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Is the database affecting your critical
business transactions?
Ian McGuinness Product Manager
A quick history of databases
•  Relational databases have been around since the 70’s
–  Oracle released it’s first database in 1978
•  Client/Server Applications evolve
–  SQL and Stored Procedure driven
•  Application Complexity increases
–  Object Relational Mappings help map relational to OO coded applications
•  Monolithic architecture à Clustered Database e.g. Oracle RAC
•  2015
–  “Structured data” still dominated by relational databases e.g. Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL etc.
–  NoSQL databases building market share fast e.g. MongoDB, Hadoop
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 2
Database problems over the years
•  Database problems today aren’t that different to they were
15 years a go!
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 3
Bad query performance
e.g. Poorly indexed queries
Conflict between users/queries
e.g. Batch activities causing lock contention for online users
Capacity Issues
e.g. Slow disk not enough IOPS for the needs of the app
Inefficient database configuration parameters
e.g. Buffer cache too small
Databases are not static
•  Data is exploding!
•  Data production will be 44x greater in 2020 versus 2009*
•  App users are generating data all the time
–  Companies are using that data for analytics to drive further sales
•  Biggest growth in unstructured data
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 4

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The document describes the ADF Performance Monitor, a tool for measuring, analyzing, and improving the performance of Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) applications. It collects metrics on response times, health, and resource usage. Issues are reported in dashboards and JDeveloper. It helps detect, analyze, and resolve common and uncommon problems. Implementation takes less than a day. The overhead is 3-4% and it can be turned on/off without overhead. It supports diagnosing specific users, errors, slow queries, and memory usage to quickly find problems.

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Usage patterns are unregulated
•  Most consumer applications have a loose usage pattern
•  Spikes in concurrency may occur any time day or night
•  Databases are a shared resource – contention on one part
can affect the whole
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 5
DB Agent
SaaS or On-Premise On-Premise
AppDynamics Integrated DB Monitoring
Key Features
§  Low overhead – Production Safe
§  Rapid Installation – Agentless
§  Detailed & comprehensive analysis
§  Current & historical granular data
§  Consolidate web based GUI
§  Support for almost all versions of DB2
LUW, MS-SQL, Oracle, Sybase ASE,
Sybase IQ, PostgreSQL, MySQL and
§  Server Monitoring for Windows, Linux,
AIX and Solaris
#1 Long running SQL Queries

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This document provides an overview of the Change Auditor software. It summarizes the modules for auditing Active Directory, Exchange, SharePoint, Windows file servers, NetApp, EMC, and SQL Server. It describes the challenges of auditing these systems individually and provides an overview of how Change Auditor offers a centralized auditing and reporting solution. The presentation also provides examples of how Change Auditor can be used to audit specific systems and its integration with other tools like InTrust.

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Slow Running Application SQL
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 9
•  APM can track query response time, but DBMon will tell the
user why the query is bad
•  Sometimes business critical queries will fall outside the top
few that are actively monitored by the DBA
Slow BT with high query response time
91.3% of time
spent in
Oracle call
Detailed Query information in DBMon
Coming to 4.2! – Snapshot Correlation
•  Available for Java à Oracle
•  Java BCI tags Oracle sessions with BT ID and GUID
•  Allows drilldown from Snapshot Flowmap to specific
queries within DBMon
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 12

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The document summarizes the duties and accomplishments of an individual in database administration, development, and technical liaison roles. Key responsibilities included: 1) Implementing an in-house operational reporting system to reduce costs compared to external vendors; 2) Developing the LORS lending reporting system using .NET that conformed to technical standards; 3) Writing business requirements, coding to keep projects on schedule, and troubleshooting issues; 4) Maintaining intranet and extranet sites for a bank including applying standards, managing security, and automating processes.

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This document discusses data caching and its evolution. It covers reasons for application caching like improving response times and offloading load from databases. It describes the evolution from do-it-yourself local and distributed caching using key-value stores, to automated dynamic caching solutions. Automated dynamic caching solutions cache query results, ensure data is never stale through real-time invalidation, and provide efficient cache management to keep hot data in memory. These solutions require minimal configuration and automatically recognize query patterns and cache dependencies.

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#2 Poorly configured database
Poorly sized buffer pool (MySQL)
Number of Physical I/
O’s to populate cache
Before and After - Buffer Pool Re-size
•  5 minute load tests were run
•  Before recommendations we can see 5 mins 34 secs spent in MySQL
•  After recommendations we can see just 27 secs of MySQL time
•  92% reduction in DB Time!
Coming to 4.2! – Improved Health Rules
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 16
•  Create a single health rule which applies to:
–  all databases
–  all databases of a certain type e.g. MySQL, SQL Server etc.
•  Use Health Rules in Custom Dashboards

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DBMon Health Rules
Coming to 4.2! – Custom Dashboards
•  Custom dashboards now available for any DBMon metric
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 18
DBMon Custom Dashboard
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Microsoft Azure SQL Database came in the picture when nobody was talking about cloud computing. Since that time, Azure SQL Database has known many versions but was rather limited in functionality. Backing up your database was not possible, the size of your database was limited, heap tables were not allowed… Last November, Microsoft reached another milestone by introducing near-complete SQL Server engine compatibility and more premium performance. So, let’s get ready for this new release! I will to take you on a tour around the new Microsoft Azure SQL Database world. You will get an overview of the fundamentals of Microsoft Azure SQL Database administration – What’s new in the latest Update V12 – Azure SQL Database Auditing – Dynamic Data Masking – Row Level Security and many more. After attending this session you will have a good idea which features can be helpful to move your production database to Microsoft Azure SQL Database.

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#3 Capacity & Conflict
I/O Issues
•  Detailed time-series metrics clearly show contention
•  Time Spent in DB very high
•  Wait State analysis shows PAGEIOLATCH_EX wait
•  Host monitoring clearly shows increase in Read IOPS
34 seconds of Lock Wait Time!
88.8% of all activity time
spent in Lock Wait!
#4 NoSQL Performance Issues

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The Container Store uses AppDynamics in their development lifecycle to: 1) Install AppDynamics in test environments and build automated functional and performance test suites to baseline metrics and alert on deviations. 2) Empower their development and QA teams by giving them insights into the test environment and custom reports on any metrics. 3) Establish best practices like monitoring all applications, testing continuously, and performance testing early to detect issues before production and expedite remediation.

Key Concepts of the Solution
•  Collection of metrics is agentless and read-only i.e. No
running code on Monitored DB
•  Metrics are collected without the need to install/modify
additional components on monitored DB e.g. Modules/
Objects etc.
•  Provide historical time-series information on Time
spent within DB supplemented by DB specific Metrics
•  Gather information about all DB activity - not just
activity resulting from a monitored (with AppD APM)
Auto-Detection of the Cluster
•  If mongoS then all ReplicaSets in the cluster will be discovered.
•  If single ReplicaSet then Primary/Secondaries etc. will be monitored.
•  Otherwise standalone mongod
Detailed Time-Series Metrics
Drilldown to problematic Queries

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Learn how to monitor end-to-end workflows from every corner of the world. Hear the basics of AppDynamics Synthetic Monitoring and its integration in the AppDynamics Unified Monitoring Platform. Dive into scripting and how it allows monitoring of complex end-to-end workflows via a set of real-world examples describing best practices and tips to write better scripts and avoid common pitfalls. Key takeaways: o What AppDynamics Synthetic Monitoring can do today, and where the technology is going o See how Synthetic Monitoring complements Real User Monitoring and APM o Overview of the best tools available to help you build scripts quickly and reliably o Tips for handling complex websites, avoiding common pitfalls, and leveraging synthetic monitoring to run WebDriver scripts For more information, go to:

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AppDynamics Browser RUM is a handy tool for getting insight into customers and their experience. In this session we'll explore aggregated data collected from AppDynamics' SaaS cloud that will give you insight into the end-user experience across the customer base. Then we'll show you how you can use end-user monitoring tools to see how you measure up against your peers and identify opportunities to optimize your performance. As an added bonus we'll share some data on you, AppDynamics users. It's always valuable to understand how you are like and not like your customers. Key takeaways: o The typical page load time of an end user across the AppDynamics customer base o How AppDynamics Browser RUM can be used to understand how your application performs now and make it go faster o The adoption of major browsers and devices of enterprise customers in different geographies vs. AppDynamics users For more information, go to:

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Cloud and microservices! With applications moving into these spaces, how do you monitor the platforms with performance in mind? The session will give you an under-the-hood view into the AppDynamics story for the new .NET landscape, and an end-to-end view of the Azure technologies and how we tie into it. Hear an architectural breakdown of the AppDynamics agent for Azure; the user experience design with continuous integration in mind; and the move to decouple dependency to support the Open Web Interface for .NET. Key takeaways: o How AppDynamics monitors the cloud o How to use AppDynamics to monitor the cloud o Designing for microservices o How the .NET agent is changing to decouple dependency on IIS For more information go to:

as16 - appdynamics presentationas16 - all slidesas16 - product deep dives
•  Database performance issues will always be around!
•  Proactive performance management is what’s needed
–  Use a low overhead 24/7 monitoring solution to gain visibility
–  Capture the right type of data to allow rapid root cause analysis and
to prioritize tuning efforts
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 29
Thank You

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AppSphere 15 - Is the database affecting your critical business transactions?

  • 1. Is the database affecting your critical business transactions? Ian McGuinness Product Manager
  • 2. A quick history of databases •  Relational databases have been around since the 70’s –  Oracle released it’s first database in 1978 •  Client/Server Applications evolve –  SQL and Stored Procedure driven •  Application Complexity increases –  Object Relational Mappings help map relational to OO coded applications •  Monolithic architecture à Clustered Database e.g. Oracle RAC •  2015 –  “Structured data” still dominated by relational databases e.g. Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL etc. –  NoSQL databases building market share fast e.g. MongoDB, Hadoop Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 2
  • 3. Database problems over the years •  Database problems today aren’t that different to they were 15 years a go! Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 3 Bad query performance e.g. Poorly indexed queries Conflict between users/queries e.g. Batch activities causing lock contention for online users Capacity Issues e.g. Slow disk not enough IOPS for the needs of the app Inefficient database configuration parameters e.g. Buffer cache too small
  • 4. Databases are not static •  Data is exploding! •  Data production will be 44x greater in 2020 versus 2009* •  App users are generating data all the time –  Companies are using that data for analytics to drive further sales •  Biggest growth in unstructured data Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 4 *
  • 5. Usage patterns are unregulated •  Most consumer applications have a loose usage pattern •  Spikes in concurrency may occur any time day or night •  Databases are a shared resource – contention on one part can affect the whole Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 5
  • 7. DB Agent SaaS or On-Premise On-Premise Controller HTTP(S) AppDynamics Integrated DB Monitoring Key Features §  Low overhead – Production Safe §  Rapid Installation – Agentless §  Detailed & comprehensive analysis §  Current & historical granular data §  Consolidate web based GUI §  Support for almost all versions of DB2 LUW, MS-SQL, Oracle, Sybase ASE, Sybase IQ, PostgreSQL, MySQL and MongoDB §  Server Monitoring for Windows, Linux, AIX and Solaris
  • 8. USE CASE EXAMPLES #1 Long running SQL Queries
  • 9. Slow Running Application SQL Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 9 •  APM can track query response time, but DBMon will tell the user why the query is bad •  Sometimes business critical queries will fall outside the top few that are actively monitored by the DBA
  • 10. Slow BT with high query response time 91.3% of time spent in Oracle call
  • 12. Coming to 4.2! – Snapshot Correlation •  Available for Java à Oracle •  Java BCI tags Oracle sessions with BT ID and GUID •  Allows drilldown from Snapshot Flowmap to specific queries within DBMon Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 12
  • 13. USE CASE EXAMPLES #2 Poorly configured database
  • 14. Poorly sized buffer pool (MySQL) Number of Physical I/ O’s to populate cache
  • 15. Before and After - Buffer Pool Re-size •  5 minute load tests were run •  Before recommendations we can see 5 mins 34 secs spent in MySQL •  After recommendations we can see just 27 secs of MySQL time •  92% reduction in DB Time!
  • 16. Coming to 4.2! – Improved Health Rules Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 16 •  Create a single health rule which applies to: –  all databases –  all databases of a certain type e.g. MySQL, SQL Server etc. •  Use Health Rules in Custom Dashboards
  • 18. Coming to 4.2! – Custom Dashboards •  Custom dashboards now available for any DBMon metric Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 18
  • 21. USE CASE EXAMPLES #3 Capacity & Conflict
  • 22. I/O Issues •  Detailed time-series metrics clearly show contention •  Time Spent in DB very high •  Wait State analysis shows PAGEIOLATCH_EX wait •  Host monitoring clearly shows increase in Read IOPS
  • 23. Locking 34 seconds of Lock Wait Time! 88.8% of all activity time spent in Lock Wait!
  • 24. USE CASE EXAMPLES #4 NoSQL Performance Issues
  • 25. Key Concepts of the Solution •  Collection of metrics is agentless and read-only i.e. No running code on Monitored DB •  Metrics are collected without the need to install/modify additional components on monitored DB e.g. Modules/ Objects etc. •  Provide historical time-series information on Time spent within DB supplemented by DB specific Metrics •  Gather information about all DB activity - not just activity resulting from a monitored (with AppD APM) application
  • 26. Auto-Detection of the Cluster •  If mongoS then all ReplicaSets in the cluster will be discovered. •  If single ReplicaSet then Primary/Secondaries etc. will be monitored. •  Otherwise standalone mongod
  • 29. Conclusions •  Database performance issues will always be around! •  Proactive performance management is what’s needed –  Use a low overhead 24/7 monitoring solution to gain visibility –  Capture the right type of data to allow rapid root cause analysis and to prioritize tuning efforts Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 29