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Yuri van Geest 
- Co-Author Exponential Organizations 
- Dutch Ambassador of SU 
- Managing Director of the 
Singularity University Summit Europe 
- Co-Founder Quantified Self Europe 
- Co-Founder Lean Startup Machine NL
“Exponential Organizations is the mostpivotal book in its 
class.” - John Hagel 
“Exponential Organizations should be required reading for 
anyone interested in the ways exponential technologies 
are reinventing best practices in business.” - Ray Kurzweil 
“The most transformational business book I’ve ever read” 
- Ken Losch 
"Connecting the worlds of innovation with new 
imagination ; the authors explore this new world and share 
their toolbox” – Daan Roosegaarde 
“Exponential Organizations is a must read business book 
this fall” – Om Malik
3D Printing 
$40,000 (2007) to $100 (2014) 400x in 7 years
Industrial Robots 
$500,000 (2008) to $22,000 (2013) 23x in 5 years

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Management 3.0 in 50 minutes
Management 3.0 in 50 minutesManagement 3.0 in 50 minutes
Management 3.0 in 50 minutes

The document discusses various concepts related to agile management including scrum, lean startup, design thinking, benefits of agile approaches, and management philosophies. It also covers topics like self-organizing teams, different levels of managerial authority, developing competence, enhancing communication structures, delivering value, continuous improvement, and tracking happiness. The Management 3.0 model is presented as having six organizational views based on complexity thinking.

Platform Strategy & Ecosystems
Platform Strategy & EcosystemsPlatform Strategy & Ecosystems
Platform Strategy & Ecosystems

The document discusses platform business models and digital ecosystems. It defines a platform business model as one that builds value for multiple sides in a market by consolidating customers and simplifying processes. Examples of digital platform businesses include desktop operating systems, game consoles, and payment systems. The document outlines that platform businesses are built on network effects, and their openness is critical. It also discusses how platform models can generate profits through first and third party usage and build digital ecosystems through virtuous cycles of competition and collaboration.

IFF Three Horizons Framing Transformative Innovation
IFF Three Horizons Framing Transformative InnovationIFF Three Horizons Framing Transformative Innovation
IFF Three Horizons Framing Transformative Innovation

Core set of slides explaining Three Horizons framework as three perspectives on the future potential of the present moment, plus how these perspectives interact in service of systems transition and 'transformative innovation'.

three horizonstransformative innovationiff
$100,000 (2007) to $700 (2013) 142x in 6 years
Solar Energy 
$30 per KWh (1984) to $0.16 per KWh (2014) 200x in 30 years
Sensors (3D LIDAR) 
$20,000 (2009) to $79 (2014) 250x in 5 years
Neurotech (BCI devices) 
$4,000 (2006) to $90 (2011) 44x in 5 years

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Modern Agile Management and Leadership
Modern Agile Management and LeadershipModern Agile Management and Leadership
Modern Agile Management and Leadership

What changes are needed in management and leadership to move towards the new lean culture of creative and knowledge work? My presentation from Agile Finland's Modern Agile Breakfast.

modern agileagileagile management
Innovation Portfolio Management and Governance | Accenture
Innovation Portfolio Management and Governance | AccentureInnovation Portfolio Management and Governance | Accenture
Innovation Portfolio Management and Governance | Accenture

With innovation investments increasing, it's critical to invest in future potential and have a balanced innovation portfolio management strategy. Learn more.

innovation portfolioinnovation portfolio managementbusiness portfolio
Organizing for ambidexterity
Organizing for ambidexterityOrganizing for ambidexterity
Organizing for ambidexterity

The document discusses how organizations can achieve ambidexterity to enable adaptation and innovation. It provides examples of how overly structured work environments can stifle productivity and innovation. Additionally, it discusses how creating adaptive space allows individuals and groups to experiment and develop new ideas. Specifically, adaptive space involves reducing structural constraints, creating networks for collaboration, engaging constructive conflict, and facilitating cohesion through a shared learning climate. The key is for leaders to balance efficiency demands with flexibility so organizations can both exploit existing strengths and explore new opportunities.

Nanotech (Graphene) 
Projected: 80% price drop in production costs between 2014-2020
Biotech (DNA sequencing) 
$10,000,000 (2007) to $1,000 (2014) 10,000x in 7 years
“The average half life of a 
business competency has 
dropped from 30 years in 
1984 to 5 years in 2014.”
“89% of the Fortune 500 
companies from 1955 are 
not on the list in 2014.”

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Appreciative Inquiry For Strategic Planning
Appreciative Inquiry For Strategic Planning Appreciative Inquiry For Strategic Planning
Appreciative Inquiry For Strategic Planning

Snap Preview of Appreciative Inquiry (AI) for Strategic Planning and the differences between SWOT and SOAR models as well as the benefits of AI Vs. Problem Solving.

solutionsstrategic planningsuccess
Platform Strategy: Openness, Innovation & Control
Platform Strategy: Openness, Innovation & ControlPlatform Strategy: Openness, Innovation & Control
Platform Strategy: Openness, Innovation & Control

We present an economic framework to understand and manage platform growth. This builds from a model of network complements and two sided markets. The intuitions help set prices, openness, and features to absorb into the platform. The intuitions also help shape the transition from a traditional business model to a platform strategy. Presented at the IBM executive education summit July 27, 2011.

mitmarshall van alstyneplatforms
Kellogg The Top 5 Scale-Up Mistakes.pdf
Kellogg The Top 5 Scale-Up Mistakes.pdfKellogg The Top 5 Scale-Up Mistakes.pdf
Kellogg The Top 5 Scale-Up Mistakes.pdf

Presentation Dave Kellogg gave at SaaStr Europra 2022 in Barcelona on the top 5 mistakes in scale-up phase for startups

“The average lifespan of 
an S&P 500 company has 
decreased from: 
67 years (1920’s) to 
15 years (today).”
“In the next 10 years 
40% of all S&P 500 
companies will 
disappear from this list”
Market Cap to a Billion
Technology accelerates 
-> Threat to companies 
Key case study to 
illustrate this

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Business agility presentation
Business agility presentationBusiness agility presentation
Business agility presentation

Provide leaders with a broad understanding of business agility and why it is vital at both the organizational and personal level

Ambidextrous organizations: from theory to practice
Ambidextrous organizations: from theory to practiceAmbidextrous organizations: from theory to practice
Ambidextrous organizations: from theory to practice

The study is aimed at testing the hypotheses relating certain industry changes to certain ambidexterity types. For testing the hypotheses I chose case studies on ambidexterity or on general balancing of exploitation and exploration. I have studied 14 case studies out of which 12 case studies are in line with my hypotheses. My main conclusions are as follows: • In industries going through radical change successful companies opt for partitional ambidexterity; • In industries going through creative industries successful companies adopt reciprocal ambidexterity; • In industries going through intermediating change successful companies effectuate harmonic ambidexterity; • In industries undergoing progressive change successful companies also pursue harmonic ambidexterity to enable sufficient level of adaptability so that the company will be able to successfully go though organization transformation switching to another type of ambidexterity when the industry go to another type of change. Answering the research question, I believe to have proved the existence of interrelation between the type of industry change and the type of ambidexterity companies in this industry should opt for. I do believe that my findings can be a basis for a prescriptive tool in innovation management. However, I fully acknowledge the limitations of my research and understand that quite vast further research is needed before the framework developed by me becomes an effective prescriptive tool.

ambidexterityinnovation management
The Big Book of Venture Capital - 2023
The Big Book of Venture Capital - 2023The Big Book of Venture Capital - 2023
The Big Book of Venture Capital - 2023

The objective of this book is straightforward: to compile and articulate the most vital venture and startup insights of 2023 and provide a strategic overview of this dynamic landscape.

2006: valuation $140B 
Nokia vs. Waze
2006: valuation $140B 
Disruption: Jan 2007: announcement iPhone 
Nokia vs. Waze
2006: valuation $140B 
Disruption: Jan 2007: announcement iPhone 
Oct 2007: acquired 
by Nokia for $8.1B 
Nokia vs. Waze
2006: valuation $140B 
Disruption: Jan 2007: announcement iPhone 
Oct 2007: acquired 
by Nokia for $8.1B 
Nokia vs. Waze 
Dec 2007: 
Waze founded

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Organizational development change management 05.26.15 final
Organizational development   change management 05.26.15 finalOrganizational development   change management 05.26.15 final
Organizational development change management 05.26.15 final

The document discusses organizational development and change management. It begins by outlining the objectives of organizational development as acquiring knowledge about organizational development and change management, explaining the importance of anticipating and managing change, describing necessary actions to prepare organizations for change, and getting employees involved in planning and executing change. It then provides definitions and models of organizational development, discusses reasons why change occurs in organizations and common reactions to change. The document also outlines an 8 step process for transforming organizations and managing change, including establishing urgency, forming a guiding coalition, communicating the vision, and institutionalizing new approaches. It emphasizes the importance of change management and adapting to a changing environment.

[Fabernovel study] New economy, new KPI: the customer era
[Fabernovel study] New economy, new KPI:  the customer era[Fabernovel study] New economy, new KPI:  the customer era
[Fabernovel study] New economy, new KPI: the customer era

By creating some disruption in value chains and favouring the emergence of new models, the digital revolution has induced deep changes in the way value is created and shared. It is more and more decorrelated from short term financial performance. That should push organizations and investors to review their monitoring and valuation of innovative projects, as well as pay attention to the value of some intangible assets, such as customer capital, talent capital, ecosystem, software or societal and environmental impact. Customer centricity was at the heart of the digital revolution, which explains why among these assets, customer capital is the easiest to value by investors. However, if we’ve focused our analysis in this presentation on this asset, this should not overshadow the other key levers that organizations need now for their transformation to be more and more systemic. Digital native economic models have been built by design according to an extra-financial approach with monitoring and communication already focused on customer KPIs, and sometimes on talent or ecosystem metrics. By contrast, if players other than digital natives have initiated a deep transformation of their model, they have not yet adapted their reporting styles, even though this would enable them to better allocate resources and value the customer acquisition strategy. Combined with this document, we are launching a new index dedicated to testing your own maturity regarding customer capital (how you’ve integrated this approach, how customer-centric your reporting is, how you use it). Once this assessment has been completed, this presentation will help drive you along the path towards a new reporting approach. Additionally, it will help you harness your organization's potential, which we've identified at both the internal and external levels, while focusing on stakeholder engagement and value creation levers.

Built to Last
Built to LastBuilt to Last
Built to Last

Drawing upon a six-year research project at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business, James C. Collins and Jerry I. Porras took eighteen truly exceptional and long-lasting companies and studied each in direct comparison to one of its top competitors. They examined the companies from their very beginnings to the present day -- as start-ups, as midsize companies, and as large corporations. Throughout, the authors asked: "What makes the truly exceptional companies different from the comparison companies and what were the common practices these enduringly great companies followed throughout their history?" Filled with hundreds of specific examples and organized into a coherent framework of practical concepts that can be applied by managers and entrepreneurs at all levels, Built to Last provides a master blueprint for building organizations that will prosper long into the 21st century and beyond.

leadershipmanagementpurpose & not profit
2006: valuation $140B 
Disruption: Jan 2007: announcement iPhone 
Oct 2007: acquired 
by Nokia for $8.1B 
Nokia vs. Waze 
Dec 2007: 
Waze founded 
Disruption: in 4 years time 10x amount of sensors for Waze
2006: valuation $140B 
Disruption: Jan 2007: announcement iPhone 
Oct 2007: acquired 
by Nokia for $8.1B 
Jun 2012: valuation $8.2B 
Nokia vs. Waze 
Dec 2007: 
Waze founded 
Disruption: in 4 years time 10x amount of sensors for Waze
2006: valuation $140B 
Oct 2007: acquired 
by Nokia for $8.1B 
Jun 2012: valuation $8.2B 
Nokia vs. Waze 
Jun 2013: acquires 
Waze for $1.1B 
Disruption: Jan 2007: announcement iPhone 
Dec 2007: 
Waze founded 
Disruption: in 4 years time 10x amount of sensors for Waze
2006: valuation $140B 
Disruption: Jan 2007: announcement iPhone 
Oct 2007: acquired 
by Nokia for $8.1B 
Jun 2012: valuation $8.2B 
Nokia vs. Waze 
Jun 2013: acquires 
Waze for $1.1B 
Apr 2014: acquires 
Nokia for $7.2B 
Dec 2007: 
Waze founded 
Disruption: in 4 years time 10x amount of sensors for Waze

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Business agility
Business agilityBusiness agility
Business agility

The document discusses the concept of business agility. It provides definitions of business agility from various sources that emphasize qualities like adaptability, flexibility, and the ability to respond rapidly to changes. It outlines domains of business agility across dimensions of work, connections, and mindset. Key aspects include technical agility, process agility, enterprise agility, structural agility, leadership agility, market agility, learning mindset, collaboration mindset, and ownership mindset. The customer is positioned at the center.

process agilitytechnical agilitybusiness agility
Innovation Management - 2 - Types of Innovation
Innovation Management - 2 - Types of InnovationInnovation Management - 2 - Types of Innovation
Innovation Management - 2 - Types of Innovation

4 Types of Innovation - Sustaining Innovation - Breakthrough Innovation ​ - Disruptive Innovation - Basic Research Dimensions of Innovation Space - Product - Process - Position - Paradigm

types of innovationsustaining innovationbreakthrough innovation
60 Second Book Brief: Exponential Organizations by Salim Ismail
60 Second Book Brief: Exponential Organizations by Salim Ismail 60 Second Book Brief: Exponential Organizations by Salim Ismail
60 Second Book Brief: Exponential Organizations by Salim Ismail

Salim Ismail wrote the book Exponential Organizations to teach organizations how to think differently in order to have an impact 10 times larger than their peers. The book outlines 10 principles for exponential organizations, including staffing on demand, building communities and crowds, using algorithms and machine learning, leveraging assets, and using gamification to motivate external networks. Internally, exponential organizations use interfaces to manage resources, track data obsessively with dashboards, conduct small experiments, allow autonomy for employees, and use social technologies to organize teams.

Our organizational structures have evolved mainly to 
manage scarcity of people, money and assets / 
The concept of ownership works well for scarcity 
Accessing or sharing works better in an abundant, 
information-based world.
Key Point 
While the information-based world is now moving 
exponentially, our organizational structures are 
still very linear (especially larger and older ones)
Linear vs. Exponential
Key Challenge 
We’ve learned how to scale technology (mainly cloud 
computing since 2006) 
Now it’s time to scale the organization: strategy, 
structure, processes, culture, KPIs, people and systems

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Owning Your Recruiting
Owning Your RecruitingOwning Your Recruiting
Owning Your Recruiting

This document provides guidance on effective recruiting strategies and tactics. It discusses how to tell compelling stories about the company, market, and technology. It emphasizes the importance of direct outreach, building referrals, and leveraging networks through frequent events. It also covers managing the candidate experience through a strong process, communication, offers, and closing. Finally, it briefly highlights some new recruiting applications and tools.

Improve Your Club's Competitive Ability - From IHRSA 2016
Improve Your Club's Competitive Ability - From IHRSA 2016Improve Your Club's Competitive Ability - From IHRSA 2016
Improve Your Club's Competitive Ability - From IHRSA 2016

Bryan O'Rourke shares his views on how to improve fitness facility's competitive abilities through a variety of tools. Specific examples are included with references to powerful tools that anyone can use. Presented at IHRSA 2016.

market researchswotihrsa 2016
Exponential finance ppt
Exponential finance pptExponential finance ppt
Exponential finance ppt

This document discusses exponential technologies and their impact on finance. It provides examples of exponential growth in storage capacity, digital cameras, and computing power. Key points discussed include: - Exponential technologies like AI, augmented reality, data science and more are rapidly shaping major industries. - When these technologies are combined to solve challenges, more sustainable solutions can be developed. - Ray Kurzweil believes artificial general intelligence comparable to human level intelligence could be achieved by 2029. - The document outlines an action plan for Pakistan to leverage exponential technologies like bitcoin and by hosting conferences to promote innovation.

financetechnologyexponential growth
Software is eating the 
world, in all sectors 
In the future every 
company will become a 
Mark Andreessen software company 
founder of Netscape, 
renowned Venture Capitalist 
ExOs: Everything will become digital 
• social, mobile & online for 
front-end functions 
• nanotech, robotics, 3D 
printing, sensors, AI 
• crowdsourcing (leveraging the 
crowd), DIY*, P2P**, crowd 
companies, AI, Nanofactories 
*Do-It-Yourself: Movement of people who create things without the help of experts or professionals 
•**:Peer-to-Peer: a decentralized network leveraging direct interactions between people
An Exponential Organization (ExO) is one whose 
impact (or output) is disproportionally large — at 
least 10x larger — compared to its peers because 
of the use of new organizational techniques that 
leverage exponential technologies.

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Host Card Emulation in Android: What Does it Mean?
Host Card Emulation in Android: What Does it Mean?Host Card Emulation in Android: What Does it Mean?
Host Card Emulation in Android: What Does it Mean?

Host Card Emulation in Android: What Does it Mean? Android KitKat 4.4 spreads a new buzz around Host Card Emulation (HCE). HCE is wind in the sails of near field communication (NFC) based transactions. But what exactly is HCE? HCE is the virtual representation of a smart card using only software. It allows a mobile device to emulate a payment card and make NFC mobile payments. Transaction credentials no longer need to be stored inside the phone (the secure element) but can be hosted remotely: in the cloud. This offers more control and direct access to application issuers: it eases the use of NFC. Android dominates 81% (3rd quarter of 2013) of global smartphone shipments. Service Providers (SPs) are now able to offer direct services to a large majority of smartphone users. What does all this mean? HCE is now a viable alternative for many card emulation projects since no physical secure element is needed in the phone. Service providers now have more available business models and partners to work with. HCE is ideal for solutions where a physical secure element adds insufficient value to justify additional costs: loyalty – couponing – access control Service providers can also opt for a hybrid solution: use the flexibility of the cloud with the security of the physical secure element. The cloud offers greater processing power and greater storage to load any number of cards… …while the physical secure element contains the levels of accepted security. Interested to learn more? Watch our video!

host card emulationhceandroid smartphone credit card processing system
CRM Vendor Evaluation Matrix
CRM Vendor Evaluation MatrixCRM Vendor Evaluation Matrix
CRM Vendor Evaluation Matrix

The document evaluates 3 CRM vendors against various business, technical, and functional requirements. Vendor 3 scores highest overall with 82%, followed by Vendor 1 at 62% and Vendor 2 at 59%. Vendor 3 best meets the technical requirements like supporting newer operating systems and databases. However, Vendor 1 and 2 may still be viable options as they meet a majority of the general, contact management, and sales requirements. The matrix provides a comprehensive breakdown of how each vendor stacks up across 168 total criteria.

customer relationship managementmatrixevaluation
Introduction to Objectives and Key Results. The Basics & FAQ of OKRs.
Introduction to Objectives and Key Results. The Basics & FAQ of OKRs.Introduction to Objectives and Key Results. The Basics & FAQ of OKRs.
Introduction to Objectives and Key Results. The Basics & FAQ of OKRs.

The document introduces OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), a goal-setting methodology used by companies like Google and LinkedIn. It discusses setting quarterly objectives and measuring progress with key results metrics. OKRs provide transparency and align goals from the company level down to individual teams and employees. Examples of objectives and key results are provided for marketing, sales, finance, and product management functions. Guidance is given on writing objectives and results, balancing stretch and roof-shot goals, and common mistakes to avoid.

teamgoalsteam leader
The Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP) is the 
higher, aspirational purpose of the organization, 
capturing the hearts and minds of those both inside 
and (especially) outside of the organization.
Quirky - Quirky’s Massive Transformative Purpose is to ‘make invention 
accessible’. To enable this, they provide people with the possibility to go through 
a full product cycle in just 29 days instead of the normal 300 days.
Staff on Demand 
Staff on Demand is a necessary characteristic for 
speed, functionality and flexibility in a fast-changing 
Rather than ‘owning’ employees, ExOs leverage 
external people for simple to complex work – 
even for mission critical processes.
Staff on Demand 
Procter & Gamble - To check how and where its merchandise is being 
placed on Walmart shelves around the world, P&G uses the Gigwalk platform 
to instantly leverage thousands of people who are paid a few dollars.

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Peter's Laws
Peter's LawsPeter's Laws
Peter's Laws

Las leyes de Peter Diamandis

peters lawssingularity universityhumor
Nick Brown - Camp Digital 2016
Nick Brown - Camp Digital 2016Nick Brown - Camp Digital 2016
Nick Brown - Camp Digital 2016

The document discusses how a UX team at AstraZeneca, a large biopharmaceutical company, used Lean UX principles to drive digital transformation. Over the past year, they built internal search and user experience competency centers, developed mobile apps, and ran usability labs. This helped them accelerate the adoption of new technologies, improve existing products, and establish modern design practices across the organization.

uxdesigncamp digital
BridgeCommunity Overview 2018
BridgeCommunity Overview 2018 BridgeCommunity Overview 2018
BridgeCommunity Overview 2018

Atlanta's BridgeCommunity commercialization program is in its 3rd year. Get an overview of how startups and corporations are working together to extend their capabilities.

Community & Crowd 
Most ExOs are attracting and leveraging their 
community or the general public to scale. 
The crowd can be leveraged by harnessing 
creativity, innovation, validation and even funding.
Community & Crowd 
GitHub - GitHub is an open source developer community with 6.5 million 
members and 14.2 million repositories. Its members rate and review the code 
of others and collaborate on further improving it.
Community & Crowd
As the world turns into data and information, 
ExOs are leveraging Algorithms, including 
Machine Learning and Deep Learning to get new 
insights about their customers and products.

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ORX Risk Innovation and introducing iDP (Innovation Data Platform).pdf
ORX Risk Innovation and introducing iDP (Innovation Data Platform).pdfORX Risk Innovation and introducing iDP (Innovation Data Platform).pdf
ORX Risk Innovation and introducing iDP (Innovation Data Platform).pdf

Introducing iDP - A next generation platform for ORX to launch high value risk applications. Standing for Innovation Data Platform, iDP is a first-of-a-kind digital platform on which ORX and other third parties can launch a new generation of risk management and risk data visualization applications. iDP brings these risk applications and your data together into one secure space. All apps on iDP are pre-validated and accredited, significantly reducing implementation time and cost. They all use a consistent data format, making it possible to ultimately create your own tailored, modular and integrated risk management ecosystem – the overall outcome being more powerful risk insights at lower cost. iDP has been built to ease the effort of securely conforming data for use across various applications and services. Security is at the heart of iDP - built on industrial AWS componentry, secure by design, it delivers extra layers of trust to your data and risk application management. Our layered security approach is built upon industry grade infrastructure, industry standard certification and with the institution in charge of its user-controlled Locked Box. IDP is neutral. It leaves the specifics of what apps are added and what they offer up to the Institutional users and the app producers. ORX will be a producer, developing apps for iDP that our members want, leveraging a growing library of industrial-grade tools, our ORX Industry data standards and exploiting the advantages of operating on modern infrastructure of on-demand cloud technology. The first of ORX’s applications for iDP – launching in Q4 2022 – is a risk control app, which shows visually where individual business line control systems have gaps compared to the ORX Industry study of over 60 of the World's leading Banks & Insurers (read more on page 6). In addition to ORX applications, iDP also provides the opportunity to deploy other apps from 3rd party risk and reg tech producers in a safe and consistent environment. We have the vision for iDP to unlock new opportunities for ORX and its members to advance and innovate risk management and for the industry as a whole. These opportunities are unlocked as we build out the ‘Risk as a Service’ Marketplace, a marketplace to discover and deploy accredited risk management solutions. With iDP, you are in control • You manage security and access to the Locked Box, and stored data is encrypted using user-controlled keys • You manage what data you store and what apps you use • You manage what data sharing and benchmarking you do with other users of iDP For more information about iDP, contact Mark Cooke

orxoperational riskinnovation
ORX Risk Innovation and introducing iDP (Innovation Data Platform).pdf
ORX Risk Innovation and introducing iDP (Innovation Data Platform).pdfORX Risk Innovation and introducing iDP (Innovation Data Platform).pdf
ORX Risk Innovation and introducing iDP (Innovation Data Platform).pdf

The document discusses the launch of a new innovation platform called the Innovation Delivery Platform (iDP) that aims to help financial institutions more easily discover, onboard, and integrate risk management and regulatory technology solutions. The iDP will address current barriers such as scarce resources, lack of support from traditional software partners, and high costs of working with new risk tech producers. It will function as a marketplace and data platform that connects suppliers and users within a secure environment. The iDP is currently being piloted and its roadmap over the next few years involves continued scaling, adding new functionality like data pooling and benchmarking, and expanding the number of solutions available across different risk types.

數位轉型與產業 AI 化
數位轉型與產業 AI 化數位轉型與產業 AI 化
數位轉型與產業 AI 化

The document discusses digital transformation and AI industrialization. It begins with an introduction of the speaker and defines key concepts like digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation. It then discusses how AI is transforming industries and provides examples of how Taiwan's AI Academy and a company called InfuseAI are helping industrialize AI through education and an MLOps platform called PrimeHub. The discussion emphasizes that transforming industries requires redefining problems and taking an operations approach to AI modeled development and deployment.

aiprimehubdigital transformation
UPS - 55,000 trucks in UPS’s American fleet make 16 million deliveries daily. 
By applying telematics and algorithms, UPS efficiently reroutes the trucks, 
saving 85 million miles a year, resulting in cost savings of $2.55 billion.
Leveraged Assets 
Rather than trying to own assets, ExOs access, 
rent or share assets to stay nimble – outsourcing 
even mission critical assets. 
Leveraged assets are comprised of Cloud 
computing, Hackerspaces and assets from 
customers as input for business.
Leveraged Assets 
Square - The popular Square payment device - currently valued at $5 billion - 
was prototyped at TechShop. The company did not have to buy expensive 
machinery to build the prototype but could use the assets TechShop provided.
Engagement is comprised of digital reputation 
systems, gamification and incentive prizes, which 
create network effects and positive feedback loops.

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Flythegap Presentation EBBF Conference 2013
Flythegap Presentation EBBF Conference 2013Flythegap Presentation EBBF Conference 2013
Flythegap Presentation EBBF Conference 2013

This document discusses an organization called Bambini nel Deserto that aims to improve working conditions and quality of metalworking corporations in Burkina Faso through on-site training and item provisioning. It provides a list of needs for their "Ferro e Fuoco" project, including DSP kits, medical supplies, tools, buckets, food or cash donations, and a used truck able to cross Africa. It then discusses different crowdfunding and skills-sharing platforms before introducing Flythegap, a company seeking early adopters, partners, advisors, and funding to develop a prototype matching system to connect ideas with resources.

non-governmental organizationinformation communication technologyentrepreneurship
Tips to Applying Exponential Organization Principles To Large CPG Companies
Tips to Applying Exponential Organization Principles To Large CPG CompaniesTips to Applying Exponential Organization Principles To Large CPG Companies
Tips to Applying Exponential Organization Principles To Large CPG Companies

The document discusses exponential growth and how things can grow much faster than expected. It gives the example of a lily pad patch doubling in size daily and asks how long it would take to cover half the lake if it takes 48 days to cover the whole lake. It then discusses how exponential technologies are changing businesses and how companies like Airbnb and Quirky operate much more efficiently. It outlines principles of exponential organizations like leveraging assets, using algorithms, and community involvement. It provides strategies for large companies to adopt these principles through transforming leadership, partnering with startups, and implementing practices like experimentation and real-time dashboards.

technologychange managementcreativity
On innovation
On innovationOn innovation
On innovation

A new breed of companies who harnesses the power of exponential technology will haunt traditional business as we know it – and rule the world!

open innovation
Allstate - The insurance company Allstate ran a contest on Kaggle to 
improve its Claim algorithm. It was bested in 3 days by 107 competing teams. 
When the contest ended, Allstate’s original algorithm had been improved 
When implementing the externalities (SCALE), ExOs 
use customized filtering and matching processes – 
which we call Interfaces – to process the output of 
external attributes into the internal organization, 
using algorithms and workflow software.
Uber - Uber, the on-demand car service currently valued at $17 billion, uses 
interfaces to allow users to find and get matched with the best drivers. 
Because of this it costs Uber essentially zero to add an additional driver.
In order to measure and manage the performance 
of an ExO, a real-time, adaptable dashboard with 
essential company and employee metrics and short 
feedback loops is implemented – accessible to 
everyone in the organization. 
Lean value & growth metrics + learning metrics + OKRs

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Horses & Unicorns: Britchamber july 2016
Horses & Unicorns: Britchamber july 2016Horses & Unicorns: Britchamber july 2016
Horses & Unicorns: Britchamber july 2016

This story was first told to the British Chamber in Hong Kong in May 2016. It's about a real business that wishes to remain anonymous. It is just a short teaser that begs questions and much more discussion, but it did generate lively Q&A on the day. Please visit the Horses & Unicorns blog:

transformationclouddigital strategy
CIO Strategies 2008
CIO Strategies 2008CIO Strategies 2008
CIO Strategies 2008

The document discusses innovation and change in technology. It covers topics like resilience, the impact of cheap technology, virtual worlds like Second Life, and how search engines and social computing are changing how people access and share information. It provides examples of technologies and trends from 2007-2008 that were transforming how people use the internet.

The Perfect Storm
The Perfect StormThe Perfect Storm
The Perfect Storm

1) The document discusses emerging trends in the digital economy including healthcare crowdfunding, blockchain technology, iris scanning smartphones, virtual reality driving experiences, distributed file storage, and more. 2) It also discusses challenges and opportunities for disruption including shifting from products to services, the importance of ecosystems, and how digital priorities have changed customer behaviors. 3) Finally, it provides advice on how companies can transform including focusing on speed, learning, and obsessing over the customer experience.

digital transformationdigital strategydigitalisierung
Google Ventures - Although only 5 years old, Google Ventures has $1.5 
billion and 225 portfolio companies under management. It is considered one 
of the best VCs as it relies heavily on Lean metrics and OKRs.
ExOs use the Lean Startup methodology and other 
techniques inside different organizational 
departments to constantly experiment with new 
ideas and processes, culturally enabling risk-taking 
and failure. Processes are constantly being tweaked 
with fast feedback loops.
General Electric - GE implemented the FastWorks program inside their 
organization to stimulate innovation and experimentation. Currently 40,000 
employees have joined the program, resulting in 300 pilot projects.
ExOs have a flat organization, allowing self-organizing, 
multi-disciplinary teams and / or 
individual employees to operate with decentralized 
A good example of this trend is the Holacracy model.

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Nipro Europe NV uses QlikView to analyze data from four different SAP systems across sales, operations, and finance departments. QlikView apps allow employees to find, analyze, and discuss relevant data to make better decisions more quickly. Benefits include eliminating manual data requests, reducing days sales outstanding, and improving data quality and consolidation times. QlikView provides an associative experience that automatically links related data for ad hoc analysis and strategic decision making.

Open innovation presentation austech 2013
Open innovation presentation austech 2013Open innovation presentation austech 2013
Open innovation presentation austech 2013

Open source innovation is a paradigm shift that involves sharing ideas and intellectual property externally rather than keeping them internal. It allows companies to source ideas from outside their organizations. The document discusses why open source innovation is increasingly popular for business model innovation and provides two case studies as examples. The mountain bike industry benefited from open collaboration with customers to develop new product features. Cadbury set up an open innovation team that established external partnerships and sourced over 50% of research projects from public organizations.

Future Of Digital Marketing
Future Of Digital MarketingFuture Of Digital Marketing
Future Of Digital Marketing

The document discusses emerging trends in digital marketing and technology in 2013. It notes that companies taking an agile, adaptive approach to marketing ("Digirati") are 26% more profitable and have higher market values. However, some "Fashionistas" focus too much on new technologies without changing underlying strategies and processes. Large companies like Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon are expanding into new areas through their control of hardware, operating systems, content platforms, and payment systems. The future of marketing involves enhancing customer experience through contextual data and seamlessly integrating customer touchpoints. Agile development practices that rapidly deliver value to users will be important, informed by data and user feedback. Innovation strategies should balance incremental, existing improvements with riskier

advertising and marketingdigitaladvertising
Valve - Valve is a gaming company with a completely flat organization. Its 330 
employees have full decision-making authority, which resulted in a higher 
revenue-per-employee number than competitors, even beating Apple & Google.
Social Technology 
ExOs leverage collaborative tools, such as file sharing, 
activity streams, wikis, telepresence, virtual reality and 
emotional sensing to manage real time, zero latency 
When implemented it creates transparency and 
connectedness and lowers an organization’s 
information latency.
Social Technology 
Atos - Atos estimated that their 80,000 employees spend 5-20 hours a week 
on e-mails while only 15% was considered useful. To reduce the e-mail load, 
the company started to use the internal network blueKiwi (20% reduction)

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INNOVFEST UNBOUND is the anchor event of Smart Nation Innovations; a week-long series of events that showcases Asia’s most innovative developments in the media-tech sphere. It is the place where brands connect with disruptive technologies and explore Asian opportunities. INNOVFEST UNBOUND is a melting pot for start-ups, investors, brands, corporates and media who get the opportunity to connect with government agencies and leading researchers and forge new relationships, share knowledge and create business opportunities in Asia. It attracted 6,300 attendees and more than 340+ innovation and startup exhibits.

Oracle Global Startup Ecosystem Overview August 2018
Oracle Global Startup Ecosystem Overview August 2018Oracle Global Startup Ecosystem Overview August 2018
Oracle Global Startup Ecosystem Overview August 2018

The document describes Oracle's Global Startup Ecosystem program which aims to build partnerships between startups and Oracle through collaboration and innovation. It provides resources and benefits to startups such as free cloud credits, access to Oracle's customers and product teams, and coworking spaces around the world. Startups can apply online and are matched with personalized journeys based on their needs to help them develop their business using Oracle's technologies and expertise.

The Future of Retail by Deborah W. at NRF Jan. 17, 2016
The Future of Retail by Deborah W. at NRF Jan. 17, 2016The Future of Retail by Deborah W. at NRF Jan. 17, 2016
The Future of Retail by Deborah W. at NRF Jan. 17, 2016

This document discusses the future of digital retail and emerging technology trends for 2016 according to Deborah Weinswig of The Fung Group. It provides an overview of The Fung Group and its Fung Business Intelligence Centre (FBIC), which conducts research and analysis on markets, supply chains, and emerging technologies. The document then lists and briefly describes 16 top retail technology trends for 2016, including additive technology/intelligent clothing, 3D printing, robotics/artificial intelligence, drone delivery, smart malls, and the Internet of Things.

More Human 
Best ExOs
Best ExOs 
Staff on Demand Interfaces 
Community & Crowd Dashboards 
Algorithms Experimentation 
Leveraged Assets Autonomy 
Engagement Social 
Google - The search giant has many initiatives that brought exponential 
growth, consider PageRank, Adwords, Google+ and Android. Or GoogleX with 
it’s innovative moonshot projects such as Glass and the autonomous car.
Best ExOs 
Staff on Demand Interfaces 
Community & Crowd Dashboards 
Algorithms Experimentation 
Leveraged Assets Autonomy 
Engagement Social 
GitHub - GitHub is an open source developer community with 6.5 million 
members and 14.2 million repositories. This is 109x more repositories per 
employee compared to its competitors.

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Apidays Singapore 2024 - A nuanced approach on AI costs and benefits for the ...
Apidays Singapore 2024 - A nuanced approach on AI costs and benefits for the ...Apidays Singapore 2024 - A nuanced approach on AI costs and benefits for the ...
Apidays Singapore 2024 - A nuanced approach on AI costs and benefits for the ...

A nuanced approach on AI costs and benefits for the environment Joanna Reijgersberg-Siew, Senior Director, Data & AI - Avanade Apidays Singapore 2024: Connecting Customers, Business and Technology (April 17 & 18, 2024) ------ Check out our conferences at Do you want to sponsor or talk at one of our conferences? Learn more on APIscene, the global media made by the community for the community: Explore the API ecosystem with the API Landscape:

apidaysapidays singaporegreenio conference
Transformative organiztions sgd
Transformative organiztions sgdTransformative organiztions sgd
Transformative organiztions sgd

This is about organisations desirous of having huge transformations, say 10X, 20X by adopting agility to survive in a VUCA environment.

vucatransformationdigital disruptions
Rohit Talwar - The Future of Business, OMN Book Launch event
Rohit Talwar - The Future of Business, OMN Book Launch eventRohit Talwar - The Future of Business, OMN Book Launch event
Rohit Talwar - The Future of Business, OMN Book Launch event

Rohit Talwar, Futurist & Author, presentation on The Future of Business. Presented at OMN London's The Future of Work – The All-Stars Edition on 11th June 2015 aboard the HMS President, London.

by OMN
omn londonfuture of businessfuture of work
Best ExOs 
Staff on Demand Interfaces 
Community & Crowd Dashboards 
Algorithms Experimentation 
Leveraged Assets Autonomy 
Engagement Social 
Airbnb - A community marketplace for accommodations active in 34,000 
cities and 190 countries, currently worth $14 billion. With 800,000 listings 
worldwide, Airbnb has 90x more listings per employee than hotel chains such 
as Hyatt.
Best ExOs 
Staff on Demand Interfaces 
Community & Crowd Dashboards 
Algorithms Experimentation 
Leveraged Assets Autonomy 
Engagement Social 
Uber - It costs Uber essentially zero to add an additional car or driver to its 
fleet. Consider the impact when they move horizontally and offer new 
services: postal delivery, limo service, groceries, gifting, medical services, etc.
Best ExOs 
Staff on Demand Interfaces 
Community & Crowd Dashboards 
Algorithms Experimentation 
Leveraged Assets Autonomy 
Engagement Social 
Tesla - Automotive software company with 6,000 employees and a market 
value of $30 billion. This is more than half of either GM or Ford, who both 
have 200,000 employees. Cars update themselves every week via a 
Best ExOs 
Staff on Demand Interfaces 
Community & Crowd Dashboards 
Algorithms Experimentation 
Leveraged Assets Autonomy 
Engagement Social 
Xiaomi - Low-end Android smartphone company, focusing on performance, 
quality and customer experience. Has a flat structure consisting of 4,300 
employees of which 30% is in R&D.

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Complete Update of All Exponential Technologies & Singularity cases and its I...
Complete Update of All Exponential Technologies & Singularity cases and its I...Complete Update of All Exponential Technologies & Singularity cases and its I...
Complete Update of All Exponential Technologies & Singularity cases and its I...

Recent cases and examples of different Exponential Technologies from Singularity University and MIT in field of biotech, nanotech, neurotech, AI, robotics, drones, 3D printing, sensors, Quantified Self, Internet of Things, solar energy, mobile, crowdsourcing.

singularitysingulariteitexponential technologies
Yuri vangeest abnamro-05022013.def
Yuri vangeest abnamro-05022013.defYuri vangeest abnamro-05022013.def
Yuri vangeest abnamro-05022013.def

Cutting edge overview of the best mobile campaigns, new interfaces, mobile, mHealth, Quantified Self, Singularity, Singularity University and the broader DIY (do-it-yourself) movement across the world transforming all vertical markets, sectors and companies. From closed, top down and central systems towards open, bottom up and decentralized systems. From scarcity to abundance.

peer to peermakerfairedo-it-yourself
Internet of Things, Quantified Self and Smart Cities in the context of Singul...
Internet of Things, Quantified Self and Smart Cities in the context of Singul...Internet of Things, Quantified Self and Smart Cities in the context of Singul...
Internet of Things, Quantified Self and Smart Cities in the context of Singul...

The cutting edge and complete overview of all key cases and examples within the Quantified Self and Internet of Things (IoT) movements across the globe. As an active organizer/founder/ambassador of Quantified Self Europe and Amsterdam as well as Mobile Monday Amsterdam, Lean Startup Rotterdam and Singularity University NL I was able to synthesize this presentation on IoT.

smart citiesnfcconnected bodies
Best ExOs 
Staff on Demand Interfaces 
Community & Crowd Dashboards 
Algorithms Experimentation 
Leveraged Assets Autonomy 
Engagement Social 
Kaggle - Platform that hosts algorithm contests in which 185,000+ data 
scientists compete for prizes and recognition. in every one of Kaggle's 150 
contests to date, external data scientists have beaten the internal algorithms.
Rent, don’t own assets, people & resources 
Marginal cost of supply is dropping exponentially 
for the first time ever (besides marginal costs of 
demand) >>> double viral loops or network effects
Startups vs. Corporates 
Source: Joi Ito, director MIT Media Lab
Exponential Organizations - Why new organizations are 10x better, faster and cheaper than yours (and what to do about it)

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Ilse media is a Dutch media company that owns various websites. They are looking to develop mobile versions and apps for their sites, especially for the popular NU site. Their NU site has RSS feeds available that could be used to build a mobile app for NU on Android and other platforms. Developers interested in building such an app for NU can contact Erik Rovers at Ilse media for more information.

MobyPicture android2
MobyPicture android2MobyPicture android2
MobyPicture android2

The document discusses several APIs for sharing images, locations, and favicons and provides example uses for each. It promotes MobyPicture and Spot2 APIs for posting and retrieving images and location data, and the Favi API for getting favicon images for web links. Potential uses include enriching sharing apps, creating mashups and add-ons, and developing native mobile clients. The document encourages experimenting and "playing" with the APIs.

Hyves Api Android
Hyves Api AndroidHyves Api Android
Hyves Api Android

Hyves is a social networking service founded in 2004 that is exclusive to the Netherlands, with 5 million active Dutch members accounting for 55% of the population. It started as a mobile-only platform and 10% of users frequently use mobile clients, with location-based services as a key focus. Hyves launched its API in 2008 and has 2000 registered partners using it to build mobile, desktop, and TV products, with public, private, and experimental read/write methods. Hyves plans to develop a full Android client in 2009 and provided details on API methods that return member and content data.

Education from 
outside sources 
Transform Leadership 
Singularity University - One outside source is 
Singularity University. Its mission is to educate, 
inspire and empower leaders through its programs.
Leverage ExOs 
Acquire General Electric - GE identified Quirky as a 
valuable ExO. In 2013 they started a partnership by 
opening up GE patents. Recently GE also invested 
$30 million
Create your 
Leverage Ecosystem 
Telefonica - The mobile phone operator created 
Wayra: multiple global incubators that stimulate local 
ecosystems. Currently 400 startups are on board.

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Presentation China Innovation Trip 2008 (Interimic and Marketingfacts)
Presentation China Innovation Trip 2008 (Interimic and Marketingfacts)Presentation China Innovation Trip 2008 (Interimic and Marketingfacts)
Presentation China Innovation Trip 2008 (Interimic and Marketingfacts)

The document summarizes developments in China between 1996 and 2008. It notes that China doubled its GDP during this period and achieved many of its goals laid out in a 1996 roadmap. Chinese culture became less Confucian and more ambitious and materialistic. Digitally, China saw a huge growth in internet and mobile users, with many local brands and technologies booming. The future is predicted to see China continue growing its economy and digital sectors.

The Self Organizing Mobile Emo-Universe
The Self Organizing Mobile Emo-UniverseThe Self Organizing Mobile Emo-Universe
The Self Organizing Mobile Emo-Universe

The evolution of globalisation, economic value, IT, internet and mobile internet. Tipping point for mobile internet explained in new examples and trends in networks, hardware, applications, content and payment solutions. Focus on a new mobile internet concept called Emomapping, visualization of real-time emotions on maps for mobile

Metaverse, Digital Marketing and the Future of the Web
Metaverse, Digital Marketing and the Future of the WebMetaverse, Digital Marketing and the Future of the Web
Metaverse, Digital Marketing and the Future of the Web

The document discusses trends related to the emergence of the "metaverse", which is described as the convergence of digital marketing, the internet, virtual worlds, augmented reality, and life logging. Key points include the growth of social networks and user-generated content, the increasing importance of mobile and location-based experiences, and a vision of interconnected virtual and augmented reality platforms that blend the physical and digital worlds.

ExO at the 
Black Ops 
Copy GoogleX 
Disrupt [X] 
IDEO - The design firm realized they were open to 
disruption. They created a Black Ops Team with the 
challenge to disrupt itself, resulting in OpenIDEO
Coca-Cola - Invested in rolling out Slingshot water 
purifiers and Exocenters, to bring 100 million liters of 
water to 45,000 people across 20 countries by 2015. 
towards an 
S C A L E 
I D E A S 
ExO Lite
Corporate Example 
Staff on Demand Interfaces 
Community & Crowd Dashboards 
Algorithms Experimentation 
Leveraged Assets Autonomy 
Engagement Social 
ING Direct / Tangerine - Canadian bank that handles 1,800 customers 
and $40,000 in deposits per employee (7x and 4x improvement compared to 
other Canadian banks). Tangerine created Cafes to engage with the 
Corporate Example 
Staff on Demand Interfaces 
Community & Crowd Dashboards 
Algorithms Experimentation 
Leveraged Assets Autonomy 
Engagement Social 
Haier - Chinese appliance maker with 80,000 employees organized in 2,000 
self-managed units with decision-making authority. The company is constantly 
improving processes which contributed to $30 billion in sales for 2013 alone.

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Presentatie Yuri van Geest - Trends, Digitale Media, Internet, Mobiel, Market...
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Presentatie Yuri van Geest - Trends, Digitale Media, Internet, Mobiel, Market...

Een kort overzicht van enkele trends binnen digitale media, internet, marketing en communicatie bezien vanuit macro en micro ontwikkelingen (economisch, technologisch, politiek versus sociaal, cultureel, psychologisch). Focus op de toenemende invloed van identiteit, authenticitiet en creativiteit/innovatie gevoed vanuit een nieuwe definitie van privacy, openheid en transparantie en de alomvattende aanwezigheid van data (persoon, peers, sociaal netwerk en markt)


Simple Ways to Make Your Commercial Space More Energy Efficient In today's world, being energy efficient isn't just good for the planet—it's also good for your wallet. Whether you run a small shop or a large office building, there are plenty of simple steps you can take to reduce your energy consumption and save money on utility bills. Let's dive in! 1. Upgrade Your Lighting: One of the easiest ways to save energy is by switching to energy-efficient lighting options like LED bulbs. LEDs use significantly less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and last much longer, so you'll save money on both energy and replacement costs in the long run. 2. Install Motion Sensors: Do you have areas in your commercial space that aren't always in use, like storage rooms or bathrooms? Consider installing motion sensors that automatically turn lights off when no one is around. This simple addition can lead to significant energy savings over time. 3. Optimize Heating and Cooling: Heating and cooling can account for a big portion of your energy bills, especially in larger commercial spaces. To save energy, make sure your HVAC system is properly maintained and consider investing in a programmable thermostat. You can also encourage employees to dress in layers to reduce the need for excessive heating or cooling. 4. Seal Leaks and Insulate: A well-insulated building is more energy efficient because it retains heat in the winter and keeps cool air in during the summer. Check for drafts around windows and doors and seal them with weather stripping or caulking. Adding insulation to walls, floors, and ceilings can also make a big difference in your energy consumption. 5. Use Energy-Efficient Equipment: When it's time to replace old appliances or equipment in your commercial space, opt for energy-efficient models. Look for the ENERGY STAR label, which indicates that the product meets strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Agency. 6. Encourage Energy-Saving Habits: Sometimes, the simplest changes can have the biggest impact. Encourage employees to turn off lights and electronics when they're not in use, unplug chargers and other devices when they're fully charged, and use natural light whenever possible. 7. Conduct an Energy Audit: If you're serious about improving energy efficiency in your commercial space, consider hiring a professional to conduct an energy audit. They'll assess your energy usage and identify areas where you can make improvements, ultimately helping you save even more money in the long run. 8. Educate and Involve Employees: Finally, don't forget to involve your employees in your energy-saving efforts. Educate them about the importance of energy efficiency and encourage them to come up with their own ideas for saving energy in the workplace. When everyone is on board, you'll see even greater results. LED , Lights , Manufacturers in India , Efficient Lighting , Quality Products

led lightsefficient technologyled lighting


ExO performance improvement
ExO Market Cap improvement
(e)Book by 
Salim Ismail – Yuri van Geest – Peter Diamandis 
Michael Malone 
Amazon Bestseller 3 months in a row in pre-order phase 
First book published by Singularity University Press 
Go to to ORDER 
or take the FREE SURVEY
19-20 November 2014 | DeLaMar Theater Amsterdam 
Official European launch and presentation of 
the book Exponential Organizations 
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Adani Group will surpass these figures and experience a more significant increase in the price value. This will give the conglomerate’s business excellent exposure. It will also be able to recover from the struggle that the company was suffering after the Hindenburg Report Adani.

hindenburg report adani
Exponential Organizations - Why new organizations are 10x better, faster and cheaper than yours (and what to do about it)
Yuri van Geest 
Co-Author Exponential Organizations 
+31 6 113 19 290 @vangeest

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Exponential Organizations - Why new organizations are 10x better, faster and cheaper than yours (and what to do about it)

  • 1. Yuri van Geest - Co-Author Exponential Organizations - Dutch Ambassador of SU - Managing Director of the Singularity University Summit Europe - Co-Founder Quantified Self Europe - Co-Founder Lean Startup Machine NL
  • 2. “Exponential Organizations is the mostpivotal book in its class.” - John Hagel • “Exponential Organizations should be required reading for anyone interested in the ways exponential technologies are reinventing best practices in business.” - Ray Kurzweil “The most transformational business book I’ve ever read” - Ken Losch "Connecting the worlds of innovation with new imagination ; the authors explore this new world and share their toolbox” – Daan Roosegaarde “Exponential Organizations is a must read business book this fall” – Om Malik
  • 3. Technologies 3D Printing $40,000 (2007) to $100 (2014) 400x in 7 years
  • 4. Technologies Industrial Robots $500,000 (2008) to $22,000 (2013) 23x in 5 years
  • 5. Technologies Drones $100,000 (2007) to $700 (2013) 142x in 6 years
  • 6. Technologies Solar Energy $30 per KWh (1984) to $0.16 per KWh (2014) 200x in 30 years
  • 7. Technologies Sensors (3D LIDAR) $20,000 (2009) to $79 (2014) 250x in 5 years
  • 8. Technologies Neurotech (BCI devices) $4,000 (2006) to $90 (2011) 44x in 5 years
  • 9. Technologies Nanotech (Graphene) Projected: 80% price drop in production costs between 2014-2020
  • 10. Technologies Biotech (DNA sequencing) $10,000,000 (2007) to $1,000 (2014) 10,000x in 7 years
  • 11. • “The average half life of a business competency has dropped from 30 years in 1984 to 5 years in 2014.”
  • 12. • “89% of the Fortune 500 companies from 1955 are not on the list in 2014.”
  • 13. • “The average lifespan of an S&P 500 company has decreased from: 67 years (1920’s) to 15 years (today).”
  • 14. • “In the next 10 years 40% of all S&P 500 companies will disappear from this list”
  • 15. Market Cap to a Billion
  • 16. • Technology accelerates -> Threat to companies Key case study to illustrate this
  • 17. 2006: valuation $140B Nokia vs. Waze
  • 18. 2006: valuation $140B Disruption: Jan 2007: announcement iPhone Nokia vs. Waze
  • 19. 2006: valuation $140B Disruption: Jan 2007: announcement iPhone Oct 2007: acquired by Nokia for $8.1B Nokia vs. Waze
  • 20. 2006: valuation $140B Disruption: Jan 2007: announcement iPhone Oct 2007: acquired by Nokia for $8.1B Nokia vs. Waze Dec 2007: Waze founded
  • 21. 2006: valuation $140B Disruption: Jan 2007: announcement iPhone Oct 2007: acquired by Nokia for $8.1B Nokia vs. Waze Dec 2007: Waze founded Disruption: in 4 years time 10x amount of sensors for Waze
  • 22. 2006: valuation $140B Disruption: Jan 2007: announcement iPhone Oct 2007: acquired by Nokia for $8.1B Jun 2012: valuation $8.2B Nokia vs. Waze Dec 2007: Waze founded Disruption: in 4 years time 10x amount of sensors for Waze
  • 23. 2006: valuation $140B Oct 2007: acquired by Nokia for $8.1B Jun 2012: valuation $8.2B Nokia vs. Waze Jun 2013: acquires Waze for $1.1B Disruption: Jan 2007: announcement iPhone Dec 2007: Waze founded Disruption: in 4 years time 10x amount of sensors for Waze
  • 24. 2006: valuation $140B Disruption: Jan 2007: announcement iPhone Oct 2007: acquired by Nokia for $8.1B Jun 2012: valuation $8.2B Nokia vs. Waze Jun 2013: acquires Waze for $1.1B Apr 2014: acquires Nokia for $7.2B Dec 2007: Waze founded Disruption: in 4 years time 10x amount of sensors for Waze
  • 25. Takeaways Our organizational structures have evolved mainly to manage scarcity of people, money and assets / resources. The concept of ownership works well for scarcity Accessing or sharing works better in an abundant, information-based world.
  • 26. Key Point While the information-based world is now moving exponentially, our organizational structures are still very linear (especially larger and older ones)
  • 28. Key Challenge We’ve learned how to scale technology (mainly cloud computing since 2006) Now it’s time to scale the organization: strategy, structure, processes, culture, KPIs, people and systems
  • 29. Software is eating the world, in all sectors In the future every company will become a Mark Andreessen software company founder of Netscape, renowned Venture Capitalist Andreessen-Horowitz
  • 30. ExOs: Everything will become digital • social, mobile & online for front-end functions • nanotech, robotics, 3D printing, sensors, AI • crowdsourcing (leveraging the crowd), DIY*, P2P**, crowd companies, AI, Nanofactories • *Do-It-Yourself: Movement of people who create things without the help of experts or professionals •**:Peer-to-Peer: a decentralized network leveraging direct interactions between people
  • 31. Definition An Exponential Organization (ExO) is one whose impact (or output) is disproportionally large — at least 10x larger — compared to its peers because of the use of new organizational techniques that leverage exponential technologies.
  • 33. Attributes MTP The Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP) is the higher, aspirational purpose of the organization, capturing the hearts and minds of those both inside and (especially) outside of the organization.
  • 34. Attributes MTP Quirky - Quirky’s Massive Transformative Purpose is to ‘make invention accessible’. To enable this, they provide people with the possibility to go through a full product cycle in just 29 days instead of the normal 300 days.
  • 35. Attributes Staff on Demand Staff on Demand is a necessary characteristic for speed, functionality and flexibility in a fast-changing world. Rather than ‘owning’ employees, ExOs leverage external people for simple to complex work – even for mission critical processes.
  • 36. Attributes Staff on Demand Procter & Gamble - To check how and where its merchandise is being placed on Walmart shelves around the world, P&G uses the Gigwalk platform to instantly leverage thousands of people who are paid a few dollars.
  • 37. Attributes Community & Crowd Most ExOs are attracting and leveraging their community or the general public to scale. The crowd can be leveraged by harnessing creativity, innovation, validation and even funding.
  • 38. Attributes Community & Crowd GitHub - GitHub is an open source developer community with 6.5 million members and 14.2 million repositories. Its members rate and review the code of others and collaborate on further improving it.
  • 40. Attributes Algorithms As the world turns into data and information, ExOs are leveraging Algorithms, including Machine Learning and Deep Learning to get new insights about their customers and products.
  • 41. Attributes Algorithms UPS - 55,000 trucks in UPS’s American fleet make 16 million deliveries daily. By applying telematics and algorithms, UPS efficiently reroutes the trucks, saving 85 million miles a year, resulting in cost savings of $2.55 billion.
  • 42. Attributes Leveraged Assets Rather than trying to own assets, ExOs access, rent or share assets to stay nimble – outsourcing even mission critical assets. Leveraged assets are comprised of Cloud computing, Hackerspaces and assets from customers as input for business.
  • 43. Attributes Leveraged Assets Square - The popular Square payment device - currently valued at $5 billion - was prototyped at TechShop. The company did not have to buy expensive machinery to build the prototype but could use the assets TechShop provided.
  • 44. Attributes Engagement Engagement is comprised of digital reputation systems, gamification and incentive prizes, which create network effects and positive feedback loops.
  • 45. Attributes Engagement Allstate - The insurance company Allstate ran a contest on Kaggle to improve its Claim algorithm. It was bested in 3 days by 107 competing teams. When the contest ended, Allstate’s original algorithm had been improved 271%.
  • 46. Attributes Interfaces When implementing the externalities (SCALE), ExOs use customized filtering and matching processes – which we call Interfaces – to process the output of external attributes into the internal organization, using algorithms and workflow software.
  • 47. Attributes Interfaces Uber - Uber, the on-demand car service currently valued at $17 billion, uses interfaces to allow users to find and get matched with the best drivers. Because of this it costs Uber essentially zero to add an additional driver.
  • 48. Attributes Dashboards In order to measure and manage the performance of an ExO, a real-time, adaptable dashboard with essential company and employee metrics and short feedback loops is implemented – accessible to everyone in the organization. Lean value & growth metrics + learning metrics + OKRs
  • 49. Attributes Dashboards Google Ventures - Although only 5 years old, Google Ventures has $1.5 billion and 225 portfolio companies under management. It is considered one of the best VCs as it relies heavily on Lean metrics and OKRs.
  • 50. Attributes Experimentation ExOs use the Lean Startup methodology and other techniques inside different organizational departments to constantly experiment with new ideas and processes, culturally enabling risk-taking and failure. Processes are constantly being tweaked with fast feedback loops.
  • 51. Attributes Experimentation General Electric - GE implemented the FastWorks program inside their organization to stimulate innovation and experimentation. Currently 40,000 employees have joined the program, resulting in 300 pilot projects.
  • 52. Attributes ExOs have a flat organization, allowing self-organizing, multi-disciplinary teams and / or Autonomy individual employees to operate with decentralized authority. A good example of this trend is the Holacracy model.
  • 53. Attributes Autonomy Valve - Valve is a gaming company with a completely flat organization. Its 330 employees have full decision-making authority, which resulted in a higher revenue-per-employee number than competitors, even beating Apple & Google.
  • 54. Attributes Social Technology ExOs leverage collaborative tools, such as file sharing, activity streams, wikis, telepresence, virtual reality and emotional sensing to manage real time, zero latency conversations. When implemented it creates transparency and connectedness and lowers an organization’s information latency.
  • 55. Attributes Social Technology Atos - Atos estimated that their 80,000 employees spend 5-20 hours a week on e-mails while only 15% was considered useful. To reduce the e-mail load, the company started to use the internal network blueKiwi (20% reduction)
  • 57. I-D-E-A-S Promote Non-Political, More Human Organizations
  • 59. Best ExOs MTP Staff on Demand Interfaces Community & Crowd Dashboards Algorithms Experimentation Leveraged Assets Autonomy Engagement Social Google - The search giant has many initiatives that brought exponential growth, consider PageRank, Adwords, Google+ and Android. Or GoogleX with it’s innovative moonshot projects such as Glass and the autonomous car.
  • 60. Best ExOs MTP Staff on Demand Interfaces Community & Crowd Dashboards Algorithms Experimentation Leveraged Assets Autonomy Engagement Social GitHub - GitHub is an open source developer community with 6.5 million members and 14.2 million repositories. This is 109x more repositories per employee compared to its competitors.
  • 61. Best ExOs MTP Staff on Demand Interfaces Community & Crowd Dashboards Algorithms Experimentation Leveraged Assets Autonomy Engagement Social Airbnb - A community marketplace for accommodations active in 34,000 cities and 190 countries, currently worth $14 billion. With 800,000 listings worldwide, Airbnb has 90x more listings per employee than hotel chains such as Hyatt.
  • 62. Best ExOs MTP Staff on Demand Interfaces Community & Crowd Dashboards Algorithms Experimentation Leveraged Assets Autonomy Engagement Social Uber - It costs Uber essentially zero to add an additional car or driver to its fleet. Consider the impact when they move horizontally and offer new services: postal delivery, limo service, groceries, gifting, medical services, etc.
  • 63. Best ExOs MTP Staff on Demand Interfaces Community & Crowd Dashboards Algorithms Experimentation Leveraged Assets Autonomy Engagement Social Tesla - Automotive software company with 6,000 employees and a market value of $30 billion. This is more than half of either GM or Ford, who both have 200,000 employees. Cars update themselves every week via a download.
  • 64. Best ExOs MTP Staff on Demand Interfaces Community & Crowd Dashboards Algorithms Experimentation Leveraged Assets Autonomy Engagement Social Xiaomi - Low-end Android smartphone company, focusing on performance, quality and customer experience. Has a flat structure consisting of 4,300 employees of which 30% is in R&D.
  • 65. Best ExOs MTP Staff on Demand Interfaces Community & Crowd Dashboards Algorithms Experimentation Leveraged Assets Autonomy Engagement Social Kaggle - Platform that hosts algorithm contests in which 185,000+ data scientists compete for prizes and recognition. in every one of Kaggle's 150 contests to date, external data scientists have beaten the internal algorithms.
  • 66. Rent, don’t own assets, people & resources Takeaways Marginal cost of supply is dropping exponentially for the first time ever (besides marginal costs of demand) >>> double viral loops or network effects
  • 67. Startups vs. Corporates Source: Joi Ito, director MIT Media Lab
  • 70. Education from outside sources Board Management Implement Diversity Leadership Skills Strategies Transform Leadership Singularity University - One outside source is Singularity University. Its mission is to educate, inspire and empower leaders through its programs.
  • 71. Acquire Identify Partner Invest Strategies Leverage ExOs Acquire General Electric - GE identified Quirky as a valuable ExO. In 2013 they started a partnership by opening up GE patents. Recently GE also invested $30 million
  • 72. Incubators Accelerators Hackerspaces Create your own Strategies Leverage Ecosystem Telefonica - The mobile phone operator created Wayra: multiple global incubators that stimulate local ecosystems. Currently 400 startups are on board.
  • 73. ExO at the Edges Black Ops Team Copy GoogleX Strategies Disrupt [X] IDEO - The design firm realized they were open to disruption. They created a Black Ops Team with the challenge to disrupt itself, resulting in OpenIDEO
  • 74. Strategies Coca-Cola - Invested in rolling out Slingshot water purifiers and Exocenters, to bring 100 million liters of water to 45,000 people across 20 countries by 2015. Migrate towards an MTP S C A L E I D E A S ExO Lite
  • 75. Corporate Example MTP Staff on Demand Interfaces Community & Crowd Dashboards Algorithms Experimentation Leveraged Assets Autonomy Engagement Social ING Direct / Tangerine - Canadian bank that handles 1,800 customers and $40,000 in deposits per employee (7x and 4x improvement compared to other Canadian banks). Tangerine created Cafes to engage with the community.
  • 76. Corporate Example MTP Staff on Demand Interfaces Community & Crowd Dashboards Algorithms Experimentation Leveraged Assets Autonomy Engagement Social Haier - Chinese appliance maker with 80,000 employees organized in 2,000 self-managed units with decision-making authority. The company is constantly improving processes which contributed to $30 billion in sales for 2013 alone.
  • 78. ExO Market Cap improvement
  • 79. EXPONENTIAL ORGANIZATIONS (e)Book by Salim Ismail – Yuri van Geest – Peter Diamandis Michael Malone Amazon Bestseller 3 months in a row in pre-order phase First book published by Singularity University Press Go to to ORDER or take the FREE SURVEY
  • 80. SINGULARITY UNIVERSITY SUMMIT EUROPE 19-20 November 2014 | DeLaMar Theater Amsterdam Official European launch and presentation of the book Exponential Organizations Go to to BUY your tickets
  • 82. Yuri van Geest Co-Author Exponential Organizations +31 6 113 19 290 @vangeest

Editor's Notes

  1. to process the output of external attributes into the internal organization, using algorithms and workflow software