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Code Smells
Developing Design Sense for your Code
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Phone game:
Dr. Pigeon diagnosis cancer
15 days of training
85% successful
University of Iowa
Sparrows Decks

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Cutting code quickly
Cutting code quicklyCutting code quickly
Cutting code quickly

Test Commit Revert / GildedRoseKata / ApprovalTests / Combination Tests / Lift Conditional / Provable Refactoring

The falco technical coaching framework
The falco technical coaching frameworkThe falco technical coaching framework
The falco technical coaching framework

6 techniques to create lasting behaviour. * 2 week iterations * 2 hour mobs * Retrospectives * Learning Hour * Lunches * Daily Status Emails

#mobprogramming #agile #leancoffee
Expressive objects
Expressive objectsExpressive objects
Expressive objects

The document discusses different data formats for representing a book including XML, JSON, YAML, simple/CSV/tabbed text formats, and a C++ operator overload format. It also provides resources for approval testing and mob programming.

#approvaltests #tostring
Sparrows Decks
Time to find things
Developing design sense of code smells

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Roi on learning hour
Roi on learning hourRoi on learning hour
Roi on learning hour

This document discusses the return on investment (ROI) of dedicating time each day to learning and self-improvement. It notes that small gains over time, such as dedicating just one hour per day or improving skills by 1% each month, can lead to exponential growth when compounded over months and years. Various learning techniques and formats are presented such as mob programming, pair programming, and workshops. The importance of cultivating a learning culture at work is emphasized.

Mob programming
Mob programmingMob programming
Mob programming

This document discusses mob programming, where all team members work together on the same task at the same time. Key aspects include having a designated driver who writes code while others navigate and collaborate. Benefits highlighted are bringing together diverse perspectives and skills to solve problems faster and with higher quality. Mob programming encourages learning, idea sharing, and focusing on work quality over individual credit. It works best when team size allows everyone to actively contribute.

Mob testing
Mob testingMob testing
Mob testing

The document discusses how mob programming can be applied to testing to amplify its impact. Mob testing involves having testers, programmers, and test automators work together simultaneously on testing. It provides several benefits like automated testing, exploratory testing, feedback, understanding, and serendipity. The document provides examples of applying mob testing to exploratory testing, automated testing, and production code. It emphasizes benefits like shared learning, insights, handling problems, and producing the best quality work through collaboration.

mob programmingexploratory testingsoftware testing
Patterns in the code
Developing design sense of code smells
Long lines
if (fullName.StartsWith(hintAssemblyName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
&& stream != null && BrowserInteropHelper.IsBrowserHosted || (loadedAssembly.Full

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What does it look like to be a 10 times more productive person? it's more complicated that just 10 times more.

Strong Style Pairing
Strong Style PairingStrong Style Pairing
Strong Style Pairing

This document summarizes a presentation on strong-style pairing by Llewellyn Falco and Maaret Pyhäjärvi. It introduces the concepts of strong-style pairing versus traditional pairing. Examples are provided of exercises done in strong-style pairing, including navigating, language demos, and coding FizzBuzz. Benefits of strong-style pairing include rapid learning, increased productivity over time, and addressing traditional problems with pairing like disengagement or slowing people down. Homework is assigned to initiate pairing with a new person.

mob programmingagilepair programming
Exploratory and Unit Testing
Exploratory and Unit TestingExploratory and Unit Testing
Exploratory and Unit Testing

This document discusses collaborative exploratory and unit testing. It introduces mob programming where testers work together in real-time. Exploratory testing focuses on exploring a product to uncover unexpected issues while unit testing verifies specific functionality. The document provides an overview of exploratory testing skills and frameworks as well as challenges of testing like non-deterministic behaviors. It emphasizes the power of collaboration between testers with different skills and perspectives.

& Readability
if (fullName.StartsWith(hintAssemblyName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
&& stream != null && BrowserInteropHelper.IsBrowserHosted || (loadedAssembly.Full
if (isAssemblyAvailable())
Long Methods
// If a license key has been located...
if (licenseKey != null) {
// Decrypt
licenseKey = ActiproLicenseProvider.DecryptString(licenseKey, encryptionKey);
// Find the licensee and license key
string[] licenseKeyData = licenseKey.Split(new Char[] { ';' });
if (BrowserInteropHelper.IsBrowserHosted) {
// XBAP licensing uses required assembly / licensee / license key
// Ensure that the specified assembly is in the AppDomain
string requiredAssemblyName = licenseKeyData[0].Trim();
Assembly[] assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
bool assemblyFound = false;
foreach (Assembly loadedAssembly in assemblies) {
if (loadedAssembly.FullName.StartsWith(requiredAssemblyName + ",", StringCompari
assemblyFound = true;
if ((assemblyFound) && (plainTextLicensee == licenseKeyData[2]) && (String.Compare
// Assembly was found so use license data
licensee = licenseKeyData[2];
licenseKey = licenseKeyData[1];
sourceLocation = ActiproLicenseSourceLocation.AssemblySavedContext;
else {
// Regular licensing just uses licensee / license key
licensee = licenseKeyData[1];
licenseKey = licenseKeyData[0];
sourceLocation = ActiproLicenseSourceLocation.AssemblySavedContext;
& Readability

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Increase testability with code seams
Increase testability with code seamsIncrease testability with code seams
Increase testability with code seams

This document discusses ways to increase testability through code seams. It recommends separating code into functional and non-functional pieces, and extracting the functional pieces. This allows the functional code to be tested in isolation without external dependencies. Specific techniques mentioned include peeling away non-functional layers and slicing functional logic from surrounding code. Examples show how to make code more deterministic and remove reliance on global state, dates, and other uncontrollable variables to improve testability.

testingtddunit tests
Advanced unit testing
Advanced unit testingAdvanced unit testing
Advanced unit testing

The document discusses different types of unit testing including approval testing, combinatorial testing, theory testing, executable query testing, testing routes, custom patterns, multithreaded testing, and testing event wiring. Theory testing involves generating test cases, testing a theory against each case, and recording any failures. Executable query testing verifies that queries pass, increases complexity, provides feedback on failures, and compares original and current results.

The curse of knowledge
The curse of knowledgeThe curse of knowledge
The curse of knowledge

The document provides instructions for an activity that requires some skill but is easy to learn. It mentions that one may need to try several times to be successful, but complications are minimal once successful. The activity works best with lots of room and can be peaceful without complications, though rain can interfere and having too many people doing the same thing nearby can also cause problems. A rock is recommended as an anchor, but there is no second chance if things break loose from it.

Merge Conflict
Bad Names
Time to Onboard New Employees

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Approval testing from basic to advanced
Approval testing   from basic to advancedApproval testing   from basic to advanced
Approval testing from basic to advanced

The document discusses patterns for more powerful asserts when doing approval testing. It outlines 7 approaches to asserting values in approval tests, moving from simple number and string assertions to more complex objects, files, automatically generated names, custom verification methods, and using diff tools to compare outputs on failure. The goal is to make approval testing more expressive and tests less cluttered while still using normal test scenarios.

Intentional code
Intentional codeIntentional code
Intentional code

This document contains code samples in multiple programming languages that implement the "99 Bottles of Beer" song. Code examples are provided in Haskell, Ruby, Java, SmallBasic, and other languages. Each implementation shows a different approach to modeling the song and counting down bottles of beer in a concise yet readable way.

Strategy agile games 2015
Strategy   agile games 2015Strategy   agile games 2015
Strategy agile games 2015

This document discusses strategies for games and strategies. It touches on several topics: - The importance of games for immersion, fun, and practice for life - Different strategies like just-in-time rules versus big upfront rules - The idea that it is in playing the game that we discover what game we must play - Common strategies like stating the obvious, using your advantages, and changing the game - The concept of a dominant strategy and examples like the Prisoner's Dilemma

Developing design sense of code smells

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Getting existing code under tests
Getting existing code under testsGetting existing code under tests
Getting existing code under tests

This document discusses getting existing code under tests and the benefits of unit testing. It provides examples of code and questions to test understanding of unit testing and functional vs non-functional testing. Functional tests are described as easier since they isolate code and ensure consistent outputs for given inputs, while non-functional tests involving things like concurrency are more difficult to test.

approvaltestslegacy codelocking tests
Lean coffee
Lean coffeeLean coffee
Lean coffee

The document outlines the process for Lean Coffee, which involves setting up topics using a ToDo, In Progress, Done framework. Participants then collect and introduce topics in one sentence before dot voting to prioritize what to discuss. Discussions are time boxed and voted on whether to continue discussing the topic or move to the next. This process repeats, creating headings, gathering ideas, introducing topics, prioritizing by vote, discussing, and determining when finished.

Is Email Marketing Really Effective In 2024?
Is Email Marketing Really Effective In 2024?Is Email Marketing Really Effective In 2024?
Is Email Marketing Really Effective In 2024?

Slide 1 Is Email Marketing Really Effective in 2024? Yes, Email Marketing is still a great method for direct marketing. Slide 2 In this article we will cover: - What is Email Marketing? - Pros and cons of Email Marketing. - Tools available for Email Marketing. - Ways to make Email Marketing effective. Slide 3 What Is Email Marketing? Using email to contact customers is called Email Marketing. It's a quiet and effective communication method. Mastering it can significantly boost business. In digital marketing, two long-term assets are your website and your email list. Social media apps may change, but your website and email list remain constant. Slide 4 Types of Email Marketing: 1. Welcome Emails 2. Information Emails 3. Transactional Emails 4. Newsletter Emails 5. Lead Nurturing Emails 6. Sponsorship Emails 7. Sales Letter Emails 8. Re-Engagement Emails 9. Brand Story Emails 10. Review Request Emails Slide 5 Advantages Of Email Marketing 1. Cost-Effective: Cheaper than other methods. 2. Easy: Simple to learn and use. 3. Targeted Audience: Reach your exact audience. 4. Detailed Messages: Convey clear, detailed messages. 5. Non-Disturbing: Less intrusive than social media. 6. Non-Irritating: Customers are less likely to get annoyed. 7. Long Format: Use detailed text, photos, and videos. 8. Easy to Unsubscribe: Customers can easily opt out. 9. Easy Tracking: Track delivery, open rates, and clicks. 10. Professional: Seen as more professional; customers read carefully. Slide 6 Disadvantages Of Email Marketing: 1. Irrelevant Emails: Costs can rise with irrelevant emails. 2. Poor Content: Boring emails can lead to disengagement. 3. Easy Unsubscribe: Customers can easily leave your list. Slide 7 Email Marketing Tools Choosing a good tool involves considering: 1. Deliverability: Email delivery rate. 2. Inbox Placement: Reaching inbox, not spam or promotions. 3. Ease of Use: Simplicity of use. 4. Cost: Affordability. 5. List Maintenance: Keeping the list clean. 6. Features: Regular features like Broadcast and Sequence. 7. Automation: Better with automation. Slide 8 Top 5 Email Marketing Tools: 1. ConvertKit 2. Get Response 3. Mailchimp 4. Active Campaign 5. Aweber Slide 9 Email Marketing Strategy To get good results, consider: 1. Build your own list. 2. Never buy leads. 3. Respect your customers. 4. Always provide value. 5. Don’t email just to sell. 6. Write heartfelt emails. 7. Stick to a schedule. 8. Use photos and videos. 9. Segment your list. 10. Personalize emails. 11. Ensure mobile-friendliness. 12. Optimize timing. 13. Keep designs clean. 14. Remove cold leads. Slide 10 Uses of Email Marketing: 1. Affiliate Marketing 2. Blogging 3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 4. Newsletter Circulation 5. Transaction Notifications 6. Information Dissemination 7. Gathering Feedback 8. Selling Courses 9. Selling Products/Services Read Full Article:

email marketingemailconvertkit
21 episode youtube series
Contact Information

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Editor's Notes

  1. Both
  2. Both