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Exploring Mobile Apps Categories
and Successful Mobile VAS
and Multimedia Applications
By ALI Saghaeian
Chief Analyst & Consultant
Telecoms, IT and Media
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
• What are different Mobile App Categories &
• Reviewing Successful Mobile VAS and Multimedia
• How to boost the consumption and increase
revenue monetization streams
• What APIs can Telcos offer
• Which Enterprise Apps are being Deployed/Used
• Pros and Cons for Providing Mobile Apps
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
• Communications as an important part of
smartphone usage
• Mobile data: traffic share by application type
• Operators’ Mobile App Functions
• Boosting consumption and increasing revenue
monetization streams
• Top APIs operators could implement
• Case Study: Network API Platform
• Making the most of enterprise apps
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Communications remains an important part of
smartphone usage... but its role is diminishing
Average time per day spent using various functions and apps on smartphones
[Analysys Mason and Nielsen, 2014]
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Mobile data: traffic share by application type
In 2014 video already represented almost half of the whole data traffic,
and for 2020 the percentage share is expected to increment
Browsing and audio do not affect much on the network traffic and social
networks are expected to keep the same traffic share (around 15%)
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Consumers continue to use apps
Penetration of top five communications apps in selected countries (smartphone owners only),
July/August 2015
Source: Analysys Mason - 2015
France Germany Spain UK USA South Korea
Skype Messenger WhatsApp SnapChat iMessage
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Composition of online communities changes
with penetration
Source: Analysys Mason - 2015
Average number of comms apps used, by age, Europe/USA/S Korea
Indicative usage of different comms apps in Spain Questions: various; n = 8270 0 0.51 1.52 2.53 3.518–24 25–34 35–44 45–54 55–64 65+ Average number of apps WhatsApp App communities in Spain 29%23% 33%Skype Facebook Messenger Snap Chat iMessage Viber LINE
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Operators’ Mobile App Functions
Source: Openet, 2015
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Operators’ Mobile App Functions (Continued)
Source: Openet, 2015
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Operators should be looking for growth in
consumer attention and identifying
service/partnership opportunities
Penetration of apps by category, and corresponding growth between 2011 and 2013;(2011: n =1079; 2013:n =1596)
TV and
Addressable market growth
Percentage of panellists
Penetration: 2011 2013 Growth
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Create new opportunities to boost the consumption
and increase revenue monetization streams
Case of Telecom Malaysia
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Can operators leverage the native interface
as a platform?
Time spent on smartphones by interface type [Source: Analysys Mason and Nielsen, 2015]
SK Telecom’s T-Phone 2.0 service
• Taxi apps
• Job search
• Used goods
• Restaurant apps
Third-party APIs
Internal APIs
• Real-time usage
• Directory services
Enhanced dialler experience
• Group calling
• Video calling
• Improved address book
• Safe-call feature
• Message pop-up (dialling)
Native dialler/SMS Device functions
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Operator APIs
App/Service Portfolio
Enable operators to exploit core Telco assets better.
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
What APIs can Telcos offer?
Capabilities Opportunities
Telco API
internal systems
billing, rating, charging
lower operational costs
payment services
calling identity and security
customer insight
customer profile
cloud call centers
enterprise cloud
communication enabled
business processes
directory fraud management
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Top APIs operators could implement
Telco Network APIs market is expected to account for $157 Billion in global
revenues worldwide by 2018 growing at a CAGR of 38% between 2013 and
Source: MindCommerce: Public advertisement for “Telecom Network API Marketplace: Strategy, Ecosystem, Players and Forecasts 2013-2018”
Click to call, meet me at my number, alerting, etc
Payment across goods & services
USSD in developing markets
Advertising with user profile under customer control
Presence & location enabled call centers
Number provisioning
Messaging enabled customer service & business
Other (Directory services, IVR, M2M, etc)
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Helping developers deliver the right
applications on the right device to over 100
Million customers
Case of AT&T Developer Program
•Online API Platform, AT&T ARO, Development Resources, Device Specs, SDK and Tools.
•Community and Support Live Chat, Forums, Webcast, Tech Support
•Events and Contests Developer Summit, Hackathons, Contests, Fun events
Access to all site information $99 gives you full access to all APIs , and One Million API-points per month. Example: 750K Speech API transactions per month without any additional cost. Diagnosis tools that help you efficiently implement apps that run faster. Sample code and Toolkits that simplify the integration, and speed-up your development. Development Tools Tons of Resources
Free Membership
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Case Study: AT&T API Platform
The API Platform exposes core capabilities through RESTful public APIs
•Free 90-day trial
•Competitive pricing: Annual fee of $99 grants access to all APIs on the platform and 1,000,000 calls per month.
–After 1,000,000 API calls a month, pay at the rate of only a penny per call
•Easy, self-service access to RESTful APIs
•Extensive documentation
•Tools and SDKs to ease development for HTML5 and native apps
•Sample apps and code
© 2013 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. 5 API CATALOG
•Speech (Speech-to-Text & Text-to-Speech)
•SMS & MMS Messaging
•Payment (with AT&T billing)
•Device Capabilities
•In-app Messaging from Mobile Number
•Call Management (Beta)
•Call Management with WebRTC
•Account Details
Test the Alpha APIs at
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Success Story: In-App Messaging from Mobile
Number (IMMN)
Send texts from the subscriber’s AT&T mobile number – and
keep users engaged in your app
No other U.S. carrier offers the ability to send SMS and MMS from a 3rd party site
to the mobile number of the sender – and have the message sent from the
subscriber’s mobile number.
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
TELUS API Offering: 75+ APIs and growing
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Overview of Orange API offers AMEA
priorities for 2015
Evolution of Orange Money into a Digital payment solution open to a selection of partners
Orange Money API
Evolution of Bulk SMS into a self-service, multi-country product allowing developers to easily send SMS to all Orange countries
Evolution of Premium SMS into a Digital payment solution, directly connected to Prepaid and Postpaid Orange accounts
Carrier Billing API
Multi-country USSD shop , open to partner services on a dedicated short code in a Kiosk model, and accessible through APIs
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Open API Hackathon – ideas summed up:
Case of Orange
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Development of new services: Case of
Internet of
Internet of
Data Operator API
Data Operator API Data Operator API
Orange is working on a data powered open platform for the development of
new services for enterprises and the mass market : Orange Datavenue
Smart Data Aggregation Platform
Enterprises Data Open Data
Data Cloud Storage
Data Connectors
User Profile
Rules Management B2B
IOT data aggregation platform
Flexible Data
Secured & isolated environments
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Telecom Italia: Network API Platform
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Service Exposure: APIs catalog & billing
Telecom Italia’s update on Network API Platform
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Making the most of enterprise apps:
managing the full lifecycle
Update / retire
Tack usage in real time
Push OTA
Discover in enterprise app store
Apply learning
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Which Enterprise Apps are being Deployed/Used
within Asian Telecom Operators?
* Doc sharing and E-mail are viewed as critical
apps accessed from tablets/smartphones
Web Conferencing
CRM and Business Intelligence
Social Media
Video Conferencing
Voice Based Apps (Softphones)
Documents and File Sharing
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
How Many Enterprise Mobile Applications are
being Deployed by Asian Telecom Operators?
85% deploy at least 1 app; 38% deploy between 1 to 10 apps
One to five
Six to 10
11 to 19
20 to 49
50 or more
Don’t know
Current Apps
New Apps During Next 12 months
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Who Are the Users of Enterprise Mobile Apps?
90% of all users have access to mobile apps, although it started with Office
management, it has spread to Sales and delivery personal
(e.g. personnel
in managerial
or executive
office workers
(e.g. analysts,
Field sales
Field service or
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Pros and Cons for Providing Mobile Apps to
Operators’ Employees
Companies deploy mobile apps for efficiency and productivity gains.
The strongest adoption barrier continues to be data security worries.
More efficient business
More productive employees
To keep up with our
To establish a competitive
To make more money
Results in cost savings
To enhance customer
Enables more employee
More satisfied employees
Data security concerns
High cost
Back-office integration
No real business need
Lack of executive support
Unclear ROI
Lack of internal resources
Resources toselect app(s)
Mobile device issues
Worker resistance
Ali.Saghaeian [at]
Any Questions?
Ali.Saghaeian [at]

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Exploring Mobile Apps Categories and Successful Mobile VAS and Multimedia Applications

  • 1. Exploring Mobile Apps Categories and Successful Mobile VAS and Multimedia Applications By ALI Saghaeian Chief Analyst & Consultant Telecoms, IT and Media Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 2. Objectives • What are different Mobile App Categories & Functions • Reviewing Successful Mobile VAS and Multimedia Applications • How to boost the consumption and increase revenue monetization streams • What APIs can Telcos offer • Which Enterprise Apps are being Deployed/Used • Pros and Cons for Providing Mobile Apps Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 3. Agenda • Communications as an important part of smartphone usage • Mobile data: traffic share by application type • Operators’ Mobile App Functions • Boosting consumption and increasing revenue monetization streams • Top APIs operators could implement • Case Study: Network API Platform • Making the most of enterprise apps Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 4. Communications remains an important part of smartphone usage... but its role is diminishing Average time per day spent using various functions and apps on smartphones [Analysys Mason and Nielsen, 2014] Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 5. Mobile data: traffic share by application type In 2014 video already represented almost half of the whole data traffic, and for 2020 the percentage share is expected to increment Browsing and audio do not affect much on the network traffic and social networks are expected to keep the same traffic share (around 15%) Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 6. Consumers continue to use apps Penetration of top five communications apps in selected countries (smartphone owners only), July/August 2015 Source: Analysys Mason - 2015 France Germany Spain UK USA South Korea Skype Messenger WhatsApp SnapChat iMessage Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 7. Composition of online communities changes with penetration Source: Analysys Mason - 2015 Average number of comms apps used, by age, Europe/USA/S Korea Indicative usage of different comms apps in Spain Questions: various; n = 8270 0 0.51 1.52 2.53 3.518–24 25–34 35–44 45–54 55–64 65+ Average number of apps WhatsApp App communities in Spain 29%23% 33%Skype Facebook Messenger Snap Chat iMessage Viber LINE Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 8. Operators’ Mobile App Functions Source: Openet, 2015 Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 9. Operators’ Mobile App Functions (Continued) Source: Openet, 2015 Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 10. Operators should be looking for growth in consumer attention and identifying service/partnership opportunities Penetration of apps by category, and corresponding growth between 2011 and 2013;(2011: n =1079; 2013:n =1596) Social networking Productivity Gaming TV and video Commerce Music Financial services Health Addressable market growth Percentage of panellists Penetration: 2011 2013 Growth Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 11. Create new opportunities to boost the consumption and increase revenue monetization streams Case of Telecom Malaysia Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 12. Can operators leverage the native interface as a platform? Time spent on smartphones by interface type [Source: Analysys Mason and Nielsen, 2015] SK Telecom’s T-Phone 2.0 service • Taxi apps • Job search • Used goods • Restaurant apps Third-party APIs Internal APIs • Real-time usage • Directory services Enhanced dialler experience • Group calling • Video calling • Improved address book • Safe-call feature • Message pop-up (dialling) Interface Native dialler/SMS Device functions Browser Apps Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 13. Operator APIs 9 App/Service Portfolio Enable operators to exploit core Telco assets better. Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 14. What APIs can Telcos offer? Capabilities Opportunities Telco API internal systems billing, rating, charging lower operational costs payment services calling identity and security location customer insight customer profile cloud call centers enterprise cloud messaging device CRM VAS personalization hypervoice communication enabled business processes directory fraud management Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 15. Top APIs operators could implement Telco Network APIs market is expected to account for $157 Billion in global revenues worldwide by 2018 growing at a CAGR of 38% between 2013 and 2018 Source: MindCommerce: Public advertisement for “Telecom Network API Marketplace: Strategy, Ecosystem, Players and Forecasts 2013-2018” Click to call, meet me at my number, alerting, etc Payment across goods & services USSD in developing markets Advertising with user profile under customer control Presence & location enabled call centers Number provisioning Messaging enabled customer service & business processes Other (Directory services, IVR, M2M, etc) Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 16. Helping developers deliver the right applications on the right device to over 100 Million customers Case of AT&T Developer Program •Online API Platform, AT&T ARO, Development Resources, Device Specs, SDK and Tools. •Community and Support Live Chat, Forums, Webcast, Tech Support •Events and Contests Developer Summit, Hackathons, Contests, Fun events Access to all site information $99 gives you full access to all APIs , and One Million API-points per month. Example: 750K Speech API transactions per month without any additional cost. Diagnosis tools that help you efficiently implement apps that run faster. Sample code and Toolkits that simplify the integration, and speed-up your development. Development Tools Tons of Resources Free Membership Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 17. Case Study: AT&T API Platform The API Platform exposes core capabilities through RESTful public APIs •Free 90-day trial •Competitive pricing: Annual fee of $99 grants access to all APIs on the platform and 1,000,000 calls per month. –After 1,000,000 API calls a month, pay at the rate of only a penny per call •Easy, self-service access to RESTful APIs •Extensive documentation •Tools and SDKs to ease development for HTML5 and native apps •Sample apps and code © 2013 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. 5 API CATALOG •Speech (Speech-to-Text & Text-to-Speech) •SMS & MMS Messaging •Payment (with AT&T billing) •Location •Device Capabilities •In-app Messaging from Mobile Number •Advertising •Call Management (Beta) IN ALPHA TESTING •Call Management with WebRTC •Account Details Test the Alpha APIs at Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 18. Success Story: In-App Messaging from Mobile Number (IMMN) Send texts from the subscriber’s AT&T mobile number – and keep users engaged in your app No other U.S. carrier offers the ability to send SMS and MMS from a 3rd party site to the mobile number of the sender – and have the message sent from the subscriber’s mobile number. Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 19. TELUS API Offering: 75+ APIs and growing Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 20. Overview of Orange API offers AMEA priorities for 2015 Evolution of Orange Money into a Digital payment solution open to a selection of partners Orange Money API Evolution of Bulk SMS into a self-service, multi-country product allowing developers to easily send SMS to all Orange countries SMS A2P API Evolution of Premium SMS into a Digital payment solution, directly connected to Prepaid and Postpaid Orange accounts Carrier Billing API Multi-country USSD shop , open to partner services on a dedicated short code in a Kiosk model, and accessible through APIs USSD Shop API Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 21. Open API Hackathon – ideas summed up: Case of Orange Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 22. Development of new services: Case of Orange 34 Connected devices Internet of Machines Internet of Objects IoT API Data Operator API IoT API Data Operator API Data Operator API Orange is working on a data powered open platform for the development of new services for enterprises and the mass market : Orange Datavenue Smart Data Aggregation Platform Enterprises Data Open Data Data Data Cloud Storage Data Connectors Privacy Authentication User Profile Rules Management B2B B2B2C Developers IOT data aggregation platform Liveobjects Flexible Data Secured & isolated environments Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 23. Telecom Italia: Network API Platform Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 24. Service Exposure: APIs catalog & billing models Telecom Italia’s update on Network API Platform Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 25. Making the most of enterprise apps: managing the full lifecycle Deploy Monitor Fix Analyze Update / retire Users Time Frequency Activities Crashes Bugs Tack usage in real time Push OTA Discover in enterprise app store Apply learning Wipe Off-board Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 26. Which Enterprise Apps are being Deployed/Used within Asian Telecom Operators? * Doc sharing and E-mail are viewed as critical apps accessed from tablets/smartphones Web Conferencing CRM and Business Intelligence Social Media Collaboration Video Conferencing Voice Based Apps (Softphones) Email Documents and File Sharing Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 27. How Many Enterprise Mobile Applications are being Deployed by Asian Telecom Operators? 85% deploy at least 1 app; 38% deploy between 1 to 10 apps None One to five apps Six to 10 apps 11 to 19 apps 20 to 49 apps 50 or more apps Don’t know Current Apps New Apps During Next 12 months Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 28. Who Are the Users of Enterprise Mobile Apps? 90% of all users have access to mobile apps, although it started with Office management, it has spread to Sales and delivery personal Office management (e.g. personnel in managerial or executive roles) Mainstream office workers (e.g. analysts, professionals, administration, etc.) Field sales personnel Field service or delivery personnel Other Ali.Saghaeian [at]
  • 29. Pros and Cons for Providing Mobile Apps to Operators’ Employees Companies deploy mobile apps for efficiency and productivity gains. The strongest adoption barrier continues to be data security worries. More efficient business processes More productive employees To keep up with our competition To establish a competitive advantage To make more money Results in cost savings To enhance customer engagement Enables more employee collaboration More satisfied employees Data security concerns High cost Back-office integration concerns No real business need Lack of executive support Unclear ROI Lack of internal resources Resources toselect app(s) Mobile device issues Worker resistance Ali.Saghaeian [at]