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OR 2012

   Mark Leggott, President, DiscoveryGarden Inc.
David Wilcox, Islandora Training/Support Coordinator
  Kirsta Stapelfeldt, Islandora Repository Manager
         Alan Stanley, Islandora Developer
OR 2012

๏ 9:30-9:45 Introductions
๏ 9:45-10:15 Introducing Islandora
๏ 10:15-11:00 Solution Packs
๏ 11:00-11:15 Break
๏ 11:15-11:45 Collection Management
๏ 11:45-12:15 Islandora Tools & Configuration
๏ 12:15-12:30 Roadmap Preview
OR 2012


1. Who are we?
2. Who are you?
OR 2012

Introducing Islandora

Recommended for you

Sun oracletechupdate emea2008
Sun oracletechupdate emea2008Sun oracletechupdate emea2008
Sun oracletechupdate emea2008

This document provides an agenda and overview for an Oracle-Sun technology alliance meeting. It discusses Oracle and Sun's technical roadmap including porting Oracle database and middleware to Solaris x64, virtualization adoption across Oracle products, and benchmarking efforts. It also proposes a joint development project between Sun and Oracle to port Oracle Database 11g to Solaris x86-64.

PaaSing a Java EE 6 Application at Geecon 2012
PaaSing a Java EE 6 Application at Geecon 2012PaaSing a Java EE 6 Application at Geecon 2012
PaaSing a Java EE 6 Application at Geecon 2012

This document discusses deploying Java EE applications to Platform as a Service (PaaS) environments. It covers key cloud computing concepts like deployment models and service models. It also explains how Java EE applications can leverage PaaS for simplified deployment, automatic service provisioning and management, scalable virtualized runtimes, and automatic scaling of services. The document demonstrates deploying a sample conference planning application to GlassFish PaaS and describes the underlying GlassFish PaaS runtime architecture.

NetWeaver Gateway- Introduction to REST
NetWeaver Gateway- Introduction to RESTNetWeaver Gateway- Introduction to REST
NetWeaver Gateway- Introduction to REST

The document introduces Representational State Transfer (REST) and how it has been implemented through HTTP. It defines REST as a set of six architectural constraints for networked systems, including separating concerns in a client-server model and making interactions stateless and uniform. HTTP implements the core REST operations of create, read, update and delete through its request methods. The document aims to explain REST as a design philosophy rather than a protocol.

OR 2012

๏ Designed to support 3 “landscapes”
  ๏ Admin (Committees, Documents/Records)
  ๏ Learning (Images, SCORM)
  ๏ Research (Data, Collaborative groups)
๏ System designed to support any Digital Asset
  Management (DAM) requirement, including stewardship
  and collaboration
OR 2012

๏ Collaborative layer
๏ Easy branding
๏ New functionality &
๏ Web 2/3 savvy
๏ Robust community
OR 2012

   ๏ Repository layer
   ๏ Data, metadata, workflow/
      permissions layer
   ๏ Work with any data asset/
   ๏ Content Model Architecture
   ๏ Semantic support (RDF)
OR 2012

๏ Glue that binds Drupal &
๏ Drupal modules, additional
๏ Open Source
๏ Sustainability Model (soft
   money, operational funds, &
   private services company)

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Html5 reference-poster
Html5 reference-posterHtml5 reference-poster
Html5 reference-poster

HTML5 is a framework designed by the W3C to support innovation on the open web. It provides a collection of tools and standards, including a new identity system, to classify and communicate collaborative efforts to develop the web. The document then provides a table outlining many of the new HTML5 tags and their attributes, and groups them into categories like multimedia, offline storage, performance, semantics, CSS3, graphics, connectivity, and device access.

GlassFish REST Administration Backend at JavaOne India 2012
GlassFish REST Administration Backend at JavaOne India 2012GlassFish REST Administration Backend at JavaOne India 2012
GlassFish REST Administration Backend at JavaOne India 2012

The document outlines a program agenda for a presentation on the GlassFish REST administration back end. The agenda includes discussing JAX-RS and the GlassFish implementation details, providing tips and tricks, discussing clients, and future plans, with a question and answer section. The implementation details section will cover GlassFish configuration beans, the command line interface, and how configuration beans are exposed as REST resources.

Java Summit Chennai: Java EE 7
Java Summit Chennai: Java EE 7Java Summit Chennai: Java EE 7
Java Summit Chennai: Java EE 7

The document discusses Java EE 7 and its focus on supporting cloud platforms. Key points include defining new platform roles to accommodate the Platform as a Service model, adding metadata for service provisioning and configuration, and extending APIs to support features like multi-tenancy that are important for cloud environments. The goal is to make the Java EE platform itself a service that can be easily leveraged on public, private or hybrid clouds.

OR 2012

๏ installation
๏ hosting
๏ customization
๏ migration from other
OR 2012

 Solution Packs
๏ Architecture to support
basic content types
๏ Default metadata forms
(MODS) that can be
๏ Applications integration            Solution packs support basic
                                      content, and can be modified/
based on experience/best-                       extended
OR 2012
OR 2012

           Drupal UI
FormsAPI                                                         LDAP

ImageAPI                                                          FCK

              Editorial WorkFlow        User Roles/Permissions
  Tabs                                                           BibUtils
                       Modules (LDAP/BibUtils/Etc

              HTML                                  Hooks

Recommended for you

TDC 2011: OSGi-enabled Java EE Application
TDC 2011: OSGi-enabled Java EE ApplicationTDC 2011: OSGi-enabled Java EE Application
TDC 2011: OSGi-enabled Java EE Application

This document provides a summary of OSGi-enabled Java EE applications in GlassFish. It discusses how GlassFish uses OSGi to provide modularity and dynamic features. Key points include: - GlassFish runs on top of OSGi and uses it to modularize server components and enable dynamic installation/uninstallation of bundles. - Java EE applications can be packaged as OSGi bundles to take advantage of OSGi features while still using Java EE APIs. This allows for better modularity and dynamic deployment. - Specifications like OSGi/HTTP Service, OSGi/Web Application, and OSGi/JTA integrate OSGi services into Java EE. - Declarative services and injection simplify accessing

SAP NetWeaver Gateway - Gateway Service Consumption
SAP NetWeaver Gateway - Gateway Service Consumption SAP NetWeaver Gateway - Gateway Service Consumption
SAP NetWeaver Gateway - Gateway Service Consumption

The document discusses consuming services from SAP NetWeaver Gateway to build mobile applications. It describes creating proxy objects to interface with Gateway services using various programming tools. Specifically, it outlines using the Gateway Developer Tool for Xcode to generate an Xcode project and build a basic iPhone application that displays a list of airports, then flights from a selected airport, and finally bookings for a selected flight. The tool allows configuring the service and entity sets to display and navigating between screens to show related data.

WebLogic 12c Developer Deep Dive at Oracle Develop India 2012
WebLogic 12c Developer Deep Dive at Oracle Develop India 2012WebLogic 12c Developer Deep Dive at Oracle Develop India 2012
WebLogic 12c Developer Deep Dive at Oracle Develop India 2012

This document discusses Oracle WebLogic Server 12c and its ability to develop modern, lightweight Java EE 6 applications for both conventional and cloud deployment environments. It highlights how WebLogic Server 12c allows developers to extend their existing skills with the latest Java standards and integrate with open source frameworks. Developers can write less glue code and focus more on business logic by leveraging WebLogic Server's integrated services.

OR 2012

                       Drupal UI
            FormsAPI                                                         LDAP

            ImageAPI                                                          FCK

                          Editorial WorkFlow        User Roles/Permissions
              Tabs                                                           BibUtils
                                   Modules (LDAP/BibUtils/Etc

                          HTML           Islandora              Hooks

Djatoka                                                                                   Tika
                            Code Snippets/Applications

Tesseract                                                                                Kakadu
            JMS                  Micro Services Engine                         JMS
   R                                                                                    SWFTools

 Wowza                  XSLTs                       PHP/Python Snippets                  OOffice
OR 2012

                             Drupal UI
          FormsAPI                                                                             LDAP

          ImageAPI                                                                              FCK

                                 Editorial WorkFlow           User Roles/Permissions
            Tabs                                                                               BibUtils
                                          Modules (LDAP/BibUtils/Etc

                        SPARQL                                                         SOAP
                                 HTML                                       Hooks

Mulgara                                                                                                   Solr/Lucene
          Djatoka                                     Fedora                                    Tika
                                            Code Snippets/Applications

          Tesseract                                                                            Kakadu
                      Content Models
                              JMS             Micro Services Engine
                                                                         XACML Policies
             R                                                                                SWFTools

           Wowza                          XSLTs              PHP/Python Snippets               OOffice


                                           Any Metadata
              MySQL                             &                                      GSearch
                                             Any Data
OR 2012

            Drupal UI
FormsAPI                                                                        LDAP

ImageAPI                                                                         FCK

                  Editorial WorkFlow           User Roles/Permissions
  Tabs                                                                         BibUtils
                           Modules (LDAP/BibUtils/Etc

                  HTML                                       Hooks

Djatoka                                                                          Tika
                             Code Snippets/Applications

Tesseract                                                                      Kakadu
            JMS                Micro Services Engine                   JMS
   R                                                                          SWFTools

 Wowza                     XSLTs              PHP/Python Snippets              OOffice

                    SPARQL                                  SOAP

Mulgara                                                                      Solr/Lucene

                  Content Models                   XACML Policies


                                   Any Metadata
              MySQL                     &                    GSearch
                                     Any Data
OR 2012

Community Resources

Recommended for you

SAP NetWeaver Gateway - RFC & BOR Generators
SAP NetWeaver Gateway - RFC & BOR GeneratorsSAP NetWeaver Gateway - RFC & BOR Generators
SAP NetWeaver Gateway - RFC & BOR Generators

This document provides an overview and instructions for creating a read-only Gateway Service based on a Remote Function Module (RFM) or object in the Business Object Repository (BOR) in SAP NetWeaver Gateway. It covers Remote Function Calls and the BOR, Gateway data and consumption models, and the 7 steps to develop a Gateway Service: 1) Create a Gateway data model, 2) Map RFMs to operations, 3) Define operation interfaces, 4) Generate the data model, 5) Associate with a consumption model, 6) Associate with a system alias, and 7) Test the service.

JAX-RS 2.0: RESTful Web services on steroids at Geecon 2012
JAX-RS 2.0: RESTful Web services on steroids at Geecon 2012JAX-RS 2.0: RESTful Web services on steroids at Geecon 2012
JAX-RS 2.0: RESTful Web services on steroids at Geecon 2012

The document discusses new features in JAX-RS 2.0 including a client API, filters and handlers, validation, and asynchronous processing. It provides examples of how these new features can be used and the motivations for including them such as allowing customization of implementations through extension points and leveraging existing standards like Bean Validation.

The Java EE 7 Platform: Developing for the Cloud
The Java EE 7 Platform: Developing for the CloudThe Java EE 7 Platform: Developing for the Cloud
The Java EE 7 Platform: Developing for the Cloud

The document discusses the focus of Java EE 7 on supporting the Platform as a Service (PaaS) model. It outlines how Java EE 7 will define new platform roles to accommodate the PaaS model and add metadata for service provisioning, configuration, and sharing of applications and resources. It also discusses how Java EE 7 will extend existing APIs to support multi-tenancy and make the Java EE platform more elastic.

OR 2012
OR 2012

Google Groups for Users & Developers

                      post a question to the lists,
                     or search for the answer to a
                        question that you have.
OR 2012


this site houses resources
  you can use to play with
Islandora, as well as some
 links to tutorials, etc. and
         useful links.
OR 2012

         ๏ image refreshed daily
         ๏ installations of current
         ๏ solution packs
         ๏“vanilla” islandora

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Aras PLM Viewing Markup and Secure Social
Aras PLM Viewing Markup and Secure SocialAras PLM Viewing Markup and Secure Social
Aras PLM Viewing Markup and Secure Social

The document discusses Aras's strategy for visual collaboration. It outlines some key issues with current visualization solutions, such as a focus on 3D over other data types and a lack of social/collaborative capabilities. Aras's strategy is to provide an open approach supporting key use cases and data types. This will involve converting files to PDF, enabling enterprise viewing of PDFs, adding markup and collaboration features, and generating work packages from content. The long term vision is an Aras Visual Collaboration application providing these capabilities in an integrated manner using the PDF format.

by Aras
integrationmanufacturingproduction operations
OData service from ABAP CDS
OData service from ABAP CDSOData service from ABAP CDS
OData service from ABAP CDS

This document describes how to generate an OData service from an ABAP Core Data Service (CDS) view to display total sales data by business partner. It involves creating a CDS view with the required data, adding an annotation to publish it as an OData service, registering the service, and then testing the OData service URL.

odata service generation from abap cds
Metadata Management in Islandora
Metadata Management in IslandoraMetadata Management in Islandora
Metadata Management in Islandora

A digital object does not have any meaning to a human being unless the content is described with descriptive, structural and technical (or administrative) metadata. The costs of producing maintaining and transforming metadata have been prohibitive, and cataloguing traditionally often required substantial time spent in repetitive tasks of duplication, which increased the risk of introducing errors. Programmatic, XMLbased metadata and XML metadata tools have promised those maintaining digital databases and datastores of metadata better ways of creating, updating, managing, and transforming metadata. Islandora aims to simplify the process of creating, updating, and indexing XMLbased metadata for storage in a Fedora repository. This presentation provides an update on metadata related tools in Islandora, particularly in Islandora 7 (compatible with Drupal 7). In this most recent version, descriptive metadata forms based on any XML schema can be created and edited using the Form Builder; technical metadata can automatically extracted from objects on ingest using FITS; and administrative metadata emerging from ingest processes using microservices can be written to Fedora’s native “AUDIT” datastream. Islandora builds on the value and features of core Fedora, including the ability to version datastreams, and review versions in the interface.

OR 2012

How Islandora Understands
 Content (Fedora’s CMA)
OR 2012

Everything is an Object
OR 2012

Objects Have Persistent
   Identifiers (PIDs)
OR 2012

Objects Have Datastreams

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Roots & Routes - Introduction to Islandora
Roots & Routes - Introduction to IslandoraRoots & Routes - Introduction to Islandora
Roots & Routes - Introduction to Islandora

This document provides an outline of a workshop introduction to Islandora, an open-source digital repository system. It covers logging into an Islandora sandbox, the architecture of Islandora including its use of Drupal for content management and Fedora Commons for digital object storage, adding content like images and books, and searching and indexing capabilities through Solr. Key aspects explained are Islandora's support of various content types and metadata standards, its extensibility through modules, and ability to preserve integrity and relationships of collected content.

NISO/DCMI May 22 Webinar: Semantic Mashups Across Large, Heterogeneous Insti...
 NISO/DCMI May 22 Webinar: Semantic Mashups Across Large, Heterogeneous Insti... NISO/DCMI May 22 Webinar: Semantic Mashups Across Large, Heterogeneous Insti...
NISO/DCMI May 22 Webinar: Semantic Mashups Across Large, Heterogeneous Insti...

VIVO is a semantic web application that enables discovery of research across disciplines in an institution. It allows granular editing of profiles while also ingesting data automatically from sources like HR systems. The presenter discussed VIVO's history and architecture, how it exposes linked open data through SPARQL queries and RDF views. Visualizations like co-authorship networks and implementations at various universities were also covered.

NISO/DCMI September 25 Webinar: Implementing Linked Data in Developing Countr...
NISO/DCMI September 25 Webinar: Implementing Linked Data in Developing Countr...NISO/DCMI September 25 Webinar: Implementing Linked Data in Developing Countr...
NISO/DCMI September 25 Webinar: Implementing Linked Data in Developing Countr...

Open data is a crucial prerequisite for inventing and disseminating the innovative practices needed for agricultural development. To be usable, data must not just be open in principle—i.e., covered by licenses that allow re-use. Data must also be published in a technical form that allows it to be integrated into a wide range of applications. The webinar will be of interest to any institution seeking ways to publish and curate data in the Linked Data cloud. This webinar describes the technical solutions adopted by a widely diverse global network of agricultural research institutes for publishing research results. The talk focuses on AGRIS, a central and widely-used resource linking agricultural datasets for easy consumption, and AgriDrupal, an adaptation of the popular, open-source content management system Drupal optimized for producing and consuming linked datasets. Agricultural research institutes in developing countries share many of the constraints faced by libraries and other documentation centers, and not just in developing countries: institutions are expected to expose their information on the Web in a re-usable form with shoestring budgets and with technical staff working in local languages and continually lured by higher-paying work in the private sector. Technical solutions must be easy to adopt and freely available.

OR 2012

Object Model - IslandImagined/Large Image

  imagined:208361 (PID)   Digital Object Identifier

    Object Properties     System Properties

                                                        ๏ CMA is key to the Islandora
                          Manage & Track Object

  Relations (RELS-EXT)

    Dublin Core (DC)      Reserved Datastreams
                          Key Object Metadata
                                                           architecture and roadmap
   Audit Trail (AUDIT)
                                                        ๏ Complete digital archive
     JP2K Web (JP2)
                                                           with assets & metadata
      JP2K Archival

                                                        ๏ Sharing content models
   Low Res JPEG (JPG)

                                                           makes Fedora ecosystem
                          Aggregates Content Items

     Thumbnail (TN)

  Descriptive Metadata
                                                           very compelling
OR 2012

  Root Collection                    islandora:collectionCModel
        DC                                       DC
                         Has Model            RELS-EXT
COLLECTION_POLICY                          ISLANDORACM

Basic Image Collection
          DC             Has Model            RELS-EXT

     RELS-EXT            Has Model            RELS-EXT
OR 2012

            Solution Packs
๏ Basic Image
๏ Large Image
๏ Book
๏ Audio
๏ Video
OR 2012

Collection Management

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NISO/DCMI Webinar: and Linked Data: Complementary Approaches to Pu...
NISO/DCMI Webinar: and Linked Data: Complementary Approaches to Pu...NISO/DCMI Webinar: and Linked Data: Complementary Approaches to Pu...
NISO/DCMI Webinar: and Linked Data: Complementary Approaches to Pu...

The document discusses a webinar presented by NISO and DCMI on and Linked Data. The webinar provides an overview of and Linked Data, examines the advantages and challenges of using RDF and Linked Data, looks at in more detail, and discusses how and Linked Data can be combined. The goals of the webinar are to illustrate the different design choices for identifying entities and describing structured data, integrating vocabularies, and incentives for publishing accurate data, as well as to help guide adoption of and Linked Data approaches.

NISO/DCMI Webinar: Metadata for Public Sector Administration
NISO/DCMI Webinar: Metadata for Public Sector AdministrationNISO/DCMI Webinar: Metadata for Public Sector Administration
NISO/DCMI Webinar: Metadata for Public Sector Administration

This document summarizes a webinar on using metadata for public sector administration. It discusses the Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS), a vocabulary for describing semantic interoperability assets to facilitate their discovery and reuse. ADMS was developed to provide a common way to describe assets so they can be more easily searched, identified, compared and obtained from a single access point. It reuses terms from standards like Dublin Core and defines properties and classifications to characterize assets consistently.

NISO DCMI Webinar bibframe-20130123
NISO DCMI Webinar bibframe-20130123NISO DCMI Webinar bibframe-20130123
NISO DCMI Webinar bibframe-20130123

About the Webinar In May 2012, the Library of Congress announced a new modeling initiative focused on reflecting the MARC 21 library standard as a Linked Data model for the Web, with an initial model to be proposed by the consulting company Zepheira. The goal of the initiative is to translate the MARC 21 format to a Linked Data model while retaining the richness and benefits of existing data in the historical format. In this webinar, Eric Miller of Zepheira will report on progress towards this important goal, starting with an analysis of the translation problem and concluding with potential migration scenarios for a broad-based transition from MARC to a new bibliographic framework.

bib frameworkmarclinked data
OR 2012

Islandora Configuration
OR 2012

Roadmap Preview
OR 2012

Institutional Repositories
OR 2012

Drupal 7

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Embedding Linked Data Invisibly into Web Pages: Strategies and Workflows for ...
Embedding Linked Data Invisibly into Web Pages: Strategies and Workflows for ...Embedding Linked Data Invisibly into Web Pages: Strategies and Workflows for ...
Embedding Linked Data Invisibly into Web Pages: Strategies and Workflows for ...

The document describes an event called Uberconf 2010 that will be held from June 14-17, 2010 at the Westin Westminster hotel. It also describes a book authored by Mike Nygard called "Release It!" and provides metadata about the document itself including attribution to Brian Sletten under a Creative Commons license.

April 24, 2013 NISO/DCMI Webinar: Deployment of RDA (Resource Description and...
April 24, 2013 NISO/DCMI Webinar: Deployment of RDA (Resource Description and...April 24, 2013 NISO/DCMI Webinar: Deployment of RDA (Resource Description and...
April 24, 2013 NISO/DCMI Webinar: Deployment of RDA (Resource Description and...

This document summarizes a webinar on deploying Resource Description and Access (RDA) cataloging and expressing it as linked data. The webinar speaker, Alan Danskin from the British Library, discussed RDA as a cataloging standard that provides guidelines for describing resources to support discovery. He explained how RDA works with linked data by using entities, relationships, and attributes expressed as URIs. Challenges in applying RDA as linked data include the complexity of the FRBR model and publishing RDA vocabularies as linked open data. Application profiles help apply RDA by defining the metadata elements, policies, and guidelines for a specific domain or community.

Embedding Linked Data Invisibly into Web Pages: Strategies and Workflows for ...
Embedding Linked Data Invisibly into Web Pages: Strategies and Workflows for ...Embedding Linked Data Invisibly into Web Pages: Strategies and Workflows for ...
Embedding Linked Data Invisibly into Web Pages: Strategies and Workflows for ...

As described in the April NISO/DCMI webinar by Dan Brickley, is a search-engine initiative aimed at helping webmasters use structured data markup to improve the discovery and display of search results. Drupal 7 makes it easy to markup HTML pages with terms, allowing users to quickly build websites with structured data that can be understood by Google and displayed as Rich Snippets. Improved search results are only part of the story, however. Data-bearing documents become machine-processable once you find them. The subject matter, important facts, calendar events, authorship, licensing, and whatever else you might like to share become there for the taking. Sales reports, RSS feeds, industry analysis, maps, diagrams and process artifacts can now connect back to other data sets to provide linkage to context and related content. The key to this is the adoption standards for both the data model (RDF) and the means of weaving it into documents (RDFa). Drupal 7 has become the leading content platform to adopt these standards. This webinar will describe how RDFa and Drupal 7 can improve how organizations publish information and data on the Web for both internal and external consumption. It will discuss what is required to use these features and how they impact publication workflow. The talk will focus on high-level and accessible demonstrations of what is possible. Technical people should learn how to proceed while non-technical people will learn what is possible.

OR 2012

Kirsta Stapelfeldt -
    David Wilcox -

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Introduction to Islandora

  • 1. OR 2012 Mark Leggott, President, DiscoveryGarden Inc. David Wilcox, Islandora Training/Support Coordinator Kirsta Stapelfeldt, Islandora Repository Manager Alan Stanley, Islandora Developer
  • 2. OR 2012 Agenda ๏ 9:30-9:45 Introductions ๏ 9:45-10:15 Introducing Islandora ๏ 10:15-11:00 Solution Packs ๏ 11:00-11:15 Break ๏ 11:15-11:45 Collection Management ๏ 11:45-12:15 Islandora Tools & Configuration ๏ 12:15-12:30 Roadmap Preview
  • 3. OR 2012 Introductions 1. Who are we? 2. Who are you?
  • 5. OR 2012 Islandora ๏ Designed to support 3 “landscapes” ๏ Admin (Committees, Documents/Records) ๏ Learning (Images, SCORM) ๏ Research (Data, Collaborative groups) ๏ System designed to support any Digital Asset Management (DAM) requirement, including stewardship and collaboration
  • 6. OR 2012 Drupal ๏ Collaborative layer ๏ Easy branding ๏ New functionality & modules ๏ Web 2/3 savvy ๏ Robust community
  • 7. OR 2012 Fedora ๏ Repository layer ๏ Data, metadata, workflow/ permissions layer ๏ Work with any data asset/ schema ๏ Content Model Architecture ๏ Semantic support (RDF)
  • 8. OR 2012 Islandora ๏ Glue that binds Drupal & Fedora ๏ Drupal modules, additional applications ๏ Open Source ๏ Sustainability Model (soft money, operational funds, & private services company)
  • 9. OR 2012 DiscoveryGarden ๏ ๏ installation ๏ hosting ๏ customization ๏ migration from other systems
  • 10. OR 2012 Solution Packs ๏ Architecture to support basic content types ๏ Default metadata forms (MODS) that can be modified ๏ Applications integration Solution packs support basic content, and can be modified/ based on experience/best- extended practices
  • 12. OR 2012 Drupal UI FormsAPI LDAP CSS/Themes ImageAPI FCK Editorial WorkFlow User Roles/Permissions Tabs BibUtils Modules (LDAP/BibUtils/Etc SPARQL HTML Hooks
  • 13. OR 2012 Drupal UI FormsAPI LDAP CSS/Themes ImageAPI FCK Editorial WorkFlow User Roles/Permissions Tabs BibUtils Modules (LDAP/BibUtils/Etc SPARQL HTML Islandora Hooks Djatoka Tika Code Snippets/Applications Tesseract Kakadu JMS Micro Services Engine JMS R SWFTools Wowza XSLTs PHP/Python Snippets OOffice
  • 14. OR 2012 Drupal UI FormsAPI LDAP CSS/Themes ImageAPI FCK Editorial WorkFlow User Roles/Permissions Tabs BibUtils Modules (LDAP/BibUtils/Etc SPARQL SOAP REST SPARQL HTML Hooks Mulgara Solr/Lucene Islandora Djatoka Fedora Tika Code Snippets/Applications Tesseract Kakadu Content Models JMS Micro Services Engine XACML Policies JMS R SWFTools Wowza XSLTs PHP/Python Snippets OOffice Process Any Metadata MySQL & GSearch Any Data
  • 15. OR 2012 Drupal UI FormsAPI LDAP CSS/Themes ImageAPI FCK Editorial WorkFlow User Roles/Permissions Tabs BibUtils Modules (LDAP/BibUtils/Etc SPARQL HTML Hooks Islandora Djatoka Tika Code Snippets/Applications Tesseract Kakadu JMS Micro Services Engine JMS R SWFTools Wowza XSLTs PHP/Python Snippets OOffice SPARQL SOAP REST Mulgara Solr/Lucene Fedora Content Models XACML Policies Process Any Metadata MySQL & GSearch Any Data
  • 18. OR 2012 Google Groups for Users & Developers post a question to the lists, or search for the answer to a question that you have.
  • 19. OR 2012 this site houses resources you can use to play with Islandora, as well as some links to tutorials, etc. and useful links.
  • 20. OR 2012 ๏ image refreshed daily ๏ installations of current ๏ solution packs ๏“vanilla” islandora
  • 21. OR 2012 How Islandora Understands Content (Fedora’s CMA)
  • 23. OR 2012 Objects Have Persistent Identifiers (PIDs)
  • 24. OR 2012 Objects Have Datastreams
  • 25. OR 2012 CMA Object Model - IslandImagined/Large Image imagined:208361 (PID) Digital Object Identifier Object Properties System Properties ๏ CMA is key to the Islandora Manage & Track Object Relations (RELS-EXT) Dublin Core (DC) Reserved Datastreams Key Object Metadata architecture and roadmap Audit Trail (AUDIT) ๏ Complete digital archive JP2K Web (JP2) with assets & metadata JP2K Archival ๏ Sharing content models (LOSSLES_JP2) Datastreams Low Res JPEG (JPG) makes Fedora ecosystem Aggregates Content Items Thumbnail (TN) Descriptive Metadata (MODS) very compelling
  • 26. OR 2012 Root Collection islandora:collectionCModel DC DC RELS-EXT Has Model RELS-EXT COLLECTION_POLICY ISLANDORACM Basic Image Collection islandora:collectionCModel TN DC DC Has Model RELS-EXT RELS-EXT ISLANDORACM COLLECTION_POLICY Image DC islandora:sp_basic_image MODS DC RELS-EXT Has Model RELS-EXT OBJ ISLANDORACM MEDIUM_SIZE TN
  • 27. OR 2012 Solution Packs ๏ Basic Image ๏ Large Image ๏ PDF ๏ Book ๏ Audio ๏ Video
  • 33. OR 2012 Questions? Kirsta Stapelfeldt - David Wilcox -

Editor's Notes

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