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Growth Startup
How to Build Scalable &
Flexible Applications to
Manage Hyper GrowthChristian Zacharias
CTO - Finleap
Christian Zacharias
CTO - Finleap
until now // CTO @Finleap
until end 2014 // CTO @Tirendo
until Mid 2013 // Freelance Software Architect
until End 2009 // Developer @Spreadshirt
Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias 3
Finleap - The FinTech Company Builder
Part of the Hitfox Group
4 - 6 Companies per Year
0.5 - 5 m € seed funding per company
Finleap launched in Nov. 2014
Finleap uses new technologies and scalable business models to
provide cheaper, simpler and more transparent digital services
within the FinTech market.
hire up the 150 people in 2015
Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias
Startups in Germany
Statistics by DSM 2014

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Lean startup - what is pivotLean startup - what is pivot
Lean startup - what is pivot

A pivot is a strategic change in direction for a startup based on feedback from the marketplace. It involves testing a new minimum viable product to validate a new fundamental hypothesis about the business model or product. Successful pivots allow a startup to find a path toward sustainable growth, while companies that cannot pivot risk becoming stuck. The Lean Startup methodology builds in the ability to pivot so that startups can adapt quickly to mistakes through iterative experimentation and change.

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The document discusses challenges in corporate innovation and the importance of open ideation. It proposes using social media to accelerate ideation research by listening to customers to understand their needs. Various methods are presented for identifying new jobs customers need done or improving outcomes for current jobs. These include monitoring social media, asking customers directly, and enabling customer collaboration. The process of concept development and market testing new products and services is also summarized.

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The Types of TPM Roles by Facebook Product Leader

Main Takeaways: - The different types of roles that exist and what they do - Which role is best suited for you? - How to succeed in your role

product managementtech productsproduct school
Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias
Lean Startup Cycle
Startup Tool of Choice, developed Eric Ries
Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias
Startup Phases of Growth
Startup GrowthTransition
Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias
‣ Only Goal ist to find the product-market fit
‣ Main Metrics are Customer Retention: How long and often is the
Interaction, ask them about your product
‣ Try different Channels to fin the best one for you Product
‣ Optimize on Macro Level, not the small things
Startup Phase
Establish your Business and gain some traction
“Make things people want!”
Paul Graham, YCombinator
Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias
‣ Goal: This is when you start to pinpoint and interpret different growth levers that are catered
toward your particular business. You’ll learn what can positively impact your business and what
‣ Metric: During this phase, you should watch and understand your Cost Per Acquisition and Life-
Time Value. If you have been receiving the necessary data, this metric should be straightforward.
‣ Channels: In the first stage, you chose several channels that are best for your product. Now it’s
time to focus in and choose the most effective. If it’s already effective, build on it and the growth
rate will continue increasing.
‣ Optimization: Instead of placing all of your attention on the big picture (or macro optimization),
start switching your focus to the smaller picture (or micro optimization).
Transition Phase
Establish the Foundation for your Growth

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Reformulating the Product Delivery Process
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Reformulating the Product Delivery Process

This document discusses reformulating product delivery processes using Lean/Agile principles. It finds that these principles can drive high productivity gains for development organizations, as seen at Inovis which saw a 2x increase after implementing Kanban. However, such success can disrupt other areas unless the principles are applied more broadly. The document proposes managing business cases through a Kanban approach to alleviate these risks and focus on organizational value. It provides an example of how Inovis achieved rapid release cycles to support a customer migration. Finally, it demonstrates a Lean Portfolio Management system to coordinate work across an organization.

Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias
‣ Goal: The growth levers from the transitioning phase that you started pinpointing? Start tweaking
them and make them fit your exact needs.
‣ Metric: The spotlight is still pointed toward growth rate, but this shouldn’t be your only focus
anymore. Since growth is now occurring, you’ll want to look at your payback period. You’ll want a
shorter payback period in order to have a better investment.
‣ Channels: Do everything you can with the channel you have to fulfill its full potential. This
channel will handle most of your growth. See what other channels are out there so you can
create diversity among them.
‣ Optimization: Because you’ve focused on macro since the beginning, it’s now time to focus
solely on micro. Small changes can also yield large results.
Growth Phase
Maintain the Growth our your Startup
make small changes that create big effects
Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias
Startup Phases of Growth
Startup Transition Growth
Goal Product/Market Fit Discovering Growth Levers Turning up Growth Levers
Metrics Retention (CPA > CLV) Growth Rate (CPA ~ CLV) Growth Rate (CPA < CLV)
Experiment with 2-3 Channels to
find the one to concentrate on
Concentrate on first Channel Focus on > 1 Channel
Optimization Macro Macro + Micro Micro
Lean Startup, Prototyping &
Lean Startup & Agile
Multichannel Plattform,
Scalable & Flexible
Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias 11
DevOps as
a Service
Cloud Hosting
Get Key Metrics for Startup
Simple Stack
Small and Agile Team focusing
on building the MVP and the
first Iterations.
Infrastructure as a Service to Streamline you Process
Product UI/UX
Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias
‣ Focussing on building the MVP
• It has to be smooth for the Customer, not for your
• It should transport your USP, nothing more
• Doing things manually is fine, you can automate later
‣ ship early, ship often
• start with scrum for building the MVP, switch to Kanban and Continuous Delivery later
‣ not reinvent the wheel
• use Frameworks, Libraries and 3rd Party Services
‣ Get Customer Feedback, Set up and Measure the key KPI´s
Get your Startup Live
Build the MVP; Get customers; Learn and Iterate

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Lean overview
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Lean overview

The document summarizes the key principles of The Lean Startup methodology for launching startups. It discusses focusing on solving customer problems, building minimum viable products to test hypotheses, gathering customer feedback, regularly testing assumptions through experiments, and using data to decide whether to pivot or continue developing the product. The goal is to reduce risk and failure rates by only building features customers want based on validated learning.

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The document discusses agile software development and principles for cross-functional teams. It defines agile as iterative development where requirements evolve through collaboration. The benefits are delivering high business value quickly through constant feedback, but it requires experienced people who understand both business and technical needs. Case studies provide tips on implementing agile such as separating meetings by department, getting feedback at each stage, and communicating constantly.

Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias 13
Architecture Analytics, Metrics, DWH
Track everything, build a
DWH and learn everything
about your System Behavior
{ } BE
Build up separate Teams to
cover the increase
Product UI/UX
Repository Infrastructure as
Cloud Hosting
Simple Stack
Build an own Devops/Sysadmin Team to gain control about Infrastructure
CI Server
deploy &
Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias
‣ Service oriented Architecture
‣ Scale Frontend through Read Only Central Data Storages
‣ Be prepared for Failing and Fail Early
‣ Monitor and Measure everything
‣ automate the Deployment and Instance Management
‣ Keep your Codebase Clean and Readable
• gets new Team Member on speed fast
‣ Automated Tests, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery
Hardening your Platform
Prepare your Platform to handle the Growth
Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias 15
Repository Infrastructure as
Cloud Hosting
Simple Stack
Measure the Behavior of your system and scale (automatically) when necessary
CI Server
deploy &
Analytics, Metrics, DWH
Use Data for CRM,
Marketing and
Strong Teams, self
organized and responsible
for specific components
Product UI/UX
{ }
Logging BI
Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias
‣ encapsulate Domain Logic in separate Services
‣ Autoscale your Services and Instance Pools
‣ Use Queues and internal APIs for Communications betweens Services
‣ Build independently Teams who are responsible for specific Services
‣ Learn about your internal and external Traffic Patterns
‣ Use your Data to optimize your Business
Scale your Architecture, Teams and Processes
Keep Control about your System through separation

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Growth Product Development
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Growth Product Development

This document discusses how to develop products with a growth approach rather than being feature-driven. It recommends focusing on goals and key results rather than features by using an OKR framework. Ideas should be prioritized and tested using a score based on metrics like impact, ease of implementation, and ability to reach users. Regular testing and analysis of results should inform reprioritization of the backlog to focus on improving key metrics like activation, retention and revenue. The process emphasizes continuous learning and improving based on feedback from users.

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Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias
Lean Startup Cycle
Startup Tool of Choice, developed Eric Ries
Split Test
Customer Interviews
Customer Development
Five Whys Root Cause
Customer Advisory Board
Falsifiable Hypotheses
Product Owner
Custom Archetypes
Cross-functional Teams
Smoke Tests
Unit Test
Usability Tests
Continuous Integration
Incremental Deployment
Free & Open Source
Cloud Computing
Just-In Time Scalability
Developer VM
Split Tests
Clear Product Owner
Continuous Deployment
Realtime Monitoring
Custom Liaison
Funnel Analysis
Cohort Analysis
Net Promotor Score
Search Engine Marketing
Realtime Alerting
Predictive Monitoring

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Growth Startup - How to Build Scalable & Flexible Applications to Manage Hyper Growth

  • 1. 1 Growth Startup How to Build Scalable & Flexible Applications to Manage Hyper GrowthChristian Zacharias CTO - Finleap
  • 2. 2 Christian Zacharias CTO - Finleap until now // CTO @Finleap until end 2014 // CTO @Tirendo until Mid 2013 // Freelance Software Architect until End 2009 // Developer @Spreadshirt
  • 3. Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias 3 Finleap - The FinTech Company Builder Part of the Hitfox Group 4 - 6 Companies per Year 0.5 - 5 m € seed funding per company Finleap launched in Nov. 2014 Finleap uses new technologies and scalable business models to provide cheaper, simpler and more transparent digital services within the FinTech market. hire up the 150 people in 2015
  • 4. Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias Startups in Germany Statistics by DSM 2014 4
  • 5. Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias Lean Startup Cycle Startup Tool of Choice, developed Eric Ries 5 Ideas CodeData Build Measure Learn
  • 6. Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias Startup Phases of Growth 6 Startup GrowthTransition
  • 7. Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias ‣ Only Goal ist to find the product-market fit ‣ Main Metrics are Customer Retention: How long and often is the Interaction, ask them about your product ‣ Try different Channels to fin the best one for you Product ‣ Optimize on Macro Level, not the small things Startup Phase Establish your Business and gain some traction 7 “Make things people want!” Paul Graham, YCombinator
  • 8. Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias ‣ Goal: This is when you start to pinpoint and interpret different growth levers that are catered toward your particular business. You’ll learn what can positively impact your business and what doesn’t. ‣ Metric: During this phase, you should watch and understand your Cost Per Acquisition and Life- Time Value. If you have been receiving the necessary data, this metric should be straightforward. ‣ Channels: In the first stage, you chose several channels that are best for your product. Now it’s time to focus in and choose the most effective. If it’s already effective, build on it and the growth rate will continue increasing. ‣ Optimization: Instead of placing all of your attention on the big picture (or macro optimization), start switching your focus to the smaller picture (or micro optimization). Transition Phase Establish the Foundation for your Growth 8 MOVE FORWARD IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION
  • 9. Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias ‣ Goal: The growth levers from the transitioning phase that you started pinpointing? Start tweaking them and make them fit your exact needs. ‣ Metric: The spotlight is still pointed toward growth rate, but this shouldn’t be your only focus anymore. Since growth is now occurring, you’ll want to look at your payback period. You’ll want a shorter payback period in order to have a better investment. ‣ Channels: Do everything you can with the channel you have to fulfill its full potential. This channel will handle most of your growth. See what other channels are out there so you can create diversity among them. ‣ Optimization: Because you’ve focused on macro since the beginning, it’s now time to focus solely on micro. Small changes can also yield large results. Growth Phase Maintain the Growth our your Startup 9 make small changes that create big effects
  • 10. Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias Startup Phases of Growth 10 Startup Transition Growth Goal Product/Market Fit Discovering Growth Levers Turning up Growth Levers Metrics Retention (CPA > CLV) Growth Rate (CPA ~ CLV) Growth Rate (CPA < CLV) Channels Experiment with 2-3 Channels to find the one to concentrate on Concentrate on first Channel Focus on > 1 Channel Optimization Macro Macro + Micro Micro Tools Lean Startup, Prototyping & MVP Lean Startup & Agile Iterations Multichannel Plattform, Scalable & Flexible Team
  • 11. Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias 11 DBAPP {API} Architecture Deployment Repository Analytics DevOps as a Service Cloud Hosting Production Staging Get Key Metrics for Startup Phase Simple Stack Team Small and Agile Team focusing on building the MVP and the first Iterations. Infrastructure as a Service to Streamline you Process Development Product UI/UX DB Queries
  • 12. Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias ‣ Focussing on building the MVP • It has to be smooth for the Customer, not for your • It should transport your USP, nothing more • Doing things manually is fine, you can automate later ‣ ship early, ship often • start with scrum for building the MVP, switch to Kanban and Continuous Delivery later ‣ not reinvent the wheel • use Frameworks, Libraries and 3rd Party Services ‣ Get Customer Feedback, Set up and Measure the key KPI´s Get your Startup Live Build the MVP; Get customers; Learn and Iterate 12
  • 13. Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias 13 Architecture Analytics, Metrics, DWH Track everything, build a DWH and learn everything about your System Behavior DB KV { } BE FE Queue API DWHETL Central Logging Team Build up separate Teams to cover the increase complexity Development Product UI/UX DevOps Repository Infrastructure as Code Cloud Hosting Production Staging Simple Stack Build an own Devops/Sysadmin Team to gain control about Infrastructure Dev-VM CI Server deploy & autoscale
  • 14. Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias ‣ Service oriented Architecture ‣ Scale Frontend through Read Only Central Data Storages ‣ Be prepared for Failing and Fail Early ‣ Monitor and Measure everything ‣ automate the Deployment and Instance Management ‣ Keep your Codebase Clean and Readable • gets new Team Member on speed fast ‣ Automated Tests, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery Hardening your Platform Prepare your Platform to handle the Growth 14
  • 15. Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias 15 DevOps Repository Infrastructure as Code Cloud Hosting Production Staging Simple Stack Measure the Behavior of your system and scale (automatically) when necessary Dev-VM CI Server deploy & autoscale Analytics, Metrics, DWH Use Data for CRM, Marketing and Recommendations. DWH Team Strong Teams, self organized and responsible for specific components Development Product UI/UX Architecture DB KV Queue { } LB API LB WebApp KV Search Service Product Service Worker Customer Service Service-Layer Image Service Content Service ETL Central Logging BI
  • 16. Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias ‣ encapsulate Domain Logic in separate Services ‣ Autoscale your Services and Instance Pools ‣ Use Queues and internal APIs for Communications betweens Services ‣ Build independently Teams who are responsible for specific Services ‣ Learn about your internal and external Traffic Patterns ‣ Use your Data to optimize your Business Scale your Architecture, Teams and Processes Keep Control about your System through separation 16
  • 17. Growth Startup ©2015 Christian Zacharias Lean Startup Cycle Startup Tool of Choice, developed Eric Ries 17 Ideas CodeData Build Measure Learn Split Test Customer Interviews Customer Development Five Whys Root Cause Analysis Customer Advisory Board Falsifiable Hypotheses Product Owner Accountability Custom Archetypes Cross-functional Teams Smoke Tests Unit Test Usability Tests Continuous Integration Incremental Deployment Free & Open Source Components Cloud Computing Just-In Time Scalability Refactoring Developer VM Split Tests Clear Product Owner Continuous Deployment Realtime Monitoring Custom Liaison Funnel Analysis Cohort Analysis Net Promotor Score Search Engine Marketing Realtime Alerting Predictive Monitoring