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Cyber Law and Ethics
Using Social Media
 Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, transforming the way
we communicate, share information, and connect with others.
 In this digital age, it is essential to recognize the impact and influence of social
media on individuals, communities, and societies.
 This presentation aims to explore the legal and ethical dimensions of using social
media, emphasizing the need to navigate the digital landscape responsibly.
What is cyber law
 Cyber law is the body of law that deals with the use of technology,
particularly the Internet.

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presentation on cyber crime and securitypresentation on cyber crime and security
presentation on cyber crime and security

This document discusses various types of cybercrimes and cybersecurity issues. It defines cybercrimes as crimes committed using computers and the internet, such as identity theft. It then provides statistics on common types of cyber attacks like financial fraud, sabotage of networks, and viruses. The document also discusses specific cybercrimes like hacking, child pornography, denial of service attacks, and software piracy. It concludes by offering tips for improving cybersecurity, such as using antivirus software and firewalls, and maintaining safe internet practices.

Uses of internet
Uses of internetUses of internet
Uses of internet

The document discusses the history and uses of the internet. It notes that the internet started in the 1960s during the Cold War as a network called ARPANET connecting computers in the US and Russia. The internet allows computers around the world to connect through various communication resources like phone lines, fiber optics, and satellites. Some key uses of the internet include accessing information, conducting business, online gaming, communication through chatrooms and messaging, and social networking. Services provided over the internet include the World Wide Web, email, and social media platforms.

separate tags by cuses of internet by hafiz muhamm
Identify ethical use of computers
Identify ethical use of computersIdentify ethical use of computers
Identify ethical use of computers

This document discusses computer ethics and outlines 10 commandments of computer ethics from the Computer Ethics Institute. It addresses the definition of ethics as moral principles and defines computer ethics as the moral principles regarding all aspects of computing. The 10 commandments cover topics like not harming others, respecting privacy, avoiding theft/plagiarism, and considering social impacts. The document also discusses subcategories of computer ethics and how technology has impacted issues like privacy, communication, and employment.

Cyber Law Cover
• Cybercrime
• Intellectual
• Privacy
• Data security
Cyber Crime
 Cybercrime is any criminal activity that involves the use of a computer or
the Internet.
Identity theft
Intellectual Property
 Intellectual property (IP) is a form of property that protects the creations of
the human mind, such as:
 Inventions
 Literary works
 Music
 Artwork

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Port of Visakhapatnam is known as the "Eastern Gateway of India". The document discusses cyber security awareness and defines key terms like computer, cyber security, data, electronic form, electronic record, digital signature, and intermediary. It explains why cyber security is important, defines privacy and security in the context of information, and outlines common cyber attacks like denial of service attacks, DNS attacks, router attacks, sniffers, firewalls, and vulnerability scanners. The document also discusses network-based attacks, web attacks like phishing and pharming, email attacks, social network attacks, and types of malware like spam, cookies, adware, and spyware.


The document discusses various types of cybercrimes such as hacking, virus dissemination, computer vandalism, and software piracy. It also covers topics like internet security, ways to protect computers from cyber threats, and etiquette for safe internet use. Examples are provided of security measures like using antivirus software and firewalls, as well as behaviors to avoid like responding to harassing messages online.


Cyber crime refers to criminal activities that involve computers and networks. It includes crimes where computers are the target, such as hacking and phishing, and crimes where computers are used as a tool to enable traditional crimes, such as fraud. Common types of cyber crimes are cyber terrorism, phishing, email spoofing, computer vandalism, and software piracy. India ranks 11th globally for cyber crimes due to factors such as its growing internet user base and increased online shopping and social media usage. Cyber security aims to protect sensitive data, while cyber laws in India regulate criminal activities both in cyber space as well as traditional crimes addressed under the Indian Penal Code.

Intellectual Property
 Copyright is a form of IP that protects original works of authorship, such as:
 Books
 Movies
 Songs
 Software
Fair Use
 Fair use is a doctrine that allows the use of copyrighted material without
the permission of the copyright holder under certain circumstances, such
 Criticism
 Comment
 News reporting
 Teaching

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This document discusses the dangers of cybercrime and provides information on different types of cybercrimes such as hacking, virus dissemination, cyber terrorism, and software piracy. It notes that a computer can be used as either a target or weapon in committing crimes and lists categories of cybercrimes. The document also provides safety tips for internet users such as using antivirus software, firewalls, and being cautious of personal information sharing online.

cyber crime

The document discusses different types of computer networks including personal area networks, local area networks, wireless local area networks, campus area networks, metropolitan area networks, wide area networks, and storage area networks. It also discusses network topology, communication media, and some common applications of the Internet such as email, file transfers, video conferencing, and the World Wide Web.

Introduction to cyber security
Introduction to cyber security Introduction to cyber security
Introduction to cyber security

Ø Information security is the protection of information from unauthorised access, use, disclosure or destruction through various means. This includes protecting both physical and electronic data. Ø Cyber security, also known as information security, aims to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information by protecting it from malicious attacks, damage or misuse when stored and accessed digitally. Ø As an employee, you are responsible for securing any information about customers, your organisation, colleagues and yourself to prevent misuse or unauthorized access according to the Data Protection Act 2018. This includes information stored electronically and in physical records.

Fair Use
What is Privacy
 Privacy is the right to be free from unreasonable intrusion into one's
personal life.
 Social media can pose a threat to privacy, as our personal information is
often shared online.
What is data Security
 Data security is the process of protecting data from unauthorized access,
use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.
 Social media companies are responsible for protecting the data of their

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Computer ethics
Computer ethicsComputer ethics
Computer ethics

Computer ethics is defined as a set of moral principles regulating computer use. Key issues in computer ethics include intellectual property rights, privacy concerns, and how technology impacts society. Ethical computer use means not duplicating copyrighted content without permission, accessing personal information, using computers to harm others, interfering with others' work, stealing, copying unlicensed software, or using computer resources without authorization. Copyright law protects intellectual property by regulating copying, distribution, alteration and display of creative works.

Cyber security
Cyber securityCyber security
Cyber security

The basic fundamental of cybersecurity and how can it be used for unethical purposes. For this type of presentations (customised), you can contact me here :

cyber crime
cyber crimecyber crime
cyber crime

This document discusses cyber crime, including its history and common types. It notes that early hacking was done to learn about computer systems but later became more malicious. The main types of cyber crime covered are hacking, cyber terrorism, cyber theft, and cyber stalking. Hacking involves illegally accessing computers to steal or damage information. Cyber terrorism uses the internet for terrorist activities like disrupting networks. Cyber theft involves stealing personal details to illegally obtain money. Cyber stalking uses technology to harass or threaten an individual. The document also discusses causes of cyber crime and methods to tackle it through strong security across computer networks and domains.

Data Security
Ethics of Social Media Use
 There are a number of ethical considerations related to social media use,
such as:
 Respect for others
 Honesty
 Responsibility
Ethics of Social Media Use
Cyberbullying is the use of electronic
communication to bully a person,
typically by sending messages of an
intimidating or threatening nature.
What is Cyberbullying

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This document provides an introduction to cyber security. It defines cyber security as protecting cyberspace from attacks, and defines a cyber attack. It explains that cyberspace is where online communication occurs, via the internet. Cyber security is important because it affects everyone who uses computers and networks. Cyber security training is needed to establish human controls. Cyber attacks can target businesses, governments, institutions and individuals. Attackers include hackers, criminals, spies and nation-states who use methods like malware, social engineering, and network attacks. Defenders of cyber security include ICT teams, security vendors, manufacturers, and governments. Information systems and quality data are important assets to protect. Emerging cyber threats include cloud services, ransomware, spear ph


The document discusses computer ethics and some of the ethical issues that can arise from computer use. It outlines several unethical uses of computers such as embezzlement, privacy violations, hacking, and copyright infringement. It also discusses ethical issues like advocacy of hatred/violence, sharing objectionable content, and introducing biases into software. Potential problems from artificial intelligence like autonomous weapons and lack of empathy are mentioned. Environmental impacts and health issues from improper computer use and disposal are also covered.

electronic wastecarpel tuunel syndromelife skill
Cyber security ppt
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Cyber security ppt

This document discusses cyber security, including types of threats like ransomware, malware, social engineering and phishing. It also covers cyber security vendors and the advantages and disadvantages of cyber security. The main benefits are protection of data and networks, prevention of unauthorized access, and improved recovery from security breaches. Cyber security helps defend against hacks and viruses but can slow systems down and require frequent software updates.

cybercyber securitysecurity
Hate speech is speech that attacks a
person or group on the basis of attributes
such as race, religion, sexual orientation,
or gender.
Hate Speech
Misinformation and disinformation
 Misinformation is false or inaccurate information that is spread without
malicious intent.
 Disinformation is false or inaccurate information that is spread intentionally
to deceive.
Social Media Addiction
 What is social media addiction
 Social media addiction is an excessive use of social media that interferes
with a person's daily life.
Social Media Addiction

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Cyber crime and Security
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Cyber crime and Security

This document discusses cyber crime and cyber security. It begins with an introduction and overview of the history and categories of cyber crime. Some key types of cyber crime discussed include hacking, denial of service attacks, and child pornography. The document then covers advantages of cyber security like privacy policies and keeping software updated. It concludes by noting that cyber crime involves both traditional crimes and new crimes addressed by cyber law, and that cyber security is needed to help combat cyber criminals.

Cyber attacks
Cyber attacks Cyber attacks
Cyber attacks

Slides on Cyber Security:Overview of cyber attacks how attacks occurs and how to prevent helps IIIrd year students to learn about cyber security

cyber security: overview ocyber attacks

This document discusses ethics in cyber space. It begins by defining ethics as understanding how actions affect others, knowing right from wrong, and taking responsibility. It notes that what is unethical is not always illegal. The document then defines cyberethics as the study of ethics pertaining to computer networks and how technology affects society. It discusses several ethical issues like privacy, access rights, and harmful actions. The document provides examples of common unethical cyber behaviors like cyberbullying, plagiarism, and hacking. It emphasizes that everyone must be concerned with cyber ethics to have a safe online environment.

Digital Footprint
 A digital footprint is the trail of data that a person leaves behind online,
such as their social media posts, search history, and online purchases.
Tips for Ethical Social Media Use
 Be respectful of others.
 Be honest.
 Think before you post.
 Be mindful of your privacy settings.
 Use social media in moderation.
Tips for Ethical Social Media Use
 Social media is a powerful tool that can be used for good or evil.
 By understanding the cyber laws and ethics of using social media, we can
make responsible and ethical choices about how we use it.

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Ethics in cyber spaceEthics in cyber space
Ethics in cyber space

This document discusses ethics in cyber space. It begins by defining ethics as understanding how actions affect others, knowing right from wrong, and taking responsibility. It notes that what is unethical is not always illegal. The document then defines cyberethics as the study of ethics pertaining to computer networks and how technology affects individuals and society. It discusses several ethical issues like privacy, access rights, and harmful actions. The document provides examples of common unethical cyber behaviors like cyberbullying, plagiarism, and violating privacy policies. It emphasizes that everyone must be concerned with cyber ethics to ensure technology is used safely and for the benefit of society.

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This is a Presentation about the basics of Media and Information Literacy. All rights are reserved. This is solely created for academic purposes only.


Course of Computer science class 10


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cyber law and ethics uisng social media .pdf

  • 1. Cyber Law and Ethics Using Social Media PRESENTED BY : MUHAMMD KHUBAIB AWAN
  • 2. Introduction  Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, transforming the way we communicate, share information, and connect with others.  In this digital age, it is essential to recognize the impact and influence of social media on individuals, communities, and societies.  This presentation aims to explore the legal and ethical dimensions of using social media, emphasizing the need to navigate the digital landscape responsibly.
  • 4. What is cyber law  Cyber law is the body of law that deals with the use of technology, particularly the Internet.
  • 5. Cyber Law Cover • Cybercrime • Intellectual property • Privacy • Data security
  • 6. Cyber Crime  Cybercrime is any criminal activity that involves the use of a computer or the Internet.
  • 8. Intellectual Property  Intellectual property (IP) is a form of property that protects the creations of the human mind, such as:  Inventions  Literary works  Music  Artwork
  • 10. Copyright  Copyright is a form of IP that protects original works of authorship, such as:  Books  Movies  Songs  Software
  • 12. Fair Use  Fair use is a doctrine that allows the use of copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright holder under certain circumstances, such as:  Criticism  Comment  News reporting  Teaching
  • 14. What is Privacy  Privacy is the right to be free from unreasonable intrusion into one's personal life.  Social media can pose a threat to privacy, as our personal information is often shared online.
  • 16. What is data Security  Data security is the process of protecting data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.  Social media companies are responsible for protecting the data of their users.
  • 18. Ethics of Social Media Use  There are a number of ethical considerations related to social media use, such as:  Respect for others  Honesty  Responsibility
  • 19. Ethics of Social Media Use
  • 20. Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. What is Cyberbullying
  • 21. Hate speech is speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of attributes such as race, religion, sexual orientation, or gender. Hate Speech
  • 22. Misinformation and disinformation  Misinformation is false or inaccurate information that is spread without malicious intent.  Disinformation is false or inaccurate information that is spread intentionally to deceive.
  • 23. Social Media Addiction  What is social media addiction  Social media addiction is an excessive use of social media that interferes with a person's daily life.
  • 25. Digital Footprint  A digital footprint is the trail of data that a person leaves behind online, such as their social media posts, search history, and online purchases.
  • 26. Tips for Ethical Social Media Use  Be respectful of others.  Be honest.  Think before you post.  Be mindful of your privacy settings.  Use social media in moderation.
  • 27. Tips for Ethical Social Media Use
  • 28. Conclusion  Social media is a powerful tool that can be used for good or evil.  By understanding the cyber laws and ethics of using social media, we can make responsible and ethical choices about how we use it.