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Integrating Spark and Solr-(Timothy Potter, Lucidworks)
•  Indexing from Spark
•  Reading data from Solr
•  Solr data as a Spark SQL DataFrame
•  Interacting with Solr from the Spark shell
•  Document Matching
•  Reading Term vectors from Solr for MLlib
Integrating Solr & Spark
•  Solr user since 2010, committer since April 2014, work for
Lucidworks, PMC member ~ May 2015
•  Focus mainly on SolrCloud features … and bin/solr!
ü  Release manager for Lucene / Solr 5.1
•  Co-author of Solr in Action
•  Other contributions include Solr on YARN, Solr Scale
Toolkit, Solr-Storm, and Spark-Solr integration projects on
About Me …
About Solr
•  Vibrant, thriving open source community
•  Solr 5.2 just released!
ü  Pluggable authentication and authorization
ü  ~2x indexing performance w/ replication
ü  Field cardinality estimation using HyperLogLog
ü  Rule-based replica placement strategy (rack awareness)
•  Deploy to YARN cluster using Slider

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Trino: A Ludicrously Fast Query Engine - Pulsar Summit NA 2021
Trino: A Ludicrously Fast Query Engine - Pulsar Summit NA 2021Trino: A Ludicrously Fast Query Engine - Pulsar Summit NA 2021
Trino: A Ludicrously Fast Query Engine - Pulsar Summit NA 2021

You may be familiar with the Presto plugin used to run fast interactive queries over Pulsar using ANSI SQL and can be joined with other data sources. This plugin will soon get a rename to align with the rename of the PrestoSQL project to Trino. What is the purpose of this rename and what does it mean for those using the Presto plugin? We cover the history of the community shift from PrestoDB to PrestoSQL, as well as, the future plans for the Pulsar community to donate this plugin to the Trino project. One of the connector maintainers will then demo the connector and show what is possible when using Trino and Pulsar!

Cloud arch patterns
Cloud arch patternsCloud arch patterns
Cloud arch patterns

This document discusses PostgreSQL database architecture patterns for running PostgreSQL at scale when a relational database as a service like Amazon RDS won't meet needs. It describes challenges faced with MySQL, Redshift and Vertica and how PostgreSQL was better suited through techniques like partitioning by date, TOAST compression, foreign data wrappers, and poor man's parallel processing. Key takeaways are that PostgreSQL supported scaling to petabytes of data, sub-second queries across large date ranges, and custom extensions needed while avoiding limitations and expenses of other database options.

Iceberg: a fast table format for S3
Iceberg: a fast table format for S3Iceberg: a fast table format for S3
Iceberg: a fast table format for S3

Netflix’s Big Data Platform team manages data warehouse in Amazon S3 with over 60 petabytes of data and writes hundreds of terabytes of data every day. With a data warehouse at this scale, it is a constant challenge to keep improving performance. This talk will focus on Iceberg, a new table metadata format that is designed for managing huge tables backed by S3 storage. Iceberg decreases job planning time from minutes to under a second, while also isolating reads from writes to guarantee jobs always use consistent table snapshots. In this session, you'll learn: • Some background about big data at Netflix • Why Iceberg is needed and the drawbacks of the current tables used by Spark and Hive • How Iceberg maintains table metadata to make queries fast and reliable • The benefits of Iceberg's design and how it is changing the way Netflix manages its data warehouse • How you can get started using Iceberg Speaker Ryan Blue, Software Engineer, Netflix

apache avroapache hiveapache parquet
Lucidworks Fusion
Spark Streaming Example: Solr as Sink
JavaReceiverInputDStream<Status> tweets =
TwitterUtils.createStream(jssc, null, filters);
Various transformations / enrichments
on each tweet (e.g. sentiment analysis,
language detection)
JavaDStream<SolrInputDocument> docs =
new Function<Status,SolrInputDocument>() {
// Convert a twitter4j Status object into a SolrInputDocument
public SolrInputDocument call(Status status) {
SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();
return doc;
class TwitterToSolrStreamProcessor
extends SparkApp.StreamProcessor
SolrSupport.indexDStreamOfDocs(zkHost, collection, 100, docs);
Slide Legend
Provided by Spark
Custom Java / Scala code
Provided by Lucidworks
Spark Streaming Example: Solr as Sink
Direct updates from Spark to shard leaders

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Near RealTime search @Flipkart
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Near RealTime search @Flipkart

This document summarizes Flipkart's approach to building a real-time search index for e-commerce. It discusses the need for real-time search to address issues like showing out of stock products. It describes Flipkart's traffic volume and catalog size. It then covers challenges like high update rates and using microservices. It evaluates Apache SolrCloud and describes Flipkart's approach using a near real-time forward index with an inverted index for filtering to enable real-time sorting, filtering and querying with latency comparable to columnar data. The system processes over 150 signals and 50k updates per second in production.

searchnear realtime searchcap theorem
MongoDB at Scale
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MongoDB at Scale

This document discusses how to achieve scale with MongoDB. It covers optimization tips like schema design, indexing, and monitoring. Vertical scaling involves upgrading hardware like RAM and SSDs. Horizontal scaling involves adding shards to distribute load. The document also discusses how MongoDB scales for large customers through examples of deployments handling high throughput and large datasets.

Log analysis using Logstash,ElasticSearch and Kibana
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Log analysis using Logstash,ElasticSearch and Kibana

This document provides an overview of Logstash, Elasticsearch, and Kibana for log analysis. It discusses how logging is used for troubleshooting, security, and monitoring. It then introduces Logstash as an open-source log collection and parsing tool. Elasticsearch is described as a search and analytics engine that indexes log data from Logstash. Kibana provides a web interface for visualizing and searching logs stored in Elasticsearch. The document concludes with discussing demo, installation, scaling, and deployment considerations for these log analysis tools.

Coming Soon! ShardPartitioner
•  Custom partitioning scheme for RDD using Solr’s DocRouter
•  Stream docs directly to each shard leader using metadata from ZooKeeper,
document shard assignment, and ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient
SolrRDD: Reading data from Solr into Spark
•  Can execute any query and expose as an RDD
•  SolrRDD produces JavaRDD<SolrDocument>	
•  Use deep-paging if needed (cursorMark)
•  Stream docs from Solr (vs. building lists on the server-side)
•  More parallelism using a range filter on a numeric field (_version_)
SolrRDD: Reading data from Solr into Spark
Shard 1
Shard 2
Partition 1
Partition 2
Read collection metadata
Results streamed back from Solr
Spark SQL
Query Solr, then expose results as a SQL table

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Physical Plans in Spark SQL
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Physical Plans in Spark SQL

In Spark SQL the physical plan provides the fundamental information about the execution of the query. The objective of this talk is to convey understanding and familiarity of query plans in Spark SQL, and use that knowledge to achieve better performance of Apache Spark queries. We will walk you through the most common operators you might find in the query plan and explain some relevant information that can be useful in order to understand some details about the execution. If you understand the query plan, you can look for the weak spot and try to rewrite the query to achieve a more optimal plan that leads to more efficient execution. The main content of this talk is based on Spark source code but it will reflect some real-life queries that we run while processing data. We will show some examples of query plans and explain how to interpret them and what information can be taken from them. We will also describe what is happening under the hood when the plan is generated focusing mainly on the phase of physical planning. In general, in this talk we want to share what we have learned from both Spark source code and real-life queries that we run in our daily data processing.

* apache spark

 *big data


Evening out the uneven: dealing with skew in Flink
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Evening out the uneven: dealing with skew in Flink

Flink Forward San Francisco 2022. When running Flink jobs, skew is a common problem that results in wasted resources and limited scalability. In the past years, we have helped our customers and users solve various skew-related issues in their Flink jobs or clusters. In this talk, we will present the different types of skew that users often run into: data skew, key skew, event time skew, state skew, and scheduling skew, and discuss solutions for each of them. We hope this will serve as a guideline to help you reduce skew in your Flink environment. by Jun Qin & Karl Friedrich

apache flinkstream processing
State of the Trino Project
State of the Trino ProjectState of the Trino Project
State of the Trino Project

Trino (formerly known as PrestoSQL) is an open source distributed SQL query engine for running fast analytical queries against data sources of all sizes. Some key updates since being rebranded from PrestoSQL to Trino include new security features, language features like window functions and temporal types, performance improvements through dynamic filtering and partition pruning, and new connectors. Upcoming improvements include support for MERGE statements, MATCH_RECOGNIZE patterns, and materialized view enhancements.

Query Solr from the Spark Shell
Interactive data mining with the full power of Solr queries
Document Matching using Stored Queries
•  For each document, determine which of a large set of stored queries
•  Useful for alerts, alternative flow paths through a stream, etc
•  Index a micro-batch into an embedded (in-memory) Solr instance and
then determine which queries match
•  Matching framework; you have to decide where to load the stored
queries from and what to do when matches are found
•  Scale it using Spark … need to scale to many queries, checkout Luwak
Document Matching using Stored Queries
Stored Queries
Twitter map()
Slide Legend
Provided by Spark
Custom Java / Scala code
Provided by Lucidworks
JavaReceiverInputDStream<Status> tweets =
TwitterUtils.createStream(jssc, null, filters);
JavaDStream<SolrInputDocument> docs =
new Function<Status,SolrInputDocument>() {
// Convert a twitter4j Status object into a SolrInputDocument
public SolrInputDocument call(Status status) {
SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();
return doc;
JavaDStream<SolrInputDocument> enriched =
SolrSupport.filterDocuments(docFilterContext, …);
Get queries
Index docs into an
Initialized from configs
stored in ZooKeeper
Key abstraction to allow
you to plug-in how to
store the queries and
what action to take
when docs match
Reading Term Vectors from Solr
•  Pull TF/IDF (or just TF) for each term in a field for each document in query
results from Solr
•  Can be used to construct RDD<Vector> which can then be passed to MLLib:

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Parquet performance tuning: the missing guide
Parquet performance tuning: the missing guideParquet performance tuning: the missing guide
Parquet performance tuning: the missing guide

Parquet performance tuning focuses on optimizing Parquet reads by leveraging columnar organization, encoding, and filtering techniques. Statistics and dictionary filtering can eliminate unnecessary data reads by filtering at the row group and page levels. However, these optimizations require columns to be sorted and fully dictionary encoded within files. Increasing dictionary size thresholds and decreasing row group sizes can help avoid dictionary encoding fallback and improve filtering effectiveness. Future work may include new encodings, compression algorithms like Brotli, and page-level filtering in the Parquet format.

Building Reliable Lakehouses with Apache Flink and Delta Lake
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Building Reliable Lakehouses with Apache Flink and Delta Lake

Flink Forward San Francisco 2022. Apache Flink and Delta Lake together allow you to build the foundation for your data lakehouses by ensuring the reliability of your concurrent streams from processing to the underlying cloud object-store. Together, the Flink/Delta Connector enables you to store data in Delta tables such that you harness Delta’s reliability by providing ACID transactions and scalability while maintaining Flink’s end-to-end exactly-once processing. This ensures that the data from Flink is written to Delta Tables in an idempotent manner such that even if the Flink pipeline is restarted from its checkpoint information, the pipeline will guarantee no data is lost or duplicated thus preserving the exactly-once semantics of Flink. by Scott Sandre & Denny Lee

apache flinkbig datastream processing
Elasticsearch in Netflix
Elasticsearch in NetflixElasticsearch in Netflix
Elasticsearch in Netflix

The document discusses Netflix's use of Elasticsearch for querying log events. It describes how Netflix evolved from storing logs in files to using Elasticsearch to enable interactive exploration of billions of log events. It also summarizes some of Netflix's best practices for running Elasticsearch at scale, such as automatic sharding and replication, flexible schemas, and extensive monitoring.

Wrap-up and Q & A
Need more use cases …
Feel free to reach out to me with questions: / @thelabdude

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New-Age Search through Apache Solr
Zero to Streaming: Spark and Cassandra
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Russell Spitzer
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Connected Data World
Jump Start with Apache Spark 2.0 on Databricks
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Learning spark ch09 - Spark SQL
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[AI04] Scaling Machine Learning to Big Data Using SparkML and SparkR
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Apache Solr! Enterprise Search Solutions at your Fingertips!Apache Solr! Enterprise Search Solutions at your Fingertips!
Apache Solr! Enterprise Search Solutions at your Fingertips!
Murshed Ahmmad Khan

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Webinar: Solr & Spark for Real Time Big Data Analytics
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Spark core
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Building highly scalable data pipelines with Apache Spark
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TriHUG talk on Spark and Shark
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An Introduction to Spark
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New-Age Search through Apache Solr
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Zero to Streaming: Spark and Cassandra
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Spark Saturday: Spark SQL & DataFrame Workshop with Apache Spark 2.3
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Brightstar DB
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Brightstar DB
Jump Start with Apache Spark 2.0 on Databricks
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Learning spark ch09 - Spark SQL
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[AI04] Scaling Machine Learning to Big Data Using SparkML and SparkR
[AI04] Scaling Machine Learning to Big Data Using SparkML and SparkR[AI04] Scaling Machine Learning to Big Data Using SparkML and SparkR
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Integrating Spark and Solr-(Timothy Potter, Lucidworks)

  • 2. •  Indexing from Spark •  Reading data from Solr •  Solr data as a Spark SQL DataFrame •  Interacting with Solr from the Spark shell •  Document Matching •  Reading Term vectors from Solr for MLlib Integrating Solr & Spark
  • 3. •  Solr user since 2010, committer since April 2014, work for Lucidworks, PMC member ~ May 2015 •  Focus mainly on SolrCloud features … and bin/solr! ü  Release manager for Lucene / Solr 5.1 •  Co-author of Solr in Action •  Other contributions include Solr on YARN, Solr Scale Toolkit, Solr-Storm, and Spark-Solr integration projects on github About Me …
  • 4. About Solr •  Vibrant, thriving open source community •  Solr 5.2 just released! ü  Pluggable authentication and authorization ü  ~2x indexing performance w/ replication ü  Field cardinality estimation using HyperLogLog ü  Rule-based replica placement strategy (rack awareness) •  Deploy to YARN cluster using Slider
  • 6. Spark Streaming Example: Solr as Sink Twitter ./spark-­‐submit  -­‐-­‐master  MASTER  -­‐-­‐class  com.lucidworks.spark.SparkApp  spark-­‐solr-­‐1.0.jar              twitter-­‐to-­‐solr  -­‐zkHost  localhost:2181  –collection  social   Solr JavaReceiverInputDStream<Status> tweets = TwitterUtils.createStream(jssc, null, filters); Various transformations / enrichments on each tweet (e.g. sentiment analysis, language detection) JavaDStream<SolrInputDocument> docs = new Function<Status,SolrInputDocument>() { // Convert a twitter4j Status object into a SolrInputDocument public SolrInputDocument call(Status status) { SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument(); … return doc; }}); map() class TwitterToSolrStreamProcessor extends SparkApp.StreamProcessor SolrSupport.indexDStreamOfDocs(zkHost, collection, 100, docs); Slide Legend Provided by Spark Custom Java / Scala code Provided by Lucidworks
  • 7. Spark Streaming Example: Solr as Sink //  start  receiving  a  stream  of  tweets  ...   JavaReceiverInputDStream<Status>  tweets  =      TwitterUtils.createStream(jssc,  null,  filters);     //  map  incoming  tweets  into  SolrInputDocument  objects  for  indexing  in  Solr   JavaDStream<SolrInputDocument>  docs  =      new  Function<Status,SolrInputDocument>()  {          public  SolrInputDocument  call(Status  status)  {              SolrInputDocument  doc  =                  SolrSupport.autoMapToSolrInputDoc("tweet-­‐"+status.getId(),  status,  null);              doc.setField("provider_s",  "twitter");              return  doc;          }      }   );     //  when  ready,  send  the  docs  into  a  SolrCloud  cluster   SolrSupport.indexDStreamOfDocs(zkHost,  collection,  docs);  
  • 8. Direct updates from Spark to shard leaders server-sideclient-side
  • 9. Coming Soon! ShardPartitioner •  Custom partitioning scheme for RDD using Solr’s DocRouter •  Stream docs directly to each shard leader using metadata from ZooKeeper, document shard assignment, and ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient final  ShardPartitioner  shardPartitioner  =  new  ShardPartitioner(zkHost,  collection);   pairs.partitionBy(shardPartitioner).foreachPartition(      new  VoidFunction<Iterator<Tuple2<String,  SolrInputDocument>>>()  {          public  void  call(Iterator<Tuple2<String,  SolrInputDocument>>  tupleIter)  throws  Exception  {              ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient  cuss  =  null;              while  (tupleIter.hasNext())  {                    //  ...  Initialize  ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient  once  per  partition                cuss.add(doc);              }        }   });  
  • 10. SolrRDD: Reading data from Solr into Spark •  Can execute any query and expose as an RDD •  SolrRDD produces JavaRDD<SolrDocument>   •  Use deep-paging if needed (cursorMark) •  Stream docs from Solr (vs. building lists on the server-side) •  More parallelism using a range filter on a numeric field (_version_)
  • 11. SolrRDD: Reading data from Solr into Spark Shard 1 Shard 2 Solr Collection Partition 1 SolrRDD Partition 2 Spark Driver App q=*:*   ZooKeeper Read collection metadata q=*:*&rows=1000&   distrib=false&cursorMark=*   Results streamed back from Solr JavaRDD<SolrDocument>
  • 12. Spark SQL Query Solr, then expose results as a SQL table JavaSparkContext  jsc  =  new  JavaSparkContext(conf);   SQLContext  sqlContext  =  new  SQLContext(jsc);     SolrRDD  solrRDD  =  new  SolrRDD(zkHost,  collection);   DataFrame  tweets  =  solrRDD.asTempTable(sqlContext,  queryStr,  "tweets");   DataFrame  results  =  sqlContext.sql(   "SELECT  COUNT(type_s)  FROM  tweets  WHERE  type_s='echo'");     JavaRDD<Row>  resultsRDD  =  results.javaRDD();   List<Long>  count  =  Function<Row,  Long>()  {  …  }).collect();   System.out.println("#  of  echos  :  "+count);  
  • 13. Query Solr from the Spark Shell Interactive data mining with the full power of Solr queries ADD_JARS=$PROJECT_HOME/target/spark-­‐solr-­‐1.0-­‐SNAPSHOT.jar  bin/spark-­‐shell     import  com.lucidworks.spark.SolrRDD;   var  solrRDD  =  new  SolrRDD("localhost:9983","gettingstarted");     var  tweets  =  solrRDD.query(sc,"*:*");   var  count  =  tweets.count();     var  tweets  =  solrRDD.asTempTable(sqlContext,  "*:*",  "tweets");   sqlContext.sql("SELECT  COUNT(type_s)  FROM  tweets  WHERE  type_s='echo'").show();    
  • 14. Document Matching using Stored Queries •  For each document, determine which of a large set of stored queries matches. •  Useful for alerts, alternative flow paths through a stream, etc •  Index a micro-batch into an embedded (in-memory) Solr instance and then determine which queries match •  Matching framework; you have to decide where to load the stored queries from and what to do when matches are found •  Scale it using Spark … need to scale to many queries, checkout Luwak
  • 15. Document Matching using Stored Queries Stored Queries DocFilterContext Twitter map() Slide Legend Provided by Spark Custom Java / Scala code Provided by Lucidworks JavaReceiverInputDStream<Status> tweets = TwitterUtils.createStream(jssc, null, filters); JavaDStream<SolrInputDocument> docs = new Function<Status,SolrInputDocument>() { // Convert a twitter4j Status object into a SolrInputDocument public SolrInputDocument call(Status status) { SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument(); … return doc; }}); JavaDStream<SolrInputDocument> enriched = SolrSupport.filterDocuments(docFilterContext, …); Get queries Index docs into an EmbeddedSolrServer Initialized from configs stored in ZooKeeper … ZooKeeper Key abstraction to allow you to plug-in how to store the queries and what action to take when docs match
  • 16. Reading Term Vectors from Solr •  Pull TF/IDF (or just TF) for each term in a field for each document in query results from Solr •  Can be used to construct RDD<Vector> which can then be passed to MLLib: SolrRDD  solrRDD  =  new  SolrRDD(zkHost,  collection);     JavaRDD<Vector>  vectors  =        solrRDD.queryTermVectors(jsc,  solrQuery,  field,  numFeatures);   vectors.cache();     KMeansModel  clusters  =        KMeans.train(vectors.rdd(),  numClusters,  numIterations);     //  Evaluate  clustering  by  computing  Within  Set  Sum  of  Squared  Errors   double  WSSSE  =  clusters.computeCost(vectors.rdd());    
  • 17. Wrap-up and Q & A Need more use cases … Feel free to reach out to me with questions: / @thelabdude