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Test Automation Framework
Overview and Strategy
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1. Software Framework
2. The Easy Way
3. The Better Way
PageObject Pattern
1. Automation Framework Approaches
Data/Table Driven Framework
Keyword Driven Framework
Hybrid Framework
Generic Architecture
1. Guidelines and Lessons Learnt
Test Organization
Test Writing Style
Browser Updates
Software Framework
What is a software framework?

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Key Factors To Ensure Test Automation Framework Success
Key Factors To Ensure Test Automation Framework SuccessKey Factors To Ensure Test Automation Framework Success
Key Factors To Ensure Test Automation Framework Success

This document discusses key factors for ensuring the success of a test automation framework (TAF). It outlines various elements that should be considered when setting up a TAF, including supporting different application types like web, mobile, and APIs. Important TAF features that are described include being keyword/data-driven, handling test flows and errors, and generating execution and historical reports. The document also provides recommendations for integrating the TAF with continuous integration systems for scheduling tests, notifications, load balancing and distributed execution to save time.

automation testingsoftware testing
A Test Automation Framework
A Test Automation FrameworkA Test Automation Framework
A Test Automation Framework

Key Concepts: The structure of a Test Framework, its components, and the process to create one will be presented. A Test Framework provides a means to automate tests fast and guarantee their extended existence. It makes the automation process straightforward and systematic, simplifies the error debugging procedures, makes the testware tolerant to all kinds of object changes and reliable in an unstable test environment. The presentation is not an illustration of a specific test framework implementation, but rather a description of the features that should be mandatory attributes of any test framework. Learning Objectives: How to present the testware internally as a hierarchy of test sets (structural level), use cases (functional - scenario level), test cases (the scenario steps with verification), test actions (the interface "action" words). How to present the testware externally as a set of configuration files, scripts, libraries.How to separate the business action words from the interface action words and the respective drivers.How to create debug logs that allow to identify the source of a failure in minutes.

test automation framework
Automation test scripting guidelines
Automation test scripting guidelines Automation test scripting guidelines
Automation test scripting guidelines

The document discusses guidelines for automation testing scripting. It recommends planning scripts, using proper methodology and techniques, and designing scripts for reusability, modularity and validation. The key points are: 1) Effective scripting follows guidelines for planning, design and validation. Planning improves scripts' goals and approach. 2) Design utilizes modular, reusable structures and templates for visibility, scalability and maintenance. 3) Validation ensures consistency, quality, customization and reviews to verify proper script functionality.

automation test scripting guidelines
Software Framework
The definition and key components
 A software framework is a universal, reusable software platform used to develop applications,
products and solutions.
 Software Frameworks include,
 Support Programs
 Compilers
 Code Libraries
 APIs
 A tool set to integrate different components
Software Framework
Framework properties
 A Software framework contain key distinguishing features that separate them from normal
 They are,
 Inversion of Control (IOC) the overall program's flow of control is not dictated by
the caller, but by the framework.
 Default behaviour must actually be some useful behavior and not a series of
 Extensibility can be extended by the user usually by selective overriding or
specialized by user code providing specific functionality.
 Non modifiable framework code is not allowed to be modified.
The Easy Way
What is the easy way to automate?
The easy way - Records all user
activities and play back
 Typically a software testing suite will allow the
tester to use the SUT as a user would, through
the browser.
 In the background the testing suite records all
of the clicks and key presses and discards any
 Later, the recorded events are played back and
various assertions are made to ensure the
output matches that which is expected.

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Regression Test Automation Framework
Regression Test Automation Framework Regression Test Automation Framework
Regression Test Automation Framework

The client faced challenges with regression testing Oracle Applications due to constant upgrades. Infosys created an automation framework that enabled the client to reduce regression testing efforts and costs by 80% and minimize business interruptions. The framework included documenting test cases, developing automated scripts using testing tools, executing the scripts across multiple releases, and managing tests. This improved cost savings, delivery confidence, maintainability, and resource utilization.

infosysoracle application frameworkregression test automation
Test Automation Framework Development Introduction
Test Automation Framework Development IntroductionTest Automation Framework Development Introduction
Test Automation Framework Development Introduction

The document discusses test automation frameworks and the page object model pattern. It recommends treating automated testing as software development with principles like separation of concerns. The page object model pattern models pages as objects and allows tests to interact with pages through page object classes. Data driven testing is also discussed where test data is stored externally in spreadsheets or databases and passed into tests.

test automationautomation framework developmentselenium
Final Automation Testing
Final Automation TestingFinal Automation Testing
Final Automation Testing

Automation testing involves automating manual testing processes using software tools to execute test scripts and compare expected and actual results. There are different types of automation frameworks including data-driven, keyword-driven, modular, and hybrid frameworks. Implementing an automation framework involves 10 steps: identifying the testing scope and needs, evaluating tools, designing the framework, developing and populating test data, and configuring schedulers.

The easy way
Pros and Cons
Easy and does not required highly skilled software
Large portions of the application can be covered quickly
Small changes to the SUT cause massive disruption in the
Entire suites of tests can be rendered useless resulting in
reduce testing coverage for extended periods of time
Test maintenance becomes hard
 Tests begin to stagnate
 Team confidence, in the tests, is reduced.
The Better Way
What could be a better way of
The better way
 Treat automated testing as software development.
 Tests should be created with the same concern for
software design principles such as,
 Reduced coupling
 High cohesion
 Proper separation of concerns
 Maintainability
 Reusability
The better way
PageObject class

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IGT's Intelligent Automation Framework

Intelligent test automation has become an important subset of the software testing process. It is the key enabler of many advanced deployment and development processes.

intelligent test automation
Testing Frameworks
Testing FrameworksTesting Frameworks
Testing Frameworks

Testing frameworks provide an execution environment for automated tests. The main types are modular, data-driven, and keyword-driven frameworks. Modular frameworks organize tests into independent scripts representing application modules. Data-driven frameworks store test data and expected results in external files to reduce code duplication. Keyword-driven frameworks use external files to store test actions and data. Hybrid frameworks combine advantages of the different approaches. While frameworks work with waterfall models, agile methodologies benefit more from test-driven development and behavior-driven development which integrate testing throughout development.

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Automated Testing with Agile
Automated Testing with AgileAutomated Testing with Agile
Automated Testing with Agile

This is a presentation given at the Hangzhou Scrum Forum 2009, sponsored by Perficient, China. The topic is how to incorporate automated functional testing into an agile project, and also some best practices, tips, and warnings.

The better way
Dos and Don’ts
 In PageObjects,
 The public methods represent the services that the page
 Try not to expose the internals of the page
 Generally don't make assertions
 Methods return other PageObjects
 Need not represent an entire page
 Different results for the same action are modeled as
different methods
The better way
Pros and Cons
 Selenium WebDriver supports
 Increased maintainability
 Increase test stability
 Readable tests
 Tests are easy to author
 Larger up-front cost for creating PageObjects
 More skill is required to create PageObjects
Automation Framework Approaches
What are the available automation
Automation Framework Approaches
Data/Table Driven Framework
 Data driven is the design of possible inputs what may given by the end user. This would cover
maximum probabilities of an input data. It can be a spread sheet or a DB. We have to connect
and pass the values to the respective field or element.
 Take advantage of tester’s familiarity with test case creation using tables and matrices
 Accommodate localization projects
 Recognize the importance of patterns in test cases
 Enable testers to catalog test cases with Excel spreadsheets
 Enable testers to specify expected results in spreadsheets

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Guideto Successful Application Test Automation
Guideto Successful Application Test AutomationGuideto Successful Application Test Automation
Guideto Successful Application Test Automation

The document discusses test automation, including its objectives, benefits, misconceptions, and challenges. It provides a checklist for test automation implementation, covering criteria for choosing an automation tool, defining requirements, designing the architecture, creating test data, implementing coding standards, and maintaining automated tests. The key goals are to understand test automation concepts, what it takes to implement effective automation, and techniques to emphasize maintainability.

Mobile Test Automation Framework : Presented By Shankar Garg
Mobile Test Automation Framework : Presented By Shankar GargMobile Test Automation Framework : Presented By Shankar Garg
Mobile Test Automation Framework : Presented By Shankar Garg

For teams developing & maintaining mobile apps for both Android & iOS platforms, functional testing is a huge challenge. With the advent of Agile practices, behavior driven testing has gained more popularity. The current process of updating apps over the air is very easy, raising users’ expectations of new features delivered sooner. Appium has made it easier for teams to test their apps for multiple platforms. However, it alone cannot solve the challenges around implementing behavior driven development & frequent UI/functionality updates. So we created a robust Test Framework combining the best features of Appium, Cucumber-jvm & Page Objects. Cucumber-jvm is a key tool in implementing BDD. Page Objects is a framework design approach for maintaining & accessing components & controls spread across test scenarios. Appium provides a JSON bridge that allows test cases to be written once, and run for multiple mobile platforms. Integrating the powerful features of these 3 tools, we can create a powerful framework that is easy to setup, use, scale and maintain.

Automation testing strategy, approach & planning
Automation testing  strategy, approach & planningAutomation testing  strategy, approach & planning
Automation testing strategy, approach & planning

This document provides guidelines for effective test automation at IBM Global Services. It discusses that automation is viewed as a silver bullet but can also frustrate if not implemented properly. The document recommends starting simple and increasing complexity as skills grow. It provides considerations for automation, such as tests that are long, repetitive, and non-subjective. The document outlines 10 guidelines for automation, including establishing standards, separating what from how, using a six phase process, and defining required skills. It also discusses functional decomposition and keyword-driven methodologies and provides an overview of automation tools.

Automation Framework Approaches
Data/Table Driven Framework
Automation Framework Approaches
Keyword Driven Framework
 Keyword driven framework is an action based test method used in planning and implementation
of automation.
Automation Framework Approaches
Hybrid Framework
 A mix of Data driven and Keyword driven frameworks.
Automation Framework Approaches
Generic Architecture
 A Test Automation Framework should have a multi-
tiered architecture. It should consists of the following
 Engine Components in this tier are completely
responsible for interacting with the WebDriver
 Domain This tier is meant to contain only page
objects that work against the engine.
 Utils This tier is meant to contain very generic,
reusable functionality across all the other tiers.
 Functional Tests This tier will contain tests that
are built on top of MSTest to create actual test
scenarios by using page objects in the Domain.
Test Automation FrameworkTest Automation Framework
(MSTest) Test Execution Engine(MSTest) Test Execution Engine
Functional TestsFunctional Tests
Selenium Web Driver APISelenium Web Driver API

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Centralized test automation framework implementation

Centralized Test Automation using Hybrid Model 1) The document discusses a centralized test automation framework using a hybrid model that incorporates both keyword-driven and data-driven approaches. 2) A key benefit of the hybrid framework is that it allows data-driven scripts to leverage the libraries and utilities of the keyword-driven architecture, making the scripts more compact and less prone to failure. 3) The centralized framework encapsulates components like function libraries and scripts so that users only have access to the scripts relevant to their testing, preventing access to the entire framework.

automation frameworkqtptest automation
Test automation methodologies
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Test automation methodologies

it is about test automation methodologies which you should know before starting to automate your test cases.

Developing a test automation strategy by Brian Bayer
Developing a test automation strategy by Brian BayerDeveloping a test automation strategy by Brian Bayer
Developing a test automation strategy by Brian Bayer

The document discusses developing a test automation strategy and considerations for regression testing, automation, and frameworks. It addresses why regression testing is important, factors for the automation strategy like business needs and ROI, and frameworks to consider like Cucumber, Robot Framework, and Spock. The strategy determines test maintenance and fits within the organization, development process, and technology stacks.

software testing
Guidelines and Lessons Learnt
Some important points to keep in
Automation Framework Approaches
Guidelines for Automation framework design
• Selection of a framework
• Don’t reinvent the wheel - Make use of Selenium WebDriver functionalities
• Reusability
• Support of different application versions
• Support of script versioning
• Different environment for development and production
• Externally Configurable
• Minimal changes required for any object changes
• Execution - Individual, batch, only failed etc
• Status monitoring
• Reporting
• Minimum dependency on Automation tool for changes
Automation Framework Approaches
Guidelines for Automation
framework design• Easy debugging
• Logging - Errors, warnings, etc
• Easy to Use
• Flexible - Should not impact existing test if changes are required
• Performance impacts
• Coding Standards
Functional test organization
Physical file organization
 Test script files (.cs files) are organized into
a folder structure much similar to the web
application’s page structure.
 Reasons to select this approach:
 Easy access to tests
 Testing a section of the application is easy

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This presentation introduces Test Automation and gives overview of the tasks involved. For more info visit

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The document outlines the framework and process for automating testing of an Oracle Identity Management application. It includes sections on the execution approach, framework types, the Test Complete automation tool used, application under test details, framework implementation including GUI design, expected vs. actual result comparison, and report generation. The framework implementation is demonstrated through examples for user identity verification and account provisioning test cases.

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Test automation wipro

The document discusses test automation, including introducing automation, tools, frameworks, and strategies. It describes different types of frameworks like test script modularity, library architecture, keyword-driven, and data-driven testing. Critical factors for automation success are having management support, a robust framework, test process ownership, and skilled professionals. Risks include changes impacting scripts and lack of automation knowledge.

it departmentproject management
Functional test organization
Test class naming convention
 Test class name should start with the
containing folder name.
 Reasons to select this approach:
 Easy to group tests based on test class
 Testing a section of the application is easy
Functional test writing style
Behavior Driven Development Style
 It is important to be able to break down a
test scenario into the components of a
behavior driven test to ensure clarity. Very
concisely the test writer should be able to
dictate a test scenario as:
 Given <a precondition>
 When <an action takes place>
 Then <expected outcome should be
Functional test writing style
Behavior Driven Development Style
Functional test writing style
Behavior Driven Development Style
 Reasons for selecting this approach:
 This style of test writing allows for a test case to be easily
verbalized and comparable to the system requirements
being validated.
 Since this effort is heavily focused on UI automation, it
makes sense to capture test cases dictating every
behavior of the system and the user.

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Test Automation Design Patterns_ A Comprehensive Guide.pdf
Test Automation Design Patterns_ A Comprehensive Guide.pdfTest Automation Design Patterns_ A Comprehensive Guide.pdf
Test Automation Design Patterns_ A Comprehensive Guide.pdf

In software testing, web and mobile automation testing has become indispensable. Over the past decade, organizations across industries have increasingly relied on test automation to efficiently handle the diverse array of devices, platforms, browsers, and screen resolutions encountered in their testing endeavors.

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Automation Best Practices.pptx
Automation Best Practices.pptxAutomation Best Practices.pptx
Automation Best Practices.pptx

This document discusses best practices for developing an automated testing framework. It recommends using a hybrid keyword-driven and data-driven approach to reduce scripting efforts. Some key points covered include the benefits of automation like reduced costs and increased speed/accuracy over manual testing. It also discusses factors to consider when selecting an automation tool, common challenges, and provides an example case study showing the ROI achieved through automation. Best practices emphasized include loose coupling of framework components, reuse of generic libraries, and treating framework development as a distinct project.

SUMMIT 09 - Startegic Choice Of Test Automation Framework
SUMMIT 09 - Startegic Choice Of Test Automation FrameworkSUMMIT 09 - Startegic Choice Of Test Automation Framework
SUMMIT 09 - Startegic Choice Of Test Automation Framework

This white paper discusses test automation frameworks and provides guidance on choosing the right framework. It defines test automation framework and differentiates it from test harness. It describes the test process lifecycle of authoring, execution, and reporting for both manual and automated testing. The paper outlines different types of frameworks like keyword-driven, data-driven, model-based, and hybrid and discusses their relative complexities. It provides examples of two frameworks used at the author's organization. The goal is to help readers understand frameworks and strategic considerations for migrating to automation.

Browser Upgrades
What if the browser upgrades
Have a portable version of the browser
Package it with your framework
Starts when the test suite starts
Automation should be considered as a development
project and not just record and playback of events.
Starting automated testing with a good framework ensures
low maintenance. Guidelines discussed in this paper can
be used as input for developing requirements for a
Thank You

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Designing a Test Automation Framework By Quontra solutions

  • 1. Test Automation Framework Overview and Strategy Presented By Quontra Solutions IT Courses Online Training With Placement Support. Attend Free Demo . Email: Contact: +1 (404)-900-9988 Web:
  • 2. 2
  • 3. Contents 1. Software Framework 2. The Easy Way 3. The Better Way Introduction PageObject Pattern 1. Automation Framework Approaches Data/Table Driven Framework Keyword Driven Framework Hybrid Framework Generic Architecture 1. Guidelines and Lessons Learnt Test Organization Test Writing Style Browser Updates 3
  • 4. Software Framework What is a software framework? 4
  • 5. Software Framework The definition and key components  A software framework is a universal, reusable software platform used to develop applications, products and solutions.  Software Frameworks include,  Support Programs  Compilers  Code Libraries  APIs  A tool set to integrate different components 5
  • 6. Software Framework Framework properties  A Software framework contain key distinguishing features that separate them from normal libraries.  They are,  Inversion of Control (IOC) the overall program's flow of control is not dictated by the caller, but by the framework.  Default behaviour must actually be some useful behavior and not a series of instructions.  Extensibility can be extended by the user usually by selective overriding or specialized by user code providing specific functionality.  Non modifiable framework code is not allowed to be modified. 6
  • 7. The Easy Way What is the easy way to automate? 7
  • 8. The easy way - Records all user activities and play back  Typically a software testing suite will allow the tester to use the SUT as a user would, through the browser.  In the background the testing suite records all of the clicks and key presses and discards any context.  Later, the recorded events are played back and various assertions are made to ensure the output matches that which is expected. 8
  • 9. The easy way Pros and Cons Pros Easy and does not required highly skilled software developers Large portions of the application can be covered quickly Cons Small changes to the SUT cause massive disruption in the tests Entire suites of tests can be rendered useless resulting in reduce testing coverage for extended periods of time Test maintenance becomes hard  Tests begin to stagnate  Team confidence, in the tests, is reduced. 9
  • 10. The Better Way What could be a better way of automating? 10
  • 11. The better way Introduction  Treat automated testing as software development.  Tests should be created with the same concern for software design principles such as,  Reduced coupling  High cohesion  Proper separation of concerns  Maintainability  Reusability 11
  • 13. The better way Dos and Don’ts  In PageObjects,  The public methods represent the services that the page offers  Try not to expose the internals of the page  Generally don't make assertions  Methods return other PageObjects  Need not represent an entire page  Different results for the same action are modeled as different methods 13
  • 14. The better way Pros and Cons Pros  Selenium WebDriver supports  Increased maintainability  Increase test stability  Readable tests  Tests are easy to author Cons  Larger up-front cost for creating PageObjects  More skill is required to create PageObjects 14
  • 15. Automation Framework Approaches What are the available automation frameworks? 15
  • 16. Automation Framework Approaches Data/Table Driven Framework  Data driven is the design of possible inputs what may given by the end user. This would cover maximum probabilities of an input data. It can be a spread sheet or a DB. We have to connect and pass the values to the respective field or element.  Take advantage of tester’s familiarity with test case creation using tables and matrices  Accommodate localization projects  Recognize the importance of patterns in test cases  Enable testers to catalog test cases with Excel spreadsheets  Enable testers to specify expected results in spreadsheets 16
  • 18. Automation Framework Approaches Keyword Driven Framework  Keyword driven framework is an action based test method used in planning and implementation of automation. 18
  • 19. Automation Framework Approaches Hybrid Framework  A mix of Data driven and Keyword driven frameworks. 19
  • 20. Automation Framework Approaches Generic Architecture  A Test Automation Framework should have a multi- tiered architecture. It should consists of the following tiers.  Engine Components in this tier are completely responsible for interacting with the WebDriver interfaces.  Domain This tier is meant to contain only page objects that work against the engine.  Utils This tier is meant to contain very generic, reusable functionality across all the other tiers.  Functional Tests This tier will contain tests that are built on top of MSTest to create actual test scenarios by using page objects in the Domain. 20 Test Automation FrameworkTest Automation Framework (MSTest) Test Execution Engine(MSTest) Test Execution Engine Functional TestsFunctional Tests Domain Engine UtilsUtils Selenium Web Driver APISelenium Web Driver API
  • 21. Guidelines and Lessons Learnt Some important points to keep in mind 21
  • 22. Automation Framework Approaches Guidelines for Automation framework design • Selection of a framework • Don’t reinvent the wheel - Make use of Selenium WebDriver functionalities • Reusability • Support of different application versions • Support of script versioning • Different environment for development and production • Externally Configurable • Minimal changes required for any object changes • Execution - Individual, batch, only failed etc • Status monitoring • Reporting • Minimum dependency on Automation tool for changes 22
  • 23. Automation Framework Approaches Guidelines for Automation framework design• Easy debugging • Logging - Errors, warnings, etc • Easy to Use • Flexible - Should not impact existing test if changes are required • Performance impacts • Coding Standards 23
  • 24. Functional test organization Physical file organization  Test script files (.cs files) are organized into a folder structure much similar to the web application’s page structure.  Reasons to select this approach:  Easy access to tests  Testing a section of the application is easy 24
  • 25. Functional test organization Test class naming convention  Test class name should start with the containing folder name.  Reasons to select this approach:  Easy to group tests based on test class  Testing a section of the application is easy 25
  • 26. Functional test writing style Behavior Driven Development Style Tests  It is important to be able to break down a test scenario into the components of a behavior driven test to ensure clarity. Very concisely the test writer should be able to dictate a test scenario as:  Given <a precondition>  When <an action takes place>  Then <expected outcome should be present> 26
  • 27. Functional test writing style Behavior Driven Development Style Tests 27
  • 28. Functional test writing style Behavior Driven Development Style Tests  Reasons for selecting this approach:  This style of test writing allows for a test case to be easily verbalized and comparable to the system requirements being validated.  Since this effort is heavily focused on UI automation, it makes sense to capture test cases dictating every behavior of the system and the user. 28
  • 29. Browser Upgrades What if the browser upgrades automatically? Have a portable version of the browser Package it with your framework Starts when the test suite starts 29
  • 30. Summary Automation should be considered as a development project and not just record and playback of events. Starting automated testing with a good framework ensures low maintenance. Guidelines discussed in this paper can be used as input for developing requirements for a framework. 30