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Ronen Amrani, Solutions Architect, AWS
June 21, 2017
Getting Started with Managed
Database Services on AWS
Why managed database
If you host your databases on premises
Power, HVAC, net
Rack and stack
Server maintenance
OS patches
DB software patches
Database backups
High availability
DB software installs
OS installation
App optimization
If you host your databases in Amazon EC2
Power, HVAC, net
Rack and stack
Server maintenance
OS patches
DB software patches
Database backups
High availability
DB software installs
OS installation
App optimization

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AWS re:Invent 2016: Getting Started with Amazon Aurora (DAT203)
AWS re:Invent 2016: Getting Started with Amazon Aurora (DAT203)AWS re:Invent 2016: Getting Started with Amazon Aurora (DAT203)
AWS re:Invent 2016: Getting Started with Amazon Aurora (DAT203)

Amazon Aurora is a MySQL-compatible relational database engine with the speed, reliability, and availability of high-end commercial databases at one-tenth the cost. This session introduces you to Amazon Aurora, explores the capabilities and features of Aurora, explains common use cases, and helps you get started with Aurora. Debanjan Saha, general manager for Aurora, explains how Aurora differs from other commonly available databases while staying compatible with MySQL and providing a high-end, cost-effective alternative to commercial and open-source database engines. In addition, Linda Xu, data architect at Ticketmaster, walks you through Ticketmaster's journey to Amazon Aurora, starting with evaluation through production migration of a critical Ticketmaster database to Amazon Aurora. Ticketmaster is one of the world's top 10 e-commerce companies and the global market leader in ticketing. In this session, Linda discusses how Aurora lets Ticketmaster provide better services to their fans, customers, and clients, and helps reduce the cost and operational burden while giving greater flexibility to support heavy traffic spikes.

aws re:invent 2016aws clouddat203
AWS Storage and Content Delivery Services
AWS Storage and Content Delivery ServicesAWS Storage and Content Delivery Services
AWS Storage and Content Delivery Services

This document provides an overview of Amazon Web Services storage and content delivery services, including Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), and Amazon CloudFront. It describes the core capabilities and use cases for each service. The key points are: S3 provides scalable object storage and retrieval online. It has unlimited storage capacity and high durability. EBS offers persistent block level storage volumes for EC2 instances with consistent performance. CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) that caches and delivers content globally for websites and applications.

How EidosMedia Leverages ONTAP Cloud for AWS to Serve Millions of Users Globa...
How EidosMedia Leverages ONTAP Cloud for AWS to Serve Millions of Users Globa...How EidosMedia Leverages ONTAP Cloud for AWS to Serve Millions of Users Globa...
How EidosMedia Leverages ONTAP Cloud for AWS to Serve Millions of Users Globa...

EidosMedia, a global media company, wanted to establish business continuity with highly available storage and the flexibility of the cloud, while maintaining the enterprise storage management capabilities of its on-premises infrastructure. NetApp ONTAP data management software enables EidosMedia to manage its on-premises and cloud data from a single, centralized management console, while leveraging AWS for the flexibility of the cloud. Join our upcoming webinar to learn how NetApp and AWS provided EidosMedia with a seamless platform to support the organization’s critical business applications, enhance workload portability, and accelerate feature development and testing through improved DevOps processes.

If you host your databases in Amazon EC2
Power, HVAC, net
Rack and stack
Server maintenance
OS patches
DB software patches
Database backups
High availability
DB software installs
OS installation
App optimization
If you choose a managed DB service
Power, HVAC, net
Rack and stack
Server maintenance
OS patches
DB software patches
Database backups
App optimization
High availability
DB software installs
OS installation
What are the AWS managed DB
A managed service for each major DB type
and key-
value store

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Microservices and Amazon ECS
Microservices and Amazon ECSMicroservices and Amazon ECS
Microservices and Amazon ECS

This document provides an overview of microservices and Amazon ECS. It discusses what microservices are, the challenges of implementing microservices, and how Amazon ECS addresses these challenges. Specifically, it covers how ECS provides scalable and automated scheduling of containers across a cluster, integration with other AWS services for areas like load balancing, deployment automation through services, and built-in monitoring with CloudWatch. Examples are given of how a company called Wrapp transitioned their microservices architecture to use ECS and the benefits they realized around management of their containerized applications.

Cost Optimization at Scale
Cost Optimization at ScaleCost Optimization at Scale
Cost Optimization at Scale

Intended for customers who have (or will have) thousands of instances on AWS, this session is about reducing the complexity of managing costs for these large fleets so they run efficiently. Attendees will learn about common roadblocks that prevent large customers from cost optimizing, tools they can use to efficiently remove those roadblocks, and techniques to monitor their rate of cost optimization. The session will include a case study that will talk in detail about the millions of dollars saved using these techniques. Customers will learn about a range of templates they can use to quickly implement these techniques, and also partners who can help them implement these templates. Presented by: Guy Kfir, Senior Account Manager, Amazon Web Services Customer Guest: David Costa, CTO, Fredhopper

aws cloudawsaws-summit-nl-2016
Choosing the Right Cloud Storage for Media and Entertainment Workloads - Apri...
Choosing the Right Cloud Storage for Media and Entertainment Workloads - Apri...Choosing the Right Cloud Storage for Media and Entertainment Workloads - Apri...
Choosing the Right Cloud Storage for Media and Entertainment Workloads - Apri...

- Learn about various AWS storage tiers with respect to cost, performance, throughput and durability for large-scale distributed processing workloads. - Learn about various AWS storage tiers with respect to unique media workloads such as transcoding, QC, VFX/Animation rendering. Learn about using AWS storage services for hybrid workloads for both content repositories in the cloud and processing on-premises or vice versa. - Learn about AWS storage options and how to migrate legacy media applications running on the cloud to re-engineered applications. - Learn about shared filesystem options on AWS including Amazon EFS and how to build your own using partner products on Amazon EC2 and Amazon EBS. Media companies, driven by higher resolution and an increasing amount of content due to direct B2C delivery, are looking to cost effectively leverage cloud compute scalability. Emerging use cases, such as Media Supply Chains, VFX/Animation rendering, and transcoding for OTT streaming, require careful planning when being deployed to the cloud. Storage is an important component critical to the performance and processing of media. Amazon Web Services provides a variety of highly available, cost effective storage solutions that can deliver the right performance for the underlying application. This technical session will discuss various cloud storage strategies for different content processing workloads. We will take a deep dive at Media Supply Chains (including content transcoding, QC, mastering and packaging), post production tasks in the cloud, and other Media & Entertainment workloads.

media & entertainmentamazonamazon ebs
What is Amazon RDS?
Relational databases
Fully managed
Fast, predictable performance
Simple and fast to scale
Low cost, pay for what you use
Amazon Aurora
Authentication and access control
Security groups
RDS security
RDS is simple and fast to scale
Database instance types
offer a range of CPU and
memory selections
Scale up or down among
instance types on demand
Database storage is
scalable on demand

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1. 利用微服務架構建立雲端影音平台 (Building Media Platform by Microservices Architecture)
1.	利用微服務架構建立雲端影音平台 (Building Media Platform by Microservices Architecture)1.	利用微服務架構建立雲端影音平台 (Building Media Platform by Microservices Architecture)
1. 利用微服務架構建立雲端影音平台 (Building Media Platform by Microservices Architecture)

The document discusses building a cloud-based video platform using microservices architecture. It outlines challenges in content storage, processing and delivery given changing consumer behaviors and business needs. The proposed solution uses a serverless approach with AWS services like S3, Lambda and API Gateway to build independent, interoperable services for storage, processing, delivery and analytics. This allows for rapid innovation, avoiding lock-in and reusing data across services.

amazon web servicescloudcloud computing
Getting Started with Amazon Redshift
 Getting Started with Amazon Redshift Getting Started with Amazon Redshift
Getting Started with Amazon Redshift

Learn how Amazon Redshift, our fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse, can help you quickly and cost-effectively analyze all of your data using your existing business intelligence tools. Get an introduction to how Amazon Redshift uses massively parallel processing, scale-out architecture, and columnar direct-attached storage to minimize I/O time and maximize performance. Learn how you can gain deeper business insights and save money and time by migrating to Amazon Redshift. Take away strategies for migrating from on-premises data warehousing solutions, tuning schema and queries, and utilizing third party solutions.

awsredshiftaws cloud
Getting Started with the Hybrid Cloud: Enterprise Backup and Recovery
Getting Started with the Hybrid Cloud: Enterprise Backup and RecoveryGetting Started with the Hybrid Cloud: Enterprise Backup and Recovery
Getting Started with the Hybrid Cloud: Enterprise Backup and Recovery

This sessions is for architects and storage admins seeking simple and non-disruptive ways to adopt cloud platforms in their organizations. You will learn how to deliver lower costs and greater scale with nearly seamless integration into your existing B&R processes. Services mentioned: S3, Glacier, Snowball, 3rd party partners, storage gateway, and ingestion services.

aws disater recoveryaws cloudcloud
RDS offers fast, predictable storage
General Purpose
(SSD) for most
Provisioned IOPS
(SSD) for OLTP
workloads up to
30,000 IOPS
Magnetic for small
workloads with
infrequent access
Fault tolerance with multi-AZ deployments
Enterprise-grade fault tolerance solution for
production databases
Choose Read Replicas for scalability and enhanced
data locality
Relieve pressure on your master
node for supporting reads and
Even faster recovery in the event
of disaster
Bring data close to your
Promote to a master for easy
How do RDS backups work?
Automated backups
Restore your database to a point in
Enabled by default
Choose a retention period, up to 35
Manual snapshots
Build a new database instance from a
snapshot when needed
Initiated by you
Persist until you delete them
Stored in S3

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Deep Dive on Object Storage: Amazon S3 and Amazon Glacier
Deep Dive on Object Storage: Amazon S3 and Amazon GlacierDeep Dive on Object Storage: Amazon S3 and Amazon Glacier
Deep Dive on Object Storage: Amazon S3 and Amazon Glacier

This document provides an overview of Amazon S3 and object storage solutions on AWS. It discusses how S3 is used by companies like Netflix, SoundCloud and Airbnb to store large amounts of data. It also summarizes the different storage classes (Standard, Infrequent Access, Glacier), options for data transfer like Snowball, and use cases like website hosting, backup/disaster recovery, and analytics. Architectural patterns with events and Lambda are presented for building scalable, serverless applications with S3.

awsstorageamazon s3
Data Storage for the Long Haul: Compliance and Archive
Data Storage for the Long Haul: Compliance and ArchiveData Storage for the Long Haul: Compliance and Archive
Data Storage for the Long Haul: Compliance and Archive

This session is for IT pros working with compliance managers to deliver solutions that lower costs and still meet compliance demands. You will learn how to move large scale data stores to the cloud, while remaining compliant with existing regulations. Services mentioned: S3, Glacier and the Vault Lock feature, Snowball, ingestion services.

amazon web serviceschicago summitaws summit 2016
Getting Started with Managed Database Services on AWS
Getting Started with Managed Database Services on AWSGetting Started with Managed Database Services on AWS
Getting Started with Managed Database Services on AWS

In addition to running databases in Amazon EC2, AWS customers can choose among a variety of managed database services. These services save effort, save time, and unlock new capabilities and economies. In this session, we make it easy to understand how they differ, what they have in common, and how to choose one or more. We explain the fundamentals of Amazon DynamoDB, a fully managed NoSQL database service; Amazon RDS, a relational database service in the cloud; Amazon ElastiCache, a fast, in-memory caching service in the cloud; and Amazon Redshift, a fully managed, petabyte-scale data-warehouse solution that can be surprisingly economical. We will cover how each service might help support your application, how much each service costs, and how to get started.

amazon web servicesawscloud
Use cases
Applicable wherever you need relational databases
eCommerce Gaming
Websites IT solutions
A bit of history …
Re-imagining relational databases for the cloud era
Multiple layers of
functionality all in a
monolithic stack
Relational databases were not designed for the
Not much has changed in last 20 years
Even when you scale it out, you’re still replicating the same stack

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Getting Started with AWS Security
Getting Started with AWS SecurityGetting Started with AWS Security
Getting Started with AWS Security

AWS and its partners offer a wide range of tools and features to help you to meet your security objectives. These tools mirror the familiar controls you deploy within your on-premises environments. AWS provides security-specific tools and features across network security, configuration management, access control and data security. In addition, AWS provides monitoring and logging tools to can provide full visibility into what is happening in your environment. In this session, you will get introduced to the range of security tools and features that AWS offers, and the latest security innovations coming from AWS.

支援大規模流量的網站應用程式雲端架構 (Web Applications on AWS)
支援大規模流量的網站應用程式雲端架構 (Web Applications on AWS)支援大規模流量的網站應用程式雲端架構 (Web Applications on AWS)
支援大規模流量的網站應用程式雲端架構 (Web Applications on AWS)

This session introduces AWS services that you can leverage to build a scaleable web application architecture on AWS to handle large-scale flows.

Database migration simple, cross-engine and cross-platform migrations with ...
Database migration   simple, cross-engine and cross-platform migrations with ...Database migration   simple, cross-engine and cross-platform migrations with ...
Database migration simple, cross-engine and cross-platform migrations with ...

Learn how you can migrate databases with minimal downtime from on-premises and Amazon EC2 environments to Amazon RDS, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Aurora and EC2 databases using AWS Database Migration Service. We'll discuss homogeneous (e.g. Oracle-to-Oracle, PostgreSQL-to-PostgreSQL, etc.) and heterogeneous (e.g. Oracle to Aurora, SQL Server to MariaDB) database migrations. We'll also talk about the new AWS Schema Conversion Tool that saves you development time when migrating your Oracle and SQL Server database schemas, including PL/SQL and T-SQL procedural code, to their MySQL, MariaDB and Aurora equivalents. Best of all, we'll spend most of the time demonstrating the product and showing use cases designed to help your business.

aws cloudawssummitrelational database services
Re-imagining relational database
Fully managed service – automate administrative tasks
Scale-out, distributed, multi-tenant design
Service-oriented architecture leveraging AWS services
Meet Amazon Aurora
R Speed and availability of high-end commercial databases
R Simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open source databases
R Drop-in compatibility with MySQL
R Simple pay-as-you-go pricing
Delivered as a managed service
Databases reimagined for the cloud
Scale-out, distributed, multi-tenant architecture
§ Storage volume is striped across
hundreds of storage nodes distributed
over 3 different Availability Zones
§ Six copies of data, two copies in each
Availability Zone to protect against
AZ+1 failures
§ 5x faster than MySQL on same
§ SysBench: 100 K writes/sec and 500 K
§ Designed for 99.99% availability
§ Scale to 64 TB and 15 Read Replicas
Master Replica Replica Replica
Zone 1
Shared storage volume
Zone 2
Zone 3
Storage nodes with SSDs
Innovid Using Aurora
Ofer Buhnik, R&D Group Manager
Customer Story

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Getting Started With AWS Security
Getting Started With AWS SecurityGetting Started With AWS Security
Getting Started With AWS Security

1) Getting Started with AWS Security provides an overview of AWS security best practices including understanding AWS shared responsibility model, building strong compliance foundations, integrating identity and access management, enabling detective controls, establishing network security, implementing data protection, optimizing change management, and automating security functions. 2) Statoil migrated applications and infrastructure to AWS to achieve a cloud-first strategy. They established security automation, self-service provisioning, and continuous monitoring using native AWS services to securely manage their AWS environment. 3) Evolving security architecture practices involves treating security as part of the development process through automation, embedding architecture into code repositories, and ensuring solutions provide continuous audit and compliance.

Convert and Migrate Your NoSQL Database or Data Warehouse to AWS - July 2017
Convert and Migrate Your NoSQL Database or Data Warehouse to AWS - July 2017Convert and Migrate Your NoSQL Database or Data Warehouse to AWS - July 2017
Convert and Migrate Your NoSQL Database or Data Warehouse to AWS - July 2017

Learning Objectives: - Understand the use cases for migrating or replicating databases to the cloud - Learn about the benefits of cloud-native databases for performance and costs reduction - See how AWS Database Migration Service helps with your migration and how AWS Schema Conversion Tool makes conversions simple and quick Moving or replicating your databases to the cloud should be simple and inexpensive. AWS has recently enhanced the AWS Database Migration Service and the AWS Schema Conversion Tool with new data sources to increase your migration options. You can now export from MongoDB databases and Greenplum, IBM Netezza, HPE Vertica, Teradata, Oracle DW and Microsoft SQL Server data warehouses to AWS. Learn how to export and migrate your data and procedural code with minimal downtime to the cloud database of your choice, including cloud-native offerings such as Amazon Aurora, Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon Redshift.

awswebinaramazon web services
Track 3 Session 6_打造應用專屬資料庫 (Purpose-built) 與了解託管服務優勢
Track 3 Session 6_打造應用專屬資料庫 (Purpose-built) 與了解託管服務優勢Track 3 Session 6_打造應用專屬資料庫 (Purpose-built) 與了解託管服務優勢
Track 3 Session 6_打造應用專屬資料庫 (Purpose-built) 與了解託管服務優勢

This document discusses purpose-built databases and managed database services on AWS. It begins by explaining how data needs are rapidly expanding and changing due to factors like microservices and analytics. It then introduces several purpose-built AWS databases like Amazon Aurora, DynamoDB, DocumentDB, ElastiCache, and Neptune that are optimized for different use cases. Benefits highlighted include performance, scalability, availability, and that they are fully managed. Two customer examples of Duolingo and Capital One migrating to AWS databases are provided. The document concludes by discussing the advantages of moving to managed databases on AWS over self-managed databases.

Innovid's cross-platform marketing technology delivers video ads to any device
including desktop, mobile, tablet, and over 25 different connected TV devices
such as over-the-top (OTT) enabled boxes, smart TVs.
About Innovid
Daily Impressions
The World
(High Scale)
(High Scale)
Innovid Database Usage
Innovid Employees
(Low Scale)
(Mid Scale)
● Scale-out
● Backup & Disk size
● Upgrade & Maintenance
● Support
MySQL Aurora
Analytics Dashboard Reports Batch Processes

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(DAT202) Managed Database Options on AWS
(DAT202) Managed Database Options on AWS(DAT202) Managed Database Options on AWS
(DAT202) Managed Database Options on AWS

In addition to running databases in Amazon EC2, AWS customers can choose among a variety of managed database services. These services save effort, save time, and unlock new capabilities and economies. In this session, we make it easy to understand how they differ, what they have in common, and how to choose one or more. We explain the fundamentals of Amazon DynamoDB, a fully managed NoSQL database service; Amazon RDS, a relational database service in the cloud; Amazon ElastiCache, a fast, in-memory caching service in the cloud; and Amazon Redshift, a fully managed, petabyte-scale data-warehouse solution that can be surprisingly economical. We will cover how each service might help support your application, how much each service costs, and how to get started. We will also have with us Jeongsang Baek, the VP of Engineering from IGAWorks, Korea’s No.1 mobile business platform, who will walk us through their architecture and share with us the key insights that they gained from using the various AWS database technologies to deliver a reliable, efficient and cost-effective experience.

pranav nambiar - amazonjeongsang baek - igaworks
AWS Webcast - Understanding database options
AWS Webcast - Understanding database optionsAWS Webcast - Understanding database options
AWS Webcast - Understanding database options

Power your apps with a secure, scalable and durable back end on Amazon Web Service. Whether you are looking to minimize your operational overhead or to maintain tight control, AWS has a spectrum of database options for you to choose the right architecture for your needs. Learn about your options and how to choose the right architecture for your apps.

RDS Postgres and Aurora Postgres | AWS Public Sector Summit 2017
RDS Postgres and Aurora Postgres | AWS Public Sector Summit 2017RDS Postgres and Aurora Postgres | AWS Public Sector Summit 2017
RDS Postgres and Aurora Postgres | AWS Public Sector Summit 2017

Attend this session for a technical deep dive about RDS Postgres and Aurora Postgres. Come hear from Mark Porter, the General Manager of Aurora PostgreSQL and RDS at AWS, as he covers service specific use cases and applications within the AWS worldwide public sector community. Learn More:

awsamazon web services2017awspssummit
Food for Thought
● Monitor
● Development
● InnoDB & ibdata1
● Maintenance & Zero downtime
● Connections number
● Time Zone
Thank you
Feel free to contact me at
What is Amazon DynamoDB?
Amazon DynamoDB
NoSQL database
Fully managed
Single-digit millisecond latency
Massive and seamless scalability
Low cost

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Introduction to Amazon Redshift
Introduction to Amazon RedshiftIntroduction to Amazon Redshift
Introduction to Amazon Redshift

This presentation summarizes Amazon Redshift data warehouse service, its architecture and best practices for application development using Amazon Redshift.

amazon web servicesamazonaws
[よくわかるAmazon Redshift in 大阪]Amazon Redshift最新情報と導入事例のご紹介
[よくわかるAmazon Redshift in 大阪]Amazon Redshift最新情報と導入事例のご紹介[よくわかるAmazon Redshift in 大阪]Amazon Redshift最新情報と導入事例のご紹介
[よくわかるAmazon Redshift in 大阪]Amazon Redshift最新情報と導入事例のご紹介

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud. It provides fast query performance at a very low cost. Updates since re:Invent 2013 include new features like distributed tables, remote data loading, approximate count distinct, and workload queue memory management. Customers have seen query performance improvements of 20-100x compared to Hive and cost reductions of 50-80%. Amazon Redshift makes it easy to setup, operate, and scale a data warehouse without having to worry about provisioning and managing hardware.

Getting Started with Managed Database Services on AWS
Getting Started with Managed Database Services on AWSGetting Started with Managed Database Services on AWS
Getting Started with Managed Database Services on AWS

The document discusses several Amazon Web Services (AWS) managed database options. It begins by explaining why companies choose managed database services over self-managed options, noting that AWS handles maintenance, backups, scaling and other tasks. It then summarizes the major AWS managed database services: Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for relational databases, Amazon DynamoDB for non-relational databases, Amazon ElastiCache for in-memory caching, and Amazon Redshift for data warehousing. For each service, it provides examples of common use cases and highlights features like automation, scalability, availability and pay-as-you-go pricing.

2016 aws summit santa claracloudsanta clara summit
DynamoDB: a managed document and key-
value store
• Simple and fast to deploy, easy to scale
• Data is automatically replicated
• Fast, predictable performance
• Helps provide security and control
• Fine-grained access control
• No cost to get started
• Pay only for what you consume
DynamoDB: A schemaless database
Schema	is	defined	per	item
Replicated continuously to 3 AZs
Persisted to disk (custom SSD)
Strongly or eventually consistent
No latency trade-off
Automatic replication for rock-solid durability and
Popular use cases
Ad tech IoT Gaming
& web
Ad serving, ID
lookup, user
tracking, real-
time bidding
Tracking state,
metadata and
readings from
millions of
game details,
usage history,
and logs
Storing user
session details,

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Introducing Database Offerings on AWS - Technical 101
Introducing Database Offerings on AWS - Technical 101Introducing Database Offerings on AWS - Technical 101
Introducing Database Offerings on AWS - Technical 101

Amazon Web Services provides a number of database management alternatives for all type of customers. You can run managed relational databases, managed NoSQL databases, a petabyte-scale data warehouse, or you can even operate your own online database in the cloud on Amazon EC2. Discover our database offerings and find what service to use according to your existing needs or how to deliver your next big project. Find out about data migration services, tools and best practices for security, availability and scalability, and hear some of the great database success stories from AWS customers. Speaker: Ari Newman, Account Manager & Rob Carr, Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services Featured Customer - Atlassian

Databases - State of the Union
Databases - State of the UnionDatabases - State of the Union
Databases - State of the Union

The document provides an overview of Amazon Web Services (AWS) databases and analytics services. It summarizes that AWS has significantly expanded its database and analytics offerings between 2015-2018, with over 750 new features and 10 new services launched. It highlights several core AWS database and analytics services, including Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, Amazon Neptune, and Amazon ElastiCache. It also discusses how customers are migrating workloads from on-premises databases to AWS databases and analytics services.

New Database Migration Services & RDS Updates
New Database Migration Services & RDS UpdatesNew Database Migration Services & RDS Updates
New Database Migration Services & RDS Updates

This document summarizes Amazon Web Services database migration and replication services. It discusses how the AWS Database Migration Service can migrate databases between on-premises and cloud environments within 10 minutes with no application downtime. It also describes how the AWS Schema Conversion Tool can help migrate databases off Oracle and SQL Server to other database engines like MySQL. Finally, it provides an overview of Amazon RDS managed database services and high availability features.

NoSQL vs.
DynamoDB vs.
NoSQL vs. relational DB for a new app: How to choose?
• Schemaless, easy reads
and writes, simple data
• Scaling is easy
• Focus on performance and
availability at any scale
• Strong schema, complex
transactions and joins
• Scaling is difficult
• Focus on consistency
over scale and availability
What is Amazon Redshift?
a lot faster
a lot cheaper
a whole lot simpler
Relational data warehouse
Massively parallel; petabyte scale
Fully managed
HDD and SSD platforms
$1,000/TB/year; starts at $0.25/hour

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(DAT209) NEW LAUNCH! Introducing MariaDB on Amazon RDS
(DAT209) NEW LAUNCH! Introducing MariaDB on Amazon RDS(DAT209) NEW LAUNCH! Introducing MariaDB on Amazon RDS
(DAT209) NEW LAUNCH! Introducing MariaDB on Amazon RDS

We are excited to announce the immediate availability of MariaDB on Amazon RDS. You can now run your MariaDB database on AWS while taking advantage of RDS management features like automated backups, point-in-time recovery, cross-region replication, and multi-AZ deployments for high availability. In this session, you learn about how to leverage RDS to get the most out of your MariaDB database. Steven Grandchamp, Vice President and GM at MariaDB, is a participant in this session.

awsintroductory (200 level)cloud
Benefits of the Azure cloud
Benefits of the Azure cloudBenefits of the Azure cloud
Benefits of the Azure cloud

The cloud is all the rage. Does it live up to its hype? What are the benefits of the cloud? Join me as I discuss the reasons so many companies are moving to the cloud and demo how to get up and running with a VM (IaaS) and a database (PaaS) in Azure. See why the ability to scale easily, the quickness that you can create a VM, and the built-in redundancy are just some of the reasons that moving to the cloud a “no brainer”. And if you have an on-prem datacenter, learn how to get out of the air-conditioning business!

Getting Started with Amazon Redshift
Getting Started with Amazon RedshiftGetting Started with Amazon Redshift
Getting Started with Amazon Redshift

(1) Amazon Redshift is a fully managed data warehousing service in the cloud that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze large amounts of data across petabytes of structured and semi-structured data. (2) It provides fast query performance by using massively parallel processing and columnar storage techniques. (3) Customers like NTT Docomo, Nasdaq, and Amazon have been able to analyze petabytes of data faster and at a lower cost using Amazon Redshift compared to their previous on-premises solutions.

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Amazon Redshift is easy to use
Provisioning in
Automatic patching SQL - Data loading
Backups are built-in Security is built-in Compression is built-in
Security is built in
VPC Access Management Cluster Security
Cluster Encryption
SSL Connections
Load Data Encryption Security Compliance
Amazon Redshift is fast
Dramatically less I/O
Column storage
Data compression
Zone maps
Direct-attached storage
Large data block sizes
10 | 13 | 14 | 26 |…
… | 100 | 245 | 324
375 | 393 | 417…
… 512 | 549 | 623
637 | 712 | 809 …
… | 834 | 921 | 959
ID Age State Amount
123 20 CA 500
345 25 WA 250
678 40 FL 125
957 37 WA 375
Fully managed, continuous/incremental backups
Multiple copies within cluster
Continuous and incremental backups
to S3
Continuous and incremental backups
across regions
Streaming restore
Region 1
Region 2

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Migrating Your Oracle Database to PostgreSQL - AWS Online Tech Talks
Migrating Your Oracle Database to PostgreSQL - AWS Online Tech TalksMigrating Your Oracle Database to PostgreSQL - AWS Online Tech Talks
Migrating Your Oracle Database to PostgreSQL - AWS Online Tech Talks

Learning Objectives: - Learn about the capabilities of the PostgreSQL database - Learn about PostgreSQL offerings on AWS - Learn how to migrate from Oracle to PostgreSQL with minimal disruption

databasecloud databasedatabase performance
Migrating Your Oracle Database to PostgreSQL - AWS Online Tech Talks
Migrating Your Oracle Database to PostgreSQL - AWS Online Tech TalksMigrating Your Oracle Database to PostgreSQL - AWS Online Tech Talks
Migrating Your Oracle Database to PostgreSQL - AWS Online Tech Talks

Learning Objectives: - Learn about the capabilities of the PostgreSQL database - Learn about PostgreSQL offerings on AWS - Learn how to migrate from Oracle to PostgreSQL with minimal disruption

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Migrating your Databases to AWS: Deep Dive on Amazon RDS and AWS Database Mig...
Migrating your Databases to AWS: Deep Dive on Amazon RDS and AWS Database Mig...Migrating your Databases to AWS: Deep Dive on Amazon RDS and AWS Database Mig...
Migrating your Databases to AWS: Deep Dive on Amazon RDS and AWS Database Mig...

The document provides information about migrating databases to AWS using Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) and AWS Database Migration Service (DMS). It discusses: - Key features of RDS such as provisioning databases quickly with high availability, security, backups and monitoring capabilities. - How DMS allows migrating databases to AWS with minimal downtime by continuously replicating and migrating data between databases. - Examples of customers who have successfully migrated large databases to AWS using RDS and DMS to improve scalability, availability and reduce costs compared to on-premises databases.

Amazon Redshift offers rock-solid fault tolerance
Region 1
Region 2
Disk failures
Node failures
Network failure
Availability Zone or region-level
Popular use cases
10x cheaper
Easy to provision
Greater DBA productivity
10x faster
No programming
Easily leverage BI tools,
Hadoop, machine
learning, streaming
with big data
Analysis in line with
process flows
Pay as you go, grow as
you need
Managed availability and
disaster recovery
To sum up…
Benefits of AWS managed database services
Pay only for what
you use
No upfront cost
Fully managed
AWS handles
installs, patching,
Easy to scale
Grow as you need
Designed for use
with other AWS
Data Pipeline

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Running Enterprise Workloads on AWS
Running Enterprise Workloads on AWSRunning Enterprise Workloads on AWS
Running Enterprise Workloads on AWS

This document provides an overview of running enterprise workloads on Amazon Web Services (AWS). It defines what an enterprise application is, examples of applications commonly run by enterprises, and customer case studies of companies running SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft applications on AWS. The document discusses how AWS addresses key enterprise application requirements around security, availability, cost optimization, and performance. It provides architectural best practices and examples for setting up various enterprise applications and workloads on AWS.

awssummitawsaws cloud
Bases de datos en la nube con AWS
Bases de datos en la nube con AWSBases de datos en la nube con AWS
Bases de datos en la nube con AWS

AWS ofrece una gran variedad de servicios de base de datos que se adaptan a los requisitos de su aplicación. Los servicios de bases de datos están totalmente administrados y se pueden implementar en cuestión de minutos con tan solo unos clics. Los servicios de AWS incluyen Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), compatible con 6 motores de bases de datos comunes, Amazon Aurora, base de datos relacional compatible con MySQL con un desempeño 5 veces superior, Amazon DynamoDB, servicio de bases de datos NoSQL rápido y flexible, Amazon Redshift, almacén de datos a escala de petabytes, y Amazon Elasticache, servicio de caché en memoria compatible con Memcached y Redis. AWS también proporciona AWS Database Migration Service, un servicio que permite migrar las bases de datos a la nube de AWS de forma sencilla y rentable.

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What’s New in Amazon RDS for Open-Source and Commercial Databases
What’s New in Amazon RDS for Open-Source and Commercial DatabasesWhat’s New in Amazon RDS for Open-Source and Commercial Databases
What’s New in Amazon RDS for Open-Source and Commercial Databases

In the past year, Amazon RDS has continued to expand functionality, scalability, availability and ease of use for all supported database engines: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. We’ll take a close look at RDS use cases and new capabilities, splitting the time between open-source and commercial database engines.

Thank You!

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Getting Started with Managed Database Services on AWS - AWS Summit Tel Aviv 2017

  • 1. © 2017, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. Ronen Amrani, Solutions Architect, AWS June 21, 2017 Getting Started with Managed Database Services on AWS
  • 3. If you host your databases on premises Power, HVAC, net Rack and stack Server maintenance OS patches DB software patches Database backups Scaling High availability DB software installs OS installation you App optimization
  • 4. If you host your databases in Amazon EC2 Power, HVAC, net Rack and stack Server maintenance OS patches DB software patches Database backups Scaling High availability DB software installs OS installation you App optimization
  • 5. If you host your databases in Amazon EC2 Power, HVAC, net Rack and stack Server maintenance OS patches DB software patches Database backups Scaling High availability DB software installs OS installation you App optimization
  • 6. If you choose a managed DB service Power, HVAC, net Rack and stack Server maintenance OS patches DB software patches Database backups App optimization High availability DB software installs OS installation you Scaling
  • 7. What are the AWS managed DB options?
  • 8. A managed service for each major DB type Amazon DynamoDB Document and key- value store Amazon RDS Relational database engines Amazon Redshift Data warehouse
  • 10. Relational databases Fully managed Fast, predictable performance Simple and fast to scale Low cost, pay for what you use Amazon RDS Amazon Aurora
  • 11. VPC Authentication and access control Encryption SSL Security groups Amazon RDS security
  • 12. RDS is simple and fast to scale Database instance types offer a range of CPU and memory selections Scale up or down among instance types on demand Database storage is scalable on demand
  • 13. RDS offers fast, predictable storage General Purpose (SSD) for most workloads Provisioned IOPS (SSD) for OLTP workloads up to 30,000 IOPS Magnetic for small workloads with infrequent access
  • 14. Fault tolerance with multi-AZ deployments Enterprise-grade fault tolerance solution for production databases
  • 15. Choose Read Replicas for scalability and enhanced data locality Relieve pressure on your master node for supporting reads and writes Even faster recovery in the event of disaster Bring data close to your customers Promote to a master for easy migration
  • 16. How do RDS backups work? Automated backups Restore your database to a point in time Enabled by default Choose a retention period, up to 35 days Manual snapshots Build a new database instance from a snapshot when needed Initiated by you Persist until you delete them Stored in S3
  • 17. Use cases Applicable wherever you need relational databases eCommerce Gaming Websites IT solutions Apps Reporting
  • 18. A bit of history … Re-imagining relational databases for the cloud era
  • 19. Multiple layers of functionality all in a monolithic stack SQL Transactions Caching Logging Relational databases were not designed for the cloud
  • 20. Not much has changed in last 20 years Even when you scale it out, you’re still replicating the same stack SQL Transactions Caching Logging SQL Transactions Caching Logging Application SQL Transactions Caching Logging SQL Transactions Caching Logging Application SQL Transactions Caching Logging SQL Transactions Caching Logging Storage Application
  • 21. Re-imagining relational database Fully managed service – automate administrative tasks 1 2 3 Scale-out, distributed, multi-tenant design Service-oriented architecture leveraging AWS services
  • 22. Meet Amazon Aurora R Speed and availability of high-end commercial databases R Simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open source databases R Drop-in compatibility with MySQL R Simple pay-as-you-go pricing Delivered as a managed service Databases reimagined for the cloud
  • 23. Scale-out, distributed, multi-tenant architecture § Storage volume is striped across hundreds of storage nodes distributed over 3 different Availability Zones § Six copies of data, two copies in each Availability Zone to protect against AZ+1 failures § 5x faster than MySQL on same hardware § SysBench: 100 K writes/sec and 500 K reads/sec § Designed for 99.99% availability § Scale to 64 TB and 15 Read Replicas Master Replica Replica Replica Availability Zone 1 Shared storage volume Availability Zone 2 Availability Zone 3 Storage nodes with SSDs SQL Transactions Caching SQL Transactions Caching SQL Transactions Caching
  • 24. Innovid Using Aurora Ofer Buhnik, R&D Group Manager Customer Story
  • 25. Innovid's cross-platform marketing technology delivers video ads to any device including desktop, mobile, tablet, and over 25 different connected TV devices such as over-the-top (OTT) enabled boxes, smart TVs. About Innovid 220+ ENTERPRISE CLIENTS 500M+ Daily Impressions
  • 26. 26 The World (High Scale) Analytics (High Scale) RedShift Innovid Database Usage Innovid Employees (Low Scale) SERVING CouchBase STUDIO MySQL Backend (Mid Scale) MongoDB Cassandra Elasticsearch MySQL
  • 27. Why? ● Scale-out ● Backup & Disk size ● Upgrade & Maintenance ● Support
  • 29. Food for Thought ● Monitor ● Development ● InnoDB & ibdata1 ● Maintenance & Zero downtime ● Connections number ● Time Zone
  • 30. Thank you Feel free to contact me at
  • 31. What is Amazon DynamoDB?
  • 32. Amazon DynamoDB NoSQL database Fully managed Single-digit millisecond latency Massive and seamless scalability Low cost Amazon DynamoDB
  • 33. DynamoDB: a managed document and key- value store • Simple and fast to deploy, easy to scale • Data is automatically replicated • Fast, predictable performance • Helps provide security and control • Fine-grained access control • No cost to get started • Pay only for what you consume
  • 34. DynamoDB: A schemaless database Attributes Schemaless Schema is defined per item Items Table Item key
  • 35. Writes Replicated continuously to 3 AZs Persisted to disk (custom SSD) Reads Strongly or eventually consistent No latency trade-off Automatic replication for rock-solid durability and availability
  • 36. Popular use cases Ad tech IoT Gaming Mobile & web Ad serving, ID lookup, user profile management, session tracking, real- time bidding Tracking state, metadata and readings from millions of devices, real-time notifications Recording game details, leaderboards, session information, usage history, and logs Storing user profiles, session details, personalization settings, entity-specific metadata
  • 38. NoSQL vs. relational DB for a new app: How to choose? • Schemaless, easy reads and writes, simple data model • Scaling is easy • Focus on performance and availability at any scale • Strong schema, complex relationships, transactions and joins • Scaling is difficult • Focus on consistency over scale and availability NoSQL SQL
  • 39. What is Amazon Redshift?
  • 40. Amazon Redshift a lot faster a lot cheaper a whole lot simpler Relational data warehouse Massively parallel; petabyte scale Fully managed HDD and SSD platforms $1,000/TB/year; starts at $0.25/hour
  • 41. Amazon Redshift is easy to use Provisioning in minutes Automatic patching SQL - Data loading Backups are built-in Security is built-in Compression is built-in
  • 42. Security is built in VPC Access Management Cluster Security Groups Cluster Encryption SSL Connections Load Data Encryption Security Compliance
  • 43. Amazon Redshift is fast Dramatically less I/O Column storage Data compression Zone maps Direct-attached storage Large data block sizes 10 | 13 | 14 | 26 |… … | 100 | 245 | 324 375 | 393 | 417… … 512 | 549 | 623 637 | 712 | 809 … … | 834 | 921 | 959 10 324 375 623 637 959 ID Age State Amount 123 20 CA 500 345 25 WA 250 678 40 FL 125 957 37 WA 375
  • 44. Fully managed, continuous/incremental backups Multiple copies within cluster Continuous and incremental backups to S3 Continuous and incremental backups across regions Streaming restore S3 S3 Region 1 Region 2
  • 45. Amazon Redshift offers rock-solid fault tolerance S3 S3 Region 1 Region 2 Disk failures Node failures Network failure Availability Zone or region-level disasters
  • 46. Popular use cases 10x cheaper Easy to provision Greater DBA productivity Traditional enterprises 10x faster No programming Easily leverage BI tools, Hadoop, machine learning, streaming Companies with big data Analysis in line with process flows Pay as you go, grow as you need Managed availability and disaster recovery SaaS companies
  • 48. Benefits of AWS managed database services Pay only for what you use No upfront cost Fully managed services AWS handles installs, patching, restarts Easy to scale Grow as you need Designed for use with other AWS services AWS Data Pipeline Amazon EC2 Amazon S3 Amazon CloudWatch Amazon SNS Amazon VPC