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Jenkins Pipelining
Gatling Integration
By :-
Software Consultant
What is Jenkins?
Jenkins Setup
Pipeline- what & why?
Single Branch Pipeline
Multi-Branch Pipeline
Jenkins is a continuous integration server
written in Java.
Provides a Web-Interface and a Console to
interact and integrate applications.
Builds and tests your application on the basis
of some configured triggers and updates you
about the health of your application, test-wise,
quality-wise etc. without investing a penny.
Jenkins Setup
Download Jenkins war from
Move the .war file to a desired directory and Run
 $ java ­jar jenkins.war
Open Browser and hit for http://localhost:8080
First time
- It’ll ask for an auto-generated password which it has written in a file at
the host. Just copy and paste the password.
- Now it’ll ask for plug-ins to be managed, you may go for suggested.
- Create user and the Jenkins fully hosted and ready to use for your

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Android + jenkins

In Coscup 2011, the slide shows why developer should use continue integration(jenkins) toolbox with project management(redmine, trac, google code) toolbox to fulfill the need of software project lifecycle. And share the working step of Android+jenkins.

Jenkins review buddy
Jenkins review buddyJenkins review buddy
Jenkins review buddy

This document discusses using Jenkins to assist with peer code reviews by providing guidance on review time needed based on lines of code, automatically adding reviewers, and linking to review checklists. It notes the benefits of peer code review like reduced defects and increased productivity. Studies show code review is more effective at finding defects than testing. The document calls for sponsors and test pilots to try out integrating these ideas into Jenkins for automated and guided peer reviews.

Jenkins Declarative Pipelines 101
Jenkins Declarative Pipelines 101Jenkins Declarative Pipelines 101
Jenkins Declarative Pipelines 101

Slides from my presentation to the Sydney Jenkins Meetup on Declarative Pipeline. Video of the presentation available at

blue oceancontinuous deliverydevops
Jenkins Pipelining and  Gatling Integration
A Jenkins Pipeline (or simply "Pipeline" with a
capital "P") is a suite of plugins which
supports implementing and integrating
continuous delivery pipelines into Jenkins.
That is, the process of executing set of
plugins over an application in a reliable and
repeatable manner.
Jenkins Pipelining and  Gatling Integration
Types Pipeline
A Pipeline which is executed on a single
branch and for the whole project i.e. for all
branches, we use Multi-Branch Pipeline.
It can be defined like :-
1. Declarative Pipeline :- Defining the execution of
plugins from the Jenkins Interface.
2. Scripted Pipeline :- Defining the Script alongwith
the code, generally known as Jenkinsfile.

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Jenkins Pipeline @ Scale. Building Automation Frameworks for Systems Integration

This is a follow-up presentation to my talk at CloudBees | Jenkins Automotive and Embedded Day 2016, where I was presenting Pipeline usage strategies for use-cases in the Embedded area. In this presentation I talk about Jenkins Pipeline features for automation frameworks and talk about lessons learned in several project.

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Graphql usage

GraphQL is a query language for APIs that was created by Facebook in 2012. It allows clients to define the structure of the data required, and exactly the data they need from the server. This prevents over- and under-fetching of data. GraphQL has grown in popularity with the release of tools like Apollo and GraphQL code generation. GraphQL can be used to build APIs that integrate with existing backend systems and databases, with libraries like Express GraphQL and GraphQL Yoga making it simple to create GraphQL servers.

Jenkins tutorial
Jenkins tutorialJenkins tutorial
Jenkins tutorial

Jenkins is a tool that allows users to automate multi-step processes that involve dependencies across multiple servers. It can be used to continuously build, test, and deploy code by triggering jobs that integrate code, run tests, deploy updates, and more. Jenkins provides a web-based interface to configure and manage recurring jobs and can scale to include slave agents to perform tasks on other machines. It offers many plugins to support tasks like testing, deployment, and notifications.

jenkins devops cicd hudson build
Jenkins Pipelining and  Gatling Integration
Digging into Jenkinsfile
A fully implemented and running example is
available on github: Demo Example.
What is Gatling?
Why Gatling?
Interaction with Application
Auto-generated Report
Maven Setup in Lagom Project
Demo Gatling
What is Gatling?
It is an open-source load and performance
testing framework based on Scala, Akka and
It is a load testing tool which ultimately
analyses the performance of your services.

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** DevOps Training: ** This Edureka tutorial on "Jenkins pipeline Tutorial" will help you understand the basic concepts of a Jenkins pipeline. Below are the topics covered in the tutorial: 1. The need for Continuous Delivery 2. What is Continuous Delivery? 3. Features before the Jenkins Pipeline 4. What is a Jenkins Pipeline? 5. What is a Jenkinsfile? 6. Pipeline Concepts 7. Hands-On Check our complete DevOps playlist here (includes all the videos mentioned in the video):

Automated Testing Environment by Bugzilla, Testopia and Jenkins
Automated Testing Environment by Bugzilla, Testopia and JenkinsAutomated Testing Environment by Bugzilla, Testopia and Jenkins
Automated Testing Environment by Bugzilla, Testopia and Jenkins

This document provides an overview of using Bugzilla, Testopia and Jenkins for automated testing. It describes how to install and configure each tool, and how they integrate together in an automated testing environment. Key steps include creating test plans and test runs in Testopia, running tests via Jenkins, and reporting results back to Testopia. An example process for automated hypervisor testing at ITRI is provided to demonstrate how the tools work together for continuous integration and testing.

Jenkins introduction
Jenkins introductionJenkins introduction
Jenkins introduction

This document provides an introduction and overview of Jenkins, an open-source automation tool for continuous integration. It discusses that Jenkins is written in Java and uses plugins to enable continuous integration through automation of various DevOps stages. Some key advantages are that it is open-source, easy to install, has many plugins, and is free. The document also covers what continuous integration is, why it is needed to detect problems early, and the different stages of adopting a continuous integration approach.

Why Gatling?
With Gatling, you can forecast performance issues
and bottlenecks in your web applications.
It drastically reduce your debugging phase.
Gives best digital experience to your users and
It measures actual scalability of your application.
Easy to integrate.
Load Testing
Running Application...
Interaction with Application
Auto-generated Report
Maven Setup in Lagom
Gatling requires JDK8.
Download and unzip Gatling bundle from
Create a Gatling Module in you Existing project.
Configure a Maven Dependency in your pox.xml of Gatling and scala.
­ Gatling­charts­highcharts 2.2.5
­ scala­library 2.11.11
­ scala­reflect 2.11.11
− Copy paste gatling.conf from Gatling Bundle as a module resource and
configure the proper encoding (trusted url, charting etc.).
− Create a Simulation Script i.e. a simple Scala class, and create and run the
Scenarios (Will be explained in Demo) .
− Checkout the html performance report generated.

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Continuous integration using jenkins
Continuous integration using jenkinsContinuous integration using jenkins
Continuous integration using jenkins

This document discusses continuous integration using Jenkins. It defines continuous integration as merging developer work frequently, such as daily, and verifying changes through automated builds and tests. Benefits of CI include early bug detection and improved code quality. The document outlines best practices for CI workflows and describes the key components of builds. It introduces Jenkins as an open source CI tool and explains how it can be used to automate builds, run tests, generate reports, and integrate with version control and other tools through plugins.

continuous integration jenkins
Continuous Integration (Jenkins/Hudson)
Continuous Integration (Jenkins/Hudson)Continuous Integration (Jenkins/Hudson)
Continuous Integration (Jenkins/Hudson)

Jenkins is an open-source tool for continuous integration that allows developers to integrate code changes frequently from a main branch using an automated build process. It detects errors early, measures code quality, and improves delivery speed. Jenkins supports various source control, build tools, and plugins to customize notifications and reporting. Security features allow restricting access and privileges based on user roles and projects.

jenkinscontinuous integrationhudson
1. Stackoverflow
2. Jenkins Documentation
Jenkins Pipelining and  Gatling Integration

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Jenkins Pipelining and Gatling Integration

  • 1. Jenkins Pipelining and Gatling Integration By :- Yashpal Software Consultant KNOLDUS SOFTWARE LLP
  • 2. Agenda  What is Jenkins?  Jenkins Setup  Demo  Pipeline- what & why?  Single Branch Pipeline  Jenkinsfile  Multi-Branch Pipeline  Gatling
  • 3. Jenkins  Jenkins is a continuous integration server written in Java.  Provides a Web-Interface and a Console to interact and integrate applications.  Builds and tests your application on the basis of some configured triggers and updates you about the health of your application, test-wise, quality-wise etc. without investing a penny.
  • 4. Jenkins Setup  Download Jenkins war from  Move the .war file to a desired directory and Run  $ java ­jar jenkins.war  Open Browser and hit for http://localhost:8080  First time - It’ll ask for an auto-generated password which it has written in a file at the host. Just copy and paste the password. - Now it’ll ask for plug-ins to be managed, you may go for suggested. - Create user and the Jenkins fully hosted and ready to use for your application.
  • 6. Pipeline A Jenkins Pipeline (or simply "Pipeline" with a capital "P") is a suite of plugins which supports implementing and integrating continuous delivery pipelines into Jenkins. That is, the process of executing set of plugins over an application in a reliable and repeatable manner.
  • 8. Types Pipeline A Pipeline which is executed on a single branch and for the whole project i.e. for all branches, we use Multi-Branch Pipeline. It can be defined like :- 1. Declarative Pipeline :- Defining the execution of plugins from the Jenkins Interface. 2. Scripted Pipeline :- Defining the Script alongwith the code, generally known as Jenkinsfile.
  • 10. Digging into Jenkinsfile A fully implemented and running example is available on github: Demo Example.
  • 11. Gatling  What is Gatling?  Why Gatling?  Interaction with Application  Auto-generated Report  Maven Setup in Lagom Project  Demo Gatling
  • 12. What is Gatling?  It is an open-source load and performance testing framework based on Scala, Akka and Netty.  It is a load testing tool which ultimately analyses the performance of your services.
  • 13. Why Gatling?  With Gatling, you can forecast performance issues and bottlenecks in your web applications.  It drastically reduce your debugging phase.  Gives best digital experience to your users and customers.  It measures actual scalability of your application.  Easy to integrate.
  • 16. Maven Setup in Lagom  Gatling requires JDK8.  Download and unzip Gatling bundle from  Create a Gatling Module in you Existing project.  Configure a Maven Dependency in your pox.xml of Gatling and scala. ­ Gatling­charts­highcharts 2.2.5 ­ scala­library 2.11.11 ­ scala­reflect 2.11.11 − Copy paste gatling.conf from Gatling Bundle as a module resource and configure the proper encoding (trusted url, charting etc.). − Create a Simulation Script i.e. a simple Scala class, and create and run the Scenarios (Will be explained in Demo) . − Checkout the html performance report generated.
  • 17. 1. Stackoverflow 2. Jenkins Documentation References