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Cyber Resilience for Dummies
Leading the way in cyber security
Since 1989
Peter Wood
Chief Executive Officer
First Base Technologies LLP
(with apologies to John Wiley & Sons)
Founder and Chief Executive - First Base Technologies LLP
• Engineer, IT and information security professional since 1969
• Fellow of the BCS
• Chartered IT Professional
• Member of the Institute of Information Security Professionals
• 15 Year+ Member of ISACA, Member of the ISACA Security Advisory Group
• Senior Member of the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA)
• Member of the BCS Information Risk Management and Assurance Group
• Founder of
• Member of ACM, IEEE, Institute of Directors , Mensa
Peter Wood
Leading the way in cyber security
Since 1989
Managed Services Compliance Testing
Cyber Readiness
Penetration Testing
Threat and Risk Cyber Awareness
Leading the way in cyber security
Since 1989
What is Cyber Resilience?
Leading the way in cyber security
Since 1989

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Zero Trust
Zero TrustZero Trust
Zero Trust

This document discusses the principles of zero trust architecture, which aims to eliminate trust from IT systems by verifying all users and devices before granting limited, least-privilege access. It outlines the core elements of zero trust, including verifying the user, verifying their device, and limiting access and privileges. The document also notes that implementing zero trust will require monitoring the environment closely, architecting microperimeters, mapping acceptable data routes, and identifying sensitive data. Organizations may face challenges from technical debt, legacy systems, and other issues requiring new technologies or wrappers.

zero trustarchitecturetrustless
Effective Security Operation Center - present by Reza Adineh
Effective Security Operation Center - present by Reza AdinehEffective Security Operation Center - present by Reza Adineh
Effective Security Operation Center - present by Reza Adineh

The document discusses how to effectively manage a cyber security operations center (SOC). It addresses questions about how to assess the effectiveness and maturity of a SOC, ensure sufficient threat detection capabilities through proper sensors and data collection, and utilize threat intelligence and data enrichment. The document also provides steps to implement threat management, incident response processes, and leverage machine learning and user entity behavior analytics to detect anomalous user behavior and insider threats.

information securitysecurity information & event managementsecurity operation centers
Dell Technologies Cyber Security playbook
Dell Technologies Cyber Security playbookDell Technologies Cyber Security playbook
Dell Technologies Cyber Security playbook

Dell Technologies provides cybersecurity solutions to help clients assess their security posture, define a cybersecurity strategy, implement security measures, and respond to and recover from attacks. The document discusses the growing threat landscape and common types of cyberattacks. It then outlines Dell's security methodology and portfolio of assessment, managed service, and product solutions to help clients define a strategy, implement controls, and respond to incidents. The solutions are meant to deliver outcomes like defined strategies, advanced protection, risk management and operational resilience.

Slide 5 © First Base Technologies 2017
Wikipedia’s definition
Cyber Resilience refers to an entity's ability to continuously deliver
the intended outcome despite adverse cyber events
Cyber Resilience is an evolving perspective that is rapidly gaining
The concept essentially brings the areas of information security,
business continuity and (organisational) resilience together
Slide 6 © First Base Technologies 2017
Information Security Forum’s guidance
Organisations should develop a business plan to exploit
cyberspace that identifies threats, considers the limitations of IT
and information security, and develops cyber resilience
Cyberspace is critical to most organisations today; disconnecting
is not an option
By implementing the ISF Cyber Resilience Framework
organisations can develop cyber resilience and be better able to
withstand impacts from evolving cyber threats. Only then can
organisations safely realise the benefits of cyberspace.
Slide 7 © First Base Technologies 2017
Symantec’s guidance
Cyber Resilience is about the management not the elimination of risk
Not only is eliminating risk impossible, but it impedes agility; an
environment with an acceptable level of risk supports innovation
Knowledge is power; cyber resilient organisations recognise that
security needs to go beyond systems, software or IT departments to
include raising the security IQ of all employees and improved
organisational processes
Why Cyber Resilience?
Leading the way in cyber security
Since 1989

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Cybersecurity Frameworks | NIST Cybersecurity Framework | Cybersecurity Certi...
Cybersecurity Frameworks | NIST Cybersecurity Framework | Cybersecurity Certi...Cybersecurity Frameworks | NIST Cybersecurity Framework | Cybersecurity Certi...
Cybersecurity Frameworks | NIST Cybersecurity Framework | Cybersecurity Certi...

** CyberSecurity Certification Training: ** This Edureka tutorial on "Cybersecurity Frameworks" will help you understand why and how the organizations are using the cybersecurity framework to Identify, Protect and Recover from cyber attacks. Cybersecurity Training Playlist:

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Microsoft-CISO-Workshop-Security-Strategy-and-Program (1).pdf
Microsoft-CISO-Workshop-Security-Strategy-and-Program (1).pdfMicrosoft-CISO-Workshop-Security-Strategy-and-Program (1).pdf
Microsoft-CISO-Workshop-Security-Strategy-and-Program (1).pdf

The document discusses a CISO workshop agenda to modernize a security strategy and program. It includes: - An overview of who should attend, such as the CISO, CIO, security directors, and business leaders. - The agenda covers key context and fundamentals, business alignment, and security disciplines. - Exercises are included to assess maturity, discuss recommendations, and assign next steps. - Modules will provide guidance on initiatives like secure identities and access, security operations, and data security.

cisco ppr
SOC and SIEM.pptx
SOC and SIEM.pptxSOC and SIEM.pptx
SOC and SIEM.pptx

SOC and SIEM systems can help organizations detect and respond to security incidents and threats in a timely manner. A SOC acts as a security operations center to monitor, analyze, and respond to cybersecurity incidents. SIEM provides real-time analysis of security alerts and events to help identify potential threats. Implementing SOC and SIEM solutions can improve an organization's security posture through early threat detection, compliance with regulations, and reduced breach impact.

Slide 9 © First Base Technologies 2017
There is no silver bullet
Known • Predictable • Unknown • Unpredictable • Uncertain • Unexpected
Slide 10 © First Base Technologies 2017
Slide 11 © First Base Technologies 2017
We have to be strategic
A Cyber Resilience Strategy
Leading the way in cyber security
Since 1989

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Next-Gen security operation center
Next-Gen security operation centerNext-Gen security operation center
Next-Gen security operation center

Talking about Next-Gen Security Operation Center for IDNIC+APJII as representative from IDSECCONF. People-Centric SOC requires lot of investment on human in terms of quantity and quality, unfortunately, (good) IT security people are getting rare these days. Organisation need to put their investments more on technology, as in Industry 4.0, machines are getting more advanced to support Human on doing continuous and repetitive task. Moving from “traditional” to next-gen SOC require proper plan, thats what this talk was about.

Cyber Security in Manufacturing
Cyber Security in ManufacturingCyber Security in Manufacturing
Cyber Security in Manufacturing

The document discusses Internet of Things (IoT) and cybersecurity challenges in manufacturing. It provides an overview of the evolving threat landscape, including common hacking techniques like spearphishing and malware. The presentation emphasizes the importance of cyber hygiene practices for manufacturers such as updating software, using strong unique passwords, training employees on security basics, and not browsing as an administrator. It promotes attending an upcoming cybersecurity forum to learn more on topics that will help protect manufacturing organizations from emerging threats.

SOC: Use cases and are we asking the right questions?
SOC: Use cases and are we asking the right questions?SOC: Use cases and are we asking the right questions?
SOC: Use cases and are we asking the right questions?

The document discusses the use of use cases to define the goals and metrics for a security operations center (SOC) program. It suggests developing use cases around monitoring specific threat vectors like the perimeter, infrastructure, and privileged accounts. Use cases should also align the SOC's capabilities with the threats the organization cares most about, such as script kiddies, insider threats, or nation-state actors. Properly defining use cases allows an organization to justify SOC expenditures and determine if it is achieving success.

socsecurity operations centeruse cases
Slide 13 © First Base Technologies 2017
Cyber Resilience Strategy
A Cyber Resilience Strategy will permit you to withstand negative
impacts due to known, predictable, unknown, unpredictable,
uncertain and unexpected threats from activities in cyberspace
The ideal situation is one where you minimise the cost of controls,
responses and other cyber resilience activities, relative to the
spend needed to minimise the cost of negative impacts from
activities in cyberspace
Cyber security is a key element of being resilient, but you must
recognise that it goes far beyond just technical measures,
embracing people, processes, and technology
Slide 14 © First Base Technologies 2017
Key Issues
• Cyber Resilience requires recognition that you must prepare
now to deal with severe impacts from cyber threats that cannot
be predicted or prevented
• Cyber Resilience requires very high levels of partnering and
collaboration, including external collaboration (with ISPs,
intelligence agencies, industry groups, security analysts,
customers and supply chains), and internal collaboration
throughout the organisation
• Cyber Resilience requires you to have the agility to prevent,
detect and respond quickly and effectively, not just to
incidents, but also to the consequences of the incidents
Slide 15 © First Base Technologies 2017
Some Specifics - 1
• Good governance, including leadership, devolved decision-
making and appropriate escalation
• Nimble IT and information security responses, such as the
ability to increase capacity, or shut down, isolate or load
balance systems
• Up-to-date and well tested public relations policies, with key
issues decided in advance (such as the organisational stance
on issues, planned responses and media releases)
• Crisis preparedness: updated plans that have been rehearsed
and tested with real life simulations
Slide 16 © First Base Technologies 2017
Some Specifics - 2
• Human relations responses, such as dealing with inappropriate
use of social media, carelessness and criminal acts by insiders
• Investigative and forensic capability, to investigate and
conclude on what happened and have the evidence to prove it
• The ability to share information with ISPs, security analysts and
intelligence agencies
• Legal responses, to use the legal system to mitigate threats or
actions such as knowing how to shut down attacking servers

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Lessons Learned from the NIST CSF
Lessons Learned from the NIST CSFLessons Learned from the NIST CSF
Lessons Learned from the NIST CSF

Jonathan Pollet and Mark Heard of Red Tiger Security at S4x15 OTDay. The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) has been out for a year now, and some owner/operators have begun to use it to help create an ICS cyber security program. The Red Tiger Security team discusses what the CSF is and there experience in using it with real world clients.

otdayred tigers4x15
Distributed Immutable Ephemeral - New Paradigms for the Next Era of Security
Distributed Immutable Ephemeral - New Paradigms for the Next Era of SecurityDistributed Immutable Ephemeral - New Paradigms for the Next Era of Security
Distributed Immutable Ephemeral - New Paradigms for the Next Era of Security

We are rapidly approaching the next era of security where we need to be focused on the ability to recover from irrecoverable attacks. This can also be defined as resiliency. The traditional view of resiliency attempts to quickly restore assets that support services that we care about. This new approach/paradigm looks at resilience in ways that promote design patterns (distributed, immutable, ephemeral) where we do not care about a given asset at all while still keeping the overall service functioning. This new approach allows us to avoid having to deal with security at all.

resiliencycybersecuritycyber resiliency
Dressing up the ICS Kill Chain
Dressing up the ICS Kill ChainDressing up the ICS Kill Chain
Dressing up the ICS Kill Chain

In this presentation Daniel Michaud-Soucy, Principal Threat Analyst at Dragos, will demonstrate three separate models in order to identify gaps in ICS security posture. First, threat modeling serves as an inward look as an ICS network defender in order to properly understand the environment, the threat actors, the impacts, the risks and the crown jewels pertaining to an industrial process. Second, the ICS cyber kill chain serves as an outward look at the steps an adversary needs to take in order to achieve their objectives. Third, the bowtie model allows a graphical representation of the threats to the environment as well as the protection, detection, and response controls that help secure it. In the end, the asset owner creates a holistic picture of the security controls in their network, pertaining to the threat actors they care about and allows identification of gaps in their strategy. Visit to learn more about the Dragos industrial cybersecurity platform for increased visibility of assets, threats and guided responses.

ics securityics threat landscapeics cybersecurity
Slide 17 © First Base Technologies 2017
ISF Framework Model
Slide 18 © First Base Technologies 2017
Symantec’s Five Pillars
Prepare /
Protect Detect Respond Recover
Slide 19 © First Base Technologies 2017
Prepare / Identify
To successfully face and overcome an attack, you must thoroughly
understand your organisation’s security and risk posture.
This means painstakingly identifying your vital information,
conducting an assessment that includes all known security
vulnerabilities, and establishing a baseline which you will compare
with your peers.
Prepare /
Protect Detect Respond Recover
Slide 20 © First Base Technologies 2017
Prepare / Identify
· Improve visibility and understand your information and systems,
through asset and network discovery and mapping
· Understand your cyber risk posture through assessments and
· Identify and remediate vulnerabilities in your IT organization, including
your supply chain, where many cyber criminals seed attacks
· Map assets to vendor relationships
· Build awareness of the external threat landscape and understand how
to recognise if you are being targeted through comprehensive global
threat intelligence, correlation, and analysis capabilities
· Make users cyber-aware through regular and on-going education on
best practices and risky behaviour
· Ensure appropriate backup and recovery strategies are in place

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Vulnerability Management
Vulnerability ManagementVulnerability Management
Vulnerability Management

Presentation I gave to a client on showing the importance of implementing a vulnerability management program life cycle.

NIST cybersecurity framework
NIST cybersecurity frameworkNIST cybersecurity framework
NIST cybersecurity framework

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework acts as a bridge between the management and Cybersecurity ecosystem.

An introduction to SOC (Security Operation Center)
An introduction to SOC (Security Operation Center)An introduction to SOC (Security Operation Center)
An introduction to SOC (Security Operation Center)

The document discusses building a security operations center (SOC). It defines a SOC as a centralized unit that deals with security issues on an organizational and technical level. It monitors, assesses, and defends enterprise information systems. The document discusses whether to build an internal SOC or outsource it. It also covers SOC technologies, personnel requirements, and the five generations of SOCs. It provides resources for learning more about designing and maturing a SOC.

security operation centersoc
Slide 21 © First Base Technologies 2017
The second pillar is about implementing safeguards to limit or
contain the impact of an attack or breach.
Your goal is to protect your infrastructure and data from malicious
attack and accidental exposure.
All three areas - people, processes, and technology - are
important to your protection.
Prepare /
Protect Detect Respond Recover
Slide 22 © First Base Technologies 2017
· Assess existing defences in the context of advanced threats and plan
improvements as necessary
· Conduct advanced penetration tests against Internet-facing services,
mobile endpoints and key internal systems
· Conduct penetration tests of mobile access and teleworking systems
· Evaluate and implement attack detection solutions across the
· Engage with line managers to ensure staff comply with security policies
· Evaluate technical monitoring systems to detect policy breaches
· Protect and govern information assets over their lifecycle, including
protecting from data loss or illegal access
Slide 23 © First Base Technologies 2017
The Detect pillar focuses on developing activities to rapidly
identify an attack or a breach, assess the systems that may be
affected, and ensure a timely response.
To effectively minimise any damage, you must have the necessary
detection and response policies, processes, and technologies in
Prepare /
Protect Detect Respond Recover
Slide 24 © First Base Technologies 2017
· Develop systems and processes to identify attacks, assess affected
systems and ensure a timely response
· Implement network monitoring systems and correlate security events
with external threats
· Conduct regular reviews of detection and response strategies
· Evaluate third-party security monitoring, advanced threat protection
and incident response management services
· Plan how to resource the correlation of security intelligence with the IT
infrastructure to detect and remediate a potential issue before it

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Building an effective Information Security Roadmap
Building an effective Information Security RoadmapBuilding an effective Information Security Roadmap
Building an effective Information Security Roadmap

As company information security functions continue to grow each year with increasing attacks and regulations, how are you handling the pressure? Are you constantly battling to run the business projects and reacting to customer requests? Have you blocked off a few hours each week on your calendar to close your email, turn off your phone and try to build, assess and maintain an effective vision for your security team? This presentation will discuss a cascading approach to creating such a roadmap that is easily understood by executives and has helped gain quick buy in for multiple enterprise wide security projects.

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How To Handle Cybersecurity Risk PowerPoint Presentation Slides
How To Handle Cybersecurity Risk PowerPoint Presentation SlidesHow To Handle Cybersecurity Risk PowerPoint Presentation Slides
How To Handle Cybersecurity Risk PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Information technology experts can now take advantage of How To Handle Cybersecurity Risk PowerPoint Presentation Slides. This information security PPT theme infuses top-quality design with data obtained by industry experts. Explain the present situation of the target firm’s information security management employing this PowerPoint layout. The data visualizations featured here simplify the elucidation of complex data such as the analysis of the current IT department. Showcase the cybersecurity framework roadmap and risks of the internet using our PPT presentation. Elaborate on the cybersecurity risk management action plan using the tabular format via this PowerPoint slideshow. Demonstrate the cybersecurity contingency plan with appreciable ease. Our information security management system PPT templates deck assists you in assigning risk handling responsibilities to the staff. Explain the duties of the management in successful information security governance. This PowerPoint presentation also addresses the cost of cybersecurity management and staff training. Hit the download icon and start personalization. Our How To Handle Cybersecurity Risk PowerPoint Presentation Slides are explicit and effective. They combine clarity and concise expression.

managementframeworkhow to handle cybersecurity risk
The 2018 Threatscape
The 2018 ThreatscapeThe 2018 Threatscape
The 2018 Threatscape

What have we learned from 2017's biggest breaches and how will we deal with 2018's emerging threats? Attempting to look both backward and forward over the cyber landscape, Peter Wood will review lessons learned and apply them to the evolving threatscape.

cyber threatsadvanced threatscyber resilience
Slide 25 © First Base Technologies 2017
The Respond pillar addresses activities that accelerate
remediation and contain the impact of an attack once detected.
Whilst there are many solutions and services available to help,
much of what is needed involves people and processes internal to
your business.
Prepare /
Protect Detect Respond Recover
Slide 26 © First Base Technologies 2017
· Plan and implement a Computer Security Incident Response Team and
define roles and responsibilities
· Manage risk by measuring and tracking your cyber resilience,
including how well systems were protected during an attack
· Create a plan: outline how you intend to respond to cyber incidents
· Determine how response processes and procedures will be maintained
and tested
· Co-ordinate communications response activities, and understand how
analysis and mitigation activities will be performed
· Devise a system where ensures lessons learned are incorporated into
future response activities
Slide 27 © First Base Technologies 2017
This stage involves developing systems and plans to restore data
and services after an attack.
Even if you respond quickly to a cyber breach, there may be
consequences for people, processes and systems. An effective
recovery depends on a clear and thorough recovery plan.
Prepare /
Protect Detect Respond Recover
Slide 28 © First Base Technologies 2017
· Develop and implement systems and plans to restore any data and
services that may have been impacted during a cyber attack
· Ensure that your disaster recovery plans cover major cyber attacks as
well as system failures and natural disasters
· Consider cyber attack scenarios:
· Ransomware attacks
· Website hijack
· Remote access compromise
· Network-level infection
· Business Email Compromise

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Dealing with Information Security, Risk Management & Cyber Resilience
Dealing with Information Security, Risk Management & Cyber ResilienceDealing with Information Security, Risk Management & Cyber Resilience
Dealing with Information Security, Risk Management & Cyber Resilience

The document discusses approaches to information security, risk management, and cyber resilience. It recommends taking a three-pronged approach to information security that includes awareness, technical controls, and periodic reviews. It also suggests adopting a framework for cyber risk management that is appropriate for the organization's needs and risk appetite. Finally, it outlines six key points to achieving cyber resilience: organizational readiness, situational awareness, detection, cyber defense, mitigation and containment, and recovery.

10 Ways For Mitigating Cybersecurity Risks In Project Management.docx
10 Ways For Mitigating Cybersecurity Risks In Project Management.docx10 Ways For Mitigating Cybersecurity Risks In Project Management.docx
10 Ways For Mitigating Cybersecurity Risks In Project Management.docx

Each strategy discussed here will focus on a specific aspect of project management that can be vulnerable to cyber threats. From establishing strong access controls and user authentication mechanisms to ensuring regular data backups and robust incident response plans, these strategies will provide project managers with practical steps to enhance their project’s cybersecurity posture. Take the first step today by requesting a demo of the Yoroproject, enabling you to proactively protect your business against cyber threats.

yoroflowyoroprojectproject management software
New technologies - Amer Haza'a
New technologies - Amer Haza'aNew technologies - Amer Haza'a
New technologies - Amer Haza'a

The document discusses strategic approaches for information security in 2018, focusing on continuous adaptive risk and trust assessment (CARTA). It recommends adopting a CARTA strategic approach to securely enable access to digital business initiatives in an increasingly complex threat environment. The document outlines key challenges in adapting existing security approaches to new digital business realities and recommends embracing principles of trust and resilience, developing an adaptive security architecture, and implementing a formal risk and security management program.

Slide 29 © First Base Technologies 2017
Getting started
Managed Services Compliance Testing
Cyber Readiness
Penetration Testing
Threat and Risk Cyber Awareness
Leading the way in cyber security
Since 1989
twitter: @FBTechies
Thank you!
Peter Wood
Chief Executive Officer
First Base Technologies LLP
Leading the way in cyber security
Since 1989

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Introduction to Cyber Resilience

  • 1. Cyber Resilience for Dummies Leading the way in cyber security Since 1989 Peter Wood Chief Executive Officer First Base Technologies LLP (with apologies to John Wiley & Sons)
  • 2. Founder and Chief Executive - First Base Technologies LLP • Engineer, IT and information security professional since 1969 • Fellow of the BCS • Chartered IT Professional • CISSP • Member of the Institute of Information Security Professionals • 15 Year+ Member of ISACA, Member of the ISACA Security Advisory Group • Senior Member of the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) • Member of the BCS Information Risk Management and Assurance Group • Founder of • Member of ACM, IEEE, Institute of Directors , Mensa Peter Wood Leading the way in cyber security Since 1989
  • 3. Managed Services Compliance Testing Cyber Readiness Penetration Testing Threat and Risk Cyber Awareness Leading the way in cyber security Since 1989
  • 4. What is Cyber Resilience? Leading the way in cyber security Since 1989
  • 5. Slide 5 © First Base Technologies 2017 Wikipedia’s definition Cyber Resilience refers to an entity's ability to continuously deliver the intended outcome despite adverse cyber events Cyber Resilience is an evolving perspective that is rapidly gaining recognition The concept essentially brings the areas of information security, business continuity and (organisational) resilience together
  • 6. Slide 6 © First Base Technologies 2017 Information Security Forum’s guidance Organisations should develop a business plan to exploit cyberspace that identifies threats, considers the limitations of IT and information security, and develops cyber resilience Cyberspace is critical to most organisations today; disconnecting is not an option By implementing the ISF Cyber Resilience Framework organisations can develop cyber resilience and be better able to withstand impacts from evolving cyber threats. Only then can organisations safely realise the benefits of cyberspace.
  • 7. Slide 7 © First Base Technologies 2017 Symantec’s guidance Cyber Resilience is about the management not the elimination of risk Not only is eliminating risk impossible, but it impedes agility; an environment with an acceptable level of risk supports innovation Knowledge is power; cyber resilient organisations recognise that security needs to go beyond systems, software or IT departments to include raising the security IQ of all employees and improved organisational processes
  • 8. Why Cyber Resilience? Leading the way in cyber security Since 1989
  • 9. Slide 9 © First Base Technologies 2017 There is no silver bullet Known • Predictable • Unknown • Unpredictable • Uncertain • Unexpected
  • 10. Slide 10 © First Base Technologies 2017
  • 11. Slide 11 © First Base Technologies 2017 We have to be strategic
  • 12. A Cyber Resilience Strategy Leading the way in cyber security Since 1989
  • 13. Slide 13 © First Base Technologies 2017 Cyber Resilience Strategy A Cyber Resilience Strategy will permit you to withstand negative impacts due to known, predictable, unknown, unpredictable, uncertain and unexpected threats from activities in cyberspace The ideal situation is one where you minimise the cost of controls, responses and other cyber resilience activities, relative to the spend needed to minimise the cost of negative impacts from activities in cyberspace Cyber security is a key element of being resilient, but you must recognise that it goes far beyond just technical measures, embracing people, processes, and technology
  • 14. Slide 14 © First Base Technologies 2017 Key Issues • Cyber Resilience requires recognition that you must prepare now to deal with severe impacts from cyber threats that cannot be predicted or prevented • Cyber Resilience requires very high levels of partnering and collaboration, including external collaboration (with ISPs, intelligence agencies, industry groups, security analysts, customers and supply chains), and internal collaboration throughout the organisation • Cyber Resilience requires you to have the agility to prevent, detect and respond quickly and effectively, not just to incidents, but also to the consequences of the incidents
  • 15. Slide 15 © First Base Technologies 2017 Some Specifics - 1 • Good governance, including leadership, devolved decision- making and appropriate escalation • Nimble IT and information security responses, such as the ability to increase capacity, or shut down, isolate or load balance systems • Up-to-date and well tested public relations policies, with key issues decided in advance (such as the organisational stance on issues, planned responses and media releases) • Crisis preparedness: updated plans that have been rehearsed and tested with real life simulations
  • 16. Slide 16 © First Base Technologies 2017 Some Specifics - 2 • Human relations responses, such as dealing with inappropriate use of social media, carelessness and criminal acts by insiders • Investigative and forensic capability, to investigate and conclude on what happened and have the evidence to prove it • The ability to share information with ISPs, security analysts and intelligence agencies • Legal responses, to use the legal system to mitigate threats or actions such as knowing how to shut down attacking servers
  • 17. Slide 17 © First Base Technologies 2017 ISF Framework Model
  • 18. Slide 18 © First Base Technologies 2017 Symantec’s Five Pillars Prepare / Identify Protect Detect Respond Recover
  • 19. Slide 19 © First Base Technologies 2017 Prepare / Identify To successfully face and overcome an attack, you must thoroughly understand your organisation’s security and risk posture. This means painstakingly identifying your vital information, conducting an assessment that includes all known security vulnerabilities, and establishing a baseline which you will compare with your peers. Prepare / Identify Protect Detect Respond Recover
  • 20. Slide 20 © First Base Technologies 2017 Prepare / Identify · Improve visibility and understand your information and systems, through asset and network discovery and mapping · Understand your cyber risk posture through assessments and simulations · Identify and remediate vulnerabilities in your IT organization, including your supply chain, where many cyber criminals seed attacks · Map assets to vendor relationships · Build awareness of the external threat landscape and understand how to recognise if you are being targeted through comprehensive global threat intelligence, correlation, and analysis capabilities · Make users cyber-aware through regular and on-going education on best practices and risky behaviour · Ensure appropriate backup and recovery strategies are in place
  • 21. Slide 21 © First Base Technologies 2017 Protect The second pillar is about implementing safeguards to limit or contain the impact of an attack or breach. Your goal is to protect your infrastructure and data from malicious attack and accidental exposure. All three areas - people, processes, and technology - are important to your protection. Prepare / Identify Protect Detect Respond Recover
  • 22. Slide 22 © First Base Technologies 2017 Protect · Assess existing defences in the context of advanced threats and plan improvements as necessary · Conduct advanced penetration tests against Internet-facing services, mobile endpoints and key internal systems · Conduct penetration tests of mobile access and teleworking systems · Evaluate and implement attack detection solutions across the organisation · Engage with line managers to ensure staff comply with security policies · Evaluate technical monitoring systems to detect policy breaches · Protect and govern information assets over their lifecycle, including protecting from data loss or illegal access
  • 23. Slide 23 © First Base Technologies 2017 Detect The Detect pillar focuses on developing activities to rapidly identify an attack or a breach, assess the systems that may be affected, and ensure a timely response. To effectively minimise any damage, you must have the necessary detection and response policies, processes, and technologies in place. Prepare / Identify Protect Detect Respond Recover
  • 24. Slide 24 © First Base Technologies 2017 Detect · Develop systems and processes to identify attacks, assess affected systems and ensure a timely response · Implement network monitoring systems and correlate security events with external threats · Conduct regular reviews of detection and response strategies · Evaluate third-party security monitoring, advanced threat protection and incident response management services · Plan how to resource the correlation of security intelligence with the IT infrastructure to detect and remediate a potential issue before it spreads
  • 25. Slide 25 © First Base Technologies 2017 Respond The Respond pillar addresses activities that accelerate remediation and contain the impact of an attack once detected. Whilst there are many solutions and services available to help, much of what is needed involves people and processes internal to your business. Prepare / Identify Protect Detect Respond Recover
  • 26. Slide 26 © First Base Technologies 2017 Respond · Plan and implement a Computer Security Incident Response Team and define roles and responsibilities · Manage risk by measuring and tracking your cyber resilience, including how well systems were protected during an attack · Create a plan: outline how you intend to respond to cyber incidents · Determine how response processes and procedures will be maintained and tested · Co-ordinate communications response activities, and understand how analysis and mitigation activities will be performed · Devise a system where ensures lessons learned are incorporated into future response activities
  • 27. Slide 27 © First Base Technologies 2017 Recover This stage involves developing systems and plans to restore data and services after an attack. Even if you respond quickly to a cyber breach, there may be consequences for people, processes and systems. An effective recovery depends on a clear and thorough recovery plan. Prepare / Identify Protect Detect Respond Recover
  • 28. Slide 28 © First Base Technologies 2017 Recover · Develop and implement systems and plans to restore any data and services that may have been impacted during a cyber attack · Ensure that your disaster recovery plans cover major cyber attacks as well as system failures and natural disasters · Consider cyber attack scenarios: · Ransomware attacks · Website hijack · Remote access compromise · Network-level infection · Business Email Compromise
  • 29. Slide 29 © First Base Technologies 2017 Getting started
  • 30. Managed Services Compliance Testing Cyber Readiness Penetration Testing Threat and Risk Cyber Awareness Leading the way in cyber security Since 1989
  • 31. twitter: @FBTechies Thank you! Peter Wood Chief Executive Officer First Base Technologies LLP Leading the way in cyber security Since 1989