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Continuous Everything
Soumyak Bhattacharyya
Product Developer
DevOps Enthusiast
Simple ideas are easier to understand. Ideas that are
easier to understand are repeated. Ideas that are
repeated change the world.
Continuous Integration
Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work
frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple integrations per day. Each
integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as
1. Maintain a Single Source Repository
2. Make Your Build Automated & Self-Testing
3. Everyone Commits To the Mainline Every Day
4. Every Commit Should Build the Mainline on an Integration Machine
5. Fix Broken Builds Immediately
6. Keep Build Fast
7. Test Environment Is A Clone Of Production Environment
8. Binary Lives In Binary Repository
9. Radiate Information
10. Automate Deployment
Reference :
Continuous Integration

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Automated testing with Cypress

This document introduces Cypress, an end-to-end testing framework for web applications. It discusses why Cypress is useful for testing, how to get started by installing Cypress and writing test scripts, and provides tips for selecting elements and handling dynamic content. Key aspects covered include planning test cases, writing tests for common pages like login and article creation, and using the Cypress testing library to write robust tests.

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Selenoid is a tool for running Selenium tests in isolated browser containers. It allows running thousands of browsers across multiple data centers with high throughput. Selenoid containers include pre-installed browser versions and drivers so tests can be run with a single command. This simplifies setup and allows easy maintenance of browser versions and compatibility. Selenoid is lightweight, scalable, and provides centralized logging and usage statistics which makes it suitable for large test clusters running 24/7.

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Cypress framework is a JavaScript-based end-to-end testing framework built on top of Mocha – a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on and in the browser, making asynchronous testing simple and convenient. Cypress is like Protractor for Angular. In this talk, we will talk about how to write cypress test from scratch and some best practice.

CI Server
Binary RepositoryStatic Analyzer
Version Control System
Conceptual Flow
Check - In
Build – Run Unit Test
Continuous Integration
Typical Implementation
Check - In
Check Out
Build – Run Unit Test
Continuous Integration
Job Configuration Slave Plugin
Build Test Inspect Deploy
Cloud Pipeline Administration Notification
Continuous Integration
6000 + Downloads per month
1500 + Subscriber to mailing list
60 + Open Source Plugin
150,000 + Downloads
• Code Duplication
• Bad Distribution of Complexity
• Spaghetti Design
• Lack of Unit Test
• Insufficient Coding Standard
• Potential Bugs
• Inadequate Comment … and so on
Continuous Inspection

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QA Fest 2017. Александр Хотемской. Современные возможности в организации Prot...

This presentation introduces several modern features of the ProtractorJS framework, including async/await, TypeScript support, and the blocking proxy. It notes that control flow is being deprecated in favor of async/await. It also discusses features of webdriver-manager like installing mobile apps and drivers, and blocking proxy for automatically waiting for Angular across tests.

Jenkins workflows and Best Practices
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This document discusses CI/CD workflows and best practices using Jenkins. It explains that Jenkins helps automate the software development process by building code whenever commits are pushed to version control. Good CI practices include integrating with source control, running all tests, and providing feedback via chat systems. The document provides examples of basic, agile team, and advanced CI workflows and recommendations for configuring Jenkins, including using plugins, securing authentication, and proxying Jenkins within a VPN.

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Cypress report

It is a presentation to help software developers get started with a testing platform Cypress. I have created it personally and given the most basics of explanation regarding the new concepts.

cypresssoftware testingpresentation
1. Integrate with CI Engines, Build Tools (Maven / Gradle)
2. Host and proxy
1. Maven Dependencies
2. Docker Images
3. NuGet packages
4. node.js packages
5. Bower registry
6. PyPI distributions
7. Microsoft .NET ecosystem
3. Watch / Filter / Search for artifacts
1. To facilitate artifact storage &
2. To avoid hitting public
remote repository
3. To avoid being inefficient,
unreliable and non – secure
4. To deploy, manage and share
local artifacts
5. To establish full control on
artifact resolution
6. To build once and deploy
many times
Continuous Integration (Produce binary)
Demo Time
Continuous Delivery
Why Do We Need Continuous Delivery
Cycle Time : Act phase of OODA loop
Cycle Time is the reaction time of Organization
OODA loop By John Boyd
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Jenkinsfileのlintで救える命がある 『第10回 Jenkins勉強会』の発表資料です。 Jenkinsfileのlintと自作npmパッケージ "jflint" について話しました。

Cypress - Best Practices
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Cypress - Best Practices

Best practices for writing end-to-end testing in Cypress including organizing tests, testing logging in through authorization, and controlling state.

Selenium and Sauce Labs
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Selenium and Sauce Labs

An overview of Selenium, including Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium Grid, and Sauce OnDemand (A cloud-hosted Selenium test infrastructure service). Also covers an overview of upcoming features in Selenium 2, and how to best use Selenium: use of the Page Object patter, and how to use with continuous integration.

by hugs
sauce ondemandsaucelabscloud testing
Continuous Delivery (vs. Deployment)
Continuous Delivery
Conceptual Flow
Continuous Integration
Continuous Delivery Continuous Deployment
Continuous Delivery
Source code
Generate & write Unit
Test Locally
Scripts / Jobs
Source code for
Application & Unit Test
Code Quality
Run Unit Test
(Semantic &
Build VM
Test VM
Phase -1
Smoke Test
Run component
Test VM
Smoke Test
Run Functional
UI Test
Cloud / Docker
Tear Down
/ Clean-up
VM Pool
On- DemandCI Engine
Use Pooled VMs
Docker Containers
Phase -2
Code Analysis & Basic Unit Test
Phase -4
Validate & Feedback
Phase -3
Set Up
Phase -5
Release Management Platform
Provisioned VMs
Provisioning Workflow Audit Extensibility Self Service
Demo Time

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This document provides steps to set up Jenkins for continuous integration, including installing Java, Git, and configuring a GitHub account. It then explains how to create a Jenkins job that will build a project from a GitHub repository, run tests, and generate code coverage reports on each commit. The job is configured to pull code from GitHub, run Maven goals to build and test the project, and publish JUnit test reports, JavaDocs, and a Cobertura code coverage report.

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This document discusses using JavaScript for testing and addresses some of its challenges like callback hell and the pyramid of doom. It presents solutions like promise managers and async/await that help simplify asynchronous code. It also provides examples of using WebDriverJs with promises and async/await in tests to make the code more readable and maintainable.

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Cypress is an open-source JavaScript-based test automation framework built on NodeJS. It operates directly in the browser so developers can easily work with it. Cypress runs tests written in JavaScript in an interactive window and supports various types of testing including end-to-end, unit, integration, visual, and API testing. Since it is based on NodeJS, Cypress requires the Node runtime to execute tests.

Parting Note !!!
Maturity Model
Best Practices
Q & A
Thanks !!!

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Continuous Everything

  • 2. Simple ideas are easier to understand. Ideas that are easier to understand are repeated. Ideas that are repeated change the world.
  • 4. Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple integrations per day. Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible. Principles 1. Maintain a Single Source Repository 2. Make Your Build Automated & Self-Testing 3. Everyone Commits To the Mainline Every Day 4. Every Commit Should Build the Mainline on an Integration Machine 5. Fix Broken Builds Immediately 6. Keep Build Fast 7. Test Environment Is A Clone Of Production Environment 8. Binary Lives In Binary Repository 9. Radiate Information 10. Automate Deployment Reference : Cost Risk Bugs Quality Speed Visibility Outcome Continuous Integration
  • 5. CI Server Binary RepositoryStatic Analyzer Deployment Environment Version Control System VM VM Conceptual Flow Check - In Pull Inspect Build – Run Unit Test Push Deploy Developers Continuous Integration
  • 6. Jenkins ArtifactorySONAR TomcatGitHub VM VM Typical Implementation Check - In Check Out Inspect Build – Run Unit Test Push Deploy Developers Pull Continuous Integration
  • 7. Job Configuration Slave Plugin Build Test Inspect Deploy Cloud Pipeline Administration Notification Jenkins Continuous Integration
  • 8. 6000 + Downloads per month 1500 + Subscriber to mailing list 60 + Open Source Plugin 150,000 + Downloads • Code Duplication • Bad Distribution of Complexity • Spaghetti Design • Lack of Unit Test • Insufficient Coding Standard • Potential Bugs • Inadequate Comment … and so on Continuous Inspection
  • 9. 1. Integrate with CI Engines, Build Tools (Maven / Gradle) 2. Host and proxy 1. Maven Dependencies 2. Docker Images 3. NuGet packages 4. node.js packages 5. Bower registry 6. PyPI distributions 7. Microsoft .NET ecosystem 3. Watch / Filter / Search for artifacts Deploy 1. To facilitate artifact storage & proxy 2. To avoid hitting public remote repository 3. To avoid being inefficient, unreliable and non – secure 4. To deploy, manage and share local artifacts 5. To establish full control on artifact resolution 6. To build once and deploy many times RepositoryManager Continuous Integration (Produce binary) Features
  • 12. Why Do We Need Continuous Delivery Cycle Time : Act phase of OODA loop Cycle Time is the reaction time of Organization OODA loop By John Boyd Continuous Delivery
  • 14. Continuous Delivery Conceptual Flow Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery Continuous Deployment
  • 15. Continuous Delivery Compile Source code SCM Developer Generate & write Unit test Test Locally Check-In Integrated Scripts / Jobs Source code for Application & Unit Test cases Code Quality Analysis/CCAP Run Unit Test (Semantic & Syntax) Build VM Test VM Phase -1 Compile/Code Integration Set-up environment Deploy Application Smoke Test Run component Test Test VM Set-up environment Deploy Application Smoke Test Run Functional UI Test Cloud / Docker Archive Artifacts Tear Down / Clean-up VM Pool On- DemandCI Engine Use Pooled VMs Docker Containers Phase -2 Code Analysis & Basic Unit Test Run Phase -4 Validate & Feedback Phase -3 Set Up Phase -5 Teardown Commit Commit Triggered/Schedule d Release Management Platform OS Middleware Utilities Provisioned VMs Provision/De-provision VMPipeline Release Dashboard Automated Rollback Agentless Architecture Provisioning Workflow Audit Extensibility Self Service
  • 17. Parting Note !!! Maturity Model Best Practices Tools
  • 18. Q & A