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Ford: Car on the Cloud
Prof. Bala Iyer
Twitter: @BalaIyer
Smart Objects
 Software is eating the world
 Sensory (IP add) layer has emerged
 Company capabilities part of a ecosystem
 Every business is an information business
 Assets trapped within companies
 DIY or developer economy
 Innovative business ideas come from within
and outside
What comes after Smart Products? Bala Iyer and N. Venkatraman
Connected objects-- Networks
 Deliver value to customer segments
using a portfolio of capabilities some of
which are achieved through links or
 People
 Objects
 Systems
 Organizations
Networks + Smart Objects 
New value
Information value networks
Context awareness and sense-making

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Speech Technologies Inside the Enterprise
Speech Technologies Inside the EnterpriseSpeech Technologies Inside the Enterprise
Speech Technologies Inside the Enterprise

Voice is rapidly emerging as the main user interface for many apps and devices. Speech recognition and natural language understanding will change how knowledge workers interact with computers and applications, opening opportunities for innovation in human-computer interaction, including intelligent assistants in the meeting room and for team collaboration. Learn how speech adds value to enterprise applications? Discover key opportunities and challenges for speech-enabled enterprise applications. What use cases are early adopters interested in?

speech technologyintelligent assistantsspeech applications
Real-time Communications Catching the Next Wave
Real-time Communications Catching the Next WaveReal-time Communications Catching the Next Wave
Real-time Communications Catching the Next Wave

A presentation by Pamela Clark-Dickson, Practice Leader of Digital Communications and Social Networking at Ovum, from the London Dialogic Application 2 Innovation (A2I) Summit, collocated with TechXLR8. The way in which consumers communicate has changed iteratively and irrevocably since the turn of the 21st century. Today, the focus is shifting from smart-phones and social media to automation of communications via artificial intelligence and chat bots. This session explores the next wave of convergence between AI, Chat bots, IoT and customer engagement.

télécommunicationsiotchat bots
Creating compelling user experiences through APIs
Creating compelling user experiences through APIsCreating compelling user experiences through APIs
Creating compelling user experiences through APIs

Jeremy will give a taste of how Apigee customers are using API Management to create compelling user experiences with incredible speed. We will quickly zoom through high level general principles like culture on our way to the architectural nitty gritty of why you should make a tailored API for every device you support.

Vintage Ad // Dr. J For Converse 1977 Ad For Nike
See the Emphasis Change from Products to Connected
Information Platforms
Creating Awesome Users
 Don't make a better [X], make a better
[user of X].
 Kathy Sierra
 Think about how customers experience
the product or service
Uncertainty about what the user
Scale Economies Personalization

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Value Creation Strategies for APIs
Value Creation Strategies for APIsValue Creation Strategies for APIs
Value Creation Strategies for APIs

The document discusses strategies for creating value with APIs, focusing on their use in powering Africa and the Middle East's digital revolution. It describes how APIs can help companies go mobile across the region by providing a single platform and multiple open APIs to access services like SMS, payments, and customer data across 20 countries and 116 million customers. It also discusses challenges in implementing API strategies in the region, like the need for developer-oriented and commercially-focused approaches as well as cultural changes. Finally, it outlines how Dun & Bradstreet is using APIs and scalable cloud architecture to provide consistent, accurate business data from over 30,000 sources to help customers make informed decisions.

digital strategyapisdun & bradstreet
APIs + Business Models = New Ecosystems - APIdays Paris 2019
APIs + Business Models = New Ecosystems - APIdays Paris 2019APIs + Business Models = New Ecosystems - APIdays Paris 2019
APIs + Business Models = New Ecosystems - APIdays Paris 2019

API and Platform economies as business models are in the center of competitiveness. APIs enable scaling and decentralization of products, services and organizations and affect your company structures and cultures in unexpected ways. Ecosystem customer journeys run on APIs and Platforms. Innovation becomes quicker and customer experience better, when you build services using resources from your partner ecosystem. Providing your core capabilities as APIs for others to consume let's your company focus on what you can do best. What are the ways to design and manage these business and IT changes? What does research say? What practical methods are available?

apiapi economyplatform economy
Cloud computing and business landscape 2019
Cloud computing and business landscape 2019Cloud computing and business landscape 2019
Cloud computing and business landscape 2019

The document provides an overview of the cloud computing business landscape in 2019. Some key points: - ICT is becoming a general purpose technology and cloud computing will be integral to digital transformation over the next decade. - By 2025, 85% of enterprise applications will be cloud-based as core applications, AI, and IoT drive cloud migration. - Companies will be the primary users of cloud technology in the next phase of cloud adoption (Cloud 2.0).

cloud computingictict reseller channel summit
With a little help from our friends
 Given market uncertainties, it is
impossible for companies to build every
product that a customer needs.
 Diversity of needs forces companies to
focus on a few features (long tail) or to
source capabilities
 They have to depend on partners
Think Platforms, not Products
What is a Platform?
 A product or service should perform at least one
essential function within what can be described as a
“system of use” or solve an essential technological
problem within an industry, and
 It should be easy to connect to or build upon to
expand the system of use as well as to allow new
and even unintended end-uses
[Platform Leaders by Gawer and Cusumano, MIT Sloan Management Review, Winter 2008]
Platform Definition
 Technology or set of components (or services) that
creates a common foundation,
 That brings together multiple parties beyond a
single firm (“market sides”) for a common purpose
and generates network effects,
 Where the value can increase exponentially
with (a) more users and (b) more “complementary”
products & services built around the platform
Michael Cusumano, Platform Strategy Fundamentals 2014.

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Huawei Eco Connect Europe 2018 - Gartner
Huawei Eco Connect Europe 2018 - GartnerHuawei Eco Connect Europe 2018 - Gartner
Huawei Eco Connect Europe 2018 - Gartner

The document summarizes key points from a Gartner report on industrial IoT: 1) The number of IoT use cases is growing rapidly but few have achieved widespread adoption, and the market remains fragmented with many players. 2) Most IoT initiatives are still in pilot stages due to challenges integrating technologies and skills from IT and operational systems. 3) Standards like NB-IoT are expected to emerge as leaders in connecting devices via low-power wide-area networks. 4) Open ecosystems and partnerships will be important to unlocking innovation as no single player has full expertise across the IoT value chain.

How CPaaS is Emerging as a Catalyst for Digital Transformation
How CPaaS is Emerging as a Catalyst for Digital TransformationHow CPaaS is Emerging as a Catalyst for Digital Transformation
How CPaaS is Emerging as a Catalyst for Digital Transformation

Presentation at Channel Connect 2018 (October 3, 2018) In the last three years, CPaaS has emerged as one of the fastest growing segments within business communications. Integrating real-time voice, video and messaging communications into web and mobile applications, CPaaS has proven to be disruptive across verticals like transportation and hospitality. Discover how leveraging CPaaS technology helps businesses reinvent customer engagement. In this panel, you'll learn how CPaaS redefines engagement with clients, sales partners and employees, improves customer experience, automates business processes - while creating stickier customer relationships.

cpaascustomer experienceucaas
Future Of Digital Marketing
Future Of Digital MarketingFuture Of Digital Marketing
Future Of Digital Marketing

The document discusses emerging trends in digital marketing and technology in 2013. It notes that companies taking an agile, adaptive approach to marketing ("Digirati") are 26% more profitable and have higher market values. However, some "Fashionistas" focus too much on new technologies without changing underlying strategies and processes. Large companies like Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon are expanding into new areas through their control of hardware, operating systems, content platforms, and payment systems. The future of marketing involves enhancing customer experience through contextual data and seamlessly integrating customer touchpoints. Agile development practices that rapidly deliver value to users will be important, informed by data and user feedback. Innovation strategies should balance incremental, existing improvements with riskier

advertising and marketingdigitaladvertising
Users (1 billion, June 2014)
Bid for ads Support development
Search for information
Apps (2.2 MM)
Ad servers
Best Platforms
 Open access & interfaces (but not too open).
 Modular architecture (easy to build on,
 Most compelling complements (usually result
of most vibrant ecosystem).
Michael Cusumano, Platform Strategy Fundamentals 2014.
Make it easy for third-parties to build on top of
your products – Create an Ecosystem
What about control of the ecosystem?
Uncertainty of user needs resolved through
Case Study
 Ford Connected Car

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Succeeding in the platform economy
Succeeding in the platform economySucceeding in the platform economy
Succeeding in the platform economy

This document discusses succeeding in the platform economy. It begins by defining platform business models and comparing them to linear business models. Platforms create value by facilitating exchanges between groups, rather than owning production. The document then discusses how businesses can adopt platform aspects, such as by becoming a platform, creating platforms with others, or leveraging existing platforms. It provides examples of companies that have benefited from platform models and discusses how traditional industries like automotive may be impacted. It concludes by predicting continued growth of platforms and potential regulatory responses.

APIdays Paris 2019 - APIs: A Key to change Immunity? by Claire Barrett, Indep...
APIdays Paris 2019 - APIs: A Key to change Immunity? by Claire Barrett, Indep...APIdays Paris 2019 - APIs: A Key to change Immunity? by Claire Barrett, Indep...
APIdays Paris 2019 - APIs: A Key to change Immunity? by Claire Barrett, Indep...

The document discusses technology-enabled change and transformation in organizations and the role of APIs. It notes that organizations are facing many changes under transformation banners that put pressure on individuals and teams. The research looks at what makes technology changes stick and the trade-offs organizations make to achieve stickiness. It introduces factors that help changes stick, such as generating buy-in that "this time is different" through disruptive symbols of change or quick wins. The document also discusses trade-offs around internal vs. external capabilities and top-down vs. bottom-up adoption of agile practices to drive change.

Deep Work in the Era of Real-Time Communications
Deep Work in the Era of Real-Time CommunicationsDeep Work in the Era of Real-Time Communications
Deep Work in the Era of Real-Time Communications

The document discusses deep work, information overload challenges for knowledge workers, and key trends shaping the future of work including real-time communications and the "liquid enterprise". It notes that real-time communications will be increasingly integrated into workflows and applications, and that a key challenge will be dealing with attention fragmentation due to constant distractions from shallow tasks. The key takeaways are that new approaches are needed to manage information flows and evaluate productivity/collaboration tools in light of attention fragmentation issues in the modern workplace.

First iPhone Announcement –
Jan 9, 2007
SYNC came to be. Using voice activation and hands free
experience, customers were now able to access their devices,
their phones, and their MP3 players.
“How do we enable customers to access the applications on their
phone, but do it in a hands free and safe manner?” Taking into
account that not everything is suitable for use in a vehicle, there are a
whole lot of things in the car that customers are going to want to
listen to, news, sports, Internet radio, et cetera. That's
how AppLink came to be.
We expect an entire group of new developers to create new
and different applications that actually benefit from being in
the car.

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CPaaS Is Turning Business Communications Inside Out
CPaaS Is Turning Business Communications Inside OutCPaaS Is Turning Business Communications Inside Out
CPaaS Is Turning Business Communications Inside Out

My presentation from APIdays Amsterdam (June 2019). Created in 2012 in Paris, APIdays is a series of worldwide conferences centered on the programmable economy. APIdays has organized 39 events in 11 countries including APIdays Amsterdam, “The Rise of Contextual Communications”. The event featured panel discussions, presentations and workshops from API platform vendors Apigee (Google), IBM, WSO2 and NGINX, cloud communications and CPaaS providers such as Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, Avaya, Mavenir, Ribbon Communications, TeleStax, Twilio, VoIP Innovations, Vonage, Voxbone Voximplant and Wazo, as well as Telcos KPN and Proximus, among many others. Topics ranged from practical, hands-on workshops on integration and app development and presentations on the key considerations for an API-based strategy such as security and API architecture design, to the more sublime such as Punk Rock and the Customer Experience (CX) and single consciousness artificial intelligence (AI).

cpaasapiapi management
Globant FlipThinking April 2014 - Internet of Things / Wearable / Mobile Trends
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Globant FlipThinking April 2014 - Internet of Things / Wearable / Mobile Trends

Globant FlipThinking Session April 2014 - Pablo Vittori, VP of Technology Mobile Studio present the trends on Internet of Things, Wearable computing, embedded computing and mobile future.

weareable computingtechnologymobile
INTERFACE by apidays - The Next API Strategy: Going Borderless by Ronnie Mitra
INTERFACE by apidays - The Next API Strategy: Going Borderless by Ronnie MitraINTERFACE by apidays - The Next API Strategy: Going Borderless by Ronnie Mitra
INTERFACE by apidays - The Next API Strategy: Going Borderless by Ronnie Mitra

INTERFACE by apidays The Next API Strategy: Going Borderless Ronnie Mitra, Author of "Microservice Architecture"

api strategyapidays
Connected Car
API (Open) gives access to any coder who wants to improve the
car driving and maintenance experience (public) to improve
utilization and reduce churn… but manufacturers restricts access
to mechanical operations (Private) to known partners in order to
enforce licensing and consumer experience quality
standards. Once a partner has signed, any coder who works for
that partner (public) can access the Private API to build new cool
prototypes and innovate on the experience. To gain business
advantage, Ford created a contest on the Open API, and to
sustain it they enabled partners’ engineering teams to build and
evangelize new applications of the API.
Source: Cars and Computers Overcoming Design Cycle Mismatch, by Howard Baldwin
At the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona Ford announced that
they open-sourced and contributed the AppLink software to
the GENIVI Alliance
What are some interesting
Apps on Ford?

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CIO Panel: Digital Transformation to Achieve Speed and Control
CIO Panel: Digital Transformation to Achieve Speed and ControlCIO Panel: Digital Transformation to Achieve Speed and Control
CIO Panel: Digital Transformation to Achieve Speed and Control

The document discusses how digital transformation is disrupting businesses and industries. It notes that 52% of Fortune 500 companies since 2000 are gone or acquired, highlighting the disruptive impacts of digital. The presentation advocates that companies must shift their focus from operational efficiency to strategic differentiation and revenue growth through digital initiatives to avoid being disrupted themselves. It also examines where companies fall on spectrums from cautious to proactive adoption of digital DNA.

big datacloud computingmulesoft
Politics and API economy : How to enhance Trust for a programmable web?
Politics and API economy : How to enhance Trust for a programmable web?Politics and API economy : How to enhance Trust for a programmable web?
Politics and API economy : How to enhance Trust for a programmable web?

Our world is based on trust. Trust between humans , trust between companies, trust for the system. It is only because of this trust that we invest for the future and we build things. It is the same for internet and APIs. I explain here how trust will enable the web-as-a-platform and I point whate are the threats today on the API economy. I aslo propose a criteria system in an API rating agency that i'm building.

api economyinternettrust
Virtual Assistant for car owners | Interactive manual for infotainment & conn...
Virtual Assistant for car owners | Interactive manual for infotainment & conn...Virtual Assistant for car owners | Interactive manual for infotainment & conn...
Virtual Assistant for car owners | Interactive manual for infotainment & conn...

Interactive Car-owner’s Manual Personal Vehicle Assistant Today cars are increasingly loaded with advanced technologies… but car owners have simple questions about their operations. We deliver innovative communications solutions that understand customers’ issues and immediately resolves them Enabling car owners to fully enjoy their loaded vehicles A totally new experience for customers with resolving problems with car manuals A like – Siri solution, but entirely focused on right, instant answers to everyday car troubleshooting PC, tablet, smartphone. Text, chat, voice.

virtual assistantinfotainmentcar connectivity
Hackathon: App Challenge
 Fuelytics -- an app that “helps drivers
visualize fuel consumption and other
trip data seamlessly in real-time.”

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Digital Lifestyle: Car Infotainment & Public Safety Crisis
Digital Lifestyle: Car Infotainment & Public Safety CrisisDigital Lifestyle: Car Infotainment & Public Safety Crisis
Digital Lifestyle: Car Infotainment & Public Safety Crisis

The document discusses how digital technology and lifestyles have created public safety issues related to distracted driving. It notes that texting requires visual, manual, and cognitive attention from drivers, making it the most alarming distraction. The document also discusses government enforcement and initiatives to increase awareness of distracted driving risks, such as through public service announcements and designated months to reduce distractions while driving.

public safetycar infotainmentdigital lifestyle
The Connected Car: Driving Towards the Future
The Connected Car: Driving Towards the FutureThe Connected Car: Driving Towards the Future
The Connected Car: Driving Towards the Future

Covering the state of the internet-connected automobile, with the experts at Strategy Analytics and IBM. We discuss: - The challenges of the connected car - Creating an optimal connected experience - IBM enabling technologies

driving regulationsconnected vehiclemobile
Connected Vehicle Data Platform
Connected Vehicle Data PlatformConnected Vehicle Data Platform
Connected Vehicle Data Platform

This document discusses Ford's connected vehicle data platform. It explains that connected vehicles can transmit and receive data via various methods. This data is collected and sent to the cloud, where it is stored, transformed and landed into databases and data lakes. The platform handles large volumes of vehicle-generated data and provides opportunities to integrate with partners. It is designed for security, privacy and regulatory compliance across countries. The production environment has significant computing and storage capabilities to support these functions at scale.

hadoop summit
Rebooting the Automobile, MIT Technology Review, Article
Competing platforms
 GENIVI – Alliance for Linux-based OS
 CarPlay -- Apple
 OAA – Alliance for Android based OS
 QNX -- Blackberry
 Tizen – Open source within Linux foundation
 Windows -- MSFT
 Sprint Velocity
 AT&T Drive
 Verizon Telematics
 Android Auto
Connected Car Ecosystem

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Connected Car as New Marketplace SxSW 2016
Connected Car as New Marketplace  SxSW 2016Connected Car as New Marketplace  SxSW 2016
Connected Car as New Marketplace SxSW 2016

This was a SxSW 2016 talk that Michael Simmons and Jason Hoover gave on the topic of how technology is taking the connected car and turning into a new marketplace.

connected carsxsw 2016
Predictive Innovations within In-Car Infotainment, Jaguar Land Rover
Predictive Innovations within In-Car Infotainment, Jaguar Land RoverPredictive Innovations within In-Car Infotainment, Jaguar Land Rover
Predictive Innovations within In-Car Infotainment, Jaguar Land Rover

The document discusses predictive innovations in in-car infotainment systems using artificial intelligence and cognitive prediction. It describes how in-car systems can use real-time driving data, a vehicle's computing capabilities, and cloud-based artificial intelligence to provide extremely personalized predictive features around navigation, communication, and entertainment. Specific examples discussed include suggesting alternative routes in response to traffic or the driver's mood, context-aware audio switching and equalization, predictive parking assistance, and proactively communicating schedule changes to a driver's contacts. The goal is for vehicles to act as intelligent cognitive assistants that learn from past driving habits and behaviors to intelligently offer personalized recommendations.

data architecturedatabig data
Building Beautiful High Performance Connected Car Applications
Building Beautiful High Performance Connected Car ApplicationsBuilding Beautiful High Performance Connected Car Applications
Building Beautiful High Performance Connected Car Applications

Cars produce data. LOTS of data. But... How do you capture it? How do you store it so it’s useful? How do you visualize it and make it beautiful?

obd-iibig datamobile application development
Data from Mark Field’s talk
 In a minute
 30 new cars purchased
 7 million miles driven
 125,000 taxis and Ubers on road
 60,000 shared rides
 450,000 bytes of shared data
 Americans spend 101 minutes a week in a car
 The average vehicle is used only 4% of the
time and parked the other 96%.
Break-out Questions
If you were in-charge of Ford’s Sync strategy:
 What data/services (APIs) would you provide?
 Which vertical would you enter first? Why?
 What would be the revenue model?
 What additional strategic moves would you
 What regulations need to be enacted?

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Social Media Marketing Case Study - Ford
Social Media Marketing Case Study - FordSocial Media Marketing Case Study - Ford
Social Media Marketing Case Study - Ford

Ford wanted to launch its new Ford Focus car in the United Arab Emirates by creating buzz on Twitter. Kreata Global helped Ford develop the #Focus2Win campaign, a simple and intriguing Twitter campaign that generated interest in the new Ford Focus and gave it a strong start in the UAE market through digital and social media promotion.

social media marketingsocial media managementsocial media agency dubai uae
Infotainment system of car
Infotainment system of carInfotainment system of car
Infotainment system of car

This document discusses in-vehicle infotainment systems. It describes the evolution from early radios to modern systems that provide entertainment, information, and phone services. Entertainment services include audio playback from various sources as well as video playback. Information services discussed include navigation, backup cameras, traffic/weather updates, and vehicle diagnostics. Phone services allow for hands-free calling via Bluetooth connectivity. The document concludes that infotainment systems provide better access to media and information through an in-dash display screen.

Developing for the Connected Car
Developing for the Connected CarDeveloping for the Connected Car
Developing for the Connected Car

This session will provide an overview of the new Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ Automotive Development Platform (ADP), which offers the multiple, integrated capabilities of optimized Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., production-grade solutions in a single-board platform. The ADP enables rapid development, testing and deployment of next-generation infotainment apps and experiences for the emerging connected car opportunity. Qualcomm Snapdragon is a product of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Watch this presentation on YouTube:

connected carautomotive industryqualcomm
Coring & Tipping
Strategic Option Possible Technology
Possible Business Actions
(How to create a new
platform when none
existed before)
• Solve “system” problem
• Facilitate add-ons
• Keep key IP closed or
“open but not open”
•Strong interdependencies
--platform & complements
• Solve “business”
• Create complementor
incentives to innovate
• Protect revenue & profit
• Raise switching or multi-
homing costs
(How to win a
platform battle when
multiple platforms
• Develop compelling
• Absorb & bundle from
adjacent markets
• Complementor
• Coalitions of also-rans
• Pricing or other
subsidies to attract
Source: Gawer and Cusumano SMR 2008
Smart Mobility Experiments
P2P Video
Ride Sharing

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This paper not only divulges this bourgeoning in-car infotainment industry, but also conveys its inherent challenges and complexities, particularly for user experience. Through an assessment of multi-disciplinary discourse on cognitive load in high-risk context of use, and a collection of design and usability theory and practice, insights are gained that inform and inspire the wider adoption of in-car infotainment systems as viable and compelling platforms in user experience.

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Your partner for the connected car evolution
Your partner for the  connected car evolutionYour partner for the  connected car evolution
Your partner for the connected car evolution

Symphony Teleca is a professional services provider that partners with automotive companies to develop connected car solutions. They offer strategy and technology consulting, connectivity solutions, in-vehicle infotainment systems, user interface design, and cloud services. Symphony Teleca supports clients throughout the product lifecycle from concept to development to maintenance. Their goal is to help automakers bring innovative connected car experiences to market faster and at a lower cost.

The connected car 2011
The connected car 2011The connected car 2011
The connected car 2011

Introduction to the existing automotive telematics software systems and the challenges facing the automotive industry to create the car app store of the future.


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MONETIZING THE CONNECTED CAR, Citi 2013 Connected Car Symposium
MONETIZING  THE CONNECTED CAR, Citi 2013 Connected Car SymposiumMONETIZING  THE CONNECTED CAR, Citi 2013 Connected Car Symposium
MONETIZING THE CONNECTED CAR, Citi 2013 Connected Car Symposium

Walter Buga, CEO of Arynga made this presentation at the Citi forum of the connected car. This presentation answers the "How to monetize the connected car?" question

connected cariottelematics
Human Computer Interaction - Final Report of a concept Car Infotainment System
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Human Computer Interaction - Final Report of a concept Car Infotainment System

The document provides a summary of research conducted on the Honda infotainment system. It describes the components of the Honda system, findings from online research which showed consumer dissatisfaction around speed and intuitiveness. Fieldwork at a Honda dealership provided insights from a sales consultant and observations while using the system, such as the screen freezing while driving and use of physical buttons. A survey was also administered to understand pain points.

user experienceuxconcept
Era of APIs: Why do we need an API strategy?
Era of APIs: Why do we need an API strategy?Era of APIs: Why do we need an API strategy?
Era of APIs: Why do we need an API strategy?

This document discusses the importance of API strategies for companies. It notes that as software and connectivity increase, assets are becoming trapped within companies and an API strategy can help liberate this value. APIs allow companies to expose capabilities to partners and developers, attracting complementors and creating new revenue streams. The document also examines how successful companies like Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter have thriving ecosystems and developer communities built around their APIs.

Ridesharing Ecosystem
Platform moves
• Open sourcing
• Cutting off air supply
• Entrants with network effects
• Creating and defending IP
• Acquisitions
• Creating exclusive links
• Complementor incentives and subsidies
• Interoperate
 Treat data as an asset
 Make it easy for third-parties to build on top of your products –
Create an Ecosystem
 Uncertainty of user needs resolved through experimentation
 Determine what ecosystems you are really in
 Learn to thrive in dynamic ecosystems
 Influence your ecosystem

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Thrive with accenture product and platform engineering services
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Thrive with accenture product and platform engineering services

Accenture’s Product and Platform Engineering Services team helps clients navigate through the new wave of platforms. With more than three decades of experience, our deep engineering-skilled workforce of over 8,000 professionals has grown out of the development of our own commercially-available software and platforms. With expertise across more than 40 industries and all business functions, we deliver transformational outcomes for a demanding, new digital world.

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Collaboration using Open Source Software has resulted in fascinating broad-industry bases to support applications in the auto industry. Might we see similar efforts in healthcare?

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New technology platforms are driving business innovation, everywhere. Companies are using their platforms to lead in the digital revolution. See how:

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Ford car on the cloud

  • 1. Ford: Car on the Cloud Prof. Bala Iyer Twitter: @BalaIyer 09/19/16
  • 2. 2 Smart Objects  Software is eating the world  Sensory (IP add) layer has emerged  Company capabilities part of a ecosystem  Every business is an information business  Assets trapped within companies  DIY or developer economy  Innovative business ideas come from within and outside What comes after Smart Products? Bala Iyer and N. Venkatraman
  • 3. 3 Connected objects-- Networks  Deliver value to customer segments using a portfolio of capabilities some of which are achieved through links or dependencies.  People  Objects  Systems  Organizations
  • 4. 4 Networks + Smart Objects  New value Products Customers Partners Employees Information value networks Context awareness and sense-making
  • 5. 5 Vintage Ad // Dr. J For Converse 1977 Ad For Nike See the Emphasis Change from Products to Connected Information Platforms
  • 6. 6
  • 7. 7 Creating Awesome Users  Don't make a better [X], make a better [user of X].  Kathy Sierra  Think about how customers experience the product or service
  • 8. 8 Uncertainty about what the user wants Scale Economies Personalization Experimentation
  • 9. 9 With a little help from our friends  Given market uncertainties, it is impossible for companies to build every product that a customer needs.  Diversity of needs forces companies to focus on a few features (long tail) or to source capabilities  They have to depend on partners (complementors)
  • 11. 11 What is a Platform?  A product or service should perform at least one essential function within what can be described as a “system of use” or solve an essential technological problem within an industry, and  It should be easy to connect to or build upon to expand the system of use as well as to allow new and even unintended end-uses [Platform Leaders by Gawer and Cusumano, MIT Sloan Management Review, Winter 2008]
  • 12. 12 Platform Definition  Technology or set of components (or services) that creates a common foundation,  That brings together multiple parties beyond a single firm (“market sides”) for a common purpose and generates network effects,  Where the value can increase exponentially with (a) more users and (b) more “complementary” products & services built around the platform Michael Cusumano, Platform Strategy Fundamentals 2014.
  • 13. 13 Android Platform Users (1 billion, June 2014) Advertisers Bid for ads Support development Search for information Apps (2.2 MM) Ad servers Developers (150.000)
  • 14. 14 Best Platforms  Open access & interfaces (but not too open).  Modular architecture (easy to build on, extend).  Most compelling complements (usually result of most vibrant ecosystem). Michael Cusumano, Platform Strategy Fundamentals 2014.
  • 15. 15 Make it easy for third-parties to build on top of your products – Create an Ecosystem What about control of the ecosystem? Uncertainty of user needs resolved through experimentation
  • 16. 16 Case Study  Ford Connected Car
  • 17. 17 First iPhone Announcement – Jan 9, 2007
  • 18. 18 SYNC came to be. Using voice activation and hands free experience, customers were now able to access their devices, their phones, and their MP3 players.
  • 19. 19 “How do we enable customers to access the applications on their phone, but do it in a hands free and safe manner?” Taking into account that not everything is suitable for use in a vehicle, there are a whole lot of things in the car that customers are going to want to listen to, news, sports, Internet radio, et cetera. That's how AppLink came to be. JULIUS MARCHWICKI , GLOBAL PRODUCT MANAGER FOR FORD SYNC APPLINK
  • 20. 20 We expect an entire group of new developers to create new and different applications that actually benefit from being in the car.
  • 21. 21 Connected Car API (Open) gives access to any coder who wants to improve the car driving and maintenance experience (public) to improve utilization and reduce churn… but manufacturers restricts access to mechanical operations (Private) to known partners in order to enforce licensing and consumer experience quality standards. Once a partner has signed, any coder who works for that partner (public) can access the Private API to build new cool prototypes and innovate on the experience. To gain business advantage, Ford created a contest on the Open API, and to sustain it they enabled partners’ engineering teams to build and evangelize new applications of the API.
  • 22. 22 Source: Cars and Computers Overcoming Design Cycle Mismatch, by Howard Baldwin
  • 23. 23 At the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona Ford announced that they open-sourced and contributed the AppLink software to the GENIVI Alliance
  • 24. 24 What are some interesting Apps on Ford?
  • 25. 25 Hackathon: App Challenge Winner  Fuelytics -- an app that “helps drivers visualize fuel consumption and other trip data seamlessly in real-time.”
  • 27. 27
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  • 30. 30 Rebooting the Automobile, MIT Technology Review, Article
  • 31. 31 Competing platforms  GENIVI – Alliance for Linux-based OS  CarPlay -- Apple  OAA – Alliance for Android based OS  QNX -- Blackberry  Tizen – Open source within Linux foundation  Windows -- MSFT  Sprint Velocity  AT&T Drive  Verizon Telematics  Android Auto
  • 34. 34 Data from Mark Field’s talk  In a minute  30 new cars purchased  7 million miles driven  125,000 taxis and Ubers on road  60,000 shared rides  450,000 bytes of shared data  Americans spend 101 minutes a week in a car  The average vehicle is used only 4% of the time and parked the other 96%.
  • 35. 35 Break-out Questions If you were in-charge of Ford’s Sync strategy:  What data/services (APIs) would you provide?  Which vertical would you enter first? Why?  What would be the revenue model?  What additional strategic moves would you recommend?  What regulations need to be enacted?
  • 36. 36
  • 37. 37 Coring & Tipping Strategic Option Possible Technology Actions Possible Business Actions CORING (How to create a new platform when none existed before) • Solve “system” problem • Facilitate add-ons • Keep key IP closed or “open but not open” •Strong interdependencies --platform & complements • Solve “business” problem • Create complementor incentives to innovate • Protect revenue & profit • Raise switching or multi- homing costs TIPPING (How to win a platform battle when multiple platforms compete) • Develop compelling features • Absorb & bundle from adjacent markets (“envelopment”) • Complementor incentives • Coalitions of also-rans • Pricing or other subsidies to attract users/complementors Source: Gawer and Cusumano SMR 2008
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  • 47. 47 Platform moves • Open sourcing • Cutting off air supply • Entrants with network effects • Creating and defending IP • Acquisitions • Creating exclusive links • Complementor incentives and subsidies • Interoperate
  • 48. 48 Conclusions  Treat data as an asset  Make it easy for third-parties to build on top of your products – Create an Ecosystem  Uncertainty of user needs resolved through experimentation  Determine what ecosystems you are really in  Learn to thrive in dynamic ecosystems  Influence your ecosystem