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Let's prepare for what's next, and not what was last...
Keet Malin Sugathadasa
Software Engineer
Sysco Labs
Cyber Security and
Cloud Computing
• What is Cyber Security?
• Cryptanalysis
• Computer Hacking
• Cloud Computing Architecture
• Cloud Security
• Notorious 9 threats in cloud computing
• AWS Cloud Security
Cyber Security
Are we really secure?
Best Practices and Measures
taken to protect a computer or
a computer system, against an
unauthorized access or attack
• Hardware, Software, Data...
• Security Standards
• Ethical Hacking
• Best Practices
Cyber Security

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Network Security Presentation
Network Security PresentationNetwork Security Presentation
Network Security Presentation

The document provides tips for keeping a network secure, including always keeping virus software and Windows updates enabled, using firewalls, backing up data regularly, and using strong passwords. It warns about common password risks like using obvious words or writing passwords down. The document also covers securing laptops, email, wireless networks, and avoiding risks from open networks. Proper authentication, surge protection, and password protecting are emphasized as important security best practices.

Cyber attack
Cyber attackCyber attack
Cyber attack


cyber attacktypes of cyber attackdos attack
Cryptography and Information Security
Cryptography and Information SecurityCryptography and Information Security
Cryptography and Information Security

The presentation describes basics of cryptography and information security. It covers goals of cryptography, history of cipher symmetric and public key cryptography

symmetric crptographypublic key cryptographysize of key
• Interruption
• Interception
• Modification
• Fabrication
Threats and Attacks on Security
• Confidentiality (Privacy)
• Integrity (Trust)
• Availability
The CIA in Computer Security
Analyzing and breaking encryption schemes
This uses a simple file containing
words that can be surprisingly
found in a dictionary.
• “Iamthebest”
• “Iloveblahblah”
Dictionary Attacks

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Introduction to cyber security
Introduction to cyber securityIntroduction to cyber security
Introduction to cyber security

The term cyber security is used to refer to the security offered through on-line services to protect your online information. With an increasing amount of people getting connected to Internet, the security threats that cause massive harm are increasing also.

Introduction to cyber security amos
Introduction to cyber security amosIntroduction to cyber security amos
Introduction to cyber security amos

This document provides an introduction to cyber security. It defines cyber security as protecting cyberspace from attacks, and defines a cyber attack. It explains that cyberspace is where online communication occurs, via the internet. Cyber security is important because it affects everyone who uses computers and networks. Cyber security training is needed to establish human controls. Cyber attacks can target businesses, governments, institutions and individuals. Attackers include hackers, criminals, spies and nation-states who use methods like malware, social engineering, and network attacks. Defenders of cyber security include ICT teams, security vendors, manufacturers, and governments. Information systems and quality data are important assets to protect. Emerging cyber threats include cloud services, ransomware, spear ph

Combating Cyber Security Using Artificial Intelligence
Combating Cyber Security Using Artificial IntelligenceCombating Cyber Security Using Artificial Intelligence
Combating Cyber Security Using Artificial Intelligence

Cyber Security & Data Protection India Summit 2018 aims to convene the best minds in Cybersecurity under one roof to create an interactive milieu for exchange of knowledge and ideas. The event will endeavour to address the emerging and continuing threats to Cybersecurity and its changing landscape, as well as respond to increasing risk of security breaches and security governance, application security, cloud based security, Network, Mobile and endpoint security and other cyber risks in the India and abroad.

dictionary + non-dictionary words
by working through all possible
alpha-numeric combinations
• “aaaa901”
• “Iloveblahblah2233a”
Brute Force Attack
Keeps a table of hashes for all
possible password combinations.
Adding salts will make this task
even tougher
• “aaaa901”
• “fsdfwer232532”
Rainbow Table Attack
Ask the user for his or her
password. A phishing email leads
the unsuspecting reader to a faked
portal and collect credentials
• Sending a fake email related to
bank payments
Social engineering takes the whole
‘ask the user’ concept outside of
the inbox that phishing tends to
stick with and into the real world.
• Call a person posing as a bank
or other security guy
Social Engineering

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Intrusion detection
Intrusion detectionIntrusion detection
Intrusion detection

8.1 Intruders 8.2 Classes of intruders 8.3 Examples of Intrusion 8.4 Security Intrusion & Detection 8.5 Intrusion Techniques 8.6 Intrusion Detection Systems 8.7 IDS Principles 8.8 IDS Requirements 8.9 Host-Based IDS 8.10 Network-Based IDS 8.11 Intrusion Detection Exchange Format 8.12 Honeypot

by CAS
intrusion detectionidsintrusion
Data security in cloud computing
Data security in cloud computingData security in cloud computing
Data security in cloud computing

Cloud computing provides a way for organizations to share distributed resources over a network. However, data security is a major concern in cloud computing since data is stored remotely. The document discusses several techniques used for data security in cloud computing including authentication, encryption, data masking, and data traceability. The latest technologies discussed are a cloud information gateway that can control data transmission and secure logic migration that transfers applications to an internal sandbox for secure execution.

Network security cryptography ppt
Network security cryptography pptNetwork security cryptography ppt
Network security cryptography ppt

This document discusses network security and cryptography. It begins by defining a network and common network threats. It then discusses network security, including transit and traffic security. It covers problems and attacks like secrecy, authentication, and integrity control. The document introduces cryptography and its use in encryption and decryption to securely transmit data. It describes algorithms like RSA, substitution ciphers, and transposition ciphers. It also covers advantages and disadvantages of cryptography along with a proposed concept to strengthen encryption security.

Computer Hacking
Cyber war is the new battlefield now...
Your ignorance is our Power...
• Trojans
• Backdoors
• Sniffers
• Rootkits
• Exploits
• Buffer overflows
• SQL injection
Hacking Technologies
• Reconnaissance (“Gathering information about a potential target”)
• Scanning (“Using the info gathered during reconnaissance to examine
the network”)
• Gaining access (“Owning the system”)
• Maintaining access (“Backdoors, Rootkits, Trojans”)
• Covering tracks (“Alter log entries, removing alarms”)
5 Phases in Computer Hacking

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Wireless network security
Wireless network securityWireless network security
Wireless network security

A presentation which on Wireless Network Security. It contains Introduction to wireless networking, security threats and risks, best practices on using wireless networks.

wireless network802.11802.11i
Cybersecurity 2 cyber attacks
Cybersecurity 2 cyber attacksCybersecurity 2 cyber attacks
Cybersecurity 2 cyber attacks

Cyber attacks can take several forms, including cyber fraud aimed at monetary gain, cyber spying to obtain private information, cyber stalking and bullying to frighten or intimidate individuals, cyber assault to cause damage through malware or denial of service attacks, and cyber warfare between nation states seeking to disrupt critical infrastructure through digital means.

cyberfraudcyberattackcomputer security
Ethical hacking Presentation
Ethical hacking PresentationEthical hacking Presentation
Ethical hacking Presentation

This document discusses different types of hackers - white hat hackers who use their skills ethically for security purposes, black hat hackers who hack illegally such as for credit card theft, and grey hat hackers who sometimes act ethically and sometimes not. It defines ethical hacking as using programming skills to test vulnerabilities in computer systems through penetration testing. The document outlines different hacking methods like website, email, and password hacking and computer hacking. It notes both advantages of ethical hacking for security and disadvantages of unethical hacking.

Hacker Classes
• Discuss the need for testing
• Sign an NDA
• Tiger team prepares a schedule for testing
• Conduct tests
• Analysis and report preparation
• Present the report to the client
Conducting Ethical Hacking
Legality in Sri Lanka
Cloud Computer Architecture
Cloud is not magic, It’s just another computer...

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Cloud Computing Security
Cloud Computing SecurityCloud Computing Security
Cloud Computing Security

This document discusses the history and definitions of cloud computing. It begins with various definitions of cloud computing from Wikipedia between 2007-2009 which evolved to emphasize dynamically scalable virtual resources provided over the internet. It then covers common characteristics of cloud computing like multi-tenancy, location independence, pay-per-use pricing and rapid scalability. The rest of the document details cloud computing models including public, private and hybrid clouds. It also outlines the different architectural layers of cloud computing from Software as a Service to Infrastructure as a Service. The document concludes with a discussion of security issues in cloud computing and a case study of security features in Amazon Web Services.

securitycloud computing
Cloud Computing Security Challenges
Cloud Computing Security ChallengesCloud Computing Security Challenges
Cloud Computing Security Challenges

Cloud Computing offers an on-demand and scalable access to a shared pool of resources hosted in a data center at providers’ site. It reduces the overheads of up-front investments and financial risks for the end-user. Regardless of the fact that cloud computing offers great advantages to the end users, there are several challenging issues that are mandatory to be addressed.


This document discusses cyber security. It defines cyber security as technologies and processes designed to protect computers, networks, and data from unauthorized access and attacks over the internet. The three core principles of cyber security are confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Several types of cyber attacks are described such as malware, phishing, and denial of service attacks. Major historical cyber attacks are outlined including the Morris Worm in 1988 and the Anthem hack in 2015 that breached 80 million records. Common attack patterns and measures to prevent cyber attacks like using complex passwords and encryption are also summarized.

Definition of Cloud Computing - NIST
Service Models
Cloud Security Basics
Security is a process, not a product...
Security in the cloud is much like
security in your on-premises data
centers - only without the costs of
maintaining facilities and
In the cloud, you don’t have to manage
physical servers or storage devices.
Instead, you use software-based
security tools to monitor and
protect the flow of information into
and of out of your cloud resources.
Cloud Security

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OSI Security Architecture
OSI Security ArchitectureOSI Security Architecture
OSI Security Architecture

The document discusses the OSI security architecture and common network security threats and defenses. It begins with an introduction to the OSI security architecture proposed by ITU-T as a standard for defining and providing security across network layers. It then discusses (1) specific security mechanisms like encryption and digital signatures and pervasive mechanisms like security audits; (2) common passive and active security threats like eavesdropping and denial of service attacks; and (3) that passive attacks focus on prevention while active attacks require detection and recovery. It concludes with exercises asking about these topics.

Intrusion detection system
Intrusion detection systemIntrusion detection system
Intrusion detection system

It's power-point presentation on software application that monitors a network or systems for malicious activity or policy violations.

networkinginformation securityinformation technology
Azure 101: Shared responsibility in the Azure Cloud
Azure 101: Shared responsibility in the Azure CloudAzure 101: Shared responsibility in the Azure Cloud
Azure 101: Shared responsibility in the Azure Cloud

Whether you’re working exclusively on Azure or with multiple cloud environments, there are certain things you should consider when moving assets to the public cloud. As with any cloud deployment, security is a top priority, and moving your workloads to the Azure cloud doesn’t mean you’re not responsible for the security of your operating system, applications, and data. Building on the security of the Azure infrastructure, this shared security responsibility starts with making sure your environment is secure. In this session, we will discuss step-by-step what you need to do to secure access at the administrative, application and network layers.

How Secure is the Cloud?
Layer 1:
• Perimeter Defense
Layer 2:
• Clear Zone
Layer 3:
• Facility facade/ reception area
Layer 4:
• Hallway/ Escorted Area/ Gray Space
Layer 5:
• Data Center Room/ White Space
Layer 6:
• Data Center Cabinet/ White Space
Strict Regulatory Standards Security Tools
Confidentiality DDoS Mitigation
Key Security Aspect in Cloud
• Network Security
↳ Firewall
• Configuration Management
• Data Encryption
• Access Control
• Monitoring and Logging
Notorious Nine Threats
Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)

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Data encryption for Ruby web applications - Dmytro Shapovalov (RUS) | Ruby Me...

Speech of Dmytro Shapovalov, Infrastructure Engineer at Cossack Labs, at Ruby Meditation #25 Kyiv 08.12.2018 Next conference - Making secure applications is not easy, especially when encryption tools are difficult and incomprehensible. We will talk about typical data security problems in web apps and how to implement encryption properly. We will review cryptographic approaches and exact tools that ensure that no sensitive data leaks from the application or database. Announcements and conference materials News Photos The stream of Ruby conferences (not just ours)

Shared Security Responsibility for the Azure Cloud
Shared Security Responsibility for the Azure CloudShared Security Responsibility for the Azure Cloud
Shared Security Responsibility for the Azure Cloud

This document discusses shared security responsibility in Azure. It provides an overview of security best practices when using Azure, including understanding the shared responsibility model, implementing network security practices, securing data and access, securely developing code, log management, and vulnerability management. It also describes Alert Logic security solutions that can help monitor Azure environments for threats across the application stack.

microsoftcloud securitycloud
A Throwaway Deck for Cloud Security Essentials 2.0 delivered at RSA 2016
A Throwaway Deck for Cloud Security Essentials 2.0 delivered at RSA 2016A Throwaway Deck for Cloud Security Essentials 2.0 delivered at RSA 2016
A Throwaway Deck for Cloud Security Essentials 2.0 delivered at RSA 2016

This deck was where good slides went to die and we felt they were useful in telling some of the journey more than we could in 50 minutes.

1. Data Breaches
2. Data Loss
3. Account or Service Traffic Hijacking
4. Insecure Interfaces and APIs
5. Denial of Service
6. Malicious Insiders
7. Abuse of Cloud Services
8. Insufficient Due Diligence
9. Shared Technology Vulnerabilities
AWS Cloud Security
Amazon Web Services Cloud Platform
Shared Responsibility
AWS Shield
• AWS Shield is a managed Distributed Denial
of Service (DDoS) protection service
• AWS Shield provides always-on detection and
automatic inline mitigations that minimize
application downtime and latency
• Happens real-time (No support needed)

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Managed Threat Detection & Response for AWS Applications
Managed Threat Detection & Response for AWS ApplicationsManaged Threat Detection & Response for AWS Applications
Managed Threat Detection & Response for AWS Applications

This document provides an overview of Alert Logic's Security-as-a-Service offering. It describes Alert Logic's integrated multi-layer security solution that protects enterprise applications and cloud workloads from web application attacks, server and network activity, and vulnerabilities. It also discusses how Alert Logic assesses risks, blocks threats, detects anomalies, and ensures compliance. Alert Logic provides both security software and services to help secure hybrid and multi-cloud environments.

alert logicawsaws security
Managed Threat Detection and Response
Managed Threat Detection and ResponseManaged Threat Detection and Response
Managed Threat Detection and Response

This document discusses Alert Logic's Security-as-a-Service offering which provides an integrated multi-layer security solution to protect enterprise applications and cloud workloads across hosted data centers and hybrid environments. It protects against web application attacks, server and network activity, and vulnerabilities across software stacks. Alert Logic also provides security experts and services including assessment, blocking, detection, and compliance. The document then discusses best practices for securing an AWS environment including logical network segmentation, access management, configuration management, and understanding the shared responsibility model between cloud providers and customers.

alert logiccloud security
Cloud data governance, risk management and compliance ny metro joint cyber...
Cloud data governance, risk management and compliance    ny metro joint cyber...Cloud data governance, risk management and compliance    ny metro joint cyber...
Cloud data governance, risk management and compliance ny metro joint cyber...

The rapid rise of cloud data storage and applications has led to unease among adopters over the security of their data. Whether it is data stored in a public, private or hybrid cloud, or used in third party SaaS applications, companies have good reason to be concerned. In this session Protegrity CTO and data security thought leader Ulf Mattsson will focus on practical advice on what to look for in cloud service providers and a review of the technologies and architectures available to protect sensitive data in the cloud, both on- and off-site. Through real life use cases, Ulf will discuss solutions to some of the most common issues of data governance, usability, compliance and security in the cloud environment.

conferencedatarisk management
• AWS WAF is a web application firewall that
helps protect your web applications from
common web exploits
• AWS WAF gives you control over which traffic
to allow or block to your web applications
• block common attack patterns, such as SQL
injection or cross-site scripting
• Access Control
• Use AWS Identity and Access Management
(IAM) to control users' access to AWS services
• Create and manage users and groups, and
grant or deny access
1. AWS Artifact
2. AWS Certificate Manager
3. Amazon Cloud Directory
4. AWS CloudHSM
5. Amazon Cognito
6. AWS Directory Service
7. Amazon GuardDuty
8. Amazon Inspector
9. And many more...
Think twice
before you

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Security in the cloud Workshop HSTC 2014
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Security in the cloud Workshop HSTC 2014

A broad overview of what it takes to be secure. This is more of an introduction where we introduce the basic terms around Cloud Computing and how do we go about securing our information assets(Data, Applications and Infrastructure) The workshop was fun because all the slides were paired with real world examples of security breaches and attacks.

google compute engineazurecloud computing
Azure Fundamentals Part 3
Azure Fundamentals Part 3Azure Fundamentals Part 3
Azure Fundamentals Part 3

In early 2019, Microsoft created the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification. This is a certification for all individuals, IT or non IT background, who want to further their careers and learn how to navigate the Azure cloud platform. Learn about AZ-900 exam concepts and how to prepare and pass the exam

by CCG
Dark Insight: the Basic of Security - Alexander Obozinskiy
Dark Insight: the Basic of Security - Alexander ObozinskiyDark Insight: the Basic of Security - Alexander Obozinskiy
Dark Insight: the Basic of Security - Alexander Obozinskiy

The document discusses various topics related to cyber security including hardware threats, software threats, network threats, data threats, social engineering, securing systems, and recommended security tools. It lists examples of vulnerabilities and security issues across operating systems, software, networks, and data. It also provides recommendations for securing hardware, operating systems, software, networks, data, cryptography, and web applications.

information securitysecurity
Thank you

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Keet Sugathadasa
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Cyber Security and Cloud Computing

  • 1. Let's prepare for what's next, and not what was last... Keet Malin Sugathadasa Software Engineer Sysco Labs Cyber Security and Cloud Computing
  • 2. • What is Cyber Security? • Cryptanalysis • Computer Hacking • Cloud Computing Architecture • Cloud Security • Notorious 9 threats in cloud computing • AWS Cloud Security AGENDA
  • 3. Cyber Security Are we really secure?
  • 4. Best Practices and Measures taken to protect a computer or a computer system, against an unauthorized access or attack • Hardware, Software, Data... • Security Standards • Ethical Hacking • Best Practices CYBER SECURITY Cyber Security
  • 5. • Interruption • Interception • Modification • Fabrication Threats and Attacks on Security CYBER SECURITY
  • 6. • Confidentiality (Privacy) • Integrity (Trust) • Availability The CIA in Computer Security CYBER SECURITY
  • 8. This uses a simple file containing words that can be surprisingly found in a dictionary. • “Iamthebest” • “Iloveblahblah” CRYPTANALYSIS Dictionary Attacks
  • 9. dictionary + non-dictionary words by working through all possible alpha-numeric combinations • “aaaa901” • “Iloveblahblah2233a” CRYPTANALYSIS Brute Force Attack
  • 10. Keeps a table of hashes for all possible password combinations. Adding salts will make this task even tougher • “aaaa901” • “fsdfwer232532” CRYPTANALYSIS Rainbow Table Attack
  • 11. Ask the user for his or her password. A phishing email leads the unsuspecting reader to a faked portal and collect credentials • Sending a fake email related to bank payments CRYPTANALYSIS Phishing
  • 12. Social engineering takes the whole ‘ask the user’ concept outside of the inbox that phishing tends to stick with and into the real world. • Call a person posing as a bank or other security guy CRYPTANALYSIS Social Engineering
  • 13. Computer Hacking Cyber war is the new battlefield now...
  • 15. • Trojans • Backdoors • Sniffers • Rootkits • Exploits • Buffer overflows • SQL injection Hacking Technologies COMPUTER HACKING
  • 16. • Reconnaissance (“Gathering information about a potential target”) • Scanning (“Using the info gathered during reconnaissance to examine the network”) • Gaining access (“Owning the system”) • Maintaining access (“Backdoors, Rootkits, Trojans”) • Covering tracks (“Alter log entries, removing alarms”) 5 Phases in Computer Hacking COMPUTER HACKING
  • 18. • Discuss the need for testing • Sign an NDA • Tiger team prepares a schedule for testing • Conduct tests • Analysis and report preparation • Present the report to the client Conducting Ethical Hacking COMPUTER HACKING
  • 19. Legality in Sri Lanka COMPUTER HACKING source:
  • 20. Cloud Computer Architecture Cloud is not magic, It’s just another computer...
  • 21. Definition of Cloud Computing - NIST CLOUD COMPUTING ARCHITECTURE source: https://ww
  • 23. Cloud Security Basics Security is a process, not a product...
  • 24. Security in the cloud is much like security in your on-premises data centers - only without the costs of maintaining facilities and hardware. In the cloud, you don’t have to manage physical servers or storage devices. Instead, you use software-based security tools to monitor and protect the flow of information into and of out of your cloud resources. CLOUD SECURITY BASICS Cloud Security
  • 25. How Secure is the Cloud? CLOUD SECURITY source: Layer 1: • Perimeter Defense Layer 2: • Clear Zone Layer 3: • Facility facade/ reception area Layer 4: • Hallway/ Escorted Area/ Gray Space Layer 5: • Data Center Room/ White Space Layer 6: • Data Center Cabinet/ White Space
  • 26. CLOUD SECURITY Strict Regulatory Standards Security Tools Confidentiality DDoS Mitigation
  • 27. Key Security Aspect in Cloud CLOUD SECURITY • Network Security ↳ Firewall • Configuration Management • Data Encryption • Access Control • Monitoring and Logging
  • 28. Notorious Nine Threats Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)
  • 29. 1. Data Breaches 2. Data Loss 3. Account or Service Traffic Hijacking 4. Insecure Interfaces and APIs 5. Denial of Service 6. Malicious Insiders 7. Abuse of Cloud Services 8. Insufficient Due Diligence 9. Shared Technology Vulnerabilities NOTORIOUS NINE THREATS
  • 30. AWS Cloud Security Amazon Web Services Cloud Platform
  • 31. AWS CLOUD SECURITY Shared Responsibility
  • 32. AWS Shield AWS CLOUD SECURITY • AWS Shield is a managed Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection service • AWS Shield provides always-on detection and automatic inline mitigations that minimize application downtime and latency • Happens real-time (No support needed)
  • 33. AWS WAF AWS CLOUD SECURITY • AWS WAF is a web application firewall that helps protect your web applications from common web exploits • AWS WAF gives you control over which traffic to allow or block to your web applications • block common attack patterns, such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting
  • 34. AWS IAM AWS CLOUD SECURITY • Access Control • Use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to control users' access to AWS services • Create and manage users and groups, and grant or deny access
  • 35. 1. AWS Artifact 2. AWS Certificate Manager 3. Amazon Cloud Directory 4. AWS CloudHSM 5. Amazon Cognito 6. AWS Directory Service 7. Amazon GuardDuty 8. Amazon Inspector 9. And many more... AWS CLOUD SECURITY source: