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Google Analytics for Miva Merchants
Morgan Jones
1st Hour:
• Introduction to Google Analytics
• Key Google Analytics metrics and definitions
• Reporting overview – key reports for merchants
2nd Hour:
• Using Google Analytics to drive your business
• Reporting strategy
• Campaign tagging strategy
• Profitability reporting
• Google Tag Manager and Universal Analytics
• Full-Service Digital Agency
– SEO (Natural/Organic Search)
– SEM (Pay-Per-Click)
– Conversion optimization
– Web Design
– Social Media
• Analytics Consulting Company
– Focus is Google Analytics
– Customized Analytics Integration Consultant
– Consultant for Driving Action from Data
• Consultant For Over 250 Miva Merchant Companies
Miva Merchant PPC agency
• 10% of ad spend ($500/month minimum billing)
• Dedicated account manager with direct access (phone and email)
• Includes Analytics setup and support
• Includes monthly report with focus metrics reported vs. established
• Includes additional consulting at no additional charge
– Conversion optimization
– Value proposition development
– Competitive analysis

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Data Driven Channel Management | San Francisco Digital Marketing Hub
Data Driven Channel Management | San Francisco Digital Marketing HubData Driven Channel Management | San Francisco Digital Marketing Hub
Data Driven Channel Management | San Francisco Digital Marketing Hub

Stream:20 is a digital marketing consultancy that helps clients optimize their business structures, implement technology for success, and drive incremental revenue across devices. They push up key performance indicators for clients by rolling out and best practices for digital marketing. The presentation discusses using data to drive multi-channel management decisions to maximize budget and drive incremental sales. It covers attribution modeling to understand which channels generate awareness and convert customers, and how to leverage insights for seasonal planning and growth hacking new opportunities.

attributiondata managementmulti-channel management
Systematic Approach to Analyse Your eCommerce Data and Improve eCommerce Busi...
Systematic Approach to Analyse Your eCommerce Data and Improve eCommerce Busi...Systematic Approach to Analyse Your eCommerce Data and Improve eCommerce Busi...
Systematic Approach to Analyse Your eCommerce Data and Improve eCommerce Busi...

This document summarizes an e-commerce data analysis and optimization presentation. It discusses how analyzing e-commerce data can help improve business performance by measuring key performance indicators, benchmarking against industry standards, discovering actionable insights through testing and segmentation. Regular testing, personalized recommendations, and retargeting abandoned carts are recommended to increase conversions and customer lifetime value. Tools mentioned include analytics, clickstream, A/B testing, and retargeting platforms.

Definitive guide-to-marketing-metrics-marketing-analytics
Definitive guide-to-marketing-metrics-marketing-analyticsDefinitive guide-to-marketing-metrics-marketing-analytics
Definitive guide-to-marketing-metrics-marketing-analytics

The document discusses the importance of marketing metrics and analytics for building accountability and respect within an organization. It argues that marketing should measure metrics that matter to executives like revenue, profits, and growth. The document also emphasizes that marketing should plan for ROI from the start of a program by establishing goals and estimating ROI, designing measurable programs, and focusing on decisions that can improve marketing performance.

My Babies
• Largest Greek imports retailer on
the web
• Online since 2004
• Miva Merchant since 2004
• Launched in 2006
• Google Analytics certified partner
since 2008
• AdWords and Bing Certified Partner
• Launched in 2011
• The “Miva Central” to-be of Google
Analytics apps
• Launched in 2009
Why Do You
Need Analytics?
Website Analytics enables monitoring of visitor behavior
• How they reached the site
• Where they went when they landed on the site
• Whether or not they were successful in completing a goal on the site
(purchase, lead, etc.)
Website analytics identifies opportunities for improving conversion rates so
you make more $$$
Key Metrics
Visits = Total visit sessions* in the
timeframe selected
Unique Visitors = Number of unique
visitors in the timeframe selected
Pageviews = Number of pages viewed
Pages/Visit = Average pageviews per
Avg. Visit Duration = Average time a
visitor spent on the site
Bounce Rate = % of visitors that only
visited one page
% New Visits = % of visitors that had
not visited the site ever before
*Session resets when:
• More than 30 minutes have elapsed between pageviews for a single visitor.
• At the end of a day.
• When any traffic source value for the user changes. Traffic source information includes:
utm_source, utm_medium, utm_term, utm_content, utm_id, utm_campaign, and gclid.
Key Metrics
Goal - Definition
A goal is a website page which a visitor reaches once they have made a
purchase or completed another desired action, such as a purchase, registration
or download. Can also be an amount of time on site, number of pageviews or
an event.
Also known as a “Conversion”

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Oro London Meetup - dotmailer: Faster, smarter, better, email marketingOro London Meetup - dotmailer: Faster, smarter, better, email marketing
Oro London Meetup - dotmailer: Faster, smarter, better, email marketing

Tink Taylor, Co-Founder & President of the dotDigital Group PLC (dotmailer) talked about the critical elements contributing to successful email marketing campaigns.

email marketing automationemail marketing
Marketing Analytics: Tag Manager Tutorial
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Marketing Analytics: Tag Manager Tutorial

Tag Manager is a free tool from Google that allows marketers to place, test and manage various tags used for measurement, advertising, testing and more. While the tool is primarily used to improve efficiencies for digital marketers, we also explore its primary features, demonstrate sample processes to make the most of Tag Manager, and cover several sample use cases. The content of this webinar (recorded December 2016) was designed to benefit both novices and others with tag management experience.

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Digital Dealer 20 - Automotive Internet Measurement Council - 2015-10
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Digital Dealer 20 - Automotive Internet Measurement Council - 2015-10

This document discusses setting up goals and dashboard elements in Google Analytics to measure shopping behavior on automotive dealership websites. It recommends setting 9 goals, including views of new, used, and CPO vehicle detail pages, website leads, phone calls from listings, chats/texts, finance leads, trade appraisals, and incentives/coupons. The document also recommends 9 dashboard widgets to measure metrics like site visits, traffic sources, devices, locations, and top pages. The goals aim to correlate online behaviors with sales and determine weak areas to improve strategies.

google analyticsdigital marketing
Location Reporting
Identify best performing countries, states, and cities.
Location Reporting
Sort by any column
Mobile Reporting
Identify mobile impact
Traffic Sources
Identify which sources of traffic are driving the most business

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Silverpop: Taking Loyalty Beyond the Discount
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This document discusses taking loyalty marketing beyond simple discounts. It suggests six new tactics for loyalty programs: 1) using social media to provide a more personal experience, 2) rewarding customers based on their affinities rather than just purchases, 3) enhancing the mobile experience, 4) factoring in customer locations, 5) scoring customers like marketing leads, and 6) using an open architecture to partner with other brands to deepen understanding of customers. The document argues that today's customers, especially younger generations, value online reputations and experiences over simple coupons.

Making digital marketing work and measuring the results
Making digital marketing work and measuring the resultsMaking digital marketing work and measuring the results
Making digital marketing work and measuring the results

The document discusses best practices for digital marketing measurement and strategy. It provides tips for setting goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) such as increasing leads by 10% and growing social media followers. Personas, keyword research, content optimization, and website analytics are presented as important areas to focus on. Competitive analysis tools like Moz and analytics dashboards are referenced for tracking metrics like traffic and lead generation over time. Overall the document offers guidance on developing an integrated digital marketing plan with defined objectives and measurement.

digital marketinganalyticsmeasurement
Two Roads Hospitality Revenue & Reservations Conference Presentation #2
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The document discusses how revenue management and digital marketing can create a symbiotic relationship through collaboration, using common metrics and KPIs, integrating data sources, and enabling continuous improvement. It provides examples of how to optimize marketing mix based on channel economics and understand the ecosystems of the revenue and marketing teams. The goal is to move from siloed reporting to integrated analytics that support holistic business decision making.

Identify which keywords drive revenue
Top Pages
Identify which pages get the most pageviews and their engagement
Page Load Times
Identify slow loading pages that may cause abandonment
Site Search
Identify what visitors are searching for

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Recover the abandoned bookings through SaleCycle (hospitality focus)
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Improve your eCommerce conversions by recovering the abandoned bookings through SaleCycle (presented at HSMAI meeting in HK)

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A presentation given by Tottenham Hotspur FC at Dynamic Yield's Personalization Pioneer Summit in Berlin. The presentation also included a live, on-stage demonstration!

footballecommercewebsite personalization
Cutting Through the Marketing Automation Hype
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The document discusses how marketing automation can help address challenges around lead generation and management by improving lead quality, optimizing lead sources, and automating lead nurturing. It also highlights how the Act-On marketing platform and services from NuSpark Marketing can help companies better implement marketing automation solutions. The presenters offer to provide more information to interested parties within 24 hours of the event.

marketing automationmarketing
Ecommerce Conversion Rate = Transactions/Visits
Average Value = Total Revenue/Transactions
Unique Purchases = Useless metric!
Quantity = Total items purchased 17
Ecommerce –
Product Performance
Identify which products are generating the most revenue
Real-Time (Demo)
Additional Reporting

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Join Movable Ink and BlueHornet for an in-depth look at how to create and execute contextual email campaigns. Learn why contextual marketing is critical today and how you can use the data you already have to segment, in real-time, for every individual customer at the moment of open. Take a look at BlueHornet client, Allen Edmonds', successful contextual marketing campaigns, from strategy and planning to testing and outcomes.

email marketingemailcontextual marketing
• Configure and save for quick reference
• Focus on most important metrics 21
Great when needing advanced segments or filters applied
Nice try!
Intelligence – Custom Alerts
Great for identifying “broken glass” issues

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The document discusses how revenue management and digital marketing can converge to create a symbiotic relationship. It provides examples of how analyzing data can help optimize pricing, forecasting, customer targeting, and distribution. It also addresses challenges like consumers becoming smarter and the codependent relationship with online travel agencies. The document suggests revenue and marketing teams can work together by sharing data, using common metrics, and continuously improving their combined efforts to maximize profits.

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Geary LSF University Presents: Advanced Analytics
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Geary LSF University, a Geary LSF Initiative, is proud to present this How-to presentation about Analytics. Learn everything you need to know about analytics and attribution for digital advertising.

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Pitching hacks
Pitching hacksPitching hacks
Pitching hacks

The document provides tips on pitching startups to investors. It emphasizes that investors care most about traction, which is demonstrated through profit, revenue, customers or pilot customers using the product. If a startup has strong traction in a large market, they can raise money even with just an okay product and team. The document recommends startups get some level of traction, such as testing their idea with potential customers, before seeking funding from investors. It also suggests using introductions, elevator pitches, high-concept pitches, and slide decks to tell a compelling story when pitching to investors.

pitching hacks
Intelligence – Custom Alerts
Concierge – try it for free!
Will monitor and alert:
- Visits
- Bounce Rate
- Revenue
- Internal referrals
- Other metrics
Report Features
Advanced Segments
Advanced Segments
Built-in Segments = already provided by GA
Custom Segments = you make your own

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Why SEO That Used to Work, Fails
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Why SEO That Used to Work, Fails

This document discusses how SEO has changed and tactics that used to work no longer do. It provides 6 key points: 1. SEO must be strategic rather than tactical. It involves understanding audiences, amplification opportunities, and marketing funnels. 2. Building a powerful brand may be more important than optimizing a site, as brands have invested in SEO and benefit from changes in Google's algorithm. 3. Choosing keywords is more complex and involves considering opportunity, features, and intent overlap rather than just volume and value. 4. Links should be earned like a publicist rather than manually built, as scalable strategies like great content are more effective than manipulative tactics. 5

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The Only 10 Slides You Need in Your Pitch Deck from The Art of the Start 2.0
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The Only 10 Slides You Need in Your Pitch Deck from The Art of the Start 2.0 by Guy Kawasaki created by Visually More about The Art of the Start 2.0 here:

presentationspitch deckthe art of the start
Pitch Deck Templates for Startups
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Pitch Deck Templates for Startups

Customizable pitch deck templates which include two different versions, both built by leading seed investors at NextView Ventures. Entrepreneurs can use them to save time while building a pitch deck to raise seed capital.

Custom Advanced
View reports for one particular segment, such as purchasers
Slide the right to improve precision
Custom Reports
Custom Reports
Create reports “just the way you want them”

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This is the original AirBnB pitch deck. Airbnb founders use this pitch deck to raise $600K from VCs and angel investors in 2008. YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE THESE PITCH DECK EXAMPLES & TEMPLATES: > Sequoia Capital pitch deck template @ > FREE pitch deck template download @ > Pitch deck guide with hints, tips, and a worked example @ NEED HELP WITH YOUR PITCH DECK? See how I can help then book a free call @ MORE PITCH DECK RESOURCES @

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SEOmoz Pitch Deck July 2011
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The document summarizes the history and growth of SEOmoz, an SEO software company founded in 2001 by Rand Fishkin and his mother Gillian. It details how SEOmoz grew from a small consultancy into a profitable software company with over 10,000 subscribers. The document outlines SEOmoz's plans to raise $20-25 million in funding to expand its product suite, team, and marketing in order to serve a wider audience and become the leading software for organic marketers. The goal is for SEOmoz to become Seattle's next billion dollar company.

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Google analytics for store owners
Google analytics for store ownersGoogle analytics for store owners
Google analytics for store owners

Google Analytics is essential for every ecommerce website. In this session, you'll learn to read and understand GA reporting, and how the reports relate to your business. If you already understand how Google Analytics works, the advanced course will teach you how to implement best practices for successful ecommerce marketing strategies.

by Miva
Email Reports
Email Reports
Receive reports via email at a set frequency
Export Reports
Export Reports
Premium Only

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Google Analytics for Miva Merchants
Google Analytics for Miva MerchantsGoogle Analytics for Miva Merchants
Google Analytics for Miva Merchants

Google Analytics is the Wall Street Journal of an online business – you should be reading it everyday. Learn how to use the most powerful analytics tool available, and get up-to-the-minute data about your site visitors, conversions, products, revenue and so much more. We’ll explore the best GA practices and features to drive more revenue out of your Miva store, including metrics and definitions, campaign tagging for measuring inbound traffic (ppc, email, etc.), custom reporting and dashboards, importing data into Google Analytics, reporting offline (phone order) sales in Google Analytics, using Google Analytics to grow your revenue, and introduction to Google Analytics reports. MivaCon 2016, Friday session 1.

by Miva
Conversion Optimisation: Creating the right environment for your CRO campaign
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Conversion Optimisation: Creating the right environment for your CRO campaign

The document discusses strategies for optimizing conversion rates for marketing campaigns. It recommends analyzing external factors like competitors, customers and market trends. Metrics for measuring success should relate to business objectives like generating leads or revenue. Google Analytics can track goals, events, demographics and custom metrics. The concept of "leakage" is introduced to identify weaknesses in the customer journey based on page views and exits.

Analytics peresentation
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Analytics peresentation

This document provides an overview and introduction to using Google Analytics. It discusses how analytics can help answer key questions about website traffic like who visits a site, how they find the site, what they do once on the site, and if they complete important goals. It then walks through setting up Google Analytics and how to analyze various metrics to understand audience, acquisition, behavior, and conversions. The document emphasizes the importance of setting goals and using the data to drive improvements and business decisions.

Add To Dashboard,
Goals & Funnels
Great report for
opportunities with
checkout issues:
• Shipping options
• Shipping pricing
• Payment options
• Upsell
• Navigation
Creating Goal Funnels

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Google Analytics
Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics
Google Analytics

This document provides an overview of Google Analytics and how it can be used to understand website traffic and visitor behavior. It discusses tracking key metrics like sessions, users, pageviews, bounce rate, and goals. It also explains how to segment data and analyze acquisition sources, site content, and multi-channel funnels. The document emphasizes that analytics is most useful when the data is acted on to continually improve the user experience and drive conversions.

What is Google Grants?
What is Google Grants?What is Google Grants?
What is Google Grants?

What is Google Grants? • Program created in 2003 • Provides nonprofits with up to $10,000 per month in free advertising on Google • Supports over 8,000 grantees • Donated over $800 million in free ads

000 per month in free advertising on google • su000 grantees • donated over $800 million in freewhat is google grants? • program created in 2003
Measuring Your Website Success - Analytics and more...
Measuring Your Website Success - Analytics and more...Measuring Your Website Success - Analytics and more...
Measuring Your Website Success - Analytics and more...

Measuring website performance is important for several reasons: - Understand what is working and not working on your website - Make informed decisions about website design and content - Improve your site to convert more visitors into customers Google Analytics is a powerful tool that allows you to track key metrics like visits, bounce rates, traffic sources, keywords, visitor flows, and goals/conversions. Consistently measuring these metrics allows businesses to optimize their website and online marketing efforts.

email marketinganalyticssocial media
Using Google Analytics To Grow Revenue
Cash Flow Is King
Category Total Sales
Gross Profit
Margin Gross Profit
Cost Total Net Profit
Profit Margin
Olives $133.7 48% 64.06$ $8.48 $1.26 $0.15 $9.89 54.17$ 40.5%
Olive Oil $251.9 48% 120.70$ $15.43 $3.25 $1.63 $20.31 100.39$ 39.9%
Pickled Products $124.2 48% 59.51$ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 59.51$ 47.9%
Specialty Snacks $47.6 48% 22.81$ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 22.81$ 47.9%
Candy & Specialty Sweets $413.1 48% 197.92$ $21.86 $0.82 $2.26 $24.94 172.98$ 41.9%
Pasta Products $152.9 48% 73.24$ $38.13 $0.00 $4.76 $42.89 30.35$ 19.9%
Wafers, Cookies, Pastry & Rusks $48.1 48% 23.02$ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 23.02$ 47.9%
Dressings & Vinegars-Fish Items $115.8 48% 55.46$ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 55.46$ 47.9%
Coffee And Tea $541.8 48% 259.61$ $84.64 $2.37 $3.92 $90.93 168.68$ 31.1%
Spices & Herbs $440.7 48% 211.17$ $44.40 $0.00 $0.91 $45.31 165.86$ 37.6%
Greek Seasoning And Marinates $90.4 48% 43.29$ $92.59 $0.00 $0.00 $92.59 (49.30)$ -54.6%
Party Food Items $343.2 48% 164.43$ $106.14 $26.98 $10.45 $143.57 20.86$ 6.1%
Fruit Preserves And Marmelades $35.8 48% 17.15$ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 17.15$ 47.9%
Where To Get Data? GA You Formula GA GA GA Formula Formula Formula
Cash Flow Is King
Steps to report profitability by category:
1) Identify how many categories you need to report, based on:
– Different product margins
– How granular you would like to report
2) Create Paid Search strategy (Campaigns & Ad Groups) that aligns with
reporting strategy
3) Identify Gross Profit Margins per category
4) Report
5) Take action!
Category Total Sales
Gross Profit
Margin Gross Profit
Olives $133.7 48% 64.06$ $8.34
Olive Oil $251.9 48% 120.70$ $15.35
Cash Flow Is King
What to consider if you are not profitable:
• Loss leader?
• Lifetime value
• Ramping up the business
• Attribution – may be “Assisting” but not “Closing”
Actions to take to become profitable:
• Adjust paid search cpc’s lower
• Identify bad search queries or placements that should be negative keywords
or negative placements
• Pause poor performing Campaigns, Ad Groups or Keywords
• Adjust pricing higher
• Optimize landing pages or other pages in path-to-purchase

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A Common Sense Approach to Account-Based Analytics & Personalization
A Common Sense Approach to Account-Based Analytics & PersonalizationA Common Sense Approach to Account-Based Analytics & Personalization
A Common Sense Approach to Account-Based Analytics & Personalization

It’s tough to know where to start when it comes to understanding how your website experience fits within an Account Based Marketing strategy. ABM and personalization might seem like a natural fit, but how do you actually do it in a way that improves your customers’ experience and your KPIs? Let’s end the guesswork. In this webinar Arun Sivashankaran, CEO of FunnelEnvy, will share the good, bad and ugly from years of experience helping B2B demand generation teams tackling account based analytics & personalization. Instead of ineffective “vanity experiences” that consume time and resources, we’ll share a framework and tools to develop a data-driven understanding of your customers’ revenue journey. Then we’ll address how to accelerate that journey through common-sense campaigns that actually help your customers and deliver revenue.

account-based marketingdemand generationb2b marketing
Midtown Inc. - Analytics Presentation
Midtown Inc. - Analytics PresentationMidtown Inc. - Analytics Presentation
Midtown Inc. - Analytics Presentation

This document provides an overview of marketing analytics and how they can help businesses determine which marketing channels are most effective. It discusses various paid marketing drivers like SEO, PPC, social media and print marketing. It also covers capturing online and in-store conversions through Google Analytics and point of sale systems. The presentation emphasizes tracking ROI for each channel and gathering customer insights through surveying to continuously learn and improve marketing strategies.

Google Analytics Session
Google Analytics SessionGoogle Analytics Session
Google Analytics Session

This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on Google Analytics. It discusses setting up Google Analytics accounts, understanding key metrics like visitors, traffic sources, content performance, and goals. It covers measurement of ecommerce websites, campaign tracking with tagging, and experimentation. It emphasizes creating a data-driven culture by focusing on resources, self-learning, and using data to improve future campaigns.

google analytics
ROI By Sales Channel
• Compare Google, Bing, Facebook, Amazon, etc. side-
• Enables re-allocation of advertising budget to best
performing channels to optimize profit 45
Site Optimization
High abandonment drove action!
- Higher abandonment for Checkout By Amazon than our online credit card
payment option 46
Site Optimization
A/B test site changes to grow revenue
Site Optimization
Created “BASK1” page w/out Checkout By Amazon link

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Using Google Analytics for Business Growth - Webinar
Using Google Analytics for Business Growth - Webinar Using Google Analytics for Business Growth - Webinar
Using Google Analytics for Business Growth - Webinar

Learn how to go beyond the default setup of Google Analytics and adopt a holistic approach to Google Analytics by measuring your business KPI’s, online and offline customer journey and, using analytics to discover actionable insights.

google analyticsweb analyticsdigital marketing

Google Analytics allows you to track and analyze website traffic. This document provides an overview of key Google Analytics features: 1) It describes how to set up filters, UTM codes, event tracking, tracking pixels, and Google Tag Manager to automate data collection. This provides cleaner data and reduces manual tracking errors. 2) It explains how to set up goals to track conversions, use multi-channel funnels to identify successful paths, and funnel reports to find dropout points. This helps optimize processes like sales funnels. 3) Google Analytics features like advertising reports and demographics help create customer personas by providing audience insights. This allows targeting the right customers. 4) Setting up Google Webmaster Tools

How To Mesure And Optimise Your Roi Using Web Analytics Google
How To Mesure And Optimise Your Roi Using Web Analytics GoogleHow To Mesure And Optimise Your Roi Using Web Analytics Google
How To Mesure And Optimise Your Roi Using Web Analytics Google

Presentation by Alan BOYDELL (Google Analytics Manager, Southern Europe) from etarget conference.

Site Optimization
Original Page – “BASK”
Site Optimization
New Page without Checkout By Amazon link – “BASK1”
Site Optimization
Experiment setup
Site Optimization

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Personalize Wisely: The Dos and Don'ts of Personalization
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Personalize Wisely: The Dos and Don'ts of Personalization

Patrick Akhidenor from OpenText Optimost shares personalization strategies and tips at the Behave 2017 Conference.

Introduction to Paid Search
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Introduction to Paid Search

Anvil's Pascal Inderabudhi presented at the quarterly lunch & learn seminar on paid media. From exactly what paid media is to an overview on how to use it, he covered all the bases in order to get anyone off and running with this own campaign.

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Pricing engine acquisio local sem webinar-final

As publishers and local search providers struggle to find ways to create improved margins, they have found an important ally in technology. New tech is helping automate much of the work humans have been performing like proposal management, CRM connectivity, publisher account provisioning and setup, keyword research, budget and bid management, ad creation, call tracking, client reporting and so much more. Join us for an overview of the state of automation today, some examples of companies who maximize their use of automation and the results they have obtained, as well as a discussion on the role of machines and humans in local search.

Keyword & Product
Campaign Tracking
- Bing PPC - Google Shopping, etc.
- Email newsletters - Banners on other sites
- Facebook PPC - Facebook links 54
Not needed
for Google
Campaign Tracking
Campaign Tracking

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Better conversion with Intelligent Analytics
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Better conversion with Intelligent Analytics

As presented at #BrightonSEO and #SearchElite Manchester September 2017 Uploaded version is the longer deck as used for #SASCon 2017 - examples and use cases for Google Analytics features and tools to make more from the data you can collect.

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10+ ways to get MORE from Google Analytics
10+ ways to get MORE from Google Analytics10+ ways to get MORE from Google Analytics
10+ ways to get MORE from Google Analytics

Explanation of some useful Google Analytics tools most people aren't using to their full potential. Includes ideas and examples for Event Tracking, Custom Dimensions, Segments and Calculated Metrics. As presented at Web Marketing Festival Rimini June 2017

datagoogle analyticswmf17
Google Analytics: understanding the data correctly
Google Analytics: understanding the data correctlyGoogle Analytics: understanding the data correctly
Google Analytics: understanding the data correctly

Main points of the webinar: 1) Introduction of Google Analytics, understanding the data correctly: goals, e-commerce, principal metrics (visits/pageviews, sources of traffic), webmaster tools integration 2) Google Analytics advanced segments setting, and Top 8 of the most useful custom reports and how to set them: • Not Provided • Branded vs non-branded traffic • Visits with transactions • Most profitable sources of traffic • Funnel visualizations, drop-offs • Bounce rate, it’s correct interpretation • Mobile traffic • 404 errors

google analyticsseo tipsseo
Event Tracking
Used to identify actions that take place “within a page”
• Downloads
• “Add to cart”
• Used shipping calculator prior to checkout
Event Tracking
Track errors
Event Tracking
Identify which errors are causing abandonment and improve messaging
Event Tracking
<script type="text/javascript">
try{ var lookups={
"-3" : "Please retry pressing the continue button at the bottom of the page.",
"10001": "Please check your credit card number entered. It does not appear to be entered correctly.",
"10527": "Please check your credit card number entered. It does not appear to be entered correctly.",
"10507": "Please check your credit card number entered. It does not appear to be entered correctly.",
"10544": "Please check your credit card details below and click the continue button at the bottom of the page.", "10762": "Please check
your credit card CVV code and try again.",
"15004": "Please check your credit card CVV code and try again.",
"15005": "The transaction was declined by your credit card company. Please contact your credit card company or try another credit card.",
"15006": "The transaction was declined by your credit card company. Please contact your credit card company or try another credit card.",
"15007": "The transaction was declined by your credit card company because your card is expired. Please contact your credit card company
or try another credit card.",
"Default": "Please contact us at 800-755-8067 to assist you with your order. We are available M-F from 9-5 EST. If after hours, please <a
href="">Contact Us</a>."
var hasError = false;
var message = jQuery("#paypalerror b").html();
if(message.length > 10){ hasError = true; }
if(hasError){ var event_m= message.replace(/<br>/i,'');
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'PayPalError', event_m]); var patt=new RegExp(/(([ws-]*))/); var code = message.match(patt)[1];
if(lookups[code]!=undefined){ jQuery("#paypalerror b").html(message + lookups[code] + '<br>');
}else{ jQuery("#paypalerror b").html(message + lookups['Default'] + '<br>'); } }}catch(err){}

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Wary of investing too much ad spend without attributing success to the proper channels? Understand how each channel relates and supports each other through your shopper’s journey for an accurate representation of your marketing investments. Let’s do away with the complexity and guesswork involved in attribution. In this webinar we’ll share the reports we look at to get insights into ad performance beyond last-click attribution no paid tool.

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Transform your store into a modern, beautifully designed showcase for your products with Miva Merchant's New ReadyThemes. These free, high quality responsive themes are paired with new admin functionality to allow you to better manage your existing stores content, navigation, featured products and marketing images. This session will guide you though the new themes available as well as show you how to integrate ReadyTheme features into your existing Miva Store. MivaCon 2016, Friday session 1.

by Miva
Event Tracking
Provide better messaging to guide the shopper through errors in checkout
• Identify sources of traffic that “Assist” in sales, but do not get credit for
the “last click” purchase
• Improve ROI measurement for paid search, display and social media
Phone Order Tracking
• Uses “Visitor ID” instead of dynamic phone numbers
• Report revenue from phone orders in Google Analytics
• Increase ROI from paid search and other campaigns
• Free 30-day trial – contact
• Ensure Google Analytics is implemented and reporting correctly
– Advanced implementation (cost import, site search, AdWords
linking, goal funnels, etc.)
• Tag your campaigns for clarity in reporting
• Establish reporting framework to report cash flow and by product or
• Perform search query analysis – identify both good and bad queries
– Also ad placement analysis for contextual/display networks
• Focus on largest sources of revenue to grow the business
• A/B test to improve conversions
• Monitor attribution and include in ROI calculations
• Push as much revenue into Google Analytics as possible and down to the
details (phone tracking)

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What if all of your future customers were in one place, clamoring for information about your brand and products? They are. We’ll explore how to open up a true dialogue with your social media audience, creating great content and putting it to work with Facebook Power Editor and Ads Manager to drive clicks and conversions. MivaCon 2016, Thursday session 3.

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When it comes to email, what's the difference between unwanted spam and a confident, creative dialogue with your customers? It's all in the voice. Explore how your email campaigns reflect the character of your brand and communicate who you are to the world, and how applying artistry and good ethics to everything from subject lines to automated schedules can build true loyalty and drive sales. MivaCon 2016, Thursday session 2.

by Miva
Secrets to Writing Content That Matters - Gillian Muessig
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You've got products. You've got content. Some of it might even be very good content. But is it content that will rank? Content that will sell? In short, is it the RIGHT content? Gillian takes a deep dive into a revolutionary process for determining the most valuable content to write. From the subject to the page where it resides, where it links and how it will rank, you'll finally have a firm grip and a replicable process for identifying, scheduling, writing and posting content that will actually boost your bottom line. MivaCon 2016, Friday session 3.

by Miva
Universal Analytics and Google Tag Manager
Universal Analytics
• The future in advanced GA reporting and features
– New Ecommerce reporting coming soon
– Offline transaction reporting (phone orders,, eBay, etc.)
– Track users across multiple devices (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile)
– Process returns 66
Google Tag Manager
• Consolidate all your tracking codes into Tag Manager and enhance Miva
reporting capabilities
– Faster turnaround time in updating/adding tags
– Ability to outsource GA implementation (vendor can add tags without website access)
– Version control and rollback capability
– Faster page load times
• Miva benefits:
– Enhanced reporting!
Conversion Rates By Product Added To Cart
• Identify products that do not convert well after adding to cart
– Optimize shipping rates to grow overall sales
Product SKU Qty Added To Cart Qty Sold Conversion Rate
1050-03003 203 0 0%
2691-15001 47 47 100%
1101-04001 24 1 4%
2069-02073 22 0 0%
1002-02003 16 2 13%
1450-06001 16 8 50%
0859-04003 14 1 7%
1977-01001 14 7 50%
0483-05011 13 0 0%
1442-06009 12 2 17%
0483-05001 11 1 9%
2442-03001 11 10 91%
1950-03022 10 0 0%
Add To Cart Conversion Rate By SKU

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Impact Conversion Rates
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Google Analytics for Miva Merchants by Morgan Jones

  • 1. 1 Google Analytics for Miva Merchants Morgan Jones eComIQ 3/7/14
  • 2. Agenda 1st Hour: • Introduction to Google Analytics • Key Google Analytics metrics and definitions • Reporting overview – key reports for merchants 2nd Hour: • Using Google Analytics to drive your business • Reporting strategy • Campaign tagging strategy • Profitability reporting • Google Tag Manager and Universal Analytics 2
  • 3. eComIQ 3 • Full-Service Digital Agency – SEO (Natural/Organic Search) – SEM (Pay-Per-Click) – Conversion optimization – Web Design – Social Media • Analytics Consulting Company – Focus is Google Analytics – Customized Analytics Integration Consultant – Consultant for Driving Action from Data • Consultant For Over 250 Miva Merchant Companies
  • 4. PPC Miva Merchant PPC agency • 10% of ad spend ($500/month minimum billing) • Dedicated account manager with direct access (phone and email) • Includes Analytics setup and support • Includes monthly report with focus metrics reported vs. established goals • Includes additional consulting at no additional charge – Conversion optimization – Value proposition development – Competitive analysis 4
  • 5. My Babies 5 • Largest Greek imports retailer on the web • Online since 2004 • Miva Merchant since 2004 • Launched in 2006 • Google Analytics certified partner since 2008 • AdWords and Bing Certified Partner • Launched in 2011 • The “Miva Central” to-be of Google Analytics apps • Launched in 2009
  • 6. Why Do You Need Analytics? Website Analytics enables monitoring of visitor behavior • How they reached the site • Where they went when they landed on the site • Whether or not they were successful in completing a goal on the site (purchase, lead, etc.) Website analytics identifies opportunities for improving conversion rates so you make more $$$ 6
  • 7. Key Metrics Visits = Total visit sessions* in the timeframe selected Unique Visitors = Number of unique visitors in the timeframe selected Pageviews = Number of pages viewed Pages/Visit = Average pageviews per visit Avg. Visit Duration = Average time a visitor spent on the site Bounce Rate = % of visitors that only visited one page % New Visits = % of visitors that had not visited the site ever before 7 *Session resets when: • More than 30 minutes have elapsed between pageviews for a single visitor. • At the end of a day. • When any traffic source value for the user changes. Traffic source information includes: utm_source, utm_medium, utm_term, utm_content, utm_id, utm_campaign, and gclid.
  • 8. Key Metrics Goal - Definition A goal is a website page which a visitor reaches once they have made a purchase or completed another desired action, such as a purchase, registration or download. Can also be an amount of time on site, number of pageviews or an event. Also known as a “Conversion” 8
  • 9. Location Reporting Identify best performing countries, states, and cities. 9
  • 10. Location Reporting Sort by any column 10
  • 12. Traffic Sources Identify which sources of traffic are driving the most business 12
  • 14. Top Pages Identify which pages get the most pageviews and their engagement 14
  • 15. Page Load Times Identify slow loading pages that may cause abandonment 15
  • 16. Site Search Identify what visitors are searching for 16
  • 17. Ecommerce Ecommerce Conversion Rate = Transactions/Visits Average Value = Total Revenue/Transactions Unique Purchases = Useless metric! Quantity = Total items purchased 17
  • 18. Ecommerce – Product Performance Identify which products are generating the most revenue 18
  • 21. Dashboards • Configure and save for quick reference • Focus on most important metrics 21
  • 22. Shortcuts Great when needing advanced segments or filters applied 22
  • 24. Intelligence – Custom Alerts Great for identifying “broken glass” issues 24
  • 25. Intelligence – Custom Alerts Concierge – try it for free! Will monitor and alert: - Visits - Bounce Rate - Revenue - Internal referrals - Other metrics 25
  • 28. Advanced Segments Built-in Segments = already provided by GA Custom Segments = you make your own 28
  • 29. Custom Advanced Segments View reports for one particular segment, such as purchasers 29
  • 30. Sampling Slide the right to improve precision 30
  • 32. Custom Reports Create reports “just the way you want them” 32
  • 34. Email Reports Receive reports via email at a set frequency 34
  • 38. Goals & Funnels Great report for identifying opportunities with checkout issues: • Shipping options • Shipping pricing • Payment options • Upsell • Navigation 38
  • 41. Using Google Analytics To Grow Revenue 41
  • 42. Cash Flow Is King 42 Category Total Sales Gross Profit Margin Gross Profit Google Cost Yahoo Cost MSN Cost Total Net Profit Profit Margin After Advertisement Olives $133.7 48% 64.06$ $8.48 $1.26 $0.15 $9.89 54.17$ 40.5% Olive Oil $251.9 48% 120.70$ $15.43 $3.25 $1.63 $20.31 100.39$ 39.9% Pickled Products $124.2 48% 59.51$ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 59.51$ 47.9% Specialty Snacks $47.6 48% 22.81$ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 22.81$ 47.9% Candy & Specialty Sweets $413.1 48% 197.92$ $21.86 $0.82 $2.26 $24.94 172.98$ 41.9% Pasta Products $152.9 48% 73.24$ $38.13 $0.00 $4.76 $42.89 30.35$ 19.9% Wafers, Cookies, Pastry & Rusks $48.1 48% 23.02$ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 23.02$ 47.9% Dressings & Vinegars-Fish Items $115.8 48% 55.46$ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 55.46$ 47.9% Coffee And Tea $541.8 48% 259.61$ $84.64 $2.37 $3.92 $90.93 168.68$ 31.1% Spices & Herbs $440.7 48% 211.17$ $44.40 $0.00 $0.91 $45.31 165.86$ 37.6% Greek Seasoning And Marinates $90.4 48% 43.29$ $92.59 $0.00 $0.00 $92.59 (49.30)$ -54.6% Party Food Items $343.2 48% 164.43$ $106.14 $26.98 $10.45 $143.57 20.86$ 6.1% Fruit Preserves And Marmelades $35.8 48% 17.15$ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 17.15$ 47.9% Where To Get Data? GA You Formula GA GA GA Formula Formula Formula
  • 43. Cash Flow Is King Steps to report profitability by category: 1) Identify how many categories you need to report, based on: – Different product margins – How granular you would like to report 2) Create Paid Search strategy (Campaigns & Ad Groups) that aligns with reporting strategy 3) Identify Gross Profit Margins per category 4) Report 5) Take action! 43 Category Total Sales Gross Profit Margin Gross Profit Google Cost Olives $133.7 48% 64.06$ $8.34 Olive Oil $251.9 48% 120.70$ $15.35
  • 44. Cash Flow Is King What to consider if you are not profitable: • Loss leader? • Lifetime value • Ramping up the business • Attribution – may be “Assisting” but not “Closing” Actions to take to become profitable: • Adjust paid search cpc’s lower • Identify bad search queries or placements that should be negative keywords or negative placements • Pause poor performing Campaigns, Ad Groups or Keywords • Adjust pricing higher • Optimize landing pages or other pages in path-to-purchase 44
  • 45. ROI By Sales Channel • Compare Google, Bing, Facebook, Amazon, etc. side- by-side • Enables re-allocation of advertising budget to best performing channels to optimize profit 45
  • 46. Site Optimization High abandonment drove action! - Higher abandonment for Checkout By Amazon than our online credit card payment option 46
  • 47. Site Optimization A/B test site changes to grow revenue 47
  • 48. Site Optimization Created “BASK1” page w/out Checkout By Amazon link 48
  • 49. Site Optimization Original Page – “BASK” 49
  • 50. Site Optimization New Page without Checkout By Amazon link – “BASK1” 50
  • 54. Campaign Tracking - Bing PPC - Google Shopping, etc. - Email newsletters - Banners on other sites - Facebook PPC - Facebook links 54 Not needed for Google AdWords “Autotagged” accounts
  • 57. Event Tracking 57 Used to identify actions that take place “within a page” • Downloads • “Add to cart” • Used shipping calculator prior to checkout
  • 59. Event Tracking 59 Identify which errors are causing abandonment and improve messaging
  • 60. Event Tracking OPAY Page JS 60 <script type="text/javascript"> try{ var lookups={ "-3" : "Please retry pressing the continue button at the bottom of the page.", "10001": "Please check your credit card number entered. It does not appear to be entered correctly.", "10527": "Please check your credit card number entered. It does not appear to be entered correctly.", "10507": "Please check your credit card number entered. It does not appear to be entered correctly.", "10544": "Please check your credit card details below and click the continue button at the bottom of the page.", "10762": "Please check your credit card CVV code and try again.", "15004": "Please check your credit card CVV code and try again.", "15005": "The transaction was declined by your credit card company. Please contact your credit card company or try another credit card.", "15006": "The transaction was declined by your credit card company. Please contact your credit card company or try another credit card.", "15007": "The transaction was declined by your credit card company because your card is expired. Please contact your credit card company or try another credit card.", "Default": "Please contact us at 800-755-8067 to assist you with your order. We are available M-F from 9-5 EST. If after hours, please <a href="">Contact Us</a>." }; var hasError = false; var message = jQuery("#paypalerror b").html(); if(message.length > 10){ hasError = true; } if(hasError){ var event_m= message.replace(/<br>/i,''); _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'PayPalError', event_m]); var patt=new RegExp(/(([ws-]*))/); var code = message.match(patt)[1]; if(lookups[code]!=undefined){ jQuery("#paypalerror b").html(message + lookups[code] + '<br>'); }else{ jQuery("#paypalerror b").html(message + lookups['Default'] + '<br>'); } }}catch(err){} </script>
  • 61. Event Tracking 61 Provide better messaging to guide the shopper through errors in checkout
  • 62. Attribution 62 • Identify sources of traffic that “Assist” in sales, but do not get credit for the “last click” purchase • Improve ROI measurement for paid search, display and social media
  • 63. Phone Order Tracking 63 • Uses “Visitor ID” instead of dynamic phone numbers • Report revenue from phone orders in Google Analytics • Increase ROI from paid search and other campaigns • Free 30-day trial – contact
  • 64. Summary • Ensure Google Analytics is implemented and reporting correctly – Advanced implementation (cost import, site search, AdWords linking, goal funnels, etc.) • Tag your campaigns for clarity in reporting • Establish reporting framework to report cash flow and by product or category • Perform search query analysis – identify both good and bad queries – Also ad placement analysis for contextual/display networks • Focus on largest sources of revenue to grow the business • A/B test to improve conversions • Monitor attribution and include in ROI calculations • Push as much revenue into Google Analytics as possible and down to the details (phone tracking) 64
  • 65. Universal Analytics and Google Tag Manager 65
  • 66. Universal Analytics • The future in advanced GA reporting and features – New Ecommerce reporting coming soon – Offline transaction reporting (phone orders,, eBay, etc.) – Track users across multiple devices (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile) – Process returns 66
  • 67. Google Tag Manager • Consolidate all your tracking codes into Tag Manager and enhance Miva reporting capabilities – Faster turnaround time in updating/adding tags – Ability to outsource GA implementation (vendor can add tags without website access) – Version control and rollback capability – Faster page load times • Miva benefits: – Enhanced reporting! 67
  • 68. Conversion Rates By Product Added To Cart • Identify products that do not convert well after adding to cart – Optimize shipping rates to grow overall sales 68 Product SKU Qty Added To Cart Qty Sold Conversion Rate 1050-03003 203 0 0% 2691-15001 47 47 100% 1101-04001 24 1 4% 2069-02073 22 0 0% 1002-02003 16 2 13% 1450-06001 16 8 50% 0859-04003 14 1 7% 1977-01001 14 7 50% 0483-05011 13 0 0% 1442-06009 12 2 17% 0483-05001 11 1 9% 2442-03001 11 10 91% 1950-03022 10 0 0% Add To Cart Conversion Rate By SKU
  • 69. Identify How High Shipping Rates Impact Conversion Rates • Optimize product and shipping pricing to drive the most revenue and profit 69