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Introduction to Web Design
Introduction to Web Design
Book design
Poster design
Print design
Video/Game design
“Web design is the creation of digital environments that
 facilitate and encourage human activity; reflect or adapt
   to individual voices and content; and change gracefully
           over time while always retaining their identity.”
                                         - Jeffrey Zeldman

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Elements Of Web Design
Elements Of Web DesignElements Of Web Design
Elements Of Web Design

The document outlines the key elements in web design, which can be categorized as the surface (visual design), skeleton (interface, navigation, and information design), and structure (information architecture and interaction design). It also discusses requirements and strategy. The surface focuses on visual aesthetics, the skeleton on usability, and the structure on organizing content. Additionally, the document contrasts designing for the web as a hypertext system versus a software application.

Web Design 101
Web Design 101Web Design 101
Web Design 101

Basic stuff on designing for the web. Go to ‎for full list of links

web designuser experiencetypography
Responsive web designing ppt(1)
Responsive web designing ppt(1)Responsive web designing ppt(1)
Responsive web designing ppt(1)

In today's internet scenario responsive websites are the most popular way of putting a website in worldwide web, as this a form in which your website can be seen in multiple devices without any problem. In this slide we tried to explain step by step processes in responsive website design.

responsive web design
Employs graphic design elements
More like a typeface

Rosewood vs. Helvetica
Architecturally speaking
Introduction to Web Design
the world is your oyster
pms, cmyk, print calibration
a look you can put a guarantee on
no waffling on the final dimensions
conventional oven cook time: 40 min
think twice about that font
what you see is not what you get
fun house mirror magic
from 3 inches to 30 inches in 0.0 sec
microwave cook time: 5 min

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WordPress Complete Tutorial
WordPress Complete TutorialWordPress Complete Tutorial
WordPress Complete Tutorial

Overview & Examples Getting Started CMS Tips & Tricks Beyond the Basics Keep it Safe, Secure & Spiffy More Handy Plugins What else can WP do?

wordpresswordpress demowordpress plugin
Introduction to web development
Introduction to web developmentIntroduction to web development
Introduction to web development

This document provides an overview of web development. It begins with an introduction and outlines a series on the topic, covering basic design tools, logic tools, and tweaks needed. It then defines web applications, describes the evolution of web development from static to dynamic pages, and explains how requests are made and website structure. It also covers the basic web development process, reasons for multiple browsers, and differences between static and dynamic web pages. Finally, it discusses dynamic web technologies and frameworks.

Web Designing Presentation
Web Designing PresentationWeb Designing Presentation
Web Designing Presentation

The document discusses the key aspects of web design. It identifies the main languages used for frontend web design as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Popular backend languages are identified as PHP, Ruby, Python, Node.js, and Java. The document also defines responsive web design as using HTML and CSS to automatically resize a website to look good on all devices like desktops, tablets, and phones. It provides an overview of common elements considered in web design like content, logo, typography, layout, colors, navigation, and being cross-browser responsive.

#webdesign#introduction of web design#web designing presentation
a never ending changing landscape
before internet explore and firefox
still not done evolving
text, graphics, animation, video
as the web evolves, so too has design
Introduction to Web Design
Introduction to Web Design

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HTML and Responsive Design
HTML and Responsive Design HTML and Responsive Design
HTML and Responsive Design

An introduction to responsive design and Web frameworks -- for journalism students. Shows various examples. Includes links to resources. Updated February 2014.

Web development
Web developmentWeb development
Web development

Web development involves the creation and maintenance of websites through web design and coding. Web design focuses on creating the visual templates and layouts for websites using tools like Photoshop, while coding provides the underlying structure and functionality through programming languages and frameworks. Coding is essential for web design as it forms the building blocks and server-side functionality that brings websites to life online.

web developmentweb design and developmentweb designing and coding
Web design basics
Web design basicsWeb design basics
Web design basics

Web design involves creating web page presentations delivered via the internet. It covers a wide range including clients, content types, and functionality. The document discusses basic web design principles including alignment, proximity, rhythm/repetition, and contrast. These principles help make pages look more professional by guiding the user's eye through the page and creating visual hierarchy. The principles should be combined for best results.

Introduction to Web Design
Introduction to Web Design
Introduction to Web Design
Introduction to Web Design

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Presentation of web designing
Presentation of web designingPresentation of web designing
Presentation of web designing

This document provides an overview of web design, including its key elements and principles. It defines web design as the process of creating and arranging visual elements like layout, color, graphics, and fonts to present content on web pages for end users. The document outlines the main elements of web design and discusses factors that contribute to creating user-friendly designs, such as navigation, multimedia, compatibility, and technology. It emphasizes the importance of consistency in design and provides recommendations for developing a website.

Website design with Wordpress ppt
Website design with Wordpress pptWebsite design with Wordpress ppt
Website design with Wordpress ppt

Web designing is a process of creating a website using creative graphics and useful functionality. In website designing process the important factors are content, appealing look, good layout and accessibility of the website on all devices. In 2018 creating Responsive Websites which are optimized for Desktops, Tabs and Mobiles is very significant. We have added BootStrap Framework to enable you to design responsive websites. In our web designing course we will train you on all the latest technologies as per the new updates.

wordpressweb designweb development
Website planning
Website planningWebsite planning
Website planning

A website is a collection of web pages located on the internet that is dedicated to a particular topic or purpose. There are two main types of websites: static websites that do not frequently change content and dynamic websites where content changes regularly. The key components of a website include a homepage and site-wide template, integrated site navigation, look and feel elements, a logo, about page, feedback form, search features, a domain name, and copyright information.

digital marketingwebsitewhat is think before make a website
Introduction to Web Design
Developer    (27.8%)                       Web Producer                (1.8%)

Web Designer           (12.7%)             Information Architect                           (1.6%)

Designer   (8.4%)                          Web Director               (1.6%)

Webmaster      (4.4%)                      Writer, Editor            (1.2%)

Project Manager          (3.7%)            Usability Expert                (1.0%)

Interface/UI Designer             (3.2%)   Marketer    (0.9%)

Creative Director            (3.0%)        Educator    (0.5%)

Art Director        (1.9%)                 Accessibility Expert                      (0.2%)

                                                   Statistics from 2008 A List Apart : The Survey for People Who Make Websites
corporate sites         portfolio sites
eCommerce sites         musician/band sites
movie promotion sites   educational sites
video game sites        web applications
car sites               blogs
auction sites           mobile sites
the red headed step child of web design
often the last thing to be taken into
impacts everything
embrace it

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WordPress Website Creation Training Course Slides
WordPress Website Creation Training Course SlidesWordPress Website Creation Training Course Slides
WordPress Website Creation Training Course Slides

Sample presentation slides from our 2-day WordPress Website Creation Training Course.

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Responsive web design
Responsive web designResponsive web design
Responsive web design

Responsive web design involves creating layouts that adapt to different screen sizes using flexible grids and media queries. It allows for a device-agnostic approach and is easier to build than separate mobile sites. Key aspects of responsive design include planning with a mobile-first approach, prototyping, using consistent breakpoints based on content, usability testing, writing for different screens, designing visually hierarchical layouts, and addressing images and media. Testing is important throughout the process. While responsive design is a good base, other solutions like responsive or native apps may still be needed, and the job requires ongoing review.

responsive web designresponsiveweb

CSS3 is an update to the CSS2.1 specification that introduces many new features and modules. Some key CSS3 modules include selectors, backgrounds and borders, text effects, transformations, transitions, multiple columns, and user interface. CSS3 allows for rounded borders using border-radius, box shadows using box-shadow, and image borders using border-image. Other CSS3 properties include text-shadow, word-wrap, transforms like rotate and scale, transitions for animated effects, multiple columns layout, and user interface features like resizing and outlines. Support for CSS3 varies across browsers.

interaction design
designing for the experience
understanding the user(s)
user personas, user paths
wireframes, sitemaps, prototypes
remember our friend content?
site mapping gives you the big picture
wireframing helps you organize
site prototyping allows you to walk
through interactive elements
how do i get people to see what i see?
can’t i just use images instead?
fine, then I’ll just use flash
accept and embrace the challenge
introduction of @font-face with CSS3

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Difference between-web-designing-and-web-development
Difference between-web-designing-and-web-developmentDifference between-web-designing-and-web-development
Difference between-web-designing-and-web-development

Web design and web development are often used interchangeably. However these terms refers to unique aspects involved in the process of creating a website and making it accessible to the audience over internet. Learn the difference between web designing and web development by going through this slide. You will also find how the job of a web designer is different from a web developer by understanding the programing language and tasks involved in both these professions.

web designweb design dubaiweb development
Bootstrap ppt
Bootstrap pptBootstrap ppt
Bootstrap ppt

Bootstrap is a front-end framework that makes building responsive, mobile-first websites faster and easier. It provides pre-built UI components and design templates for common tasks like navigation, typography, forms, buttons, images, and more. Developers and designers can use Bootstrap to quickly prototype and build sites without custom coding.

bootstrap frameworkresponsive frameworkresponsive web design bootstrap
10 Principles Of Effective Web Design
10 Principles Of Effective Web Design10 Principles Of Effective Web Design
10 Principles Of Effective Web Design

The document discusses 10 principles of effective web design based on how users interact with websites. It explains that users scan pages quickly, click the first link that interests them, and will click back if a page does not meet their expectations. Users want quality content, control of their browsing experience, and instant gratification. Effective design keeps things simple, uses whitespace and focus to guide users, and gets directly to the point with clear navigation and structure. Testing with users is important throughout the design process.

web designprinciplesweb design
the browser wars
closer, but still not there
transcending web design
ie6 - the browser from hell
ie, ff, safari, chrome, mozilla, opera...
websites do NOT have to look the
same for everyone
graceful degradation
graphic design!
a video from web designer Mike Kus
showcasing his graphic design process

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web design & web developmentweb design & web development
web design & web development

Web design focuses on the visual design and layout of a website to optimize the user experience, requiring skills in programs like Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and content management systems. Web development concentrates more on building the functional aspects of a site through programming languages like PHP, C#, Java, and databases, along with skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and AJAX. Both roles are important to creating fully-functional, visually appealing websites.

Introduction to web design
Introduction to web designIntroduction to web design
Introduction to web design

This document provides an introduction to web design and web components. It discusses clients and servers, internet service providers, web hosting services, domain names, URLs and IPs. It also covers web components like registrars and gives an overview of HTML including headings, lists, tables, frames, colors and other fundamentals of web page structure and design. The document is intended as an introductory overview of key concepts for beginning web design.

synapseindia complaintsynapseindia php developmentsynapseindia complain
Introduction to web design
Introduction to web designIntroduction to web design
Introduction to web design

The document provides an introduction to various topics related to web design including web components, clients and servers, internet service providers, web hosting services, domains names URLs and IPs, and registrars. It describes these elements and how they work together to build the foundation of the web. It also covers HTML, images, tables, links and other basic web technologies.

Do you go for the 500m or team relay?
web designer, authors, producers, etc...
front-end, middle-end, back-end
where does flash belong
motion design
eliminates many challenges of the web
all in or just dip your toes in the water?
and yes, you will still need to code
flash has it’s own set of issues too
doesn’t scale well to mobile (or at all)
buggy, crashes often
HTML5 is changing the landscape
Star Wars Intro
a whole new set of challenges
designing for new mobile phones
creating a mobile version of your site
function, function, function!
mobile banking, travel, hotel, shopping
mobile web applications

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WordPress is an open source content management system (CMS) that was created in 2003. It is written in PHP and MySQL, and powers approximately 22% of new websites. The document provides an overview of WordPress' history and releases from 2003 to 2011. It also describes how to set up WordPress with a 5-minute installation process and explains the main loop that displays blog posts on WordPress sites. Examples are given of popular sites that use WordPress like Mozilla, CNN, and eBay.

Thrive Internet Marketting Seminar
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Thrive Internet Marketting Seminar

This document discusses various digital marketing tactics including maintaining user friendly websites, running email campaigns, optimizing content for search engines, blogging, creating e-books, and using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and SlideShare. It also mentions tracking metrics like click through rate and developing popular tactics.

e-mailmarkettingdr. greene
you can never get comfortable
books, online sites, classes, etc.
twitter lists, rss feeds
design trends shift quickly w/tech
typography challenges
cross-browser compatibility
multiple personalities
download speeds
resolution/monitor sizes
build your design
map out your coding technique
slice and dice
Photoshop     Transmit
Fireworks     CSS Edit
Illustrator   Firebug
Dreamweaver   Web Inspector
Coda          And many more

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Managing WordPress Websites - Training Course - Feb 2015
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Managing WordPress Websites - Training Course - Feb 2015

This training course was delivered for Inspire Marketing to local business people in the Co Kildare area, under the direction of Kildare Co Council and the Outdoor Tourism (Ireland) scheme.

Interface design for the web
Interface design for the webInterface design for the web
Interface design for the web

The document outlines principles of interface design for the web. It discusses 14 principles, including knowing your users, borrowing from familiar systems, making available functions clear, maintaining internal and external consistency, reflecting changes in appearance, providing concrete and abstract ways to complete tasks, attracting appropriate attention, understanding the language of the interface, providing different types of help, giving users confidence with safety nets, limiting activity to well-defined contexts, creating beauty, getting help to spot defects, and listening to ordinary people. The document also briefly mentions what interface design is and its goals.

Introduction to WordPress 2016
Introduction to WordPress 2016Introduction to WordPress 2016
Introduction to WordPress 2016

This document provides an introduction to a WordPress training session presented by Rick Radko and Jasmine Vesque. It includes an agenda covering WordPress basics like posts, pages, settings, plugins and themes. Attendees will learn key WordPress concepts and features to familiarize themselves with the platform. The training aims to help attendees understand common WordPress terminology and components.

introductionwordcamp ottawawordpress
photoshop first, building second?
designing as you code?
somewhere in between
Percent of respondants

            0   7.5    15                             22.5                                   30
   < $10k
   $150 >

                        Statistics from 2008 A List Apart : The Survey for People Who Make Websites
Introduction to Web Design

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Custom WordPress theme development
Custom WordPress theme developmentCustom WordPress theme development
Custom WordPress theme development

Go over a quick crash course into what it takes to develop a WordPress theme and then jump into some deeper waters on how to utilize Custom Post Types, create custom theme options, and custom meta boxes.

wordpresstech mixer universitytmu2011
Introduction to Wordpress
Introduction to WordpressIntroduction to Wordpress
Introduction to Wordpress

A presentation from 4/8/09 for my graduate Industrial Training class at University of Memphis. Covers the basics of Wordpress, installation, plugins, themes, and video.

Introduction to WordPress
Introduction to WordPressIntroduction to WordPress
Introduction to WordPress

1. The document provides an introduction to WordPress presented by Harshad Mane. It covers what WordPress is, its history and usage statistics, how to install WordPress, and how to customize WordPress sites using themes, plugins, and other features. 2. The presentation explains how to set up WordPress locally, create posts and pages, use categories and tags, and manage comments and users. 3. In closing, it discusses potential career paths in web development, design, and teaching using WordPress skills.


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Introduction to Web Design

  • 3. Book design Poster design Print design Illustration Video/Game design
  • 4. “Web design is the creation of digital environments that facilitate and encourage human activity; reflect or adapt to individual voices and content; and change gracefully over time while always retaining their identity.” - Jeffrey Zeldman
  • 5. Employs graphic design elements More like a typeface Rosewood vs. Helvetica Architecturally speaking
  • 7. the world is your oyster pms, cmyk, print calibration a look you can put a guarantee on no waffling on the final dimensions conventional oven cook time: 40 min
  • 8. think twice about that font what you see is not what you get fun house mirror magic from 3 inches to 30 inches in 0.0 sec microwave cook time: 5 min
  • 9. a never ending changing landscape before internet explore and firefox still not done evolving text, graphics, animation, video
  • 10. as the web evolves, so too has design
  • 18. Developer (27.8%) Web Producer (1.8%) Web Designer (12.7%) Information Architect (1.6%) Designer (8.4%) Web Director (1.6%) Webmaster (4.4%) Writer, Editor (1.2%) Project Manager (3.7%) Usability Expert (1.0%) Interface/UI Designer (3.2%) Marketer (0.9%) Creative Director (3.0%) Educator (0.5%) Art Director (1.9%) Accessibility Expert (0.2%) Statistics from 2008 A List Apart : The Survey for People Who Make Websites
  • 19. corporate sites portfolio sites eCommerce sites musician/band sites movie promotion sites educational sites video game sites web applications car sites blogs auction sites mobile sites
  • 20. the red headed step child of web design often the last thing to be taken into consideration impacts everything embrace it
  • 22. designing for the experience understanding the user(s) user personas, user paths wireframes, sitemaps, prototypes
  • 23. remember our friend content? site mapping gives you the big picture wireframing helps you organize site prototyping allows you to walk through interactive elements
  • 24. how do i get people to see what i see? can’t i just use images instead? fine, then I’ll just use flash accept and embrace the challenge introduction of @font-face with CSS3
  • 25. the browser wars W3C HTML, XML, XHTML, CSS, DOM closer, but still not there transcending web design
  • 26. ie6 - the browser from hell ie, ff, safari, chrome, mozilla, opera... websites do NOT have to look the same for everyone graceful degradation
  • 28. a video from web designer Mike Kus showcasing his graphic design process
  • 29. Do you go for the 500m or team relay? web designer, authors, producers, etc... front-end, middle-end, back-end
  • 30. where does flash belong motion design eliminates many challenges of the web all in or just dip your toes in the water? and yes, you will still need to code
  • 31. flash has it’s own set of issues too doesn’t scale well to mobile (or at all) buggy, crashes often HTML5 is changing the landscape Star Wars Intro
  • 32. a whole new set of challenges designing for new mobile phones creating a mobile version of your site function, function, function! mobile banking, travel, hotel, shopping mobile web applications
  • 33. you can never get comfortable books, online sites, classes, etc. twitter lists, rss feeds design trends shift quickly w/tech
  • 34. typography challenges cross-browser compatibility multiple personalities download speeds resolution/monitor sizes
  • 35. build your design map out your coding technique slice and dice
  • 36. Photoshop Transmit Fireworks CSS Edit Illustrator Firebug Dreamweaver Web Inspector Coda And many more Espresso
  • 37. photoshop first, building second? designing as you code? somewhere in between
  • 38. Percent of respondants 0 7.5 15 22.5 30 < $10k $10-20k $20-40k $40-60k $60-80k $80-$100k $100-120k $120-150k $150 > Statistics from 2008 A List Apart : The Survey for People Who Make Websites
  • 39. Q&A