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External Dependencies ,Pre Init
Hook & Post Init Hook In Odoo
When we creating a module in odoo important thing is for odoo 10.0 and later versions) or odoo 9.0 and earlier versions).
In manifest file, we can define
1) name (str, required):- Human readable name of the module(other than
technical name)
2) version(str) :- Module version(should follow version rules).
3) summary(str):- Short description of the module.
4) description (str):-Extended description for the module.
5) Author (str):- Module author’s name.
6) Website (str):- Module author’s website URL.
7) License (str, defaults: AGPL-3):- Distribution license for the module.
8) Category (str, default: Uncategorized) :- Classification category within Odoo.

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by Odoo
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View Inheritance can be defined as the process of modifying an existing view. This may be adding a new field to an existing view, adding button, adding attribute to an existing field etc.

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This document discusses working with arrays in PHP. It covers array basics like creating and accessing arrays, looping through arrays with foreach and for loops, modifying arrays by adding/removing elements and sorting arrays. It also discusses multidimensional arrays, how to create them and access elements within them.

one dimensional arraymulti-dimensional arraysorting arrays
9) depends (list(str)):- Depended on odoo modules which must be loaded before the module.
10) Data (list(str)):- Path of all data files from the root directory which must always be
installed or updated with the module.
11) Demo (list(str)):- Path of all demo data files which are only installed or updated in
demonstration mode.
12) auto_install (bool, default: False):- If True, the module will automatically be installed if
all dependent modules are installed.
Except for those keys in odoo we have some special keys for module
compatibility check, adding required dependencies and for running scripts during module
Those keys are
-post _init_hook
External dependency
In file external_dependency key is used for declaring all external libraries
(python packages or any binaries) that have to be installed to make the module work.
External dependencies are defined in file under external dependency key
like below
Check if some system application exists:

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Odoo helps you to set constraints to variants which we can perform using python and model constraints. In odoo python constraints are specified along with methods. This Slide will provide an insight on python and model constraints in Odoo 15. In python, constraints are defined along with a method decorated with constraints().

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This slide discusses building a custom module in #odoo15 and also detail each component in the module such as models, views, security, and how can we add those files and set up a module.

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Odoo ORM Methods | Object Relational Mapping in Odoo15

ORM(Object Relational Mapping) is a concept or technique which acts as a bridge between your programming language and your database. Object Relational Mapping helps to execute SQL queries without writing them explicitly. Once the ORM is configured in an application, the user can use the OOP concepts like classes and objects to interact with the database. ORM methods are one of its strong features which helps in executing SQL queries without writing them down explicitly. With the help of ORM methods, the user can implement the OOPS concepts to interact with the database. Odoo creates and manages tables for us inside the database. Thus reducing our work of creation of tables using the queries.

If someone created a module in odoo, which uses Python modules for its working.
So at the time of module installation if the system does not find Python packages or any
binaries defined in installed in the system, it will raise an error and not
allow to install the module.
For example:
In Odoo's ‘Weighing Scale Hardware Driver’ module’s file there is a line
• For defining python dependency file ‘scale’ for the module ‘Weighing Scale
Hardware Driver’, and this module allows the point of sale to connect to a scale
using a USB HSM serial scale interface such as Mettler Toledo Ariva.
• The module requires Python dependency of ‘scale’ library, so in the module they
use external_dependencies’.
• So at the time of module installation, if the system does not find ‘scale’ library
installed, it will raise an error and not allow to install the module.
Pre Init Hook:
• The ‘pre_init_hook‘ is also a special key available in
• During installation, when the user clicks to install the custom module, it will call a Pre-
installation hook and do some initialization, copying of files or other and then after that
once it finished, we can capture the return installation process of Odoo and run a Post-
installation hook.

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The document discusses GET and POST methods in PHP. GET retrieves data from forms by sending name-value pairs in the URL, while POST sends data invisibly within the request. GET has limits on data size and is less secure, while POST has no size limits and is more secure. Both populate the $_GET and $_POST superglobals in PHP. The $_REQUEST variable contains data from GET, POST, and cookies to retrieve form data regardless of submission method.

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In delegation inheritance provides more flexibility, we use the _inherits attribute. This is used if you want to sink another model in your current model without affecting the views. So the database tables contain fields in your model and also a field representing the inherited objects.

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Security: Odoo Code Hardening
Security: Odoo Code HardeningSecurity: Odoo Code Hardening
Security: Odoo Code Hardening

This document provides an overview of software security best practices and common vulnerabilities for Odoo code. It discusses the top 10 risks including injection, broken authentication, sensitive data exposure, XML external entities, broken access control, security misconfiguration, cross-site scripting, insecure deserialization, vulnerable components, and insufficient logging. For each risk, it provides examples of vulnerable code and recommendations for more secure implementations. It emphasizes that the Odoo framework includes mechanisms to prevent many mistakes but knowledge and mindset are also key. The document concludes with recommendations for code reviews to check access control, permissions, templates, evaluations, injections, and cross-site scripting prevention.

by Odoo
• The pre init hook is called with a database cursor and may perform modifications in the
database to prepare for the module installation.
• You can use pre_init_hook’ before registering the module's logic in the ir.module.module.
It is commonly used for modules compatibility check.
For using the pre_init_hook define this key in your and assigning it’s a
method created in your of the module(Value of the key is the name of a Python
function which must be defined in
For Example :
As many times we also have validated that the module build for Odoo 8 should not be
installed in Odoo 9 in that case we use pre_init_hook .
Post Init Hook:
• The post init hook is called with a database cursor and registry object and may perform
modifications in the database to finalize the module installation.
• We can define the ‘post_init_hook‘ in the same ways as pre init hook.

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This PPT gives Information about: 1. HTTP Headers, 2. Page Redirect, 3. File Uploading 4. File Downloading

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Classes and Object-oriented Programming: Classes: Creating a Class, The Self Variable, Constructor, Types of Variables, Namespaces, Types of Methods (Instance Methods, Class Methods, Static Methods), Passing Members of One Class to Another Class, Inner Classes Inheritance and Polymorphism: Constructors in Inheritance, Overriding Super Class Constructors and Methods, The super() Method, Types of Inheritance, Single Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance, Method Resolution Order (MRO), Polymorphism, Duck Typing Philosophy of Python, Operator Overloading, Method Overloading, Method Overriding Abstract Classes and Interfaces: Abstract Method and Abstract Class, Interfaces in Python, Abstract Classes vs. Interfaces,

classes and object-oriented programming: classethe self variableconstructor
For Example :
In odoo Invoicing module they using post init hook
For auto installing l10n module
Refer this link for more:
Thank You !
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External dependencies ,pre init hook & post init hook in odoo

  • 1. External Dependencies ,Pre Init Hook & Post Init Hook In Odoo
  • 2. INTRODUCTION When we creating a module in odoo important thing is for odoo 10.0 and later versions) or odoo 9.0 and earlier versions).
  • 3. In manifest file, we can define 1) name (str, required):- Human readable name of the module(other than technical name) 2) version(str) :- Module version(should follow version rules). 3) summary(str):- Short description of the module. 4) description (str):-Extended description for the module.
  • 4. 5) Author (str):- Module author’s name. 6) Website (str):- Module author’s website URL. 7) License (str, defaults: AGPL-3):- Distribution license for the module. 8) Category (str, default: Uncategorized) :- Classification category within Odoo.
  • 5. 9) depends (list(str)):- Depended on odoo modules which must be loaded before the module. 10) Data (list(str)):- Path of all data files from the root directory which must always be installed or updated with the module. 11) Demo (list(str)):- Path of all demo data files which are only installed or updated in demonstration mode. 12) auto_install (bool, default: False):- If True, the module will automatically be installed if all dependent modules are installed.
  • 6. Except for those keys in odoo we have some special keys for module compatibility check, adding required dependencies and for running scripts during module installation. Those keys are -pre_init_hook -External_dependencies -post _init_hook
  • 7. External dependency In file external_dependency key is used for declaring all external libraries (python packages or any binaries) that have to be installed to make the module work. External dependencies are defined in file under external dependency key like below
  • 8. Check if some system application exists:
  • 9. If someone created a module in odoo, which uses Python modules for its working. So at the time of module installation if the system does not find Python packages or any binaries defined in installed in the system, it will raise an error and not allow to install the module.
  • 10. For example: In Odoo's ‘Weighing Scale Hardware Driver’ module’s file there is a line
  • 11. • For defining python dependency file ‘scale’ for the module ‘Weighing Scale Hardware Driver’, and this module allows the point of sale to connect to a scale using a USB HSM serial scale interface such as Mettler Toledo Ariva. • The module requires Python dependency of ‘scale’ library, so in the module they use external_dependencies’. • So at the time of module installation, if the system does not find ‘scale’ library installed, it will raise an error and not allow to install the module.
  • 12. Pre Init Hook: • The ‘pre_init_hook‘ is also a special key available in • During installation, when the user clicks to install the custom module, it will call a Pre- installation hook and do some initialization, copying of files or other and then after that once it finished, we can capture the return installation process of Odoo and run a Post- installation hook.
  • 13. • The pre init hook is called with a database cursor and may perform modifications in the database to prepare for the module installation. • You can use pre_init_hook’ before registering the module's logic in the ir.module.module. It is commonly used for modules compatibility check.
  • 14. For using the pre_init_hook define this key in your and assigning it’s a method created in your of the module(Value of the key is the name of a Python function which must be defined in
  • 15. For Example : As many times we also have validated that the module build for Odoo 8 should not be installed in Odoo 9 in that case we use pre_init_hook .
  • 16. Post Init Hook: • The post init hook is called with a database cursor and registry object and may perform modifications in the database to finalize the module installation. • We can define the ‘post_init_hook‘ in the same ways as pre init hook.
  • 17. For Example : In odoo Invoicing module they using post init hook For auto installing l10n module
  • 18. Refer this link for more:
  • 19. Thank You ! Cybrosys Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Neospace, Kinfra Techno Park, Kakkancherry, Calicut University P.O. Calicut Kerala, India - 673635. Cybrosys Ltd 15, ST Antonys Road, Forest Gate, London England, E79QA. Cybrosys Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 1st Floor, Thapasya Building, Infopark, Kakkanad, Kochi, Kerala, India-682030.