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The PIMMS project and Natural Language
     Processing for Climate Science
Extending the Chemical Tagger natural language processing tool with
              climate science controlled vocabularies

                   Charlotte Pascoe, Hannah Barjat
                  Peter Murray-Rust and Gerry Devine

                  June 9th 2012, Open Repositories 2012
Portable Infrastructure for the
 Metafor Metadata System
Common Information Model
                                                           Data                                            Software
             We can talk about DataObjects
             collected together in any number of
             ways, stored in a particular medium

       Shared                               ISO

                      We reuse various ISO classes

                                                     We can talk about
Some concepts                                        hierarchical
are shared                                           ModelComponents
                            We can record the        ModelProperties, som
                            quality of things                                          A particular Activity uses
                                                     e of which can be
                                                                                       a particular
                                                     coupled together
                            Grids                                           Activity   SoftwareComponent

                                                                                                   We can talk about
                                                                                                   Simulations run in
                                                                                                   support of Experiments.
                                                                                                   Experiments consist of
 We can define a GridSpec                                                                          Simulations conform to
 or some other geometry                                                                            Requirements
Common Information Model

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Applying the Scientific Method to Simulation Experiments
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Applying the Scientific Method to Simulation Experiments

In this talk I would like to explore on how to apply the scientific method to in silico experiments. How can we design these experiments, so that they are independent of the software tool that gave rise to them? Over the past decade we have seen the rise of model exchange formats such as the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML), that enable us to share the models readily with colleagues and between applications. Here I present the Simulation Experiment Description Markup Language (SED-ML) that aims to do the same thing for in silico experiments. After detailing its history, and where it currently stands, I will give a short overview of the growing tool support.

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1 Project 2 Introduction - the SeaPort Project seri.docx
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1 Project 2 Introduction - the SeaPort Project series For this set of projects for the course, we wish to simulate some of the aspects of a number of Sea Ports. Here are the classes and their instance variables we wish to define:  SeaPortProgram extends JFrame o variables used by the GUI interface o world: World  Thing implement Comparable <Thing> o index: int o name: String o parent: int  World extends Thing o ports: ArrayList <SeaPort> o time: PortTime  SeaPort extends Thing o docks: ArrayList <Dock> o que: ArrayList <Ship> // the list of ships waiting to dock o ships: ArrayList <Ship> // a list of all the ships at this port o persons: ArrayList <Person> // people with skills at this port  Dock extends Thing o ship: Ship  Ship extends Thing o arrivalTime, dockTime: PortTime o draft, length, weight, width: double o jobs: ArrayList <Job>  PassengerShip extends Ship o numberOfOccupiedRooms: int o numberOfPassengers: int o numberOfRooms: int  CargoShip extends Ship o cargoValue: double o cargoVolume: double o cargoWeight: double  Person extends Thing o skill: String  Job extends Thing - optional till Projects 3 and 4 o duration: double o requirements: ArrayList <String> // should be some of the skills of the persons  PortTime o time: int Eventually, in Projects 3 and 4, you will be asked to show the progress of the jobs using JProgressBar's. 2 Here's a very quick overview of all projects: 1. Read a data file, create the internal data structure, create a GUI to display the structure, and let the user search the structure. 2. Sort the structure, use hash maps to create the structure more efficiently. 3. Create a thread for each job, cannot run until a ship has a dock, create a GUI to show the progress of each job. 4. Simulate competing for resources (persons with particular skills) for each job. Project 2 General Objectives Project 2 - Map class, Comparator, sorting  Use the JDK Map class to write more efficient code when constructing the internal data structures from the data file.  Implement SORTING using the Comparator interface together with the JDK support for sorting data structures, thus sorting on different fields of the classes from Project 1.  Extend the GUI from Project 1 to let the user sort the data at run-time. Documentation Requirements: You should start working on a documentation file before you do anything else with these projects, and fill in items as you go along. Leaving the documentation until the project is finished is not a good idea for any number of reasons. The documentation should include the following (graded) elements:  Cover page (including name, date, project, your class information)  Design o including a UML class diagram o classes, variables and methods: what they mean and why they are there o tied to the requirements of the project  User's Guide o how would a user start and run your pro ...

Mind Maps

Mind maps are used to capture
information requirements from domain
experts and build a controlled vocabulary.
Python Parser
The python parser processes the XML files generated by the mind maps
<component name="Radiation">
   <definition status="missing">Definition of component type Radiation required</definition>
   <parameter name="RadiativeTimeStep" choice="keyboard">
    <definition status="missing">Definition of property name RadiativeTimeStep required</definition>
    <value format="numerical" name="time step" units="time units"/>
   <parametergroup name="Longwave">
    <parameter name="SchemeType" choice="XOR">
     <definition status="missing">Definition of property name SchemeType required</definition>
     <value name="Wide-band model"/>
     <value name="Wide-band (Morcrette)"/>
     <value name="K-correlated"/>
     <value name="K-correlated (RRTM)"/>
     <value name="other"/>
    <parameter name="Method" choice="XOR">
     <definition status="missing">Definition of property name Method required</definition>
     <value name="Two stream"/>
     <value name="Layer interaction"/>
     <value name="other"/>
    <parameter name="NumberOfSpectralIntervals" choice="keyboard">
     <definition status="missing">Definition of property name NumberOfSpectralIntervals required</definition>
     <value format="numerical" name=""/>
Web Forms
Web forms generate content in CIM xml format
CIM Viewer

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Chemical Tagger
ChemicalTagger is an open-source tool that uses OSCAR4 and NLP techniques for tagging and
parsing experimental sections in the chemistry literature.
Chemical Tagger &
• Java project Developed by the Peter Murray-Rust
  group, Cambridge. Online demo:
• Adapted for use with ACP Abstracts (Lezan Hawizy and
  Hannah Barjat).
   –   Modification by use of dictionaries and changes to grammar.
   –   First use case outside of laboratory chemistry.
   –   Still with a significant chemistry component.
   –   Wider physical science.
 • Open Source NLP tool for processing
• Open Source NLP tool for processing chemical text
    chemical text
• Combines Chemical Entity Recognitions (OSCAR) with NLP
 • techniquesChemical Entity Recognitions
• Extendible and Reconfigurable Taggers and Parsers
    (OSCAR) with NLP techniques
 • Extendible and Reconfigurable Taggers
    and Parsers generated using ANTLR
    (ANother Tool for Language Recognition)
Chemical Tagger & PIMMS

• To extend chemical tagger to be more suited to
  climate modelling.
     – Specifically:
         • Palaeoclimate modelling and how process of text mining
           might differ from development of a controlled vocabulary.
         • High-lighting of text for comparison with CIM documents.
         • Initially only using XML Abstracts e.g. from EGU’s
           Geoscientific Model Development and Climate of the Past.
         – Brief look at PDF to Text.

Paleoclimate Language
• Time periods and climatic events
   – Includes named Ages, Epochs, Eras etc. [Including all those in a mind map produced
     for the PIMMS project at Bristol].
   – context of proper nouns e.g. with words such as ‘period’, ‘era’, ‘epoch’
   – Numbers with appropriate units e.g. Mya, yr BP
   – Likely date numbers e.g. 1750 AD.
   – Acronyms – known’LGM’ e.g. [in context ACRONYMS have not been investigated]
   – Related adjectives e.g.
     seasonal, decadal, glacial, interglacial, stadial, interstadial, maximum, minimum
     where used as proper nouns.

• Palaeoclimate Models
   – Can guess model names from context
       • e.g. proper noun or acronym followed by model
       • e.g. reconstruction / simulation with XXX
   – Can develop/use glossary of model names.

• Palaeoclimate Acronyms
   – Time periods and models.
   – Theories, techniques, physical and chemical parameters?
   – Can develop/use glossary of acronyms – problem area: often not unique even
     within subject.

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Natural Language vs CV

• Quick compilation of proper nouns used for time periods
  (primarily from Wikipedia) contains 185 words.
     – Use of these words together with adjective/ dates / details of
       events would produce a very large number of phrases.

• Controlled Vocabulary from Bristol contains around 24 of
     • Use of these words together with other proper nouns /
       adjectives / dates gives only 44 phrases within the Bristol CV.

• Map natural language to CV?
     – Straightforward for most dates?
     – Understanding of context important
         • Does context refer to main emphasis of paper?
13       • Is an event/time period described unambiguously? e.g. “Last Glacial
Preliminary Results
Preliminary Results (from 68 files)

    Tag / Tags                  Example                       Comment
    <timePhrase>                (i) Holocene, (ii) 8 kyr BP
    <PALAEOTIME>                (iii)

    <referencePhrase>           (i) (Otto et al. 2009b)       Important to distinguish
                                (ii) Giraudeau et al. 2000    year pattern from dates
                                                              relevant to the study.

    <locationPhrase>            (i) around Lake Kotokel,      False positives: e.g. “from
                                (ii) over Tibetan Plateau     Sphagnum”

    <LOCATION>                  (i) 52°47´ N, 108°07´ E,      Cannot currently do
                                458 m a.s.l (ii) London.      degrees from pdf-text.

    <TempPhrase>                                              „warm‟ and „cool‟: verbs in
                                                              synthetic chem unlike env.
Tag / Tags        Example                     Numbers found
<CAMPAIGN>        (i) PMIP, (ii) PANASH       Less relevant here than to
                                              ACP in general
<MODEL>           (i) REVEALS model, (ii)
                  ECBILT-CLIO intermediate
                  complexity climate model

<acronymPhrase>   (i) Modern Analogues        May pick up campaigns /
                  Technique ( MAT )           models where phrases
                  (ii) REVEALS ( Regional     above have failed.
                  Estimates of VEgetation
                  Abundance from Large
                  Sites )
<QUANTITY>        (i) 10 ppm (ii) 0.53 mm/day units dictionary could be
                                              more extensive
<MOLECULE>        (i) CO2, (ii) calcium       Many false positives as
                  carbonate                   what chemical tagger was
                                              designed for.
Chemical Tagger
                        Rendering of PALEOTIME
XML rendered with CSS


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GMD Journal Article
CIM Document Viewer

   The acronym / name
MIROC4 is not explained – so
  reproduce sentence

                                      The description is just
                                    first few sentences after
                                           appearance of
CIM Document Viewer

                               Makes use of existing
                                chemical tagging.
CIM Document Viewer

                            Number of spectral
                             intervals were not
                            found! No place for
                                “not found”

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This document provides an overview of a talk on advanced Zemax Programming Language (ZPL) macro programming. It introduces the speakers and describes the structure of the talk, which will cover what ZPL is, examples of using ZPL for specific tasks like calculating ray angles of incidence across a pupil, and tips for writing macros. The document outlines several example macros that will be discussed in detail during the talk, including automating repetitive tasks and creating custom operands. It encourages participants to provide feedback and suggestions for additional topics.

Climate Models –
           General Constraints
• Unless paper is specifically about the model we
  are unlikely to find much MEAFOR type CV in
  the abstract
  – Look at experimental / methods sections
     • model name
     • model resolution
     • model schemes
  – Problem with PDF -> text.
  – Only certain elements easy to extract (e.g.
Refine ACPgeo Output

• Add a few more phrases e.g. specific phrases to
  look for model resolution, using expected
  vocabulary (e.g. grid, levels, resolution, directions
• Refine output of ACPgeo to look for specific CV
• Try to put CV terms in context:
     – Look for proximity of CV terms to other phrases:
         • Within phrase; within sentence or within a number of


– Chemical Tagger was designed to be used primarily with
    • Unsurprising that there is a tendency to to assign acronyms;
         hyphenated words; and words with common chemical
         endings as molecules.
     –   It is possible to filter some of these wrongly assigned words by
– There are still conflicts e.g. C3 and C4 could refer to
  hydrocarbons or plants.
    • Extensive testing and modifying / machine learning might
         reduce these.
– Better to get right first time if important!
Harvested Metadata vs
                          Documented Metadata
CIM was designed to be populated by modellers with the (probably over simplistic) assumption
that if something isn't in the CIM document then it either isn't in the model or isn't relevant. But
CIM documents created by harvesting information from papers will naturally not cover
everything about a model, so missing info doesn't mean that those things weren't
included/aren't relevant.

PIMMS will need to describe different protocols for interpreting CIM documents depending on
how they were created, but we will also want to ensure that that CIM accounts for missing data
more intelligently in future releases.

In essence the difference between journal article descriptions and metadata documentation is
Narrative. Journal articles need to tell a story so the information they include is only that which
is relevant to the narrative, whereas metadata documentation is an attempt to include as much
as possible across the board. The general nature of metadata documentation is probably why it
has historically been perceived as such a boring task to complete.

PIMMS will make metadata documentation more fun by bringing back the Narrative, once
PIMMS is established at an institution users will be able to create generalised metadata having
only described those things that are relevant to the story of their experiment.

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原件一模一样【微信:WP101A】【(london毕业证书)伦敦大学毕业证书学位证成绩单】【微信:WP101A】(留信学历认证永久存档查询)采用学校原版纸张、特殊工艺完全按照原版一比一制作(包括:隐形水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠,文字图案浮雕,激光镭射,紫外荧光,温感,复印防伪)行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备,十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,业务范围有加拿大、���国、澳洲、韩国、美国、新加坡,新西兰等学历材料,包您满意。 【业务选择办理准则】 一、工作未确定,回国需先给父母、亲戚朋友看下文凭的情况,办理一份就读学校的毕业证【微信:WP101A】文凭即可 二、回国进私企、外企、自己做生意的情况,这些单位是不查询毕业证真伪的,而且国内没有渠道去查询国外文凭的真假,也不需要提供真实教育部认证。鉴于此,办理一份毕业证【微信:WP101A】即可 三、进国企,银行,事业单位,考公务员等等,这些单位是必需要提供真实教育部认证的,办理教育部认证所需资料众多且烦琐,所有材料您都必须提供原件,我们凭借丰富的经验,快捷的绿色通道帮您快速整合材料,让您少走弯路。 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份【微信:WP101A】 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 → 【关于价格问题(保证一手价格) 我们所定的价格是非常合理的,而且我们现在做得单子大多数都是代理和回头客户介绍的所以一般现在有新的单子 我给客户的都是第一手的代理价格,因为我想坦诚对待大家 不想跟大家在价格方面浪费时间 对于老客户或者被老客户介绍过来的朋友,我们都会适当给一些优惠。 选择实体注册公司办理,更放心,更安全!我们的承��:可来公司面谈,可签订合同,会陪同客户一起到教育部认证窗口递交认证材料,客户在教育部官方认证查询网站查询到认证通过结果后付款,不成功不收费! 办理(london毕业证书)伦敦大学毕业证学位证)学位证【微信:WP101A 】外观非常精致,由特殊纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理(london毕业证书)伦敦大学毕业证学位证)学位证【微信:WP101A 】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理(london毕业证书)伦敦大学毕业证学位证)学位证【微信:WP101A 】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理(london毕业证书)伦敦大学毕业证学位证)学位证【微信:WP101A 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。


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Cpascoe pimms or2012_

  • 1. The PIMMS project and Natural Language Processing for Climate Science Extending the Chemical Tagger natural language processing tool with climate science controlled vocabularies Charlotte Pascoe, Hannah Barjat Peter Murray-Rust and Gerry Devine June 9th 2012, Open Repositories 2012
  • 2. Portable Infrastructure for the Metafor Metadata System
  • 3. Common Information Model Data Software We can talk about DataObjects collected together in any number of ways, stored in a particular medium Shared ISO We reuse various ISO classes Quality We can talk about Some concepts hierarchical are shared ModelComponents with We can record the ModelProperties, som quality of things A particular Activity uses e of which can be a particular coupled together Grids Activity SoftwareComponent We can talk about Simulations run in support of Experiments. Experiments consist of Requirements; We can define a GridSpec Simulations conform to or some other geometry Requirements
  • 5. Mind Maps Mind maps are used to capture information requirements from domain experts and build a controlled vocabulary.
  • 6. Python Parser The python parser processes the XML files generated by the mind maps <component name="Radiation"> <definition status="missing">Definition of component type Radiation required</definition> <parameter name="RadiativeTimeStep" choice="keyboard"> <definition status="missing">Definition of property name RadiativeTimeStep required</definition> <value format="numerical" name="time step" units="time units"/> </parameter> <parametergroup name="Longwave"> <parameter name="SchemeType" choice="XOR"> <definition status="missing">Definition of property name SchemeType required</definition> <value name="Wide-band model"/> <value name="Wide-band (Morcrette)"/> <value name="K-correlated"/> <value name="K-correlated (RRTM)"/> <value name="other"/> </parameter> <parameter name="Method" choice="XOR"> <definition status="missing">Definition of property name Method required</definition> <value name="Two stream"/> <value name="Layer interaction"/> <value name="other"/> </parameter> <parameter name="NumberOfSpectralIntervals" choice="keyboard"> <definition status="missing">Definition of property name NumberOfSpectralIntervals required</definition> <value format="numerical" name=""/> </parameter> </parametergroup>
  • 7. Web Forms Web forms generate content in CIM xml format
  • 9. Chemical Tagger ChemicalTagger is an open-source tool that uses OSCAR4 and NLP techniques for tagging and parsing experimental sections in the chemistry literature.
  • 10. Chemical Tagger & • Java project Developed by the Peter Murray-Rust group, Cambridge. Online demo: • Adapted for use with ACP Abstracts (Lezan Hawizy and Hannah Barjat). – Modification by use of dictionaries and changes to grammar. – First use case outside of laboratory chemistry. – Still with a significant chemistry component. – Wider physical science. • Open Source NLP tool for processing • Open Source NLP tool for processing chemical text chemical text • Combines Chemical Entity Recognitions (OSCAR) with NLP • techniquesChemical Entity Recognitions Combines • Extendible and Reconfigurable Taggers and Parsers (OSCAR) with NLP techniques • Extendible and Reconfigurable Taggers and Parsers generated using ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition)
  • 11. Chemical Tagger & PIMMS • To extend chemical tagger to be more suited to climate modelling. – Specifically: • Palaeoclimate modelling and how process of text mining might differ from development of a controlled vocabulary. • High-lighting of text for comparison with CIM documents. • Initially only using XML Abstracts e.g. from EGU’s Geoscientific Model Development and Climate of the Past. – Brief look at PDF to Text. 11
  • 12. Paleoclimate Language • Time periods and climatic events – Includes named Ages, Epochs, Eras etc. [Including all those in a mind map produced for the PIMMS project at Bristol]. – context of proper nouns e.g. with words such as ‘period’, ‘era’, ‘epoch’ – Numbers with appropriate units e.g. Mya, yr BP – Likely date numbers e.g. 1750 AD. – Acronyms – known’LGM’ e.g. [in context ACRONYMS have not been investigated] – Related adjectives e.g. seasonal, decadal, glacial, interglacial, stadial, interstadial, maximum, minimum where used as proper nouns. • Palaeoclimate Models – Can guess model names from context • e.g. proper noun or acronym followed by model • e.g. reconstruction / simulation with XXX – Can develop/use glossary of model names. • Palaeoclimate Acronyms – Time periods and models. – Theories, techniques, physical and chemical parameters? – Can develop/use glossary of acronyms – problem area: often not unique even within subject.
  • 13. Natural Language vs CV • Quick compilation of proper nouns used for time periods (primarily from Wikipedia) contains 185 words. – Use of these words together with adjective/ dates / details of events would produce a very large number of phrases. • Controlled Vocabulary from Bristol contains around 24 of these. • Use of these words together with other proper nouns / adjectives / dates gives only 44 phrases within the Bristol CV. • Map natural language to CV? – Straightforward for most dates? – Understanding of context important • Does context refer to main emphasis of paper? 13 • Is an event/time period described unambiguously? e.g. “Last Glacial
  • 14. Preliminary Results Preliminary Results (from 68 files) Tag / Tags Example Comment <timePhrase> (i) Holocene, (ii) 8 kyr BP <PALAEOTIME> (iii) <referencePhrase> (i) (Otto et al. 2009b) Important to distinguish (ii) Giraudeau et al. 2000 year pattern from dates relevant to the study. <locationPhrase> (i) around Lake Kotokel, False positives: e.g. “from (ii) over Tibetan Plateau Sphagnum” <LOCATION> (i) 52°47´ N, 108°07´ E, Cannot currently do 458 m a.s.l (ii) London. degrees from pdf-text. <TempPhrase> „warm‟ and „cool‟: verbs in synthetic chem unlike env. chem.
  • 15. Tag / Tags Example Numbers found <CAMPAIGN> (i) PMIP, (ii) PANASH Less relevant here than to ACP in general <MODEL> (i) REVEALS model, (ii) ECBILT-CLIO intermediate complexity climate model <acronymPhrase> (i) Modern Analogues May pick up campaigns / Technique ( MAT ) models where phrases (ii) REVEALS ( Regional above have failed. Estimates of VEgetation Abundance from Large Sites ) <QUANTITY> (i) 10 ppm (ii) 0.53 mm/day units dictionary could be more extensive <MOLECULE> (i) CO2, (ii) calcium Many false positives as carbonate what chemical tagger was designed for.
  • 16. Chemical Tagger Rendering of PALEOTIME XML rendered with CSS 16
  • 18. CIM Document Viewer The acronym / name MIROC4 is not explained – so reproduce sentence The description is just first few sentences after appearance of <MODEL>
  • 19. CIM Document Viewer Makes use of existing chemical tagging.
  • 20. CIM Document Viewer Number of spectral intervals were not found! No place for “not found”
  • 21. Climate Models – General Constraints • Unless paper is specifically about the model we are unlikely to find much MEAFOR type CV in the abstract – Look at experimental / methods sections • model name • model resolution • model schemes – Problem with PDF -> text. – Only certain elements easy to extract (e.g. resolution)
  • 22. Refine ACPgeo Output • Add a few more phrases e.g. specific phrases to look for model resolution, using expected vocabulary (e.g. grid, levels, resolution, directions etc). • Refine output of ACPgeo to look for specific CV terms. • Try to put CV terms in context: – Look for proximity of CV terms to other phrases: • Within phrase; within sentence or within a number of sentences 22
  • 23. <MOLECULE> – Chemical Tagger was designed to be used primarily with chemistry. • Unsurprising that there is a tendency to to assign acronyms; hyphenated words; and words with common chemical endings as molecules. – It is possible to filter some of these wrongly assigned words by probability. – There are still conflicts e.g. C3 and C4 could refer to hydrocarbons or plants. • Extensive testing and modifying / machine learning might reduce these. – Better to get right first time if important!
  • 24. Harvested Metadata vs Documented Metadata CIM was designed to be populated by modellers with the (probably over simplistic) assumption that if something isn't in the CIM document then it either isn't in the model or isn't relevant. But CIM documents created by harvesting information from papers will naturally not cover everything about a model, so missing info doesn't mean that those things weren't included/aren't relevant. PIMMS will need to describe different protocols for interpreting CIM documents depending on how they were created, but we will also want to ensure that that CIM accounts for missing data more intelligently in future releases. In essence the difference between journal article descriptions and metadata documentation is Narrative. Journal articles need to tell a story so the information they include is only that which is relevant to the narrative, whereas metadata documentation is an attempt to include as much as possible across the board. The general nature of metadata documentation is probably why it has historically been perceived as such a boring task to complete. PIMMS will make metadata documentation more fun by bringing back the Narrative, once PIMMS is established at an institution users will be able to create generalised metadata having only described those things that are relevant to the story of their experiment.

Editor's Notes

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