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Dr. Usha (PT)
Assistant Professor
 Therapeutic currents
 Introduction to IFT
 Definition and Principle
 Electrode placement
 Physiological effects
 Indications
 Contraindications
 Precaution
 Technique of application
 Therapeutic currents- currents used for the
treatment purpose
 According to the difference in frequencies, the
currents can be divided into the following three
 Low frequency currents: frequency ranging
from 1 – 1000 Hz. E.g. TENS, Galvanic
current, Faradic current
 Medium frequency currents: frequency
distribution ranging from 1000 – 10000 Hz.
E.g. IFT, Russian current
 High Frequency currents: frequency above
10000 Hz. E.g. SWD, MWD, Infrared
Radiations, Ultrasound.
Interferential therapy is a form of
treatment that involves the use of 2
“medium frequency” current to bring
about the effect of a low-frequency
(LF) current in the tissues.
This is achieved by applying two
“medium frequency” currents to the
tissues, to generate LF interference

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SD curve (Strength Duration Curve)
SD curve (Strength Duration Curve)SD curve (Strength Duration Curve)
SD curve (Strength Duration Curve)

a detailed description on theory behind Strength duration curve, along with procedure for plotting SD Curve and measuring the Rheobase and Chronaxie of the plotted graph.

electrotherapyphysiotherapybachelor of physiotherapy
Low Frequency Therapeutic Currents
Low Frequency Therapeutic CurrentsLow Frequency Therapeutic Currents
Low Frequency Therapeutic Currents

The document provides information on different types of low frequency therapeutic currents, including: 1) Faradic current, which is a short-duration interrupted current ranging from 0.1-1 msec at 50-100 Hz, used to produce near normal muscle contraction and relaxation. 2) Galvanic current, which is a direct current that flows continuously in one direction, and an interrupted form used for denervated muscle stimulation. 3) Sinusoidal currents, which are evenly alternating 50 Hz waves similar to mains current, providing 100 pulses per second. 4) Diadynamic currents, which are variations of sinusoidal currents involving single or double-phase rectification of alternating current produced

S d curve
S d curveS d curve
S d curve

The document discusses strength duration curves, which plot the electrical stimuli needed to elicit a muscle contraction over a range of stimulus durations. It describes how to perform the test and interpret the results, including details on: - Plotting S-D curves after 20 days post-injury to assess innervation status - The typical shape of normal, denervated, and partially denervated curves - Additional metrics that can be measured from S-D curves like rheobase and chronaxie - Factors that can influence the curves and what different curve patterns indicate

physiotherapist personalcommunicationstudent
Thus, the benefits of LF stimulation are
achieved without the associated
unpleasant side effects like pain,
discomfort, skin irritation, etc.
Faradic type current (50-100 Hz) if
applied directly- very high skin
impedance encountered because of low
Medium frequency currents (around
4000 Hz), encounter much lower skin
impedance and able to stimulate motor
and sensory nerves
 Impedance (Z) is inversely proportional to
frequency (f)
Z= 1/2ΠfC
Z= Impedance in Ohms
f= Frequency in Hz
C= Capacitance of skin in microfarads
e.g. (50Hz, 3200 Ohms), (4000Hz, 40 Ohms)
Production of interference effect where 2
medium frequency currents cross in the
patient’s tissues

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Microwave diathermy (MWD) uses electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency range to generate heat in tissue. MWD uses a magnetron to produce microwaves with frequencies commonly between 300 MHz to 300 GHz. These short wavelength microwaves generate strong electrical fields that cause heating through ionic movements and molecular distortion within tissues. MWD provides superficial heating that is more localized than shortwave diathermy and penetrates deeper than infrared radiation. Key uses of MWD include reducing pain, swelling and muscle spasm in inflammatory conditions like tendinitis as well as accelerating healing for injuries and infections.

Pulsed shortwave
Pulsed shortwavePulsed shortwave
Pulsed shortwave

This document discusses pulsed shortwave therapy (PSWT), which delivers pulsed electromagnetic energy in short pulses with time gaps between. PSWT uses a similar 27.12MHz frequency as traditional shortwave diathermy but with lower mean power of 2-5W. It results in non-thermal tissue heating through effects on cell membranes and ion transport. PSWT is shown to increase healing factors like white blood cells in wounds and reduce edema and inflammation. Treatment doses and contraindications are provided. PSWT is compared to traditional shortwave diathermy, with PSWT having non-thermal rather than thermal effects.

pulsed shortwavephysiotherapy
Diadynamic currents
Diadynamic currentsDiadynamic currents
Diadynamic currents

Diadynamic currents are a variation of sinusoidal currents that are produced by rectifying alternating current into monophasic pulses. There are two main types - half wave rectification produces pulses with a duration equal to the interpulse interval at the original frequency, while full wave rectification produces continuous pulses at twice the original frequency. The pulses from diadynamic currents have a duration of 10ms, causing sensations from vibration to pain depending on intensity. Different current types like MF, DF, CP and LP are used for pain relief, muscle stimulation, and preventing accommodation effects. Precautions must be taken due to the electrochemical changes and potential skin damage from the currents.

diadynamic currentscurrentstherapeutic currents
Interferential Therapy (IFT)
One current at constant frequency (A) of
Other at variable frequency (B) of
3900Hz and 4000Hz
An interference effect at a “Beat
Frequency” ie. Difference in frequency
between the two currents and it is
produced in the tissues at the point where
the two currents cross.
For example,
A= 4000Hz
B= 3900Hz
Beat frequency= 100 Hz (a LFC)
By varying the frequency of B relative to
constant frequency of A---- Production of
a range of BF can be possible deep in
patient’s tissues
For e.g. A= 4000Hz, B= 3980Hz
then BF= 20Hz

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Short wave diathermy (s.w.d) electro therapyShort wave diathermy (s.w.d) electro therapy
Short wave diathermy (s.w.d) electro therapy

Electrotherapy topic shot wave diathermy ppt (physics) Bachelor of physiotherapy topic swd . Swd introduction, and range of swd , indications and contraindications of swd

Interrupted direct current
Interrupted direct current Interrupted direct current
Interrupted direct current

This document discusses interrupted direct current (IDC), which describes continuous unidirectional current that is interrupted to create pulses of varying duration, shape, or frequency. There are two main types of IDC pulses: rectangular wave pulses and accommodation pulses. Rectangular pulses have sudden rises and falls, while accommodation pulses gradually rise and fall in shapes like triangular, trapezoid, or sawtooth. IDC can stimulate nerves and muscles. Short pulses preferentially stimulate nerves, while longer pulses are needed to stimulate muscles at tolerable intensities. The document discusses electrotonus effects from IDC and considerations for selecting appropriate pulse durations and intensities. It concludes with indications for using electrical stimulation to produce muscle contraction without excessive fatigue.

education and training
Ultraviolet radiation in Physiotherapy
Ultraviolet radiation in PhysiotherapyUltraviolet radiation in Physiotherapy
Ultraviolet radiation in Physiotherapy

Ultraviolet radiation covers a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum between visible light and X-rays. It is divided into UVA, UVB, and UVC based on wavelength. UV is produced by mercury vapor lamps and fluorescent lamps and can cause both immediate and long term effects on skin like erythema, pigmentation, vitamin D production, and skin cancer. The dosage of UV exposure depends on the lamp output, distance from the skin, exposure time, and individual skin sensitivity. UV therapy is used to treat conditions like psoriasis, acne, and eczema.

therapeutic ultraviolet radiationtherapeutic uvractinotherapy
If a rhythmical range of 0-100Hz is
required- it can be achieved by varying
the frequency in circuit B between
3900Hz and 4000Hz over a period of 5-
10 seconds
Variation in the interference frequencies
can be pre selected on the machine and
may be constant or rhythmic
Rhythmic mode- indicates that the
frequency is swinging continuously from
the lower to the higher value and back
Usually available frequency scales are-
 0-100Hz Constant
 0-10Hz Rhythmic
 90-100Hz Rhythmic
 Wherever two waves of same frequency travel in
same phase, then the peak of their crest and trough
coincide and the resultant wave has amplitude
more than the original amplitudes. But frequency
will not change.
 If two currents are traveling with little difference
in their frequency then the amplitude of the
resultant wave will increase or decrease in regular
cycle. This is called amplitude modulation.
 This amplitude modulation is denoted by the
difference of two original frequencies and is
termed as beat frequency.
 Electrodes in IFT: In interferential therapy, the
flexible electrodes are used which are taped or
bound to skin by vacuum electrodes which use
suction to maintain contact.
 Usually four electrodes are used in interferential
therapy, but two electrodes may be used in the

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Functional re education
Functional re educationFunctional re education
Functional re education

Functional re-education aims to retrain patients' movements and activities that they already know but cannot properly perform due to illness or injury. The goal is to increase independence through a tailored program of progressive exercises. Exercises may include rolling, sitting, kneeling, standing, and walking activities. Principles include thorough assessment, task-specific treatment, and avoiding discouragement to build confidence and independence over time.


This document summarizes fluidotherapy, a dry heating modality. It transfers heat to the body through convection using a cabinet containing heated air and finely ground cellulose particles. This creates a fluid-like medium allowing limbs to float and exercises to be performed. Key effects include increased blood flow, pain relief and improved range of motion. It is used to treat distal extremities for conditions like pain, swelling and post-operative rehabilitation. Contraindications include fever, anesthesia or severe circulatory issues. Advantages include ease of use and allowing some active exercise in a comfortable, dry environment.

motor point
 motor point motor point
motor point

A motor point is a specific skin area where the targeted muscle is best stimulated with the smallest amount of current amplitude and the shortest pulse duration

 Balance: Electric current applied through the
skin depends on the condition of electrode,
sponge and the skin.
 Hence when two currents are applied there may
be unequal current passing through each
 This occurs due to the unequal resistance
encountered. In order to compensate this
situation the current in both the channels can
be equalized.
Sweep: It is possible to change the
frequency, between preset one and preset
one plus additional frequency,
continuously in a prefixed pattern and
time, is the sweep.
Spectrum: Interferential therapy (IFT)
makes use of principle of Bernard of
varying the frequency to prevent
 Spectrum denotes the range of frequency
during the treatment. In this range, all
frequencies are automatically transversed.
 The use of spectrum has the advantage that the
tissue does not adapt to a certain frequency and
thus a given treatment can be performed for a
longer period and repeated more often.
Quadripolar- use 2 circuits to enable
crossing of 2 different currents within the
Bipolar- also called premodulated,
uses 1 circuit which produces current
claimed as having similar parameters to
the expected outcome of currents mixing
in tissues

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This document discusses pulsed electromagnetic energy (PEME) therapy. PEME uses non-thermal pulses of electromagnetic energy to stimulate tissues for therapeutic purposes. It can increase ATP production, alter cell membranes, decrease inflammation, and increase healing. PEME is used to treat neurological conditions like radiculopathies and neuropathies, musculoskeletal issues like fractures and strains, psychological disorders, and general wounds and sores. Contraindications include pregnancy, menstruation, metal implants and recent radiation therapy.

Fg test
Fg testFg test
Fg test

The Faradic Galvanic (FG) test assesses lower motor neuron problems by stimulating muscles with different electric currents. A brief tetanic contraction indicates intact innervation, while a sluggish response suggests denervation. The test involves using faradic current to search for motor points and elicit fast contractions in innervated muscles. Galvanic current then produces slow contractions in denervated muscles. However, the FG test is inaccurate and unreliable, correctly interpreting muscle reactions in only 50% of cases.

fg testfaradic galvanic testelectrodiagnostic test
Contrast bath SRS
Contrast bath SRSContrast bath SRS
Contrast bath SRS

Contrast bath therapy involves soaking an injured area in alternating hot and cold water baths to increase blood flow and decrease stiffness and pain. The physiological mechanism is that it induces vasodilation and vasoconstriction through changes in water temperature, pumping edema from the injured area. The procedure involves soaking in warm water for 10 minutes, cold water for 1 minute, repeating warm water for 4 minutes and cold water for 1 minute, ending in warm water for 4 minutes for a total time of 25 minutes. Contrast baths can treat injuries like sprains, strains and bruises by removing edema through changes in blood flow. Certain precautions should be taken for conditions like open wounds, pregnancy and impaired sensation.

hot and cold immersioncontrast bathphysiotherapy
4 electrodes are used (in pairs)
Each pair being indicated by the
colouring of the wire from the machine
Electrodes of each pair placed diagonally
opposite one another
Interference effect of BF will be
produced deep in the tissues where it is
The effects are produced in the tissues
where they are required, without
unnecessary skin stimulation or sensory
nerve irritation
Application is free of any burning
sensation on the skin surface
Most useful in treating tissues at a
greater depth. For example, in muscles,
tendons, nerves, bursae and periosteum
Pain relief
Motor stimulation
Removal of exudates
Remove the chemicals from the area which
stimulates nociceptors
Increase in the blood circulation
Either pumping effect of the stimulated muscles or
the effect on the autonomic nerves of blood vessels

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Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) SRS
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) SRSTranscutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) SRS
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) SRS

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) is a method of electrical stimulation that aims to provide pain relief by exciting sensory nerves and stimulating the pain gate mechanism and/or opioid system. TENS works through several mechanisms including activation of pain-gating mechanisms in the spinal cord and stimulation of the descending pain suppression system and endogenous opioid release. Different TENS waveforms, frequencies, pulse widths and intensities can be used depending on the type of pain and desired effects. Common types of TENS include conventional high frequency TENS and acupuncture-like low frequency TENS. Care must be taken with electrode placement and TENS is generally contraindicated for those with pacemakers or heart conditions.

transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulationtenspain

This document discusses relaxation techniques. It defines relaxation as a state where muscle tension and mental stress are reduced through conscious effort. Relaxation can be general, involving the whole body, or local, targeting specific muscle groups. Several factors like muscle tone, posture, movement, and mental state can affect relaxation. Techniques to achieve general relaxation include assuming supported, comfortable positions and creating a restful atmosphere. Specific techniques discussed are autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation, and the contrast method, which involve sequentially contracting and relaxing different muscle groups.

Interferential therapy
Interferential therapyInterferential therapy
Interferential therapy

IFT which stands for Interferential Therapy is one of the types of electrotherapy used for the management of pain. The principle of interferential therapy is to cause two medium frequency currents of slightly different frequencies to interfere with one another. For example, if circuit A carries a current with the frequency of 4000Hz and Circuit B carry a current with a frequency of 3980 Hz, then the low frequency produced will be 20 Hz and this frequency is very useful in pain modulation. A new low-frequency current known as the beat frequency is equal to the difference in frequencies between the two medium frequency currents produced in the tissues at the point where the two currents cross. It is basically used for the treatment of Chronic, Post Traumatic, and Post-surgical pains. The basic principle involves the utilization of effects of low frequencies (<250pps) without painful or unpleasant side effects. The major advantage of IFT is that it produces effects in the tissue, exactly where required without unnecessary and uncomfortable skin stimulation. This technique is widely used to elicit muscle contraction, promote healing and reduce edema. Vector effect: The interference field is rotated to an angle of 450 in each direction, the field thus covers a wider area. This is useful in diffuse pathology or if the site of the lesion cannot be accurately localized. Frequency swing: Some equipment allows a variation in the speed of the frequency swing. A rhythmic mode may be a continuous swing from 0 to 100 Hz in 5-10s and back in similar time or it may hold for 1-6s at one frequency followed by 1-6s at another frequency with a variable time to swing between the two. Constant frequency: Some treatments may be carried out with the interference fixed at a certain frequency. Rhythmic frequency is useful if several types of tissues are to be treated at once. A variation in the frequency also overcomes the problem of tissue accommodation where the response of a particular tissue decreases with time. WORKING PRINCIPLE: Interferential current therapy works by sending small amounts of electrical stimulation to damaged tissues in the body. The therapy is meant to boost the body's natural process of responding to pain, by increasing circulation thus produces hormones that promote healing. IFT delivers intermittent pulses to stimulate surface nerves and block the pain signal, by delivering continuous deep stimulation into the affected tissue. IFT relieves pain, increases circulation, decreases edema, and stimulates the muscles. A frequency of 100Hz may stimulate the large diameter A-beta fibers, which have an effect on the pain gate, and inhibit the transmission of small-diameter nociceptive traffic ( C and A-delta fiber), which effectively closes the gait to painful impulses. Interferential current Increases the circulation of blood thus reduces swelling.

physiotherapyelectrotherapyinterferential therapy
Exudates is accelerated by a frequency of
1 – 10 Hz with rhythmical pumping
action produced by muscle contraction
and an effect of autonomic nervous
nerves which can affect the diameter of
blood vessels ---- increased blood
circulation---- removal of exudate.
1. Pain:
It is useful in wide variety of painful
conditions (Acute, Chronic, Deep,
Idiopathic, Sub acute pains etc.)
AMF (Amplitude Modulating Frequency)
70 – 150 Hz is used for Acute Pain.
Frequency below 50 Hz is used for chronic
pain and sub acute pain where muscle
contraction is required.
2. Oedema:
Frequency of 1 – 10 Hz is used for to
reduce oedema i.e. oedema of hand and
3. Stress incontinence:
Quadripolar technique: Two electrodes are
placed on lower abdomen while the other
two are placed on inner upper thigh.
Pace maker
On chest wall in cardiac patients
Skin infection
Deep vein thrombosis

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Interferential current
Interferential currentInterferential current
Interferential current

1) Interferential therapy involves applying two alternating medium-frequency currents that intersect in the body tissue to produce an interference beat frequency current for therapeutic purposes. 2) The beat frequency current can stimulate different tissues at different frequencies - nerves at 1-150Hz, muscles at 1-100Hz, increasing blood flow at 10-25Hz, and reducing edema at 1-10Hz. 3) Indications for interferential therapy include relief of chronic pain, absorption of exudates, and stress incontinence. General contraindications include pacemakers, malignancy, and infections. Local contraindications include open wounds and metal in the skin.

Lecture 10 Medical PhysicsMedium Frequency currents.pptx
Lecture 10 Medical PhysicsMedium Frequency currents.pptxLecture 10 Medical PhysicsMedium Frequency currents.pptx
Lecture 10 Medical PhysicsMedium Frequency currents.pptx

Medium frequency currents between 1000-10000 Hz are used therapeutically for pain management and wound healing. Rebox, Russian, and interferential currents are types of medium frequency currents. Interferential currents use two medium frequencies (e.g. 4000 Hz and 3900 Hz) that interfere in tissues to produce a low frequency beat current for deep tissue treatment without skin irritation. Common applications include pain, muscle spasm, edema, and delayed bone healing.

M. IFT.pptx
M. IFT.pptxM. IFT.pptx
M. IFT.pptx

Interferential therapy involves applying two medium frequency alternating currents through tissues simultaneously. This causes the currents to interfere with each other, producing a low frequency interference current. The interference current has characteristics of low frequency stimulation and can be used therapeutically. Proper positioning of electrodes is important to ensure the interference effect occurs in the desired treatment area. Parameters like amplitude, frequency, and sweep time can be adjusted to achieve different physiological effects for various indications. Common electrode types used include plate and vacuum electrodes.

Avoid touching of bare electrodes to
the skin otherwise it may lead to
tissue burn
Proper placement of electrodes- i.e.
not too close otherwise it may cause
passing of currents between
electrodes not through the tissues
Patient position- positioned comfortably
Skin preparation- washing with soap
and water to remove the natural oils , any
skin lesions should be protected with
petroleum jelly
Accurate location of treatment site, 2
pairs of electrodes positioned so that
crossing point of the currents is over or
within lesion
Interferential Therapy (IFT)
The pt is warned that he will feel a
tingling sensation which should not
be too uncomfortable or burning.
Selection of appropriate frequency
(e.g. 0-100Hz, constant to relieve
pain or 0-10Hz, rhythmic to reduce
Then turn up the current intensity
until pt experiences a mild tingling

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Interferential therapy is a form of electrical stimulation that uses two medium frequency currents between 4000-5100 Hz to generate low frequency interference currents between 1-100 Hz at targeted tissue depths. This allows for pain relief, muscle stimulation, increased blood flow and lymphatic drainage without the limitation of skin resistance. Electrodes are placed diagonally over the area of interest and current intensity is gradually increased until felt by the patient. Contraindications include coagulation issues, arterial disease, infections and pacemakers. Typical applications are for pain, swelling, muscle stimulation and tissue healing.


Interferential therapy is a form of electrical stimulation that uses two medium frequency currents to produce a low frequency beating effect deeper in the tissues. It can provide analgesic, anti-inflammatory and muscle stimulation effects. IFT is applied using electrode pads or probes placed on the skin over the treatment area. Parameters like frequency, intensity, and application time can be modified based on the condition being treated. Common indications include pain, muscle spasm, edema, and post-surgical issues. Proper application and monitoring of settings is needed to provide benefit safely.

neel IFT.pptx
neel IFT.pptxneel IFT.pptx
neel IFT.pptx

This document provides an overview of interferential current therapy. It discusses the history and principles of interferential current, including how two alternating medium frequency currents intersect to produce amplitude modulation at a low frequency. It describes parameters like frequency, dosage, sweep patterns and techniques like bipolar and quadripolar application. The physiological effects of interferential current like pain relief, muscle stimulation and increased blood flow are explained. Indications, contraindications and precautions for its use are also summarized.

Thank you

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Interferential Therapy (IFT)

  • 2.  Therapeutic currents  Introduction to IFT  Definition and Principle  Electrode placement  Physiological effects  Indications  Contraindications  Precaution  Technique of application
  • 3.  Therapeutic currents- currents used for the treatment purpose  According to the difference in frequencies, the currents can be divided into the following three types-  Low frequency currents: frequency ranging from 1 – 1000 Hz. E.g. TENS, Galvanic current, Faradic current  Medium frequency currents: frequency distribution ranging from 1000 – 10000 Hz. E.g. IFT, Russian current  High Frequency currents: frequency above 10000 Hz. E.g. SWD, MWD, Infrared Radiations, Ultrasound.
  • 4. Interferential therapy is a form of treatment that involves the use of 2 “medium frequency” current to bring about the effect of a low-frequency (LF) current in the tissues. This is achieved by applying two “medium frequency” currents to the tissues, to generate LF interference current.
  • 5. Thus, the benefits of LF stimulation are achieved without the associated unpleasant side effects like pain, discomfort, skin irritation, etc.
  • 6. Faradic type current (50-100 Hz) if applied directly- very high skin impedance encountered because of low frequency Medium frequency currents (around 4000 Hz), encounter much lower skin impedance and able to stimulate motor and sensory nerves
  • 7.  Impedance (Z) is inversely proportional to frequency (f) Z= 1/2ΠfC Where, Z= Impedance in Ohms f= Frequency in Hz C= Capacitance of skin in microfarads e.g. (50Hz, 3200 Ohms), (4000Hz, 40 Ohms)
  • 8. Production of interference effect where 2 medium frequency currents cross in the patient’s tissues
  • 10. One current at constant frequency (A) of 4000Hz Other at variable frequency (B) of 3900Hz and 4000Hz An interference effect at a “Beat Frequency” ie. Difference in frequency between the two currents and it is produced in the tissues at the point where the two currents cross.
  • 11. For example, A= 4000Hz B= 3900Hz Beat frequency= 100 Hz (a LFC)
  • 12. By varying the frequency of B relative to constant frequency of A---- Production of a range of BF can be possible deep in patient’s tissues For e.g. A= 4000Hz, B= 3980Hz then BF= 20Hz
  • 13. If a rhythmical range of 0-100Hz is required- it can be achieved by varying the frequency in circuit B between 3900Hz and 4000Hz over a period of 5- 10 seconds Variation in the interference frequencies can be pre selected on the machine and may be constant or rhythmic
  • 14. Rhythmic mode- indicates that the frequency is swinging continuously from the lower to the higher value and back Usually available frequency scales are-  0-100Hz Constant  0-10Hz Rhythmic  90-100Hz Rhythmic
  • 15.  Wherever two waves of same frequency travel in same phase, then the peak of their crest and trough coincide and the resultant wave has amplitude more than the original amplitudes. But frequency will not change.  If two currents are traveling with little difference in their frequency then the amplitude of the resultant wave will increase or decrease in regular cycle. This is called amplitude modulation.
  • 16.  This amplitude modulation is denoted by the difference of two original frequencies and is termed as beat frequency.  Electrodes in IFT: In interferential therapy, the flexible electrodes are used which are taped or bound to skin by vacuum electrodes which use suction to maintain contact.  Usually four electrodes are used in interferential therapy, but two electrodes may be used in the treatment.
  • 17.  Balance: Electric current applied through the skin depends on the condition of electrode, sponge and the skin.  Hence when two currents are applied there may be unequal current passing through each circuit.  This occurs due to the unequal resistance encountered. In order to compensate this situation the current in both the channels can be equalized.
  • 18. Sweep: It is possible to change the frequency, between preset one and preset one plus additional frequency, continuously in a prefixed pattern and time, is the sweep. Spectrum: Interferential therapy (IFT) makes use of principle of Bernard of varying the frequency to prevent accommodation.
  • 19.  Spectrum denotes the range of frequency during the treatment. In this range, all frequencies are automatically transversed.  The use of spectrum has the advantage that the tissue does not adapt to a certain frequency and thus a given treatment can be performed for a longer period and repeated more often.
  • 20. Quadripolar- use 2 circuits to enable crossing of 2 different currents within the tissues Bipolar- also called premodulated, uses 1 circuit which produces current claimed as having similar parameters to the expected outcome of currents mixing in tissues
  • 21. 4 electrodes are used (in pairs) Each pair being indicated by the colouring of the wire from the machine Electrodes of each pair placed diagonally opposite one another Interference effect of BF will be produced deep in the tissues where it is required
  • 22. The effects are produced in the tissues where they are required, without unnecessary skin stimulation or sensory nerve irritation Application is free of any burning sensation on the skin surface Most useful in treating tissues at a greater depth. For example, in muscles, tendons, nerves, bursae and periosteum
  • 24. Remove the chemicals from the area which stimulates nociceptors Increase in the blood circulation Either pumping effect of the stimulated muscles or the effect on the autonomic nerves of blood vessels
  • 25. Exudates is accelerated by a frequency of 1 – 10 Hz with rhythmical pumping action produced by muscle contraction and an effect of autonomic nervous nerves which can affect the diameter of blood vessels ---- increased blood circulation---- removal of exudate.
  • 26. 1. Pain: It is useful in wide variety of painful conditions (Acute, Chronic, Deep, Idiopathic, Sub acute pains etc.) AMF (Amplitude Modulating Frequency) 70 – 150 Hz is used for Acute Pain. Frequency below 50 Hz is used for chronic pain and sub acute pain where muscle contraction is required.
  • 27. 2. Oedema: Frequency of 1 – 10 Hz is used for to reduce oedema i.e. oedema of hand and feet. 3. Stress incontinence: Quadripolar technique: Two electrodes are placed on lower abdomen while the other two are placed on inner upper thigh.
  • 28. Pace maker Pregnancy On chest wall in cardiac patients Haemorrhage Malignancy Skin infection Deep vein thrombosis
  • 29. Avoid touching of bare electrodes to the skin otherwise it may lead to tissue burn Proper placement of electrodes- i.e. not too close otherwise it may cause passing of currents between electrodes not through the tissues
  • 30. Patient position- positioned comfortably Skin preparation- washing with soap and water to remove the natural oils , any skin lesions should be protected with petroleum jelly Accurate location of treatment site, 2 pairs of electrodes positioned so that crossing point of the currents is over or within lesion
  • 32. The pt is warned that he will feel a tingling sensation which should not be too uncomfortable or burning. Selection of appropriate frequency (e.g. 0-100Hz, constant to relieve pain or 0-10Hz, rhythmic to reduce swelling), Then turn up the current intensity until pt experiences a mild tingling sensation