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Your Life
the Internet
There would be:
• No texting
• No email
• No apps
• No social media
That’s the situation for nearly 2/3 of the world.
Over 4 billion people don’t have
texting, email, social media, online
banking, games, search, etc.
Many of these same people DO have
cell phones, but they only use them
for talking.
Because they
do not have a font
in their language.

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Advantages and disadvantages of internet
Advantages and disadvantages of internetAdvantages and disadvantages of internet
Advantages and disadvantages of internet

The document discusses both the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. It outlines several key advantages, including unlimited communication through platforms like Skype, abundant information and resources available through search engines, easy sharing of information through social media, and online services that allow e-commerce and financial transactions. However, it also notes several disadvantages such as spam emails clogging inboxes, viruses and malware that can harm computers, potential leakage of private information during online transactions, Internet addiction interfering with life, and children's exposure to inappropriate content.

sai sreeram
Advantage and disadvantage of the internet
Advantage and disadvantage of the internetAdvantage and disadvantage of the internet
Advantage and disadvantage of the internet

The document discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using the internet. Some key advantages are that the internet makes communication and information searching much easier, and allows users to interact with people worldwide. However, disadvantages include exposure to inappropriate content like pornography, the enablement of plagiarism, and the risk of internet addiction negatively impacting physical activity and health. Criminals can also misuse personal data obtained online. Overall, the document concludes that internet usage should be balanced to maximize benefits and minimize harm.

Effects of Social Media
Effects of Social MediaEffects of Social Media
Effects of Social Media

Social media refers to interaction among people in virtual communities and networks where they create, share and exchange information and ideas. Popular social media tools include WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest. Some positive effects of social media are that it improves communication and helps businesses advertise at low cost, while also helping youth build relationships and find jobs. However, social media also has negative effects like spreading misinformation, decreasing productivity, enabling cyberbullying and comparison of lives with others, and negatively impacting physical and mental health of users.

social medias
Infrastructure isn’t the problem
Access to the internet exists for most of the world – over 86%. This
access is through mobile phones including:
•69% of people living in Africa
•89% of people living in Asia
•100% of people living in the USA, Europe, Commonwealth of
Independent States, and Arab States*
*Source United Nations Press Release, May 2014
Poverty isn’t the Problem
Samsung, Micromax, Xiaomi, and other device makers in China
and India offer low-price handsets.
Many people can AFFORD the internet, but they don’t USE it.
So, what is the problem?
If over 2/3 of the world
has access to the internet,
why don’t they use it?
The Language Barrier
The main reason over four billion people don’t access the
internet is a lack of compelling content that feels relevant.
hey don t find meanin u content because their nati e
language isn’t found on the internet.
(Not everyone speaks, or can read, English.)

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social media and it's impact to the society
social media and  it's impact to the societysocial media and  it's impact to the society
social media and it's impact to the society

social media and it's impact to the society ● Introduction…. ● What kinds of social media are there? ● Social media and its uses ● Positive impact of social media ● Negative impact of social media ● Conclusion

social mediasociety impacttechnology
Effects of social media on youth
Effects of social media on youthEffects of social media on youth
Effects of social media on youth

This document discusses the effects of social media usage on youth. It begins by defining social media and listing some popular platforms. It then provides statistics on social media platform usage and notes that most youth prefer mobile access. While excessive social media use can negatively impact health, relationships, and productivity through addiction and exposure to cyberbullying or manipulation, it also enables global communication, information sharing, and business opportunities when used in moderation.

effects of social media on youthmass mediamedia effect
Social Media Power : Positive or Negative
Social Media Power : Positive or NegativeSocial Media Power : Positive or Negative
Social Media Power : Positive or Negative

Social media has both positive and negative powers for teenagers and society. Positively, it enhances creativity and learning, provides health information, and empowers political and nonprofit causes. However, it can also negatively influence through cyberbullying, overemphasis on online over real-world interaction, and groups like ISIS using it for radicalization. Both opportunities and risks exist in how social media shapes relationships and buying behaviors. Overall moderation and balance are important to harness its benefits while avoiding potential dangers.

positive impactnegative impactsocial media
ndia has o cia an ua es with about sub- an ua es
China has main an ua es and dia ects
• rica has an ua e ami ieswith o er actua an ua es
The internet is only available
in 36 languages
Mobile device manufacturers are working to support many
more an ua es but they re ha in a di cu t time due to the
alphabet structure of many languages.
Translation Problems
In this agewhere computers can solve almost everything –
theycan’t translate aswellas a native language speaker.
It takes one linguistic expert around one year
to digitally convert a single language into
keyboard fonts.
If this language barrierwere overcome, it could bring six billion
people together.
rans ation i cu ties
Cost ro er an ua e imes that by ust
an ua es mi ion
ime ts di cu t to find trans ators eo e who know both
n ish and esser-known an ua es such as biem in
aant u or in re ian

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Could I live without the Internet?Why? (Why not???)
Could I live without the Internet?Why? (Why not???)Could I live without the Internet?Why? (Why not???)
Could I live without the Internet?Why? (Why not???)

The document discusses the benefits of internet use in several areas of life including education, jobs, government, health care, shopping, and communication. It notes that the internet provides a huge amount of easily accessible information and allows tasks to be completed more efficiently. Some key benefits mentioned are reduced costs, the ability to work remotely, increased educational resources, and easier access to government and health services. Overall, the internet is portrayed as a valuable multi-purpose tool that can be useful in many aspects of life.

Technological advantages
Technological advantagesTechnological advantages
Technological advantages

Technological advances have provided many benefits but also disadvantages. Communication, job creation, and cost effectiveness have improved with technology, but some become addicted to devices and machines replace some jobs. While life was simpler before widespread technology, advances will open new worlds through communication and discovery, though pollution needs addressing. Both advantages and issues with dependence on technology exist, so balance is important.

The Internet’s Impact On Society
The Internet’s Impact On SocietyThe Internet’s Impact On Society
The Internet’s Impact On Society

The Internet has grown rapidly over the past decade and changed global communication through new media like social networks. It has impacted newspapers by decreasing their size and numbers worldwide as people get news online. Libraries have transitioned to virtual environments through digitization of resources, allowing global access but also requiring new strategies for organizing information. While educational technology can expand children's knowledge, it also risks internet addiction negatively impacting teenagers' social skills if overused as a replacement for personal interactions.

Race Against Time
The challenge is to be FIRST to provide a cost-effective
solution that will overcome these obstacles.
Google,Apple, and Facebook – aswellas lesser known
companies – are allracing to be the first to connect theworld.
Language Translation Solution
One company has created a solution.
It has – right now – 2,600 languages with fonts for keyboard input.
This solution could be used – right now – to connect the world.
Dependable Track Record
This solution was actually created back in 1984.
It has been used over and over again with a proven track record.
This solution has been used by large companies and universities
to translate text into various languages.
It has over 50,000 customers.
Linguist’s Software is the Solution
Linguist’s Software is a small company in Edmonds, Washington.
It didn’t start out to change the world.
It began as a way to solve a problem.

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Presentation on cyber safety

Cyber safety involves being aware of risks to personal information and property when using the internet and protecting oneself from computer crime. Cyberbullying is a form of bullying using electronic means such as sending threats through email, spreading rumors online or on social media, and stealing account information. Common online threats include computer viruses, Trojan horses, adware/spyware, worms, and phishing. Viruses can infect other computers and steal data while Trojan horses pretend to be harmless but infect computers. Spyware aims to gather private information without consent. To stay safe online, do not share personal information with strangers and block unknown people.



technologysocial mediatoday's youth
Side Effects of Social Media
Side Effects of Social MediaSide Effects of Social Media
Side Effects of Social Media

The following Presentation contains our survey and analysis, of the use of social media among youth in India and it's side effects

indiayouthside effects
Linguist’s Software Story
Linguist’s Software was started by Philip B. Payne, Ph.D.
Dr. Payne taught New Testament Greek at Cambridge University.
His love of the Bible led him to become a missionary in Japan. He
needed Greek, Hebrew, and Japanese fonts to help him.
There were no fonts available.
Dr. Payne purchased one of the original 128K Macintosh computers.
He also hired one of the first Mac programmers to teach him how
to create fonts.
When MacWorld Magazine heard about Dr. Payne’s work-and
published four columns of Greek, Hebrew, and Japanese text in
their November 1984 issue.
Linguist’s Software, Inc. was born.
Over the next few decades, people requested more and more
language font-sets.
Dr. Payne, along with native speakers from many languages,
created these font sets.
A project to translate the Bible into Japanese turned into
something much more.
It became the world’s greatest source for professional-quality
language fonts for scholars, academics, businesses, and
governments around the world.
Some Customer Comments

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impact of social media on youth
impact of social media on youthimpact of social media on youth
impact of social media on youth

Social media has had both positive and negative impacts on youth. It allows worldwide connectivity and real-time information sharing but can also endanger face-to-face connections. While social media sites foster common interests and free advertising, they also pose risks like cyberbullying, identity theft, and excessive time wasted online. The first social media site, called a computerized bulletin board system, was created in 1978 by computer hobbyists Ward Christensen and Randy Suess to share information with friends.

Social media dangers
Social media dangersSocial media dangers
Social media dangers

This document discusses the dangers of social media use, particularly for teenagers. It begins by providing background on social media and its prevalence. It then outlines some potential benefits but also many risks, including exposure to inappropriate content, risky behaviors due to poor judgment, cyberbullying, interacting with strangers, erosion of privacy, distorted perceptions of relationships, lack of sleep, wasting time, exposure to toxic online cultures, and various long-term psychological risks like depression, decreased empathy, underdeveloped social skills, inability to focus, and low frustration tolerance. It concludes by providing tips for parents to help navigate these risks, such as understanding triggers for overuse and setting appropriate boundaries.

advantages and disadvantages of internet
advantages and disadvantages of internetadvantages and disadvantages of internet
advantages and disadvantages of internet

The document discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the internet. Some key advantages mentioned are that the internet is fast, cheap, convenient, and allows global connectivity. Disadvantages include the potential for inaccurate or untruthful information online, as well as high initial installation costs for equipment like computers, modems, and mice. The document raises the question of whether the internet harms or benefits users.

Customer Comment
•Over 2,600 languages
• Available in OpenType®, TrueType®, and Type 1 fonts.
• Has Unicode and ASCII/ANSI fonts usable by any PC, Mac, or new
smartphone for multi-language use.
• Includesintuitivekeyboardsoftwarewithclearkeyboardcharts.
• Can be installed directly into Windows, Macintosh, or
Android operating systems.
• Can be used in almost any computer program or app.
Linguist’s Software Details:
Linguist’s Software is selling the exclusive use and licensing of its
copyrighted fonts for 2,600languages-andincludestheinputsoftware.
This will create an entirely new market:
Linguist’s Software Solution
Imagine a potential customer: Ayoung
man living in Oum ElAssel – a small city
This young man has a cell phone with
an expensive voice-only plan
that he uses sparingly.
He doesn’t see the need for a data plan
because he can’t text, type, or read
anything. His native language –
Tamashek – isn’t on the internet.
Imagine Success
Imagine a potential customer: Ayoung
man living in Oum ElAssel – a small city
This young man has a cell phone with
an expensive voice-only plan
that he uses sparingly.
He doesn’t see the need for a data plan
because he can’t text, type, or read
anything. His native language –

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Social media
Social mediaSocial media
Social media

Social media refers to virtual networks and communities where people create, share, and exchange information. Popular social media tools include WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and blogging platforms. In India, there are 125 million internet users who spend on average 26 minutes per day on social media. Age groups 15-24 are the highest users of social media and on average check Facebook at least 3 times a day. However, excessive social media use can negatively impact productivity and increase feelings of loneliness and addiction.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology
Advantages and Disadvantages of TechnologyAdvantages and Disadvantages of Technology
Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology

The document outlines several advantages and disadvantages of technology. The advantages include using the internet for communication, using laptops for creating software, learning to type, accessing updated information from around the world, using cellphones in emergencies, cooking meals quickly, helping with math problems, and easily correcting mistakes. The disadvantages comprise risks of viruses damaging data, health issues from overuse, eye strain, potentially influencing real-life crimes from movies, distraction, laziness in students overcalculating, short cooking times limiting nutrition, accidents from use while driving, addiction interfering with life and wasting time, and phones ringing in class disrupting teachers.

Sejarah perkembangan internet (power point)
Sejarah perkembangan internet (power point)Sejarah perkembangan internet (power point)
Sejarah perkembangan internet (power point)

tugas US Praktek TIK (12 maret 2014)

You have Linguist’s Software.You contract with the carrier of this man’s
cell phone.You offer texting, email, and internet search in Tamashek.
This young man can now set up an internet storefront. People can
buy shoes from him online.
You have opened up the world for him and the 4,000 other people in
western Algeria who speak Tamashek.
Imagine your company
opening up the internet
to truly become
world-wide web.
This opportunity won’t be around for long
• India is a fast-growing market (1.2 billion people) with only
one big multi-language phone company (Micromax21) that
only covers 1/10 of India’s languages
•Africa is a huge, fast-growing marketwith 1.1 billion people and
NO multi-language smart phone.(Linguist’s Software owns fonts
for1,540African languages.)
Consider the Possibilities
• Global Gaming is a $60 billion industry – but doesn’t exist in
communities where their native language isn’t supported
• Ninety percent of the world uses some form of cell phones. When
voice-only users see “relevant content” in their native languages,
they’ll jump on board for cheap data plans

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PPT sejarah dan perkembangan internet
PPT sejarah dan perkembangan internetPPT sejarah dan perkembangan internet
PPT sejarah dan perkembangan internet

Dokumen tersebut memberikan penjelasan mengenai pengenalan internet, cara mengakses internet, dan demonstrasi akses internet sesuai prosedur. Secara singkat, dokumen tersebut menjelaskan tentang komponen-komponen yang dibutuhkan untuk mengakses internet, langkah-langkah setting koneksi ke internet service provider (ISP), serta cara menjalankan browser untuk menjelajahi internet.

Presentasi internet
Presentasi internetPresentasi internet
Presentasi internet

Internet adalah jaringan global komputer yang berawal dari proyek ARPANET pemerintah AS pada 1960an. Protokol TCP/IP memungkinkan berbagai jaringan lokal saling terhubung, membentuk internet. World Wide Web membuat pengguna dapat berbagi konten secara online, meningkatkan pertumbuhan pengguna internet secara eksponensial. Aplikasi populer internet meliputi web, email, jejaring sosial, e-commerce, dan berbagai layanan online lainnya.

subscriber identity module
Wi fi presentation
Wi fi presentationWi fi presentation
Wi fi presentation

This document provides an overview of Wi-Fi technology, including its introduction, scope, working principles, and how to build a Wi-Fi network. Wi-Fi allows for wireless internet and network connectivity within a specific geographic area using radio waves. Common components of a Wi-Fi network include access points that act as base stations to connect wireless devices to the internet or a larger network within a range of 100-150 feet indoors. The document also discusses Wi-Fi security standards like WEP and WPA that aim to protect wireless networks, and examples of Wi-Fi usage in public places and businesses.

dayan sajith
Is the time right for your company?
Are you a phone or social networking company?
If so, this will be the only fast track to achieve global dominance.
Contact us today to discuss how you can become first-to-market and
open up the World Wide Web.
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