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Millennials’ Behaviours
and Demystifying
Their Stereotypes
Millennials are most often used to describe a generation that thrives
on instant gratification through technology, spends too much time
on social media and are lazy in the workplace. They are portrayed as
an adventurous generation that prefer to travel rather than to save for
housing, to eat out rather than to cook at home, and to spend money on
the latest smartphone rather than to save it in the bank. While it may
be true to some degree, it is a generalization and oversimplification
of 1 out of 7 types of millennials that we identified, The Adventurer.
At the very core, millennials are efficient, optimistic, and not that
radically different from other age groups. They are largely driven by
passion and use creative means to achieve success and goals in their
own terms. The way millennials consume news and information are
centered on their mobile phones and their paths to discovery are more
nuanced and varied than some may have imagined. While there are
many stereotypes and myths about millennials out there, most of
them are likely based on assumptions, which will hinder us from truly
understanding and fully addressing this generation’s needs. In this
report, our team at IDN Research Institute, with the help of Nielsen
Indonesia, delved deep on the 7 types of Indonesian millennials which
are outlined based on their distinct values, behaviors, and attitudes.
With a hypothesis-driven process, we drive conclusions by combining
quantitative and qualitative research of more than 5,500+ Indonesians
based in 11 cities from Medan to Solo to Makassar, conducting in-depth
interviews, running home immersion sessions, and organizing digital
diaries. Paying close attention to these factors have enabled us to have
an extensive view on what and how millennials focus their attention,
time and energy — an essential insight in today’s ever-evolving world.
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020
ii iii
21Millennial Type 3:
The Artist
Who Are They?
Religions, Values & Traditions
Family Life & Education
Career Paths & Workplace Habits
Media Consumption
Internet & Online Behaviors
Entertainment, Hobby & Recreation
Consumption & Shopping Behaviors
Political Views
Millennial Type 1:
The Adventurer 1 41 61
Who Are They?
Religions, Values & Traditions
Family Life & Education
Career Paths & Workplace Habits
Media Consumption
Internet & Online Behaviors
Entertainment, Hobby & Recreation
Consumption & Shopping Behaviors
Political Views
Executive Summary
Millennial Type 4:
The Leader
Who Are They?
Religions, Values & Traditions
Family Life & Education
Career Paths & Workplace Habits
Media Consumption
Internet & Online Behaviors
Entertainment, Hobby & Recreation
Consumption & Shopping Behaviors
Political Views
Millennial Type 6:
The Conservative
Who Are They?
Religions, Values & Traditions
Family Life & Education
Career Paths & Workplace Habits
Media Consumption
Internet & Online Behaviors
Entertainment, Hobby & Recreation
Consumption & Shopping Behaviors
Political Views
Millennial Type 5:
The Socializer
Who Are They?
Religions, Values & Traditions
Family Life & Education
Career Paths & Workplace Habits
Media Consumption
Internet & Online Behaviors
Entertainment, Hobby & Recreation
Consumption & Shopping Behaviors
Political Views
Millennial Type 7:
The Collaborator
Who Are They?
Religions, Values & Traditions
Family Life & Education
Career Paths & Workplace Habits
Media Consumption
Internet & Online Behaviors
Entertainment, Hobby & Recreation
Consumption & Shopping Behaviors
Political Views
Millennials’ Key Distinctions
What’s Next?
11Millennial Type 2:
The Visionary
Who Are They?
Religions, Values & Traditions
Family Life & Education
Career Paths & Workplace Habits
Media Consumption
Internet & Online Behaviors
Entertainment, Hobby & Recreation
Consumption & Shopping Behaviors
Political Views
Indonesia millennial report 2020
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Executive Summary
vi vii
by the numbers
What to expect
from this report
Indonesia is currently experiencing a demographic bonus
which is estimated to end in 2045. According to The
Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics, it is projected
that Indonesia’s productive population (age 15 to 64) will
be 179.1 million people in 2020 and millennials (age 21-
36) are contributing to around 63.5 million people. This
makes millennials a significant engine of growth of
Indonesia’s economy. But who are the millennials, and
what does the data tell us about their similarities and
distinct differences to previous generations? The more
we understand about them, the better we become in
making judgements and decisions towards millennials
in our field of work, and ultimately, the faster we are in
unlocking their potential in shaping Indonesia’s future.
Our goal is to present a clear and complete portrait of
Indonesian millennials, as well as to offer thought-provoking
analyses of issues that will affect them in the years to come.
We take a holistic view of their entire life aspect, emphasizing
their distinct behaviors, and identifying where opportunities
can be found for businesses. We classify Indonesian
millennials into 7 types to provide a better understanding
about them on a general and granular level. The 7 types are not
absolute, which means that each individual millennial can fall
into two categories or more. Our team at IDN Research Institute
hope that this research report would be a valuable tool for
readers from all backgrounds and industries to understand
millennials better, and to unlock those who shape the nation.
Objective and
of research
The availability of research about Indonesian millennials is
very limited. This scarcity has caused the emergence of myths
and stereotypes about the millennial generation. Therefore,
IDN Research Institute, in collaboration with Nielsen
Indonesia as our research partner, spearheaded this research
to gain a deeper understanding about Indonesian millennials,
especially their values and aspirations that shapes the way
they see themselves as individuals. This research’s objective
is also to explore Indonesian millennials’ decisions and
reasons behind their lifestyles and behaviors on a daily basis.
Nielsen conducted this research by using quantitative and
qualitative methods. The quantitative method was conducted
first, using random sampling in 11 cities in order to properly
segment different millennial groups, resulting in 7 types.
Building upon this, we continued with the qualitative method
to dig more deeply about those segmentations through in-
depth interviews, home immersions, and digital diaries.
Then, IDN Research Institute developed and wrote the
report based on the insight gained from data analysis.
The definition of millennials in this report is male
and female between the age of 21 to 36 years old in the
year 2020. We divided the millennial generation into
two categories; junior millennial, those who were born
from 1992 - 1999 (21-28 years old) and senior millennial
who were born between 1984-1991 (29-36 years old).
All opinions expressed are from IDN Research Institute and
are intended as educational material. Although best efforts
are made to ensure that all information is accurate and up to
date, occasionally unintended errors and misprints may occur.
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Executive Summary
viii ix
4 5
The 7 Types of Millennials
3. The Artist
1. The Adventurer 5. The Socializer
6. The Conservative
2. The Visionary 4. The Leader
Full of ideas, have unique points of views, and strong
aesthetic orientation. These personalities take joy in
reinterpreting circumstances, reinventing and experimenting
with both themselves and new perspectives. This creates a
sense of spontaneity, making Artists seem unpredictable,
even to their close friends and families. They use aesthetics,
gut feel, and design to make choices and actions to push
the limits of social convention - the embodiment of ‘air
tenang menghanyutkan’. This makes school and other highly
organized environments a challenge for Artists. It’s not that
they are not smart, but the regimented, lecturing approach
of formal education is just so far from the hands-on learning
that Artists enjoy.
Outgoing, energetic, and love to explore new things and
experiences. They have countless ideas flying in their head
at any given time and they prioritize creative freedom in
their career path. Inspiring, convincing and colorful, they are
natural group leaders, pulling everyone along the path less
traveled, bringing life and excitement everywhere they go -
the embodiment of ‘babat alas’. Adventurers are very vocal
about their opinions and ideas, including about their political
and religious views. They love to spread their positive
energy towards their family and decide to get married only
when they’re ready. They consume their news mainly from
television, social media, and digital media. As consumers,
they buy products that project social image (social), increase
access (functional), and reduce hassle (functional).
Fun, outgoing, and conversation-starters. No other type is
as generous with their time and energy as Socializers when
it comes to encouraging others, and no other personality
type does it with such irresistible style. They take social
activities, such as nongkrong, arisan, maen bareng, and social
gathering, very seriously and put them on a high priority, the
embodiment of ‘mangan ora mangan sing penting ngumpul’.
Socializers have great project management skills and work
best in a company with clear hierarchies and boundaries.
They are on top of the news because they consider it as
useful conversation-starters. Socializers often hide their true
opinions on religion and politics, and tend to agree with other
people’s view in order to fit in the groupthink. Socializers
gravitate toward products that offer reward (emotional), create
nostalgia (emotional), or project social image (social).
Reliable, simple, and low-key - the embodiment of ‘alon alon
asal kelakon’. Conservatives’ personalities are no-nonsense,
and when they’ve made a decision, they will relay the facts
necessary to achieve their goal, expecting others to grasp
the situation immediately and take action. They are vocal on
political and religious views and they are family oriented.
In work settings, they best perform as controllers - human
resource, finance, or operations. They consume content from
television and social media to keep themselves updated. As
consumers, Conservatives put emphasis on products with
authenticity and affordability compared to brand image.
Inspiring, charismatic, expressive, and driven. Visionaries
tend to be over-achieving employees with unquenchable thirst
for knowledge and make great entrepreneurs. They leap before
they look, fixing their mistakes as they go, rather than sitting
idle, preparing contingencies and plan B - the embodiment of
‘tak ada rotan, akar pun jadi’. They are the initiators in their
family. Visionaries are tolerant in their religious and political
views. They consume content from newspapers, digital media,
television and social media. Visionaries are very functional
consumers where they purchase products or services that
provide information (functional), reduce hassle (functional), or
increase access (functional).
Charismatic, goal-oriented, and have strong leadership
skills. Leaders embrace the values of honesty, dedication and
dignity where they happily lead the way on difficult paths -
the embodiment of ‘berakit rakit ke hulu berenang renang ke
tepian, bersakit sakit dahulu, bersenang senang kemudian’.
They are able to see the bigger picture, while maintaining
attention to details, which makes them suitable to be in
managerial positions or becoming entrepreneurs. Leaders
keep themselves updated with the daily news and current
issues through television, digital media, newspaper, and social
media. They tend to have strong opinions on politics and
religion, but acted very carefully in addressing their views
in public. Leaders are caring and discipline parents to their
children. As consumers, Leaders buy products that promote
wellness (emotional), provide information (functional), and
offer entertainment (emotional).
7. The Collaborator
Highly tolerant, full of ideas, and love to create a great
teamwork within the society. Collaborators will act with
creativity, imagination, conviction, and sensitivity to
empower and to create balance - the embodiment of ‘tut
wuri handayani’. Though soft-spoken, they have very strong
opinions and will fight tirelessly for an idea they believe
in. They are always up-to-date with the current news and
trends, but rarely share their views about politics and religion
publicly. Collaborators consume content through social media,
digital media, and radio. As consumers, Collaborators buy
products to project social image (social), create belonging
or affiliation (social), and increase access (functional).
Most of Artists excel in individualistic and ambiguous working
environments. Artists are open when it comes to expressing
their views on religion and politics. They are heavy users
of social media, digital media, and sometimes television. As
consumers, they buy products with strong authentic stories
and choose form over function.
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 1: The Adventurer
1 2
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 1: The Adventurer
3 4
While others spend a lot of time observing the success
of others, seeking inspiration into how they can achieve
their own, Adventurers don’t. Adventurers believe that
they are successful if they are living their lives up to their
potential. Someone has a successful boba shop, so perhaps
we should start our own. A co-worker is working 16 hour
a day to get promotions, so we should push ourselves
too. It’s a never-ending race, and one that won’t get us
anywhere if we are blindly competing without purpose.
The grass is always greener on the other side, and when
we fall into this pattern, we risk believing that we will
find fulfillment walking someone else’s path, and this is
the antithesis of Adventurers’ definition of success.
The Adventurer
Who Are They?
The millennial stereotypes that are portrayed in Indonesian
media mostly belong to The Adventurer. For them, life is full
of limitless possibilities and the world is their playground.
19% Indonesian millennial identify themselves as The
Adventurer, of which they are naturally curious and driven.
The Adventurer pursues many interests, hobbies, and areas
of study. They are happy to be who they are and if they’re
not, they will always try to be happy with themselves.
For The Adventurer, 55% of them are male, and 58% of
them are junior millennials. Adventurers will find any
way possible to push their passions. They prefer a certain
amount of change and variety and can easily become
dissatisfied when they’re being limited by restrictions
and limitations. Most of the time, this type is extroverted,
sociable, while at other times, they are introverted and
reserved as they are independent towards their goals.
Image 1.1
Demographics of The Adventurer
21-28 years
29-36 years
“Life is either
a daring
adventure or
nothing at all.”
- Hellen Keller
Millennial Type 1
Religions, Values,
& Traditions
‘Anjing Menggonggong Kafilah Berlalu’
Adventurers influence others to join
their cause
Adventurers define their own success
Adventurers seek new challenges and
Adventurers live their lives based on what’s important for
them. Therefore, they don’t care much about what other people
think of them. The Indonesian proverb ‘anjing menggonggong
kafilah berlalu’ best describes them, which means they are
focused on their goal and are able to ignore other people’s
comments. Adventurers prefer to tell an ugly truth than
white lies. The Adventurer’s sensitivity towards others
makes them able to communicate truths in decent ways.
Adventurers respect differences, but they like to persuade
others to join causes that they strongly believe in. As they will
always try to find meanings behind every aspect of their lives,
they want other people to see through their lens. Adventurers
practice their religion, obey religious beliefs, and are active in
their religious communities. Persuasion comes in the form of
invitation to pray together until going to prayer congregation
together (Friday Prayer, Sunday Church, or others).
Adventurers tend to always seek greater challenges and they
like to achieve success based on their own hard work. They
eagerly seek new experiences along the way as they are easily
changing their minds in the blink of an eye. Their interest in
exploring new ideas and challenges makes them love to seek
new connections of friends as well. But, Adventurers never
forget to always follow the custom norms and sopan santun
whenever they visit new places. Thus, Adventurers are also
known as millennials who value diversity and tolerance the
most as they are open-minded and open to new experiences
and people.
Adventurers are eager to learn and curious by default. In a
bigger picture, millennials are known as the generation which
has a high motivation to learn. Align with our survey last year,
seeking better self-development opportunities was the first
reason millennials quit the company (26.5%), both for senior or
junior millennials.
Millennials stay at a company for creative freedom, flexible
working hours, and supportive teams. Thus, Indonesian
millennials were highly valuing how they could grow through
their creativity. The data showed that millennials are most
likely to love to learn new things and explore new challenges,
especially for The Adventurer.
The Perception of Work Activities
Image 1.2
Indonesian Millennials’ Perception of
Work Activities
Working with Creative
Flexible Working Hours
Working in a Team
Working from Home
or Cafe
Working With Tight
Schedule and Precise
Working Supervised by
21-28 years 29-36 years
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 1: The Adventurer
5 6
Family Life &
Adventurers are planners in their
Adventurers will get married when
they’re ready
45% of Adventurers are decision makers in their family. In a
family setting, they are energetic and will find ways to spread
it by doing activities like planning the weekend trip, trying a
new boba cafe or ayam geprek restaurant, or sending funny
videos in the family WhatsApp group.
Adventurers rarely follow society’s standard, thus, they
will love and get married when they’re ready, not when
they’re lonely. Adventurers found to be most likely single
than the other types of millennials. They tend to always
have various interests and hobbies to pursue, so when
they choose to get married, it only means that they’re
extremely ready to commit and focus on their spouse
When it comes to parenting, Adventurers value spending
time with their children the most. They love to plan
some impromptu trips, do home improvement projects,
or simply cook meals together with their children.
Adventurers will educate their children the way
they educate themselves. They will always let their
children explore and experience new things, make
mistakes and learn from them, and will always let their
children know that it is okay to make mistakes.
Image 1.3
Adventurers as A Decision Maker in The Family
Of Them Are Decision
Makers In Their Family
when making decisions for various
household needs
Single Married,
No Child
Image 1.4
Marriage Status of Adventurers
Adventurers are
multidisciplinary students
As Adventurers love to explore and pursue many interests,
they tend to be the people who believe that they can learn
anything they want. If they are interested in a certain topic,
they will find ways to learn it immediately: from YouTube,
Wiki, Google, books, and other people. It may take some
trials after they finally find what they want to focus on
learning, but for Adventurers, the most important thing is
to keep on trying new things, to expand their worldview.
I like to be known as an environmentalist, and I fell in love
with nature long before I joined the entertainment industry.
My love towards it started when I travelled with my family,
and what sparked me was everywhere I go, I saw a lot of
garbage on tourist sites and I think this must change. After
I joined Puteri Indonesia, it provided me with a bigger voice
and stage to raise concerns and drive changes for a better
Career Paths &
Workplace Habits
Exploration and freedom are core
within an adventurer’s career path
When it comes to career paths, what’s important for
Adventurers is freedom. They crave for some spaces where
they can explore their imagination and limitless ideas.
They need more than just a job, they need something
to be passionate about. Adventurers are passionate
experimenters and they are not afraid of making mistakes.
Nadine Chandrawinata (Environmentalist and Puteri Indonesia 2005),
based on an interview with (2019)
Image 1.5
Occupation of Adventurers
Occupation of Adventures
White Collar	
Blue Collar 27%
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 1: The Adventurer
7 8
Adventurers are curious about
the world
Essentially, they have a curious mind and they always ask
questions and search for answers in their minds. What is
that? Why is it made that way? When was it made? Who
invented it? Where does it come from? How does it work?
What, why, when, who, where, and how are the best friends
of Adventurers. Also, they like to keep up with the latest
information and be resourceful. Compared to other types
of millennials, Adventurers consume content from diverse
media platforms from online video platforms (60%), daily
newspaper (39%), television (83%) and radio (32%).
83% 27%
60% 24%
39% 3%
32% 2%
Image 1.6
Media Consumption for The Adventurers
Internet & Online
The internet as adventurers’ major
source of productivity
Adventurers turn to the internet to boost their
productivity, from using productivity apps, to planning
using online maps & calendar to communicating
through chatting apps. Adventurers are also highly
engaged with social media and messenger apps to
maintain relationships with their acquaintances.
As the types who always want to keep up with information,
78% of Adventurers used the internet to look up the news
or just to surf the internet and gain new knowledge. Mostly,
the Adventurers spend around 4.3 hours per day to use the
internet and on average, they spend around Rp 98.000,-
for their internet usage per month - the second-highest
money spender on the internet after the Artist type.
Image 1.6
The Adventurers’ Internet Consumption and
Monthly Spending for The Internet
Monthly Spending
For Internet
Rp 49.501 -
Rp 125.000
More than
Rp 125.000
Free -
Rp 49.500
Adventurers and their ‘jastip / jasa
titip’ side business
Adventurers are statistically more suitable to be entrepreneurs
compared to other types of millennials, where 18% of them
identified themselves as entrepreneurs, from micro to large.
While employed, Adventurers are more likely to set up an
online shop or ‘Jasa Titip’ as a side business compared to other
millennials’ types. As Adventurers need the flexibility and
opportunities for improvisation, they tend to seek a workplace
that allows them to create new things without being judged.
They want an environment where they can make mistakes
and learn what’s working and what’s not. Adventurers also
want to have space to speak their mind and be heard as they
are very vocal. They demand to get fewer critics and more
constructive feedback when it comes to doing their job.
I think it’s important to have a passion in our lives and my
passion is definitely to travel the world. It’s always fun and
thrilling to be able to visit the places I’ve never been to as it
gives me new knowledge and new friends along the way.
I also think that it’s important to take action towards our
goals, so passion is not enough, we also need to take action
on it.”
Chepy Bennington (Traveller), based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019)
Adventurers and their high affinity towards on-
demand online services
For Adventurers who are highly mobile in their daily life, on-
demand services such as ojek online, food delivery service,
and online shopping are crucial. As their mobility is high, ojek
online is like their best friend whom they can always depend
on. The Adventurer type is the second-highest type which
is mostly using food delivery service on a daily basis, after
The Collaborator. Their high intensity of using food delivery
service is because of their tendency to pursue many interests
at once, making them too busy to cook by themselves.
Top 10 Internet General
Social Networking
General Surfing
Download Software/Files
Listen to Music
Internet Phone Call
Product Review
Access Local News
Online Shopping
Access Video Content
Play Games
Image 1.7
The Adventurers’ Top 10 Internet General Usage
Hobby & Recreation
Adventurers energize themselves
through travel or game
They see traveling (12%) as a stimulating experience
where they can explore and learn many new things
along the way. While others might travel for their annual
silaturahmi trip during Idul Fitri, Adventurers also travel
for leisure. When travelling for leisure domestically,
they like to take the destination less traveled and less
mainstream such as hidden beaches or colonial sites.
Adventurers play games (5%) to connect with friends for when
they can’t meet them in person regularly, while also fostering a
little fun and competition. The overall experience of competing
with their friends and family is a good one and acts as a way
to stay connected, even in Adventurers’ busy everyday lives.
Watching TV
Sport- Team Sport - Individual32% 11%
25% 12%
17% 6%
22% 5%
Music Travelling
Cooking Window Shopping
Surfing Internet Playing Games
Image 1.8
The Adventurers’ Hobby
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 1: The Adventurer
9 10
I always get my energy from nature, whether it’s from
visiting the sea or the mountain. So, when I’m too burned
out with my urban life, I always visit my friends in Bandung,
Pelabuhan Ratu or Pantai Carita. Nature is my stress-
Consumption &
Shopping Behaviors
Adventurers value speed in shopping
Adventurers only buy things that truly
represent them
Adventurers tend to have the behavior of impulsiveness
as they like to try new things immediately. They want
to get the things they buy in an instant because they are
easily excited about new things. Thus, when it comes
to looking for a store, the convenience and availability
of the products that they seek are more important than
the price of the product itself. When they’re looking for
a store, 73% of them are looking for its strategic location
and 63% of them will consider its products stock.
As Adventurers are most likely to be impulsive and easily
distracted by many new things, they are also one of the most
types who are easily tempted by interesting promo. Adventurers
tend to always want to get the things they buy immediately.
They also don’t mind if they need to go outside their houses to
go shopping. Thus, Adventurers are the most type of millennials
who are still choosing to pay directly in the minimarket.
The Adventurers love to be themselves and that influences
their preference for choosing the brands which they want
to buy. Adventurers always choose brands based on what
they think can truly represent themselves as a person.
They also tend to choose brands that most people talk
about, not because the Adventurers want to follow the
crowd, but more because they want to know why many
people buy it. Again, Adventurers’ sense of curiosity makes
them want to buy things just because they want to get the
experience of buying and using the brands or products.
& Shopping
Strategic Location
Products Stock Modern and Cozy63% 48%
57% 43%
49% 42%
Complete Product In
One Place
Effective Display
Product Variety Clean
Price is Cheaper Good Customer Service
Good and
Interesting Promo
Image 1.9
The Adventurers’ Consumption and
Shopping Behaviors
•	 “I don’t really care if people think what I
am using is foolish, they just don’t know
what the best is right now”
•	 “Getting likes on social media is
important, anybody who says no is lying.
You want to feel confident in the things
that you have and how you present
•	 “Likes, stars, and good reviews are
part of the game now. The more
people like a product or brand, the
more we trust about that brand”
•	 “What influencers and international
stars use plays a big role. I just sort
of feel like those brands are the best
because I see it with the people I like”
•	 “Having other people see you eith
expensive do matter, but it is more about
me feeling like ‘I am at that stage’, you
know? Like I just feel like I made it”
•	 “Price don’t lie, quality always
come with price”
•	 “I don’t follow the trends, the things
that I use or wear needs to show that
this who I am”
•	 Honestly speaking, if your mindset is
that you want to be a winner, then you
would not use brands that is considered
a ‘loser’ brand right?”
I’m The Best
Being Talked
Image 1.10 The Adventurers’ Attraction Towards Brands
David John Schaap (Presenter & Traveller), based on an interview with a digital news portal (2019)
Attraction Towards Brands
Most Relevant Factors in Determining Brand Relevance
Political Views
Adventurers voice their opinions
publicly and need to be heard
As the millennials who are vocal to share their opinions and
ideas to others, the Adventurers tend to actively engage in
political activities. They enjoy not only learning about the
latest political news but also share their opinions publicly,
even in social media. They also tend to have the willingness to
persuade others to follow their beliefs and perspectives about
particular political opinions. For Adventurers, the opportunity
to be engaged politically and have a voice to be heard related
to the country are highly important.
•	Engage in public display of political engagement -> i.e. participate
in demonstration
•	Organize political gathering
•	Attend public speeches or seminars by politcal figures
•	Follow political figures on social media
•	Persuade family and friends to be politically engaged
•	Follow development and discussions the details of political news
•	Engage in public discussions regarding political events/news
Politically Disengaged Politically Engaged
Image 1.11
The Adventurers’ Political Engagement
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 2: The Visionary
11 1211 12
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 2: The Visionary
13 1413 14
The Visionary
Who Are They?
Born to empower other people around them, Visionaries are
able to spot new opportunities and future possibilities. They
are inspiring, charming, expressive, and driven to push the
limits. Visionaries are the true realists as they are capable of
taking concrete steps towards realizing their goals in order
to generate a lasting positive impact for the society. This
type tends to see helping others as part of their mission and
purpose in life. Visionaries can often be found engaging or
creating a community where they can share their values and
ideas. They leap before they look, fixing their mistakes as they
go, rather than sitting idle, preparing contingencies and plan B
- the embodiment of ‘tak ada rotan, akar pun jadi’. Visionaries
are very functional consumers where they purchase products
or services that provide information (functional), reduce
hassle (functional), or increase access (functional).
There are 14% of millennials with The Visionary type, with
the equal proportions split between 50% male and 50%
female; 50% junior and 50% senior millennials. When a
Visionary is put in a position to make decisions, at times
they will have serious doubts on whether they have made
the right decisions or do the right thing. Nothing lights up
Visionaries like creating practical solutions that can change
or help improve the lives of others in a positive manner.
Image 2.1
Demographics of The Visionary
21-28 years
29-36 years
not only
believe that
the impossible
can be done,
but that it
must be done.”
- Bran Ferren
Millennial Type 2
Religions, Values,
& Traditions
Visionaries tolerate religion differences to
achieve a unified goal
Visionaries create innovations to achieve
long-term goals
Visionaries are determined and
passionate in pursuing their goals
Visionaries value connections and
honest discussions
The mind of the Visionary is filled with countless goals to
realize and ideals to be implemented. Thus, they will try
to keep their beliefs private and act in a neutral way for
the sake of achieving their goals which needs to involve
the broader community. They are highly open-minded
and tend to avoid the debate on personal beliefs because
they are aware that it would disturb the cohesiveness of
a peaceful community that they strive to build. If they
are engaged in a religious community, they will be the
ones who set the goals for the group, whether it’s about
the improvement of their house of worship or even the
amount of attendees in their religious annual gathering.
For Visionaries, who are constantly seeking new
information, innovations are one of the main keys to
solve any problems that exist when they implement their
ideas. They think that innovation is more important than
certainty and they will always innovate a new way of doing
things. Visionaries tend to always be open-minded to new
opportunities and possibilities and for them, knowledge and
innovation can always solve roadblocks along the way.
Visionaries are most likely interested in creating their
own business or startups. This is aligned with our
survey that shows 69.1% of Indonesian millennials
are interested in starting their own business.
Indonesian millennials love to hear success stories of
young emerging entrepreneurs as it motivates them
to achieve the same accomplishment. We can observe
this phenomenon as by 2018, Indonesia was the 5th
country which had the most startups in the world with
more than 2 thousands startups across the nation.
When Visionaries believe that something is important,
they will pursue that goal with a full force of energy and
will put their focus on it. There is nothing that will distract
them when they have set a certain goal, especially when
the goal would be able to make positive contributions
towards society. Visionaries’ determination and passion
drives others to recognize them as unique and talented
individuals that standout among their peers.
Visionaries know that they can’t implement their ideas by
themselves and they need a solid team to achieve success.
Thus, they are always able to connect with people with their
genuine and honest way of communication. Visionaries will
use their insightful opinions to ignite the motivation of their
community and get the heart of each member of the group.
For Visionaries, it is important to achieve success together
as a team as their main goal is to positively impact society.
Are You Interested In Becoming
an Entrepreneur?
Image 2.2
Indonesian Millennials Interest
Towards Entrepreneurship
Yes No
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 2: The Visionary
15 1615 16
Family Life &
Visionaries are encouragers within
their family
When it comes to their family lives, Visionaries value
honesty and sincerity. They are also the ones who will
bring out the flames to achieve the goals of each family
member. For Visionaries, it is important to share their
passion, interests, and beliefs with the family. Thus,
the Visionaries tend to be encouragementists who
often share insightful information to help their sisters
or brothers’ in achieving their long-term goals.
Single Married,
No Child
Image 2.4
Marriage Status of Visionaries
Visionaries’ opinions are being respected and trusted within
their families as they are able to turn their ideas into realizable
actions. They are also decisive, which makes 53% of them
being the decision-makers within their families. Visionaries
are the ones who will give advice to their parents about their
pension programs or which universities and majors that their
siblings should take.
Image 2.3
Visionaries as A Decision Maker in The Family
of them are decision
makers in their family
when making decisions for various
household needs
Visionaries are straight-A students
Visionaries’ determination and passion will usually
make them as the students who will be in the first place
in a marathon or even in a ‘cerdas cermat’ competition.
Once they put their focus on something, they will exert
maximum effort and will do whatever it takes to reach
that goal. Visionaries will also be those students who
volunteer themselves to be in the student council, ‘OSIS’,
or ‘Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa’. They like to engage in
the school organizations that are geared towards creating
positive impact towards the progression of the school.
The Visionary is the second-highest type that is
still single after The Adventurer. Their richness of
ideas to be implemented makes them fill their time
with non-stop meetings, discussions, brainstorming
sessions, or presentations. So, once they find someone
who shares the same goals and values, they will
immediately commit to that person and get married.
Visionaries as parents:
‘Becik Ketitik, Olo Ketoro’
The sentence ‘Becik Ketitik, Olo Ketoro’ which means those
who carry out good deeds will be seen as good people, while
similarly, those who carry out wicked deeds would be seen as
wicked people, is the parenthood motto for the Visionaries.
They want their children to grow up with a firm understanding
of the difference between right and wrong.
Visionaries want to raise children who are ethical, creative,
but also kind-hearted. They will encourage their children to
be independent and strive for their goals, whatever it takes. As
long as the goals are aligned with giving positive contributions
towards society, Visionary parents will always support their
children to achieve it.
Career Paths &
Workplace Habits
Visionaries are innovators
Visionaries are more likely to find that most corporate
career paths are not designed for them. Instead of
working for someone else, many Visionaries often choose
to create their own companies. Visionaries tend to be
those startup founders which have the vision to solve
society’s problems or create positive impact for others.
Visionaries are found to be the second-highest
millennials’ type that are entrepreneurs (17%). They need
to find meaning in their work and know that what they
are doing will give positive contributions to others.
Image 2.5
Occupation of Visionaries
Occupation of Visionaries
White Collar	
Blue Collar 24%
I hope I can always spread awareness about the importance
of education. I want every Indonesian childrens to realize
that education is important because it is the root of
everything; framework, logic and analysis. Education will
help build our capability and help develop our potential. So,
I hope I can always give the awareness of education as it has
the snowball effect: people who earn a proper education will
bring a positive impact to their surroundings.”
Karina Nadila, (Actress and Puteri Indonesia Pariwisata 2017)
based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019)
Visionaries as the MVP (Most Valuable Player)
When in a corporate setting, Visionaries tend to be the
‘Karyawan Teladan’ or ‘Employee of The Month’ as they will
always try to perform and give their best in everything that
they do. They will also be the employees who highly support
their colleagues to achieve personal Objective Key Results
(OKRs) or will lend a hand in brainstorming and creating ideas
when another teammate is preparing a major presentation
for directors or customers. As Visionaries are also idealists,
they will be more likely to respect their leaders who are open-
minded and have the willingness to hear their countless ideas.
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 2: The Visionary
17 1817 18
Right now, I am trying to give back to the society in the
aspect of women empowerment and education through
Yayasan Dian Sastrowardoyo which was officially established
in 2011. I always think that no matter who you are, your
actions must have a social impact on society, no matter how
small or big your impact is. You have to start somewhere and
it’s better to start small but early, and what you think is small
might be significant for others. Whatever ideas that you have,
it’s okay, just start!”
Dian Sastrowardoyo (Artist, Entrepreneur, and A Mother),
based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019)
Media Consumption
Visionaries always seek credibility
behind every content they
As Visionaries are known for their insightful words and
boundless energy, they will expose themselves to media content
that is full of motivation and encouragement towards reaching
their personal goals. Visionaries like to access platforms which
provide them with various types of content as they enjoy
exploring through multitude of information to gain different
insights. Their ability to perform high-level critical thinking will
also drive them to always access particular news/information
from multiple sources to validate its credibility. Visionaries are
also keen to watch new movies in the cinema as movies are one
of their sources to gain inspiration. Visionaries like to watch
TV (89%), online video (67%), and access news portal (28%).
Interestingly, Visionaries’ creativity makes them the second-
highest type who like to access online video, after The
Artist. Their willingness to always be the problem-solver
and innovator within their communities make them have
the need to gain as many insights as they possibly can
through any medium, including through online videos.
89% 28%
67% 27%
23% 2%
27% 1%
Image 2.6
Media Consumption for The Visionaries
Internet & Online
Visionaries use the internet to
discover new trends and insights
Visionaries are high users of the internet as they are the
second-highest type of millennials who are most likely to use
the internet on a daily basis, after The Adventurer. They are
constantly connected with the internet as they can spend 2
hours straight just to explore new information and insight.
Visionaries also have a strong desire to discover new
potential trends, especially in gadget, fashion, and culinary
destinations. Those information are most likely useful for The
Visionaries to spot new opportunities and potential trends to
be developed in the future.
The Visionaries’ desire to always keep up with the latest trends
explains why they spend their time on the screen to surf the
internet (90%) and connect to their social networks (71%). The
Visionaries spend around 4.9 hours per day to use the internet
and on average, they spend Rp 97.000,- for their internet usage
in a month, which makes them the third-highest money spender
on the internet after The Artist and The Adventurer type.
Image 2.7
The Visionaries’ Internet Consumption and
Monthly Spending for The Internet
Monthly Spending
For Internet
Rp 49.501 -
Rp 125.000
More than
Rp 125.000
Free -
Rp 49.500
Top 10 Internet
General Usage
General Surfing
Social Networking
Download Software/Files
Listen to Music
Product Review
Access Local News
Online Shopping
Access Video Content
Read Electro NPP
Play Games
Image 2.8
The Visionaries’ Top 10 Internet General Usage
Visionaries believe and engage
in social missions
As Visionaries’ goal is to contribute positively towards society,
they will also have the tendency to access online charity
platforms such as or even sign a petition about
an issue that they’re concerned about in online petition
platforms such as From 2019 until present time,
internet-based social movements such as online fundraising
and petition are popular among millennials.
I do have concerns about the plastic waste issue, because
Indonesia is one of the countries which contributed to
many plastic waste. I am trying my best to reduce waste
by bringing my own straws and a paper bag whenever I
go. I also made a campaign called ‘Berbagi Makan Ramai-
Ramai’ in my social media where I invite my followers to
buy foods to be shared for the underprivileged people
in their surroundings. I always love brands or campaigns
which contribute positively towards our environment and
Windy Iwandi (Content Creator),
based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019)
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 2: The Visionary
19 2019 20
Hobby & Recreation
Visionaries as main team players and
For Visionaries who are highly valuing the togetherness
of achieving goals, doing sports which have the aspect
of teamwork is their main hobby (32%). They will be a
valuable teammate when it is time to set up a strategy to
win over the games. If the team doesn’t win, Visionaries
will be the ones who cheer them up and remind them
that losing a game doesn’t mean a failure. They are the
people who will ignite the flames when the team has
started to lose its energy before the game ends.
Surfing the internet is their second-most favorite hobby (29%)
as they feel the need to know the current trends to spot new
opportunities and ideas. In comparison to other millennials’
types, Visionaries are more consistently engaged to browse
the internet. They’re also watching TV, listening to music, and
cooking for fulfilling their needs of gaining insights or just
implementing their ideas in action.
Watching TV
Sport- Team Sport - Individual32% 8%
19% 6%
14% 7%
29% 4%
Music Travelling
Cooking Window Shopping
Surfing Internet Playing Games
Image 2.9
The Visionaries’ Hobby
Consumption &
Shopping Behaviors
Visionaries and their love to
Whether it’s online or offline, Visionaries love to do window-
shop before they decide to buy a particular product. As a
practical problem-solver, The Visionary tends to choose a
‘one-stop-shopping’ experience, because they think that it’s
more practical. Thus, when they’re looking for a store, they will
consider its strategic location (80%) and the completeness of
products (74%). When they shop online, they will also choose
the Cash On Delivery payment method as it is more practical
and guaranteed. Nevertheless, Visionaries like to window-
shop through offline platforms as well and they prefer shops
located strategically.
The Visionaries also ranks the highest within the different
millennials’ type who are regularly using courier service
as they like to shop online as it is practical and fast. Their
considerations of choosing an online platform to buy their
products is based on the completeness of the marketplace’s
product directory. Thus, product availability is highly
important for Visionaries when they’re using a marketplace
app or visiting a shop. Again, the main decision factor for
them is practicality.
& Shopping
Strategic Location
Products Stock Modern and Cozy74% 50%
69% 44%
66% 44%
Complete Product In
One Place
Effective Display
Product Variety Clean
Price is Cheaper Good Customer Service
Good and
Interesting Promo
Image 2.10
The Visionaries’ Consumption and
Shopping Behaviors
Visionaries buy functions, not products
The Visionaries’ tendency of being a practical problem solver
is also making them only buy things which can solve their
problems on a daily basis. They’re not easily tempted by good
promo or discounts; as long as they don’t need the products,
they will not buy it. The Visionaries consider themselves as
smart consumers and are often picky, which means that they
will always compare each product and buy the one which is
most suitable for them.
Although they are picky, The Visionaries also like to buy
products that are currently trending, as long as they can justify
the need for it. The basic reason on why they buy a particular
product is also driven by how they believe if more people buy
it, the quality is even more guaranteed.
•	 “There are a lot of popular brands that
are not mainstream, and discovering
those kinds of brands that offers great
quality or innovative feature before
anyone else feels great”
•	 “I also appreciate smaller brands who
tries to do something differently”
•	 “It’s not enough to just be well-known
these days, I have to visible see
that people are using that product
and will vouch for its quality”
•	 “Products that are more popular not only
assures its quality but it also means
that it will not be percevied as weird”
•	 “In terms of value for money, I tend
to look at brands that can fit into
various aspects of my life. So if it
has a wide range of use, I think it has
greater value for money for me”
•	 “There’s some much information out
there, so there is no excuse for me
falling into the trap of buying things
that are not worth my money”
•	 “The best value for money I can get, if
something is expensive, I expect the
best possible quality from it
I’m a Smart Consumer
Endorsed Wide Utility
Hidden Gems
Image 2.10 The Visionaries’ Attraction Towards Brands
•	Avoids news about political events or topics -> especially avoids
news and discussions in social media
•	Pays attention only for the main topics in order to remain
somewhat knowledgeable in conversations
•	Tend to avoid being involved in discussions with friends or family
about politics
•	Consider political news as distracting
Politically Disengaged Politically Engaged
Image 2.11
The Visionaries’ Political Engagement
Political Views
Visionaries keep their political views private
When it comes to political views, Visionaries see it as part
of their personal lives. Thus, they will not freely share their
opinions about political views to their surroundings, unless
it’s aligned with their personal goals and passion. Their strong
desire to stay focused on what they’re heading to is more
important than making themselves engaged in something
which they’re not passionate about.
Other than that, they see that being politically engaged
in public will be a threat towards the cohesiveness of the
community that they build that will disrupt the process of
achieving their long-term goals. The Visionaries love to give
back towards the society in a meaningful manner. Thus,
although they’re not publicly engaged in political activities,
they tend to always participate in political activities, such as
the presidential election.
Attraction Towards Brands
Most Relevant Factors in
Determining Brand Relevance
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 3: The Artist
21 22
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 3: The Artist
23 24
The Artist
Who Are They?
Artists are those with the ability to bring imagination and
ideas to life. They have strong desires to express themselves
through their work. Although Artists tend to work best
by themselves and crave independence, they see value in
creating something which speaks to others who see, hear, or
sense it. Artists usually have a strong aesthetic orientation
and they do not follow the general crowd; they like to be
unique and stand true to who they are. This creates a sense
of spontaneity, making Artists seem unpredictable, even
to their close friends and families. They use aesthetics, gut
feel, and design to make choices and actions to push the
limits of social convention - the embodiment of ‘air tenang
menghanyutkan’. As consumers, they buy products with
strong authentic stories and choose form over function.
Among Indonesian millennials, 11% are Artists with 57% of
them female, and 54% of them within the junior millennials
category. Artists are the true creatives as they possess
the talent to create works that inspire others and provide
new ways of seeing the world. As they are fueled with
the desire to constantly create, they tend to be creators;
making them the true seeker of creative freedom.
Image 3.1
Demographics of The Artist
21-28 years
29-36 years
“Every child
is an artist.
The problem is
how to remain
an artist once
we grow up.”
- Pablo Picasso
Millennial Type 3
Religions, Values,
& Traditions
Faith is a part of the artists’ inner expression
Artists and their sense of
‘Gue Banget, Nih!’
Artists are risk-takers when necessary
Artists are highly ethical driven by an
ingrained principle of ‘Sopan Santun’
Artists live in-between their inner and outer worlds as they
tend to have the desire to express their inner world. For them,
religious activities are one of the ways to express themselves
as an individual. Thus, they are not afraid to speak their minds
about their beliefs or their religion publicly. They respect
religious differences and they recognize the balance between
outwardly speaking about their individual beliefs and still
maintaining harmony within the society. Religious belief often
becomes the source of inspiration for these Artists’ creations.
Artists prefer to work by themselves as they view individuality
as part of their freedom of expression. They believe that by
creating something individually, they will express their own
voice more authentically and create a sense of ‘Gue banget,
nih!’ Thus, others will have the tendency of recognizing The
Artist as someone who has a unique point of view that stands
out among the crowd.
For Artists, the ability to express themselves to the fullest
is paramount. Thus, they will take risks and go outside of
their comfort zones in order to fully channel their creativity.
They will try new things to challenge themselves artistically,
such as doing pottery, trying to do hand lettering, or even
doing ‘mbatik’. Artists are one of the millennial types that
are prone to take risks, including changing their career
paths. According to our research, the ideal length of working
period in one company for millennials was only 2–3 years.
The Artists, like most millennials, frequently change
jobs but will definitely stay in a company which offers
them a great opportunity to grow in terms of self-
development as millennials are keen to learn new things.
Although Artists tend to have a strong willingness to
be themselves, they are not ignorant towards their own
community. The Artists express themselves freely, but
they are highly ethical and have a firm principal of what’s
considered as right or wrong within society. Artists highly
value ‘tata krama’ as it propels harmony within their
society and view it as beautiful. Artists also show strong
enthusiasm towards local arts that depicts moral values,
such as wayang, the story of Ramayana, or kain batik.
The Desired Length of Staying in a Company (%)
Image 3.2
The Desired Length of Staying in
A Company for Millennials
<1 years
2-3 years
4-5 years
6-8 years
9-10 years
>10 years
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 3: The Artist
25 26
Artists will get married when they have found ‘the one’
who can accept who they truly are as a person. Although
Artists like to keep their feelings to themselves, their
feelings actually run deep and strong. Thus, being able
to have constant heart-to-heart open discussions about
feelings with their partner is an important aspect for The
Artists in romantic relationships. It is also vital for Artists
to set expectations early on in the relationship as they
want everything to be clear before they commit to a serious
relationship. Artists value their partner’s point of view
in everything as they accept people as they truly are.
As a student, The Artists pursue what’s interesting for them
and will study that particular topic passionately. They
want to be appreciated for creating their own artwork that
might be different from the initial task that the teacher has
instructed. Thus, The Artists are unique students who also
will share their unique points of view in front of the class.
Although they don’t always like to be the center of attention,
they have a strong desire to express themselves to others.
Family Life & Education
Artists are the most authentic
person in their family
Artists want to be accepted as they are. In a family setting,
they like to be appreciated for their independence and
autonomy. Although they value individuality and will voice
their opinion, they foster deep emotional connection with their
siblings or parents.
61% of Artists are the decision-makers in their family as
they like to be involved in deciding family’s future plans. As
Artists are equipped with strong aesthetic understanding,
they become the go-to person to consult with when a family
member wants to repaint the walls, change the furniture,
or redesign the layout of the living room. Thus, their strong
aesthetic sense makes their opinions are being truly
considered within the family.
Image 3.3
Artists as A Decision-Maker in The Family
of them are decision
makers in their family
when making decisions for various
household needs
Single Married,
No Child
Image 3.4
Marriage Status of The Artists
Artists are ‘gifted’ students
Artists as democratic parents
When it comes to parenting, Artists will give their children
the freedom to be who they want to become. They will give
the children the opportunity to do whatever they want, as long
as they will be responsible for the choices that their children
choose. Relaxed, open-minded and flexible, Artists expect their
children will use their freedom wisely and encourages them to
explore and experience new things. Among the other millennial
types, The Artists are found to be the second-highest type that is
mostly married with children.
My role model is my family. My dad is an entrepreneur, my
mom loves art, and my siblings love to draw and write. I am
the byproduct of the intersection of my family’s love of art,
skill to draw & write, and spirit of entrepreneurship.”
Marchella FP (The Author and Founder of Generasi 90an, NKCTHI, and KTBB),
based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019)
Career Paths &
Workplace Habits
Creativity is the most important thing
The artist’s ‘Teng-go’, and unique way of
The Artists have their own ways to express themselves.
Thus, they will tend to choose jobs that allow them to
be themselves or give them freedom to pursue their
passion. For them, a problem can be solved in many
ways and they believe that their ideas can contribute
towards the success of the company that they work in.
Artists are found to be the highest millennials’ type that
has the occupation as housewives (43%) compared to other
types as they believe that they can express themselves
more outside of the corporate setting. If The Artists do not
work in a corporate setting, they will mostly be found in
their own design studio, working as a freelance writer, or
in front of an empty canvas that is ready to be painted.
As a colleague, The Artist tends to be quiet and reserved as
they usually need their own physical space. Recognizing
The Artist’s unique perspective and gifts can lead to
extraordinary results for the company. They don’t like
strict rules, fixed guidelines, and formal agreements as
these factors create boredom and stifle Artists as they
will be constrained to explore themselves freely. Thus,
they are the ‘Teng-go’ employees as when the clock hits 5
PM, they will immediately leave the office as they usually
have creative things to do after office hours at home.
Image 3.5
Occupation of Artists
Occupation of The Artist
White Collar	
Blue Collar 21%
Media Consumption
Artists continually seek inspiration
97% 22%
76% 22%
27% 0%
25% 1%
Image 3 .6
Media Consumption for The Artists
The Artists tend to be drawn to content that stimulates their
thinking and imagination. Either from watching TV (97%),
online videos (76%), or reading news from the daily newspaper
(27%) or news portal (22%), they tend to spend time gaining
understanding on a certain topic in order for them to create and
formulate their own unique opinions. They are also looking for
inspiration from the content that they consume. They will also
be interested in visually well-designed posters or content as
they are drawn to images that possess a high aesthetic value.
Interestingly, The Artists’ creativity makes them rank highest
among the Millennial types on consumption of online video.
They view online videos frequently as videos have become
a source of creative inspiration. The Artists also like to
watch video advertising as it sparks new ideas for them.
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 3: The Artist
27 28
Internet and
Online Behaviors
Artists find inspiration everywhere,
especially n the internet
Artists are the third-highest users of the internet, after The
Adventurer and The Visionary. They are heavy users of Mobile
Data as they do not only gather information from text, but
prefer more visual forms of data such as images and videos.
Visual contents are highly interesting for them to gain insight
and inspiration.
When Artists are highly curious about a certain topic, they
will dive deep in research until they feel satisfied with the
knowledge that they have gained. Often, this learning process
and new insight fuel them creatively to create something new
elevated with their limitless imagination.
The Artists use the internet mostly for social networking
(88%) as they also like to gain inspiration from their friends
and from the highly aesthetic feeds of Instagram influencers.
Artists spend around 3.4 hours per day when they use the
internet and on average, they spend Rp 101.000,- for internet
usage in a month.
Image 3.7
The Artist’s Internet Consumption and Monthly
Spending for The Internet
Monthly Spending
For Internet
Rp 49.501 -
Rp 125.000
More than
Rp 125.000
Free -
Rp 49.500
Top 10 Internet
General Usage
General Surfing
Social Networking
Download Software/Files
Listen to Music
Product Review
Internet Phone Call
Access Local News
Online Shopping
Access Intl News
Play Games
Image 3.8
The Artist’s Top 10 Internet General Usage
I always create my artworks based on my own experiences.
Other than that, I always seek inspiration from seeing the
success stories of many musicians from Indonesia and
internationally. I think it’s important to know and learn from
their process so we can reverse engineer and apply it in our
life. That’s why I always enjoy the process of creation.”
Sivia Azizah (Singer), based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019)
I always get inspiration from observing things that
happen around me. From the movies that I watched,
songs that I heard, until random conversation with
strangers that I encountered. For me, inspiration is all
around us and all we have to do is just to feel it. But, it’s
also important to take a rest. When I’m stuck and can’t
get any ideas, I will give myself some time to take a rest
and do other things, such as watching movies, reading
books, or just taking a good nap. Then, when I feel a
lot better, I will start to create my artwork slowly.”
Naela Ali (Author and Illustrator),
based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019)
Artists and their need to reach sources of
inspiration at arm’s length
The Artist is the highest millennial type that access the
internet through their smartphones (94%) among the other
millennial types who use other gadgets, such as laptops,
tablets, or computers. As finding inspiration is one of The
Artist’s basic needs, they will make sure that they can access a
multitude of information on their hands at any time. This is in
line with the finding that elaborates on why the Artists’ Mobile
Data spending ranks the highest among other millennial types.
Hobby & Recreation
Artists are flexible and relaxed
Artists spend a lot of time engaging in various different
activities. They believe that a wide variety of activities will
further stimulate their minds and gain fresh insights. Artists
also carry out assorted activities just to wind down, chill, and
relax. They like to just lay down and listen to music, particularly
to song lyrics to find the meaning behind them. Artists know
how to relax and use their time to enjoy life which is essential
to gain creative inspiration.
Artists prefer the activities that actively engage their different
senses such as watching TV (57%), surfing the internet (52%),
listening to music (47%), doing sports (38%), and cooking (31%).
For Artists, it is important to immerse themselves in activities
that would be able to invigorate all their senses in order for
them to be truly energized and gain fresh ideas that will
positively influence their work.
Watching TV
Sport- Team Sport - Individual38% 3%
47% 4%
31% 21%
52% 5%
Music Travelling
Cooking Window Shopping
Surfing Internet Playing Games
Image 3.9
The Artist’s Hobby
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 3: The Artist
29 30
Consumption &
Shopping Behaviors
Artists enjoy window shopping
aesthetically-pleasing products
The Artists prefer visual experiences and purely enjoy viewing
items that are rarely well-designed. Hence, they really enjoy
window shopping. Artists want to keep up with trends and
want to view aesthetically pleasing products directly in front
of their eyes.
When it comes to choosing a store to shop at, its strategic
location is the most important thing for The Artists to consider
(84%). As they are also up-to-date with current trends, they
also prefer to visit a single store with access to a complete set
of products (67%).
When it comes to online shopping, Artists prefer to choose the
Cash On Delivery payment method as they value guaranteed
and practical shopping experience. As they engage in various
activities, they are also active in using ojek online to go to
different places.
Artists don’t buy products, they buy stories
Artists like to find meaning and inspiration in anything that
they buy. So, the story of the products matters. The Artists buy
products because of its functionality and the story behind it.
This is in line with why Artists love to watch online videos, as
they constantly seek interesting stories. Once they fall in love
with the story of a product, they will consider buying it.
Other than a product’s story, Artists also buy something
which is practical and functional. They will prioritize buying
products which they really need at the moment and items
that they will be able to use often. Artists do not view product
brands as an influencing factor that will determine their
purchase decision.
& Shopping
Strategic Location
Products Stock
Modern and Cozy67% 20%
47% 19%
27% 16%
Complete Product In
One Place
Effective Display
Product Variety
Spacious Parking
Price is Cheaper
Good Customer ServiceGood and
Interesting Promo
Image 3.10
The Artist’s Consumption and
Shopping Behaviors
•	 “Actually, to be honest the less visible
the brand is the better it is for me. I
think it is too much of a show-off when
a brand is very visible”
•	 “I prefer for a good quality product that
looks well-made without the price of
those expensive brands”
•	 “I don’t need too many things in my
daily life, so I prioritize thing that I
actually can use everyday and has
many useful functions for me”
•	 “A smartphone is the ultimate utility
tool for me, but even then there are
brands of smartphone that is more
focused of productivity and I think
those are better products overall”
•	 “What the brand is does not really
matter.. but it has to matter to me. What
I did when I found that product, what I
used that product for, you know, things
like that. It makes the stoy matter”
•	 “It’s kind of sentimental, so I can’t put
a price on it, the value means so much
more to me personally”.
Priceless Story
Image 3.11 The Artist’s Attraction Towards Brands
Attraction Towards Brands
Most Relevant Factors in
Determining Brand Relevance
Political Views
Artists’ unique political views
Artists value freedom of expression, including in the political
arena. They have unique opinions about politics and they
express it freely in public or via social media. Thus, they are
one of the millennial types who are actively and publicly
engaged in political matters.
Artists will be brave enough to give their unique opinions
about the news which is related to the current political state.
They will also keep themselves updated with current political
news as it makes them constantly aware of what is happening
in their surroundings. What matters for them is the freedom of
expression to give their unique point of view about all types of
subjects, including sensitive matters concerning politics.
•	Ensure understanding of current political news and events
•	Able to clearly express their own thoughts and opinions about the
matter at hand
•	Express their opinion in public platform
•	Attempt at communicating a unique and personal perspective on
the political matters and news taht affects them
Politically Disengaged Politically Engaged
Image 3.12
The Artist’s Political Engagement
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 4: The Leader
31 32
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 4: The Leader
33 34
The Leader
Who Are They?
Charismatic, goal-oriented, and have strong leadership
skills. Leaders embrace the values of honesty, dedication
and dignity where they happily lead the way on difficult
paths - the embodiment of ‘berakit rakit ke hulu berenang
renang ke tepian, bersakit sakit dahulu, bersenang
senang kemudian’. They are able to see the bigger picture,
while maintaining attention to details, which makes
them suitable to be in managerial positions or become
entrepreneurs. Leaders are caring and discipline parents
to their children. As consumers, Leaders buy products
that promote wellness (emotional), provide information
(functional), and offer entertainment (emotional).
We identified that there are 7% of millennials with The Leader
type in Indonesia, with equal proportions within gender (50%
male and 50% female) and also within age (50% junior and
50% senior millennials). In line with their affinity towards
maximizing resources, Leaders are skilled in bringing the
best out of others by recognizing other people’s talents and
placing them in positions where they can thrive — an essential
component behind building a great team to achieve success.
This is why leaders often gravitate towards collaborative and
management roles where they are able to utilize this talent
to create impact in the organization that they belong to.
Image 4.1
Demographics of The Leaders
21-28 years
29-36 years
“A boss has the
title, a leader
has the people.”
- Simon Sinek
Millennial Type 4
Religions, Values,
& Traditions
Leaders engage in their religious
activities privately
Leaders, ‘Kerja Bakti’, and
their disciplined approach
The organized and helpful towards
others who seek help
Leaders reach happiness from
achieving success in work
Leaders actively engage in religious activities and keep
themselves updated with the latest news and activities among
their religious community. They follow news related to their
religion to formulate their opinion and maintain their stance
on particular issues, which they choose to keep private. This
is because they do not want their personal lives to influence
the way others see them as a leader in a professional setting.
Leaders tend to be the people who initiate ‘kerja bakti’
or community service events such as cleaning up the
neighborhood over the weekends. They like to inspire others
with their disciplined approach and believe that everything
can be done if only everyone is highly committed to do it.
When it comes to their own job, they will eagerly learn new
skills because they believe that any kind of skill can be
mastered through perseverance. Thus, Leaders are always
admired by others for their achievements of attaining
success through their self-disciplined approach. Leaders
also become role models for others who need motivation
to reach their personal goals and achieve success.
There are some myths about millennials behaviors in
their workplaces and many people have said that most
millennials offer their bare minimum but expect maximum
returns. However, the numbers beg to differ. According
to The Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS)
survey, 41.79% of Indonesian millennials work 45–59
hours in a week, clocking more hours than the average
working hours in Australia (33.6 hours per week).
As a person who is disciplined, Leaders are usually well-
organized in planning their daily activities. They will
deliberately spend time on activities that will help them
progress towards achieving their personal goals. However,
they will also allocate time to spend with friends or
colleagues who seek their guidance in terms of personal or
professional development. For Leaders, achieving their own
goals are important, but helping others is equally as vital.
Earned, not given, Leaders believe in this mantra and
they take their career seriously. They are focused on self-
development and will do almost anything to advance in their
career. They are the typical initiators in a group discussion.
Some people find them aggressive, but most people are glad
to have them on a team setting due to their self-starterness.
Indonesian Milennials
Working Hours Per Week
Image 4.2
Indonesian Millennials
Working Hours per Week
45-49 hours
35-44 hours
60+ hours
25-34 hours
15-24 hours
1-9 hours
This data was based on millennials
in urban anda rural areas who were
working as an employee, casual worker
in agriculture, and casual worker in non
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 4: The Leader
35 36
Family Life & Education
Leaders are the golden child in their families
Leaders on choosing a life partner:
‘Bibit, Bebet, Bobot’
Leaders are overachieving student
Leaders as parents: ‘Bibit, Bebet, Bobot’
As Leaders work hard to achieve success, they usually are
regarded as The Golden Child within their family as they
tend to always study, attain high academic grades and gain
promotions in their workplace. At the dinner table, Leaders
like to talk about their long-term goals with their parents
or siblings. They are also highly practical individuals and
help their family members to find effective solutions to any
problems that may arise.
For Leaders, they believe that choosing the right life
partner is core towards achieving life success. Thus, when
it comes to choosing a life partner, they will carefully
consider that particular person on all aspects. They
have a mental checklist of criteria that the spouse must
fulfill before Leaders are ready to commit further. These
criteria are known as ‘bibit, bebet, bobot,’ which cover from
family background, education, personal value, physical
appearance, manner, religion, and worldview. Leaders are
also not into temporary commitments, so if they feel that
their relationship is heading towards a dead-end, they will
cut it immediately and move on. As shown in the diagram,
Leaders are the second highest category to still be single.
In the education setting, Leaders most likely occupy the
top 5% of the class. Besides being great academically,
Leaders are also active in school organization. From
‘OSIS - Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah’ to ‘BEM - Badan
Eksekutif Mahasiswa’, they will join or lead the most
influential organization in school or campus.
They enjoy negotiating and leading projects in the
organization. Leaders and Visionaries are compatible
partners in education and organization setting as they
complement each other from bouncing ideas, motivating
each other, until executing project together.
Similar to Leaders’ approach on finding a life partner, they
apply the same ‘bibit, bebet, bobot’ concept on their role as
a parent. They put emphasis on their children’s education,
manner, and value. They usually put their children into a lot
of extracurricular courses such as music lessons, Kumon, and
Quran recitation. In a nutshell, they want to see their children
to be a better person than their parents.
Image 4.3
Leaders as A Decision-Maker in The Family
of them are decision
makers in their family
when making decisions for various
household needs
Single Married,
No Child
Image 4.4
Marriage Status of The Leaders
Career Paths &
Workplace Habits
Leaders enjoy coming up with solutions to
overcome great challenges
Leaders are most likely to work as white collar workers
compared to the other 6 types of millennials. They excel
in a structured work setting and can navigate well in their
career. They typically grow from an over achieving entry-
level associate to a great people manager. They enjoyed
the challenges thrown to them from their superior, and
took them as a career stepping stone. Leaders tend to
progress as director or vice-presidents in their organization,
and some of them might become entrepreneurs.
Image 4.5
Occupation of Leaders
Occupation of The Leaders
White Collar	
Blue Collar 22%
When you’re a small team, it’s very easy to show this is the
direction we’re all heading towards, everyone knows what
part they’re going to play. And everyone’s excited because
they know what the purpose is, so everyone is aligned and
everyone’s engaged with the purpose. As the company
scaled, that’s no longer true, so I think the standard that we
have to set as a leader in terms of what we say and what we
do has to be a lot higher because not everyone will get why
you are saying something or be okay necessarily if you drop
something. These things are very important to generate and I
think, as a leader, that ability to do that at scale is really kind
of something that I’ve learned fairly recently.”
Kevin Aluwi (Co-Founder of GO-JEK),
based on “Lead at Scale” on YouTube (2019)
Family members also turn to these Leader types to ask
for advice when a sibling is choosing a major to pursue in
university or when a parent is considering what to do upon
retirement. This is in line with the finding of 45% of Leaders
being decision-makers in their family. Leaders are the ones
who motivate their family members to set long-term goals and
also develop the action plan,.
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 4: The Leader
37 38
Before I speak my ideas out loud, I always check the facts
and truth behind it. Don’t be afraid to speak up and let your
voice be heard. Who knows that it can inspire other people
to do great things with a positive impact. On the other hand,
don’t be too close-minded on your own ideas, because it is
also important to listen to other people’s ideas which might
improve our own ideas.”
Jovial Da Lopez (Content Creator), based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019)
Media Consumption
Leaders watch TV to release stress
92% 13%
44% 19%
27% 2%
26% 1%
Image 4 .6
Media Consumption for The Leaders
92% of Leaders claim to watch TV daily, and they typically
have their TV on in their living room and in their office.
For daily news, they claim to get it from digital media and
social media. 27% of them read the daily newspaper that the
family or the office subscribed to. They use YouTube both
for learning purposes and entertainment purposes. 19% of
Leaders watch movies in cinemas at least once a year.
My tips on how to be brave to speak out your ideas and
opinions are: 1) Remembering that our country has given us
the freedom to give opinions, so we’re being protected by
the law, 2) Setting the right mindset, as long as we’re on the
right path and what we tell is the truth, don’t be afraid, and
3) We are all the same, we are all humans anyway, so it’s okay
to give ideas and opinions.”
M. Atiatul Muqtadir (College Student, Presma BEM KM UGM 2019),
based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019)
Internet & Online
Leaders spend time on the internet
to be productive
Leaders use the internet to pursue their professional career,
find entertainment, and maintain social relationships.
Their desire to keep in touch with friends, colleagues
or business partners is the reason behind why they use
social media the most (82%) compared to other online
activities. Additionally, they also use the internet heavily
to do general surfing (77%). Leaders spend around 3.4
hours per day to use the internet and on average, they
spend Rp 94.000,- for their internet usage in a month.
Image 4.7
The Leader’s Internet Consumption and Monthly
Spending for The Internet
Monthly Spending
For Internet
Rp 49.501 -
Rp 125.000
More than
Rp 125.000
Free -
Rp 49.500
Leaders and their affinity to self-
development apps
Leaders like to use the internet to support their self-
development. On their phone, you can find apps such as
Pomodoro timer app, Calm (meditation app), and personal
finance app. On their commute, they like to listen to podcasts
through Spotify and Joox or watch videos on YouTube.
Top 10 Internet
General Usage
General Surfing
Social Networking
Download Software/Files
Listen to Music
Product Review
Internet Phone Call
Access Local News
Online Shopping
Electronic Mail
Play Games
Image 4.8
The Leader’s Top 10 Internet General Usage
Leaders as ‘The Meeting Marathoners’
In a corporate setting, Leaders are most likely found to conduct
several meetings within a day because they believe meetings
are the most effective way to align their team’s actions. Their
typical work schedule is individual work from morning until
noon, and then back to back meetings from afternoon until
evening. They won their team’s respect through working
hard and working smart. They always apply framework and
concept to a business problem that they are working on.
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 4: The Leader
39 40
Hobby & Recreation
Leaders engage in their hobbies during leisure
time to regain energy for work
Leaders use their leisure time to do their hobbies. They prefer to
do team sports (34%), watch TV (21%) and surf the internet (15%).
For them, resting and doing their hobbies are core towards
maintaining productivity in their work. They see leisure as
a way to balance their life, while still focusing their primary
efforts to achieve professional success.
Watching TV
Sport- Team Sport - Individual34%
Music Travelling
Cooking Window Shopping
Surfing Internet Playing Games
Image 4.9
The Leader’s Hobby
Consumption &
Shopping Behaviors
Leaders are straightforward consumers
Leaders buy products that promote wellness (emotional),
provide information (functional), and offer entertainment
(emotional). They are not easily tempted by discounts,
and only buy things when they need it. 72% prefer to
buy things from stores that have strategic location
and 61% prefer to buy for the product variety.
Leaders often do research before buying big purchases.
Also, they appreciate shopping experience as much
as the product itself. Therefore, they tend to be
loyal to a few retailers and e-commerce that they
have good past shopping experience with.
& Shopping
Strategic Location
Products Stock Modern and Cozy
Complete Product In
One Place
Effective Cashier
Product Variety
Price is Cheaper
Good Customer ServiceGood Customer Service
Good and
Interesting Promo
Image 4.10
The Leader’s Consumption and Shopping
Leaders don’t buy products, they
buy credibility
Leaders put into consideration from function, design, price,
and brand. Leaders believe in the specialist brand such as
Jamu for masuk angin or milk for illness prevention and
cosmetic with halal certifications. Leaders are also the types
of shoppers who seek comfort when using a product. They will
consider the user experience when they use an app, how their
shoes feel lighter when they use it to run, or how a particular
e-commerce provides a seamless shopping experience.
•	 “I think this is very subjective, but I am
quite attracted to brands that seemed
to understand my busy lifestyle. You
know what I mean? Like it shows that
it understands our current hectic daily
•	 Lifestyle brands are really good at this,
they show that they are cool and active,
specifically made for today’s young
•	 “It’s the little things that matters, like; an
app design with simpler steps to follow,
running shoes that are lighter because
of the materials used, a car with fully
adjustable steering wheels, etc - it’s the
little details that elevates an experience”
•	 “There’s no excuse for cutting corners
anymore, but I don’t think all brands are
like that - you see it in the final product”
•	 “ I love looking at the stories of brands
or products. I appreciate a brand that
stands for something, that is bold
enough to say that they are the best at
what they do”
•	 “There are brands that just sells ‘the
brand. I don’t like that. There are brands
that launches products that has nothing
to do with its history, it just tells me
right away that you just want money”
Modern Refinement
Dynamic Lifestyle
Image 4.11 The Leader’s Attraction Towards Brands
Political Views
Leaders: “As Long As I Know What’s Going On,
It’s Enough”
Leaders tend to be tight-lipped when it comes to politics. They
are very updated about current political news, but do not share
their personal views publicly. Leaders keep their personal
lives private, including their opinions on political news. They
do not want their political opinion to change the perception
•	Follows news about political current events
•	Ensure to participate in mandatory political events -> i.e. voting
•	Make time to discuss political opinions if others are asking for it
•	Try to formulate own opinion on major political issues to ensure
political choices are rationalized
Politically Disengaged Politically Engaged
Image 4.12
The Leader’s Political Engagement
of others towards them and influence their ability to lead an
organization or company. Despite that, they always participate
in using their vote from until the national election.
Attraction Towards Brands
Most Relevant Factors in
Determining Brand Relevance
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Executive Summary
41 42
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 5: The Socializer
43 44
The Socializer
Who Are They?
14% of millennials identify themselves as The Socializer.
They are fun, outgoing, and conversation-starters. No
other type is as generous with their time and energy as
Socializers when it comes to encouraging others, and no
other personality type does it with such irresistible style.
They take social activities, such as nongkrong, arisan, maen
bareng, and social gathering, very seriously and put them
on a high priority, the embodiment of ‘mangan ora mangan
sing penting ngumpul’. Socializers have great project
management skills and work best in a company with clear
hierarchies and boundaries. They are on top of the news
because they consider it as useful conversation-starters.
Socializers often hide their true opinions on religion and
politics, and tend to agree with other people’s view in order
to fit in the groupthink. Socializers gravitate toward products
that offer reward (emotional), create nostalgia (emotional), or
project social image (social). 55% of them identify themselves
as senior millennials and 53% of them are female.
Image 5.1
Demographics of The Socializer
21-28 years
29-36 years
“Don’t walk behind
me, I may not lead.
Don’t walk in front
of me, I may not
follow. Just walk
beside me and
be my friend.”
- Albert Camus
Millennial Type 5
Religions, Values,
& Traditions
Maintaining harmony within their
communities is important for socializers
Socializers: “Yes, You Can Sit With Us!”
Socializers, ‘Arisan’, and their desire to
build intimacy with others
‘Mangan Ora Mangan Sing Penting Kumpul’
Socializers practice their religion and appreciate
religious differences among their peers. They rarely
speak out on sensitive matters to avoid confrontation
and to maintain harmony. However, in a homogenous
setting, they are very outspoken especially in activities
that promote cohesiveness of the community.
Socializers are tolerant and very open in welcoming new
people in their community. They are extroverts who love to
do social gatherings and community engagement activities
such as nongkrong and maen bareng. They are drawn into
current trends and lifestyles which makes them approachable
as anyone can talk about anything with them without the fear
of being judged. It’s easy for Socializers to be liked as they
always spread kindness and positive vibes, wherever they go.
Specifically on tolerance, they make friends with people
from diverse personal backgrounds (28%), talk about
the importance of tolerance with others (22%), and read
some contents about tolerance frequently (21%).
Socializers will be the ones who initiate their group of
friends to do ‘arisan’ which is a social gathering in a form
of rotating savings. Their personal goal is to foster a long-
lasting sense of togetherness and intimacy. They have a
strong desire to build a deep and meaningful relationship
with others. Socializers are the ones who will create a new
family group chat on WhatsApp or follow other people on
Instagram once they meet them in a new social setting as
they are proactive in ensuring communication with others.
Socializers embody ‘mangan ora mangan sing penting
kumpul’ mentality which translates to - it doesn’t
matter if we are feasting or not, the most important
thing is we are here together. Socializers maintain a
strong sense of social empowerment and they love
to create close bonds among family and friends.
Millennial’s Tolerant
Image 5.2
Millennial’s Tolerant Behaviors
28% 22%
Maintaining friendships
with people from diverse
personal backgrounds
Discussing the
importance of tolerance
with friends and
21% 13%
Reading some contents
about tolerance
Comparing the level
of tolerance in each
Creating events related
to tolerance
Joining some events
related to tolerance
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 5: The Socializer
45 46
Family Life &
“I’m Only One Call Away”
Socializers are usually on their families and friends’ speed
dial. They are known to stand by and provide constant
emotional support and encouragement.
47% of them are the decision-makers in the family and they
are very updated with the trends - from meme, to news,
to fashion. Their family members often consult them on
restaurant to go to or dress to wear to. Socializers are popular
among their peer group and often considered “Gak ada lo, gak
rame!” which translates to there will be no fun without you.
Socializers as the popular kid in school
In a school setting, Socializers are known for their popularity.
Their friendliness and warmness charm their peers. They are
very active in kerja kelompok and are always very participative
- even though they might not be the most contributing.
Image 5.3
Socializers as A Decision-Maker in The Family
of them are decision
makers in their family
when making decisions for various
household needs
Single Married,
No Child
Image 5.4
Marriage Status of The Socializers
The ‘Bucin’ socializers
When it comes to parenthood and marriage, Socializers are
the ‘lovey dovey’ or ‘budak cinta’ type of person who practice
romanticism. They will show their warmth and love to their
life partner through cooking, gifting, until surprising.
Socializers have the highest number of being married and
having children compared to other types of millennials. On
parenting, Socializers raised their children with values such
as harmony, togetherness, and kindness. Their friends tend
to remember their childrens’ names as they often bring the
children to social gatherings.
Career Paths &
Workplace Habits
Socializers are known for their great project
management skills and excel in companies
with clear hierarchies
‘Musyawarah & Mufakat’
40% of Socializers work as blue collar workers. Among
all professions, Socializers tend to have great project
management skills and great team players. They play
by the rules, and can excel well in companies with
predictable job scope and clear hierarchies. They don’t
mind working in a monotonous role and doing a repetitive
job as they view it important to keep the company going.
Whenever Socializers are faced with conflict or group
decision making, they use ‘musyawarah dan mufakat’
which translates to consensus and democracy. They
make decisions in the best interest of the whole group or
common goal, while maintaining harmony in the group.
I think there are three things that we need to do to always
have positive vibes. First, is to be grateful. Second, is to love
and respect ourselves. And third, is to always do positive
things, big or small. To give positive vibes to our surroundings
is important in helping people with mental health issues.
Mental health is important and very dangerous if we are
being ignorant towards it.”
Omar Daniel (Actor), based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019)
Image 5.5
Occupation of Socializers
Occupation of
The Socializers
White Collar	
Blue Collar 40%
Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 5: The Socializer
47 48
Image 5.7
The Socializer’s Internet Consumption and
Monthly Spending for The Internet
Media Consumption
Socializers are always up-to-date with
current news and trends
96% 12%
21% 6%
22% 2%
18% 0%
Image 5 .6
Media Consumption for The Socializers
Socializers are naturally drawn to popular or viral
trends and consume their media by watching TV (96%)
and online video (21%). They keep themselves updated
with the current celebrity marriage, memes, and soccer
scores, and make them as conversation starters.
Internet & Online
Socializers as the trend seekers
Socializers spend the least amount online compared to others
with only 2.3 hours per day. They also spend the least amount
for internet packages with Rp. 77,000 per month. When
they are online they often start on social media, discover
interesting topics and continue the search journey on multiple
websites. This pattern makes general surfing as their go to
activities with 88% and social networking with 61%.
Monthly Spending
For Internet
Rp 49.501 -
Rp 125.000
More than
Rp 125.000
Free -
Rp 49.500
Top 10 Internet
General Usage
General Surfing
Social Networking
Download Software/Files
Listen to Music
Product Review
Internet Phone Call
Access Local News
Online Shopping
Play Games
Image 5.8
The Socializer’s Top 10 Internet General Usage
Socializers as the positive netizen
Socializers like to leave positive comments with emojis
on their friends’ social media or on YouTube videos. They
believe that by doing that, it is showing support and
appreciation to the creator. Netizen Nyinyir, which translates
to cynical negative Netizen is the antithesis of Socializers.
One of the social issues that I’m concerned about is
cyberbullying. I think all of us have to always remember that
we are all human-beings. All of us have a heart. It’s important
to be empathetic to others by imagining ourselves to be in
other people’s shoes. So, be kind to others because all of us
have a battle that we’re struggling in and everyone has their
own stories. Don’t be too responsive after we hear some
bad news. We need to check the fact first, see from many
different perspectives, and don’t be too judgmental on
responding to everything.”
Ayla Dimitri (Content Creator)
based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019)
Hobby & Recreation
Socializer mothers are ‘Ibu-ibu Arisan’
For Socializers who are always up to the latest trends,
watching TV is their main hobby (47%), followed by doing team
sports (26%) and cooking (18%). In social settings, Socializers
Moms will spearhead activities such as arisan, buka bersama,
and parents gathering.
Watching TV
Sport- Team Sport - Individual26%
Music Travelling
Cooking Window Shopping
Surfing Internet Playing Games
Image 5.9
The Socializer’s Hobby
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Indonesia millennial report 2020

  • 1. Understanding Millennials’ Behaviours and Demystifying Their Stereotypes Indonesia Millennial Report 2020
  • 2. i Introduction Millennials are most often used to describe a generation that thrives on instant gratification through technology, spends too much time on social media and are lazy in the workplace. They are portrayed as an adventurous generation that prefer to travel rather than to save for housing, to eat out rather than to cook at home, and to spend money on the latest smartphone rather than to save it in the bank. While it may be true to some degree, it is a generalization and oversimplification of 1 out of 7 types of millennials that we identified, The Adventurer. At the very core, millennials are efficient, optimistic, and not that radically different from other age groups. They are largely driven by passion and use creative means to achieve success and goals in their own terms. The way millennials consume news and information are centered on their mobile phones and their paths to discovery are more nuanced and varied than some may have imagined. While there are many stereotypes and myths about millennials out there, most of them are likely based on assumptions, which will hinder us from truly understanding and fully addressing this generation’s needs. In this report, our team at IDN Research Institute, with the help of Nielsen Indonesia, delved deep on the 7 types of Indonesian millennials which are outlined based on their distinct values, behaviors, and attitudes. With a hypothesis-driven process, we drive conclusions by combining quantitative and qualitative research of more than 5,500+ Indonesians based in 11 cities from Medan to Solo to Makassar, conducting in-depth interviews, running home immersion sessions, and organizing digital diaries. Paying close attention to these factors have enabled us to have an extensive view on what and how millennials focus their attention, time and energy — an essential insight in today’s ever-evolving world. Introduction
  • 3. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 ii iii Index 21Millennial Type 3: The Artist Who Are They? Religions, Values & Traditions Family Life & Education Career Paths & Workplace Habits Media Consumption Internet & Online Behaviors Entertainment, Hobby & Recreation Consumption & Shopping Behaviors Political Views 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 Index Millennial Type 1: The Adventurer 1 41 61 5131 Who Are They? Religions, Values & Traditions Family Life & Education Career Paths & Workplace Habits Media Consumption Internet & Online Behaviors Entertainment, Hobby & Recreation Consumption & Shopping Behaviors Political Views 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 Introduction Index Executive Summary i ii vi Millennial Type 4: The Leader Who Are They? Religions, Values & Traditions Family Life & Education Career Paths & Workplace Habits Media Consumption Internet & Online Behaviors Entertainment, Hobby & Recreation Consumption & Shopping Behaviors Political Views 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 40 Millennial Type 6: The Conservative Who Are They? Religions, Values & Traditions Family Life & Education Career Paths & Workplace Habits Media Consumption Internet & Online Behaviors Entertainment, Hobby & Recreation Consumption & Shopping Behaviors Political Views 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 59 60 Millennial Type 5: The Socializer Who Are They? Religions, Values & Traditions Family Life & Education Career Paths & Workplace Habits Media Consumption Internet & Online Behaviors Entertainment, Hobby & Recreation Consumption & Shopping Behaviors Political Views 43 44 45 46 47 47 48 49 50 Millennial Type 7: The Collaborator Who Are They? Religions, Values & Traditions Family Life & Education Career Paths & Workplace Habits Media Consumption Internet & Online Behaviors Entertainment, Hobby & Recreation Consumption & Shopping Behaviors Political Views 63 64 65 66 67 67 68 69 70 Millennials’ Key Distinctions What’s Next? Methodology Authors 73 79 83 83 11Millennial Type 2: The Visionary Who Are They? Religions, Values & Traditions Family Life & Education Career Paths & Workplace Habits Media Consumption Internet & Online Behaviors Entertainment, Hobby & Recreation Consumption & Shopping Behaviors Political Views 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20
  • 5. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Executive Summary vi vii 63.5 million Executive Summary Indonesianmillennials by the numbers What to expect from this report Indonesia is currently experiencing a demographic bonus which is estimated to end in 2045. According to The Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics, it is projected that Indonesia’s productive population (age 15 to 64) will be 179.1 million people in 2020 and millennials (age 21- 36) are contributing to around 63.5 million people. This makes millennials a significant engine of growth of Indonesia’s economy. But who are the millennials, and what does the data tell us about their similarities and distinct differences to previous generations? The more we understand about them, the better we become in making judgements and decisions towards millennials in our field of work, and ultimately, the faster we are in unlocking their potential in shaping Indonesia’s future. Our goal is to present a clear and complete portrait of Indonesian millennials, as well as to offer thought-provoking analyses of issues that will affect them in the years to come. We take a holistic view of their entire life aspect, emphasizing their distinct behaviors, and identifying where opportunities can be found for businesses. We classify Indonesian millennials into 7 types to provide a better understanding about them on a general and granular level. The 7 types are not absolute, which means that each individual millennial can fall into two categories or more. Our team at IDN Research Institute hope that this research report would be a valuable tool for readers from all backgrounds and industries to understand millennials better, and to unlock those who shape the nation. Objective and methodology of research The availability of research about Indonesian millennials is very limited. This scarcity has caused the emergence of myths and stereotypes about the millennial generation. Therefore, IDN Research Institute, in collaboration with Nielsen Indonesia as our research partner, spearheaded this research to gain a deeper understanding about Indonesian millennials, especially their values and aspirations that shapes the way they see themselves as individuals. This research’s objective is also to explore Indonesian millennials’ decisions and reasons behind their lifestyles and behaviors on a daily basis. Nielsen conducted this research by using quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative method was conducted first, using random sampling in 11 cities in order to properly segment different millennial groups, resulting in 7 types. Building upon this, we continued with the qualitative method to dig more deeply about those segmentations through in- depth interviews, home immersions, and digital diaries. Then, IDN Research Institute developed and wrote the report based on the insight gained from data analysis. The definition of millennials in this report is male and female between the age of 21 to 36 years old in the year 2020. We divided the millennial generation into two categories; junior millennial, those who were born from 1992 - 1999 (21-28 years old) and senior millennial who were born between 1984-1991 (29-36 years old). All opinions expressed are from IDN Research Institute and are intended as educational material. Although best efforts are made to ensure that all information is accurate and up to date, occasionally unintended errors and misprints may occur.
  • 6. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Executive Summary viii ix 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Introducing: The 7 Types of Millennials 3. The Artist 1. The Adventurer 5. The Socializer 6. The Conservative 2. The Visionary 4. The Leader Full of ideas, have unique points of views, and strong aesthetic orientation. These personalities take joy in reinterpreting circumstances, reinventing and experimenting with both themselves and new perspectives. This creates a sense of spontaneity, making Artists seem unpredictable, even to their close friends and families. They use aesthetics, gut feel, and design to make choices and actions to push the limits of social convention - the embodiment of ‘air tenang menghanyutkan’. This makes school and other highly organized environments a challenge for Artists. It’s not that they are not smart, but the regimented, lecturing approach of formal education is just so far from the hands-on learning that Artists enjoy. Outgoing, energetic, and love to explore new things and experiences. They have countless ideas flying in their head at any given time and they prioritize creative freedom in their career path. Inspiring, convincing and colorful, they are natural group leaders, pulling everyone along the path less traveled, bringing life and excitement everywhere they go - the embodiment of ‘babat alas’. Adventurers are very vocal about their opinions and ideas, including about their political and religious views. They love to spread their positive energy towards their family and decide to get married only when they’re ready. They consume their news mainly from television, social media, and digital media. As consumers, they buy products that project social image (social), increase access (functional), and reduce hassle (functional). Fun, outgoing, and conversation-starters. No other type is as generous with their time and energy as Socializers when it comes to encouraging others, and no other personality type does it with such irresistible style. They take social activities, such as nongkrong, arisan, maen bareng, and social gathering, very seriously and put them on a high priority, the embodiment of ‘mangan ora mangan sing penting ngumpul’. Socializers have great project management skills and work best in a company with clear hierarchies and boundaries. They are on top of the news because they consider it as useful conversation-starters. Socializers often hide their true opinions on religion and politics, and tend to agree with other people’s view in order to fit in the groupthink. Socializers gravitate toward products that offer reward (emotional), create nostalgia (emotional), or project social image (social). Reliable, simple, and low-key - the embodiment of ‘alon alon asal kelakon’. Conservatives’ personalities are no-nonsense, and when they’ve made a decision, they will relay the facts necessary to achieve their goal, expecting others to grasp the situation immediately and take action. They are vocal on political and religious views and they are family oriented. In work settings, they best perform as controllers - human resource, finance, or operations. They consume content from television and social media to keep themselves updated. As consumers, Conservatives put emphasis on products with authenticity and affordability compared to brand image. Inspiring, charismatic, expressive, and driven. Visionaries tend to be over-achieving employees with unquenchable thirst for knowledge and make great entrepreneurs. They leap before they look, fixing their mistakes as they go, rather than sitting idle, preparing contingencies and plan B - the embodiment of ‘tak ada rotan, akar pun jadi’. They are the initiators in their family. Visionaries are tolerant in their religious and political views. They consume content from newspapers, digital media, television and social media. Visionaries are very functional consumers where they purchase products or services that provide information (functional), reduce hassle (functional), or increase access (functional). Charismatic, goal-oriented, and have strong leadership skills. Leaders embrace the values of honesty, dedication and dignity where they happily lead the way on difficult paths - the embodiment of ‘berakit rakit ke hulu berenang renang ke tepian, bersakit sakit dahulu, bersenang senang kemudian’. They are able to see the bigger picture, while maintaining attention to details, which makes them suitable to be in managerial positions or becoming entrepreneurs. Leaders keep themselves updated with the daily news and current issues through television, digital media, newspaper, and social media. They tend to have strong opinions on politics and religion, but acted very carefully in addressing their views in public. Leaders are caring and discipline parents to their children. As consumers, Leaders buy products that promote wellness (emotional), provide information (functional), and offer entertainment (emotional). 7. The Collaborator Highly tolerant, full of ideas, and love to create a great teamwork within the society. Collaborators will act with creativity, imagination, conviction, and sensitivity to empower and to create balance - the embodiment of ‘tut wuri handayani’. Though soft-spoken, they have very strong opinions and will fight tirelessly for an idea they believe in. They are always up-to-date with the current news and trends, but rarely share their views about politics and religion publicly. Collaborators consume content through social media, digital media, and radio. As consumers, Collaborators buy products to project social image (social), create belonging or affiliation (social), and increase access (functional). Most of Artists excel in individualistic and ambiguous working environments. Artists are open when it comes to expressing their views on religion and politics. They are heavy users of social media, digital media, and sometimes television. As consumers, they buy products with strong authentic stories and choose form over function.
  • 7. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 1: The Adventurer 1 2 MillennialType1
  • 8. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 1: The Adventurer 3 4 While others spend a lot of time observing the success of others, seeking inspiration into how they can achieve their own, Adventurers don’t. Adventurers believe that they are successful if they are living their lives up to their potential. Someone has a successful boba shop, so perhaps we should start our own. A co-worker is working 16 hour a day to get promotions, so we should push ourselves too. It’s a never-ending race, and one that won’t get us anywhere if we are blindly competing without purpose. The grass is always greener on the other side, and when we fall into this pattern, we risk believing that we will find fulfillment walking someone else’s path, and this is the antithesis of Adventurers’ definition of success. The Adventurer Who Are They? The millennial stereotypes that are portrayed in Indonesian media mostly belong to The Adventurer. For them, life is full of limitless possibilities and the world is their playground. 19% Indonesian millennial identify themselves as The Adventurer, of which they are naturally curious and driven. The Adventurer pursues many interests, hobbies, and areas of study. They are happy to be who they are and if they’re not, they will always try to be happy with themselves. For The Adventurer, 55% of them are male, and 58% of them are junior millennials. Adventurers will find any way possible to push their passions. They prefer a certain amount of change and variety and can easily become dissatisfied when they’re being limited by restrictions and limitations. Most of the time, this type is extroverted, sociable, while at other times, they are introverted and reserved as they are independent towards their goals. Image 1.1 Demographics of The Adventurer 45% 42% 58% 55% Male Female 21-28 years 29-36 years “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” - Hellen Keller Millennial Type 1 Religions, Values, & Traditions ‘Anjing Menggonggong Kafilah Berlalu’ Adventurers influence others to join their cause Adventurers define their own success Adventurers seek new challenges and experiences Adventurers live their lives based on what’s important for them. Therefore, they don’t care much about what other people think of them. The Indonesian proverb ‘anjing menggonggong kafilah berlalu’ best describes them, which means they are focused on their goal and are able to ignore other people’s comments. Adventurers prefer to tell an ugly truth than white lies. The Adventurer’s sensitivity towards others makes them able to communicate truths in decent ways. Adventurers respect differences, but they like to persuade others to join causes that they strongly believe in. As they will always try to find meanings behind every aspect of their lives, they want other people to see through their lens. Adventurers practice their religion, obey religious beliefs, and are active in their religious communities. Persuasion comes in the form of invitation to pray together until going to prayer congregation together (Friday Prayer, Sunday Church, or others). Adventurers tend to always seek greater challenges and they like to achieve success based on their own hard work. They eagerly seek new experiences along the way as they are easily changing their minds in the blink of an eye. Their interest in exploring new ideas and challenges makes them love to seek new connections of friends as well. But, Adventurers never forget to always follow the custom norms and sopan santun whenever they visit new places. Thus, Adventurers are also known as millennials who value diversity and tolerance the most as they are open-minded and open to new experiences and people. Adventurers are eager to learn and curious by default. In a bigger picture, millennials are known as the generation which has a high motivation to learn. Align with our survey last year, seeking better self-development opportunities was the first reason millennials quit the company (26.5%), both for senior or junior millennials. Millennials stay at a company for creative freedom, flexible working hours, and supportive teams. Thus, Indonesian millennials were highly valuing how they could grow through their creativity. The data showed that millennials are most likely to love to learn new things and explore new challenges, especially for The Adventurer. The Perception of Work Activities Image 1.2 Indonesian Millennials’ Perception of Work Activities Working with Creative Freedom Flexible Working Hours Working in a Team Working from Home or Cafe Working With Tight Schedule and Precise Goals Working Supervised by Superior 21-28 years 29-36 years 91,7% 88,9% 84,1% 82,0% 77,6% 65,1% 66,3% 40,5% 41,2% 38,4% 38,6% 83,2%
  • 9. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 1: The Adventurer 5 6 Family Life & Education Adventurers are planners in their families Adventurers will get married when they’re ready 45% of Adventurers are decision makers in their family. In a family setting, they are energetic and will find ways to spread it by doing activities like planning the weekend trip, trying a new boba cafe or ayam geprek restaurant, or sending funny videos in the family WhatsApp group. Adventurers rarely follow society’s standard, thus, they will love and get married when they’re ready, not when they’re lonely. Adventurers found to be most likely single than the other types of millennials. They tend to always have various interests and hobbies to pursue, so when they choose to get married, it only means that they’re extremely ready to commit and focus on their spouse When it comes to parenting, Adventurers value spending time with their children the most. They love to plan some impromptu trips, do home improvement projects, or simply cook meals together with their children. Adventurers will educate their children the way they educate themselves. They will always let their children explore and experience new things, make mistakes and learn from them, and will always let their children know that it is okay to make mistakes. 45% Image 1.3 Adventurers as A Decision Maker in The Family Of Them Are Decision Makers In Their Family when making decisions for various household needs 37% 9% 53% 2% Marriage Status Single Married, No Child Married, Child Others Image 1.4 Marriage Status of Adventurers Adventurers are multidisciplinary students As Adventurers love to explore and pursue many interests, they tend to be the people who believe that they can learn anything they want. If they are interested in a certain topic, they will find ways to learn it immediately: from YouTube, Wiki, Google, books, and other people. It may take some trials after they finally find what they want to focus on learning, but for Adventurers, the most important thing is to keep on trying new things, to expand their worldview. I like to be known as an environmentalist, and I fell in love with nature long before I joined the entertainment industry. My love towards it started when I travelled with my family, and what sparked me was everywhere I go, I saw a lot of garbage on tourist sites and I think this must change. After I joined Puteri Indonesia, it provided me with a bigger voice and stage to raise concerns and drive changes for a better environment.” Career Paths & Workplace Habits Exploration and freedom are core within an adventurer’s career path When it comes to career paths, what’s important for Adventurers is freedom. They crave for some spaces where they can explore their imagination and limitless ideas. They need more than just a job, they need something to be passionate about. Adventurers are passionate experimenters and they are not afraid of making mistakes. Nadine Chandrawinata (Environmentalist and Puteri Indonesia 2005), based on an interview with (2019) Image 1.5 Occupation of Adventurers Occupation of Adventures White Collar Blue Collar 27% 18% 6% 24% 10% 15% Entrepereneur Student Housewives Others
  • 10. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 1: The Adventurer 7 8 Media Consumption Adventurers are curious about the world Essentially, they have a curious mind and they always ask questions and search for answers in their minds. What is that? Why is it made that way? When was it made? Who invented it? Where does it come from? How does it work? What, why, when, who, where, and how are the best friends of Adventurers. Also, they like to keep up with the latest information and be resourceful. Compared to other types of millennials, Adventurers consume content from diverse media platforms from online video platforms (60%), daily newspaper (39%), television (83%) and radio (32%). Television 83% 27% 60% 24% 39% 3% 32% 2% Daily Newspaper News Portal Digital Newspaper Online Video Radio Cinema Magazine Image 1.6 Media Consumption for The Adventurers Internet & Online Behaviors The internet as adventurers’ major source of productivity Adventurers turn to the internet to boost their productivity, from using productivity apps, to planning using online maps & calendar to communicating through chatting apps. Adventurers are also highly engaged with social media and messenger apps to maintain relationships with their acquaintances. As the types who always want to keep up with information, 78% of Adventurers used the internet to look up the news or just to surf the internet and gain new knowledge. Mostly, the Adventurers spend around 4.3 hours per day to use the internet and on average, they spend around Rp 98.000,- for their internet usage per month - the second-highest money spender on the internet after the Artist type. Image 1.6 The Adventurers’ Internet Consumption and Monthly Spending for The Internet 90% Internet Consumption Monthly Spending For Internet Yes Rp 49.501 - Rp 125.000 More than Rp 125.000 Free - Rp 49.500 No 61% 16% 23% Adventurers and their ‘jastip / jasa titip’ side business Adventurers are statistically more suitable to be entrepreneurs compared to other types of millennials, where 18% of them identified themselves as entrepreneurs, from micro to large. While employed, Adventurers are more likely to set up an online shop or ‘Jasa Titip’ as a side business compared to other millennials’ types. As Adventurers need the flexibility and opportunities for improvisation, they tend to seek a workplace that allows them to create new things without being judged. They want an environment where they can make mistakes and learn what’s working and what’s not. Adventurers also want to have space to speak their mind and be heard as they are very vocal. They demand to get fewer critics and more constructive feedback when it comes to doing their job. I think it’s important to have a passion in our lives and my passion is definitely to travel the world. It’s always fun and thrilling to be able to visit the places I’ve never been to as it gives me new knowledge and new friends along the way. I also think that it’s important to take action towards our goals, so passion is not enough, we also need to take action on it.” Chepy Bennington (Traveller), based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019) Adventurers and their high affinity towards on- demand online services For Adventurers who are highly mobile in their daily life, on- demand services such as ojek online, food delivery service, and online shopping are crucial. As their mobility is high, ojek online is like their best friend whom they can always depend on. The Adventurer type is the second-highest type which is mostly using food delivery service on a daily basis, after The Collaborator. Their high intensity of using food delivery service is because of their tendency to pursue many interests at once, making them too busy to cook by themselves. Top 10 Internet General Usage 81% 78% 54% 50% 42% 42% 42% 42% 35% 34% Social Networking General Surfing Download Software/Files Listen to Music Internet Phone Call Product Review Access Local News Online Shopping Access Video Content Play Games Image 1.7 The Adventurers’ Top 10 Internet General Usage Entertainment, Hobby & Recreation Adventurers energize themselves through travel or game They see traveling (12%) as a stimulating experience where they can explore and learn many new things along the way. While others might travel for their annual silaturahmi trip during Idul Fitri, Adventurers also travel for leisure. When travelling for leisure domestically, they like to take the destination less traveled and less mainstream such as hidden beaches or colonial sites. Adventurers play games (5%) to connect with friends for when they can’t meet them in person regularly, while also fostering a little fun and competition. The overall experience of competing with their friends and family is a good one and acts as a way to stay connected, even in Adventurers’ busy everyday lives. Hobby Watching TV Sport- Team Sport - Individual32% 11% 25% 12% 17% 6% 22% 5% 11%25% Music Travelling Cooking Window Shopping Surfing Internet Playing Games Reading Image 1.8 The Adventurers’ Hobby
  • 11. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 1: The Adventurer 9 10 I always get my energy from nature, whether it’s from visiting the sea or the mountain. So, when I’m too burned out with my urban life, I always visit my friends in Bandung, Pelabuhan Ratu or Pantai Carita. Nature is my stress- releaser.” Consumption & Shopping Behaviors Adventurers value speed in shopping Adventurers only buy things that truly represent them Adventurers tend to have the behavior of impulsiveness as they like to try new things immediately. They want to get the things they buy in an instant because they are easily excited about new things. Thus, when it comes to looking for a store, the convenience and availability of the products that they seek are more important than the price of the product itself. When they’re looking for a store, 73% of them are looking for its strategic location and 63% of them will consider its products stock. As Adventurers are most likely to be impulsive and easily distracted by many new things, they are also one of the most types who are easily tempted by interesting promo. Adventurers tend to always want to get the things they buy immediately. They also don’t mind if they need to go outside their houses to go shopping. Thus, Adventurers are the most type of millennials who are still choosing to pay directly in the minimarket. The Adventurers love to be themselves and that influences their preference for choosing the brands which they want to buy. Adventurers always choose brands based on what they think can truly represent themselves as a person. They also tend to choose brands that most people talk about, not because the Adventurers want to follow the crowd, but more because they want to know why many people buy it. Again, Adventurers’ sense of curiosity makes them want to buy things just because they want to get the experience of buying and using the brands or products. Consumption & Shopping Behaviors Strategic Location Products Stock Modern and Cozy63% 48% 58% 44% 57% 43% 49% 42% 48%73% Complete Product In One Place Effective Display Products Product Variety Clean Price is Cheaper Good Customer Service Good and Interesting Promo Image 1.9 The Adventurers’ Consumption and Shopping Behaviors • “I don’t really care if people think what I am using is foolish, they just don’t know what the best is right now” • “Getting likes on social media is important, anybody who says no is lying. You want to feel confident in the things that you have and how you present yourself” • “Likes, stars, and good reviews are part of the game now. The more people like a product or brand, the more we trust about that brand” • “What influencers and international stars use plays a big role. I just sort of feel like those brands are the best because I see it with the people I like” • “Having other people see you eith expensive do matter, but it is more about me feeling like ‘I am at that stage’, you know? Like I just feel like I made it” • “Price don’t lie, quality always come with price” • “I don’t follow the trends, the things that I use or wear needs to show that this who I am” • Honestly speaking, if your mindset is that you want to be a winner, then you would not use brands that is considered a ‘loser’ brand right?” I’m The Best Perceived High-Quality Premiumness Being Talked About Image 1.10 The Adventurers’ Attraction Towards Brands David John Schaap (Presenter & Traveller), based on an interview with a digital news portal (2019) Attraction Towards Brands Most Relevant Factors in Determining Brand Relevance Political Views Adventurers voice their opinions publicly and need to be heard As the millennials who are vocal to share their opinions and ideas to others, the Adventurers tend to actively engage in political activities. They enjoy not only learning about the latest political news but also share their opinions publicly, even in social media. They also tend to have the willingness to persuade others to follow their beliefs and perspectives about particular political opinions. For Adventurers, the opportunity to be engaged politically and have a voice to be heard related to the country are highly important. • Engage in public display of political engagement -> i.e. participate in demonstration • Organize political gathering • Attend public speeches or seminars by politcal figures • Follow political figures on social media • Persuade family and friends to be politically engaged • Follow development and discussions the details of political news • Engage in public discussions regarding political events/news Public Disengagement Private Disengagement Passive Private Engagement Public Engagement Politically Disengaged Politically Engaged Image 1.11 The Adventurers’ Political Engagement
  • 12. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 2: The Visionary 11 1211 12 MillennialType2
  • 13. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 2: The Visionary 13 1413 14 The Visionary Who Are They? Born to empower other people around them, Visionaries are able to spot new opportunities and future possibilities. They are inspiring, charming, expressive, and driven to push the limits. Visionaries are the true realists as they are capable of taking concrete steps towards realizing their goals in order to generate a lasting positive impact for the society. This type tends to see helping others as part of their mission and purpose in life. Visionaries can often be found engaging or creating a community where they can share their values and ideas. They leap before they look, fixing their mistakes as they go, rather than sitting idle, preparing contingencies and plan B - the embodiment of ‘tak ada rotan, akar pun jadi’. Visionaries are very functional consumers where they purchase products or services that provide information (functional), reduce hassle (functional), or increase access (functional). There are 14% of millennials with The Visionary type, with the equal proportions split between 50% male and 50% female; 50% junior and 50% senior millennials. When a Visionary is put in a position to make decisions, at times they will have serious doubts on whether they have made the right decisions or do the right thing. Nothing lights up Visionaries like creating practical solutions that can change or help improve the lives of others in a positive manner. Image 2.1 Demographics of The Visionary 50% 50%50% 50% Male Female 21-28 years 29-36 years “Visionaries not only believe that the impossible can be done, but that it must be done.” - Bran Ferren Millennial Type 2 Religions, Values, & Traditions Visionaries tolerate religion differences to achieve a unified goal Visionaries create innovations to achieve long-term goals Visionaries are determined and passionate in pursuing their goals Visionaries value connections and honest discussions The mind of the Visionary is filled with countless goals to realize and ideals to be implemented. Thus, they will try to keep their beliefs private and act in a neutral way for the sake of achieving their goals which needs to involve the broader community. They are highly open-minded and tend to avoid the debate on personal beliefs because they are aware that it would disturb the cohesiveness of a peaceful community that they strive to build. If they are engaged in a religious community, they will be the ones who set the goals for the group, whether it’s about the improvement of their house of worship or even the amount of attendees in their religious annual gathering. For Visionaries, who are constantly seeking new information, innovations are one of the main keys to solve any problems that exist when they implement their ideas. They think that innovation is more important than certainty and they will always innovate a new way of doing things. Visionaries tend to always be open-minded to new opportunities and possibilities and for them, knowledge and innovation can always solve roadblocks along the way. Visionaries are most likely interested in creating their own business or startups. This is aligned with our survey that shows 69.1% of Indonesian millennials are interested in starting their own business. Indonesian millennials love to hear success stories of young emerging entrepreneurs as it motivates them to achieve the same accomplishment. We can observe this phenomenon as by 2018, Indonesia was the 5th country which had the most startups in the world with more than 2 thousands startups across the nation. When Visionaries believe that something is important, they will pursue that goal with a full force of energy and will put their focus on it. There is nothing that will distract them when they have set a certain goal, especially when the goal would be able to make positive contributions towards society. Visionaries’ determination and passion drives others to recognize them as unique and talented individuals that standout among their peers. Visionaries know that they can’t implement their ideas by themselves and they need a solid team to achieve success. Thus, they are always able to connect with people with their genuine and honest way of communication. Visionaries will use their insightful opinions to ignite the motivation of their community and get the heart of each member of the group. For Visionaries, it is important to achieve success together as a team as their main goal is to positively impact society. Are You Interested In Becoming an Entrepreneur? Image 2.2 Indonesian Millennials Interest Towards Entrepreneurship Yes No 69,15% 30,9%
  • 14. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 2: The Visionary 15 1615 16 Family Life & Education Visionaries are encouragers within their family When it comes to their family lives, Visionaries value honesty and sincerity. They are also the ones who will bring out the flames to achieve the goals of each family member. For Visionaries, it is important to share their passion, interests, and beliefs with the family. Thus, the Visionaries tend to be encouragementists who often share insightful information to help their sisters or brothers’ in achieving their long-term goals. 31% 7% 61% 1% Marriage Status Single Married, No Child Married, Child Others Image 2.4 Marriage Status of Visionaries Visionaries’ opinions are being respected and trusted within their families as they are able to turn their ideas into realizable actions. They are also decisive, which makes 53% of them being the decision-makers within their families. Visionaries are the ones who will give advice to their parents about their pension programs or which universities and majors that their siblings should take. 53% Image 2.3 Visionaries as A Decision Maker in The Family of them are decision makers in their family when making decisions for various household needs Visionaries are straight-A students Visionaries’ determination and passion will usually make them as the students who will be in the first place in a marathon or even in a ‘cerdas cermat’ competition. Once they put their focus on something, they will exert maximum effort and will do whatever it takes to reach that goal. Visionaries will also be those students who volunteer themselves to be in the student council, ‘OSIS’, or ‘Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa’. They like to engage in the school organizations that are geared towards creating positive impact towards the progression of the school. The Visionary is the second-highest type that is still single after The Adventurer. Their richness of ideas to be implemented makes them fill their time with non-stop meetings, discussions, brainstorming sessions, or presentations. So, once they find someone who shares the same goals and values, they will immediately commit to that person and get married. Visionaries as parents: ‘Becik Ketitik, Olo Ketoro’ The sentence ‘Becik Ketitik, Olo Ketoro’ which means those who carry out good deeds will be seen as good people, while similarly, those who carry out wicked deeds would be seen as wicked people, is the parenthood motto for the Visionaries. They want their children to grow up with a firm understanding of the difference between right and wrong. Visionaries want to raise children who are ethical, creative, but also kind-hearted. They will encourage their children to be independent and strive for their goals, whatever it takes. As long as the goals are aligned with giving positive contributions towards society, Visionary parents will always support their children to achieve it. Career Paths & Workplace Habits Visionaries are innovators Visionaries are more likely to find that most corporate career paths are not designed for them. Instead of working for someone else, many Visionaries often choose to create their own companies. Visionaries tend to be those startup founders which have the vision to solve society’s problems or create positive impact for others. Visionaries are found to be the second-highest millennials’ type that are entrepreneurs (17%). They need to find meaning in their work and know that what they are doing will give positive contributions to others. Image 2.5 Occupation of Visionaries Occupation of Visionaries White Collar Blue Collar 24% 17% 3% 30% 7% 18% Entrepereneur Student Housewives Others I hope I can always spread awareness about the importance of education. I want every Indonesian childrens to realize that education is important because it is the root of everything; framework, logic and analysis. Education will help build our capability and help develop our potential. So, I hope I can always give the awareness of education as it has the snowball effect: people who earn a proper education will bring a positive impact to their surroundings.” Karina Nadila, (Actress and Puteri Indonesia Pariwisata 2017) based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019) Visionaries as the MVP (Most Valuable Player) When in a corporate setting, Visionaries tend to be the ‘Karyawan Teladan’ or ‘Employee of The Month’ as they will always try to perform and give their best in everything that they do. They will also be the employees who highly support their colleagues to achieve personal Objective Key Results (OKRs) or will lend a hand in brainstorming and creating ideas when another teammate is preparing a major presentation for directors or customers. As Visionaries are also idealists, they will be more likely to respect their leaders who are open- minded and have the willingness to hear their countless ideas.
  • 15. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 2: The Visionary 17 1817 18 Right now, I am trying to give back to the society in the aspect of women empowerment and education through Yayasan Dian Sastrowardoyo which was officially established in 2011. I always think that no matter who you are, your actions must have a social impact on society, no matter how small or big your impact is. You have to start somewhere and it’s better to start small but early, and what you think is small might be significant for others. Whatever ideas that you have, it’s okay, just start!” Dian Sastrowardoyo (Artist, Entrepreneur, and A Mother), based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019) Media Consumption Visionaries always seek credibility behind every content they consume As Visionaries are known for their insightful words and boundless energy, they will expose themselves to media content that is full of motivation and encouragement towards reaching their personal goals. Visionaries like to access platforms which provide them with various types of content as they enjoy exploring through multitude of information to gain different insights. Their ability to perform high-level critical thinking will also drive them to always access particular news/information from multiple sources to validate its credibility. Visionaries are also keen to watch new movies in the cinema as movies are one of their sources to gain inspiration. Visionaries like to watch TV (89%), online video (67%), and access news portal (28%). Interestingly, Visionaries’ creativity makes them the second- highest type who like to access online video, after The Artist. Their willingness to always be the problem-solver and innovator within their communities make them have the need to gain as many insights as they possibly can through any medium, including through online videos. Television 89% 28% 67% 27% 23% 2% 27% 1% Daily Newspaper News Portal Digital Newspaper Online Video Radio Cinema Magazine Image 2.6 Media Consumption for The Visionaries Internet & Online Behaviors Visionaries use the internet to discover new trends and insights Visionaries are high users of the internet as they are the second-highest type of millennials who are most likely to use the internet on a daily basis, after The Adventurer. They are constantly connected with the internet as they can spend 2 hours straight just to explore new information and insight. Visionaries also have a strong desire to discover new potential trends, especially in gadget, fashion, and culinary destinations. Those information are most likely useful for The Visionaries to spot new opportunities and potential trends to be developed in the future. The Visionaries’ desire to always keep up with the latest trends explains why they spend their time on the screen to surf the internet (90%) and connect to their social networks (71%). The Visionaries spend around 4.9 hours per day to use the internet and on average, they spend Rp 97.000,- for their internet usage in a month, which makes them the third-highest money spender on the internet after The Artist and The Adventurer type. Image 2.7 The Visionaries’ Internet Consumption and Monthly Spending for The Internet 88% Internet Consumption Monthly Spending For Internet Yes Rp 49.501 - Rp 125.000 More than Rp 125.000 Free - Rp 49.500 No 66% 13% 21% Top 10 Internet General Usage 90% 71% 65% 53% 51% 50% 42% 29% 27% 26% General Surfing Social Networking Download Software/Files Listen to Music Product Review Access Local News Online Shopping Access Video Content Read Electro NPP Play Games Image 2.8 The Visionaries’ Top 10 Internet General Usage Visionaries believe and engage in social missions As Visionaries’ goal is to contribute positively towards society, they will also have the tendency to access online charity platforms such as or even sign a petition about an issue that they’re concerned about in online petition platforms such as From 2019 until present time, internet-based social movements such as online fundraising and petition are popular among millennials. I do have concerns about the plastic waste issue, because Indonesia is one of the countries which contributed to many plastic waste. I am trying my best to reduce waste by bringing my own straws and a paper bag whenever I go. I also made a campaign called ‘Berbagi Makan Ramai- Ramai’ in my social media where I invite my followers to buy foods to be shared for the underprivileged people in their surroundings. I always love brands or campaigns which contribute positively towards our environment and surroundings.” Windy Iwandi (Content Creator), based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019)
  • 16. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 2: The Visionary 19 2019 20 Entertainment, Hobby & Recreation Visionaries as main team players and cheerleaders For Visionaries who are highly valuing the togetherness of achieving goals, doing sports which have the aspect of teamwork is their main hobby (32%). They will be a valuable teammate when it is time to set up a strategy to win over the games. If the team doesn’t win, Visionaries will be the ones who cheer them up and remind them that losing a game doesn’t mean a failure. They are the people who will ignite the flames when the team has started to lose its energy before the game ends. Surfing the internet is their second-most favorite hobby (29%) as they feel the need to know the current trends to spot new opportunities and ideas. In comparison to other millennials’ types, Visionaries are more consistently engaged to browse the internet. They’re also watching TV, listening to music, and cooking for fulfilling their needs of gaining insights or just implementing their ideas in action. Hobby Watching TV Sport- Team Sport - Individual32% 8% 19% 6% 14% 7% 29% 4% 5%19% Music Travelling Cooking Window Shopping Surfing Internet Playing Games Reading Image 2.9 The Visionaries’ Hobby Consumption & Shopping Behaviors Visionaries and their love to window-shop Whether it’s online or offline, Visionaries love to do window- shop before they decide to buy a particular product. As a practical problem-solver, The Visionary tends to choose a ‘one-stop-shopping’ experience, because they think that it’s more practical. Thus, when they’re looking for a store, they will consider its strategic location (80%) and the completeness of products (74%). When they shop online, they will also choose the Cash On Delivery payment method as it is more practical and guaranteed. Nevertheless, Visionaries like to window- shop through offline platforms as well and they prefer shops located strategically. The Visionaries also ranks the highest within the different millennials’ type who are regularly using courier service as they like to shop online as it is practical and fast. Their considerations of choosing an online platform to buy their products is based on the completeness of the marketplace’s product directory. Thus, product availability is highly important for Visionaries when they’re using a marketplace app or visiting a shop. Again, the main decision factor for them is practicality. Consumption & Shopping Behaviors Strategic Location Products Stock Modern and Cozy74% 50% 72% 45% 69% 44% 66% 44% 60%80% Complete Product In One Place Effective Display Products Product Variety Clean Price is Cheaper Good Customer Service Good and Interesting Promo Image 2.10 The Visionaries’ Consumption and Shopping Behaviors Visionaries buy functions, not products The Visionaries’ tendency of being a practical problem solver is also making them only buy things which can solve their problems on a daily basis. They’re not easily tempted by good promo or discounts; as long as they don’t need the products, they will not buy it. The Visionaries consider themselves as smart consumers and are often picky, which means that they will always compare each product and buy the one which is most suitable for them. Although they are picky, The Visionaries also like to buy products that are currently trending, as long as they can justify the need for it. The basic reason on why they buy a particular product is also driven by how they believe if more people buy it, the quality is even more guaranteed. • “There are a lot of popular brands that are not mainstream, and discovering those kinds of brands that offers great quality or innovative feature before anyone else feels great” • “I also appreciate smaller brands who tries to do something differently” • “It’s not enough to just be well-known these days, I have to visible see that people are using that product and will vouch for its quality” • “Products that are more popular not only assures its quality but it also means that it will not be percevied as weird” • “In terms of value for money, I tend to look at brands that can fit into various aspects of my life. So if it has a wide range of use, I think it has greater value for money for me” • “There’s some much information out there, so there is no excuse for me falling into the trap of buying things that are not worth my money” • “The best value for money I can get, if something is expensive, I expect the best possible quality from it I’m a Smart Consumer Endorsed Wide Utility Hidden Gems Image 2.10 The Visionaries’ Attraction Towards Brands • Avoids news about political events or topics -> especially avoids news and discussions in social media • Pays attention only for the main topics in order to remain somewhat knowledgeable in conversations • Tend to avoid being involved in discussions with friends or family about politics • Consider political news as distracting Public Disengagement Private Disengagement Passive Private Engagement Public Engagement Politically Disengaged Politically Engaged Image 2.11 The Visionaries’ Political Engagement Political Views Visionaries keep their political views private When it comes to political views, Visionaries see it as part of their personal lives. Thus, they will not freely share their opinions about political views to their surroundings, unless it’s aligned with their personal goals and passion. Their strong desire to stay focused on what they’re heading to is more important than making themselves engaged in something which they’re not passionate about. Other than that, they see that being politically engaged in public will be a threat towards the cohesiveness of the community that they build that will disrupt the process of achieving their long-term goals. The Visionaries love to give back towards the society in a meaningful manner. Thus, although they’re not publicly engaged in political activities, they tend to always participate in political activities, such as the presidential election. Attraction Towards Brands Most Relevant Factors in Determining Brand Relevance
  • 17. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 3: The Artist 21 22 MillennialType3
  • 18. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 3: The Artist 23 24 The Artist Who Are They? Artists are those with the ability to bring imagination and ideas to life. They have strong desires to express themselves through their work. Although Artists tend to work best by themselves and crave independence, they see value in creating something which speaks to others who see, hear, or sense it. Artists usually have a strong aesthetic orientation and they do not follow the general crowd; they like to be unique and stand true to who they are. This creates a sense of spontaneity, making Artists seem unpredictable, even to their close friends and families. They use aesthetics, gut feel, and design to make choices and actions to push the limits of social convention - the embodiment of ‘air tenang menghanyutkan’. As consumers, they buy products with strong authentic stories and choose form over function. Among Indonesian millennials, 11% are Artists with 57% of them female, and 54% of them within the junior millennials category. Artists are the true creatives as they possess the talent to create works that inspire others and provide new ways of seeing the world. As they are fueled with the desire to constantly create, they tend to be creators; making them the true seeker of creative freedom. Image 3.1 Demographics of The Artist 57% 46% 54% 43% Male Female 21-28 years 29-36 years “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” - Pablo Picasso Millennial Type 3 Religions, Values, & Traditions Faith is a part of the artists’ inner expression Artists and their sense of ‘Gue Banget, Nih!’ Artists are risk-takers when necessary Artists are highly ethical driven by an ingrained principle of ‘Sopan Santun’ Artists live in-between their inner and outer worlds as they tend to have the desire to express their inner world. For them, religious activities are one of the ways to express themselves as an individual. Thus, they are not afraid to speak their minds about their beliefs or their religion publicly. They respect religious differences and they recognize the balance between outwardly speaking about their individual beliefs and still maintaining harmony within the society. Religious belief often becomes the source of inspiration for these Artists’ creations. Artists prefer to work by themselves as they view individuality as part of their freedom of expression. They believe that by creating something individually, they will express their own voice more authentically and create a sense of ‘Gue banget, nih!’ Thus, others will have the tendency of recognizing The Artist as someone who has a unique point of view that stands out among the crowd. For Artists, the ability to express themselves to the fullest is paramount. Thus, they will take risks and go outside of their comfort zones in order to fully channel their creativity. They will try new things to challenge themselves artistically, such as doing pottery, trying to do hand lettering, or even doing ‘mbatik’. Artists are one of the millennial types that are prone to take risks, including changing their career paths. According to our research, the ideal length of working period in one company for millennials was only 2–3 years. The Artists, like most millennials, frequently change jobs but will definitely stay in a company which offers them a great opportunity to grow in terms of self- development as millennials are keen to learn new things. Although Artists tend to have a strong willingness to be themselves, they are not ignorant towards their own community. The Artists express themselves freely, but they are highly ethical and have a firm principal of what’s considered as right or wrong within society. Artists highly value ‘tata krama’ as it propels harmony within their society and view it as beautiful. Artists also show strong enthusiasm towards local arts that depicts moral values, such as wayang, the story of Ramayana, or kain batik. The Desired Length of Staying in a Company (%) Image 3.2 The Desired Length of Staying in A Company for Millennials 3,9% 35,1% <1 years 2-3 years 4-5 years 6-8 years 9-10 years >10 years 27,1% 11,9% 8,9% 13,1% <1 years 2-3 years 4-5 years 6-8 years 9-10 years >10 years
  • 19. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 3: The Artist 25 26 Artists will get married when they have found ‘the one’ who can accept who they truly are as a person. Although Artists like to keep their feelings to themselves, their feelings actually run deep and strong. Thus, being able to have constant heart-to-heart open discussions about feelings with their partner is an important aspect for The Artists in romantic relationships. It is also vital for Artists to set expectations early on in the relationship as they want everything to be clear before they commit to a serious relationship. Artists value their partner’s point of view in everything as they accept people as they truly are. As a student, The Artists pursue what’s interesting for them and will study that particular topic passionately. They want to be appreciated for creating their own artwork that might be different from the initial task that the teacher has instructed. Thus, The Artists are unique students who also will share their unique points of view in front of the class. Although they don’t always like to be the center of attention, they have a strong desire to express themselves to others. Family Life & Education Artists are the most authentic person in their family Artists want to be accepted as they are. In a family setting, they like to be appreciated for their independence and autonomy. Although they value individuality and will voice their opinion, they foster deep emotional connection with their siblings or parents. 61% of Artists are the decision-makers in their family as they like to be involved in deciding family’s future plans. As Artists are equipped with strong aesthetic understanding, they become the go-to person to consult with when a family member wants to repaint the walls, change the furniture, or redesign the layout of the living room. Thus, their strong aesthetic sense makes their opinions are being truly considered within the family. 61% Image 3.3 Artists as A Decision-Maker in The Family of them are decision makers in their family when making decisions for various household needs 22% 7% 69% 2% Marriage Status Single Married, No Child Married, Child Others Image 3.4 Marriage Status of The Artists Artists are ‘gifted’ students Artists as democratic parents When it comes to parenting, Artists will give their children the freedom to be who they want to become. They will give the children the opportunity to do whatever they want, as long as they will be responsible for the choices that their children choose. Relaxed, open-minded and flexible, Artists expect their children will use their freedom wisely and encourages them to explore and experience new things. Among the other millennial types, The Artists are found to be the second-highest type that is mostly married with children. My role model is my family. My dad is an entrepreneur, my mom loves art, and my siblings love to draw and write. I am the byproduct of the intersection of my family’s love of art, skill to draw & write, and spirit of entrepreneurship.” Marchella FP (The Author and Founder of Generasi 90an, NKCTHI, and KTBB), based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019) Career Paths & Workplace Habits Creativity is the most important thing The artist’s ‘Teng-go’, and unique way of working The Artists have their own ways to express themselves. Thus, they will tend to choose jobs that allow them to be themselves or give them freedom to pursue their passion. For them, a problem can be solved in many ways and they believe that their ideas can contribute towards the success of the company that they work in. Artists are found to be the highest millennials’ type that has the occupation as housewives (43%) compared to other types as they believe that they can express themselves more outside of the corporate setting. If The Artists do not work in a corporate setting, they will mostly be found in their own design studio, working as a freelance writer, or in front of an empty canvas that is ready to be painted. As a colleague, The Artist tends to be quiet and reserved as they usually need their own physical space. Recognizing The Artist’s unique perspective and gifts can lead to extraordinary results for the company. They don’t like strict rules, fixed guidelines, and formal agreements as these factors create boredom and stifle Artists as they will be constrained to explore themselves freely. Thus, they are the ‘Teng-go’ employees as when the clock hits 5 PM, they will immediately leave the office as they usually have creative things to do after office hours at home. Image 3.5 Occupation of Artists Occupation of The Artist White Collar Blue Collar 21% 14% 3% 43% 5% 15% Entrepereneur Student Housewives Others Television Media Consumption Artists continually seek inspiration 97% 22% 76% 22% 27% 0% 25% 1% Daily Newspaper News Portal Digital Newspaper Online Video Radio Cinema Magazine Image 3 .6 Media Consumption for The Artists The Artists tend to be drawn to content that stimulates their thinking and imagination. Either from watching TV (97%), online videos (76%), or reading news from the daily newspaper (27%) or news portal (22%), they tend to spend time gaining understanding on a certain topic in order for them to create and formulate their own unique opinions. They are also looking for inspiration from the content that they consume. They will also be interested in visually well-designed posters or content as they are drawn to images that possess a high aesthetic value. Interestingly, The Artists’ creativity makes them rank highest among the Millennial types on consumption of online video. They view online videos frequently as videos have become a source of creative inspiration. The Artists also like to watch video advertising as it sparks new ideas for them.
  • 20. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 3: The Artist 27 28 Internet and Online Behaviors Artists find inspiration everywhere, especially n the internet Artists are the third-highest users of the internet, after The Adventurer and The Visionary. They are heavy users of Mobile Data as they do not only gather information from text, but prefer more visual forms of data such as images and videos. Visual contents are highly interesting for them to gain insight and inspiration. When Artists are highly curious about a certain topic, they will dive deep in research until they feel satisfied with the knowledge that they have gained. Often, this learning process and new insight fuel them creatively to create something new elevated with their limitless imagination. The Artists use the internet mostly for social networking (88%) as they also like to gain inspiration from their friends and from the highly aesthetic feeds of Instagram influencers. Artists spend around 3.4 hours per day when they use the internet and on average, they spend Rp 101.000,- for internet usage in a month. Image 3.7 The Artist’s Internet Consumption and Monthly Spending for The Internet 85% Internet Consumption Monthly Spending For Internet Yes Rp 49.501 - Rp 125.000 More than Rp 125.000 Free - Rp 49.500 No 71% 16% 13% Top 10 Internet General Usage 88% 75% 61% 46% 45% 36% 33% 32% 29% 22% General Surfing Social Networking Download Software/Files Listen to Music Product Review Internet Phone Call Access Local News Online Shopping Access Intl News Play Games Image 3.8 The Artist’s Top 10 Internet General Usage I always create my artworks based on my own experiences. Other than that, I always seek inspiration from seeing the success stories of many musicians from Indonesia and internationally. I think it’s important to know and learn from their process so we can reverse engineer and apply it in our life. That’s why I always enjoy the process of creation.” Sivia Azizah (Singer), based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019) I always get inspiration from observing things that happen around me. From the movies that I watched, songs that I heard, until random conversation with strangers that I encountered. For me, inspiration is all around us and all we have to do is just to feel it. But, it’s also important to take a rest. When I’m stuck and can’t get any ideas, I will give myself some time to take a rest and do other things, such as watching movies, reading books, or just taking a good nap. Then, when I feel a lot better, I will start to create my artwork slowly.” Naela Ali (Author and Illustrator), based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019) Artists and their need to reach sources of inspiration at arm’s length The Artist is the highest millennial type that access the internet through their smartphones (94%) among the other millennial types who use other gadgets, such as laptops, tablets, or computers. As finding inspiration is one of The Artist’s basic needs, they will make sure that they can access a multitude of information on their hands at any time. This is in line with the finding that elaborates on why the Artists’ Mobile Data spending ranks the highest among other millennial types. Entertainment, Hobby & Recreation Artists are flexible and relaxed Artists spend a lot of time engaging in various different activities. They believe that a wide variety of activities will further stimulate their minds and gain fresh insights. Artists also carry out assorted activities just to wind down, chill, and relax. They like to just lay down and listen to music, particularly to song lyrics to find the meaning behind them. Artists know how to relax and use their time to enjoy life which is essential to gain creative inspiration. Artists prefer the activities that actively engage their different senses such as watching TV (57%), surfing the internet (52%), listening to music (47%), doing sports (38%), and cooking (31%). For Artists, it is important to immerse themselves in activities that would be able to invigorate all their senses in order for them to be truly energized and gain fresh ideas that will positively influence their work. Hobby Watching TV Sport- Team Sport - Individual38% 3% 47% 4% 31% 21% 52% 5% 3%57% Music Travelling Cooking Window Shopping Surfing Internet Playing Games Reading Image 3.9 The Artist’s Hobby
  • 21. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 3: The Artist 29 30 Consumption & Shopping Behaviors Artists enjoy window shopping aesthetically-pleasing products The Artists prefer visual experiences and purely enjoy viewing items that are rarely well-designed. Hence, they really enjoy window shopping. Artists want to keep up with trends and want to view aesthetically pleasing products directly in front of their eyes. When it comes to choosing a store to shop at, its strategic location is the most important thing for The Artists to consider (84%). As they are also up-to-date with current trends, they also prefer to visit a single store with access to a complete set of products (67%). When it comes to online shopping, Artists prefer to choose the Cash On Delivery payment method as they value guaranteed and practical shopping experience. As they engage in various activities, they are also active in using ojek online to go to different places. Artists don’t buy products, they buy stories Artists like to find meaning and inspiration in anything that they buy. So, the story of the products matters. The Artists buy products because of its functionality and the story behind it. This is in line with why Artists love to watch online videos, as they constantly seek interesting stories. Once they fall in love with the story of a product, they will consider buying it. Other than a product’s story, Artists also buy something which is practical and functional. They will prioritize buying products which they really need at the moment and items that they will be able to use often. Artists do not view product brands as an influencing factor that will determine their purchase decision. Consumption & Shopping Behaviors Strategic Location Products Stock Modern and Cozy67% 20% 53% 19% 47% 19% 27% 16% 23%54% Complete Product In One Place Effective Display Products Product Variety Spacious Parking Space Price is Cheaper Good Customer ServiceGood and Interesting Promo Image 3.10 The Artist’s Consumption and Shopping Behaviors • “Actually, to be honest the less visible the brand is the better it is for me. I think it is too much of a show-off when a brand is very visible” • “I prefer for a good quality product that looks well-made without the price of those expensive brands” • “I don’t need too many things in my daily life, so I prioritize thing that I actually can use everyday and has many useful functions for me” • “A smartphone is the ultimate utility tool for me, but even then there are brands of smartphone that is more focused of productivity and I think those are better products overall” • “What the brand is does not really matter.. but it has to matter to me. What I did when I found that product, what I used that product for, you know, things like that. It makes the stoy matter” • “It’s kind of sentimental, so I can’t put a price on it, the value means so much more to me personally”. Priceless Story Practical Brand-less Image 3.11 The Artist’s Attraction Towards Brands Attraction Towards Brands Most Relevant Factors in Determining Brand Relevance Political Views Artists’ unique political views Artists value freedom of expression, including in the political arena. They have unique opinions about politics and they express it freely in public or via social media. Thus, they are one of the millennial types who are actively and publicly engaged in political matters. Artists will be brave enough to give their unique opinions about the news which is related to the current political state. They will also keep themselves updated with current political news as it makes them constantly aware of what is happening in their surroundings. What matters for them is the freedom of expression to give their unique point of view about all types of subjects, including sensitive matters concerning politics. • Ensure understanding of current political news and events • Able to clearly express their own thoughts and opinions about the matter at hand • Express their opinion in public platform • Attempt at communicating a unique and personal perspective on the political matters and news taht affects them Public Disengagement Private Disengagement Passive Private Engagement Public Engagement Politically Disengaged Politically Engaged Image 3.12 The Artist’s Political Engagement
  • 22. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 4: The Leader 31 32 MillennialType4
  • 23. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 4: The Leader 33 34 The Leader Who Are They? Charismatic, goal-oriented, and have strong leadership skills. Leaders embrace the values of honesty, dedication and dignity where they happily lead the way on difficult paths - the embodiment of ‘berakit rakit ke hulu berenang renang ke tepian, bersakit sakit dahulu, bersenang senang kemudian’. They are able to see the bigger picture, while maintaining attention to details, which makes them suitable to be in managerial positions or become entrepreneurs. Leaders are caring and discipline parents to their children. As consumers, Leaders buy products that promote wellness (emotional), provide information (functional), and offer entertainment (emotional). We identified that there are 7% of millennials with The Leader type in Indonesia, with equal proportions within gender (50% male and 50% female) and also within age (50% junior and 50% senior millennials). In line with their affinity towards maximizing resources, Leaders are skilled in bringing the best out of others by recognizing other people’s talents and placing them in positions where they can thrive — an essential component behind building a great team to achieve success. This is why leaders often gravitate towards collaborative and management roles where they are able to utilize this talent to create impact in the organization that they belong to. Image 4.1 Demographics of The Leaders Male Female 21-28 years 29-36 years “A boss has the title, a leader has the people.” - Simon Sinek Millennial Type 4 50% 50%50% 50% Religions, Values, & Traditions Leaders engage in their religious activities privately Leaders, ‘Kerja Bakti’, and their disciplined approach The organized and helpful towards others who seek help Leaders reach happiness from achieving success in work Leaders actively engage in religious activities and keep themselves updated with the latest news and activities among their religious community. They follow news related to their religion to formulate their opinion and maintain their stance on particular issues, which they choose to keep private. This is because they do not want their personal lives to influence the way others see them as a leader in a professional setting. Leaders tend to be the people who initiate ‘kerja bakti’ or community service events such as cleaning up the neighborhood over the weekends. They like to inspire others with their disciplined approach and believe that everything can be done if only everyone is highly committed to do it. When it comes to their own job, they will eagerly learn new skills because they believe that any kind of skill can be mastered through perseverance. Thus, Leaders are always admired by others for their achievements of attaining success through their self-disciplined approach. Leaders also become role models for others who need motivation to reach their personal goals and achieve success. There are some myths about millennials behaviors in their workplaces and many people have said that most millennials offer their bare minimum but expect maximum returns. However, the numbers beg to differ. According to The Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) survey, 41.79% of Indonesian millennials work 45–59 hours in a week, clocking more hours than the average working hours in Australia (33.6 hours per week). As a person who is disciplined, Leaders are usually well- organized in planning their daily activities. They will deliberately spend time on activities that will help them progress towards achieving their personal goals. However, they will also allocate time to spend with friends or colleagues who seek their guidance in terms of personal or professional development. For Leaders, achieving their own goals are important, but helping others is equally as vital. Earned, not given, Leaders believe in this mantra and they take their career seriously. They are focused on self- development and will do almost anything to advance in their career. They are the typical initiators in a group discussion. Some people find them aggressive, but most people are glad to have them on a team setting due to their self-starterness. Indonesian Milennials Working Hours Per Week Image 4.2 Indonesian Millennials Working Hours per Week 45-49 hours 35-44 hours 60+ hours 25-34 hours 15-24 hours 1-9 hours 41,8% 31,1% 8% 6% 1,1% 10,5% This data was based on millennials in urban anda rural areas who were working as an employee, casual worker in agriculture, and casual worker in non agriculture
  • 24. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 4: The Leader 35 36 Family Life & Education Leaders are the golden child in their families Leaders on choosing a life partner: ‘Bibit, Bebet, Bobot’ Leaders are overachieving student Leaders as parents: ‘Bibit, Bebet, Bobot’ As Leaders work hard to achieve success, they usually are regarded as The Golden Child within their family as they tend to always study, attain high academic grades and gain promotions in their workplace. At the dinner table, Leaders like to talk about their long-term goals with their parents or siblings. They are also highly practical individuals and help their family members to find effective solutions to any problems that may arise. For Leaders, they believe that choosing the right life partner is core towards achieving life success. Thus, when it comes to choosing a life partner, they will carefully consider that particular person on all aspects. They have a mental checklist of criteria that the spouse must fulfill before Leaders are ready to commit further. These criteria are known as ‘bibit, bebet, bobot,’ which cover from family background, education, personal value, physical appearance, manner, religion, and worldview. Leaders are also not into temporary commitments, so if they feel that their relationship is heading towards a dead-end, they will cut it immediately and move on. As shown in the diagram, Leaders are the second highest category to still be single. In the education setting, Leaders most likely occupy the top 5% of the class. Besides being great academically, Leaders are also active in school organization. From ‘OSIS - Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah’ to ‘BEM - Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa’, they will join or lead the most influential organization in school or campus. They enjoy negotiating and leading projects in the organization. Leaders and Visionaries are compatible partners in education and organization setting as they complement each other from bouncing ideas, motivating each other, until executing project together. Similar to Leaders’ approach on finding a life partner, they apply the same ‘bibit, bebet, bobot’ concept on their role as a parent. They put emphasis on their children’s education, manner, and value. They usually put their children into a lot of extracurricular courses such as music lessons, Kumon, and Quran recitation. In a nutshell, they want to see their children to be a better person than their parents. 45% Image 4.3 Leaders as A Decision-Maker in The Family of them are decision makers in their family when making decisions for various household needs 30% 6% 63% 2% Marriage Status Single Married, No Child Married, Child Others Image 4.4 Marriage Status of The Leaders Career Paths & Workplace Habits Leaders enjoy coming up with solutions to overcome great challenges Leaders are most likely to work as white collar workers compared to the other 6 types of millennials. They excel in a structured work setting and can navigate well in their career. They typically grow from an over achieving entry- level associate to a great people manager. They enjoyed the challenges thrown to them from their superior, and took them as a career stepping stone. Leaders tend to progress as director or vice-presidents in their organization, and some of them might become entrepreneurs. Image 4.5 Occupation of Leaders Occupation of The Leaders White Collar Blue Collar 22% 13% 4% 28% 8% 26% Entrepereneur Student Housewives Others When you’re a small team, it’s very easy to show this is the direction we’re all heading towards, everyone knows what part they’re going to play. And everyone’s excited because they know what the purpose is, so everyone is aligned and everyone’s engaged with the purpose. As the company scaled, that’s no longer true, so I think the standard that we have to set as a leader in terms of what we say and what we do has to be a lot higher because not everyone will get why you are saying something or be okay necessarily if you drop something. These things are very important to generate and I think, as a leader, that ability to do that at scale is really kind of something that I’ve learned fairly recently.” Kevin Aluwi (Co-Founder of GO-JEK), based on “Lead at Scale” on YouTube (2019) Family members also turn to these Leader types to ask for advice when a sibling is choosing a major to pursue in university or when a parent is considering what to do upon retirement. This is in line with the finding of 45% of Leaders being decision-makers in their family. Leaders are the ones who motivate their family members to set long-term goals and also develop the action plan,.
  • 25. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 4: The Leader 37 38 Before I speak my ideas out loud, I always check the facts and truth behind it. Don’t be afraid to speak up and let your voice be heard. Who knows that it can inspire other people to do great things with a positive impact. On the other hand, don’t be too close-minded on your own ideas, because it is also important to listen to other people’s ideas which might improve our own ideas.” Jovial Da Lopez (Content Creator), based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019) Television Media Consumption Leaders watch TV to release stress 92% 13% 44% 19% 27% 2% 26% 1% Daily Newspaper News Portal Digital Newspaper Online Video Radio Cinema Magazine Image 4 .6 Media Consumption for The Leaders 92% of Leaders claim to watch TV daily, and they typically have their TV on in their living room and in their office. For daily news, they claim to get it from digital media and social media. 27% of them read the daily newspaper that the family or the office subscribed to. They use YouTube both for learning purposes and entertainment purposes. 19% of Leaders watch movies in cinemas at least once a year. My tips on how to be brave to speak out your ideas and opinions are: 1) Remembering that our country has given us the freedom to give opinions, so we’re being protected by the law, 2) Setting the right mindset, as long as we’re on the right path and what we tell is the truth, don’t be afraid, and 3) We are all the same, we are all humans anyway, so it’s okay to give ideas and opinions.” M. Atiatul Muqtadir (College Student, Presma BEM KM UGM 2019), based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019) Internet & Online Behaviors Leaders spend time on the internet to be productive Leaders use the internet to pursue their professional career, find entertainment, and maintain social relationships. Their desire to keep in touch with friends, colleagues or business partners is the reason behind why they use social media the most (82%) compared to other online activities. Additionally, they also use the internet heavily to do general surfing (77%). Leaders spend around 3.4 hours per day to use the internet and on average, they spend Rp 94.000,- for their internet usage in a month. Image 4.7 The Leader’s Internet Consumption and Monthly Spending for The Internet 81% Internet Consumption Monthly Spending For Internet Yes Rp 49.501 - Rp 125.000 More than Rp 125.000 Free - Rp 49.500 No 63% 13% 23% Leaders and their affinity to self- development apps Leaders like to use the internet to support their self- development. On their phone, you can find apps such as Pomodoro timer app, Calm (meditation app), and personal finance app. On their commute, they like to listen to podcasts through Spotify and Joox or watch videos on YouTube. Top 10 Internet General Usage 82% 77% 50% 37% 33% 28% 26% 24% 24% 23% General Surfing Social Networking Download Software/Files Listen to Music Product Review Internet Phone Call Access Local News Online Shopping Electronic Mail Play Games Image 4.8 The Leader’s Top 10 Internet General Usage Leaders as ‘The Meeting Marathoners’ In a corporate setting, Leaders are most likely found to conduct several meetings within a day because they believe meetings are the most effective way to align their team’s actions. Their typical work schedule is individual work from morning until noon, and then back to back meetings from afternoon until evening. They won their team’s respect through working hard and working smart. They always apply framework and concept to a business problem that they are working on.
  • 26. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 4: The Leader 39 40 Entertainment, Hobby & Recreation Leaders engage in their hobbies during leisure time to regain energy for work Leaders use their leisure time to do their hobbies. They prefer to do team sports (34%), watch TV (21%) and surf the internet (15%). For them, resting and doing their hobbies are core towards maintaining productivity in their work. They see leisure as a way to balance their life, while still focusing their primary efforts to achieve professional success. Hobby Watching TV Sport- Team Sport - Individual34% 14% 9% 15% 8% 11% 3% 3% 7%21% Music Travelling Cooking Window Shopping Surfing Internet Playing Games Reading Image 4.9 The Leader’s Hobby 30% 29% 28% 23% 40% Consumption & Shopping Behaviors Leaders are straightforward consumers Leaders buy products that promote wellness (emotional), provide information (functional), and offer entertainment (emotional). They are not easily tempted by discounts, and only buy things when they need it. 72% prefer to buy things from stores that have strategic location and 61% prefer to buy for the product variety. Leaders often do research before buying big purchases. Also, they appreciate shopping experience as much as the product itself. Therefore, they tend to be loyal to a few retailers and e-commerce that they have good past shopping experience with. Consumption & Shopping Behaviors Strategic Location Products Stock Modern and Cozy 61% 56% 49% 48% 72% Complete Product In One Place Effective Cashier Product Variety Price is Cheaper Good Customer ServiceGood Customer Service Good and Interesting Promo Image 4.10 The Leader’s Consumption and Shopping Behaviors Leaders don’t buy products, they buy credibility Leaders put into consideration from function, design, price, and brand. Leaders believe in the specialist brand such as Jamu for masuk angin or milk for illness prevention and cosmetic with halal certifications. Leaders are also the types of shoppers who seek comfort when using a product. They will consider the user experience when they use an app, how their shoes feel lighter when they use it to run, or how a particular e-commerce provides a seamless shopping experience. • “I think this is very subjective, but I am quite attracted to brands that seemed to understand my busy lifestyle. You know what I mean? Like it shows that it understands our current hectic daily life” • Lifestyle brands are really good at this, they show that they are cool and active, specifically made for today’s young people” • “It’s the little things that matters, like; an app design with simpler steps to follow, running shoes that are lighter because of the materials used, a car with fully adjustable steering wheels, etc - it’s the little details that elevates an experience” • “There’s no excuse for cutting corners anymore, but I don’t think all brands are like that - you see it in the final product” • “ I love looking at the stories of brands or products. I appreciate a brand that stands for something, that is bold enough to say that they are the best at what they do” • “There are brands that just sells ‘the brand. I don’t like that. There are brands that launches products that has nothing to do with its history, it just tells me right away that you just want money” Specialist Modern Refinement Dynamic Lifestyle Image 4.11 The Leader’s Attraction Towards Brands Political Views Leaders: “As Long As I Know What’s Going On, It’s Enough” Leaders tend to be tight-lipped when it comes to politics. They are very updated about current political news, but do not share their personal views publicly. Leaders keep their personal lives private, including their opinions on political news. They do not want their political opinion to change the perception • Follows news about political current events • Ensure to participate in mandatory political events -> i.e. voting • Make time to discuss political opinions if others are asking for it • Try to formulate own opinion on major political issues to ensure political choices are rationalized Public Disengagement Private Disengagement Passive Private Engagement Public Engagement Politically Disengaged Politically Engaged Image 4.12 The Leader’s Political Engagement of others towards them and influence their ability to lead an organization or company. Despite that, they always participate in using their vote from until the national election. Attraction Towards Brands Most Relevant Factors in Determining Brand Relevance
  • 27. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Executive Summary 41 42 MillennialType5
  • 28. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 5: The Socializer 43 44 The Socializer Who Are They? 14% of millennials identify themselves as The Socializer. They are fun, outgoing, and conversation-starters. No other type is as generous with their time and energy as Socializers when it comes to encouraging others, and no other personality type does it with such irresistible style. They take social activities, such as nongkrong, arisan, maen bareng, and social gathering, very seriously and put them on a high priority, the embodiment of ‘mangan ora mangan sing penting ngumpul’. Socializers have great project management skills and work best in a company with clear hierarchies and boundaries. They are on top of the news because they consider it as useful conversation-starters. Socializers often hide their true opinions on religion and politics, and tend to agree with other people’s view in order to fit in the groupthink. Socializers gravitate toward products that offer reward (emotional), create nostalgia (emotional), or project social image (social). 55% of them identify themselves as senior millennials and 53% of them are female. Image 5.1 Demographics of The Socializer Male Female 21-28 years 29-36 years “Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” - Albert Camus Millennial Type 5 53% 55%45% 47% Religions, Values, & Traditions Maintaining harmony within their communities is important for socializers Socializers: “Yes, You Can Sit With Us!” Socializers, ‘Arisan’, and their desire to build intimacy with others ‘Mangan Ora Mangan Sing Penting Kumpul’ Socializers practice their religion and appreciate religious differences among their peers. They rarely speak out on sensitive matters to avoid confrontation and to maintain harmony. However, in a homogenous setting, they are very outspoken especially in activities that promote cohesiveness of the community. Socializers are tolerant and very open in welcoming new people in their community. They are extroverts who love to do social gatherings and community engagement activities such as nongkrong and maen bareng. They are drawn into current trends and lifestyles which makes them approachable as anyone can talk about anything with them without the fear of being judged. It’s easy for Socializers to be liked as they always spread kindness and positive vibes, wherever they go. Specifically on tolerance, they make friends with people from diverse personal backgrounds (28%), talk about the importance of tolerance with others (22%), and read some contents about tolerance frequently (21%). Socializers will be the ones who initiate their group of friends to do ‘arisan’ which is a social gathering in a form of rotating savings. Their personal goal is to foster a long- lasting sense of togetherness and intimacy. They have a strong desire to build a deep and meaningful relationship with others. Socializers are the ones who will create a new family group chat on WhatsApp or follow other people on Instagram once they meet them in a new social setting as they are proactive in ensuring communication with others. Socializers embody ‘mangan ora mangan sing penting kumpul’ mentality which translates to - it doesn’t matter if we are feasting or not, the most important thing is we are here together. Socializers maintain a strong sense of social empowerment and they love to create close bonds among family and friends. Millennial’s Tolerant Behaviors Image 5.2 Millennial’s Tolerant Behaviors 28% 22% Maintaining friendships with people from diverse personal backgrounds Discussing the importance of tolerance with friends and colleagues 21% 13% Reading some contents about tolerance Comparing the level of tolerance in each country 8%8% Creating events related to tolerance Joining some events related to tolerance
  • 29. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 5: The Socializer 45 46 Family Life & Education “I’m Only One Call Away” Socializers are usually on their families and friends’ speed dial. They are known to stand by and provide constant emotional support and encouragement. 47% of them are the decision-makers in the family and they are very updated with the trends - from meme, to news, to fashion. Their family members often consult them on restaurant to go to or dress to wear to. Socializers are popular among their peer group and often considered “Gak ada lo, gak rame!” which translates to there will be no fun without you. Socializers as the popular kid in school In a school setting, Socializers are known for their popularity. Their friendliness and warmness charm their peers. They are very active in kerja kelompok and are always very participative - even though they might not be the most contributing. 47% Image 5.3 Socializers as A Decision-Maker in The Family of them are decision makers in their family when making decisions for various household needs 20% 7% 71% 3% Marriage Status Single Married, No Child Married, Child Others Image 5.4 Marriage Status of The Socializers The ‘Bucin’ socializers When it comes to parenthood and marriage, Socializers are the ‘lovey dovey’ or ‘budak cinta’ type of person who practice romanticism. They will show their warmth and love to their life partner through cooking, gifting, until surprising. Socializers have the highest number of being married and having children compared to other types of millennials. On parenting, Socializers raised their children with values such as harmony, togetherness, and kindness. Their friends tend to remember their childrens’ names as they often bring the children to social gatherings. Career Paths & Workplace Habits Socializers are known for their great project management skills and excel in companies with clear hierarchies ‘Musyawarah & Mufakat’ 40% of Socializers work as blue collar workers. Among all professions, Socializers tend to have great project management skills and great team players. They play by the rules, and can excel well in companies with predictable job scope and clear hierarchies. They don’t mind working in a monotonous role and doing a repetitive job as they view it important to keep the company going. Whenever Socializers are faced with conflict or group decision making, they use ‘musyawarah dan mufakat’ which translates to consensus and democracy. They make decisions in the best interest of the whole group or common goal, while maintaining harmony in the group. I think there are three things that we need to do to always have positive vibes. First, is to be grateful. Second, is to love and respect ourselves. And third, is to always do positive things, big or small. To give positive vibes to our surroundings is important in helping people with mental health issues. Mental health is important and very dangerous if we are being ignorant towards it.” Omar Daniel (Actor), based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019) Image 5.5 Occupation of Socializers Occupation of The Socializers White Collar Blue Collar 40% 11% 1% 34% 6% 9% Entrepereneur Student Housewives Others
  • 30. Indonesia Millennial Report 2020 Millennial Type 5: The Socializer 47 48 Image 5.7 The Socializer’s Internet Consumption and Monthly Spending for The Internet Television Media Consumption Socializers are always up-to-date with current news and trends 96% 12% 21% 6% 22% 2% 18% 0% Daily Newspaper News Portal Digital Newspaper Online Video Radio Cinema Magazine Image 5 .6 Media Consumption for The Socializers Socializers are naturally drawn to popular or viral trends and consume their media by watching TV (96%) and online video (21%). They keep themselves updated with the current celebrity marriage, memes, and soccer scores, and make them as conversation starters. Internet & Online Behaviors Socializers as the trend seekers Socializers spend the least amount online compared to others with only 2.3 hours per day. They also spend the least amount for internet packages with Rp. 77,000 per month. When they are online they often start on social media, discover interesting topics and continue the search journey on multiple websites. This pattern makes general surfing as their go to activities with 88% and social networking with 61%. 60% Internet Consumption Monthly Spending For Internet Rp 49.501 - Rp 125.000 More than Rp 125.000 Free - Rp 49.500 Yes No 48% 8% 44% Top 10 Internet General Usage 88% 61% 43% 42% 23% 18% 16% 16% 15% 15% General Surfing Social Networking Download Software/Files Listen to Music Product Review Internet Phone Call Access Local News Online Shopping Chatting Play Games Image 5.8 The Socializer’s Top 10 Internet General Usage Socializers as the positive netizen Socializers like to leave positive comments with emojis on their friends’ social media or on YouTube videos. They believe that by doing that, it is showing support and appreciation to the creator. Netizen Nyinyir, which translates to cynical negative Netizen is the antithesis of Socializers. One of the social issues that I’m concerned about is cyberbullying. I think all of us have to always remember that we are all human-beings. All of us have a heart. It’s important to be empathetic to others by imagining ourselves to be in other people’s shoes. So, be kind to others because all of us have a battle that we’re struggling in and everyone has their own stories. Don’t be too responsive after we hear some bad news. We need to check the fact first, see from many different perspectives, and don’t be too judgmental on responding to everything.” Ayla Dimitri (Content Creator) based on an interview with IDN Creator Network (2019) Entertainment, Hobby & Recreation Socializer mothers are ‘Ibu-ibu Arisan’ For Socializers who are always up to the latest trends, watching TV is their main hobby (47%), followed by doing team sports (26%) and cooking (18%). In social settings, Socializers Moms will spearhead activities such as arisan, buka bersama, and parents gathering. Hobby Watching TV Sport- Team Sport - Individual26% 8% 18% 7% 2% 4% 2% 1% 2%47% Music Travelling Cooking Window Shopping Surfing Internet Playing Games Reading Image 5.9 The Socializer’s Hobby