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DevOps and Agile: AppDynamics in
Continuous Integration Environments
Steve Sturtevant, Senior Sales Engineer
Dynamic Monitoring in Agile and DevOps
Steve Sturtevant, Senior Sales Engineer
Session agenda
Goals of Today’s Session
•  The Importance of Technology Agility
•  What are the Challenges of a Highly Agile Software Environment?
•  How does APM Enable Software Agility
•  Deep-dive: AppDynamics in a Continuously Integrating Environment
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 3
A quick bio, and relevant experiences
•  Performance and Software Engineer for last 15-years
•  Product Manager in the APM Space
•  Lead Performance Engineer for PayPal’s Middleware Team
•  Senior Sales Engineer at AppDynamics
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 4

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Monitoring and Instrumentation Strategies: Tips and Best Practices - AppSphere16
Monitoring and Instrumentation Strategies: Tips and Best Practices - AppSphere16Monitoring and Instrumentation Strategies: Tips and Best Practices - AppSphere16
Monitoring and Instrumentation Strategies: Tips and Best Practices - AppSphere16

This document discusses different ways to instrument software applications for monitoring purposes. It begins with definitions of instrumentation and telemetry. It then discusses the different types of data that can be collected through instrumentation like metrics and events. It describes how to instrument various parts of applications including the frontend like browsers and mobile apps as well as the backend for languages like Java, .NET, Node.js and PHP. It provides best practices for instrumentation and logging. Finally, it discusses challenges with correlating data across distributed systems and some open source options and solutions for transaction correlation.

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AppSphere 15 - AppDynamics: Beyond APM - Building an Operations Center
AppSphere 15 - AppDynamics: Beyond APM - Building an Operations CenterAppSphere 15 - AppDynamics: Beyond APM - Building an Operations Center
AppSphere 15 - AppDynamics: Beyond APM - Building an Operations Center

In this service defined world where businesses are powered by software, delivering exceptional end user experience has become the top priority for modern enterprises. DevOps collaboration has become key for enterprises to deliver their services in a lean and agile manner while ensuring the best end-user experience. Entertainment Partners started its journey with AppDynamics APM by monitoring applications in production to solve problems faster and to ensure a stable operating platform; during the last year, they have taken their APM solution past the barrier by using it earlier in their application lifecycle for enabling DevOps collaboration and continuous delivery of their applications. Most importantly, AppDynamics has become a focal “single painted glass” for operationalizing the support lifecycle of our critical services. Join this session and learn from Entertainment Partners as they share the best practices from their journey of starting with APM and then evolving to DevOps with “single painted glass” AppDynamics Solution. This deck was originally presented at AppSphere 2015.

AppSphere 15 - Breaking the News: Delivering Content with Actionable Performa...
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AppSphere 15 - Breaking the News: Delivering Content with Actionable Performa...

Learn how Gannett used AppDynamics to make performance data actionable so product and development teams could collaborate to resolve issues faster by knowing exactly what the impact is of a performance problem and where to look to resolve it with correlated server side snapshots and combined Real-User and Synthetic monitoring to provide: -Consistent/Repeatable data for more sensitive and faster alerting -Deeper diagnostic data -Very specific availability/functionality monitoring of critical user flows -Assertions on page content/behavior -Dynamic baselines for tighter and more realistic performance thresholds This deck was originally presented at AppSphere 2015

The Importance (and Challenges) of
PayPal Revamped Processes, PAAS and Dev to
Deploy 7x Faster, Why?
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 6
“We did it primarily for agility”, Sri Shavananda, VP for Global Platform and
Infrastructure [Paypal Revamps Datacenter for Agility]
•  To respond to high-profile competitors, PayPal needs to innovate faster
–  Launching a small service previously required more than 3-weeks, and 100 tickets
–  A transition to Agile and cloud based infrastructure increased velocity by 7x
–  Adoption of Node.js led to cycle time reductions, approximately 33% less code [
Increasingly competitive markets require agility
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 7
PayPal Revamped its Process and Data Center to Deploy 7x Faster, Why?
•  “We did it primarily for agility”, Sri Shavananda, VP for Global Platform and
Infrastructure [Paypal Revamps Datacenter for Agility]
•  To respond to high-profile competitors, PayPal needs to innovate faster
–  Launching a small service previously required more than 3-weeks, and 100 tickets
–  A transition to Agile and cloud based infrastructure increased velocity by 7x
–  Adoption of Node.js led to cycle time reductions, approximately 33% less code [node-js-at-paypal]
Mitigating challenges of being agile
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What factors influence agility and pave the way for DevOps?
•  Culture that is risk accepting
•  Automation that enables software velocity
•  Lean streamlined processes
•  Metrics data-driven decision making
•  Sharing collaboration

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AutoTrader has many tools to help solve problems, but they didn’t quite have them all. Their tool-belt was exceptionally stocked, but they were just missing that one key tool to help them really excel at rooting out their issues: AppDynamics helped fill that gap. Many of AutoTrader’s systems were already being supported by competing products, but after giving the product a few weeks to prove itself, it became very clear that AppDynamics was able to provide new insight into systems that were missed by other tools. The product has helped AutoTrader in many ways including reducing time-to-resolution for outages, rooting out inefficient code, and optimizing their services. These optimizations have led to a better customer experience, easier troubleshooting for support, and increased stability across all their platforms. This deck was originally presented at AppsSphere 2015.

How Q2 eBanking Maximizes Customer Experience for a Hyper-Growth SaaS Platfor...
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How Q2 eBanking Maximizes Customer Experience for a Hyper-Growth SaaS Platfor...

Q2 eBanking partners with financial institutions that want to leverage the power of virtual banking to grow accounts, increase market share, and become more influential within the communities they serve. This session will explore the challenges and importance of innovating operationally to better manage user experience in a hyper-growth SaaS platform. Review a proven decision process and goals in rolling out AppDynamics at Q2, hear experiences in automating deployments across a large and complex environment spanning hundreds of unique customers and thousands of servers, and gain insight into key wins and experiences Q2 has had since deploying AppDynamics. Key takeaways: o Automation strategies for deploying AppDynamics rapidly across a large, multi-tenant SaaS platform o Best practices for leveraging AppDynamics to increase collaboration between development and operations o Success stories and practical lessons learned in the first nine months implementing a large AppDynamics deployment For more information, go to:

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Webinar - Building Custom Extensions With AppDynamics
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Webinar - Building Custom Extensions With AppDynamics

The webinar discusses how to build custom extensions for AppDynamics to import additional metrics. It covers writing script and Java extensions, configuring extensions, and best practices. The presenter demonstrates extensions that count files and import metrics from Linux collectd. Attendees learn how extensions plug into the machine agent and use custom metrics in dashboards and health rules.

How Does APM Enable Agility?
Pillars of an agile monitoring strategy
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved.
1.  As our code and architecture rapidly changes, does our monitoring dynamically
2.  Can we quantify the impact of changes, can we drive improvements from our
3.  Can we proactively detect degradations, and notify across multiple channels?
4.  Can we derive observation into business performance?
What techniques will we apply?
•  Deployment Automation
•  Jenkins Integration, Release Tagging
•  Integration Within Existing Processes and Platforms
•  Defining Performance KPIs, Health Policies
•  Correlating to Business Performance Metrics (BPI)
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 11
Incorporating APM as a part of the overall DevOps Ecosystem
Deep-dive into AppDynamics in a CI Environment

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How The Container Store uses AppDynamics in their development lifecycle
How The Container Store uses AppDynamics in their development lifecycleHow The Container Store uses AppDynamics in their development lifecycle
How The Container Store uses AppDynamics in their development lifecycle

The Container Store uses AppDynamics in their development lifecycle to gain visibility into their test environments and applications, set performance expectations before production deployments, and decrease performance test result reporting times. Some benefits included being able to identify testing requirements and gaps, fine tune alert policies prior to production, and getting results in 20 minutes instead of 5 hours. The presentation provided best practices around continuous monitoring, testing, and collaboration between development, operations, and business teams.

development lifecycleapplication performanceappdynamics
How the World Bank Standardized on AppDynamics as its Enterprise-Wide APM Sol...
How the World Bank Standardized on AppDynamics as its Enterprise-Wide APM Sol...How the World Bank Standardized on AppDynamics as its Enterprise-Wide APM Sol...
How the World Bank Standardized on AppDynamics as its Enterprise-Wide APM Sol...

This session will describe in detail why the World Bank chose AppDynamics for its Application Performance Management (APM) solution to align with its revamped enterprise monitoring strategy. The World Bank historically had many monitoring tools that were implemented in silos. Hear straight from this customer about the benefits of a consistent enterprise monitoring strategy in the wake of a tools consolidation. Key takeaways: o Benefits that the World Bank achieved by consolidating monitoring tools o Overall monitoring strategy and the value proposition AppDynamics allowed the World Bank to realize o Using AppDynamics every day for faster problem resolution and rapid service restoration For more information go to:

as16 - all slidesas16 - customer presentationas16 - technical case studies
Complete Visibility into Docker Containers with AppDynamics
Complete Visibility into Docker Containers with AppDynamicsComplete Visibility into Docker Containers with AppDynamics
Complete Visibility into Docker Containers with AppDynamics

This document discusses AppDynamics' capabilities for monitoring Docker containers: - AppDynamics provides unified monitoring of applications running in Docker containers, allowing visibility into both application and Docker metrics from a single interface. - An extension is available that collects Docker metrics using the Docker Remote API and displays them alongside application data in AppDynamics' dashboards. - A demo environment on GitHub contains an example of an application deployed in Docker containers that can be monitored end-to-end using AppDynamics.

Our sample payments app
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REST RESTBrowser Web Server
Services Payments
Source CI Pipelines Application Intelligence
Triggers Tags
Thank You
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How Oceanwide Accelerated its DevOps Adoption Journey with AppDynamics - AppS...
How Oceanwide Accelerated its DevOps Adoption Journey with AppDynamics - AppS...How Oceanwide Accelerated its DevOps Adoption Journey with AppDynamics - AppS...
How Oceanwide Accelerated its DevOps Adoption Journey with AppDynamics - AppS...

Oceanwide started its AppDynamics journey three years ago and relies heavily on it for its investigations of critical issues. Its usage—a mix of proactive alerting and reactive usage—has allowed Oceanwide to reach high standards of availability. Striving to adopt a DevOps culture, the broader adoption of AppDynamics across the company is a key focus. In this session, we will discuss how to work with developers and QA staff in their adoption of AppDynamics as well as key initiatives that enable them to use the solution as a common language when interacting with the operations team. Key takeaways: o How to promote and nurture the adoption of AppDynamics in developer and QA scrums o Key elements of a successful DevOps cell built around AppDynamics o How to establish AppDynamics as the common language between development, QA, and operations For more information go to:”

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From APM to Business Monitoring with AppDynamics Analytics
From APM to Business Monitoring with AppDynamics AnalyticsFrom APM to Business Monitoring with AppDynamics Analytics
From APM to Business Monitoring with AppDynamics Analytics

Understand how to expand your application performance monitoring to include business intelligence by harnessing Transaction and Log analytics provided in the AppDynamics Analytics plugin.

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2015 Automic Automation Heroes
2015 Automic Automation Heroes2015 Automic Automation Heroes
2015 Automic Automation Heroes

The document summarizes the 2015 Automation Hero Awards held by Automic World in Scottsdale, AZ. 24 candidates from around the world submitted examples of how they used Automic in innovative ways to accomplish automation feats across various industries. Community members voted on the submissions. The top 3 winners were: 3rd place went to Nir Cohen for automating Windows agent installation; 2nd place went to Rick Chen for unified scheduling of over 3,000 jobs; and 1st place went to Joel Polster for enabling self-service provisioning of full environments on-demand for testing within 20 minutes.

aw2015_usautomicautomic world 2015
Uniform table layout (example 1)
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Tying Automation to the Line of Business
Tying Automation to the Line of BusinessTying Automation to the Line of Business
Tying Automation to the Line of Business

The document discusses several use cases for automating business processes using the Automic Automation Platform. It describes automating social media for event marketing, commercial finance processes, customer onboarding for mobile operators, outage response and customer communication, employee access control, disaster recovery testing, and supply chain replenishment. Central benefits highlighted include reduced costs, improved customer experience, increased visibility and control.

automationautomic world 2015automic
Getting Additional Value from Logs and APM Data with AppDynamics Unified Anal...
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Join this session to hear the details about AppDynamics Unified Analytics, including the latest features and architecture. Gain the information you need to understand how to use your data effectively to improve your software, operations, and business performance, whether you're in DevOps, IT ops, application support, engineering, or product management. Deep dive into architecture and technology and how the product scales. Key takeaways: o New features and key technological advances such as advanced searches, smart insight, streaming, and centralized log configuration management For more information, go to:

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Getting More Out of the Node.js, PHP, and Python Agents - AppSphere16
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Getting More Out of the Node.js, PHP, and Python Agents - AppSphere16

Hear from our product management and engineering teams about three topics that will help you unlock more value from our dynamic languages agents: • Diagnosing a slow business transaction in Node.js • Using the agent APIs to create custom transactions and exit calls • Getting the Java proxy out of your Docker containers and connecting multiple agents to one proxy For more information, go to:

as16 - appdynamics presentationas16 - product deep divesas16 - all slides
12-month timeline
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Sample Harvey Balls
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Solution-oriented information
Segment-specific content
Overall navigation / ease-of-use
Total 4 2.75 1.75
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AppSphere 15 - DevOps and Agile: AppDynamics in Continuous Integration Environments
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 24

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AppSphere 15 - Achieving Stability and End-to-End Monitoring

This deck outlines what needs to be built in terms of data extraction, analytics, and other open source technologies. Finally, we’ll also discuss commercial alternatives and what features and functions are critical when monitoring micro-services based applications. Attendees of this session will walk away with a clear understanding of: -What is changing with software, and why? -What challenges are faced with these changes? -How to overcome these challenges. This deck was originally presented at AppSphere 2015.

Best Practices and Advanced Insights on Browser RUM Users - AppSphere16
Best Practices and Advanced Insights on Browser RUM Users - AppSphere16Best Practices and Advanced Insights on Browser RUM Users - AppSphere16
Best Practices and Advanced Insights on Browser RUM Users - AppSphere16

AppDynamics Browser RUM is a handy tool for getting insight into customers and their experience. In this session we'll explore aggregated data collected from AppDynamics' SaaS cloud that will give you insight into the end-user experience across the customer base. Then we'll show you how you can use end-user monitoring tools to see how you measure up against your peers and identify opportunities to optimize your performance. As an added bonus we'll share some data on you, AppDynamics users. It's always valuable to understand how you are like and not like your customers. Key takeaways: o The typical page load time of an end user across the AppDynamics customer base o How AppDynamics Browser RUM can be used to understand how your application performs now and make it go faster o The adoption of major browsers and devices of enterprise customers in different geographies vs. AppDynamics users For more information, go to:

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Journey into dev ops
Journey into dev opsJourney into dev ops
Journey into dev ops

The document discusses Barclays' Quantum program for automating build and release processes. It outlines how Quantum aims to log code changes, build code using Jenkins, store builds in Nexus, and automatically deploy builds. Diagrams show how various tools like Sonar, Fortify, and Nexus integrate into the build and release workflows. The document also discusses testing with tools like HexaWise, managing environments with Evolven, and planning with tools like RTC. It describes how Quantum brings these tools and processes together to enable continuous delivery through automated, self-service deployment with no manual touch points.

Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 25
Thank You

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AppSphere 15 - DevOps and Agile: AppDynamics in Continuous Integration Environments

  • 1. DevOps and Agile: AppDynamics in Continuous Integration Environments Steve Sturtevant, Senior Sales Engineer
  • 2. Dynamic Monitoring in Agile and DevOps Environments Steve Sturtevant, Senior Sales Engineer
  • 3. Session agenda Goals of Today’s Session •  The Importance of Technology Agility •  What are the Challenges of a Highly Agile Software Environment? •  How does APM Enable Software Agility •  Deep-dive: AppDynamics in a Continuously Integrating Environment Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 3
  • 4. Bio A quick bio, and relevant experiences •  Performance and Software Engineer for last 15-years •  Product Manager in the APM Space •  Lead Performance Engineer for PayPal’s Middleware Team •  Senior Sales Engineer at AppDynamics Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 4
  • 5. The Importance (and Challenges) of Agility
  • 6. PayPal Revamped Processes, PAAS and Dev to Deploy 7x Faster, Why? Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 6 “We did it primarily for agility��, Sri Shavananda, VP for Global Platform and Infrastructure [Paypal Revamps Datacenter for Agility] •  To respond to high-profile competitors, PayPal needs to innovate faster –  Launching a small service previously required more than 3-weeks, and 100 tickets –  A transition to Agile and cloud based infrastructure increased velocity by 7x –  Adoption of Node.js led to cycle time reductions, approximately 33% less code [ node-js-at-paypal]
  • 7. Increasingly competitive markets require agility Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 7 PayPal Revamped its Process and Data Center to Deploy 7x Faster, Why? •  “We did it primarily for agility”, Sri Shavananda, VP for Global Platform and Infrastructure [Paypal Revamps Datacenter for Agility] •  To respond to high-profile competitors, PayPal needs to innovate faster –  Launching a small service previously required more than 3-weeks, and 100 tickets –  A transition to Agile and cloud based infrastructure increased velocity by 7x –  Adoption of Node.js led to cycle time reductions, approximately 33% less code [node-js-at-paypal]
  • 8. Mitigating challenges of being agile Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 8 What factors influence agility and pave the way for DevOps? •  Culture that is risk accepting •  Automation that enables software velocity •  Lean streamlined processes •  Metrics data-driven decision making •  Sharing collaboration
  • 9. How Does APM Enable Agility?
  • 10. Pillars of an agile monitoring strategy Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 1.  As our code and architecture rapidly changes, does our monitoring dynamically adapt? 2.  Can we quantify the impact of changes, can we drive improvements from our observations? 3.  Can we proactively detect degradations, and notify across multiple channels? 4.  Can we derive observation into business performance? Adaptive Monitoring Quantifying Change Proactive Detection Business Impact
  • 11. What techniques will we apply? •  Deployment Automation •  Jenkins Integration, Release Tagging •  Integration Within Existing Processes and Platforms •  Defining Performance KPIs, Health Policies •  Correlating to Business Performance Metrics (BPI) Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 11 Incorporating APM as a part of the overall DevOps Ecosystem
  • 12. DEMO Deep-dive into AppDynamics in a CI Environment
  • 13. Our sample payments app Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 13 HTTP JDBC REST RESTBrowser Web Server Database Services Payments Source CI Pipelines Application Intelligence Triggers Tags
  • 15. Text example Lead-in sentence goes in this spot. Arial font, no period at the end •  First level demotion has a round bullet –  Second level demotion has a standard en-dash •  All demotion levels should use the same font size Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 15 Note: Slide titles are in sentence case -  NOT IN UPPERCASE -  Not In Title Caps Note: Page numbers should appear on every page with limited exception
  • 16. Color palette Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 16 Font colors All theme colors are approved in the AppDynamics palette The main Grey, Green and Blue form our primary palette When you create a shape, the default fill color will be grey Do not use graduated fills in shapes! You may not introduce colors that are not approved. If you need an additional color, please contact Creative Services
  • 17. Uniform table layout (example 1) Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 17 Main Point •  Bullet -  Dash Main Point •  Bullet -  Dash Main Point •  Bullet -  Dash Main Point •  Bullet -  Dash Main Point •  Bullet -  Dash Use this one column layout to help categorize main points
  • 18. Uniform table layout (example 2) Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 18 Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Heading 1 Heading 2 Use this two column layout to help categorize main points
  • 19. Uniform table layout (example 3) Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 19 Subheading Text Text Text Subheading Text Text Text Heading 1 Heading 2 Use this layout when your table requires subheadings Subheading Text Text Text Subheading Text Text Text
  • 20. Column chart 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 20 Note: Use two-dimensional graphs only. Avoid color gradients in bars within charts or graphs
  • 21. 12-month timeline Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 21 DecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJan 2016 Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Bars may be written in or left blank
  • 22. Sample Harvey Balls Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 22 4 = Excellent 3 = Good 0 = None1 = Poor2 = Fair Vendor 1 Vendor 3Vendor 2 Updated Deep, accessible product information Solution-oriented information Segment-specific content Overall navigation / ease-of-use Total 4 2.75 1.75 Note: The Harvey Balls are images and may be recolored. Simply double click the image and use the Recolor option in the ‘Format Picture’ menu
  • 24. Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 24
  • 25. Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 25