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Written By: Basak Serin
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Section 1
Gizmo’s First Day of Career School
What career do you wish to have? Everyone has their own dreams and goals. Some wish to
be an artist, actor, dentist, or a teacher. A cat named Gizmo is one of those individuals. Gizmo is
a domestic shorthair gray tabby cat with emerald green eyes. He wears a dark blue collar. He has
dreams of becoming a music producer and a musician. Gizmo is your average cat. He is a
straight A student. He has many friends, and some say he is the coolest. He is kind, smart, nice,
and very empathic.
He resides in Kitty City with his family and friends. He lives with his mother, Gabriella, who is a
music teacher at a local arts school. His mom inspired him to become a musician in the first
place. Gabriella is a light gray tabby cat with long fur with light green eyes. She wears a light
pink collar. She is very supportive of her son Gizmo’s dreams. They live in a small, green-
colored house that is modern and cozy. His mother, Gabriella, drives a small, white car. They
own about four neon-colored fish, which Gizmo is very fond of.
Gizmo wants to be an inspiring music producer and musician. He owns a blue electronic guitar
that he practices playing music with. He mostly makes music on his silver laptop with a music-
making software. He has made some music in the genres of hip-hop, trap, and electronic, as well
as making music and sounds for commercials and cartoons. He is still practicing and learning,
hoping one day to gain fame for all his hard work.
Emerald Career School is a college where students of any age can get the job or career they
want. The school is located in the small town of Emerald. With the help of his mother, Gizmo
has enrolled in the school and has been accepted. Emerald Career School is a boarding school
that is about thirty minutes away from Gizmo’s home. The school is located just outside of Kitty
City. They have programs in any field, whether it’s in the arts, culinary arts, medicine, or law.
The school has about fifty bedrooms, and about fifty students are enrolled. Gizmo is very excited
and nervous at the same time. He has never been away from home, but he believes in himself.
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The first day of school is here! Gizmo is asleep in his indigo-colored bedroom. His alarm clock
makes a loud noise that wakes him up from his sleep. Gizmo wakes up, stretches his legs, yawns,
and remembers it’s the first day of school. “It’s the first day of school!! I am so excited! Must get
ready!” Gizmo exclaimed. Gizmo brushes his teeth, takes a shower, puts on his neck collar, and
gets ready for breakfast. His stuff is already packed and ready to go!
He rushes to the kitchen and smells delicious, fluffy pancakes and fruit. “Hey mom,” Gizmo
said. “The food smells great! Can’t go to school on an empty stomach.”.
His mother, Gabriella, chuckles and says, “Thanks. It’s the first day of career school, and I am so
proud of you! I hope you do great and achieve your goals.”.
As Gizmo takes a bite of his fluffy pancake, he gets nervous thoughts and butterflies in his
stomach. He sighs deeply. “Aw, sweetie, what’s the matter?” asked Gizmo’s mother.
“I’m a little nervous, and this is all new to me,” said Gizmo sorrowfully. “What if I don’t
succeed?” Gizmo asked.
“And what if you do? I believe in you, Gizmo; please never give up. Please.” Gizmo’s mother
told him.
Gizmo takes a deep breath and calms down. “Thank you. Thanks for believing in me.” Gizmo
said as he hugged his mother. Gizmo can’t wait to see his best friends, who are also students at
Emerald Career School. Bob and Gracie are Gizmo’s closest friends. Elliot, who is also Gizmo’s
best friend, will be at the school, not as a student but as an electrician. He also fixes musical
instruments and laptops.
“It’s a half an hour drive there, so please make sure you have all your stuff with you, including
your clothes, backpack, guitar, and laptop.” Gabriella told her son.
“Okay. Yep! I am ready!” Gizmo said. Gizmo loads his stuff in the car, then he and his mom
drive to Emerald Career School. It’s a thirty-minute drive, and the two speak to each other along
the way. Some time has passed, and they have almost made it to the school. “We are almost here!
Five more minutes.” Gizmo’s mother said.
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Gizmo looks from his window and shouts, “I see the school! We are here!” Gizmo is thrilled and
sad at the same time. He is going to achieve his dreams and will miss his mom very much. “I am
going to miss you!” Gizmo cried.
“I am going to miss you, too! I promise I will call and text you daily, my little Gizmo.” Gabriella
said. Gabriella stops the car and puts it in park. “Are you ready, Gizmo?” asked Gabriella.
Gizmo sighs and says, “Yes, I guess. Gotta grab my stuff!” Gizmo and his mom get out of the
car, and Gabriella helps her son with his luggage. They both share one big hug. Gizmo and his
mom enter the school and are greeted by the school’s principal.
“Welcome!” Principal Caddi told Gizmo and his mother.
“I am Gizmo, and my goal is to become a musician, and this is my mom, Gabriella.” Gizmo told
the principal.
The principal has a warm smile and a kind attitude. Principal Caddi is a brown tabby domestic
shorthair female cat with spring green eyes.
The principal showed the way to Gizmo’s room. His room at the school is dark blue and musical-
themed. His mom helped him unpack and left the school to go back home. They shared one big
hug. “I am going to miss you, Gizmo. Take care.” Gabriella told her son as she took off.
“Me too. I love you.” Gizmo said.
“I love you, too, Gizmo!” Gizmo’s mom replied.
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Section 2
Gizmo is excited to achieve his goals as a musician. Gizmo sees his best friend, Bob, as his room
is right next to his. Bob is a small, gray tabby domestic shorthair male cat with green eyes. He is
small for his age, as he is generally mistaken for a kitten rather than a young cat. He is not a fan
of anger, bullies, or failure. Bob has dreams of becoming a math teacher at such a young age. He
has skipped grades because he is very intelligent and smart. He wears a light blue colored bow
He is younger than Gizmo and older than Gracie. Gizmo’s room is also right next to Gracie’s.
Gracie is a medium-sized, dark gray cat with long fur with bright green eyes. She is younger than
Gizmo and Bob, despite her larger size. She is nice, softhearted, and intelligent. Gracie has
dreams of becoming a songwriter, and she owns a purple book where she writes about her
thoughts and feelings. She wears a dark purple collar with a golden tag.
“Hey! I missed you guys! Bob! Gracie! How are you doing?” Gizmo exclaimed. The trio shared
a big hug.
“Gizmo! We are doing well!” Gracie said.
“I missed you both!” Bob exclaimed.
Elliot is an electrician who is the same age as his friends. He is an orange and white tabby cat
with orange eyes. He wears a sparkly red bow tie. He is nice, intelligent, and serious. Elliot
greets his friends and explains about the tough and tiring day he has had. “I am glad to see you
guys again. Well, gotta go!” Elliot said as he headed back to work.
Gizmo starts his first class of the day. He is seated next to Gracie and Apricot. Apricot dreams of
becoming a musician. He is determined to get what he wants. He is a light orange tabby cat with
light orange eyes. He wears a dark orange bow tie. He is cold-hearted, rude, and a self-absorbed
egoist. Apricot gets jealous of those who are better than him.
Miss. Annie Bell is the music teacher at the school. She is a white, brown, and black calico cat
with green eyes. She is a calico cat with long, beautiful fur. She is nice and smart.
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“Hello class. My name is Miss. Annie Bell. I will be your teacher for the rest of the year! I am
very thrilled to teach this class!” she said.
Everyone greets her and says hello.
“Okay, class, who’s next?” Miss. Annie Bell called out.
“May I go next?” Gizmo asked politely.
Miss. Annie Bell nodded and agreed.
“I’d like to see you try,” Apricot told Gizmo with a derisive attitude. He lays back as Gizmo
plays his music to the class. He stares into Gizmo’s eyes with a cynical smile that makes him
Gizmo sweats and his heart was pounding. “You got this!” Gracie cheered him on. Apricot
laughs and shakes his head “no”. Gizmo plays the music that he recorded at home for the whole
class. It is good, and everyone applauds, except for Apricot.
“That was amazing!” yelled Iliana, who is another good friend of Gizmo’s.
“Yeah! Way to go, Giz!” Ivan said.
Apricot quickly gets jealous of Gizmo and fires up. “What? You guys haven’t heard my music
yet! I’ll show you Gizmo who’s boss!” Apricot snapped.
“Okay, Apricot, you’re up!” Miss. Annie Bell said. Apricot takes a deep breath and plays his
music. It is not good and makes the whole class cover their ears.
“It’s horrible! Turn it off!” Ivan said.
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Apricot gets mad and says, “What?! How could you say that? I worked so hard on it! Dang!”.
Apricot has quick, shallow breaths and is angry.
Apricot wants to be the only musician in the whole school, so he is willing to take any risk and
chance to make that happen. He has no friends and is a new bully to Gizmo, Bob, and sometimes
Section 3
It’s lunchtime, and the four buddies eat lunch together. Gizmo, Bob, Gracie, and Elliot are seated
together in the cafeteria. It is make-your-own-pizza day. Gizmo got plain cheese pizza, Bob got
spinach cheese pizza, Gracie got broccoli pizza, and Elliot got black olive pizza.
“What a great day! Everyone in the class enjoyed listening to my music!” Gizmo said excitedly.
“I am so proud of you!” said Elliot.
Just when the crew was enjoying their lunch, Apricot comes in and mocks them. “Hey, just
thought I should come and say hi.” Apricot said with a sarcastic sneer.
“What do you want?” Gracie asked Apricot as she was feeling something was off about him.
“Can I see your guitar, Gizmo? Huh?” Apricot asked Gizmo.
Gizmo felt that Apricot was not friendly and was likely to get in the way of his dreams.
“Absolutely not! Why?!” shouted Gizmo.
“Whatever!” Apricot shouted as he slammed his paw on the table. Bob got scared as his slam
made a loud noise as it hit the table. “I have some news for you, Gizmo. Did you pick up the
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flyer for this week’s big musical project? I sure did. It’s for a grade. I am going to be the best I
can be. I am going to excel!” Apricot said as he laughed evilly.
Gizmo thinks for a moment before responding. “No, but thanks for telling me,” Gizmo said. “I
can’t believe you, Apricot. Everyone has dreams to follow; some may have the same dreams, and
that’s okay!”.
“I don’t care. This show belongs to me!” Apricot said proudly.
“How about you back off? Huh?” Elliot warned Apricot.
Gizmo’s self-confidence gets low after Apricot’s manners. “Maybe I should call my mom to pick
me up. Call it quits.” Gizmo said.
“Absolutely not! You are going to let some dumb bully get in the way of your dreams? That’s
unlike you, Gizmo!” Gracie shouted.
“Can it, Gracie!” yelled Apricot.
Apricot holds Gizmo by his collar and says something aggressive. “You get in my way; you little
runt, and I’ll make you cry! Cry so hard you will have to give up on your dreams.” Apricot stated
“You are just jealous of him! Leave us alone!” Gracie exclaimed.
“Let him go, please.” Bob said with fear.
“Fine,” Apricot said as he let go of Gizmo’s collar. “I’ll be back. Mark my words, gadget.”.
Apricot takes off.
Gizmo cries and gets upset.
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Lunchtime is over, and everyone is headed back to class. Gizmo is upset, but he gets back on his
feet. He shakes it off and focuses on his goals. Bob is headed to mathematics class, and Gracie
and Gizmo are headed to music class. When Gizmo steps into the class, he sits down in his seat,
puts his blue backpack on the floor, and is greeted by Apricot.
Apricot shows off his cool, red electronic guitar and his dark purple laptop. Apricot stands in
front of him.
“What do you want?” Gizmo expressed his displeasure.
Apricot laughs and says, “Look at my guitar. It’s cool ain’t it?”.
“Whatever,” Gizmo told him.
“What’s the matter? Jealous? Well-“. Apricot said and got interrupted by the teacher.
“Welcome back, students!” Miss. Annie Bell said happily. “Today we are going to focus on
writing songs and producing music. I hope everyone is on the roll and does great.”. Everyone has
their eyes on the teacher.
Razor is one of the students in Gizmo’s music class. He is nice but stern. He is a dark charcoal-
colored tabby cat with yellow eyes. He wants to be a music producer and a singer.
“I wrote a song a few weeks ago. Just a little shy. The genre of my work is electronic.” said
“That’s good, Razor. Whenever you are ready, you can share your work with the class.” Miss.
Annie Bell replied to Razor.
Apricot pushes Razor out of the way and says, “I wrote a song, too!!”
Everyone is going on about their business. Apricot rolls his eyes.
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“I hope to inform everyone that a musical project is due this week, and your parents will come
and see each of your performances. It is for a grade, and I hope you all do well. Some of this may
be new to you all, but that���s okay; it is important to learn and, most importantly, have fun!” Miss.
Annie Bell told the whole class.
“Apricot, demonstrate your performance with your red guitar.” said Miss. Annie Bell.
“Sure,” Apricot said. He plays his guitar, and it is good but not as good as the professionals.
“Look at you,” Razor said, unamused.
The teacher thanks Apricot and calls on Gizmo to play his guitar.
“Beat that,” said Apricot firmly to Gizmo with a cynical smile on his face.
“Okay, wish me luck.” said Gizmo to the whole class and took a deep breath. Gizmo plays his
guitar and chooses to play music in the genre of darkcore. Everyone is shocked and amazed by
Gizmo’s talents. Bob’s math class, which is on the other side of the hallway, can hear it, too!
“Amazing!” said Gracie.
“I can’t believe it!” said Razor.
“No way!” Ivan exclaimed.
“Gizmo! Awesome!” Iliana said.
“Wonderful!” Miss. Annie Bell said.
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Ivan and Iliana are siblings and have dreams of becoming famous. Ivan is a gray cat with green
eyes. He wears a sparkly gold bow tie. He is nice, handsome, and smart. He has dreams of
producing music and becoming an actor. His sister, Iliana, is a bluish-gray cat with green eyes.
She loves makeup and clothes. She wears a sparkly silver necklace. She has dreams of becoming
an actress and writing songs.
As the duo cheers louder and louder as they support Gizmo, Apricot gets mad jealous and
quickly unplugs the cord causing Gizmo to stop showing his musical work to the whole class. It
also caused a big power outage to occur in the entire school! The whole class gets shocked and
“Hey! What’d you do that for?!” Gizmo yelled at Apricot. Apricot was speechless.
“Apricot! Go to the principal’s office! Right now!” Miss. Annie Bell demanded Apricot.
Apricot is on his way to the principal’s office while the school is suffering from a power outage.
Principal Caddi is sitting at her desk, unhappy and worried. “Apricot,” said the principal. “Please
sit. What is the problem? Why do you think you are in my office now?”.
Apricot while rubbing his neck says, “Well, you see, when jealousy and envy get in the way-“
Apricot was paused by the principal.
“Now I see. You cannot take risks to get what you want and express your feelings that way.
Everyone is equal and has the right to be here. It does not matter if someone is better than you at
something. Please, be nice and respectful to others.” Principal Caddi told him firmly.
Apricot apologizes, and the principal calls his parents about what he did.
“Well, if there is someone who is going to fix the power outage, it ought to be Elliot.” The
principal said.
“Stay put.” she told Apricot.
He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
“I am here! I fixed the electrical service panel and the power box. The power should be back in
about two minutes.” Elliot told Principal Caddi.
“Thank you, Elliot!” she said. The power came back on and that put a smile on her face.
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“Apricot,” said the principal. “You promise not to do something like this again, or else I will
expel you. In the meantime, no screen time for a week.”
Apricot is shocked and tells the principal, “Yes, ma’am. I promise, and what? That’s crazy!”
“No! Go back to class, please.” she said. Apricot agrees and goes back to class.
Section 4
Bob, Gizmo, and Gracie are taking their breaks in their dorms. Bob knocks on Gizmo’s door.
“Hey, it’s Bob. May I come in and talk to you for a bit?” asked Bob.
Gizmo gets up from his bed, opens the door, and lets Bob in.
“Sure,” said Gizmo. “Nice to see you. How’s math class?”.
“Great! I am learning so much! Equations, addition, fractions, and more!” said Bob. “My math
book says it all. I always carry my math book with me.”.
Gizmo grins and says, “Wonderful. I am just a little nervous about tomorrow night’s musical
performance. My mom is going to be there. I can’t let her down.”
Bob offers his friend sympathy and says, “Aw, Gizmo. You’ll do great! I believe in you. I
remembered that you always played your music in class and at my home when we hung out
Bob and Gizmo have been best friends for a long time since they were tiny kittens.
“I am just a little upset that someone is out to get me and the way of my dreams.” Gizmo said
“Don’t worry about him! He is only jealous of you! Don’t let Apricot’s manners intimidate you.”
Bob told Gizmo.
“You are right, buddy. Thanks for being on my side, true friend.” said Gizmo.
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Gracie knocks on Gizmo’s door. “Hey, Gizmo! Gizmo! May I come in? I would like to speak
with you.”
Gizmo opened the door and let Gracie in. “How’s everything, Gracie?” asked Gizmo.
“Good! I am nervous about tomorrow’s musical performance. I wrote a song, and I am going to
share it with the whole school.” Gracie answered.
“Hello, Gracie! Nice seeing you!” said Bob as he hugged Gracie.
“Bob! How are you?” Gracie asked Bob.
“I am doing good.” Bob said.
“May we listen to your music, Gizmo?” asked Gracie.
Bob and Gracie really want to hear it.
“No, not yet.” Gizmo replied. “I am just not ready to share it right now.”
Gracie and Bob had a frown on their faces, as they really wanted to hear it.
“We’ll just have to wait until tomorrow, I guess.” Bob said as he sighed.
“Okay, fine. I hope you both like it.” Gizmo said as he handed his earbuds to his friends.
“This is good! Don’t want to spoil it!” Gracie exclaimed. She hands Gizmo back his earbuds.
“Thanks. Practice is tomorrow morning for the performance. Gotta get to sleep!” Gizmo said.
Bob and Gracie are tired as well.
“Goodnight,” replied Bob and Gracie.
“Goodnight!” said Gizmo. Bob and Gracie go back to their rooms, and Gizmo drifts off to sleep.
Section 5
Morning is here and Gizmo wakes up. Gizmo yawns and gets ready to practice for the big day.
He is headed out to the Latte’s Café to eat some breakfast with his friends, Bob, Gracie, Elliot,
Fizzy, and Silky. Latte’s Café is located in the cafeteria of the school. Fizzy, who is a dark brown
tabby with hazel eyes, has an interest in becoming a chef and a baker. He likes to cook pizza,
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mac and cheese, and other bakery foods. He is nice, smart, and handsome. He is small and wears
a burgundy bow tie.
Silky, who is Fizzy’s closest friend, is like an older sister to him. Silky is a black cat with green
eyes, and she wears a green collar. She is quiet, nice, and very intelligent. She has the desire to
be a cook and baker.
The breakfast smells very good and is delicious. Latte, Silky, and Fizzy made waffles of all
flavors for the whole school. Latte, who is the boss of the café, is a large, light brown female cat
with long fur with green eyes. She is nice and fair. She makes food that is very delightful and
sweet. She wears an aqua-colored collar.
“How are you, kitties?” Latte asked.
“Good!” Gizmo, Bob, Gracie, and Elliot shouted. Latte hands them their breakfast, which is
waffles, cream cheese, water, and peanut butter.
“I did not know that confetti waffles could be so tasty!” Gizmo exclaimed as he took a bite.
Gizmo states that he is excited about tonight’s event.
The cats enjoyed their breakfast and are headed out to their classes.
“Good luck, tonight!” Latte told Gizmo.
“I can’t wait to see it!” Silky said.
“I am rooting for you! Go Gizmo go!” shouted Fizzy.
“Thank you!” said Gizmo.
“Thanks.” said Gracie.
“We appreciate it! Thanks for the yummy breakfast!” Bob told Latte, Fizzy, and Silky.
“What are you guys going to wear for tonight?” asked Bob as the cats walked in the hallway
“A lavender-colored dress,” said Gracie.
Gizmo told Bob he is going to wear a dark navy-colored bow tie for the event. Gizmo told Bob
and Gracie that he can’t wait to practice for tonight’s event. Gizmo stops in the hallway all of a
sudden as his mother, Gabriella, calls him.
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Gizmo picks up the phone. “Hello, mom!” Gizmo said. Gabriella told her son that she would be
coming to see him tonight and that he was going to do great and wanted to meet Gracie and Bob
soon. “Okay! I can’t wait to see you! Thank you!” Gizmo exclaimed and hung up.
Gizmo and Gracie enter their music class, and they see Apricot, Razor, Iliana, Ivan, Miss. Annie
Bell, and the rest of the students. Miss. Annie Bell told the class that Fizzy and Silky are going to
spend some time with them today. “Yes!” said Gizmo.
Gracie gets her songbook ready; Gizmo gets his electronic guitar and laptop ready, and the same
followed for the rest of the class. Razor gets called on and plays his music, which is darkcore
genre. Everyone cheers and Apricot gets envious.
Fizzy says, “That was awesome, Razor!”
Apricot plays his music, and it improves but is not as good as the rest of his classmates.
“Nice. Way to go…I guess?” said Silky to Apricot.
“What?! What are you people talking about?!” said Apricot as he growled. “I’ll show you tonight
who is better, Silky.” Apricot added. Apricot is short-tempered and holds a grudge against others.
Apricot wants to be the best.
Gizmo gets called on and plays his music.
“This is the best music I have ever heard!” said Iliana.
“He’s really talented,” Ivan said.
Everyone claps and some say Gizmo is the best in the class and that he is going to knock it out of
the park! Apricot gets furious and breaks his pencil as he growls.
“I am going to be a better musician than all of you!” yelled Apricot.
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“Oh, we’ll see about that!” Razor shouted. Apricot has plans to sabotage and ruin Gizmo’s
performance tonight. He has a malicious grin on his face as he stares at Gizmo’s guitar. He then
laughs evilly while the whole class is staring at him. The whole class leaves the room to go get
some dinner.
After dinner, the individuals participating in the musical project are told to get ready in two
hours. Gizmo and Razor are testing out their instruments for quality. Razor told Gizmo he was
going to do great and not get nervous. Gizmo agrees and takes a deep breath.
Gizmo gives himself some self-talk. “Feel the power, the energy, the fame, the gain…” said
Gizmo while his eyes were closed.
“Never give up!” Razor cried. Gizmo is very anxious and excited at the same time. Apricot
comes in, hides in a small room, and eavesdrops on the two. He grins evilly and has self-
Apricot whispers to himself, “Oh, Gizmo. You should have seen this coming. That’ll teach you
not to be better than me!”
He holds a pair of scissors and grins. He checks to see if the two are gone.
“Let’s take a break. I was thinking grilled cheese sandwiches and chocolate milk.” Gizmo told
“Sure! Why not?” Razor exclaimed. The two put down their guitars to go get some snacks.
Razor’s guitar is black and punk themed.
Section 6
Apricot gets ready to turn his evil plans into reality. He quietly walks over to Gizmo’s blue
guitar. He looks to see if anyone is there to see him, but not close enough. He cuts off Gizmo’s
guitar strings! He laughs manically and thinks of pouring water on it. He did. Apricot ruined
Gizmo’s guitar. It no longer works and in about two hours the show is about to begin.
Apricot laughs manically and lightning appears making a loud noise as he laughs. “Huh? Don’t
know where that came from!” Apricot said as he shrugged his shoulders and skipped like a little
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kid. He is hiding behind the closet and waits for Gizmo to come back so that he can see the
reaction on his face when he sees his damaged guitar.
Gizmo and Razor come back, and Apricot is anxious. “Okay, let’s get practicing.” said Razor.
Gizmo picks up his damaged guitar and is shocked. “Oh no! What happened to my guitar?!”
shouted Gizmo.
“It looks like someone did this. Who did this? It looks like it is damaged beyond repair. The
show is starting soon. I can’t believe this happened to you, Gizmo.” Razor told Gizmo.
“Can you fix it?” asked Gizmo.
“No. Elliot could have, but he is out sick today and won’t be coming to the performance.” Razor
told Gizmo.
Gizmo cries and tears fell from his eyes. Gizmo is now angry, upset, and furious. “Who did this
to me?! I am going to find out who did this!” said Gizmo.
Apricot comes out and claps his paws. “It was I, I.” laughed Apricot.
“Why? What have you done?!” Razor yelled at Apricot.
“Just wanted to be the best, Gizmo.” Apricot told the two as he winks at them.
Gizmo gets angry, holds Apricot by his bow tie, and says, “Why did you ruin my guitar? Just so
you can be better than me? That guitar meant so much to me. You cannot get in the way of other
people’s dreams, you narcissist little runt!”
Apricot is in fear and gulps.
“You told him!” said Razor. “No wonder Apricot has no friends.” he added.
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Apricot grins, apologizes, and takes off. “Forget about him! You just figure out a way to get a
new guitar. With all the music stores closed, uh-oh!” said Razor.
Gizmo calls Bob for help, but Bob apologizes and tells him that he is busy studying for his big
math test. Gizmo later calls Gracie and tells her what happened and asks for her help, but there is
nothing she can do. Gizmo calls Fizzy and Silky, and after ten minutes, they surprise him with a
cooler, better electronic guitar.
“Look who’s here! I am sorry for what happened, Gizmo! I know it may not be as good as your
old guitar, but it’ll save the day, yes?” Fizzy exclaimed.
The new guitar that Fizzy handed Gizmo is far better than his old one. It is shiny, and the color
of the guitar is dark indigo. It makes better sounds, and it is overall amazing. Gizmo agrees.
Gizmo plays his new guitar. “This guitar is amazing!” he said. “Thank you, Fizzy and Silky! I
owe you!” said Gizmo as he gave Fizzy and Silky a hug.
The parents of the students are coming to the school to see the musical show. Gracie’s mother,
Erika, is here, and Bob’s father, Bailey, is here. Gizmo’s mother, Gabriella, arrives and sits in the
school’s theater. Then, Ivan and Iliana’s family arrive. The staff waits until all the parents arrive.
When they do, the school gets ready.
“Welcome all! Welcome to Emerald Career School! Our students will show off their musical
talents tonight!” said Principal Caddi. Everyone applauds.
Miss. Annie Bell takes the stage and thanks the principal. Miss. Annie Bell speaks through her
microphone about today’s event. “Give it up for Gracie and Iliana!” she called out.
Gracie wrote a song for Iliana to sing. Iliana is a good singer. She is dressed in a silver, sparkly
dress. Gracie is dressed in her lavender-colored dress. Their song is called “Summer Time”. The
genre of this song is pop.
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“Summer Time”
Written By: Gracie
Sang By: Gracie and Iliana
Iliana: Summer is here so never fear
The sun is shining and the weather is very hot
The sun is bright, yellow and warm
The nice weather makes me have a good thought
Gracie: Out in the sun and having some fun
Eating ice cream while enjoying the weather
Eating some summer salad which is good for the liver
What could be better?
Iliana: I hope the summer fun never ends
Eating yummy fruit and seeing pretty butterflies all around the garden
Being the best is the trend
What could be better?
Gracie: Thank you, Iliana. I hope you have a cool day
What type of ice cream do you want?
Chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?
Have it your way!
It’s Summer Time!
They do a very good job, and everyone applauds. Miss. Annie Bell writes their grades in her
notebook and thanks them as they hop off the stage.
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“Okay, Ivan, you’re up!” Miss Annie Bell said. Ivan shows off his acting skills that are funny,
good, and talented. He is wearing a gold tuxedo. The teacher thanks Ivan as he gets off the stage
and grades him.
She calls on Razor, and he raps and plays punk music with his electronic guitar. He does a good
job and is still learning musical skills. His song is called “Blaze”. The genre of this song is metal
trap and hip-hop.
Written and Sang By: Razor
(Razor; You Got ‘Em)
I am about to blowup
I am about to be at the top
I saw the future when I woke up
I am so awesome and astonishing that I’ll never stop!
You should have seen this coming
I have no fear of you bullies and dweebs
I am so lit and hazardous that you people are running
From the cool cat-me!
Feeling weak so I see
Time to take that vitamin C and that B
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Feel that breeze. Feel that freeze
Feeling energized like a killer bee
Razor Out!
She grades his work, thanks him, and calls on Apricot. Apricot goes on stage, smiles with
dominance and chuckles. He plays his bright red electronic guitar and raps a hip-hop song he
wrote. The lyrics are excellent, but his guitar playing may need some work. He is wearing a
black jacket, a white shirt underneath, a black bow tie, and a red bandana over his head.
Apricot’s song is called “I’m Better”.
“I’m Better”
Written and Sang By: Apricot
I have something to say (say)
I am better (x3)
I am better than all of you!
Yes, hardship and stress are a real mess
But I got that real success
I got that real progress
So, if anyone wants a piece of me
Just ask!
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I am a hard worker so I deserve to be the best
I apologize to Gizmo for your, I guess, amazing guitar
I will put my musical skills to test to be the best in the west
I think I left my snacks in my car
But don’t make me travel that far
I have something to say (say)
I am better (x3)
I am better than all of you!
The teacher thanks him, writes his grade in her grade book, and calls on the last student of the
“Gizmo! Gizmo! You are next! Good luck!” Miss. Annie Bell cheered him on. Gizmo thanks her
and rocks on. Gizmo winks at the audience with confidence. Gizmo plays his new guitar and
does a great job. He raps, and the genre of the song is hip-hop and metal trap.
Some individuals in the audience are shocked that he is not using his original light blue guitar.
Ivan gasped, and everyone’s jaws dropped as Gizmo played his guitar. His music is advanced
and good, just like that of professionals. His song is called “Gizmo”.
Written and Sang By: Gizmo
(Gizmo’s the name)
I am ready to rule
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I am ready to put my dreams to reality
My musical skills are so cool!
I am ready to rock out confidentiality!
There isn’t a day in my life that I wouldn’t sing
Music makes me feel free
I feel like the king
Awesome music and songs that I will soon release I guarantee!
Better than ever!
Music is my passion, and it’ll be in my heart forever
No fear, no enemy will give me pain
Only grain!
Pouring my heart into my songs makes me feel confident
But watch out, friends, for the incompetent!
Be the best you can be!
Apricot shouts, “No!”. Apricot’s face is full of disgust, and Bob cries in a good way. Gracie
smiles and is proud of him. Everyone cheers him on.
Gizmo states something at the end of his performance and says, “Never give up, kids!”.
Page | 24
Miss. Annie Bell thanks him and grades him for his work. The parents give their children a hug
as they head off home.
Gizmo’s mother gives him a big hug and kiss. “I am so proud of you, Gizmo! Gracie is a good
songwriter! Bob, how are you doing?” Gizmo’s mother replied.
“Good!” Bob told Gizmo’s mother.
“Thanks!” Gracie told Gizmo’s mom. The parents leave the school, and the students gather
around Miss. Annie Bell. She is ready to share their grades with them.
“Okay, everyone. Here are your grades.” Miss. Annie Bell said as she handed her students their
“I got an A!” said Iliana.
“So did I!” said Gracie.
“I got a B.” Ivan exclaimed.
“I got a B+.” said Razor.
Gizmo cheers and jumps up and says, “I got an A+! Hard work does pay off!”.
Apricot rolls his eyes and says, “What’s my grade?”. Miss. Annie Bell hands him his grade.
“What?!” Apricot shouted, as he was in shock. “Why did I get an F?!”.
Page | 25
Miss. Annie Bell looked at Apricot. “I heard that you damaged Gizmo’s guitar on purpose so that
he would not have to perform. That was very selfish of you. I hope you have learned your
lesson.” Miss. Annie Bell told Apricot. Apricot exhales.
“We were wondering about what happened to Gizmo’s old one.” Ivan said. “Now we know. Not
fair, little jerk!”. Ivan gets very angry with Apricot.
“It’s alright, buddy, I now have a better, stronger guitar.” Gizmo told Ivan.
Apricot leaves the theater, slams the door, and heads out to his bedroom. Gizmo, Bob, Gracie,
Fizzy, Silky, Ivan, and Iliana all go watch a movie together.
“Hey, let’s go watch a movie!” said Bob.
“I agree!” said Fizzy.
The friends speak to each other along the way, cheering, and they are very happy. New
adventures await the cats.

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Gizmo! Music Book Written By Basak Serin

  • 1. Page | 1 Gizmo! Written By: Basak Serin
  • 2. Page | 2 Section 1 Gizmo’s First Day of Career School What career do you wish to have? Everyone has their own dreams and goals. Some wish to be an artist, actor, dentist, or a teacher. A cat named Gizmo is one of those individuals. Gizmo is a domestic shorthair gray tabby cat with emerald green eyes. He wears a dark blue collar. He has dreams of becoming a music producer and a musician. Gizmo is your average cat. He is a straight A student. He has many friends, and some say he is the coolest. He is kind, smart, nice, and very empathic. He resides in Kitty City with his family and friends. He lives with his mother, Gabriella, who is a music teacher at a local arts school. His mom inspired him to become a musician in the first place. Gabriella is a light gray tabby cat with long fur with light green eyes. She wears a light pink collar. She is very supportive of her son Gizmo’s dreams. They live in a small, green- colored house that is modern and cozy. His mother, Gabriella, drives a small, white car. They own about four neon-colored fish, which Gizmo is very fond of. Gizmo wants to be an inspiring music producer and musician. He owns a blue electronic guitar that he practices playing music with. He mostly makes music on his silver laptop with a music- making software. He has made some music in the genres of hip-hop, trap, and electronic, as well as making music and sounds for commercials and cartoons. He is still practicing and learning, hoping one day to gain fame for all his hard work. Emerald Career School is a college where students of any age can get the job or career they want. The school is located in the small town of Emerald. With the help of his mother, Gizmo has enrolled in the school and has been accepted. Emerald Career School is a boarding school that is about thirty minutes away from Gizmo’s home. The school is located just outside of Kitty City. They have programs in any field, whether it’s in the arts, culinary arts, medicine, or law. The school has about fifty bedrooms, and about fifty students are enrolled. Gizmo is very excited and nervous at the same time. He has never been away from home, but he believes in himself.
  • 3. Page | 3 The first day of school is here! Gizmo is asleep in his indigo-colored bedroom. His alarm clock makes a loud noise that wakes him up from his sleep. Gizmo wakes up, stretches his legs, yawns, and remembers it’s the first day of school. “It’s the first day of school!! I am so excited! Must get ready!” Gizmo exclaimed. Gizmo brushes his teeth, takes a shower, puts on his neck collar, and gets ready for breakfast. His stuff is already packed and ready to go! He rushes to the kitchen and smells delicious, fluffy pancakes and fruit. “Hey mom,” Gizmo said. “The food smells great! Can’t go to school on an empty stomach.”. His mother, Gabriella, chuckles and says, “Thanks. It’s the first day of career school, and I am so proud of you! I hope you do great and achieve your goals.”. As Gizmo takes a bite of his fluffy pancake, he gets nervous thoughts and butterflies in his stomach. He sighs deeply. “Aw, sweetie, what’s the matter?” asked Gizmo’s mother. “I’m a little nervous, and this is all new to me,” said Gizmo sorrowfully. “What if I don’t succeed?” Gizmo asked. “And what if you do? I believe in you, Gizmo; please never give up. Please.” Gizmo’s mother told him. Gizmo takes a deep breath and calms down. “Thank you. Thanks for believing in me.” Gizmo said as he hugged his mother. Gizmo can’t wait to see his best friends, who are also students at Emerald Career School. Bob and Gracie are Gizmo’s closest friends. Elliot, who is also Gizmo’s best friend, will be at the school, not as a student but as an electrician. He also fixes musical instruments and laptops. “It’s a half an hour drive there, so please make sure you have all your stuff with you, including your clothes, backpack, guitar, and laptop.” Gabriella told her son. “Okay. Yep! I am ready!” Gizmo said. Gizmo loads his stuff in the car, then he and his mom drive to Emerald Career School. It’s a thirty-minute drive, and the two speak to each other along the way. Some time has passed, and they have almost made it to the school. “We are almost here! Five more minutes.” Gizmo’s mother said.
  • 4. Page | 4 Gizmo looks from his window and shouts, “I see the school! We are here!” Gizmo is thrilled and sad at the same time. He is going to achieve his dreams and will miss his mom very much. “I am going to miss you!” Gizmo cried. “I am going to miss you, too! I promise I will call and text you daily, my little Gizmo.” Gabriella said. Gabriella stops the car and puts it in park. “Are you ready, Gizmo?” asked Gabriella. Gizmo sighs and says, “Yes, I guess. Gotta grab my stuff!” Gizmo and his mom get out of the car, and Gabriella helps her son with his luggage. They both share one big hug. Gizmo and his mom enter the school and are greeted by the school’s principal. “Welcome!” Principal Caddi told Gizmo and his mother. “I am Gizmo, and my goal is to become a musician, and this is my mom, Gabriella.” Gizmo told the principal. The principal has a warm smile and a kind attitude. Principal Caddi is a brown tabby domestic shorthair female cat with spring green eyes. The principal showed the way to Gizmo’s room. His room at the school is dark blue and musical- themed. His mom helped him unpack and left the school to go back home. They shared one big hug. “I am going to miss you, Gizmo. Take care.” Gabriella told her son as she took off. “Me too. I love you.” Gizmo said. “I love you, too, Gizmo!” Gizmo’s mom replied.
  • 5. Page | 5 Section 2 Gizmo is excited to achieve his goals as a musician. Gizmo sees his best friend, Bob, as his room is right next to his. Bob is a small, gray tabby domestic shorthair male cat with green eyes. He is small for his age, as he is generally mistaken for a kitten rather than a young cat. He is not a fan of anger, bullies, or failure. Bob has dreams of becoming a math teacher at such a young age. He has skipped grades because he is very intelligent and smart. He wears a light blue colored bow tie. He is younger than Gizmo and older than Gracie. Gizmo’s room is also right next to Gracie’s. Gracie is a medium-sized, dark gray cat with long fur with bright green eyes. She is younger than Gizmo and Bob, despite her larger size. She is nice, softhearted, and intelligent. Gracie has dreams of becoming a songwriter, and she owns a purple book where she writes about her thoughts and feelings. She wears a dark purple collar with a golden tag. “Hey! I missed you guys! Bob! Gracie! How are you doing?” Gizmo exclaimed. The trio shared a big hug. “Gizmo! We are doing well!” Gracie said. “I missed you both!” Bob exclaimed. Elliot is an electrician who is the same age as his friends. He is an orange and white tabby cat with orange eyes. He wears a sparkly red bow tie. He is nice, intelligent, and serious. Elliot greets his friends and explains about the tough and tiring day he has had. “I am glad to see you guys again. Well, gotta go!” Elliot said as he headed back to work. Gizmo starts his first class of the day. He is seated next to Gracie and Apricot. Apricot dreams of becoming a musician. He is determined to get what he wants. He is a light orange tabby cat with light orange eyes. He wears a dark orange bow tie. He is cold-hearted, rude, and a self-absorbed egoist. Apricot gets jealous of those who are better than him. Miss. Annie Bell is the music teacher at the school. She is a white, brown, and black calico cat with green eyes. She is a calico cat with long, beautiful fur. She is nice and smart.
  • 6. Page | 6 “Hello class. My name is Miss. Annie Bell. I will be your teacher for the rest of the year! I am very thrilled to teach this class!” she said. Everyone greets her and says hello. “Okay, class, who’s next?” Miss. Annie Bell called out. “May I go next?” Gizmo asked politely. Miss. Annie Bell nodded and agreed. “I’d like to see you try,” Apricot told Gizmo with a derisive attitude. He lays back as Gizmo plays his music to the class. He stares into Gizmo’s eyes with a cynical smile that makes him nervous. Gizmo sweats and his heart was pounding. “You got this!” Gracie cheered him on. Apricot laughs and shakes his head “no”. Gizmo plays the music that he recorded at home for the whole class. It is good, and everyone applauds, except for Apricot. “That was amazing!” yelled Iliana, who is another good friend of Gizmo’s. “Yeah! Way to go, Giz!” Ivan said. Apricot quickly gets jealous of Gizmo and fires up. “What? You guys haven’t heard my music yet! I’ll show you Gizmo who’s boss!” Apricot snapped. “Okay, Apricot, you’re up!” Miss. Annie Bell said. Apricot takes a deep breath and plays his music. It is not good and makes the whole class cover their ears. “It’s horrible! Turn it off!” Ivan said.
  • 7. Page | 7 Apricot gets mad and says, “What?! How could you say that? I worked so hard on it! Dang!”. Apricot has quick, shallow breaths and is angry. Apricot wants to be the only musician in the whole school, so he is willing to take any risk and chance to make that happen. He has no friends and is a new bully to Gizmo, Bob, and sometimes Gracie. Section 3 It’s lunchtime, and the four buddies eat lunch together. Gizmo, Bob, Gracie, and Elliot are seated together in the cafeteria. It is make-your-own-pizza day. Gizmo got plain cheese pizza, Bob got spinach cheese pizza, Gracie got broccoli pizza, and Elliot got black olive pizza. “What a great day! Everyone in the class enjoyed listening to my music!” Gizmo said excitedly. “I am so proud of you!” said Elliot. Just when the crew was enjoying their lunch, Apricot comes in and mocks them. “Hey, just thought I should come and say hi.” Apricot said with a sarcastic sneer. “What do you want?” Gracie asked Apricot as she was feeling something was off about him. “Can I see your guitar, Gizmo? Huh?” Apricot asked Gizmo. Gizmo felt that Apricot was not friendly and was likely to get in the way of his dreams. “Absolutely not! Why?!” shouted Gizmo. “Whatever!” Apricot shouted as he slammed his paw on the table. Bob got scared as his slam made a loud noise as it hit the table. “I have some news for you, Gizmo. Did you pick up the
  • 8. Page | 8 flyer for this week’s big musical project? I sure did. It’s for a grade. I am going to be the best I can be. I am going to excel!” Apricot said as he laughed evilly. Gizmo thinks for a moment before responding. “No, but thanks for telling me,” Gizmo said. “I can’t believe you, Apricot. Everyone has dreams to follow; some may have the same dreams, and that’s okay!”. “I don’t care. This show belongs to me!” Apricot said proudly. “How about you back off? Huh?” Elliot warned Apricot. Gizmo’s self-confidence gets low after Apricot’s manners. “Maybe I should call my mom to pick me up. Call it quits.” Gizmo said. “Absolutely not! You are going to let some dumb bully get in the way of your dreams? That’s unlike you, Gizmo!” Gracie shouted. “Can it, Gracie!” yelled Apricot. Apricot holds Gizmo by his collar and says something aggressive. “You get in my way; you little runt, and I’ll make you cry! Cry so hard you will have to give up on your dreams.” Apricot stated angrily. “You are just jealous of him! Leave us alone!” Gracie exclaimed. “Let him go, please.” Bob said with fear. “Fine,” Apricot said as he let go of Gizmo’s collar. “I’ll be back. Mark my words, gadget.”. Apricot takes off. Gizmo cries and gets upset.
  • 9. Page | 9 Lunchtime is over, and everyone is headed back to class. Gizmo is upset, but he gets back on his feet. He shakes it off and focuses on his goals. Bob is headed to mathematics class, and Gracie and Gizmo are headed to music class. When Gizmo steps into the class, he sits down in his seat, puts his blue backpack on the floor, and is greeted by Apricot. Apricot shows off his cool, red electronic guitar and his dark purple laptop. Apricot stands in front of him. “What do you want?” Gizmo expressed his displeasure. Apricot laughs and says, “Look at my guitar. It’s cool ain’t it?”. “Whatever,” Gizmo told him. “What’s the matter? Jealous? Well-“. Apricot said and got interrupted by the teacher. “Welcome back, students!” Miss. Annie Bell said happily. “Today we are going to focus on writing songs and producing music. I hope everyone is on the roll and does great.”. Everyone has their eyes on the teacher. Razor is one of the students in Gizmo’s music class. He is nice but stern. He is a dark charcoal- colored tabby cat with yellow eyes. He wants to be a music producer and a singer. “I wrote a song a few weeks ago. Just a little shy. The genre of my work is electronic.” said Razor. “That’s good, Razor. Whenever you are ready, you can share your work with the class.” Miss. Annie Bell replied to Razor. Apricot pushes Razor out of the way and says, “I wrote a song, too!!” Everyone is going on about their business. Apricot rolls his eyes.
  • 10. Page | 10 “I hope to inform everyone that a musical project is due this week, and your parents will come and see each of your performances. It is for a grade, and I hope you all do well. Some of this may be new to you all, but that’s okay; it is important to learn and, most importantly, have fun!” Miss. Annie Bell told the whole class. “Apricot, demonstrate your performance with your red guitar.” said Miss. Annie Bell. “Sure,” Apricot said. He plays his guitar, and it is good but not as good as the professionals. “Look at you,” Razor said, unamused. The teacher thanks Apricot and calls on Gizmo to play his guitar. “Beat that,” said Apricot firmly to Gizmo with a cynical smile on his face. “Okay, wish me luck.” said Gizmo to the whole class and took a deep breath. Gizmo plays his guitar and chooses to play music in the genre of darkcore. Everyone is shocked and amazed by Gizmo’s talents. Bob’s math class, which is on the other side of the hallway, can hear it, too! “Amazing!” said Gracie. “I can’t believe it!” said Razor. “No way!” Ivan exclaimed. “Gizmo! Awesome!” Iliana said. “Wonderful!” Miss. Annie Bell said.
  • 11. Page | 11 Ivan and Iliana are siblings and have dreams of becoming famous. Ivan is a gray cat with green eyes. He wears a sparkly gold bow tie. He is nice, handsome, and smart. He has dreams of producing music and becoming an actor. His sister, Iliana, is a bluish-gray cat with green eyes. She loves makeup and clothes. She wears a sparkly silver necklace. She has dreams of becoming an actress and writing songs. As the duo cheers louder and louder as they support Gizmo, Apricot gets mad jealous and quickly unplugs the cord causing Gizmo to stop showing his musical work to the whole class. It also caused a big power outage to occur in the entire school! The whole class gets shocked and frightened. “Hey! What’d you do that for?!” Gizmo yelled at Apricot. Apricot was speechless. “Apricot! Go to the principal’s office! Right now!” Miss. Annie Bell demanded Apricot. Apricot is on his way to the principal’s office while the school is suffering from a power outage. Principal Caddi is sitting at her desk, unhappy and worried. “Apricot,” said the principal. “Please sit. What is the problem? Why do you think you are in my office now?”. Apricot while rubbing his neck says, “Well, you see, when jealousy and envy get in the way-“ Apricot was paused by the principal. “Now I see. You cannot take risks to get what you want and express your feelings that way. Everyone is equal and has the right to be here. It does not matter if someone is better than you at something. Please, be nice and respectful to others.” Principal Caddi told him firmly. Apricot apologizes, and the principal calls his parents about what he did. “Well, if there is someone who is going to fix the power outage, it ought to be Elliot.” The principal said. “Stay put.” she told Apricot. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “I am here! I fixed the electrical service panel and the power box. The power should be back in about two minutes.” Elliot told Principal Caddi. “Thank you, Elliot!” she said. The power came back on and that put a smile on her face.
  • 12. Page | 12 “Apricot,” said the principal. “You promise not to do something like this again, or else I will expel you. In the meantime, no screen time for a week.” Apricot is shocked and tells the principal, “Yes, ma’am. I promise, and what? That’s crazy!” “No! Go back to class, please.” she said. Apricot agrees and goes back to class. Section 4 Bob, Gizmo, and Gracie are taking their breaks in their dorms. Bob knocks on Gizmo’s door. “Hey, it’s Bob. May I come in and talk to you for a bit?” asked Bob. Gizmo gets up from his bed, opens the door, and lets Bob in. “Sure,” said Gizmo. “Nice to see you. How’s math class?”. “Great! I am learning so much! Equations, addition, fractions, and more!” said Bob. “My math book says it all. I always carry my math book with me.”. Gizmo grins and says, “Wonderful. I am just a little nervous about tomorrow night’s musical performance. My mom is going to be there. I can’t let her down.” Bob offers his friend sympathy and says, “Aw, Gizmo. You’ll do great! I believe in you. I remembered that you always played your music in class and at my home when we hung out together.” Bob and Gizmo have been best friends for a long time since they were tiny kittens. “I am just a little upset that someone is out to get me and the way of my dreams.” Gizmo said sadly. “Don’t worry about him! He is only jealous of you! Don’t let Apricot’s manners intimidate you.” Bob told Gizmo. “You are right, buddy. Thanks for being on my side, true friend.” said Gizmo.
  • 13. Page | 13 Gracie knocks on Gizmo’s door. “Hey, Gizmo! Gizmo! May I come in? I would like to speak with you.” Gizmo opened the door and let Gracie in. “How’s everything, Gracie?” asked Gizmo. “Good! I am nervous about tomorrow’s musical performance. I wrote a song, and I am going to share it with the whole school.” Gracie answered. “Hello, Gracie! Nice seeing you!” said Bob as he hugged Gracie. “Bob! How are you?” Gracie asked Bob. “I am doing good.” Bob said. “May we listen to your music, Gizmo?” asked Gracie. Bob and Gracie really want to hear it. “No, not yet.” Gizmo replied. “I am just not ready to share it right now.” Gracie and Bob had a frown on their faces, as they really wanted to hear it. “We’ll just have to wait until tomorrow, I guess.” Bob said as he sighed. “Okay, fine. I hope you both like it.” Gizmo said as he handed his earbuds to his friends. “This is good! Don’t want to spoil it!” Gracie exclaimed. She hands Gizmo back his earbuds. “Thanks. Practice is tomorrow morning for the performance. Gotta get to sleep!” Gizmo said. Bob and Gracie are tired as well. “Goodnight,” replied Bob and Gracie. “Goodnight!” said Gizmo. Bob and Gracie go back to their rooms, and Gizmo drifts off to sleep. Section 5 Morning is here and Gizmo wakes up. Gizmo yawns and gets ready to practice for the big day. He is headed out to the Latte’s Café to eat some breakfast with his friends, Bob, Gracie, Elliot, Fizzy, and Silky. Latte’s Café is located in the cafeteria of the school. Fizzy, who is a dark brown tabby with hazel eyes, has an interest in becoming a chef and a baker. He likes to cook pizza,
  • 14. Page | 14 mac and cheese, and other bakery foods. He is nice, smart, and handsome. He is small and wears a burgundy bow tie. Silky, who is Fizzy’s closest friend, is like an older sister to him. Silky is a black cat with green eyes, and she wears a green collar. She is quiet, nice, and very intelligent. She has the desire to be a cook and baker. The breakfast smells very good and is delicious. Latte, Silky, and Fizzy made waffles of all flavors for the whole school. Latte, who is the boss of the café, is a large, light brown female cat with long fur with green eyes. She is nice and fair. She makes food that is very delightful and sweet. She wears an aqua-colored collar. “How are you, kitties?” Latte asked. “Good!” Gizmo, Bob, Gracie, and Elliot shouted. Latte hands them their breakfast, which is waffles, cream cheese, water, and peanut butter. “I did not know that confetti waffles could be so tasty!” Gizmo exclaimed as he took a bite. Gizmo states that he is excited about tonight’s event. The cats enjoyed their breakfast and are headed out to their classes. “Good luck, tonight!” Latte told Gizmo. “I can’t wait to see it!” Silky said. “I am rooting for you! Go Gizmo go!” shouted Fizzy. “Thank you!” said Gizmo. “Thanks.” said Gracie. “We appreciate it! Thanks for the yummy breakfast!” Bob told Latte, Fizzy, and Silky. “What are you guys going to wear for tonight?” asked Bob as the cats walked in the hallway together. “A lavender-colored dress,” said Gracie. Gizmo told Bob he is going to wear a dark navy-colored bow tie for the event. Gizmo told Bob and Gracie that he can’t wait to practice for tonight’s event. Gizmo stops in the hallway all of a sudden as his mother, Gabriella, calls him.
  • 15. Page | 15 Gizmo picks up the phone. “Hello, mom!” Gizmo said. Gabriella told her son that she would be coming to see him tonight and that he was going to do great and wanted to meet Gracie and Bob soon. “Okay! I can’t wait to see you! Thank you!” Gizmo exclaimed and hung up. Gizmo and Gracie enter their music class, and they see Apricot, Razor, Iliana, Ivan, Miss. Annie Bell, and the rest of the students. Miss. Annie Bell told the class that Fizzy and Silky are going to spend some time with them today. “Yes!” said Gizmo. Gracie gets her songbook ready; Gizmo gets his electronic guitar and laptop ready, and the same followed for the rest of the class. Razor gets called on and plays his music, which is darkcore genre. Everyone cheers and Apricot gets envious. Fizzy says, “That was awesome, Razor!” Apricot plays his music, and it improves but is not as good as the rest of his classmates. “Nice. Way to go…I guess?” said Silky to Apricot. “What?! What are you people talking about?!” said Apricot as he growled. “I’ll show you tonight who is better, Silky.” Apricot added. Apricot is short-tempered and holds a grudge against others. Apricot wants to be the best. Gizmo gets called on and plays his music. “This is the best music I have ever heard!” said Iliana. “He’s really talented,” Ivan said. Everyone claps and some say Gizmo is the best in the class and that he is going to knock it out of the park! Apricot gets furious and breaks his pencil as he growls. “I am going to be a better musician than all of you!” yelled Apricot.
  • 16. Page | 16 “Oh, we’ll see about that!” Razor shouted. Apricot has plans to sabotage and ruin Gizmo’s performance tonight. He has a malicious grin on his face as he stares at Gizmo’s guitar. He then laughs evilly while the whole class is staring at him. The whole class leaves the room to go get some dinner. After dinner, the individuals participating in the musical project are told to get ready in two hours. Gizmo and Razor are testing out their instruments for quality. Razor told Gizmo he was going to do great and not get nervous. Gizmo agrees and takes a deep breath. Gizmo gives himself some self-talk. “Feel the power, the energy, the fame, the gain…” said Gizmo while his eyes were closed. “Never give up!” Razor cried. Gizmo is very anxious and excited at the same time. Apricot comes in, hides in a small room, and eavesdrops on the two. He grins evilly and has self- confidence. Apricot whispers to himself, “Oh, Gizmo. You should have seen this coming. That’ll teach you not to be better than me!” He holds a pair of scissors and grins. He checks to see if the two are gone. “Let’s take a break. I was thinking grilled cheese sandwiches and chocolate milk.” Gizmo told Razor. “Sure! Why not?” Razor exclaimed. The two put down their guitars to go get some snacks. Razor’s guitar is black and punk themed. Section 6 Apricot gets ready to turn his evil plans into reality. He quietly walks over to Gizmo’s blue guitar. He looks to see if anyone is there to see him, but not close enough. He cuts off Gizmo’s guitar strings! He laughs manically and thinks of pouring water on it. He did. Apricot ruined Gizmo’s guitar. It no longer works and in about two hours the show is about to begin. Apricot laughs manically and lightning appears making a loud noise as he laughs. “Huh? Don’t know where that came from!” Apricot said as he shrugged his shoulders and skipped like a little
  • 17. Page | 17 kid. He is hiding behind the closet and waits for Gizmo to come back so that he can see the reaction on his face when he sees his damaged guitar. Gizmo and Razor come back, and Apricot is anxious. “Okay, let’s get practicing.” said Razor. Gizmo picks up his damaged guitar and is shocked. “Oh no! What happened to my guitar?!” shouted Gizmo. “It looks like someone did this. Who did this? It looks like it is damaged beyond repair. The show is starting soon. I can’t believe this happened to you, Gizmo.” Razor told Gizmo. “Can you fix it?” asked Gizmo. “No. Elliot could have, but he is out sick today and won’t be coming to the performance.” Razor told Gizmo. Gizmo cries and tears fell from his eyes. Gizmo is now angry, upset, and furious. “Who did this to me?! I am going to find out who did this!” said Gizmo. Apricot comes out and claps his paws. “It was I, I.” laughed Apricot. “Why? What have you done?!” Razor yelled at Apricot. “Just wanted to be the best, Gizmo.” Apricot told the two as he winks at them. Gizmo gets angry, holds Apricot by his bow tie, and says, “Why did you ruin my guitar? Just so you can be better than me? That guitar meant so much to me. You cannot get in the way of other people’s dreams, you narcissist little runt!” Apricot is in fear and gulps. “You told him!” said Razor. “No wonder Apricot has no friends.” he added.
  • 18. Page | 18 Apricot grins, apologizes, and takes off. “Forget about him! You just figure out a way to get a new guitar. With all the music stores closed, uh-oh!” said Razor. Gizmo calls Bob for help, but Bob apologizes and tells him that he is busy studying for his big math test. Gizmo later calls Gracie and tells her what happened and asks for her help, but there is nothing she can do. Gizmo calls Fizzy and Silky, and after ten minutes, they surprise him with a cooler, better electronic guitar. “Look who’s here! I am sorry for what happened, Gizmo! I know it may not be as good as your old guitar, but it’ll save the day, yes?” Fizzy exclaimed. The new guitar that Fizzy handed Gizmo is far better than his old one. It is shiny, and the color of the guitar is dark indigo. It makes better sounds, and it is overall amazing. Gizmo agrees. Gizmo plays his new guitar. “This guitar is amazing!” he said. “Thank you, Fizzy and Silky! I owe you!” said Gizmo as he gave Fizzy and Silky a hug. The parents of the students are coming to the school to see the musical show. Gracie’s mother, Erika, is here, and Bob’s father, Bailey, is here. Gizmo’s mother, Gabriella, arrives and sits in the school’s theater. Then, Ivan and Iliana’s family arrive. The staff waits until all the parents arrive. When they do, the school gets ready. “Welcome all! Welcome to Emerald Career School! Our students will show off their musical talents tonight!” said Principal Caddi. Everyone applauds. Miss. Annie Bell takes the stage and thanks the principal. Miss. Annie Bell speaks through her microphone about today’s event. “Give it up for Gracie and Iliana!” she called out. Gracie wrote a song for Iliana to sing. Iliana is a good singer. She is dressed in a silver, sparkly dress. Gracie is dressed in her lavender-colored dress. Their song is called “Summer Time”. The genre of this song is pop.
  • 19. Page | 19 “Summer Time” Written By: Gracie Sang By: Gracie and Iliana Iliana: Summer is here so never fear The sun is shining and the weather is very hot The sun is bright, yellow and warm The nice weather makes me have a good thought Gracie: Out in the sun and having some fun Eating ice cream while enjoying the weather Eating some summer salad which is good for the liver What could be better? Iliana: I hope the summer fun never ends Eating yummy fruit and seeing pretty butterflies all around the garden Being the best is the trend What could be better? Gracie: Thank you, Iliana. I hope you have a cool day What type of ice cream do you want? Chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry? Have it your way! It’s Summer Time! They do a very good job, and everyone applauds. Miss. Annie Bell writes their grades in her notebook and thanks them as they hop off the stage.
  • 20. Page | 20 “Okay, Ivan, you’re up!” Miss Annie Bell said. Ivan shows off his acting skills that are funny, good, and talented. He is wearing a gold tuxedo. The teacher thanks Ivan as he gets off the stage and grades him. She calls on Razor, and he raps and plays punk music with his electronic guitar. He does a good job and is still learning musical skills. His song is called “Blaze”. The genre of this song is metal trap and hip-hop. “Blaze” Written and Sang By: Razor (Razor; You Got ‘Em) I am about to blowup I am about to be at the top I saw the future when I woke up I am so awesome and astonishing that I’ll never stop! (Razor) You should have seen this coming I have no fear of you bullies and dweebs I am so lit and hazardous that you people are running From the cool cat-me! (Blaze!) Feeling weak so I see Time to take that vitamin C and that B
  • 21. Page | 21 Feel that breeze. Feel that freeze Feeling energized like a killer bee (R-R-Razor) Razor Out! She grades his work, thanks him, and calls on Apricot. Apricot goes on stage, smiles with dominance and chuckles. He plays his bright red electronic guitar and raps a hip-hop song he wrote. The lyrics are excellent, but his guitar playing may need some work. He is wearing a black jacket, a white shirt underneath, a black bow tie, and a red bandana over his head. Apricot’s song is called “I’m Better”. “I’m Better” Written and Sang By: Apricot (Apricot) I have something to say (say) I am better (x3) I am better than all of you! Yes, hardship and stress are a real mess But I got that real success I got that real progress So, if anyone wants a piece of me Just ask!
  • 22. Page | 22 I am a hard worker so I deserve to be the best I apologize to Gizmo for your, I guess, amazing guitar I will put my musical skills to test to be the best in the west I think I left my snacks in my car But don’t make me travel that far Bam! (Apricot) I have something to say (say) I am better (x3) I am better than all of you! The teacher thanks him, writes his grade in her grade book, and calls on the last student of the day. “Gizmo! Gizmo! You are next! Good luck!” Miss. Annie Bell cheered him on. Gizmo thanks her and rocks on. Gizmo winks at the audience with confidence. Gizmo plays his new guitar and does a great job. He raps, and the genre of the song is hip-hop and metal trap. Some individuals in the audience are shocked that he is not using his original light blue guitar. Ivan gasped, and everyone’s jaws dropped as Gizmo played his guitar. His music is advanced and good, just like that of professionals. His song is called “Gizmo”. “Gizmo” Written and Sang By: Gizmo (Gizmo’s the name) I am ready to rule
  • 23. Page | 23 I am ready to put my dreams to reality My musical skills are so cool! I am ready to rock out confidentiality! (Gizmo!) There isn’t a day in my life that I wouldn’t sing Music makes me feel free I feel like the king Awesome music and songs that I will soon release I guarantee! (Greatness) Better than ever! Music is my passion, and it’ll be in my heart forever No fear, no enemy will give me pain Only grain! Pouring my heart into my songs makes me feel confident But watch out, friends, for the incompetent! Be the best you can be! (Gizmo) Apricot shouts, “No!”. Apricot’s face is full of disgust, and Bob cries in a good way. Gracie smiles and is proud of him. Everyone cheers him on. Gizmo states something at the end of his performance and says, “Never give up, kids!”.
  • 24. Page | 24 Miss. Annie Bell thanks him and grades him for his work. The parents give their children a hug as they head off home. Gizmo’s mother gives him a big hug and kiss. “I am so proud of you, Gizmo! Gracie is a good songwriter! Bob, how are you doing?” Gizmo’s mother replied. “Good!” Bob told Gizmo’s mother. “Thanks!” Gracie told Gizmo’s mom. The parents leave the school, and the students gather around Miss. Annie Bell. She is ready to share their grades with them. “Okay, everyone. Here are your grades.” Miss. Annie Bell said as she handed her students their grades. “I got an A!” said Iliana. “So did I!” said Gracie. “I got a B.” Ivan exclaimed. “I got a B+.” said Razor. Gizmo cheers and jumps up and says, “I got an A+! Hard work does pay off!”. Apricot rolls his eyes and says, “What’s my grade?”. Miss. Annie Bell hands him his grade. “What?!” Apricot shouted, as he was in shock. “Why did I get an F?!”.
  • 25. Page | 25 Miss. Annie Bell looked at Apricot. “I heard that you damaged Gizmo’s guitar on purpose so that he would not have to perform. That was very selfish of you. I hope you have learned your lesson.” Miss. Annie Bell told Apricot. Apricot exhales. “We were wondering about what happened to Gizmo’s old one.” Ivan said. “Now we know. Not fair, little jerk!”. Ivan gets very angry with Apricot. “It’s alright, buddy, I now have a better, stronger guitar.” Gizmo told Ivan. Apricot leaves the theater, slams the door, and heads out to his bedroom. Gizmo, Bob, Gracie, Fizzy, Silky, Ivan, and Iliana all go watch a movie together. “Hey, let’s go watch a movie!” said Bob. “I agree!” said Fizzy. The friends speak to each other along the way, cheering, and they are very happy. New adventures await the cats.