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iOS Parallel Automation:
Run faster than fast
Viktar Karanevich · 26 May
I. History of iOS Automation Frameworks (10 min)
II. Path to the current approach at Badoo (10 min)
III. Summary (5 min)
IV. Movie: Test Run (3 min)
self.introduce =>
name: "Viktar Karanevich",
title: ["SSATE", "SSDET", "SQAAE"],
languages: ["Java", "Ruby"],
experience: "iOS Automation 7+ years"
348M+ registered users
50M+ downloads on iOS
800+ automated tests on iOS

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Drupal contrib module maintaining
Drupal contrib module maintainingDrupal contrib module maintaining
Drupal contrib module maintaining

This document discusses Drupal's project management tools and resources for module maintainers, including automated testing, documentation, issue tracking, and community support. It highlights how some popular modules grew large developer communities that fixed over 90% of critical bugs through these resources. The document encourages contributors to write tests before committing code and review patches through the issue queue. It also lists projects needing maintenance help and provides contact information.

State of the Jenkins Automation
State of the Jenkins AutomationState of the Jenkins Automation
State of the Jenkins Automation

Talk given at floss uk 2017 about how to fully automate your Jenkins setup, from the service to the jobs.

continuous deliveryjenkinscontinuous integration
Testing the Enterprise layers, with Arquillian
Testing the Enterprise layers, with ArquillianTesting the Enterprise layers, with Arquillian
Testing the Enterprise layers, with Arquillian

Arquillian is an innovative and highly extensible testing platform for the JVM that enables developers to easily create automated integration, functional and acceptance tests for Java middleware, from Java EE and beyond. For years we’ve been exploring how to layer and separate our code to test in isolation on the unit level. We’ve kept integration and functional testing as a big ball of mud; jumping straight from unit to full system testing. But can we apply some of the same lessons learned from unit to integration testing? Speaker Bio: Arquillian project lead, Aslak Knutsen, is a Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat where he is working on projects such as Arquillian and ShrinkWrap, one of the founders of the JBoss Testing initiative and a speaker at major industry conferences including JavaOne, Devoxx, Jazoon, JFokus, Geecon, JUDCon and JBoss World.

Steve Jobs
Steve Wozniak
I. History
Jun 2010
UI Automation
Jun 2010
UI Automation
Sep 2014
UI Automation
xcrun simctl
"xcrun simctl" is introduced in xCode 6
It is command line utility to control the Simulator
(create, delete, erase, install, uninstall, ...).
Jun 2010
UI Automation
Sep 2015
UI Automation
xcrun simctl
UI Testing
UI Testing is introduced as replacement
for UIAutomation in xCode 7
Sep 2014
UI Automation
xcrun simctl

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Jenkins Pipelines
Jenkins PipelinesJenkins Pipelines
Jenkins Pipelines

This document discusses Jenkins Pipelines, which allow defining continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines as code. Key points: - Pipelines are defined using a Groovy domain-specific language (DSL) for stages, steps, and environment configuration. - This provides configuration as code that is version controlled and reusable across projects. - Jenkins plugins support running builds and tests in parallel across Docker containers. - Notifications can be sent to services like Slack on failure. - The Blue Ocean UI in Jenkins focuses on visualization of pipeline runs.

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"How to Use Bazel to Manage Monorepos: The Grammarly Front-End Team’s Experie...
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"How to Use Bazel to Manage Monorepos: The Grammarly Front-End Team’s Experie...

At some point, we reached the limit of the existing build process in the Grammarly Editor monorepo. Build tools required too much time to support, and each new package increased build time and made dependency management harder. To move further, we had to rethink the architecture of the build process. Our solution: We switched to Bazel. In this talk, I will share our findings and how we made the architecture of the build process scalable and predictable.

Java 9 and Beyond
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Java 9 and Beyond

This deck presents what Java 9 brings and what goes away. Also, very high level what you need to do to be prepared.

Jun 2010
UI Automation
Sep 2016
UI Testing
xcrun simctl
Sep 2015
UI Automation
xcrun simctl
UI Testing
Sep 2014
UI Automation
xcrun simctl
UI Automation removed in xCode 8
Супер быстрая автоматизация тестирования на iOS
Jun 2010
UI Automation
Sep 2014
xcrun simctl
Sep 2016
UI Testing
Sep 2016
UI Testing
Nov 2009
UI Spec
Nov 2009
UI Spec
Feb 2011

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Trust, but verify | Testing with Docker Containers
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Trust, but verify | Testing with Docker Containers

This presentation will dive into testing with Docker Containers * Building Docker containers and testing with Serverspec * Testing Docker Compose with Serverspec * Taking advantage of Docker sibling containers to run serverspec in a container * Running large test matrix with Serverspec * Demonstrate using pry/pry-rescue to debug large test The lab is available at:

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- The document discusses deploying JHipster microservices. It begins by generating a JHipster microservices application and configuring options like the application name, database, and authentication. - The application is then generated, creating all necessary files and scaffolding for the microservices architecture. - Options selected include PostgreSQL for the production database, JWT authentication, and HazelCast for caching.

Gr8conf EU 2013 Speed up your development: GroovyServ and Grails Improx Plugin
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The document discusses how to speed up development of Groovy and Grails applications using GroovyServ and the Improx plugin. GroovyServ launches Groovy faster by pre-invoking it as a server. The Improx plugin allows running Grails tests and commands from an IDE by connecting to an interactive Grails shell via TCP/IP. This avoids restarting the JVM for each test and provides autocompletion. Demostrations show how these tools improve development workflow by making Groovy and test execution much faster.

Nov 2009
UI Spec
Feb 2011
Jan 2012
Step Definitions
Ruby Client Library
Developer host
Calabash server
Your app
Touch Actions
Apr 2013
Calabash +
Step Definitions
Ruby Client Library
Developer host
Calabash server
Your app
Run loop:
Sep 2016
Calabash +
Developer host Simulator
Step Definitions
Ruby Client Library
XCTest Runner
Calabash server
Your app
Device Agent
Nov 2009
UI Spec
Feb 2011
Jan 2012
iOSAutomation Frameworks
Apr 2013
Calabash +
Sep 2016
Calabash +
Jun 2010
UI Automation
Sep 2016
UI Testing
xcrun simctl
Sep 2015
UI Automation
xcrun simctl
UI Testing
Sep 2014
UI Automation
xcrun simctl
3 years 1 year

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Ant, Maven and Jenkins
Ant, Maven and JenkinsAnt, Maven and Jenkins
Ant, Maven and Jenkins

The document discusses the history and growth of Jenkins, an open source automation server. It began in 2004 as a personal project by Kohsuke Kawaguchi to automate builds. Over time it grew popular and now has over 470 plugins to support various tasks. The number of plugins and releases has increased dramatically each year as more developers contribute to and use Jenkins.

[Image Results] Java Build Tools: Part 2 - A Decision Maker's Guide Compariso...
[Image Results] Java Build Tools: Part 2 - A Decision Maker's Guide Compariso...[Image Results] Java Build Tools: Part 2 - A Decision Maker's Guide Compariso...
[Image Results] Java Build Tools: Part 2 - A Decision Maker's Guide Compariso...

For you lazy coders out there, we offer the visual aids for the first 3 chapters of "Java Build Tools: Part 2 - A Decision Maker's Comparison of Maven, Gradle and Ant + Ivy". Here you can find the raw scores given to each tool based on 6 feature categories. **Download the full report to see Chapter 4, mapping the features against different user profiles**

build toolsgradleivy
Automated acceptance test
Automated acceptance testAutomated acceptance test
Automated acceptance test

This document discusses building automated acceptance tests that are stable and maintainable for continuous delivery. It emphasizes that developers should own acceptance testing by writing tests in the same way they write production code. This includes writing many unit and regression tests, optimizing for test execution, using immutable environments like Docker for isolation, and leveraging techniques like parallelization and separation of concerns with domain-specific languages. The document also provides examples of testing strategies, tools, and processes that can help achieve this goal.

devopstest automationcontinuous integration
Nov 2009
UI Spec
Feb 2011
Jan 2012
iOSAutomation Frameworks
Apr 2013
Calabash +
Sep 2016
Calabash +
Jun 2010
UI Automation
Sep 2016
UI Testing
xcrun simctl
Sep 2015
UI Automation
xcrun simctl
UI Testing
Sep 2014
UI Automation
xcrun simctl
3 years 1 year
II. iOS Automation at Badoo
flaky tests
fail tests
II. Before Parallel Run
Test Suite Run
Nightly Cucumber Report
total time
II. Before Parallel Run
Test Suite Run
Nightly Cucumber Report
fail tests
Key Issue: How to speed up Test Run?
total time

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iOS Automation rapidly changed due to the evolution of Apple automation frameworks and Calabash community support. One year ago, we parallelised our iOS testing with multiple desktops - a large improvement in performance. Here is an account of the subsequent changes, including the removal of multiple desktops and the adoption of Apple's new XCTest framework. The automation community (Appium, Calabash etc.) were faced with a new challenge: how could we create iOS Automation Infrastructure with the new XCTest Framework? I adopted Facebook solution (FBSimCtl and WebAgentDriver) into the multi-simulators approach. In this talk, I will discuss the full evolution path to Hybrid Approach based on multi-simulators and XCTest framework, using Facebook open-source tools.

mobile test automationautomationios
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programmingjavaintegration testing
Let's Parallel!
Let's Parallel!
Blocker Issue:
- Calabash does not support Parallel run on 1 desktop
Let's Parallel
with multi-desktops!
Tim's talk at Badoo: "Parallel Calabash Testing on iOS"

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Capistrano与jenkins(hudson)在java web项目中的实践
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Capistrano and Jenkins can be used together to automate the build, deployment, and management of Java web applications on clusters of servers. Capistrano allows deploying code to multiple servers and managing services, while Jenkins provides continuous integration by automatically building, testing, and deploying code changes to different environments like development, testing, and production. When a build succeeds in Jenkins, it can trigger Capistrano tasks to deploy the new code to servers and restart services. This achieves automated and versioned software releases across server clusters.

capistrano hudson jenkins
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Lviv 2013 d7 vs d8

This document compares Drupal 7 and Drupal 8. Some key differences include Drupal 8 requiring PHP 5.3.10 instead of 5.2.4, using a Composer autoloader instead of includes, and handling requests through a Symfony kernel instead of hook_bootstrapping. Drupal 8 also uses more Symfony components like events and services. The rendering process is updated with new classes like HtmlPage and HtmlFragment. Drupal 8 removes hook_menu() and replaces it with routing files and services.

Скандалы, расследования, тестирование
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Доклад Натальи Казаковой на конференции SQA Days-21

sqa days 21
II. Test Result: multi-desktops
~4 hours regression suite run time
5 Desktops
II. Test Result: multi-desktops
Mac PRO (24 cores)
~2 hours regression suite run time
10 Desktops
Супер быстрая автоматизация тестирования на iOS
X Desktops: host limit reached

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End-2-End UI автоматизация в мобильном приложении. Наша реализация
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Доклад Павла Иванова на конференции SQA Days-21

sqa days 21
II. Clustering Hosts
II. Clustering Hosts
- Parallel run on multi (virtual) hosts
- Mac Pro and hosts: test suite - ~1h 30 min
II. Clustering Hosts
- multi-desktops start up is Flaky
- simulators can get stuck
II. Clustering Hosts
Is it possible to automate multi-simulators on one desktop?

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Доклад Димы Иванова на конференции SQA Days-21

sqa days 21
Testing is magic!
Testing is magic!Testing is magic!
Testing is magic!

This document discusses various techniques used by magicians and illusionists to distract and misdirect audiences. It notes that only a small percentage of our brain is needed to perceive our surroundings, leaving room for distraction. Slight of hand techniques rely on engaging the audience in conversation or otherwise occupying their attention. The document also discusses cognitive biases and how software and websites can be designed to subtly influence users through framing effects and A/B testing of content and layouts.

sqa days 21
II. Facebook: Web Driver Agent
Developer host Simulator
Selenium Driver
WDA Runner
Your app
Key Change: Reimplemented UIAutomation dependency
- 7 simulators on single desktop
- More stable! more efficient!
II. Full Migration to FB UIA WDA
- all tests have calabash code

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50 оттенков тестирования
50 оттенков тестирования50 оттенков тестирования
50 оттенков тестирования

Доклад Алексея Петрова на конференции SQA Days-21

sqa days 21
iOS Parallel Automation: run faster than fast — Viktar Karanevich — SeleniumC...
iOS Parallel Automation: run faster than fast — Viktar Karanevich — SeleniumC...iOS Parallel Automation: run faster than fast — Viktar Karanevich — SeleniumC...
iOS Parallel Automation: run faster than fast — Viktar Karanevich — SeleniumC...

iOS Automation rapidly changed due to the evolution of Apple automation frameworks and Calabash community support. One year ago, we parallelised our iOS testing with multiple desktops – a large improvement in performance. Here is an account of the subsequent changes, including the removal of multiple desktops and the adoption of Apple’s new XCTest framework. The automation community (Appium, Calabash etc.) faced a new challenge: how could we create iOS Automation Infrastructure with the new XCTest Framework? I adopted Facebook solution (FBSimCtl and WebAgentDriver) into the multi-simulators approach. In this talk, I will discuss the full evolution path to Facebash Approach based on multi-simulators, Calabash server and Facebook Web Driver Agent.

qaiosmobile automation
II. Full Migration to FB UIA WDA
- all tests have calabash code
- custom app backdoors
II. Full Migration to FB UIA WDA
- all tests have calabash code
- custom app backdoors
- workarounds and other
II. Full Migration to FB UIA WDA
Full Migration Costs: ~x hours
Is it possible to do Fast Migration?
II. Calabash + Facebook
Fast migration: Facebash!
Step Definitions
Ruby Client Library
Developer host
Calabash server
Your app
Run loop:

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Mobile Development integration tests
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Mobile Development integration tests

1. The document introduces Swift Localhost, a tool for writing localhost UI tests in Swift. It allows setting up a mock localhost server to handle API requests from the app under test. 2. Common problems with traditional end-to-end tests like brittle tests and slow execution are discussed. Localhost UI tests address these by mocking API responses at a faster, isolated integration level. 3. The key aspects of setting up and asserting localhost requests are explained, including routing requests to the localhost server, configuring mock responses, and validating the expected request paths and cURL commands.

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Cloud meets Fog & Puppet A Story of Version Controlled Infrastructure
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Cloud meets Fog & Puppet A Story of Version Controlled Infrastructure

Talk at rootconf - A conference at Bangalore for sysadmins. Gist of the talk:- Puppet is a great configuration management tool and git is great at version controlling.AWS lets you create instances in few clicks. But when it comes to large deployments only automation(where tools come together) can make you productive and happy. I will take you through following.. Fog - The Ruby cloud services library and how it helps you to create vendor neutral cloud deployments, Puppet- Multi region puppet masters, Ruby- How Ruby pulls the strings together in EC2/ELB/RDS creation, Security group creation, IP authorization, Route53 DNS etc, Git- how we use git to version control deployment configs/configurations.

II. Calabash + Facebook
Fast migration: Facebash!
Step Definitions
Ruby Client Library
Developer host
Calabash server
Your app
Run loop:
Developer host Simulator
Step Definitions
Ruby Client Library
WDA Runner
Calabash server
Your app
II. iOS 10 Update:
from UIAutomation WDAto XCTest WDA
Developer host Simulator
Selenium Driver
Your app
WDA Runner
II. iOS 10 Update:
from UIAutomation WDAto XCTest WDA
Developer host Simulator
Selenium Driver
Your app
Developer host Simulator
Your app
WDA Runner
Selenium Driver
FB simctl
II. iOS Hybrid 2.0
iOS 10 update
Developer host Simulator
Step Definitions
Ruby Client Library
WDA Runner
Calabash server
Your app

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State ofappdevelopment
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State ofappdevelopment

A presentation I gave at the March 2013 Tokyo iOS Meetup. It covers some of the trends I see emerging in App Development.

Google App Engine for Java v0.0.2
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Google App Engine for Java v0.0.2

Google App Engine is a PaaS that allows developers to build and host web applications in the Google cloud. The document summarizes a workshop on using the Java runtime environment on GAE. It discusses the SDKs, deploying and managing apps on GAE, data storage using the datastore, and limitations like the 30-second request limit. The biggest benefits of GAE are scalability and low startup costs, while the hardest limit is the 30-second request processing time.

SaltStack's NetAPI at Photobucket - Denver SaltStack Meetup
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SaltStack's NetAPI at Photobucket - Denver SaltStack Meetup

Discussion of how Photobucket uses SaltStack in its Ops organization. And specifically the NetAPI feature.

II. iOS Hybrid 2.0
iOS 10 update
Developer host Simulator
Step Definitions
Ruby Client Library
WDA Runner
Calabash server
Your app
Developer host Simulator
Step Definitions
Ruby Client Library
FB simctl
Calabash server
Your app
III. Summary: multi-desktops vs multi-simulators
Test Suite: 500 tests
Nightly Cucumber Report
Happy morning!
Test Suite Run Time
0 min
225 min
450 min
675 min
900 min
1 sim 10 sims 16 sims
75 min
120 min
900 min
Developer host Simulator
Step Definitions
Ruby Client Library
FB simctl
Calabash server
Your app
"Face"book + Cala"bash" = Facebash
III. Summary: current approach
- easy to set up Parallel Run on 1 Desktop
- keep using of backdoors
- full access to internal AUT state
- cross iOS app automation
- iOS simulator control with FBSimCtl
- FB WDA supports Selenium protocol
- FB WDA independent of Calabash/Appium
III. Summary: PROs

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Setting UIAutomation free with Appium
Setting UIAutomation free with AppiumSetting UIAutomation free with Appium
Setting UIAutomation free with Appium

The document discusses problems with Apple's UIAutomation testing framework and proposes a solution called Appium. UIAutomation only runs in Instruments and is limited by only supporting JavaScript. Appium allows controlling UIAutomation from the command line in any language and adds real-time control. It works by having JavaScript commands communicate with scripts through files or a web server, allowing tests to integrate mobile and web testing and reuse non-JavaScript code. The document provides instructions for setting up Appium and coding tests similarly to Selenium.

mobile appium ios uiautomation automation testing
DevOps on AWS: Deep Dive on Continuous Delivery and the AWS Developer Tools
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DevOps on AWS: Deep Dive on Continuous Delivery and the AWS Developer Tools

Today’s cutting-edge companies have software release cycles measured in days instead of months. This agility is enabled by the DevOps practice of continuous delivery, which automates building, testing, and deploying all code changes. This automation helps you catch bugs sooner and accelerates developer productivity. In this session, we’ll share the processes that Amazon’s engineers use to practice DevOps and discuss how you can bring these processes to your company by using a new set of AWS tools (AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodePipeline, and AWS CodeDeploy). These services were inspired by Amazon's own internal developer tools and DevOps culture.

Xcode Server & Xcode 7 Bots
Xcode Server & Xcode 7 Bots Xcode Server & Xcode 7 Bots
Xcode Server & Xcode 7 Bots

A lightning talk overview on the features of Xcode Server, and the new features introduced with Xcode 7 at WWDC 2015 for Continuous Integration and Deployments. Learn how Xcode Server works, how it integrates with Xcode, and how bots can help alert you, when something has gone wrong.

- support framework parts: calabash server, FB WDA, fbsimctl, ...
- "poor" documentation
- using of mixed locator strategies
III. Summary: PROs and CONs
Супер быстрая автоматизация тестирования на iOS
- Parallel Run in Headless Mode
- Simulator Start/Shutdown/Reset optimization
- Cold/Hot start iOS app with relogin
- record video per the each test in Parallel Run
Thank you!

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Deploy, Scale and Manage your Application with AWS Elastic Beanstalk
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Супер быстрая автоматизация тестирования на iOS

  • 1. iOS Parallel Automation: Run faster than fast Viktar Karanevich · 26 May
  • 2. I. History of iOS Automation Frameworks (10 min) II. Path to the current approach at Badoo (10 min) III. Summary (5 min) IV. Movie: Test Run (3 min)
  • 3. self.introduce => { name: "Viktar Karanevich", title: ["SSATE", "SSDET", "SQAAE"], languages: ["Java", "Ruby"], experience: "iOS Automation 7+ years" }
  • 4. BIGGER THAN DATING 348M+ registered users 50M+ downloads on iOS 800+ automated tests on iOS
  • 7. Jun 2010 UI Automation Sep 2014 UI Automation xcrun simctl Apple "xcrun simctl" is introduced in xCode 6 It is command line utility to control the Simulator (create, delete, erase, install, uninstall, ...).
  • 8. Jun 2010 UI Automation Sep 2015 UI Automation xcrun simctl UI Testing Apple UI Testing is introduced as replacement for UIAutomation in xCode 7 Sep 2014 UI Automation xcrun simctl
  • 9. Jun 2010 UI Automation Sep 2016 UI Testing xcrun simctl Apple Sep 2015 UI Automation xcrun simctl UI Testing Sep 2014 UI Automation xcrun simctl UI Automation removed in xCode 8
  • 11. Jun 2010 UI Automation Sep 2014 xcrun simctl Sep 2016 UI Testing Sep 2016 UI Testing Apple Calabash Nov 2009 UI Spec
  • 13. Calabash Nov 2009 UI Spec Feb 2011 Frank Jan 2012 Calabash Step Definitions Ruby Client Library Features Developer host Calabash server Simulator Your app UIQuery Touch Actions
  • 14. Calabash Apr 2013 Calabash + UIAutomation Link: Step Definitions Ruby Client Library Features Developer host Calabash server Simulator Your app UIQuery Run loop: UIAutomation
  • 15. Calabash Sep 2016 Calabash + DeviceAgent Link: tree/develop/lib/run_loop/device_agent Developer host Simulator Step Definitions Ruby Client Library XCTest Runner Features Calabash server Your app UIQuery Device Agent
  • 16. Calabash Nov 2009 UI Spec Feb 2011 Frank Jan 2012 Calabash iOSAutomation Frameworks Apr 2013 Calabash + UIAutomation Sep 2016 Calabash + DeviceAgent Jun 2010 UI Automation Sep 2016 UI Testing xcrun simctl Sep 2015 UI Automation xcrun simctl UI Testing Sep 2014 UI Automation xcrun simctl Apple 3 years 1 year
  • 17. Calabash Nov 2009 UI Spec Feb 2011 Frank Jan 2012 Calabash iOSAutomation Frameworks Apr 2013 Calabash + UIAutomation Sep 2016 Calabash + DeviceAgent Jun 2010 UI Automation Sep 2016 UI Testing xcrun simctl Sep 2015 UI Automation xcrun simctl UI Testing Sep 2014 UI Automation xcrun simctl Apple 3 years 1 year
  • 18. II. iOS Automation at Badoo Approach ~80 flaky tests 80 data fail tests
  • 19. II. Before Parallel Run Test Suite Run Nightly Cucumber Report Nightmare! 15h total time 1 simulator 80 data ~500 tests
  • 20. II. Before Parallel Run Test Suite Run Nightly Cucumber Report Nightmare! 80 data fail tests 1simulator Key Issue: How to speed up Test Run? 15h total time ~500 tests 1 simulator
  • 22. Let's Parallel! Blocker Issue: - Calabash does not support Parallel run on 1 desktop
  • 24. Tim's talk at Badoo: "Parallel Calabash Testing on iOS"
  • 25. II. Test Result: multi-desktops ~4 hours regression suite run time 5 Desktops
  • 26. II. Test Result: multi-desktops Mac PRO (24 cores) ~2 hours regression suite run time 10 Desktops
  • 28. X Desktops: host limit reached
  • 30. II. Clustering Hosts - Parallel run on multi (virtual) hosts - Mac Pro and hosts: test suite - ~1h 30 min
  • 31. II. Clustering Hosts Issues: - multi-desktops start up is Flaky - simulators can get stuck
  • 32. II. Clustering Hosts Is it possible to automate multi-simulators on one desktop?
  • 33. II. Facebook: Web Driver Agent
  • 34. Developer host Simulator Selenium Driver WDA Runner Your app FB UIA WDA Key Change: Reimplemented UIAutomation dependency Link:
  • 35. Profit: - 7 simulators on single desktop - More stable! more efficient!
  • 36. II. Full Migration to FB UIA WDA Issues: - all tests have calabash code
  • 37. II. Full Migration to FB UIA WDA Issues: - all tests have calabash code - custom app backdoors
  • 38. II. Full Migration to FB UIA WDA Issues: - all tests have calabash code - custom app backdoors - workarounds and other
  • 39. II. Full Migration to FB UIA WDA Full Migration Costs: ~x hours Is it possible to do Fast Migration?
  • 40. II. Calabash + Facebook Fast migration: Facebash! Step Definitions Ruby Client Library Features Developer host Calabash server Simulator Your app UIQuery Run loop: UIAutomation
  • 41. II. Calabash + Facebook Fast migration: Facebash! Step Definitions Ruby Client Library Features Developer host Calabash server Simulator Your app UIQuery Run loop: UIAutomation Developer host Simulator Step Definitions Ruby Client Library WDA Runner Features Calabash server Your app UIQuery FB UIA WDA
  • 42. II. iOS 10 Update: from UIAutomation WDAto XCTest WDA Link: Developer host Simulator Selenium Driver Your app FB UIA WDA WDA Runner
  • 43. II. iOS 10 Update: from UIAutomation WDAto XCTest WDA Link: Developer host Simulator Selenium Driver Your app FB UIA WDA Developer host Simulator Your app FB XCTest WDA WDA Runner Selenium Driver FB simctl
  • 44. II. iOS Hybrid 2.0 iOS 10 update Developer host Simulator Step Definitions Ruby Client Library WDA Runner Features Calabash server Your app UIQuery FB UIA WDA
  • 45. II. iOS Hybrid 2.0 iOS 10 update Developer host Simulator Step Definitions Ruby Client Library WDA Runner Features Calabash server Your app UIQuery FB UIA WDA Developer host Simulator Step Definitions Ruby Client Library FB simctl Features Calabash server Your app UIQuery FB XCTest WDA
  • 46. III. Summary: multi-desktops vs multi-simulators Test Suite: 500 tests Nightly Cucumber Report Happy morning! 80 data Mac PRO Test Suite Run Time 0 min 225 min 450 min 675 min 900 min 1 sim 10 sims 16 sims 75 min 120 min 900 min Multi Desktops Multi Simulators
  • 47. Developer host Simulator Step Definitions Ruby Client Library FB simctl Features Calabash server Your app UIQuery FB XCTest WDA "Face"book + Cala"bash" = Facebash III. Summary: current approach
  • 48. - easy to set up Parallel Run on 1 Desktop - keep using of backdoors - full access to internal AUT state - cross iOS app automation - iOS simulator control with FBSimCtl - FB WDA supports Selenium protocol - FB WDA independent of Calabash/Appium Facebook Calabash Calabash Facebook Facebook Facebook Facebook III. Summary: PROs
  • 49. - support framework parts: calabash server, FB WDA, fbsimctl, ... - "poor" documentation - using of mixed locator strategies III. Summary: PROs and CONs
  • 51. - Parallel Run in Headless Mode - Simulator Start/Shutdown/Reset optimization - Cold/Hot start iOS app with relogin - record video per the each test in Parallel Run Optimization