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Learning and Teaching  - putting it all together   A. Theories of Learning
Goals Review some of the more important ideas regarding Teaching and Learning Have these in mind as the T & L committee present their first draft of Key Principles of Teaching and Learning Provide some ideas to reflect upon
Teaching and Learning a reminder of: A. Theories of Learning B. Research C. Practices and Models
A. Theories of Learning 1. Glasersfeld 2. Bruner 3. Freire 4. Piaget 5. Vygotsky 6. Maslow 7. Gardener 8. Bloom

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Social Constructivism & Cognitive Development Theory
Social Constructivism & Cognitive Development TheorySocial Constructivism & Cognitive Development Theory
Social Constructivism & Cognitive Development Theory

Social Constructivism and Cognitive Development Theory are compared. Both theories view cognition as resulting from mental construction and believe learning depends on teaching context and student beliefs. However, Piaget focused on intellectual development mechanisms while Vygotsky emphasized culture's influence through language and social structures. Vygotsky placed more importance on social and cultural influences on development than Piaget. Vygotsky also highlighted the important roles of language and the Zone of Proximal Development in cognitive growth.

4 theories of learning
 4 theories of learning 4 theories of learning
4 theories of learning

This document discusses several theories of learning. It begins by defining learning and examining key theories including behaviorism, cognitivism, social learning theory, social constructivism, multiple intelligences theory, and brain-based learning. For each theory, the document outlines major contributors, key concepts, and implications for classroom practice. It also notes some critiques of each theory. The goal is to operationally define terms related to learning theories and examine theories currently important to understanding how people learn.

How Children Learn
How Children LearnHow Children Learn
How Children Learn

Consider the implications of current theories of cognitive development in terms of their relevance to teaching and learning in your subject.

A. Theories of Learning 1. Ernst von Glasersfeld: Constructivism
A. Theories of Learning 2. Jerome Bruner: Structure of learning important Readiness for learning Spiral curriculum Intuition Motives for learning
A. Theories of Learning 3. Paolo Freire
A. Theories of Learning 3. Paolo Freire Educator MAXIMALLY SYSTEMATISED KNOWING

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Learning Theories
Learning TheoriesLearning Theories
Learning Theories

The document discusses different theories of learning including behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and connectivism. It explains how each views how learning occurs and how we know learning has taken place. It also discusses instructional theories and their influence on learning theories. Finally, it considers implications for language instruction and potential concerns.

Group 5 Reflection 3
Group 5 Reflection 3Group 5 Reflection 3
Group 5 Reflection 3

The document summarizes four major learning theories: recollection, behaviorism, cognitive information processing (CIP), and constructivism. It describes key people associated with each theory, important terminology, and the mechanisms of acquiring knowledge according to each perspective. Theories range from Socrates' view of recollection of innate ideas, to behaviorism's focus on environmental stimuli and responses, to cognitive views of information processing, to constructivism emphasizing active knowledge construction.

C woodard bruner_presentation pink
C woodard bruner_presentation pinkC woodard bruner_presentation pink
C woodard bruner_presentation pink

Jerome Bruner developed the discovery learning theory, which posits that learning is an active process where learners construct new ideas based upon their experiences and interactions. Bruner proposed three stages of learning - enactive, iconic, and symbolic. Learners also organize information into categories to aid recall. While criticized as slow, discovery learning challenges traditional pedagogy by emphasizing failure and learner-driven exploration over rote memorization. Current trends incorporate constructivist models like the 5E approach to engage learners at all ages.

A. Theories of Learning 3. Paolo Freire Educator MAXIMALLY SYSTEMATISED KNOWING Learner
A. Theories of Learning 3. Paolo Freire Educator MAXIMALLY SYSTEMATISED KNOWING Learner MINIMALLY SYSTEMATISED KNOWING An act of “knowing”
A. Theories of Learning 3. Paolo Freire Educator MAXIMALLY SYSTEMATISED KNOWING Learner MINIMALLY SYSTEMATISED KNOWING An act of “knowing” Synthesis achieve  through dialogue, and

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Cognitive and social constructivism. powell
Cognitive and social constructivism. powellCognitive and social constructivism. powell
Cognitive and social constructivism. powell

This document discusses cognitive and social constructivism as approaches for an effective classroom. It explains that cognitive constructivism is based on Piaget's theory that learning is an individual process of constructing knowledge from experiences. Social constructivism, developed from Vygotsky's work, views learning as a social process where ideas are constructed through interactions with others. The document provides details on Piaget's stages of development and Vygotsky's theories of the zone of proximal development and social interaction to illustrate how these constructivist approaches can guide teaching methods and strategies.

Learning and Teaching Part B
Learning and Teaching Part BLearning and Teaching Part B
Learning and Teaching Part B

Second Part of a brief run through of the Research ideas underpinning what we should do in the classroom.

Lev vygotsky learning theory
Lev vygotsky learning theoryLev vygotsky learning theory
Lev vygotsky learning theory

Vygotsky believed that social interaction and cultural tools play a key role in cognitive development. He argued that cognitive development depends on interactions between children and people in their environment, including the use of tools like language. Vygotsky introduced the concept of the Zone of Proximal Development, which is the difference between what a child can do independently and what they can do with guidance and encouragement from a more skilled partner. Within the ZPD, scaffolding and reciprocal teaching can help children develop skills they will later use independently.

A. Theories of Learning 3. Paolo Freire Educator MAXIMALLY SYSTEMATISED KNOWING Learner MINIMALLY SYSTEMATISED KNOWING An act of “knowing” Synthesis achieve  through dialogue, and interaction with the environment
A. Theories of Learning 4. Jean Piaget:
Piaget’s  Constructivist Theory of Learning “ A student who achieves knowledge through free investigation and spontaneous effort will be able to retain that knowledge and will have acquired a methodology that can serve a lifetime”
Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development

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This document discusses the theory of cognitivism and its key aspects. Cognitivism views learning as a process that occurs within the learner's mind through mental constructs and symbol processing rather than only through observable behavior change. It emphasizes how active cognitive processes like memory, problem-solving, and reasoning support learning. Thinkers like Piaget and Vygotsky contributed influential models of child development and the social nature of concept formation within one's culture.

Cognitivism ( Piaget and Vigotsky)
Cognitivism ( Piaget and Vigotsky)Cognitivism ( Piaget and Vigotsky)
Cognitivism ( Piaget and Vigotsky)

Piaget's theory of cognitive development consists of 4 stages: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. Children progress through these stages as they develop new cognitive abilities like object permanence, language skills, logic, and hypothetical thinking. Piaget believed cognitive development occurs through assimilation and accommodation as children interact with the world. Vygotsky emphasized the social aspects of learning and proposed the zone of proximal development, describing what children can achieve with guidance versus alone. Both theorists contributed to understanding how children's thinking develops through interacting with their environment.

Theories of Learning
Theories of LearningTheories of Learning
Theories of Learning

The document outlines several major theories of learning: 1. Behaviorism focuses on observable behaviors and uses reinforcement. 2. Cognitivism examines internal mental processes and meaningful learning. 3. Social learning theory emphasizes observational learning and modeling. 4. Social constructivism views knowledge as constructed through social experiences. 5. Multiple intelligences proposes eight distinct types of intelligence. 6. Brain-based learning incorporates principles from neuroscience on how the brain learns best.

theories of learningpsychology
Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development Sensorimotor
Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development Sensorimotor Preoperational
Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development Sensorimotor Preoperational Concrete Operations
Formal Operations Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development Sensorimotor Preoperational Concrete Operations

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Comparison of All Theories of Learning

Topic: Comparison of All Theories of Learning Student Name: Zarqa Class: M.Ed. Project Name: “Young Teachers' Professional Development (TPD)" "Project Founder: Prof. Dr. Amjad Ali Arain Faculty of Education, University of Sindh, Pakistan

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The document discusses different educational paradigms, theories, and models including behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and eclecticism. It focuses on key figures that developed theories within each paradigm such as Skinner, Vygotsky, and Piaget. It also discusses how different paradigms and theories approach teaching and learning from philosophical, psychological, and applied perspectives.

The 15 most influential learning theories in education (a complete summary)
The 15 most influential learning theories in education (a complete summary)The 15 most influential learning theories in education (a complete summary)
The 15 most influential learning theories in education (a complete summary)

A Complete summary of the 15 most influential learning theories in education. All theories explained in detail with classroom examples. The full article can be found at:

learning theoriesteachingteacher
A. Theories of Learning 5. Lev Vygotsky Social, Historical and Cultural interactions are critical to learning Individuals create Psychological  Tools to learn and to master their  behaviour. (Language) Zone of Proximal Development
Showing the Zone of Proximal Development
ACTUAL LEVEL (“ ability ”) Showing the Zone of Proximal Development
POTENTIAL LEVEL (“ capability ”) ACTUAL LEVEL (“ ability ”) Showing the Zone of Proximal Development

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Theories and models of learning instruction revisedTheories and models of learning instruction revised
Theories and models of learning instruction revised

The document discusses three main learning theories: behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. Behaviorism sees learning as changes in observable behaviors due to stimuli and responses. Cognitivism views learning as the acquisition and organization of mental processes and knowledge. Constructivism believes that learners create meaning and knowledge from their experiences. The document also covers instructional design principles and models, learning assumptions, cognitive foundations of learning, and applying constructivism in practice.

Learning Theories
Learning TheoriesLearning Theories
Learning Theories

The document discusses five learning theories: progressivism, constructivism, experiential learning, brain-based learning, and contextual learning. Progressivism emerged in the late 19th century and emphasized social reform and linking education to real-life activities. Constructivism originated in the 1960s and focuses on learners constructing knowledge through experience and social interaction. Experiential learning, which emerged in the 1980s, emphasizes learning through doing and critical reflection. Brain-based learning, which grew out of neuroscience in the 1980s, applies knowledge about how the brain functions to teaching practices. Contextual learning stresses making connections between learning content and students' lives, experiences, and environments.

Social constructivism
Social constructivismSocial constructivism
Social constructivism

Social constructivism is a theory of learning developed by Lev Vygotsky that emphasizes how cultural and social contexts shape cognitive development. According to this view, adults such as parents and teachers help children acquire the tools of culture, including language, that promote intellectual growth. Social constructivist classroom activities involve collaborative learning, situated learning through problem-solving and simulations, and whole language approaches that build on students' existing knowledge.

POTENTIAL LEVEL (“ capability ”) ACTUAL LEVEL (“ ability ”) Showing the Zone of Proximal Development
POTENTIAL LEVEL (“ capability ”) ACTUAL LEVEL (“ ability ”) TEACHING Showing the Zone of Proximal Development
POTENTIAL LEVEL (“ capability ”) ACTUAL LEVEL (“ ability ”) TEACHING LEARNING Showing the Zone of Proximal Development
POTENTIAL LEVEL (“ capability ”) ACTUAL LEVEL (“ ability ”) TEACHING LEARNING Showing the Zone of Proximal Development ZPD

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Constructivism is a learning theory that believes learners construct knowledge through experiences and social interactions. Key figures like Piaget, Dewey, and Vygotsky contributed ideas like knowledge building through stages of development, learning through real experiences and inquiry, and problem solving with guidance from others. Constructivism focuses on the learner, sees learning as an active process where students construct their own meanings, and views learning as a social activity. Teachers applying constructivism encourage inquiry, multiple interpretations, and collaborative learning environments. Students learn similarly to the scientific method by asking questions and working in peer groups to assist each other.

Vygotsky’s cognitive theory
Vygotsky’s cognitive theoryVygotsky’s cognitive theory
Vygotsky’s cognitive theory

Lev Vygotsky was a Russian psychologist who developed the theory of social constructivism, focusing on the important role of culture and social interaction in cognitive development. His theory proposes that intellectual development depends on cultural tools like language and counting systems. In contrast to Piaget, Vygotsky believed that cognitive development is strongly linked to input from others and occurs through social learning within a child's zone of proximal development with scaffolding from more knowledgeable individuals. His theory emphasizes using private speech and cooperative learning to internalize cultural knowledge and self-regulate independent thinking.

psycholinguisticsvygotskycognitive theory
Constructivism 12
Constructivism 12Constructivism 12
Constructivism 12

Jonassen proposed eight characteristics that differentiate constructivist learning environments which are supported by both cognitive and social constructivism. However, cognitive and social constructivism emphasize these characteristics differently, with social constructivism placing more emphasis on collaborative knowledge construction through social negotiation. The eight characteristics include providing multiple representations of reality, emphasizing knowledge construction over reproduction, using authentic tasks in meaningful contexts, and enabling context-dependent and socially constructed knowledge.

CONCEPTUAL SIMILARITIES BETWEEN VYGOTSKY PIAGET and SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIVISM   with an ever so slight lean toward  nurture COGNITIVE CONSTRUCTIVISM   with an ever so  slight lean toward  nature
A. Theories of Learning 6. Abraham Maslow: Hierarchy of Needs

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PSYA3 Cognitive [in progress]
PSYA3 Cognitive [in progress]PSYA3 Cognitive [in progress]
PSYA3 Cognitive [in progress]

This document provides an overview of theories of cognitive development, including those proposed by Piaget, Vygotsky, and Kohlberg. It discusses Piaget's stages of cognitive development and key concepts such as schemas, assimilation, accommodation, and equilibrium. Vygotsky's theory of the zone of proximal development and how learning precedes development is explained. Kohlberg's stages of moral development are also summarized, including his use of moral dilemmas to assess moral reasoning.


Vygotsky's social constructivism theory emphasizes that knowledge is socially constructed through interactions. The zone of proximal development (ZPD) refers to the range of tasks a child can accomplish with guidance either from peers or instructors. Within the ZPD, the lower limit is what a child can do alone and the upper limit is what they can do with help. Scaffolding refers to instructors adjusting their support based on a child's performance level, providing less help when in the upper ZPD range. Vygotsky also believed private speech and language shape thought development in children.

Learning theory - Constructivism
Learning theory - ConstructivismLearning theory - Constructivism
Learning theory - Constructivism

Constructivism is a learning theory developed by psychologists including Piaget, Bruner, Vygotsky, and Dewey. It proposes that people build their understanding of concepts over time through experiences and interactions with their surroundings. By definition, constructivism involves the learner constructing much of what they learn and comprehend. As people age, their way of thinking changes through experience, making topics they previously struggled with easier to understand. In a constructivist classroom, the student explores and the teacher acts as a guide to help students reach their learning goals and become expert learners.

A. Theories of Learning 7. Howard Gardener: Multiple Intelligences
A. Theories of Learning 8. Benjamin Bloom: Bloom’s Taxonomy
A pause… for reflection… 1. Glasersfeld 2. Bruner 3. Freire 4. Piaget 5. Vigotsky 6. Maslow 7. Gardener 8. Bloom

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Constructivism and Social Constructivism
Constructivism and Social ConstructivismConstructivism and Social Constructivism
Constructivism and Social Constructivism

Constructivism and social constructivism view learning as an active process where learners construct knowledge based on their prior knowledge and experiences as well as social and cultural influences. Key theorists include Piaget, who saw learning occurring through assimilation and accommodation, Bruner who emphasized discovery learning, and Vygotsky who highlighted the role of social and cultural contexts. Instruction based on these theories uses discovery learning, collaborative learning, individual exploration tools, and collaborative tools to facilitate student-directed learning.

Social Constructivism
Social ConstructivismSocial Constructivism
Social Constructivism

Social constructivism holds that knowledge is constructed through social interaction and negotiation with others. In a social constructivist classroom, the focus shifts from the teacher to the students, who are actively involved in their own learning process rather than passively receiving knowledge from the teacher. Instruction moves from whole-class lectures to small group work, with the teacher facilitating learning rather than lecturing. Students engage with each other and learn to work together to build knowledge. Implementation strategies include shifting students beyond their current understanding through support and scaffolding, using tools like Bubble Us for brainstorming and online collaborative spaces like wikis for sharing and extending ideas.

Social constructivism
Social constructivismSocial constructivism
Social constructivism

Social constructivism emphasizes that knowledge is built through social interactions and contexts. It focuses on how learners actively construct understanding together, whether working with teachers, peers, or more knowledgeable members of their culture. Key aspects include social interaction influencing individual development, scaffolding to help learners achieve more than they could alone, and the zone of proximal development defining a learner's potential when aided by others.

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Learning and Teaching Part A

  • 1. Learning and Teaching - putting it all together A. Theories of Learning
  • 2. Goals Review some of the more important ideas regarding Teaching and Learning Have these in mind as the T & L committee present their first draft of Key Principles of Teaching and Learning Provide some ideas to reflect upon
  • 3. Teaching and Learning a reminder of: A. Theories of Learning B. Research C. Practices and Models
  • 4. A. Theories of Learning 1. Glasersfeld 2. Bruner 3. Freire 4. Piaget 5. Vygotsky 6. Maslow 7. Gardener 8. Bloom
  • 5. A. Theories of Learning 1. Ernst von Glasersfeld: Constructivism
  • 6. A. Theories of Learning 2. Jerome Bruner: Structure of learning important Readiness for learning Spiral curriculum Intuition Motives for learning
  • 7. A. Theories of Learning 3. Paolo Freire
  • 8. A. Theories of Learning 3. Paolo Freire Educator MAXIMALLY SYSTEMATISED KNOWING
  • 9. A. Theories of Learning 3. Paolo Freire Educator MAXIMALLY SYSTEMATISED KNOWING Learner
  • 10. A. Theories of Learning 3. Paolo Freire Educator MAXIMALLY SYSTEMATISED KNOWING Learner MINIMALLY SYSTEMATISED KNOWING
  • 11. A. Theories of Learning 3. Paolo Freire Educator MAXIMALLY SYSTEMATISED KNOWING Learner MINIMALLY SYSTEMATISED KNOWING An act of “knowing”
  • 12. A. Theories of Learning 3. Paolo Freire Educator MAXIMALLY SYSTEMATISED KNOWING Learner MINIMALLY SYSTEMATISED KNOWING An act of “knowing” Synthesis achieve through dialogue, and
  • 13. A. Theories of Learning 3. Paolo Freire Educator MAXIMALLY SYSTEMATISED KNOWING Learner MINIMALLY SYSTEMATISED KNOWING An act of “knowing” Synthesis achieve through dialogue, and interaction with the environment
  • 14. A. Theories of Learning 4. Jean Piaget:
  • 15. Piaget’s Constructivist Theory of Learning “ A student who achieves knowledge through free investigation and spontaneous effort will be able to retain that knowledge and will have acquired a methodology that can serve a lifetime”
  • 16. Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development
  • 17. Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development Sensorimotor
  • 18. Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development Sensorimotor Preoperational
  • 19. Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development Sensorimotor Preoperational Concrete Operations
  • 20. Formal Operations Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development Sensorimotor Preoperational Concrete Operations
  • 21. A. Theories of Learning 5. Lev Vygotsky Social, Historical and Cultural interactions are critical to learning Individuals create Psychological Tools to learn and to master their behaviour. (Language) Zone of Proximal Development
  • 22. Showing the Zone of Proximal Development
  • 23. ACTUAL LEVEL (“ ability ”) Showing the Zone of Proximal Development
  • 24. POTENTIAL LEVEL (“ capability ”) ACTUAL LEVEL (“ ability ”) Showing the Zone of Proximal Development
  • 25. POTENTIAL LEVEL (“ capability ”) ACTUAL LEVEL (“ ability ”) Showing the Zone of Proximal Development
  • 26. POTENTIAL LEVEL (“ capability ”) ACTUAL LEVEL (“ ability ”) TEACHING Showing the Zone of Proximal Development
  • 27. POTENTIAL LEVEL (“ capability ”) ACTUAL LEVEL (“ ability ”) TEACHING LEARNING Showing the Zone of Proximal Development
  • 28. POTENTIAL LEVEL (“ capability ”) ACTUAL LEVEL (“ ability ”) TEACHING LEARNING Showing the Zone of Proximal Development ZPD
  • 30. CONCEPTUAL SIMILARITIES BETWEEN VYGOTSKY PIAGET and SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIVISM with an ever so slight lean toward nurture COGNITIVE CONSTRUCTIVISM with an ever so slight lean toward nature
  • 32. A. Theories of Learning 6. Abraham Maslow: Hierarchy of Needs
  • 33. A. Theories of Learning 7. Howard Gardener: Multiple Intelligences
  • 34.  
  • 35. A. Theories of Learning 8. Benjamin Bloom: Bloom’s Taxonomy
  • 36. A pause… for reflection… 1. Glasersfeld 2. Bruner 3. Freire 4. Piaget 5. Vigotsky 6. Maslow 7. Gardener 8. Bloom

Editor's Notes

  1. We have called this first session “Learning and Teaching – putting it all together”. We have had several initiatives addressing Learning and Teaching in the school, the last one with Ruth Sutton in May. I shall attempt to “put it all together”.