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Imperative Social Networking
Valerie Hill, PhD
TWU School of Library and Information Studies
LISD School Librarian
@valibrarian ALA Ignite 2013 Chicago
#1: The Information Hierarchy has toppled.
Why is social networking
#2: Much of our lives is spent online in participatory
digital culture.
#3: Navigating the flood of information has become
nearly impossible.

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Librarians Utilizing Virtual Reality
Librarians Utilizing Virtual RealityLibrarians Utilizing Virtual Reality
Librarians Utilizing Virtual Reality

This document discusses the potential for using virtual reality in libraries and education. It describes how students have used Minecraft to build a virtual library and learn digital citizenship skills. The document also outlines some of the history of virtual reality technologies, from early viewing devices to their use in virtual worlds like Second Life. Researchers examined over 75 virtual libraries created in Second Life and believe new virtual environments will also be used to create virtual libraries and information spaces. The document promotes trying virtual reality and lists several references on topics like using games to teach design, exploring virtual reality for science learning, and how the Oculus Rift could be used in libraries.

virtual realityhead mounted displayslibrarians
Week 2 Exploring Social Media 2013
Week 2  Exploring Social Media 2013 Week 2  Exploring Social Media 2013
Week 2 Exploring Social Media 2013

The document discusses the impacts of social media and technology on society. It notes that while technology provides access to information and allows for participation, it may also negatively impact focus, learning, and relationships. Deep reading and thinking are replaced with cursory consumption of many links and distractions. Social media also raises questions around privacy, addiction, and the authenticity of online relationships. Critical thinking is important to understand technology's influence and how people actively construct their social worlds through media instead of just passively receiving messages.

Week3exploringsocialmedia 2014 rev poll
Week3exploringsocialmedia 2014 rev pollWeek3exploringsocialmedia 2014 rev poll
Week3exploringsocialmedia 2014 rev poll

This document discusses the impact of social media and technology on society. It explores how television and social media differ as passive versus active media. It raises questions about the authenticity of online relationships and how social media may influence behaviors like smoking, drinking and happiness. Concerns addressed include attention span, critical thinking, privacy and addiction. The importance of developing healthy skepticism and viewing media through an ethnographic lens that considers social contexts is emphasized.

Throw (or grab) a digital
life-preserver ring.
Build a PLN-
Learning Network
Ways to build
your PLN
Sound like a balancing act?
It is----Being both follower and leader...both holding
on to core values of the profession and letting go of
“how things have always been done”
Current PLN tools
Follow & Lead
Create, Share, & Learn Curate & Build
Join & Credit

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you + me + social media = we

Lisa Carlucci Thomas gave a guest lecture on social networking in libraries at Syracuse University on July 29, 2011. She discussed how social media allows mobile workers and communities to stay connected. She also highlighted 7 habits that can help people take advantage of opportunities, such as paying attention, thinking of your work as important, and imagining opportunities everywhere. Additionally, she provided examples of how social media can be used for community participation, reaching audiences, and fostering innovation.

socialsocial networkinglibraries
Dynamic Duos, Innovative Teams
Dynamic Duos, Innovative TeamsDynamic Duos, Innovative Teams
Dynamic Duos, Innovative Teams

This document discusses the concept of "dynamic duos" and how they can foster innovation. It defines dynamic duos as pairs of individuals or entities that are energetic, active, and constantly changing and developing. The document examines different types of duos, including service duos where one partner provides expertise to another, collaborative duos where both partners contribute equally, and mentor/mentee relationships. It also discusses how small, close-knit duos can expand into larger networks that facilitate the spread of new ideas on both micro and macro levels. The key point is that duos, when dynamic and connected to broader networks, have the potential to be far more innovative than individuals working alone.

duosteamssocial networks
mLearning: Mobile Devices As Research, Communication, and Teaching Tools
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mLearning: Mobile Devices As Research, Communication, and Teaching Tools

This document discusses the potential of mobile devices as tools for research, communication, and teaching. It contrasts Web 1.0, which was top-down and centralized, with Web 2.0, which is more decentralized and allows for collaboration. Mobile devices are changing how people access and share information, and how they learn. Examples are given of how smartphones are being used for educational purposes in developing countries and how social media was used to share information about protests in Iran.

mobile learningmlearning
Forget Figuring it Out
The BLUR between professional
and personal online life
Social Media
for Librarianship
Social Media & Professional Growth

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Moving into the Metaverse
Moving into the MetaverseMoving into the Metaverse
Moving into the Metaverse

This document discusses the use of virtual worlds for education. It provides a brief history of virtual worlds and shows their growth in popularity. It then discusses specific ways that educators and librarians are utilizing virtual worlds, such as for professional development, networking, and classroom instruction. Examples are given of virtual libraries and simulations that have been created for educational purposes. Overall trends in the use of virtual worlds in education are presented.

virtual worldsmetaverse
VWBPE 2012 The Past, Present, & Future of VW pt1
VWBPE 2012 The Past, Present, & Future of VW pt1VWBPE 2012 The Past, Present, & Future of VW pt1
VWBPE 2012 The Past, Present, & Future of VW pt1

The document summarizes the past, present, and future of virtual world education based on presentations given at the 2012 Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education conference. It highlights four graduating classes from the University of Washington Certificate in Virtual Worlds program between 2009-2012. It then discusses the transition of libraries from physical spaces to virtual spaces and learning commons, how internet users now expect all information to be online, and the need to develop skills in digital citizenship, transliteracy, and navigating an online environment described as "a book made of sand." The document advocates that libraries remain important spaces, whether physical, virtual, or augmented, to support learners in finding needed resources.

Open Spaces, Open Data, Open Access: Transforming Today's Libraries
Open Spaces, Open Data, Open Access: Transforming Today's LibrariesOpen Spaces, Open Data, Open Access: Transforming Today's Libraries
Open Spaces, Open Data, Open Access: Transforming Today's Libraries

This document discusses how libraries can transform by embracing open spaces, open data, and open access. It introduces these "open" themes and how they relate to perceptions, expectations, value, programs, services and collections. Examples are provided of libraries creating open spaces through creative programming. The importance of open data is discussed through examples like making regional data freely available. Finally, the concept of open access is covered in regards to evolving library collections and barriers presented by technologies. The document advocates for a transformative culture in libraries based on learning and outlines entrepreneurial methods libraries can use.

open dataentrepreneurshipopen access
Social Media & Personal Life
Consider the audience when sharing.
Participatory culture contributes to
the flood of information online. We
are both consumers and producers
Are you willing to makes some changes?
Serving Patrons
wherever they are
School Library Example
• Embedding the library
through social
• Information literacy
skills 21st Century
• Embracing Web 2.0 &
• Content evaluation &
• Mobile apps
Virtual Library Example
• Embedding library
services in virtual
• International
information literacy
• Embracing Web 3.0
• Global spaces,
virtual worlds
(Skype, Minecraft,
& MOOCs)
“What we’re trying to do is have the library be wherever you are.” Nancy Roderer,
John Hopkins Welch Medical Library

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Libraries need to focus on community relevance in a time of digital disruption. To transform, libraries must understand community values and share stories that demonstrate their value through cultural context and meaning. By activating community networks through shared stories on social media, libraries can build trust and become a hub for local culture, small business development, thought leadership and more. Measuring community engagement will show libraries' impact on cultural vibrancy and prosperity.

public libraries
Beyond the Academy—engagement, education, and exchange
Beyond the Academy—engagement, education, and exchangeBeyond the Academy—engagement, education, and exchange
Beyond the Academy—engagement, education, and exchange

This was presented on the introductory workshop strand of the Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School 2016. It introduces the practice and practicalities of public engagement, drawing on personal experience to explore means and methods of widening access to the humanities, to foster dialogue and participation.

digital humanitiesdigital scholarshippublic engagement
Why A Wiki?
Why A Wiki?Why A Wiki?
Why A Wiki?

The document discusses the need for school libraries to shift from a focus on information management and literacy to knowledge construction and understanding. It argues that the key role of school libraries in the 21st century is to make a real difference in student learning by meaning making and constructing knowledge through empowerment, connectivity, engagement and interactivity. The outcome should be evidence of how the library contributes significantly to developing human understanding.

wikibuffy hamilton assignment lbsc642
Web 3.0 & the Rise of a Networked
We all live in virtual worlds, whether or not we have avatars.
Is individual privacy a relic?
Digital citizenship is part of information literacy.
The library and the librarian
are not synonymous.
Take a risk and go where no
librarian has gone before!
“It may be that the great age of libraries is waning, but I am
here to tell you that the great age of librarians is just
beginning. It’s up to you to decide if you want to be a part of
~T. Scott Plutchak
Barlow. A. and R. Leston. (2012). Beyond the Blogosphere: Information and Its
Children. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, LLC.
Carr, N. (2010). The shallows: What the internet is doing to our brains.
New York: W.W. Norton & Co.
Davidson, Cathy N. (2011). Now You See It: How the Brain Science of
Attentioan Will Transform the Way We Live, Work, and Learn. New York:
Gleick, J. (2011). The information: A history, a theory, a flood. Pantheon.
Keen, Andrew. (2012). Digital Vertigo. New York: St. Martin's Press.
Lanier, J. (2011). You are not a gadget. New York: Random House.
Rainie, Lee and Barry Wellman. (2012). Networked: The New Social Operating
System. Cambridge, MASS: MIT Press.
Rheingold, H.(2012). Net Smart: How to Thrive Online. Cambridge, MA: MIT.
Solomon, Laura. (2011). Doing Social Media So It matters: A Librarian's Guide.
Chicago: American Library Association.
Turkle, S. (2011). Alone together: Why we expect more from technology and
less from each other. New York: Basic Books.
Photos from and flickr commons

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2015 10.19.15 - next library - dysart
2015   10.19.15 - next library - dysart2015   10.19.15 - next library - dysart
2015 10.19.15 - next library - dysart

The document summarizes key insights from a presentation about the future of libraries. It discusses how libraries need to adapt to changing needs and technologies by (1) focusing more on personal enrichment and entertainment, knowledge expertise, and community access to technology; (2) embracing their role as social learning institutions; and (3) reconfiguring spaces to serve as community hubs, technology test beds, and advocates for open information.

public libraries
Aspen dialogue ppt slides future of libraries 101915 (1)
Aspen dialogue ppt slides future of libraries 101915 (1)Aspen dialogue ppt slides future of libraries 101915 (1)
Aspen dialogue ppt slides future of libraries 101915 (1)

This document summarizes the key findings and recommendations from a working group convened by the Aspen Institute Dialogue on Public Libraries to develop a shared vision for the future of public libraries. The working group included leaders from libraries, businesses, government, and education. They identified three key roles for public libraries going forward: as a place for community and learning, as a platform to facilitate learning and civic participation, and as focused on building human capital rather than just collections. The document outlines strategies and action steps libraries, policymakers, and community partners can take to ensure libraries remain relevant and sustainable in this new vision, such as aligning with community goals, providing access to content, developing partnerships, and leveraging libraries as community hubs

Professional learning environments2
Professional learning environments2Professional learning environments2
Professional learning environments2

This document discusses personal learning environments (PLEs) and the shift away from formal institution-based learning systems. It argues that PLEs recognize learning as a continual process centered around the individual learner. PLEs provide tools to support self-organized lifelong learning through social networks, blogs, and aggregators, rather than trying to manage learning. They connect the individual's identity and network of connections. While education systems have talked of lifelong learning, few have changed to facilitate it in practice. PLEs may help by developing new pedagogies centered on engagement and conversation rather than formal course materials.

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Valerie Hill
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Twitter for Seniors (or anyone interested)
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Library 2.013 MOOCs and Constructivist Learning
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Imperative Social Networking

  • 1. Imperative Social Networking Valerie Hill, PhD TWU School of Library and Information Studies LISD School Librarian @valibrarian ALA Ignite 2013 Chicago
  • 2. #1: The Information Hierarchy has toppled. Why is social networking IMPERATIVE?
  • 3. #2: Much of our lives is spent online in participatory digital culture.
  • 4. #3: Navigating the flood of information has become nearly impossible.
  • 5. Throw (or grab) a digital life-preserver ring. Build a PLN- Professional Learning Network
  • 7. Sound like a balancing act? It is----Being both follower and leader...both holding on to core values of the profession and letting go of “how things have always been done”
  • 8. Current PLN tools Follow & Lead Create, Share, & Learn Curate & Build Join & Credit
  • 10. The BLUR between professional and personal online life
  • 12. Social Media & Professional Growth
  • 13. Social Media & Personal Life Consider the audience when sharing.
  • 14. Participatory culture contributes to the flood of information online. We are both consumers and producers (prosumers).
  • 15. Are you willing to makes some changes?
  • 16. Serving Patrons wherever they are School Library Example • Embedding the library through social media/webmaster • Information literacy skills 21st Century • Embracing Web 2.0 & user-generated content • Content evaluation & curation • Mobile apps Virtual Library Example • Embedding library services in virtual spaces • International information literacy • Embracing Web 3.0 • Global spaces, virtual worlds (Skype, Minecraft, & MOOCs) “What we’re trying to do is have the library be wherever you are.” Nancy Roderer, John Hopkins Welch Medical Library
  • 17. Web 3.0 & the Rise of a Networked Generation We all live in virtual worlds, whether or not we have avatars.
  • 18. Is individual privacy a relic? Digital citizenship is part of information literacy.
  • 19. The library and the librarian are not synonymous. Take a risk and go where no librarian has gone before! “It may be that the great age of libraries is waning, but I am here to tell you that the great age of librarians is just beginning. It’s up to you to decide if you want to be a part of it.” ~T. Scott Plutchak
  • 20. Bibliography Barlow. A. and R. Leston. (2012). Beyond the Blogosphere: Information and Its Children. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, LLC. Carr, N. (2010). The shallows: What the internet is doing to our brains. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. Davidson, Cathy N. (2011). Now You See It: How the Brain Science of Attentioan Will Transform the Way We Live, Work, and Learn. New York: Viking. Gleick, J. (2011). The information: A history, a theory, a flood. Pantheon. Keen, Andrew. (2012). Digital Vertigo. New York: St. Martin's Press. Lanier, J. (2011). You are not a gadget. New York: Random House. Rainie, Lee and Barry Wellman. (2012). Networked: The New Social Operating System. Cambridge, MASS: MIT Press. Rheingold, H.(2012). Net Smart: How to Thrive Online. Cambridge, MA: MIT. Solomon, Laura. (2011). Doing Social Media So It matters: A Librarian's Guide. Chicago: American Library Association. Turkle, S. (2011). Alone together: Why we expect more from technology and less from each other. New York: Basic Books. Photos from and flickr commons