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Lecture 3 – Hadoop
Technical Introduction
CSE 490H
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Breaking news!
 Hadoop tested on 4,000 node cluster
32K cores (8 / node)
16 PB raw storage (4 x 1 TB disk / node)
(about 5 PB usable storage)
You Say, “tomato…”
Google calls it: Hadoop equivalent:
MapReduce Hadoop
Bigtable HBase
Chubby Zookeeper

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Apache Hadoop MapReduce Tutorial
Apache Hadoop MapReduce TutorialApache Hadoop MapReduce Tutorial
Apache Hadoop MapReduce Tutorial

This document describes how to set up a single-node Hadoop installation to perform MapReduce operations. It discusses supported platforms, required software including Java and SSH, and preparing the Hadoop cluster in either local, pseudo-distributed, or fully-distributed mode. The main components of the MapReduce execution pipeline are explained, including the driver, mapper, reducer, and input/output formats. Finally, a simple word count example MapReduce job is described to demonstrate how it works.

apache_hadoop mapreduce big_data cloud_computing
Optimal Execution Of MapReduce Jobs In Cloud - Voices 2015
Optimal Execution Of MapReduce Jobs In Cloud - Voices 2015Optimal Execution Of MapReduce Jobs In Cloud - Voices 2015
Optimal Execution Of MapReduce Jobs In Cloud - Voices 2015

Optimal Execution Of MapReduce Jobs In Cloud Anshul Aggarwal, Software Engineer, Cisco Systems Session Length: 1 Hour Tue March 10 21:30 PST Wed March 11 0:30 EST Wed March 11 4:30:00 UTC Wed March 11 10:00 IST Wed March 11 15:30 Sydney Voices 2015 We use MapReduce programming paradigm because it lends itself well to most data-intensive analytics jobs run on cloud these days, given its ability to scale-out and leverage several machines to parallel process data. Research has demonstrates that existing approaches to provisioning other applications in the cloud are not immediately relevant to MapReduce -based applications. Provisioning a MapReduce job entails requesting optimum number of resource sets (RS) and configuring MapReduce parameters such that each resource set is maximally utilized. Each application has a different bottleneck resource (CPU :Disk :Network), and different bottleneck resource utilization, and thus needs to pick a different combination of these parameters based on the job profile such that the bottleneck resource is maximally utilized. The problem at hand is thus defining a resource provisioning framework for MapReduce jobs running in a cloud keeping in mind performance goals such as Optimal resource utilization with Minimum incurred cost, Lower execution time, Energy Awareness, Automatic handling of node failure and Highly scalable solution.

MapReduce basic
MapReduce basicMapReduce basic
MapReduce basic

MapReduce is a programming model for processing large datasets in parallel. It works by breaking the dataset into independent chunks which are processed by the map function, and then grouping the output of the maps into partitions to be processed by the reduce function. Hadoop uses MapReduce to provide fault tolerance by restarting failed tasks and monitoring the JobTracker and TaskTrackers. MapReduce programs can be written in languages other than Java using Hadoop Streaming.

mapreducehadoopbig data
Some MapReduce Terminology
 Job – A “full program” - an execution of a
Mapper and Reducer across a data set
 Task – An execution of a Mapper or a
Reducer on a slice of data
a.k.a. Task-In-Progress (TIP)
 Task Attempt – A particular instance of an
attempt to execute a task on a machine
Terminology Example
 Running “Word Count” across 20 files is
one job
 20 files to be mapped imply 20 map tasks
+ some number of reduce tasks
 At least 20 map task attempts will be
performed… more if a machine crashes,
Task Attempts
 A particular task will be attempted at least once,
possibly more times if it crashes
 If the same input causes crashes over and over, that
input will eventually be abandoned
 Multiple attempts at one task may occur in
parallel with speculative execution turned on
 Task ID from TaskInProgress is not a unique
identifier; don’t use it that way
MapReduce: High Level

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1. The document discusses installing Hadoop in single node cluster mode on Ubuntu, including installing Java, configuring SSH, extracting and configuring Hadoop files. Key configuration files like core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml are edited. 2. Formatting the HDFS namenode clears all data. Hadoop is started using and the jps command checks if daemons are running. 3. The document then moves to discussing running a KMeans clustering MapReduce program on the installed Hadoop framework.


Hadoop is an open-source framework for distributed storage and processing of large datasets across clusters of computers. It consists of HDFS for distributed storage and MapReduce for distributed processing. HDFS stores large files across multiple machines and provides high throughput access to application data. MapReduce allows processing of large datasets in parallel by splitting the work into independent tasks called maps and reduces. Companies use Hadoop for applications like log analysis, data warehousing, machine learning, and scientific computing on large datasets.

Map reduce paradigm explained
Map reduce paradigm explainedMap reduce paradigm explained
Map reduce paradigm explained

The document provides an overview of MapReduce and how it addresses the problem of processing large datasets in a distributed computing environment. It explains how MapReduce inspired by functional programming works by splitting data, mapping functions to pieces in parallel, and then reducing the results. Examples are given of word count and sorting word counts to find the most frequent word. Finally, it discusses how Hadoop popularized MapReduce by providing an open-source implementation and ecosystem.

apache hadoopmapreduce
Node-to-Node Communication
 Hadoop uses its own RPC protocol
 All communication begins in slave nodes
Prevents circular-wait deadlock
Slaves periodically poll for “status” message
 Classes must provide explicit serialization
Nodes, Trackers, Tasks
 Master node runs JobTracker instance,
which accepts Job requests from clients
 TaskTracker instances run on slave nodes
 TaskTracker forks separate Java process
for task instances
Job Distribution
 MapReduce programs are contained in a Java
“jar” file + an XML file containing serialized
program configuration options
 Running a MapReduce job places these files
into the HDFS and notifies TaskTrackers where
to retrieve the relevant program code
 … Where’s the data distribution?
Data Distribution
 Implicit in design of MapReduce!
All mappers are equivalent; so map whatever
data is local to a particular node in HDFS
 If lots of data does happen to pile up on
the same node, nearby nodes will map
Data transfer is handled implicitly by HDFS

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Hadoop performance optimization tips
Hadoop performance optimization tipsHadoop performance optimization tips
Hadoop performance optimization tips

This document provides performance optimization tips for Hadoop jobs, including recommendations around compression, speculative execution, number of maps/reducers, block size, sort size, JVM tuning, and more. It suggests how to configure properties like,, and dfs.block.size based on factors like cluster size, job characteristics, and data size. It also identifies antipatterns to avoid like processing thousands of small files or using many maps with very short runtimes.

Introduction to Hadoop and MapReduce
Introduction to Hadoop and MapReduceIntroduction to Hadoop and MapReduce
Introduction to Hadoop and MapReduce

Slides of the workshop conducted in Model Engineering College, Ernakulam, and Sree Narayana Gurukulam College, Kadayiruppu Kerala, India in December 2010

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The document provides an introduction to Hadoop, including an overview of its core components HDFS and MapReduce, and motivates their use by explaining the need to process large amounts of data in parallel across clusters of computers in a fault-tolerant and scalable manner. It also presents sample code walkthroughs and discusses the Hadoop ecosystem of related projects like Pig, HBase, Hive and Zookeeper.

Configuring With JobConf
 MR Programs have many configurable options
 JobConf objects hold (key, value) components
mapping String  ’a
 e.g., “”  20
 JobConf is serialized and distributed before running
the job
 Objects implementing JobConfigurable can
retrieve elements from a JobConf
What Happens In MapReduce?
Depth First
Job Launch Process: Client
 Client program creates a JobConf
Identify classes implementing Mapper and
Reducer interfaces
 JobConf.setMapperClass(), setReducerClass()
Specify inputs, outputs
 FileInputFormat.addInputPath(),
 FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath()
Optionally, other options too:
 JobConf.setNumReduceTasks(),
Job Launch Process: JobClient
 Pass JobConf to JobClient.runJob() or
runJob() blocks, submitJob() does not
 JobClient:
Determines proper division of input into
Sends job data to master JobTracker server

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Introduction to Map-ReduceIntroduction to Map-Reduce
Introduction to Map-Reduce

This document provides a high-level overview of MapReduce and Hadoop. It begins with an introduction to MapReduce, describing it as a distributed computing framework that decomposes work into parallelized map and reduce tasks. Key concepts like mappers, reducers, and job tracking are defined. The structure of a MapReduce job is then outlined, showing how input is divided and processed by mappers, then shuffled and sorted before being combined by reducers. Example map and reduce functions for a word counting problem are presented to demonstrate how a full MapReduce job works.

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Hadoop, HDFS and MapReduce
Hadoop, HDFS and MapReduceHadoop, HDFS and MapReduce
Hadoop, HDFS and MapReduce

This document provides an overview of Hadoop and MapReduce. It discusses how Hadoop uses HDFS for distributed storage and replication of data blocks across commodity servers. It also explains how MapReduce allows for massively parallel processing of large datasets by splitting jobs into mappers and reducers. Mappers process data blocks in parallel and generate intermediate key-value pairs, which are then sorted and grouped by the reducers to produce the final results.

MapReduce - Basics | Big Data Hadoop Spark Tutorial | CloudxLab
MapReduce - Basics | Big Data Hadoop Spark Tutorial | CloudxLabMapReduce - Basics | Big Data Hadoop Spark Tutorial | CloudxLab
MapReduce - Basics | Big Data Hadoop Spark Tutorial | CloudxLab

Big Data with Hadoop & Spark Training: This CloudxLab Understanding MapReduce tutorial helps you to understand MapReduce in detail. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial: 1) Thinking in Map / Reduce 2) Understanding Unix Pipeline 3) Examples to understand MapReduce 4) Merging 5) Mappers & Reducers 6) Mapper Example 7) Input Split 8) mapper() & reducer() Code 9) Example - Count number of words in a file using MapReduce 10) Example - Compute Max Temperature using MapReduce 11) Hands-on - Count number of words in a file using MapReduce on CloudxLab

cloudxlabhadoopapache hadoop
Job Launch Process: JobTracker
 JobTracker:
Inserts jar and JobConf (serialized to XML) in
shared location
Posts a JobInProgress to its run queue
Job Launch Process: TaskTracker
 TaskTrackers running on slave nodes
periodically query JobTracker for work
 Retrieve job-specific jar and config
 Launch task in separate instance of Java
main() is provided by Hadoop
Job Launch Process: Task
 TaskTracker.Child.main():
Sets up the child TaskInProgress attempt
Reads XML configuration
Connects back to necessary MapReduce
components via RPC
Uses TaskRunner to launch user process
Job Launch Process: TaskRunner
 TaskRunner, MapTaskRunner,
MapRunner work in a daisy-chain to
launch your Mapper
Task knows ahead of time which InputSplits it
should be mapping
Calls Mapper once for each record retrieved
from the InputSplit
 Running the Reducer is much the same

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Apache hadoop, hdfs and map reduce Overview

This document provides an overview of Apache Hadoop, HDFS, and MapReduce. It describes how Hadoop uses a distributed file system (HDFS) to store large amounts of data across commodity hardware. It also explains how MapReduce allows distributed processing of that data by allocating map and reduce tasks across nodes. Key components discussed include the HDFS architecture with NameNodes and DataNodes, data replication for fault tolerance, and how the MapReduce engine works with a JobTracker and TaskTrackers to parallelize jobs.

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Hadoop Internals
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Hadoop Internals

This slide deck is used as an introduction to the internals of Hadoop MapReduce, as part of the Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing course I hold at Eurecom. Course website: Sources available here:

Hadoop fault-tolerance
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Hadoop fault-tolerance

The document discusses fault tolerance in Apache Hadoop. It describes how Hadoop handles failures at different layers through replication and rapid recovery mechanisms. In HDFS, data nodes regularly heartbeat to the name node, and blocks are replicated across racks. The name node tracks block locations and initiates replication if a data node fails. HDFS also supports name node high availability. In MapReduce v1, task and task tracker failures cause re-execution of tasks. YARN improved fault tolerance by removing the job tracker single point of failure.

Creating the Mapper
 You provide the instance of Mapper
Should extend MapReduceBase
 One instance of your Mapper is initialized
by the MapTaskRunner for a
Exists in separate process from all other
instances of Mapper – no data sharing!
 void map(K1 key,
V1 value,
OutputCollector<K2, V2> output,
Reporter reporter)
 K types implement WritableComparable
 V types implement Writable
What is Writable?
 Hadoop defines its own “box” classes for
strings (Text), integers (IntWritable), etc.
 All values are instances of Writable
 All keys are instances of
Getting Data To The Mapper

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This presentation will give you Information about : 1.Configuring HDFS 2.Interacting With HDFS 3.HDFS Permissions and Security 4.Additional HDFS Tasks HDFS Overview and Architecture 5.HDFS Installation 6.Hadoop File System Shell 7.File System Java API

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Hadoop is an open-source framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers. It addresses problems like massive data storage needs and scalable processing of large datasets. Hadoop uses the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) for storage and MapReduce as its processing engine. HDFS stores data reliably across commodity hardware and MapReduce provides a programming model for distributed computing of large datasets.

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Reading Data
 Data sets are specified by InputFormats
Defines input data (e.g., a directory)
Identifies partitions of the data that form an
Factory for RecordReader objects to extract
(k, v) records from the input source
FileInputFormat and Friends
 TextInputFormat – Treats each ‘n’-
terminated line of a file as a value
 KeyValueTextInputFormat – Maps ‘n’-
terminated text lines of “k SEP v”
 SequenceFileInputFormat – Binary file of
(k, v) pairs with some add’l metadata
 SequenceFileAsTextInputFormat – Same,
but maps (k.toString(), v.toString())
Filtering File Inputs
 FileInputFormat will read all files out of a
specified directory and send them to the
 Delegates filtering this file list to a method
subclasses may override
e.g., Create your own “xyzFileInputFormat” to
read *.xyz from directory list
Record Readers
 Each InputFormat provides its own
RecordReader implementation
Provides (unused?) capability multiplexing
 LineRecordReader – Reads a line from a
text file
 KeyValueRecordReader – Used by

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Input Split Size
 FileInputFormat will divide large files into
Exact size controlled by mapred.min.split.size
 RecordReaders receive file, offset, and
length of chunk
 Custom InputFormat implementations may
override split size – e.g., “NeverChunkFile”
Sending Data To Reducers
 Map function receives OutputCollector
OutputCollector.collect() takes (k, v) elements
 Any (WritableComparable, Writable) can
be used
 By default, mapper output type assumed
to be same as reducer output type
 Compares WritableComparable data
Will call
Can provide fast path for serialized data
 JobConf.setOutputValueGroupingComparator()
Sending Data To The Client
 Reporter object sent to Mapper allows
simple asynchronous feedback
incrCounter(Enum key, long amount)
setStatus(String msg)
 Allows self-identification of input
InputSplit getInputSplit()

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Partition And Shuffle
 int getPartition(key, val, numPartitions)
Outputs the partition number for a given key
One partition == values sent to one Reduce
 HashPartitioner used by default
Uses key.hashCode() to return partition num
 JobConf sets Partitioner implementation
 reduce( K2 key,
Iterator<V2> values,
OutputCollector<K3, V3> output,
Reporter reporter)
 Keys & values sent to one partition all go
to the same reduce task
 Calls are sorted by key – “earlier” keys are
reduced and output before “later” keys
Finally: Writing The Output

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Seminar Presentation Hadoop

The document discusses big data and distributed computing. It provides examples of the large amounts of data generated daily by organizations like the New York Stock Exchange and Facebook. It explains how distributed computing frameworks like Hadoop use multiple computers connected via a network to process large datasets in parallel. Hadoop's MapReduce programming model and HDFS distributed file system allow users to write distributed applications that process petabytes of data across commodity hardware clusters.

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This document provides an overview of key concepts in Hadoop including: - Hadoop was tested on a 4000 node cluster with 32,000 cores and 16 petabytes of storage. - MapReduce is Hadoop's programming model and consists of mappers that process input splits in parallel, and reducers that combine the outputs of the mappers. - The JobTracker manages jobs, TaskTrackers run tasks on slave nodes, and Tasks are individual mappers or reducers. Data is distributed to nodes implicitly based on the HDFS file distribution. Configurations are set using a JobConf object.

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Hadoop institutes in Bangalore

Best Hadoop Institutes : kelly tecnologies is the best Hadoop training Institute in Bangalore.Providing hadoop courses by realtime faculty in Bangalore.

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 Analogous to InputFormat
 TextOutputFormat – Writes “key valn”
strings to output file
 SequenceFileOutputFormat – Uses a
binary format to pack (k, v) pairs
 NullOutputFormat – Discards output

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Hadoop 2

  • 1. Lecture 3 – Hadoop Technical Introduction CSE 490H
  • 2. Announcements  My office hours: M 2:30—3:30 in CSE 212  Cluster is operational; instructions in assignment 1 heavily rewritten  Eclipse plugin is “deprecated”  Students who already created accounts: let me know if you have trouble
  • 3. Breaking news!  Hadoop tested on 4,000 node cluster 32K cores (8 / node) 16 PB raw storage (4 x 1 TB disk / node) (about 5 PB usable storage)  scaling_hadoop_to_4000_nodes_a.html
  • 4. You Say, “tomato…” Google calls it: Hadoop equivalent: MapReduce Hadoop GFS HDFS Bigtable HBase Chubby Zookeeper
  • 5. Some MapReduce Terminology  Job – A “full program” - an execution of a Mapper and Reducer across a data set  Task – An execution of a Mapper or a Reducer on a slice of data a.k.a. Task-In-Progress (TIP)  Task Attempt – A particular instance of an attempt to execute a task on a machine
  • 6. Terminology Example  Running “Word Count” across 20 files is one job  20 files to be mapped imply 20 map tasks + some number of reduce tasks  At least 20 map task attempts will be performed… more if a machine crashes, etc.
  • 7. Task Attempts  A particular task will be attempted at least once, possibly more times if it crashes  If the same input causes crashes over and over, that input will eventually be abandoned  Multiple attempts at one task may occur in parallel with speculative execution turned on  Task ID from TaskInProgress is not a unique identifier; don’t use it that way
  • 9. Node-to-Node Communication  Hadoop uses its own RPC protocol  All communication begins in slave nodes Prevents circular-wait deadlock Slaves periodically poll for “status” message  Classes must provide explicit serialization
  • 10. Nodes, Trackers, Tasks  Master node runs JobTracker instance, which accepts Job requests from clients  TaskTracker instances run on slave nodes  TaskTracker forks separate Java process for task instances
  • 11. Job Distribution  MapReduce programs are contained in a Java “jar” file + an XML file containing serialized program configuration options  Running a MapReduce job places these files into the HDFS and notifies TaskTrackers where to retrieve the relevant program code  … Where’s the data distribution?
  • 12. Data Distribution  Implicit in design of MapReduce! All mappers are equivalent; so map whatever data is local to a particular node in HDFS  If lots of data does happen to pile up on the same node, nearby nodes will map instead Data transfer is handled implicitly by HDFS
  • 13. Configuring With JobConf  MR Programs have many configurable options  JobConf objects hold (key, value) components mapping String  ’a  e.g., “”  20  JobConf is serialized and distributed before running the job  Objects implementing JobConfigurable can retrieve elements from a JobConf
  • 14. What Happens In MapReduce? Depth First
  • 15. Job Launch Process: Client  Client program creates a JobConf Identify classes implementing Mapper and Reducer interfaces  JobConf.setMapperClass(), setReducerClass() Specify inputs, outputs  FileInputFormat.addInputPath(),  FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath() Optionally, other options too:  JobConf.setNumReduceTasks(), JobConf.setOutputFormat()…
  • 16. Job Launch Process: JobClient  Pass JobConf to JobClient.runJob() or submitJob() runJob() blocks, submitJob() does not  JobClient: Determines proper division of input into InputSplits Sends job data to master JobTracker server
  • 17. Job Launch Process: JobTracker  JobTracker: Inserts jar and JobConf (serialized to XML) in shared location Posts a JobInProgress to its run queue
  • 18. Job Launch Process: TaskTracker  TaskTrackers running on slave nodes periodically query JobTracker for work  Retrieve job-specific jar and config  Launch task in separate instance of Java main() is provided by Hadoop
  • 19. Job Launch Process: Task  TaskTracker.Child.main(): Sets up the child TaskInProgress attempt Reads XML configuration Connects back to necessary MapReduce components via RPC Uses TaskRunner to launch user process
  • 20. Job Launch Process: TaskRunner  TaskRunner, MapTaskRunner, MapRunner work in a daisy-chain to launch your Mapper Task knows ahead of time which InputSplits it should be mapping Calls Mapper once for each record retrieved from the InputSplit  Running the Reducer is much the same
  • 21. Creating the Mapper  You provide the instance of Mapper Should extend MapReduceBase  One instance of your Mapper is initialized by the MapTaskRunner for a TaskInProgress Exists in separate process from all other instances of Mapper – no data sharing!
  • 22. Mapper  void map(K1 key, V1 value, OutputCollector<K2, V2> output, Reporter reporter)  K types implement WritableComparable  V types implement Writable
  • 23. What is Writable?  Hadoop defines its own “box” classes for strings (Text), integers (IntWritable), etc.  All values are instances of Writable  All keys are instances of WritableComparable
  • 24. Getting Data To The Mapper
  • 25. Reading Data  Data sets are specified by InputFormats Defines input data (e.g., a directory) Identifies partitions of the data that form an InputSplit Factory for RecordReader objects to extract (k, v) records from the input source
  • 26. FileInputFormat and Friends  TextInputFormat – Treats each ‘n’- terminated line of a file as a value  KeyValueTextInputFormat – Maps ‘n’- terminated text lines of “k SEP v”  SequenceFileInputFormat – Binary file of (k, v) pairs with some add’l metadata  SequenceFileAsTextInputFormat – Same, but maps (k.toString(), v.toString())
  • 27. Filtering File Inputs  FileInputFormat will read all files out of a specified directory and send them to the mapper  Delegates filtering this file list to a method subclasses may override e.g., Create your own “xyzFileInputFormat” to read *.xyz from directory list
  • 28. Record Readers  Each InputFormat provides its own RecordReader implementation Provides (unused?) capability multiplexing  LineRecordReader – Reads a line from a text file  KeyValueRecordReader – Used by KeyValueTextInputFormat
  • 29. Input Split Size  FileInputFormat will divide large files into chunks Exact size controlled by mapred.min.split.size  RecordReaders receive file, offset, and length of chunk  Custom InputFormat implementations may override split size – e.g., “NeverChunkFile”
  • 30. Sending Data To Reducers  Map function receives OutputCollector object OutputCollector.collect() takes (k, v) elements  Any (WritableComparable, Writable) can be used  By default, mapper output type assumed to be same as reducer output type
  • 31. WritableComparator  Compares WritableComparable data Will call Can provide fast path for serialized data  JobConf.setOutputValueGroupingComparator()
  • 32. Sending Data To The Client  Reporter object sent to Mapper allows simple asynchronous feedback incrCounter(Enum key, long amount) setStatus(String msg)  Allows self-identification of input InputSplit getInputSplit()
  • 34. Partitioner  int getPartition(key, val, numPartitions) Outputs the partition number for a given key One partition == values sent to one Reduce task  HashPartitioner used by default Uses key.hashCode() to return partition num  JobConf sets Partitioner implementation
  • 35. Reduction  reduce( K2 key, Iterator<V2> values, OutputCollector<K3, V3> output, Reporter reporter)  Keys & values sent to one partition all go to the same reduce task  Calls are sorted by key – “earlier” keys are reduced and output before “later” keys
  • 37. OutputFormat  Analogous to InputFormat  TextOutputFormat – Writes “key valn” strings to output file  SequenceFileOutputFormat – Uses a binary format to pack (k, v) pairs  NullOutputFormat – Discards output