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Subodh Belgi
VP & Chief Security Evangelist
Critical Infrastructure & Control Systems

• Modern society is dependent on several critical infrastructure
• Industrial Control Systems (SCADA/DCS/PLCs) are extensively used to
  manage the operation of critical infrastructure

                          Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd.    2
Critical Infrastructure is Under Attack !!

                     Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd.   3
SCADA/Control Systems Becoming Easy Target..

                  Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd.   4

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Nist cybersecurity framework isc2 quantico
Nist cybersecurity framework  isc2 quanticoNist cybersecurity framework  isc2 quantico
Nist cybersecurity framework isc2 quantico

NIST Cybersecurity Framework is voluntary framework to support the emerging needs for having robust and effective cyber security practices across an enterprise. This presentation recaps the Framework 6 months into implementation and along with changes. Also, discusses the capabilities of TrustedAgent GRC to accelerate and strengthen the implementation of an effective cybersecurity program by automating or addressing many of the practices required by the framework.

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Strategies for Managing OT Cybersecurity Risk
Strategies for Managing OT Cybersecurity RiskStrategies for Managing OT Cybersecurity Risk
Strategies for Managing OT Cybersecurity Risk

1) OT cybersecurity requires taking a holistic view of plant risk that considers impacts beyond financials, such as safety, environmental and operational impacts. Assets should be classified according to risk so priorities can be set. 2) Knowing the assets in the OT environment is essential before strategies can be developed. New technologies can help with asset inventory. 3) OT cybersecurity responsibilities need to be clearly defined, which could include one or two CISO roles to oversee both IT and OT, with close collaboration.

#strategies #ot #cybersecurity #risk#infosec #data #ciso
Best Practices for Network Security Management
Best Practices for Network Security Management Best Practices for Network Security Management
Best Practices for Network Security Management

Gidi Cohen, Founder & CEO, Skybox Security Changing technology and business trends pose new challenges to network security management, including firewall change management processes, management of security configurations in a BYOD-world, regulatory compliance, validation of firewall migrations, and troubleshooting access problems to complex networks. Through case studies, survey data, and real-world practices, this session will grant insight into automating and optimizing network security management. Learn to streamline and automate firewall analysis to improve productivity Discover how to automate network device configuration to minimize error Gain insight into how secure change management can ensure stringent security compliance

network securitycyber threatsattack simulation
Stuxnet Attack – The Wakeup Call !
• Most sophisticated and targeted attack
  on Industrial Control Systems
• Disabling specific types of drives used in
  Uranium Enrichment process by
  infecting a specific model of Siemens
• 7 different modes of propagation, 4
  different zero day vulnerabilities
• 2 rootkits – For windows and Siemens
• Using stolen certificates to sign the
  rootkit code
• Remote command & control
• P2P update capability

                             Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd.   5
ICS Security : Risk Drivers
                         Increased Connectivity

• Need for ‘REAL TIME’ information, for
  taking Informed decisions.
• Control systems are linked to corporate
  information systems & networks.

                     Open Technology

                                       • Increasingly using standardized IT
                                       • IP based network for PLCs, DCS,
                                         IEDs, Field devices etc.

                         Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd.           6
ICS Security : Risk Drivers
                      Design Limitations

  • Historically, designed for productivity,
    safety and reliability
  • Security by obscurity – Proprietary
    protocols, air gapped network

                  Lack of Cyber Security Awareness
• Enterprise IT Security professionals
  lack control systems expertise
• Control systems professionals not
  aware of security issues and

                           Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd.   7
Industrial Control Systems in an Organization

                   Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd.   8

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TARA- Automotive Cybersecurity.pptx
TARA- Automotive Cybersecurity.pptxTARA- Automotive Cybersecurity.pptx
TARA- Automotive Cybersecurity.pptx

TARA: Threat Assessment and Remediation Analysis Originally developed in 2010, TARA is an “engineering methodology used to assess and identify cyber threats and select countermeasures effective at mitigating the vulnerabilities”

Nozomi networks-solution brief
Nozomi networks-solution briefNozomi networks-solution brief
Nozomi networks-solution brief

The Nozomi Networks solution improves ICS cyber resiliency and provides real-time operational visibility. Major customers have improved reliability, cybersecurity and operational efficiency using our technology. Learn more about our solutions and technology here and how they can bring immediate benefit to your industrial control system (ICS)

icscybersecuritycyber security
IBM Security Strategy Overview
IBM Security Strategy OverviewIBM Security Strategy Overview
IBM Security Strategy Overview

IBM's security strategy focuses on providing integrated security solutions to address modern security challenges posed by compliance needs, human error, skills gaps, and advanced attacks. IBM's portfolio includes security transformation services, security operations and response, and information risk and protection solutions. The company aims to help customers optimize their security programs, orchestrate defenses throughout the attack lifecycle, and keep critical information protected.

ibm securityincident responsecognitive security
ICS Security Not Same as IT Security
         Topic                   IT Systems                      Industrial Control Systems
     Typical Lifespan               3-5 years                                10-15 years
   Security Awareness                 Good                               Poor, except physical
  Time Critical Content    Generally delays accepted                     Critical due to safety

       Availability          Occasional downtime                              24x7x365
  Security Testing/Audit     Scheduled, mandated                       Occasional, uncommon
   Patch Management           Regular, Scheduled                       Slow, vendor dependent
  Change Management           Regular, scheduled                             Uncommon
    Security Controls        Extensively deployed                Uncommon, except safety related

    Business Impact        Disruption, Monetary Loss,              Loss of Life, Loss of Business,
                                 Legal sanctions                  Physical Damage, Environmental
                                                                    Impact, National Security &

                                Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd.                           9
Who are the Adversaries?

• Usual Suspects..
  –   Script Kiddies
  –   Hackers
  –   Cyber Criminals
  –   Malware Authors/Operators
  –   Organized Crime Groups

• Growing Threat..
  –   Industrial Espionage
  –   Hacktivists
  –   Disgruntled Insiders
  –   State Sponsored Terrorists
  –   Foreign Intelligence Agencies

                              Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd.   10
Reported Vulnerabilities – Tip of the Iceberg
                                       Inadequate Security Architecture & Design

                                       No Periodic Security Assessment/Audit

                                       Firewall Non-existent or Improperly Configured

                                       Unsecured Remote Access

                                       OS and Application Patches not Updated

                                       Use of Default Configuration, User Accounts

                                       Lack of Verifying Data Authenticity, Integrity

                                       Malware Protection not Installed

                    Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd.                          11
Critical Infrastructure Security
Challenges & Opportunities


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NIST CyberSecurity Framework: An Overview
NIST CyberSecurity Framework: An OverviewNIST CyberSecurity Framework: An Overview
NIST CyberSecurity Framework: An Overview

The document discusses the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, which provides guidelines for critical infrastructure security and management of cybersecurity risks. It was created through a collaboration between government and industry to help organizations manage and reduce cybersecurity risks. The framework consists of five concurrent and continuous functions - Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover. It also outlines implementation tiers from Partial to Adaptive to help organizations determine their cybersecurity risk management practices. The framework is meant to be flexible and not prescriptive in order to accommodate different sectors and risks profiles.

IBM QRadar Security Intelligence Overview
IBM QRadar Security Intelligence OverviewIBM QRadar Security Intelligence Overview
IBM QRadar Security Intelligence Overview

the IBM Security Intelligence Platform, also known as QRadar®, integrates SIEM, log management, anomaly detection, vulnerability management, risk management and incident forensics into a unified, highly scalable, real-time solution that provides superior threat detection, greater ease of use, and low total cost of ownership compared with competitive products

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Network Security Architecture
Network Security Architecture Network Security Architecture
Network Security Architecture

This document discusses the need for adopting an industry standard network security architecture model to improve security without unnecessary complexity. It outlines the evolution of typical network architectures from closed to increasingly open and exposed. This has introduced new threats that cannot be addressed by isolated security solutions alone. The document advocates aligning security controls according to well-defined architectural principles and business needs, and properly managing the integrated system as a whole.

Typical ICS Architecture

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ICS Communication Protocols

  Modbus, DNP3, ICCP, IEC 60870, IEC 61850

• DCS/Process Automation
  CIP, ControlNet, DeviceNet, DirectNet, EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP, EtherNet Powerlink,
  HART, Fieldbus, Modbus, Hostlink, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, Profibus, ProfiNet,

• Smart Buildings/Meters/Vehicles
  BACnet, C-Bus, CC-Link, Dynet, LonTalk, S-Bus, VSCP, xAP, X10, Zigbee
  ANSI C12.18, DLMS/IEC 62056, IEC 61107, M-Bus, Zigbee Smart Energy
  CAN, DC-Bus, FlexRay, IEBus, J1708, J1939, VAN, SMARTWireX, LIN

                              Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd.              14
ICS Communication Protocols – Challenges

• Lack of Authentication - Works with device addresses and
  function codes
• Lack of Encryption - Command and addresses sent in clear-text
• Lack of Message Integrity - No data validity checking
• Broadcast Functionality - All devices receive all messages
• Programmability - Able to program controllers, PLCs and RTUs
• Susceptible to Message spoofing, MITM, DOS attacks
• Protocols not supported by commercial firewalls
• Not supported by security tools – Snort, Wireshark

                        Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd.   15
Automation Devices – Controllers, PLC, RTUs, IEDs…

• Used for Communication, Control, I/O,
  Protection, Monitoring, Metering etc.
• Runs vxworks, embedded linux/windows,
 or proprietary OS on custom hardware
• TCP/IP connectivity
• Lack of basic security features
• Highly susceptible to cyber attacks

                        Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd.   16

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Security architecture
Security architectureSecurity architecture
Security architecture

This document provides an overview of how security architecture fits within enterprise architecture. It begins by noting that security architecture is a subset of enterprise architecture. It then discusses a presentation given on this topic, highlighting how security practices are often misunderstood by both IT and security professionals. The presentation explores how to better integrate security architecture with enterprise architecture frameworks and processes to ensure security priorities are properly considered throughout enterprise initiatives. It emphasizes the importance of understanding enterprise architecture, aligning security language with business needs, and using evidence-based approaches to integrate security architecture within overall enterprise architecture.

information securityenterprise architecture
Implementing of a Cyber Security Program Framework from ISO 27032 to ISO 55001
Implementing of a Cyber Security Program Framework from ISO 27032 to ISO 55001Implementing of a Cyber Security Program Framework from ISO 27032 to ISO 55001
Implementing of a Cyber Security Program Framework from ISO 27032 to ISO 55001

This webinar gives an idea of what is the relation of ISO 27032 with ISO 55001, and how these two standards cover one another. Get more information on Cybersecurity as the importance is given more to the security industry nowadays. Main points covered: • Protection assets in Cyberspace • Covering ISO 27032 in ISO 55001 and ISO 55001 in ISO 27032 • Sample of Cybersecurity Risks in Assets • Highlights of the Implementation of the Cyber Security program Framework Presenter: This webinar was presented by PECB Partner and Trainer Mr. Claude Essomba, who is a Managing Director at GETSEC SARL, and has more than 9 years of experience in IT and Information Security. Link of the recorded session published on YouTube:

benefits of iso 27032benefits of iso 55001how iso 27023 and iso 55001 cover one another
The Next Generation of Security Operations Centre (SOC)
The Next Generation of Security Operations Centre (SOC)The Next Generation of Security Operations Centre (SOC)
The Next Generation of Security Operations Centre (SOC)

The document discusses the key aspects of building a next generation Security Operations Centre (SOC). It emphasizes that skilled people, well-defined processes, and integrating new technologies are critical. Specifically, it recommends adopting automation and analytics to analyze large datasets, integrating threat intelligence from multiple sources, and establishing red and blue teams to continuously test defenses. The goal of a next generation SOC is to use predictive analysis of vast security data to improve threat detection, response, and the overall security posture of an organization.

security operations centreiso trainingiso certification
Automation Devices – Challenges

                  Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd.   17
How Could You Contribute ?

Building Research Community Focused on Industrial Control
Systems Security
     Network Protocol Analysis
     Firmware Analysis/Hacking
     Embedded Systems Hacking
     Vulnerability Analysis
     Exploit Development
     Malware Analysis
     Security Tools Development

                       Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd.   18
Thank you!
Subodh Belgi

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Critical Infrastructure Security by Subodh Belgi

  • 1. Subodh Belgi VP & Chief Security Evangelist
  • 2. Critical Infrastructure & Control Systems • Modern society is dependent on several critical infrastructure industries • Industrial Control Systems (SCADA/DCS/PLCs) are extensively used to manage the operation of critical infrastructure Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd. 2
  • 3. Critical Infrastructure is Under Attack !! Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd. 3
  • 4. SCADA/Control Systems Becoming Easy Target.. Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd. 4
  • 5. Stuxnet Attack – The Wakeup Call ! • Most sophisticated and targeted attack on Industrial Control Systems • Disabling specific types of drives used in Uranium Enrichment process by infecting a specific model of Siemens PLC • 7 different modes of propagation, 4 different zero day vulnerabilities exploited • 2 rootkits – For windows and Siemens PLC • Using stolen certificates to sign the rootkit code • Remote command & control • P2P update capability Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd. 5
  • 6. ICS Security : Risk Drivers Increased Connectivity • Need for ‘REAL TIME’ information, for taking Informed decisions. • Control systems are linked to corporate information systems & networks. Open Technology • Increasingly using standardized IT Technologies • IP based network for PLCs, DCS, IEDs, Field devices etc. Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd. 6
  • 7. ICS Security : Risk Drivers Design Limitations • Historically, designed for productivity, safety and reliability • Security by obscurity – Proprietary protocols, air gapped network Lack of Cyber Security Awareness • Enterprise IT Security professionals lack control systems expertise • Control systems professionals not aware of security issues and controls Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd. 7
  • 8. Industrial Control Systems in an Organization Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd. 8
  • 9. ICS Security Not Same as IT Security Topic IT Systems Industrial Control Systems Typical Lifespan 3-5 years 10-15 years Security Awareness Good Poor, except physical Time Critical Content Generally delays accepted Critical due to safety Availability Occasional downtime 24x7x365 accepted Security Testing/Audit Scheduled, mandated Occasional, uncommon Patch Management Regular, Scheduled Slow, vendor dependent Change Management Regular, scheduled Uncommon Security Controls Extensively deployed Uncommon, except safety related Business Impact Disruption, Monetary Loss, Loss of Life, Loss of Business, Legal sanctions Physical Damage, Environmental Impact, National Security & Economy Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd. 9
  • 10. Who are the Adversaries? • Usual Suspects.. – Script Kiddies – Hackers – Cyber Criminals – Malware Authors/Operators – Organized Crime Groups • Growing Threat.. – Industrial Espionage – Hacktivists – Disgruntled Insiders – State Sponsored Terrorists – Foreign Intelligence Agencies Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd. 10
  • 11. Reported Vulnerabilities – Tip of the Iceberg Inadequate Security Architecture & Design No Periodic Security Assessment/Audit Firewall Non-existent or Improperly Configured Unsecured Remote Access OS and Application Patches not Updated Use of Default Configuration, User Accounts Lack of Verifying Data Authenticity, Integrity Malware Protection not Installed Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd. 11
  • 13. Typical ICS Architecture Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd. 13
  • 14. ICS Communication Protocols • SCADA Modbus, DNP3, ICCP, IEC 60870, IEC 61850 • DCS/Process Automation CIP, ControlNet, DeviceNet, DirectNet, EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP, EtherNet Powerlink, HART, Fieldbus, Modbus, Hostlink, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, Profibus, ProfiNet, RAPIENet, Honeywell SDS, SERCOS III, GE SRTP, Sinec, OPC, OPC UA • Smart Buildings/Meters/Vehicles BACnet, C-Bus, CC-Link, Dynet, LonTalk, S-Bus, VSCP, xAP, X10, Zigbee ANSI C12.18, DLMS/IEC 62056, IEC 61107, M-Bus, Zigbee Smart Energy CAN, DC-Bus, FlexRay, IEBus, J1708, J1939, VAN, SMARTWireX, LIN Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd. 14
  • 15. ICS Communication Protocols – Challenges • Lack of Authentication - Works with device addresses and function codes • Lack of Encryption - Command and addresses sent in clear-text • Lack of Message Integrity - No data validity checking • Broadcast Functionality - All devices receive all messages • Programmability - Able to program controllers, PLCs and RTUs • Susceptible to Message spoofing, MITM, DOS attacks • Protocols not supported by commercial firewalls • Not supported by security tools – Snort, Wireshark Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd. 15
  • 16. Automation Devices – Controllers, PLC, RTUs, IEDs… • Used for Communication, Control, I/O, Protection, Monitoring, Metering etc. • Runs vxworks, embedded linux/windows, or proprietary OS on custom hardware • TCP/IP connectivity • Lack of basic security features • Highly susceptible to cyber attacks Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd. 16
  • 17. Automation Devices – Challenges Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd. 17
  • 18. How Could You Contribute ? Building Research Community Focused on Industrial Control Systems Security  Network Protocol Analysis  Firmware Analysis/Hacking  Embedded Systems Hacking  Vulnerability Analysis  Exploit Development  Malware Analysis  Security Tools Development Copyright © 2012 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd. 18

Editor's Notes

  1. Performance – Real time response is critical, May not require high-throughput Controls should not hamper normal or emergency operations Availability – Very high uptime requirement, Outages are not acceptable and may result into physical events, simply rebooting IT systems is not the solution, downtime planning is critical and any changes require extensive testingSecurity Goals differ – Availability is priority, unlike confidentiality for IT systemsResource Constraints – Compute power, memory, bandwidth limitation Typical IT security solutions do consume lot of computing resourcesLong Technology Life Cycle – 10-20 years compared to 3-5 years for IT. Proprietary and complex & non standard systems and communication protocols, not easy to deploy usual IT security solutions in IACS spaceSecurity Staff – Expertise widely differ, Control systems expertise is not available with typical IT staff, require special training and staff development