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Software Above The Level of a Single Device:
The implications
Tim O’Reilly
Spark Summit
June 15, 2015
Software Above the Level of a Single Device: The Implications-(Tim O'Reilly, O'Reilly Media)
“Uber is a [$40] billion lesson in
building for how the world *should*
work instead of optimizing for how the
world *does* work” - Aaron Levie of
Software Above the Level of a Single Device: The Implications-(Tim O'Reilly, O'Reilly Media)

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What's the Future of Work with AI?
What's the Future of Work with AI?What's the Future of Work with AI?
What's the Future of Work with AI?

My plenary talk to the California Workforce Association Conference in Monterey, CA, on September 5, 2018. I talked about the role of technology to augment people rather than replace them from my book WTF? What's the Future and Why It's Up to Us, and my ideas about AI and distributional economics, in the context of today's education and workforce development systems. I also summarize some of the work Code for America has been doing on the current state of the California Workforce Development ecosystem.

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Harvard Club of Silicon Valley: Watching the Alpha Geeks

My talk for the Harvard Club of Silicon Valley connects the dots between enthusiasts and technology innovation.

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Enterprise AI: What's It Really Good For?
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Enterprise AI: What's It Really Good For?

A short talk for the CDX Connection on high level principles for enterprise AI, plus examples of how we're using machine learning at O'Reilly Media.

What Zipcar Got Right
§  Customer self-service
§  Real time availability information
§  Payment via account presets
§  Connected device to lock and unlock the car
§  Trusting customers to refill gas and clean the car
Where They Didn’t See Far Enough
§  Fixed parking locations with return to same location
Software Above the Level of a Single Device: The Implications-(Tim O'Reilly, O'Reilly Media)
@timoreilly@conference @timoreilly

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Government as a Platform: What We've Learned Since 2008 (pdf with notes)

- Government as a platform means providing fundamental applications and services for citizens and businesses to build additional applications on top of, similar to how thousands of apps were built on the Apple app store platform. - However, government has been slow to adopt new technologies due to procurement processes not keeping up with Moore's Law. The author launched a Gov 2.0 Summit in 2009 to address this. - Key lessons are that government must do the hard work to make services simple, build modular services that can be used as building blocks both internally and openly as Amazon did, and set standards for important data types as railroads standardized their gauge.

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Technology and Humanity, AI and The Future: Bratislava Keynote by Futurist Ge...
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Technology and Humanity, AI and The Future: Bratislava Keynote by Futurist Ge...

Are humans computable? Can AI actually 'think'? What will happen to humans when machines do 'all the work'? This presentation was delivered along with the launch of free Slovak edition of my book Technology vs Humanity see

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This is the keynote file for my talk at the Acquia World Government Summit on Open Source. I talked about the role of open source in the internet, and the role it can play in government.

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What did these services do differently?
“Building for the way the world should work”
Rethinking the entire workflow and user experience
•  You can hail a car from anywhere
•  You can see in real time where it is en route
•  You can see the name and picture of the driver and the car, and the driver
can see the same for you
•  No need to go through the rigamarole of payment every time
•  Passenger can call or message the driver if necessary
•  Manage driver quality via passenger ratings
All the data driven services we’ve learned to build
on the web are now coming to the physical world

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My joint keynote with Jennifer Pahlka of Code for America at the Accela Engage conference in San Diego on August 5, 2014. We talk about current advances in technology, and how they call for anyone developing services to put their users at the center. In particular, we talk about how these lessons apply to government. Making government work by the people and for the people in a 21st century way is central to restoring faith in government.

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Will robots take our jobs? A report from the World Economic Forum found that while 7.1 million jobs may be lost due to automation, 2.1 million new jobs will be created, resulting in a net loss of over 5 million jobs by 2020 across major economies. The drivers of increased robotization include technological advances in areas like machine learning, 3D printing, and quantum computing, as well as the increased productivity, lower costs, and improved safety that robots provide compared to human workers. Nearly every industry like transportation, farming, healthcare, and IT will be impacted. Proposed solutions include retraining workers, incentivizing lifelong learning, and political actions like a universal basic income.

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Software Above the Level of a Single Device: The Implications-(Tim O'Reilly, O'Reilly Media)
But there’s more than one way to do it
Let’s talk for a moment about two approaches to data and
Software Above the Level of a Single Device: The Implications-(Tim O'Reilly, O'Reilly Media)
Photo: Evelyn
the Washington

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Chris Razzell & Jason Howden gave a slightly unconventional presentation at this years Revit Technology Conference in Auckland, New Zealand. Sitting on a black velvet couch, with gold sequined cushion they debated some of the BIG BIM questions that currently face the AECO industry, whilst getting the crowd to participate in that good ol; fashioned low tech way - by raising their hands. A modern twist was applied to presentation of the results however, by updating infographics live during the presentation. This powerpoint attempts to capture the essence of the conversation, the results from the live poll and we (Jason & I) hope this provides some insight to the challenges that our industry faces over the coming years.

Do More. Do things that were previously impossible!
Do More. Do things that were previously impossible!Do More. Do things that were previously impossible!
Do More. Do things that were previously impossible!

My keynote at SxSW Interactive on March 9, 2018. I tackle the job of the entrepreneur to redraw the map, and not to accept the idea that technology will put people out of work rather than creating new kinds of prosperity. I try to provide a call to action to throw off the shackles of the old world and to build a new one. So many companies play defense. Cut costs, watch the competition, follow best practices. Great entrepreneurs like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk play offense. They see the world with fresh eyes, taking off the blinders that keep companies using technology to make slight improvements to existing products and practices, rather than imagining the world as it could be, given the new capabilities that technology has given us.

Changing the frame: from social innovation to civic startups
Changing the frame: from social innovation to civic startupsChanging the frame: from social innovation to civic startups
Changing the frame: from social innovation to civic startups

The document discusses civic startups and how they can disrupt the large but outdated government IT market. It notes that civic startups can build tools to help communities and governments communicate better to tackle issues like disaster recovery and blight. The document emphasizes that civic startups have an opportunity to change the game by teaching citizens and governments to long for innovative technological solutions through community-powered platforms.

These are systems made up of
computers and humans working together
Use technology for human augmentation
Use humans for technology augmentation
Software Above the Level of a Single Device: The Implications-(Tim O'Reilly, O'Reilly Media)

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My keynote at OSCON 2018 in Portland. What I love about open source software, and what that teaches us about how we can have a better future by the better design of online marketplaces and the algorithms that manage them - and our entire economy. The narrative is in the speaker notes.

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The document discusses the relationship between technology and liberal arts. It notes how technology is reshaping society by disrupting industries like publishing, media, and the post office. It argues that studying liberal arts teaches important values and skills for answering questions about how technology should develop and how it will reshape society. It also suggests that technology can enable putting liberal arts values into action, and that studying both technology and liberal arts can support initiatives like enabling economic development or strengthening civic participation.

Software Above the Level of a Single Device: The Implications-(Tim O'Reilly, O'Reilly Media)
The Internet of Things and Humans
The Internet of Things and Humans
Uber/Lyft are a Human-Machine Symbiosis
§  People + new kinds of smart machines = the ability to rethink an
entire industry
§  We’re no longer just building software, we’re building new
business processes and workflows in the real world

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Artificial Intelligence and the Revolution of Work. Quantifying AI and Capitalizing on an Automated Global Workforce. NOrthHighland. The 1982 film Blade Runner portrays a future with clones, intergalactic travel and flying cars. Yet when Harrison Ford's character, Deckard, needs to make a call he steps into a phone booth, punches in a 10-digit number and proceeds to converse connected by a cord.

Dr. Ronald Day
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Dr. Ronald Day

Automation is expanding and displacing many jobs currently performed by humans. New technologies like robotics, artificial intelligence, the internet of things, and 5G telecommunications are allowing machines to take over tasks in various industries like manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, and more. This is resulting in many existing jobs disappearing but also creating new jobs in areas like app development, drone operation, and sustainability management. While some jobs like creative roles and those requiring human relationships may be safe, the changes will impact how occupational health and safety work is performed, with a focus on issues like increased monitoring, mental health support, and skills retraining.

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Technology and the Future of Work
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My talk at Closing the Gap, Jeff Greene's conference on technology and income inequality, held in Palm Beach on Dec 7-8, 2015. I talk about lessons from technology for 21st century business.

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Human-Computer Symbiosis
“The hope is that, in not too many years, human brains and computing
machines will be coupled together very tightly, and that the resulting
partnership will think as no human brain has ever thought and process
data in a way not approached by the information-handling machines we
know today.”
- Licklider, J.C.R., "Man-Computer Symbiosis", IRE Transactions on Human
Factors in Electronics, vol. HFE-1, 4-11, Mar 1960. Eprint
Software Above the Level of a Single Device: The Implications-(Tim O'Reilly, O'Reilly Media)
Software Above the Level of a Single Device: The Implications-(Tim O'Reilly, O'Reilly Media)

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Our fascination with machines is infinite, as is the unceasing focus to humanise them. The question is, how far are we willing to take artifical intelligence (AI)? Humans are emotional but not always emotionally intelligent, so it’s therefore possible that we end up we limiting the technology, losing ourselves in what we create. As such, to deal with the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity of our environment we must look beyond IT! In this presentation, Simone explores the positives and negatives of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) with resilience vs. resistance, and teaches you how to understand talent diversity requirements in the machine age. In addition, she shows you how to elevate good habits while still retaining originality.

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Reinventing Healthcare to Serve People, Not Institutions
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My talk at South by Southwest on March 16, 2015. I use examples from consumer technology (the Apple Store, Uber/Lyft, and Google Now) to show where "the bar" is now for user experience, and what that should teach us about how to redesign healthcare. I also talk about the work of Code for America to debug the UX for CalFresh and MediCal.

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This document summarizes Tim O'Reilly's keynote speech at SxSW 2015 about reinventing healthcare to better serve people. Some of the main lessons discussed include: using technology to give people "superpowers"; doing less by streamlining forms and processes; doing more by integrating different data sources; building software that works across devices; using lean startup principles and continuous measurement/improvement; and rethinking workflows and experiences from the user's perspective. The talk advocates learning from examples like Uber, Google Now, and Code for America fellows to transform healthcare into a more people-centered system.

Software Above the Level of a Single Device: The Implications-(Tim O'Reilly, O'Reilly Media)
Software Above the Level of a Single Device: The Implications-(Tim O'Reilly, O'Reilly Media)
We are redesigning how people and computers work
Measure and Respond

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AI IS EATING THE WORLD Since the industrial revolution we have seen that we automate every system the can be automated efficiently. Created massive distribution of wealth. With AI and Bots, we are moving from automating “simple” repetitive tasks to autonomous systems that can handle complex and changing situations. It is not a question what verticals will be disrupted, it is a question of when, a few examples…

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Augmented intelligence is new way forward !
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1. Augmented Intelligence transcends current narrow AI and allows machines and humans to work together pervasively and competitively. 2. Augmented Intelligence provides faster insights into operations too complex for human minds alone by understanding them better. 3. Augmented Intelligence with causal AI has the greatest potential to change industries and competition by how businesses operate.

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1) IoT will significantly disrupt current business models and value chains, allowing new competitors to enter markets and demonetize existing ones. 2) Companies must view digitalization and IoT as integral parts of their overall business strategy, not just technical projects, in order to stay competitive. 3) Adopting IoT and digital technologies is necessary just to maintain operations, but true opportunities lie in using them to completely reimagine products, services and value chains.

“What I learned from Google is to
only invest in things that close
the loop.”
- Chris Sacca
Software “above the level of a
single device”
“Why be distracted into looking backwards by the
commodity cloners of open source?...There is a new
frontier, where software "collectives" are being built with
ad hoc protocols and with clustered devices. Robotics
and automation of all sorts is exposing a demand for
sophisticated new ways of thinking....Useful software
written above the level of the single device will
command high margins for a long time to come.”
- Dave Stutz, On Leaving Microsoft, February 2003
Data Above the Level of a Single Device
•  Real-time location tracking
•  Dispatch
•  Trip tracking
•  Names and faces
•  Payment
•  Dynamic Pricing
•  Reputation

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Industrial revolution 4.0
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The document discusses the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which involves emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, big data, robotics, and more. It provides details on the drivers of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, including artificial intelligence, blockchain, big data, the internet of things, and digital innovation. The document also summarizes perspectives from Jack Ma on how to respond to the changes brought by the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the role of machine learning in processing data. Finally, it gives examples of companies that use machine learning like Google, Facebook, and financial institutions.

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ebusiness Strategy in Entrepreneurship 2: Pedro Eloy at SMECC - 20130903
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This document provides an overview of strategies for developing a successful e-business through entrepreneurship. It discusses understanding the evolving digital landscape and key rules, identifying opportunity areas, and the skills, activities, and steps needed. Examples are given of famous companies that started in garages. The importance of creativity, engagement, social media, video, lean methodology, usability, and being findable, cross-platform, and using business frameworks are covered. The impact of technology on reducing gaps and connecting people is addressed.

Many of these data services are not run by Uber
Software Above the Level of a Single Device: The Implications-(Tim O'Reilly, O'Reilly Media)
What kind of data infrastructure
will that require?
Solving new kinds of problems

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Doing social media right is one thing. But the underlying dynamics of social and the impact it has had can teach us much more about where the world is heading. So governments shouldn't just figure out what to do on Facebook, but ask more fundamental questions. I gave this talk at Social Media Week Rotterdam 2015.

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The Analyst's Dilemma: Matt Hatton, Machina Research at IoT14
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Slides from IoT14. In the manner of fantasy football we gave Matt Hatton, founder and analyst at Machina Research, an imaginary £250K and asked him where in the IoT he would invest it. Here are the slides of his answer.

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The Next Web 2014
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Disruption, Decentralisation and a Debrief of the rest. A round up of the key themes from The Next Web, Amsterdam, May 2014 given as talks to Sky TV, UK. Includes Duolingo, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Digital Darwinism, Game changers today, Free is a lie, Post-Snowden Web and the Future of shopping.

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