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Project Presenter-Roopikha.s-200701201
Movie Ticket
The main motivation for the movie booking system development is to reach people in a new
level of internet which is proved to very useful
Market Survey
Here are the 2 websites from real life which are the base of our project idea.
❖ BookMyShow
❏ Weblink:
❏ Features:
BookMyShow is a new online booking site with a variety of events across different categories.
It has a Sign In option to reduce short-term memory load. The website provides customer care
and other details at the end of each page and has easy reversibility of actions. It prompts you
to enter your location at the beginning to reduce errors. The website has different sections for
adults and children.
❖ Paytm Movies
❏ Weblink:
❏ Features:
The Paytm movie booking website maintains uniformity in the color and style of the fonts.
When you purchase a movie ticket and receive various booking details, it also offers
insightful feedback. Additionally, it offers consistency in that the search bar stays in the same
spot as you navigate down the page.It also offers simple action reversibility, allowing you to
easily return your money and cancel your tickets whenever you choose. It offers a wide range
of cultural and international diversity due to the abundance of movie categories. In keeping
with the idea of lowering short-term memory load, it also offers the ability to log in, saving
you the trouble of repeatedly entering the information.
Overview of Project
The Ticket Booking site in the Entertainment category allows customers to book movie and
event tickets online using payment methods. Notable sites include BookMyShow, Paytm
Movies, and We're creating a user-friendly interface for our Movie Ticket
Booking System project to help users easily access the site, view movie schedules, and
purchase tickets. We'll also include a feature to show seat availability and ticket prices, an
"about the film" section, and a "Contact Us" option. Our goal is to follow HCI principles and
create a seamless experience for users.
VS Code :
• Packages:
The Visual Studio Code has a nice plugin(extension) ecosystem with a built in extension
management which contains several thousands extensions. The user can select the plugins
which are best for the work from a list of available extensions.
• Editing and Workflow:
It is much faster as compared to other editors as it has no lags because it is built using
Node, Electron and HTML/CSS. It feels similar to the Sublime Text and the Atom in usage.
The Git Integration is also very much convenient .
• Customization:
As compared to the features provided by Sublime text and Atom, it has all the expected
customization features such as necessary wrapping, indenting,theming, language tweaks etc.
• Performance:
As the Visual studio code is built on the Nodejs , Electron , Html and Css it is faster as
compared to the other text editor. The operations such as opening a file or searching a
particular phase are very fast and no lag is experienced during their execution. At last it
provides with a par performance as compared to the Sublime text and to an extent to the
Planning a project for a movie ticket booking system involves several key steps to ensure its
success. Here's a structured approach:
1. Define Objectives and Scope:
Please clarify the objectives of the project. Are you planning to develop a web-based
platform, a mobile app, or both? Additionally, please define the system's scope. Will it be
limited to ticket bookings only, or will it also include features such as seat selection,
payment processing, and user accounts?
2. Gather Requirements:
Engage stakeholders (cinemas, users, administrators) to understand their needs. Document
functional and non-functional requirements.
3. Create a Project Plan:
Create a project plan by breaking down tasks, identifying dependencies, allocating
resources, and setting milestones.
4. Design Architecture:
Choose appropriate technologies, frameworks, and design system architecture, including
database schema, frontend, backend, and APIs.
5. Develop the System:
Backend functionality includes user authentication, ticket booking, and seat selection.
Frontend UI is implemented based on design mockups, and there is integration with external
APIs and payment gateways.
6. Testing:
Conduct unit, integration and user acceptance testing to ensure the system meets the
7. Deployment:
Deploy the system to production servers or app stores and set up monitoring and logging to
track system performance and user activity.
8. Training and Documentation:
• Provide training to cinema staff for system usage (if applicable).
• Create user documentation and FAQs.
9. Launch and Support:
Use marketing channels to promote the system, provide ongoing support for any issues or
bugs post-launch, and collect feedback from users and stakeholders for future improvements.
Effective communication with team members and stakeholders is crucial, and agile
methodologies can help manage the project.
❖ Home Page:
PLANNING ❖ Contact Us Page:-
PLANNING ❖ Payment Page:
❖ Seat Booking Page:
❖ Login Page:
Home page – Strive for Consistency
This feature is designed to assist users in navigating through different pages,
such as the Movies page, Contact Us, and About Us. It enables users to create a
new account or log in to an existing one using the Login option. Additionally, it
allows users to switch between light and dark color themes.
Description of Principle: Strive for Consistency
• Similar operations to achieve similar tasks.
• Makes things easy to learn and use
• Example: Many functions on MS word and MS Power
point function ribbons.
• Consistency can be in terms of colors (red, Green...)
• Identical technology in prompts, menus, help.
• Color, capitalization, layout, fonts
• Consistency between next versions of s/w or app.
FEATURES Photo of Implementation:
Movies page - Types of user (children, adult…
This feature provides a list of movies on the basis of various categories such as new releases,
Children section, adult movies, recently watched etc. which makes it easy for the user to
choose from on the basis of his preference.
Description of the implementation in our feature:
The principle is implemented in a way that there is a separate section for the children which
would include cartoon movies, series etc. There is also a section which include only some
movies which would have some age restrictions which would allow only a certain audience to
watch the movie.
Description of Interaction Style:
The interaction style would be menu selection where the user reads from a list of movies,
selects an appropriate movie as per his convenience, and observes the effect of that action. It
has a clear structure for the decision making as all possible choices are present at one time
FEATURES Photos of Implementation
FEATURES Feature-3
Contact us page - Prevent errors and constraint
Functionality: This feature is used for recording the user response regarding the experience
of the website or if they have any feedback regarding the services provided or if they are not
satisfied with the features that are currently provided. These details can be further used for
improvement of the website.
Description of Principle: Prevent Errors and Constraints
• Design system such that the user cannot make serious errors
• Gray out menu that are not appropriate
• Do not allow alphabetic characters in numeric entry fields
• Restricting users to actions that can take place at a given time.
• Prevents unintentional error.
• Example: Order in Flipkart
Description of the implementation in our feature:
The principle aims at designing the system in such a way that the user does not make serious
errors. The principle is applied to the form in a way that all the fields are necessary to be
filled. If the user does not fill any of the fields and clicks on the submit button then the form
would not be submitted and the user would be asked to fill the field first. The Email field also
has a validation that it should end with There is also a validation in the Mobile
number field that alphabetic characters would not be allowed.
Description of Interaction Style:
The interaction style is form fill in where the user fills in the blanks about the information
they are asked to provide. The user sees a display of related fields, move the cursor among
the fills and enters the data
Photo Of Implementation
FEATURES Feature-4
Login/Sign Up Page -Preventing Error and Constraints
This feature is used for creating a new account for the website or to help the existing user log
in to his account by providing the Username and the password. This feature is very helpful if a
new user wants to perform some purchase activities etc.
Description of the implementation in our feature:
The principle aims at designing the system in such a way that the user does not make serious
errors. The form is designed in such a way that errors do not occur. Like There is a validation
that all the fields should be filled before submitting or pressing the submit button. If the user
presses the submit button without filling all the necessary fields then a message would appear
asking the user to fill in the details
before submitting.
Description of Interaction Style:
The interaction style used here is form filling where the users are required to enter the set of
information asked for the purpose of creating an account.
Photos of Implementation
FEATURES Feature-5
About Us Page -Reduce short term memory load
This feature is used to provide information to the user in brief regarding how many movies are
being shown or the number of shows completed so far, the number of members of the
particular website or the number of visits to the website per
Description of Principle:
● Reduce Short Term Memory Load
● Humans have limited capacity to store/process information
in short term memory (seven plus or minus two chunks).
● cell phones should not require re-entry of phone numbers
when redialing
● website locations should remain visible.
● Multiple page display should be consolidated
● Sufficient training time should be given for difficult
sequences of actions
Description of the implementation in our feature:
The principle aims at reducing the amount of information that the user needs to remember.
The principle is implemented in a way that the users are provided with all the information
regarding the website at one page. For example, it provides information like the number of
movies being shown. It also provides information like the number of members which might
be useful information for the admin and they can take certain measures to increase the
number of users. This feature is helpful for the admin which helps him maintain the website
Photos of Implementation:
FEATURES Feature-6
Ticket Booking Page – Design Dialogs to Yield Closure
This feature is used to provide information to the user regarding what actions have been
performed or what steps have been accomplished for performing a certain task and what tasks
are yet to be performed.
Description of Principle:
Design Dialogs to Yield closureThis principle aims at arranging the sequence of actions in
groups starting with beginning,middle and the end. The example is of an ecommerce website
where the user moves from selecting a product to checkout, ending with a clear confirmation
page that completes the transaction.
Description of the implementation in our feature:
As you can see a progress bar on the top of the page which shows the list of steps that needs
to be performed to achieve the desired output starting from the first step to the end step. With
the completion of each of the tasks, the circle gets highlighted which informs the user that
which tasks are still left to be performed
FEATURES Photo of Implementation
FEATURES Feature-7
Booking Page permits easy reversal of actions
This feature provides the user to move back to the previous steps when performing a
particular task which relieves the user from performing the whole action from beginning if
any error occurs.
Description of Principle:
Permits easy reversal of actions the principle aims at providing reversibility for all actions. As
much as possible all the actions should be reversible. This
principle relieves anxiety in the user and makes the user comfortable as the user knows that
my action can be reverted back.
Description of the implementation in our feature:
The principle aims at providing the user with the flexibility of moving back to a certain step in
a process at any point of time. Here in our example the user can move back from the seat
selection to the time selection step if he wants to change the timing for the movie by pressing
the previous button at the end of the page
FEATURES Photo of Implementation:
Payment Page - Cultural and International diversity
This feature is used to provide the users with a various list of paying methods while
performing online transactions and the user selects from the list as per his convenience.
Description of Principle: Cultural and International Diversity
• Date and Time formats
• Numeric and Currency formats
• Left to right vs Right to left reading
• Weight and Measures
• Icons, buttons, and colors
• Etiquette, formalities, metaphors
Description of the implementation in our feature:
The principle is implemented in a way that the user is provided with a number of options for
the payment. Here in the pay with card option , the amount for the tickets is shown in one
currency format, and with the paypal option the amount is shown in dollars.
FEATURES Interaction Style:
The interaction style would be menu selection where the user reads from a list of payment
options, selects an appropriate option as per his convenience, and observes the effect of that
action. It has a clear structure for the decision making as all possible choices are present at
one time
Photo of Implementation
FEATURES Feature-9
E Ticket Page – Reduce Short term memory load
This feature is used to provide information to the user regarding the movie including the seat
number, screen number and total cost of the seat , timing of the movie etc
Description of Principle: Reduce Short Term Memory load
This principle aims at reducing the amount of information that the user has to remember as
the humans have a limited capacity to store/process information in short term memory. For
example the cell phones should not require re-entry of phone number while redialling. The
website locations should always be visible and the multiple page display should be
Description of the implementation in our feature:
The principle is implemented in a way that all the information regarding the movie like the
screen number,movie timing, seat number , total cost are all visible in the ticket generated
which relieves the user from remembering any of the particular information. The user can
just see the details printed on the ticket
FEATURES Photo of Implementation
In conclusion, the development of a movie ticket booking system is a complex yet rewarding
endeavor. By following a structured approach to project planning, execution, and
management, a robust and user-friendly platform can be created to streamline the movie
ticket booking experience for customers while providing valuable tools for cinema operators.
Throughout the project lifecycle, it's essential to prioritize clear communication,stakeholder
engagement, and continuous testing and refinement to ensure the system meets the needs and
expectations of all parties involved.
Ultimately, a well-designed movie ticket booking system can enhance customer satisfaction,
increase operational efficiency for cinemas, and contribute to a seamless and enjoyable
movie-going experience for audiences worldwide.
Concept: -
● Movie Tickets Online Booking Delhi-NCR, Check Showtimes &
Watch Trailer at PVR Cinemas
● BookMyShow: Movie Tickets, Plays, Sports, Events & Cinemas nearby
● Movies - Online Movie Ticket Booking & Get Cashback/Offers at
Styling Technologies & Tools: -
● Bootstrap 3 Tutorial
● Code Icon
Tutorial: -
Development Tools: -
● Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined
● GitHub: Where the world builds software · GitHub

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human computer interaction of movie booking system project

  • 1. MOVIE TICKET BOOKING SYSTEM Project Presenter-Roopikha.s-200701201 Movie Ticket Movie Ticket By ROOPIKHA.S- 200701201 MOVIE, THEATER 2024
  • 3. INTRODUCTION Motivation: The main motivation for the movie booking system development is to reach people in a new level of internet which is proved to very useful Market Survey Here are the 2 websites from real life which are the base of our project idea. ❖ BookMyShow ❏ Weblink: ❏ Features: BookMyShow is a new online booking site with a variety of events across different categories. It has a Sign In option to reduce short-term memory load. The website provides customer care and other details at the end of each page and has easy reversibility of actions. It prompts you to enter your location at the beginning to reduce errors. The website has different sections for adults and children. ❖ Paytm Movies ❏ Weblink:
  • 4. INTRODUCTION ❏ Features: The Paytm movie booking website maintains uniformity in the color and style of the fonts. When you purchase a movie ticket and receive various booking details, it also offers insightful feedback. Additionally, it offers consistency in that the search bar stays in the same spot as you navigate down the page.It also offers simple action reversibility, allowing you to easily return your money and cancel your tickets whenever you choose. It offers a wide range of cultural and international diversity due to the abundance of movie categories. In keeping with the idea of lowering short-term memory load, it also offers the ability to log in, saving you the trouble of repeatedly entering the information. Overview of Project The Ticket Booking site in the Entertainment category allows customers to book movie and event tickets online using payment methods. Notable sites include BookMyShow, Paytm Movies, and We're creating a user-friendly interface for our Movie Ticket Booking System project to help users easily access the site, view movie schedules, and purchase tickets. We'll also include a feature to show seat availability and ticket prices, an "about the film" section, and a "Contact Us" option. Our goal is to follow HCI principles and create a seamless experience for users.
  • 5. DESCRIPTION OF THE TOOL VS Code : • Packages: The Visual Studio Code has a nice plugin(extension) ecosystem with a built in extension management which contains several thousands extensions. The user can select the plugins which are best for the work from a list of available extensions. • Editing and Workflow: It is much faster as compared to other editors as it has no lags because it is built using Node, Electron and HTML/CSS. It feels similar to the Sublime Text and the Atom in usage. The Git Integration is also very much convenient . • Customization: As compared to the features provided by Sublime text and Atom, it has all the expected customization features such as necessary wrapping, indenting,theming, language tweaks etc. • Performance: As the Visual studio code is built on the Nodejs , Electron , Html and Css it is faster as compared to the other text editor. The operations such as opening a file or searching a particular phase are very fast and no lag is experienced during their execution. At last it provides with a par performance as compared to the Sublime text and to an extent to the Atom
  • 6. PROJECT PLANNING Planning a project for a movie ticket booking system involves several key steps to ensure its success. Here's a structured approach: 1. Define Objectives and Scope: Please clarify the objectives of the project. Are you planning to develop a web-based platform, a mobile app, or both? Additionally, please define the system's scope. Will it be limited to ticket bookings only, or will it also include features such as seat selection, payment processing, and user accounts? 2. Gather Requirements: Engage stakeholders (cinemas, users, administrators) to understand their needs. Document functional and non-functional requirements. 3. Create a Project Plan: Create a project plan by breaking down tasks, identifying dependencies, allocating resources, and setting milestones. 4. Design Architecture: Choose appropriate technologies, frameworks, and design system architecture, including database schema, frontend, backend, and APIs.
  • 7. PROJECT PLANNING 5. Develop the System: Backend functionality includes user authentication, ticket booking, and seat selection. Frontend UI is implemented based on design mockups, and there is integration with external APIs and payment gateways. 6. Testing: Conduct unit, integration and user acceptance testing to ensure the system meets the requirements. 7. Deployment: Deploy the system to production servers or app stores and set up monitoring and logging to track system performance and user activity. 8. Training and Documentation: • Provide training to cinema staff for system usage (if applicable). • Create user documentation and FAQs. 9. Launch and Support: Use marketing channels to promote the system, provide ongoing support for any issues or bugs post-launch, and collect feedback from users and stakeholders for future improvements. Effective communication with team members and stakeholders is crucial, and agile methodologies can help manage the project.
  • 13. PROJECT FEATURES Feature-1 Home page – Strive for Consistency Functionality: This feature is designed to assist users in navigating through different pages, such as the Movies page, Contact Us, and About Us. It enables users to create a new account or log in to an existing one using the Login option. Additionally, it allows users to switch between light and dark color themes. Description of Principle: Strive for Consistency • Similar operations to achieve similar tasks. • Makes things easy to learn and use • Example: Many functions on MS word and MS Power point function ribbons. • Consistency can be in terms of colors (red, Green...) • Identical technology in prompts, menus, help. • Color, capitalization, layout, fonts • Consistency between next versions of s/w or app.
  • 14. PROJECT FEATURES Photo of Implementation:
  • 15. PROJECT FEATURES Feature-2 Movies page - Types of user (children, adult… Functionality: This feature provides a list of movies on the basis of various categories such as new releases, Children section, adult movies, recently watched etc. which makes it easy for the user to choose from on the basis of his preference. Description of the implementation in our feature: The principle is implemented in a way that there is a separate section for the children which would include cartoon movies, series etc. There is also a section which include only some movies which would have some age restrictions which would allow only a certain audience to watch the movie. Description of Interaction Style: The interaction style would be menu selection where the user reads from a list of movies, selects an appropriate movie as per his convenience, and observes the effect of that action. It has a clear structure for the decision making as all possible choices are present at one time
  • 16. PROJECT FEATURES Photos of Implementation
  • 17. PROJECT FEATURES Feature-3 Contact us page - Prevent errors and constraint Functionality: This feature is used for recording the user response regarding the experience of the website or if they have any feedback regarding the services provided or if they are not satisfied with the features that are currently provided. These details can be further used for improvement of the website. Description of Principle: Prevent Errors and Constraints • Design system such that the user cannot make serious errors • Gray out menu that are not appropriate • Do not allow alphabetic characters in numeric entry fields Constraints • Restricting users to actions that can take place at a given time. • Prevents unintentional error. • Example: Order in Flipkart Description of the implementation in our feature:
  • 18. PROJECT FEATURES The principle aims at designing the system in such a way that the user does not make serious errors. The principle is applied to the form in a way that all the fields are necessary to be filled. If the user does not fill any of the fields and clicks on the submit button then the form would not be submitted and the user would be asked to fill the field first. The Email field also has a validation that it should end with There is also a validation in the Mobile number field that alphabetic characters would not be allowed. Description of Interaction Style: The interaction style is form fill in where the user fills in the blanks about the information they are asked to provide. The user sees a display of related fields, move the cursor among the fills and enters the data Photo Of Implementation
  • 19. PROJECT FEATURES Feature-4 Login/Sign Up Page -Preventing Error and Constraints Functionality: This feature is used for creating a new account for the website or to help the existing user log in to his account by providing the Username and the password. This feature is very helpful if a new user wants to perform some purchase activities etc. Description of the implementation in our feature: The principle aims at designing the system in such a way that the user does not make serious errors. The form is designed in such a way that errors do not occur. Like There is a validation that all the fields should be filled before submitting or pressing the submit button. If the user presses the submit button without filling all the necessary fields then a message would appear asking the user to fill in the details before submitting. Description of Interaction Style: The interaction style used here is form filling where the users are required to enter the set of information asked for the purpose of creating an account.
  • 21. PROJECT FEATURES Feature-5 About Us Page -Reduce short term memory load Functionality: This feature is used to provide information to the user in brief regarding how many movies are being shown or the number of shows completed so far, the number of members of the particular website or the number of visits to the website per year. Description of Principle: ● Reduce Short Term Memory Load ● Humans have limited capacity to store/process information in short term memory (seven plus or minus two chunks). ● cell phones should not require re-entry of phone numbers when redialing ● website locations should remain visible. ● Multiple page display should be consolidated ● Sufficient training time should be given for difficult sequences of actions
  • 22. PROJECT FEATURES Description of the implementation in our feature: The principle aims at reducing the amount of information that the user needs to remember. The principle is implemented in a way that the users are provided with all the information regarding the website at one page. For example, it provides information like the number of movies being shown. It also provides information like the number of members which might be useful information for the admin and they can take certain measures to increase the number of users. This feature is helpful for the admin which helps him maintain the website Photos of Implementation:
  • 23. PROJECT FEATURES Feature-6 Ticket Booking Page – Design Dialogs to Yield Closure Functionality: This feature is used to provide information to the user regarding what actions have been performed or what steps have been accomplished for performing a certain task and what tasks are yet to be performed. Description of Principle: Design Dialogs to Yield closureThis principle aims at arranging the sequence of actions in groups starting with beginning,middle and the end. The example is of an ecommerce website where the user moves from selecting a product to checkout, ending with a clear confirmation page that completes the transaction. Description of the implementation in our feature: As you can see a progress bar on the top of the page which shows the list of steps that needs to be performed to achieve the desired output starting from the first step to the end step. With the completion of each of the tasks, the circle gets highlighted which informs the user that which tasks are still left to be performed
  • 24. PROJECT FEATURES Photo of Implementation
  • 25. PROJECT FEATURES Feature-7 Booking Page permits easy reversal of actions Functionality: This feature provides the user to move back to the previous steps when performing a particular task which relieves the user from performing the whole action from beginning if any error occurs. Description of Principle: Permits easy reversal of actions the principle aims at providing reversibility for all actions. As much as possible all the actions should be reversible. This principle relieves anxiety in the user and makes the user comfortable as the user knows that my action can be reverted back. Description of the implementation in our feature: The principle aims at providing the user with the flexibility of moving back to a certain step in a process at any point of time. Here in our example the user can move back from the seat selection to the time selection step if he wants to change the timing for the movie by pressing the previous button at the end of the page
  • 26. PROJECT FEATURES Photo of Implementation:
  • 27. PROJECT FEATURES Feature-8 Payment Page - Cultural and International diversity Functionality: This feature is used to provide the users with a various list of paying methods while performing online transactions and the user selects from the list as per his convenience. Description of Principle: Cultural and International Diversity • Date and Time formats • Numeric and Currency formats • Left to right vs Right to left reading • Weight and Measures • Icons, buttons, and colors • Etiquette, formalities, metaphors Description of the implementation in our feature: The principle is implemented in a way that the user is provided with a number of options for the payment. Here in the pay with card option , the amount for the tickets is shown in one currency format, and with the paypal option the amount is shown in dollars.
  • 28. PROJECT FEATURES Interaction Style: The interaction style would be menu selection where the user reads from a list of payment options, selects an appropriate option as per his convenience, and observes the effect of that action. It has a clear structure for the decision making as all possible choices are present at one time Photo of Implementation
  • 29. PROJECT FEATURES Feature-9 E Ticket Page – Reduce Short term memory load Functionality: This feature is used to provide information to the user regarding the movie including the seat number, screen number and total cost of the seat , timing of the movie etc Description of Principle: Reduce Short Term Memory load This principle aims at reducing the amount of information that the user has to remember as the humans have a limited capacity to store/process information in short term memory. For example the cell phones should not require re-entry of phone number while redialling. The website locations should always be visible and the multiple page display should be consolidated. Description of the implementation in our feature: The principle is implemented in a way that all the information regarding the movie like the screen number,movie timing, seat number , total cost are all visible in the ticket generated which relieves the user from remembering any of the particular information. The user can just see the details printed on the ticket
  • 30. PROJECT FEATURES Photo of Implementation
  • 31. CONCLUSION Conclusion In conclusion, the development of a movie ticket booking system is a complex yet rewarding endeavor. By following a structured approach to project planning, execution, and management, a robust and user-friendly platform can be created to streamline the movie ticket booking experience for customers while providing valuable tools for cinema operators. Throughout the project lifecycle, it's essential to prioritize clear communication,stakeholder engagement, and continuous testing and refinement to ensure the system meets the needs and expectations of all parties involved. Ultimately, a well-designed movie ticket booking system can enhance customer satisfaction, increase operational efficiency for cinemas, and contribute to a seamless and enjoyable movie-going experience for audiences worldwide.
  • 32. REFERENCES Concept: - ● Movie Tickets Online Booking Delhi-NCR, Check Showtimes & Watch Trailer at PVR Cinemas ● BookMyShow: Movie Tickets, Plays, Sports, Events & Cinemas nearby ● Movies - Online Movie Ticket Booking & Get Cashback/Offers at Styling Technologies & Tools: - ● Bootstrap 3 Tutorial ● Code Icon Tutorial: - ● Development Tools: - ● Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined ● GitHub: Where the world builds software · GitHub