & software’s to conduct testing on above module. 9. Entry Criteria: Test Engineers are able to start test execution after creating below criteria  Test cases developed and reviewed  Test environment established  Software build received from developers 10. Suspension Criteria: Some time test engineers are stopping test execution part timely due to  Test Environment is not working  Pending defects (quality gap, job gap) are more at development side 11. Exit Criteria: It defines test execution process exit point 23 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 24. 24  All requirements tested  All major bugs resolved  Final build is stable w.r.p.t customer requirements 12. Staff & Training Needs: The selected test engineer’s names and required no. of training sessions for them 13. Responsibilities: The mapping in between the namesof test engineers and the requirements in our project. 14. Schedule: Dates and time “When to Test?” 15. Risks & Assumptions: List of analyzed risks and their assumptions to overcome 16. Approvals: Signatures of P.M or T.M & Test Lead d. Review Test Plan: After completion of test plan documents preparation, test lead is conducting a review meeting to estimate completeness and correctness of that document. In this review meeting the selected testing team members that project are also involving. 3. Test Design: After completion of test planning, the corresponding selected test engineer’s are concentrating on test design, test execution & test reporting. Generally the selected test engi eers are starting testing job with n the test design in every project. In this test design every test is studying all requirements of the project and preparing test cases for selected requirements only w.r.p.t test plan. In this test design, test engineers are using three types of test case design methods to prepare test cases for responsible requirements. 1. Functional & System Specification Based Test Case Design 2. Use Cases Based Test Case Design 3. Application Build Based Test Case Design Test Case: Every test case is defining a unique condition. The every test case is self- standing and self-cleaning to improve understandability in test design, test engineers 24 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 25. 25 are starting every test case with verify or check English words.The every test case is traceable with requirement in your project 1. Functional & System Specification Based Test Case Design: B.R.S S.R.S (Functional & System Requirements) Test cases (Run) Test H.L.D & L.L.D Execution . Exe (Build) Coding Build From the above diagram the test engineers are preparing the maximum test cases depending on Functional & System Requirements in S.R.S. In this type of test case writing, test engineers are following below approach. Approach For Writing Test Cases: 1. Step 1: Collect functional and system specifications for responsible requirements (modules) 2. Step 2: Select one specification from that list 2.1. Identify entry point (start) 2.2. Identify inputs required 2.3. Study normal flow 2.4. Identify outputs & outcomes 2.5. Identify exit point (End) 2.6. Identify alternative flow & exceptions (rules) 3. Step 3: Prepare test case titles or test scenarios 4. Step 4. Review the test case titles for completeness and correctness 5. Step 5: Prepare complete documents for every test case title 6. Step 6. Go to step 2 until all specifications study and test cases writing Functional Specification: 1 A login process allows user id and password to authorize users. User id is taking alpha numeric in lower case from 4 to 16 characters long. The password is taking alphabets in lowercase from 4 to 8 characters long. 25 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 26. 26 Prepare test case titles or scenarios: Test Case 1: Verify user id value BVA (Boundary value analysis) (Size) Min --------- 4 chars----- pass Max--------- -16 chars----- pass Min-1-------- -3 chars------fail Min+1---------5 chars----- pass Max-1------- 15 chars------pass Max+1------ 17 chars------fail ECP (Equivalence class partition) (Type) Valid Invalid a-z A-Z 0–9 Special Characters Blank Fields Test Case 2: Verify password value BVA (Boundary value analysis) (Size) Min --------- 4 chars----- pass Max------------8 chars----- pass Min-1-------- -3 chars------fail Min+1---------5 chars----- pass Max-1---------7 chars------pass Max+1--------9 chars------fail Test Case 3: Verify login operation Decision Table: User id Password Criteria Valid Valid Pass 26 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 27. 27 Valid Invalid Fail Invalid Valid Fail Value Blank Fail Blank Value Fail Functional Specification – 2: In an insurance application users can apply for different types of policies when a user select type A Insurance, system asks, age of that user. The age value should be greater than 16 years and should be less than 80 years. Prepare test case titles or scenarios: Test Case 1: Verify the selection of type A insurance Test Case 2: Verify focus on age when users select type A insurance Test Case 3: Verify age value BVA (Boundary value analysis) (Size) Min --------- 17 chars----- pass Max--------- - 79 chars----- pass Min-1-------- -16 chars------fail Min+1---------18 chars----- pass Max-1---------78 chars------pass Max+1------- 80 chars------fail ECP (Equivalence class partition) (Type) Valid Invalid A–Z a- z 0–9 Special Characters Blank Fields Functional Specification – 3: A door opened when a person comes to in front of the door and the door closed when that person comes to inside. Prepare test case titles or scenarios: Test Case 1: Verify door open operation Decision Table 27 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 28. 28 Person Door Criteria Present Open Pass Present Closed Fail Absent Open Fail Absent Closed Pass Test Case 2: Verify door close operation Decision Table Person Door Criteria Inside Open Fail Inside Closed Pass For outside we have possibilities, but we covered in above test case. Test Case 3: Verify door operation when that person is standing in the middle of the door Functional Specification – 4: A computer shut down operation Prepare test case titles or scenarios: Test Case 1: Verify shutdown option using start menu Test Case 2: Verify shutdown option using Alt + F4 Test Case 3: Verify shutdown operation Test Case 4: Verify shutdown operation when a process is in running Test Case 5: Verify shutdown operation using power off button Functional Specification – 5: In a Shopping application users are purchasing different types of items. In this purchase order our system is allowing user to select item no. and to enter quantity up to 10 this purchase order returns total amount along with one item price. Prepare test case titles or scenarios: Test Case 1: Verify the selection of item number Test Case 2: Verify quantity value 28 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 29. 29 BVA (Boundary value analysis) (Size) Min --------- 1 chars----- pass Max--------- -10 chars----- pass Min-1-------- -0 chars------fail Min+1---------2 chars----- pass Max-1---------9 chars------pass Max+1------- 11 chars------fail ECP (Equivalence class partition) (Type) Valid Invalid A–Z a- z 0–9 Special Characters Blank Fields Test Case 3: Verify calculation such as total = price * Qty Functional Specification 6: Washing machine operation Prepare test case titles or scenarios: Test Case 1: Verify power supply Test Case 2: Verify door open Test Case 3: Verify water filling with detergent Test Case 4: Verify clothes filling Test Case 5: Verify door closing Test Case 6: Verify door closing due to clothes overflow Test Case 7: Verify washing settings Test Case 8: Verify washing operation Test Case 9: Verify washing operation with improper power supply (low voltage) Test Case 10: Verify washing operation with clothes overload inside Test Case 11: Verify washing operation with door open in middle of the process Test Case 12: Verify washing operation with lack of water Test Case 13: Verify washing machine with water leakage Test Case 14: Verify washing operation with improper settings Test Case 15: Verify washing operation with machinery problems Functional Specification 7: In an E – Banking application, users are connecting to bank server through Internet connection. In this application users are filling below fields to connect to bank server. Password: 6 digits number Area code: 3 digits number and optional 29 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 30. 30 Prefix: 3 digits number but does not start with 0 and 1 Suffix: 6 digits alpha numeric Commands: Cheque deposit, money transfer, mini statement, bills pay. Prepare test case titles or scenarios: Test Case 1: Verify password value BVA (Boundary value analysis) (Size) Min=Max --------------6 chars----- pass Min=Max-1--------- -- 5 chars----- fail Min =Max+1-------- -- 7 chars------fail ECP (Equivalence class partition) (Type) Valid Invalid A–Z a- z 0–9 Special Characters Blank Fields Test Case 2: Verify area code value BVA (Boundary value analysis) (Size) Min=Max --------------3 chars----- pass Min=Max-1--------- -- 2 chars----- fail Min =Max+1-------- -- 7 chars------fail ECP (Equivalence class partition) (Type) Valid Invalid A–Z a- z 0–9 Special Characters Blank Fields Test Case 3: Verify prefix value BVA (Boundary value analysis) (Size) Min --------- 200 chars----- pass Max--------- - 999 chars----- pass Min-1-------- -199 chars------fail 30 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 31. 31 Min+1---------201 chars----- pass Max-1---------998 chars------pass Max+1------- 1000 chars------fail ECP (Equivalence class partition) (Type) Valid Invalid A–Z a- z 0–9 Special Characters Blank Fields Test Case 4: Verify suffix value BVA (Boundary value analysis) (Size) Min=Max --------------6 chars----- pass Min=Max-1--------- -- 5 chars----- fail Min =Max+1-------- -- 7 chars------fail ECP (Equivalence class partition) (Type) Valid Invalid A–Z a- z 0–9 Special Characters Blank Fields Test Case 5: Verify connection to Bank Server Field Values Criteria All are valid values Pass Any one is invalid value Fail Any one is blank except area code Fail All are valid & Area code is blank pass Functional Specification 8: A computer restart operation Functional Specification 9: Money with drawl from ATM machine 31 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 32. 32 Test Case 1: Verify card insertion Test Case 2: Verify card insertion in wrong angle or improper Test Case 3: Verify card insertion with improper account Test Case 4: Verify pin number entry Test Case 5: Verify operation when you entered wrong pin number 3 times Test Case 6: Verify language selection Test Case 7: Verify account type select on i Test Case 8: Verify operation when you selected invalid account type w.r.p.t that inserted card Test Case 9: Verify withdrawal option selection Test Case 10: Verify amount entry Test Case 11: Verify with drawl operation correct amount, right receipt and able to take back the card Test Case 12: Verify with drawl operation with wrong denominations in amount Test Case 13: Verify withdrawal operation when our amount > possible balance Test Case 14: Verify with drawl operation due to lack of amount in ATM Test Case 15: Verify with drawl operation when our amount is > day limit Test Case 16: Verify with drawl operation when our current transaction number > day limit on number of transactions Test Case 17: Verify withdrawal operation when we have network problem Test Case 18: Verify cancel after insertion of card Test Case 19: Verify cancel after entry of pin number Test Case 20: Verify cancel after selection of language Test Case 21: Verify cancel after selection of account type Test Case 22: Verify cancel after entry of amount. Test Case Documentation Format: After completion of test case titles or scenarios selection, test engineers are documenting the test case with complete information. In this test case documentation, test engineers are using IEEE-829 formats. Format: 1. Test Case ID: Unique No. or name 2. Test Case Name: The title or scenario of corresponding test case. 3. Feature to be Tested: Corresponding module or function or service 4. Test Suite Id: The name of test batch, in this batch our test case is a member (Dependent group of member) 5. Priority: The importance of test case in terms of functionality 32 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 33. 33 P0 – Basic Functionality (Functionality of projects P1 – General Functionality (Compatibility, reliability, performance…) P2 – Cosmo tic Functionality (Usability of projects) 6. Test Environment: The required hardware’s & software’s to execute the test case on our application build. 7. Test Effort: Expected time to execute the test case on build. (ISO – Standards) E.g. 20 minutes is an average time (manually) by using tool 5 min 8. Test Duration: Approximate Date & Time. 9. Pre condition (or) Test set up: Necessary tasks to do before start the test case execution 10. Test Procedure (or) Data Matrix: Format for Test Procedure Step No. Action I/P Expected Actual Result Defect Required During Test Design During Test Execution Format for Data Matrix Input ECP Type BVA Object (Size/Range) Valid Invalid Min Max 11. Test Case Pass (or) Fail Criteria: When this case is passed & when this case is failed. Note: 1. Above 11 fields test case format is not mandatory because some field’s values are common to maximum test cases & some field’s values are easy to remember or derive. 2. Generally the test cases are covering objects and operations (more than one object). If our test case is covering an object input values then test engineers are preparing Data Matrix. 33 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 34. 34 3. If our test case is covering an operation or function then test engineers are preparing Test Procedure from Base-State to End-State. Functional Specification: 10 A login process is allowing a User ID & Password to authorized users.User id is taking alpha numeric in lower case from 4 to 16 characters long. The password object is taking alphabets in lower case from 4 to 8 characters long. Prepare Test Case Document -1 1. Test Case ID: Tc_login_ourname_1 (All capital letters) 2. Test Case Name: Verify user id 3. Test Suite ID: Ts_login 4. Priority: P0 5. Precondition: User id object is taking values from key board 6. Data Matrix: Input ECP BVA Object Valid Invalid Min Max User id a-z, 0-9 A-z, Special 4 16 Characters, Blank Fields Prepare Test Case Document -2 1. Test Case ID: Tc_login_ourname_2 (All capital letters) 2. Test Case Name: Verify password 3. Test Suite ID: Ts_login 4. Priority: P0 5. Precondition: Password object is taking values from key board 6. Data Matrix: Input ECP BVA Object Valid Invalid Min Max Password a-z 0-9, A-z, 4 8 Special Characters, Blank Fields Prepare Test Case Document -3 34 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 35. 35 1. Test Case ID: Tc_login_ourname_3 (All capital letters) 2. Test Case Name: Verify login operation 3. Test Suite ID: Ts_login 4. Priority: P0 5. Precondition: Registered user id & password available in hand (tester) 6. Data Matrix: Step No. Action Input Required Expected 1 Focus to login None User id object window focused 2 Fill fields “User id” & “ok” button enabled “password” 3 Click “ok” Valid Valid Next message Valid Invalid Error message In valid Valid Error message Valid Blank Error message Blank Valid Error message 2. Use Cases Based Test Case Design: Other alternative method for test cases selection is “use cases based” test case design. This method is referable to outsourcing testing companies. Generally the maximum testing people are preparing test cases depending “Functional & System Specifications” in corresponding project SRS. Some times the testing people are preparing test cases depending on use cases also. “Use cases” are more elaborative and more understandable than functional and system specifications. BRS BRS SRS SRS Test Cases Use cases HLD & LLD’s HLD & LLD”S 35 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 36. 36 Coding Coding (Functional & System Specification (Use Cases Based Test Case Design) Test Case Design) From the above diagrams test team is receiving “use cases” from project management. To prepare test cases, every use case is describing functionality with all required information. Every use case is following a standard format, unlike theoretical functional specification. Formats: 1. Use Case Name: The name of use case for future reference 2. Use Case Description: Summary of functionality 3. Actors: Names of actors which are participating in corresponding functionality 4. Related Use Cases: Names of related use cases, which have dependency with this use case 5. Preconditions: List of necessary tasks to do beforestart this functionality testing in our project 6. Activity Flow Diagram: The graphical notation of corresponding functionality 7. Primary Scenarios: A step by step actions to perform corresponding functionality 8. Alternative Scenario’s: Alternative list of actions to perform same functionality 9. Post Conditions: It specifies the exit point of corresponding functionality. 10. U. I. Make up: Model screen or prototype 11. Special Requirements: List of rules to be following if possible. 36 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 37. 37 Conclusion: From the above use case format, project management is providing every functionality documentation with complete details. Depending on that use cases, test engineers are preparing test case using IEEE-829 Format 4. Application Build Based Test Case Design: Generally the test engineers are preparing test cases dependin on functional & system specifications” or “use g cases”. After completion of maximum test cases selection, test engineers are preparing some test cases depending on application build, which received from developer team. These new test cases are only concentrating on usability of the screens in our application build. These test cases are covering 1. Ease of use 2. Look & Feel 3. Speed in Interface 4. User manuals correctness (Help Documents) Example Test Cases: Test Case-1: Verify spelling in every screen. Test Case-2: Verify contrast of each object in every screen Test Case-3: Verify alignment of objects in every screen. Test Case-4: Verify color commonness in all screens Test Case-5: Verify font commonness in all screens Test Case-6: Verify size commonness in all screens Test Case-7: Verify functionality-grouped objects in screens Test Case-8: Verify boarders of functionality grouped objects. Test Case-9: Verify tool tips (e.g. Messages about icons in screens) Test Case-10: Verify the place of multiple data objects in screens. (E.g. list boxes, combo boxes, and table grids, active x controls, menus…) Test Case-11: Verify scroll bar. Test Case-12: Verify labels of objects in every screen as init-cap Test Case-13: Verify keyboard accessing in your application build Test Case-14: Verify abbreviations in all screens (E.g. short cuts) Test Case-15: Verify information repetition in screens Test Case-16: Verify help documents (Help menu contents) Note: Generally the test engineers are preparing maximum test depending on functional & system specifications in SRS, the remaining test cases are prepared using application build because the functional & system specifications are not providing complete information about every small issue in our project. Some times the testing people are using “Use Cases” instead of functional & system specification in SRS. 37 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 38. 38 Review Test Cases: After completion of test cases selection and documentation, test lead is conducting a review meeting along with test engineers. In this review test lead is concentrating on the completeness and correctness of test engineers prepared test cases. In this coverage analysis test lead is using two type of factors. Requirement based test cases coverage Testing Technique based test cases coverage After completion of this review meeting, test engineers are concentrating on test execution. 4. Test Execution: In test execution, test engineers are concentrating on test cases execution and defect reporting and tracking. In this stage the testing team is conducting a small meeting with development team for version controlling and establishment of test environment. 1. Version Control: During test execution development people are assigning unique version no. To software builds after performing required changes. This version numbering system is understandable to testing people. For this build version controlling the development people are using version control software’s Ex. VSS – Visual source safe 2. Levels of Test Execution: Development Testing Initial build 38 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 39. 39 Stable build Level-0 (sanity / smoke) Defect reporting Bug fixing Level-1 (comprehensive / real) Modified build Bug resolved Level-2 (regression) Level-3(final regression/post mart) 3. Levels of Test Execution V/s Test Cases: Level – 0 (Initial Build) – Selected test cases for basic functionality (Sanity/Smoke Testing) Level – 1 (Stable Build) – All test cases in order to detect defect. (Comprehensive Testing) Level – 2 (Modified Build) – Selected test cases w.r.p.t modifications. (Regression Testing) Level – 3 (Master Build) – Selected test cases w.r.p.t bug density After that Golden Build (ready to UAT) released to customer. 1. Level - 0 (Sanity / Smoke Testing): Generally the testing people are starting test execution with level – 0 testing. It is also known as Sanity / Smoke Testing or Tester Acceptance Testing (TAT) or Build Verification Testing or Testability Testing. In this testing level, test engineers are concentrating on below 8 factors through operating corresponding initial build  Understandable  Opera table  Observable  Controllable  Consistency  Simplicity  Maintainable  Automat able Operation + Observation = Testing Programmer: Expect logic & develop functionality 39 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 40. 40 Tester: Expecting customer requirement 2. Level -1 (Comprehensive Testing): After receiving stable build from development team, test engineers are executing all test cases sequentially either in manual or in automation. In manual test execution, test engineer is comparing test cases specified expected values, and build specify actual values. In this test execution, test engineers are preparing “test log” document.This document consists of 3 types of entries. Passed: All expected values of the test case are equal to all actual values of that build. Failed: Any one expected value is variation with any one actual value of that build Blocked: Dependent test cases execution post phoned to next cycle (After modified build) Due to wrong parent functionality. Level-1 (Comprehensive test cycle) Level -2 (Regression Testing): During above level-1 comprehensive testng, testing i people are reporting mismatches between test casesexpected and build actual to development team as “defect report”. After reviewing and resolving the defect, development people are releasing modified build to testing team. In this stage, a development person is releasin “release note” also. The responsible test engineers are g studying that release note and try to understand modifications in that modify build and then test engineers are concentrating on regression testing to ensure that modificat ons. i Level-0 Level-1 40 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 41. 41 Check in  Level-2  Check-out (Regression) From the above diagram, test engineers are conducting regression testing on modified build w.r.p.t modifications, which are mentioned in “release note”. Study release note & consider severity of resolved bug High Medium Low all P0 (priority) all P0 some P0 all P1 max P 1 some P1 max P2 test cases some P2 test cases some P2 test cases On modified build Case1: If the development team resolved bug severity is high then test engineers are re-executing all P0, all P1 and carefully selected maximum P2 test cases on that modified build w.r.p.t modifications mentioned in release note Case2: If the development team resolved bug severity is medium then test engineers are re-executing all P0 carefully selected all P1 and some of P2 test cases. Case3: If the development team resolved bug severity is low then test engineers are re- executing carefully selected some P0, P1, P2 test cases. Case4: If testing team received modified build due to sudden changes in customer requirements, then test engineers are re-executing all P0, all P1, max P2 test cases. 41 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 42. 42 5. Test Reporting: During level –1 & level –2, test execution, test engineers are reporting miss matches in between test case expected values and build actual values as defect report to development team. In this test reporting, development people are receiving defect report from testing team in a standard format. This format followed by every test engineer in test execution to report defects. IEEE-829 Defect Report Format: 1. Defect ID: Unique no./name for future reference. 2. Description: Summary about defect. 3. Build Version: The version no. of current build, in this build test engineers detected this defect. 4. Feature: The name of module / function, in that area test engineers found this defect. 5. Test Case Name: The name of failed test case, in that case execution test engineer found this defect. 6. Status: New reporting first time, Re-open Re-reporting. 7. Re-producible: Yes Defect appears every time in test case execution, No Defect appears rarely in test case execution. 8. If Yes: Attach test procedure. 9. If No: Attach snapshot and strong reasons. 10. Severity: The seriousness of defect in terms of functionality. High  Not able to continue testing with out resolving this defect (show stopper) Medium  Able to continue remaining testing, but mandatory resolve. 42 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 43. 43 Low  Able to continue remaining testing and May / May not to resolve. 11. Priority: Importance of defect to resolve in terms of customer (High, Medium, Low) 12. Detected by: Name of test engineer. 13. Assigned To: The name of responsible person at development side to receive this defect report. 14. Suggested Fix (Optional): Reasons to accept and resolve this defect. Resolution Type: After receiving defect report from testing team, the responsible development people are conducting review meeting and sending resolution type to the responsible testing team. There are 12 types of resolutions, they are 1. Enhancement: The reported defect is rejected, because this defect related to future requirements of the customer. 2. Duplicate: The reported defect is rejected, because this defect raised due to limitations of hardware devices. 3. Hardware Limitations: The reported defect is rejected, because this defect raised due to limitations of hardware devices. 4. Software Limitations: The reported defect is rejected, because this defect is raised due to limitations Software Technologies (Ms-Access). 5. Not Applicable: The reported defect is rejected because these defects have improper meaning. 6. Functions as Designed: The reported defect is rejected, because the coding is correct w.r.p.t design documents. 7. Need More Information: The reported defect is not accepted / not rejected but the developers are requiring more information about the defect to understand. 8. Not Re-producible: The reported defect is not accepted & not rejected, but the developers are requiring correct procedure to reproduce that defect. 9. No Plan To Fix It: The reported defect is not accepted & not rejected, but the development people are requiring some extra time. 10. Open: The reported defect is accepted & the development people are ready to resolve through changes in coding. 43 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 44. 44 11. Deferred: The reported defect is accepted, but postponed to future release, due to low severity & low priority. 12. User Direction: The reported defect is accepted, but developers are providing some valid information about that defect to customer site people, through our application build screens. Defect Tracking Procedure Large Scale Organizations 1 to 5 --- (Defect reporting) 6 to 10--- (Resolution Type) Test Manager Project Manager Test Lead Team Lead Test Engineer Programmer Small / Medium Scale Organizations 1 to 4 -------- (Defect Reporting) 5 to 8 -------- (Resolution Type) P.M Test Lead Team Lead Test Engineer Programmer 44 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 45. 45 Bug Life Cycle / Defect Life Cycle New Deferred Open Reject Closed Re-open New Open Closed New Open Reopen Closed New Reject Closed New Reject Reopen Closed New Deferred Types of Defects Generally the Black Box Testing techniques is finding below type of defects during system testing such as  User Interface Defects  Boundary Related Defects  Error Handling Defects  Calculations Defects  Race Condition Defects  Load Condition Defects  Hard Ware Related Defects  ID – Control Bugs  Version Control Bugs  Source Bugs Note 1: Generally the Test Engineer’s are deciding severity & priority of defect during reporting but the priority of defect is modifiable by development team 45 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 46. 46 Note 2: Generally the development peop are postponing / differing low severity & le low priority defects. L-S: Low Severity M-S: Medium Severity H-S: High Severity L-P: Low Priority H-P: High Priority 1. User Interface Bugs / Defects : (L-S) E.g.1. Spelling mistake (L-S & H-P) Seriousness is low but importance is high priority. 2. Improper Right Alignment (L-S & L-P) 2. Boundary Related Bugs: (M-S) E.g.1. One object is not taking valid type of values as input (M-S & H-P) 2. One object is taking invalid type also (M-S & L-P) 3. Error Handling Bugs: (M-S) E.g.1. Does not return error message to prevent wrong operatio on build ns (M-S & H-P) 2. Returns error message but complex to understand (M-S & L-P) 4. Calculations Bugs: (H-S) E.g.1. Dependent output is wrong (application show stopper) (H-S & H-P) 2. Final output is wrong (Module show stopper) (H-S & L-P) 5. Race Condition Bugs: (H-S) E.g. 1. Dead lock or Hang (Application Show Stopper) (H-S & H-P) 2. Does not run on other customer expected platforms (H-S & L-P) 6. Load Condition Bugs: (H-S) E.g. 1. Does not allow multiple users (Application Show Stopper) (H-S & H-P) 2. Does not allow customer expected load (H-S & L-P) 7. Hardware Related Bugs: (H-S) E.g.1. Does not activate required hardware device (Application Show Stopper) (H-S & H-P) 2. Does not support all customer expected hardware technologies (H- S & L-P) 8. ID-Control Bugs: (M-S) E.g.1. Wrong logo, logo missing, copy right windows mixing, wrong version no. , development and testing people names missing. 9. Version Control Bugs: (M-S) E.g.1. Invalid differences in between old build version and current build version. 10. Source Bugs: (M-S) E.g.1. Mistakes in help documents. 6. Test Closure: 46 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 47. 47 After completion of all reasonable cycles of test execution, test lead is concentrating on test closure to estimate completeness and correctness of test execution and bugs resolving. In this review meeting the test lead is considering some factors to review testing team responsibilities. 1. Coverage Analysis: 1. Requirements or module coverage (All modules coverage) 2. Testing techniques coverage (All requirement techniques covered on each module) 2. Defect Density: Modules No. of Defects A 20 % B 20 % C 40 % (Need for regression) D 20 % 3. Analysis of deferred Defects: Whether the deferred defects are postponable or not? After completion of above closer review testing team is concentrating on postmortem testing / final regression testing / Pre-acceptance testing / level-3 testing if required. Select high Defect density Modules Effort estimation Test reporting Plan regression Regression Testing Final Regression / Post Mortem / Level -3 Testing 7. User Acceptance Testing: After completion of testing and their review, project management is concentrating on user acceptance testing to collect feed back 47 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 48. 48 from real customers / model customers. There are two ways to conduct user acceptance testing such as Alpha Testing and Beta Testing 8. Sign Off: After completion of user acceptance testing and their modifications, project management is defining release team & C.C.B (Change Control Board). In both terms few developers & test engineers are involving along with project manager. In this sign off stage testing team is submitting all prepared testing documents to project management. Final Test Summary Report:  Test Strategy  Test Plan  Test Case Titles (Scenarios)  Test Case Documents  Test Log  Defect Reports The above all documents combinat on is also known as “Final Test i Summary Report” Requirements traceability Matrix (RTM): It is also a document. This document creation & up dating are doing by test lead. This document defines a complete picture of testing process from test planning to test closure. Requirement Test Cases Pass / Failed Defect ID Closed / ID ID Deferred Requirement Tc1 Passed - - 1 (Modules / Tc 2 Passed - - Functionality) Tc 3 Passed - - Tc 4 Failed D1 Closed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Above matrix is also known as requirement validation matrix (R.T.M / R.V.M) Testing Measurements and Metrics: Measurement means a basic unit and metric means a compound unit. In system testing project management and test management are using 3 types of measurement and metrics. 48 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 49. 49 1. Quality Assessment Measurements (QAM): These measurements used by project manager or test manager during testing (monthly once) a. Stability: Time Left Side Arrow: No. of defects Right Side up Arrow: Defect Arrival Rate Duration (Testing) No. of defects 20 % 80 % 80 % 20 % 20-80/80-20 rule b. Sufficiency:  Requirements Coverage  Testing Techniques Coverage Base on this our PM takes decision on testing time is sufficient or not? c. Defect Severity Distribution: Organization trend limit check. (Some times defect severity is maintaining depends on organization trend.) 3. Test Management Measurements: This Measurements used by test lead category people during testing (weekly once) a. Test Status:  No. of test cases executed and their outputs  No. of test cases in execution  No. of test cases yet to execute. b. Delays in Delivery:  Defect arrival rate (Testing team)  Defect resolution rate (Developers team (Strong reason for accept / reject))  Defect ageing (Time gap in between D.A.R & D.R.R) 49 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 50. 50 c. Test Efficiency: (Salary increment / hikes depends on this)  No. of defects detected / person – day  No. of test cases prepared / person – day  No. of test cases executed / person - day 4. Process Capability Measurements: These measurements used by P.M & T.M to improve testing team effort. a. Test Effectiveness:  Requirements coverage  Testing techniques coverage b. Defect Escapes:  Type phase analysis (What type of defect, in what phase).  Defect removal efficiency = A / A+B (A = No. of defects found on testing A+B = No. of defects faced by customer) A  No. of defects detected by testing team B  No. of bugs faces by customer site people. Explain testing process of your company? In my Company the Testing process starts with “TEST INITIATION”. In this stage the Project Manager prepares Test Methodology for corresponding Project. He decides reasonable tests depending upon requirements and releases the test strategy document to Test Lead. To prepare the “TEST PLAN” My Test Lead studies the BRS, SRS, Design Docs, development Plan and Test strategy. He goes to HR Manager to talk about team formation. After completion of Testing Team formation, Risks analysis he prepares the complete “TEST PLAN”. The Test Lead decides the schedule of the different tests i.e. what to Test? When to Test? How to Test? Who to Test? After completion of test plan and review he will take the approval from Project Manager and provide training to selected test engineers. After completion of required training people like me are concentrate on Test Cases outline. Based on the outlines we prepare in-depth Test Case documents. After receiving the build from developers we perform sanity testing, comprehensive testing and regression testing. In sanity testing level, we are concentrating on below 8 factors through operating corresponding initial build  Understandable  Opera table  Observable  Controllable  Consistency  Simplicity 50 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551
  • 51. 51  Maintainable  Automat able In comprehensive testing level, after receiving stable build from development team we execute all test cases sequentially either in manual or in automation. In manual test execution, we are comparing test cases specified expected values, and build specify actual values. In this test execution, we are preparing “test log” document. This document consists of 3 types of entries. Passed: All expected values of the test case are equal to all actual values of that build. Failed: Any one expected value is variation with any one actual value of that build Blocked: Dependent test cases execution post phoned to next cycle (After modified build) Due to wrong parent functionality. We report the defects in Excel format. After modifications the Development people release the modified build. In that we conduct the regression testing. In regression testing level, to make sure all the fixed bugs are correct and there are no side effects i.e. old functionalities will not affect with the new changes after completion of all reasonable tests and defects closed. The management concentrates on User Acceptance testing. In this testing level they collect the feed back from real or model customers. After completion of UAT my test lead will prepare the final test summary report. This report is submitted to customers by TL or PM. 51 Naga Durga Rao Koya M: 9989093551