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Mobile Applications
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
➢Survey About Mobile Applications
- Competition
- Quality vs Time to market
- Legacy System Integration
- Mobile Web vs. Mobile App
- Cost of Development
1. Hardware 2. Software
- Importance of Mobile strategies in business world
- Why is mobile development difficult?
Mobile Myths
➢Myth #1:
It is inexpensive to develop a mobile solutions.
➢ Myth #2:
It’s easy to develop a mobile solutions.
➢Myth #3:
We don’t need a mobile presence.
➢Myth #4:
You need a large development team.
➢Myth #5:
Sweat equity can pay for the application.
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
Third-Party Frameworks
“Write once and deploy to many languages”
➢Framework working under three parts:
Interpreted, translated and web.
it’s frameworks take a single language and use a one-for-
one replacement to develop a binary in the native
it’s frameworks use the native language’s control for
displaying web content under HTML web applications.
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE

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Hybrid vs Native vs Web Apps
Hybrid vs Native vs Web AppsHybrid vs Native vs Web Apps
Hybrid vs Native vs Web Apps

An overview of difference between Hybrid Mobile Applications, Native Applications and Mobile Web Apps. List of JavaScript frameworks that we used for Hybrid Mobile Apps.

mobile webhybrid appsnative apps
Nonintrusive semantic html5
Nonintrusive semantic html5Nonintrusive semantic html5
Nonintrusive semantic html5

Assalamualaikum, This slide i get from senior and i share at here to facilitate student do their assignment. Hope it is useful to you.

nonintrusive semantic html5semantic html5html5
Multiplatform App Architecture
Multiplatform App ArchitectureMultiplatform App Architecture
Multiplatform App Architecture

This document discusses different approaches to mobile app development, including native, hybrid, and mobile web applications. It outlines the advantages and disadvantages of each approach in terms of development cost, code sharing abilities, device integration, user interface capabilities, deployment options, and other factors. It then focuses on multiplatform native development using C# and shared code across platforms as a way to reduce development costs while maintaining high performance, full device integration, and other native capabilities. Examples of apps developed using this approach at Capgemini are also presented.

➢Appcelerator Titanium Mobile Framework
- Released in December 2008.
- Supports for iOS 5 and Android 4.0.
- Appcelerator also build and deploy to Blackberry.
- Appcelerator is strongly working with Javascript API.
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
Frameworks – Cont.
➢ Nitobi PhoneGap
- Released in March 2009.
- Supports for iOS, Android, Blackberry, WebOS, Symbian and
windows phone 7.
- Working with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
Frameworks – Cont.
➢ Nitobi PhoneGap
- Released in March 2009.
- Supports for iOS, Android, Blackberry, WebOS, Symbian and
windows phone 7.
- Working with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
Frameworks – Cont.
➢ MonoDroid and MonoTouch
- Initially developed by the Mono Team
- Released in 2009.
- Supports for Android, iOS and Windows.
- Working with .Net Frameworks and C# language.
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE

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Native vs. Hybrid Apps
Native vs. Hybrid AppsNative vs. Hybrid Apps
Native vs. Hybrid Apps

Not all apps are created equal. The type of app that you develop will depend on the features you want and your compatible device preferences. There are pros and cons to each app type, but there is usually a best app for your situation.

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Introduction to Mobile Development
Introduction to Mobile DevelopmentIntroduction to Mobile Development
Introduction to Mobile Development

This document provides an overview of mobile development. It discusses key mobile platforms like iOS and Android. For iOS, it covers features of iOS 5, the Xcode development environment, and testing tools. For Android, it discusses the open source nature, features, architecture, Java-based development using Eclipse/Android SDK, and testing framework. It also compares high-level differences between developing for iOS vs Android like required tools and programming languages.

mobile html5 phonegap ios android
Native, Web or Hybrid Mobile App Development?
Native, Web or Hybrid Mobile App Development?Native, Web or Hybrid Mobile App Development?
Native, Web or Hybrid Mobile App Development?

The document discusses different approaches to developing mobile apps, including native apps, web apps, and hybrid apps. Native apps are developed specifically for a single platform using that platform's tools and programming languages. They have full access to device features but have high development and maintenance costs. Web apps are developed with web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and run in a mobile browser, allowing cross-platform use but more limited access to device features. Hybrid apps combine native and web technologies by wrapping web views in a native container, giving them full device access and lower costs than native apps. The document explores the characteristics and tradeoffs of each approach.

Mobile Web Presence
➢ As per Gartner more than 1.7 billon mobile internet users
worldwide by 2013.
➢Without a mobile web presence you are missing out on
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
Mobile Web Presence
➢ Mobile Content
- Different than desktop view.
- Limited screen size.
- Navigation Facility.
- Attractive UI form controls.
- Interactive GPS and Maps UI.
- Interactive documents.
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
Mobile Web Presence
Desktop website of a commercial site Mobile Version of Site
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
Mobile Browsers
➢ Mobile user Browsing Behaviour
- Develop great mobile interface.
- Repetition:
Users are coming back to your site constantly.
e.g. Sports scores, weather reports and stock quotes.
- Boredom:
It’s about provides user services from internet.
(Recommendation Engine)
- Urgency:
Users are out and about and suddenly have the urge for a
hamburger. They need to find the nearest open burger joint.
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE

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Cross Platform Mobile App Development
Cross Platform Mobile App DevelopmentCross Platform Mobile App Development
Cross Platform Mobile App Development

Greane Tree Technology CTO Joseph Payette gave our latest “Lunch & Learn” presentation. With the number of tools and frameworks for cross platform mobile application development increasing every year, it can be a challenge to determine the best fit technology for a mobile project. All of these tools and frameworks have their advantages and disadvantages, as they leverage different mechanisms for abstracting differences across mobile devices in an effort to provide a single platform for rapid application development. To bring order to the various options at hand, Joe reviewed mobile application architectures (native, hybrid, and HTML5), and explored and compared a few hybrid tools and frameworks, namely PhoneGap (, Appcelerator (, and MoSync ( Joe’s mobile application development presentation includes sample code for these three tools and frameworks. The Lunch and Learn series is a regular event where we discuss topics of interest to our projects and clients. Last month, Chad Calhoun explored Git Interactive Techniques.

mobile application developmentcross-platform
Introduction to mobile application development
Introduction to mobile application developmentIntroduction to mobile application development
Introduction to mobile application development

This document discusses mobile application development. It covers the importance of mobile apps, different development choices like native, hybrid and mobile web apps, and factors to consider from the perspectives of users, developers and businesses. The key platforms are discussed along with their market shares. Native apps can access all device APIs but must be developed for each platform separately. Hybrid apps combine web technologies with native wrappers for a cross-platform experience. Mobile web apps run in browsers but have limited device access.

mobile applicationcross platform
Hybrid mobile apps
Hybrid mobile appsHybrid mobile apps
Hybrid mobile apps

This document discusses hybrid mobile apps, which are native apps that use an embedded browser to run some or all of their user interface. Hybrid apps combine the advantages of native apps like being downloaded from app stores with the advantages of web apps like being able to write code once and deploy to multiple platforms. Frameworks exist that allow hybrid apps to access native device capabilities like the camera from JavaScript. The document argues that with frameworks, hybrid apps can provide rich experiences comparable to native apps.

html5 javascript mobile ios android phone tablet
Mobile Applications
➢ Purpose of mobile application:
A mobile application can be an opportunity to improve
interaction with customers, create brand awareness, and
even create additional revenue.
➢ Failure point of thinking:
if the objectives of the app are unclear, customers can be
upset, and money can be lost.
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
Mobile browsing behaviour in the U.S.
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
Ask Questions before development
➢ If you build a native app or mobile web app
➢ If you require graphics and processing power
➢ If you require the use of the device’s camera
➢ If you need to use the device’s microphone
➢ If you require access to the device’s address book
➢ If you require access to the device’s media library
➢ If you will be using the market for payment
➢ If you require use of push notify actions
➢ If you need to run as a background service
➢ If you want to design a game
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
Survey Device Features
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
Native vs. HTML5 Device Features

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Cross Platform Mobile Application Architecture
Cross Platform Mobile Application ArchitectureCross Platform Mobile Application Architecture
Cross Platform Mobile Application Architecture

Our consulting strategy is built around developing our people into “Trusted Advisors”. Pariveda is different from other consulting firms in the talent that we provide. We grow smart people who can combine knowledge across functional boundaries. Our people choose Pariveda because of the rewarding lifestyle.

mobilexamarinsoftware development
Mobile web development
Mobile web development Mobile web development
Mobile web development

This document discusses different approaches to mobile web development, including native apps, mobile web apps, and hybrid apps. It describes native apps as using device APIs and being optimized for performance but costly to maintain across platforms. Mobile web apps use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and are low-cost with broad compatibility but lack access to device features. Hybrid apps combine web technologies with native wrappers to access device APIs and offer "write once, run everywhere" capabilities. The document also covers mobile development strategies, frameworks, and tools like Cordova that can help build hybrid mobile apps.

hybrid appsmobileweb development
Cross platform mobile application architecture for enterprise
Cross platform mobile application architecture for enterpriseCross platform mobile application architecture for enterprise
Cross platform mobile application architecture for enterprise

The document discusses cross-platform mobile application architecture for enterprises. It covers the need for enterprise mobile apps due to workforce mobility trends. It compares native, web, and hybrid approaches and recommends hybrid for supporting multiple platforms. Key elements of hybrid apps include device and screen agnosticism, offline storage, security, and access to device capabilities. Frameworks like Phonegap and technologies like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript enable hybrid development.

Creating Consumable Web
Services for
Mobile Devices
Web Services
➢ A web service enables two electronic devices to
communicate over the Internet.
➢ World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) defines web service as
“a software system designed to support interoperable
machine-to-machine interaction over a network.”
➢ Server communicating over port 80 or port 443 in plain text
to the client.
➢ Different Methods for communications:
- Remote procedure calls (RPC)
- Distributed component object model (DCOM)
- Common object request broker architecture (CORBA).
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
What is port?
➢ A port is similar to a TV channel.
➢ News comes in on the news channel, sport channel comes
on Ten Sports etc.
➢ Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP): 80 Port
➢ File Transfer Protocol: 21 Port
➢ Before going to consume web services, host your web
service on local machine or globally.
➢ Local Machine i.e. IIS or Apache Web Server(Xampp)
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
Demo Weather Web Service

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Introduction to Mobile Application Development

Mobile application development is a growing field as mobile device usage increases. The document discusses the mobile platforms of iOS, Android, Windows Phone 7, Blackberry Tablet OS, and MeeGo. It also covers development tools for these platforms like Android SDK, Xcode, and alternatives like Appcelerator Titanium and PhoneGap. Popular mobile app stores like the Android Market and App Store are also mentioned.

Building Mobile Cross-Platform Apps with HTML5, jQuery Mobile & PhoneGap
Building Mobile Cross-Platform Apps with HTML5, jQuery Mobile & PhoneGapBuilding Mobile Cross-Platform Apps with HTML5, jQuery Mobile & PhoneGap
Building Mobile Cross-Platform Apps with HTML5, jQuery Mobile & PhoneGap

The final demo for this presentation can be downloaded at: SESSION ABSTRACT ================= Write Once, Run Everywhere. How many times have we been promised true cross-platform development? HTML5 seems to be the closest we’ve ever been to writing applications once and running them on multiple mobile devices, such as iOS, Android, Windows Phone or Blackberry. But native mobile apps have taken all the spotlight in recent years thanks to the introduction of hundreds of thousands of apps in various app stores from Apple, Google, Microsoft and BlackBerry. Apps offer a great native platform experience, but they can be expensive to build and require specific languages, SDKs and skill sets across multiple platforms. Mobile web sites offer a great way to engage with consumers and corporate workers alike without requiring the installation of any app, and can in turn be adapted as deployable "hybrid" apps. This session explores the fundamentals of native vs. web apps, and how to choose the right approach for any given scenario. We begin with an exploration of the benefits of web development for smartphones using the most popular HTML5 & JavaScript framework for mobile: jQuery Mobile (JQM). We’ll go over a quick primer on HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, followed by everything you need to get started with JQM. We’ll cover the most common development environment options, how to build your first jQuery Mobile page, and how to debug your mobile web code with some of the available tools. We’ll also discuss how to develop a native-like experience on each mobile platform thanks to JQM’s adaptive rendering, and how to save and retrieve data with the cloud using Microsoft Azure Mobile Services. We'll then learn how to leverage PhoneGap to wrap our mobile web UI into a native smartphone or tablet app. Discover how PhoneGap exposes native device hardware like cameras, sensors, GPS and more. We’ll also discuss the pros and cons of PhoneGap-based apps, how to deal with the UI design guidelines across platforms, and learn some do’s and don’ts of cross-platform mobile development. Native mobile apps have their place for mass market revenue-generating models, but you also need to master cross-platform techniques when the situation calls for it such as in enterprise mobility scenarios and other niche areas. Web development is a critical skill required by every mobile developer; come learn how to get started and reach hundreds of millions of users through a smart mobile web & hybrid approach.

windows phonejquery mobilephonegap
Mobile Development Architecture Ppt with Slides, Book Notes on using Web Silv...
Mobile Development Architecture Ppt with Slides, Book Notes on using Web Silv...Mobile Development Architecture Ppt with Slides, Book Notes on using Web Silv...
Mobile Development Architecture Ppt with Slides, Book Notes on using Web Silv...

The document provides an overview of modern mobile development. It discusses mobile computing trends and the rise of smartphones. It then covers the major mobile platforms including iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and BlackBerry. For iOS development, it describes the tools, languages, and processes for building apps using Xcode and Objective-C or MonoTouch. It highlights key iOS concepts like views, view controllers, outlets, and actions. It also covers testing apps on devices and deploying to the App Store.

Introduction of Mobile applications
Advantage of Web Services
➢ The primary advantages web services provide are ease of
access and ease of consumption.
➢ Web services advantages stem from simplicity.
➢ Web services are easy to access because they use the same
World Wide Web technologies such as web browsers and
web servers that power the Internet.
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
Web Service Language (Format)
➢ The two self-describing formats that have taken off for web
services are XML and JSON.
➢ eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
- XML was designed as a way to describe documents, and
interchange data in internet.
- E.g. Format
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
Web Service Language (Format)
➢ JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
➢ JSON was created in 2001 and came into use by Yahoo in
➢ JSON is a great format for transmitting data between
systems because it is simple, text based, and self-describing.
➢ Easy for document validations.
➢ A person can be represented in JSON like this:
firstName : “David”,
lastName : “Smith”
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE

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IBM Worklight for Digital AgenciesIBM Worklight for Digital Agencies
IBM Worklight for Digital Agencies

Digital agencies build mobile apps but they don't always do so as inexpensively as they could. But if they used IBM Worklight they could.

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Lublin Startup Festival - Mobile Architecture Design Patterns
Lublin Startup Festival - Mobile Architecture Design PatternsLublin Startup Festival - Mobile Architecture Design Patterns
Lublin Startup Festival - Mobile Architecture Design Patterns

This document discusses mobile app development architecture and design patterns. It covers the out-of-the-box approach using code behind, the model-view-viewmodel (MVVM) pattern, inversion of control (IOC), and command query responsibility segregation (CQRS). It also discusses tools like Fody, Polly, and Cimbalino Toolkit. Tips are provided on using universal apps, Windows 10 XAML, and developing cross-platform with Xamarin. The presentation ends with an invitation for questions.

Going mobile edu web presentation - 2011
Going mobile   edu web presentation - 2011Going mobile   edu web presentation - 2011
Going mobile edu web presentation - 2011

This document summarizes Nathan Gerber's presentation on mobile web strategies for higher education institutions. It discusses how mobile usage is growing rapidly, especially among students. It emphasizes that institutions need to shift from just making their sites work on mobile to designing for the unique needs of mobile users. The presentation provides recommendations on starting small with high priority content, using responsive design, leveraging content management systems, and testing on various devices. It also highlights tools like QR codes, analytics, and emulators to help institutions begin developing their mobile web presence.

SOAP and Restful Web Services
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
SOAP Web services REST Web Services
SOAP is a protocol. REST is an architectural style.
SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer.
SOAP can't use REST because it is a protocol. REST can use SOAP web services because it is a
concept and can use any protocol like HTTP, SOAP.
SOAP uses services interfaces to expose the
business logic.
REST uses URI to expose business logic.
SOAP defines standards to be strictly followed. REST does not define too much standards like SOAP.
SOAP requires more bandwidth and resource than
REST requires less bandwidth and resource than
SOAP defines its own security. RESTful web services inherits security measures from
the underlying transport.
SOAP permits XML data format only. REST permits different data format such as Plain text,
Debugging Web Services
➢ Process of finding and resolving of defects that prevent
correct operation of computer program or a system.
➢ Tools:
- Fiddler:
Fiddler is a free Windows tool. Fiddler shows the raw HTTP
traffic for the Windows system on which it is running.
- Wireshark and MAC HTTP Client
It is a free MAC or Linux tool. Similar to Fiddler tool.
- Advanced REST Client – Google Chrome Extension.
- Postman - Google Chrome Extension.
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
Mobile Websites
➢ There are three types of Mobile Websites developments.
- Adaptive Mobile Websites
- Dedicated Mobile Websites
- Mobile Web Applications
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
Adaptive Mobile Websites
➢ It is a dynamic UI Interface.
➢ With CSS, content and presentation layers are kept
➢ Media queries change website layout and appearance
without content modification.
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE

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Make a Mobile Web Site
Make a Mobile Web SiteMake a Mobile Web Site
Make a Mobile Web Site

An overview of options in creating a mobile website - both optimizing your current site and creating a separate mobile site.

mobile websitesmobile webweb content mavens
Going mobile - Highed Web Presentation - 2011
Going mobile - Highed Web Presentation - 2011Going mobile - Highed Web Presentation - 2011
Going mobile - Highed Web Presentation - 2011

Nathan Gerber is the Director of Web Development Services at Utah Valley University. He gave a presentation on mobile web strategies for higher education institutions. Some key points from his presentation include: - Mobile internet usage is growing rapidly and will impact how institutions provide online content and services. - When developing a mobile strategy, institutions should focus on key information and services for current students, start small, and be willing to iterate based on what works. - Content management systems need to support multi-format publishing and content reuse across desktop and mobile. Mobile-specific templates and tagging can also help. - QR codes, browser sniffing, analytics, and testing on emulators can help institutions test and improve their mobile offerings.

Ways to Mobilize Your Library
Ways to Mobilize Your LibraryWays to Mobilize Your Library
Ways to Mobilize Your Library

Panel presentation for the Adult Services Forum (NJLA) on 10/26/11. Panelists were Doug Baldwin, Cynthia Lambert, and Melissa Brisbin.

qr codeapplibraries
Dedicated Mobile Websites
➢ It is a dynamic content site.
➢ To change, rearrange, or remove content from your website
for the mobile version.
➢ It’s a fully responsive site.
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
Mobile Web Applications
➢ It is a dynamic content site.
➢ It’s a fully responsive site.
➢ Developed under HTML5 and CSS3.
Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE

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Introduction of Mobile applications

  • 2. Introduction Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE ➢Survey About Mobile Applications - Competition - Quality vs Time to market - Legacy System Integration - Mobile Web vs. Mobile App - Cost of Development 1. Hardware 2. Software - Importance of Mobile strategies in business world - Why is mobile development difficult?
  • 3. Mobile Myths ➢Myth #1: It is inexpensive to develop a mobile solutions. ➢ Myth #2: It’s easy to develop a mobile solutions. ➢Myth #3: We don’t need a mobile presence. ➢Myth #4: You need a large development team. ➢Myth #5: Sweat equity can pay for the application. Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 4. Third-Party Frameworks “Write once and deploy to many languages” ➢Framework working under three parts: Interpreted, translated and web. ➢Translated: it’s frameworks take a single language and use a one-for- one replacement to develop a binary in the native language. ➢Web: it’s frameworks use the native language’s control for displaying web content under HTML web applications. Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 5. Frameworks ➢Appcelerator Titanium Mobile Framework - Released in December 2008. - Supports for iOS 5 and Android 4.0. - Appcelerator also build and deploy to Blackberry. - Appcelerator is strongly working with Javascript API. Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 6. Frameworks – Cont. ➢ Nitobi PhoneGap - Released in March 2009. - Supports for iOS, Android, Blackberry, WebOS, Symbian and windows phone 7. - Working with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 7. Frameworks – Cont. ➢ Nitobi PhoneGap - Released in March 2009. - Supports for iOS, Android, Blackberry, WebOS, Symbian and windows phone 7. - Working with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 8. Frameworks – Cont. ➢ MonoDroid and MonoTouch - Initially developed by the Mono Team - Released in 2009. - Supports for Android, iOS and Windows. - Working with .Net Frameworks and C# language. Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 9. Mobile Web Presence ➢ As per Gartner more than 1.7 billon mobile internet users worldwide by 2013. ➢Without a mobile web presence you are missing out on customers. Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 10. Mobile Web Presence ➢ Mobile Content - Different than desktop view. - Limited screen size. - Navigation Facility. - Attractive UI form controls. - Interactive GPS and Maps UI. - Interactive documents. Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 11. Mobile Web Presence Desktop website of a commercial site Mobile Version of Site Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 12. Mobile Browsers ➢ Mobile user Browsing Behaviour - Develop great mobile interface. - Repetition: Users are coming back to your site constantly. e.g. Sports scores, weather reports and stock quotes. - Boredom: It’s about provides user services from internet. (Recommendation Engine) - Urgency: Users are out and about and suddenly have the urge for a hamburger. They need to find the nearest open burger joint. Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 13. Mobile Applications ➢ Purpose of mobile application: A mobile application can be an opportunity to improve interaction with customers, create brand awareness, and even create additional revenue. ➢ Failure point of thinking: if the objectives of the app are unclear, customers can be upset, and money can be lost. Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 14. Survey Mobile browsing behaviour in the U.S. Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 15. Ask Questions before development ➢ If you build a native app or mobile web app ➢ If you require graphics and processing power ➢ If you require the use of the device’s camera ➢ If you need to use the device’s microphone ➢ If you require access to the device’s address book ➢ If you require access to the device’s media library ➢ If you will be using the market for payment ➢ If you require use of push notify actions ➢ If you need to run as a background service ➢ If you want to design a game Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 16. Survey Device Features Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE Native vs. HTML5 Device Features
  • 17. Creating Consumable Web Services for Mobile Devices
  • 18. Web Services ➢ A web service enables two electronic devices to communicate over the Internet. ➢ World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) defines web service as “a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network.” ➢ Server communicating over port 80 or port 443 in plain text to the client. ➢ Different Methods for communications: - Remote procedure calls (RPC) - Distributed component object model (DCOM) - Common object request broker architecture (CORBA). Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 19. What is port? ➢ A port is similar to a TV channel. ➢ News comes in on the news channel, sport channel comes on Ten Sports etc. ➢ Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP): 80 Port ➢ File Transfer Protocol: 21 Port ➢ Before going to consume web services, host your web service on local machine or globally. ➢ Local Machine i.e. IIS or Apache Web Server(Xampp) Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 20. Demo Weather Web Service %BCnchen,DE&appid=b1b15e88fa797225412429c1c50c122a1
  • 22. Advantage of Web Services ➢ The primary advantages web services provide are ease of access and ease of consumption. ➢ Web services advantages stem from simplicity. ➢ Web services are easy to access because they use the same World Wide Web technologies such as web browsers and web servers that power the Internet. Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 23. Web Service Language (Format) ➢ The two self-describing formats that have taken off for web services are XML and JSON. ➢ eXtensible Markup Language (XML) - XML was designed as a way to describe documents, and interchange data in internet. - E.g. Format <person> <firstname>David</firstname> <lastname>Smith</lastname> </person> Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 24. Web Service Language (Format) ➢ JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) ➢ JSON was created in 2001 and came into use by Yahoo in 2005. ➢ JSON is a great format for transmitting data between systems because it is simple, text based, and self-describing. ➢ Easy for document validations. ➢ A person can be represented in JSON like this: { firstName : “David”, lastName : “Smith” } Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 25. SOAP and Restful Web Services Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE SOAP Web services REST Web Services SOAP is a protocol. REST is an architectural style. SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. SOAP can't use REST because it is a protocol. REST can use SOAP web services because it is a concept and can use any protocol like HTTP, SOAP. SOAP uses services interfaces to expose the business logic. REST uses URI to expose business logic. SOAP defines standards to be strictly followed. REST does not define too much standards like SOAP. SOAP requires more bandwidth and resource than REST. REST requires less bandwidth and resource than SOAP. SOAP defines its own security. RESTful web services inherits security measures from the underlying transport. SOAP permits XML data format only. REST permits different data format such as Plain text, HTML, XML, JSON etc.
  • 26. Debugging Web Services ➢ Process of finding and resolving of defects that prevent correct operation of computer program or a system. ➢ Tools: - Fiddler: Fiddler is a free Windows tool. Fiddler shows the raw HTTP traffic for the Windows system on which it is running. - Wireshark and MAC HTTP Client It is a free MAC or Linux tool. Similar to Fiddler tool. - Advanced REST Client – Google Chrome Extension. - Postman - Google Chrome Extension. Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 27. Mobile Websites ➢ There are three types of Mobile Websites developments. - Adaptive Mobile Websites - Dedicated Mobile Websites - Mobile Web Applications Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 28. Adaptive Mobile Websites ➢ It is a dynamic UI Interface. ➢ With CSS, content and presentation layers are kept separate. ➢ Media queries change website layout and appearance without content modification. Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 29. Dedicated Mobile Websites ➢ It is a dynamic content site. ➢ To change, rearrange, or remove content from your website for the mobile version. ➢ It’s a fully responsive site. Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE
  • 30. Mobile Web Applications ➢ It is a dynamic content site. ➢ It’s a fully responsive site. ➢ Developed under HTML5 and CSS3. Mobile Applications Mr. A. B. Momin, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE