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JEROEN LEMAIRECo-founder & Managing Director, In The Pocket
Congres Ondernemen in de toekomst - In the pocket

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Solving the Sock Drawer Problem: How Are We Failing Wearables Consumers?
Solving the Sock Drawer Problem: How Are We Failing Wearables Consumers?Solving the Sock Drawer Problem: How Are We Failing Wearables Consumers?
Solving the Sock Drawer Problem: How Are We Failing Wearables Consumers?

This Wearables Techcon keynote will share the results of an analysis of over 80,000 wearable consumers. Highlighting who is winning and who is whining, Dr. John Feland will detail lessons learned from the out-of-the-box experience. Hear where and how consumers want wearables to perform as they race through their lives. Learn what your team can do to solve the pervasive issue of having your product end up in the sock drawer of your customers.

wearablesapple watchsamsung
How to Make Wearable Tech that People Won't Want to Take Off #OgilvyMWC
How to Make Wearable Tech that People Won't Want to Take Off #OgilvyMWCHow to Make Wearable Tech that People Won't Want to Take Off #OgilvyMWC
How to Make Wearable Tech that People Won't Want to Take Off #OgilvyMWC

By all accounts, 2014 is the year of the wearables. At CES in Las Vegas last month, wearables stole the show with the roll-out a slew of new devices alongside updates to existing ones. Wearables are being featured prominently at Mobile World Congress, happening now in Barcelona, with both Sony and Huawei unveiling their new wearable devices on day one of the show. SXSW Interactive will jump into the wearables fray next week in Austin, with sessions dedicated to the future of wearable technology and giving a platform to early stage technology startups to pitch their wearable products. Enthusiasm for wearable technology is growing, and technological capability is growing along with it. Longevity, however, will hinge on consumer adoption.

wearable technologywearablesmwc14
Top10 mistakesofgoingmobile june2014.abbr
Top10 mistakesofgoingmobile june2014.abbrTop10 mistakesofgoingmobile june2014.abbr
Top10 mistakesofgoingmobile june2014.abbr

This document discusses the importance and opportunities of mobile marketing. It notes that mobile phones have near-universal access globally and are increasingly central to everyday life. Traditional channels like TV, radio, newspapers are declining as people spend more time on mobile devices. The document provides statistics on mobile usage and outlines strategies for effective mobile marketing, including having a dedicated mobile strategy and prioritizing user experience. It also warns against several common mistakes like treating mobile as an afterthought or failing to properly resource mobile initiatives.

We work with clients and for users
What is happening
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12 billion
14 billion
16 billion
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

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Crazy4Media and the Future of mobile payments
Crazy4Media and the Future of mobile payments Crazy4Media and the Future of mobile payments
Crazy4Media and the Future of mobile payments

The document discusses trends in mobile payments from 2004 to 2014. It notes that mobile payment technology was pioneered in Japan in 2004 using Sony's FeliCa NFC technology. Since then, mobile payment methods and users have grown, although the market remains fragmented. New players like Apple Pay launched in 2014, but other mobile wallets like PayPal are more widely used globally. The document also explores the growth of direct carrier billing and mobile payments through social networks. It concludes that improving the user experience will be key to further adoption of mobile payment technologies.

marketing and advertisingmobilebillingmobilemarketing
Remarkable Matters: Remarkable Mobile Design
Remarkable Matters: Remarkable Mobile DesignRemarkable Matters: Remarkable Mobile Design
Remarkable Matters: Remarkable Mobile Design

This document discusses mobile devices and marketing. It provides statistics on mobile phone and smartphone usage, how mobile has become important for businesses, and how people engage with mobile marketing. It also describes contents of a presentation or package related to making work and experiences more remarkable through mobile technologies.

State of smart watches
State of smart watchesState of smart watches
State of smart watches

This document provides an overview of smartwatches, including their key features and limitations for app development. It discusses the Apple Watch and other smartwatch platforms, important design considerations like limited screen sizes and interactions, and challenges related to battery life, data transfer speeds and memory constraints. The document emphasizes the importance of context-aware apps that minimize inputs and extend functionality to paired phones.

designappsmart watch
In The Pocket
We're not just on your smartphone anymore
Why In The Pocket is In The Pocket

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Mobile trends 2016_lxory
Mobile trends 2016_lxoryMobile trends 2016_lxory
Mobile trends 2016_lxory

This document summarizes the top mobile trends in 2016 and beyond. It discusses 12 trends: 1) video and push notifications dominating mobile data, 2) the decline of desktop apps, 3) growth of personalization and magazine apps, 4) the rise of voice recognition and mobile accessories, 5) increasing mobile payments, 6) Snapchat becoming a major social platform, 7) the year of virtual reality, 8) growing wearable electronics, 9) increased mobile shopping, and 10) advancing wireless charging technology. The document provides an overview of major mobile technology and usage trends from 2016 and insights on emerging areas of focus.

infographicmobile trends
Key Trends for 2016 and Beyond: Thrive in the Expectation Economy!
Key Trends for 2016 and Beyond: Thrive in the Expectation Economy!Key Trends for 2016 and Beyond: Thrive in the Expectation Economy!
Key Trends for 2016 and Beyond: Thrive in the Expectation Economy!

MORNING KEYNOTE 9:00 – 9:50am Title: Key Trends for 2016 and Beyond: Thrive in the Expectation Economy! Keynote Speaker: MAXWELL LUTHY, Director of Trends & Insights, Today’s professionals operate in an economy of ever-accelerating customer expectations, applied ruthlessly to every purchasing decision, experience and moment of attention. Marketers must harness insights from trends to make sure their innovations don’t fall short. In his keynote discussion, Maxwell Luthy will present a selection of the most exciting and urgent trends for 2016 and beyond. Each trend will feature examples from across consumer-facing industries, gathered from a 3,000+ member spotter network that sends TrendWatching local innovations from Boston to Beijing. Attendees will learn the importance of tracking consumer trends, as they are participants in a highly competitive Expectation Economy. After each trend, the audience will be asked to consider the implications and opportunities for their own business. Examples of best practices from around the U.S. and beyond will leave marketers feeling fired up to delight their own customers in 2016! - See more at:

ONDEC | Edition 3 | Strangers
ONDEC | Edition 3 | StrangersONDEC | Edition 3 | Strangers
ONDEC | Edition 3 | Strangers

The way we perceive strangers has changed drastically with the booming sharing economy and services that entrust strangers to take on specific tasks. There’s a lot to be discussed, and we hope you find the content in this volume thought-provoking. There are links on the slide with a variety of apps so don’t forget to try ‘em out!

digitaldigital mediamed
Needs analysis
User Experience
User Interface
Interaction Design
Mobile Development
Web Development
Device to Device

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E commerecetrends2018
E commerecetrends2018E commerecetrends2018
E commerecetrends2018

روندها و ترندهای 2018 ایکامرس اسلاید ویدئو آموزشی "روندها و ترندهای 2018 ایکامرس" که در کانال تلگرامی eBiz دکتر علیرضا مجاهدی به آدرس @alirezamojahedi و وبلاگ به نشانی و نیز کانال ویدئویی ایشان در آپارات و یوتیوب به نام AlirezaMojahedi منتشر شده است

mojahediecommerceتجارت الکترونیکی
Tech Trends 2013 Survey Results
Tech Trends 2013 Survey ResultsTech Trends 2013 Survey Results
Tech Trends 2013 Survey Results

The document summarizes the results of a 2013 survey about technology trends and consumer preferences. Some key findings include: - 41% of respondents said smart TVs with voice and gesture recognition would impact them the most in 2013. - 44% of respondents check 7 or more devices for streaming apps, texts, or social media updates 5-10 times per day on their mobile devices. - 42% of respondents are willing to pay $10 extra per month to ensure better quality and faster speeds on their connected devices.

Presentation at LTE Americas Conference on What Potential User Experiences wi...
Presentation at LTE Americas Conference on What Potential User Experiences wi...Presentation at LTE Americas Conference on What Potential User Experiences wi...
Presentation at LTE Americas Conference on What Potential User Experiences wi...

This lively presentation was given at the LTE Americas Conference in Dallas on 4 Nov 2009. Dr. Feland presented a few useful frameworks on how to design sticky experiences, provided some potential future user scenarios, and shared some innovative experience metric results in the smartphone market based on the new experience analytics capabilities of his company, Argus Insights.

user centereduser experiencelte
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Mobile Apps - tactic or strategy?
Mobile Apps - tactic or strategy?Mobile Apps - tactic or strategy?
Mobile Apps - tactic or strategy?

This document discusses the evolution of mobile internet usage and the importance of mobile strategies for businesses. Some key points: - Mobile internet is growing rapidly and will likely be 10 times larger than the traditional PC internet. - Many large companies have recognized mobile as their primary business, such as Google, Apple, and Facebook, who have hundreds of millions of mobile users. - While only 8% of Fortune 1000 companies have a mobile strategy, consumers are increasingly using mobile internet and demanding mobile versions of services. - The document advocates for a strategic, multi-platform approach to mobile that focuses on the customer experience across different mobile platforms and integrates with online channels.

Brand Blindness: Causes and Cures
Brand Blindness: Causes and Cures Brand Blindness: Causes and Cures
Brand Blindness: Causes and Cures

With the advancing tide of social engagement sweeping through Madison Avenue, Main Street and Wall Street, there is a rise of a particularly destructive disease, Brand Blindness. Brand Blindness occurs when brand blindly leverage these low cost, broad reach platforms to drive the wrong message to the wrong audience for the wrong offering. The brands are blind to context, blind to who we are and what it means to live our lives. Most companies have spent millions trying to create recommendation engines that tell what offer retailers should shove in our face next, predictive analytics to determine which path through the maze of offers and coupons is mostly likely to get us to buy, endless scenarios of A-B testing, all devoid of context. A-B testing does not help find C. Recommendation engines are based on what others bought not what consumers enjoy. And predictive analytics can only optimize the road most traveled. This presentation walks through some of the symptoms of Brand Blindness and what brands can do to avoid driving their customers away.

brand blindnesssocial media analyticsbrand tracking
Do You See What I See, Consumer Response to IoT Security Cameras, Cat Watching
Do You See What I See, Consumer Response to IoT Security Cameras, Cat WatchingDo You See What I See, Consumer Response to IoT Security Cameras, Cat Watching
Do You See What I See, Consumer Response to IoT Security Cameras, Cat Watching

The document discusses consumer reactions to security cameras used in home automation. It analyzes consumer sentiment towards different home security camera brands such as Dropcam, D-Link, Belkin, and Mi Casa Verde. Argus Insights tracked buzz volume and social media metrics to evaluate how well different camera products were meeting consumer expectations in areas like camera quality, connectivity, setup, and software. D-Link was found to be losing mindshare due to connectivity issues while ArcSoft and Dropcam maintained consistent consumer satisfaction.

Do not forget PMD,
Household waste
and Paper-cardboard.
Recycle 6min ago
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Coca colaCases /

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The Internet of Everything: Informed Airports
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The Internet of Everything: Informed Airports

Delays, congestion and long lines can take much of the charm out of airline travel. But the data and triggers from sensors, actuators, cameras, beacons, GPS and other connected technologies that make up the Internet of Everything can take the sting out of lines and delays, reshape passenger experiences and streamline operations at busy airports in North America and globally.

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Anatomi dan fisiologi kulit AKPER PEMKAB MUNA
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Este documento describe los diferentes tipos de objetos que se pueden usar para enviar sentencias SQL a una base de datos, incluyendo Statement, PreparedStatement y ResultSet. Statement se usa para sentencias SQL simples, PreparedStatement para sentencias con parámetros, y ResultSet contiene los resultados de una consulta ejecutada.

Welcome to the Postmobile Age

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Fisiologi Kulit
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Fisiologi Kulit

Lebih banyak bahan belajar BIOLOGI di

Anatomi dan Fisiologi Kulit Manusia
Anatomi dan Fisiologi Kulit ManusiaAnatomi dan Fisiologi Kulit Manusia
Anatomi dan Fisiologi Kulit Manusia

Kulit adalah lapisan luar yang melindungi tubuh dan terdiri dari epidermis, dermis, dan hipodermis. Epidermis terdiri dari beberapa lapisan sel yang melindungi tubuh, dermis berisi jaringan pengikat dan otot yang memberikan elastisitas, sedangkan hipodermis berisi jaringan lemak. Kulit memiliki fungsi seperti termoregulasi, proteksi, absorpsi, ekskresi, persepsi, dan produksi vitamin D.

Mobile has surpassed desktop usage.
We spend 157% more time on digital devices as compared to 2010.

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struktur kulit
Anatomi dan Fisiologi Kulit
Anatomi dan Fisiologi KulitAnatomi dan Fisiologi Kulit
Anatomi dan Fisiologi Kulit

1. Kulit terdiri atas 3 lapisan utama yaitu epidermis, dermis, dan subkutan. Epidermis berisi sel-sel mati yang melindungi tubuh, sementara dermis berisi pembuluh darah, otot, dan kelenjar. Subkutan berisi jaringan lemak. 2. Kulit memiliki fungsi proteksi, absorpsi, ekskresi, termoregulasi, dan pembentukan vitamin D. Fungsi proteksi dilakukan oleh lapisan epidermis dan pigmen, sementara ekskresi dilak

People spend over 3.5 hours per day

on mobile devices.
Q1 ‘13
Q2 ‘14
Q2 ‘15
Minutes per day on mobile:
- 17%
How many people do fitness & health tracking?
1 in 3 does fitness & health tracking. 

1 in 10 has a wearable.
The wearables market is growing explosively.
units sold
Q2 ‘2014 Q2 ‘2015

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Sistem integumen (1)
Sistem integumen (1)Sistem integumen (1)
Sistem integumen (1)

Kulit adalah organ luar yang kompleks yang terdiri dari 3 lapisan utama (epidermis, dermis, subkutis) dan memiliki berbagai fungsi seperti perlindungan, regulasi suhu tubuh, dan persepsi. Kulit juga mengandung rambut, kuku, kelenjar keringat dan sebasea.

Anatomi fisiologi sistem integumen
Anatomi fisiologi sistem integumenAnatomi fisiologi sistem integumen
Anatomi fisiologi sistem integumen

Kulit terdiri atas 3 lapisan utama yaitu epidermis, dermis, dan subkutan. Epidermis berfungsi sebagai pelindung, dermis mengandung pembuluh darah dan jaringan ikat, sedangkan subkutan berisi jaringan lemak. Kulit juga mengandung kelenjar keringat dan sebasea yang berperan dalam thermoregulasi dan melindungi kulit. Warna kulit dipengaruhi oleh produksi melanin, darah, dan karoten. Struktur rambut dan


The document discusses wound treatment and classification. It describes the stages of wound healing as inflammation, proliferation, and formation/reorganization of scar tissue. Wounds are classified based on characteristics, depth, penetrability, infection level, and cause. Common types include incised, puncture, laceration, abrasion, and crush wounds. The document also outlines the history of wound treatment from ancient times to modern advances in closure techniques.

3rd yr 6th sem 1st lecture
Mobile blew up and
everything is becoming
• Smartphone sensors
• Wearables (smartwatches)
• A new software platform
• The new living room

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Pengenalan asas mengenai struktur kulit manusia

skincarekulit manusia
AppAdVenture Mobile Report 2014
AppAdVenture Mobile Report 2014AppAdVenture Mobile Report 2014
AppAdVenture Mobile Report 2014

Check out The Journey of an Idea. Publication no.3 from AppAdVenture. A 40 page white paper in association with Latham&Watkins and Microsoft

• Smart & interactive
• Opportunities for health,
retail & utilities
• Connected workplaces and
• 14 trillion $ opportunity
• Financial services are moving
to online
• Money is becoming digital
• The smart shopper
• The smart store

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The Revolution Will Not Be Televised: Managing Content and Experience in the ...
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Mobile computing as we know it today is just one application of wireless technology, and a fairly limited one at that. The iPhone - perhaps the most advanced piece of consumer electronics ever created - is going to look like a fax machine compared to what's coming. Mobile is a warning shot - the coming wireless wave will profoundly change every aspect of society and potentially redefine what it means to be human. Please join mobile consultant Jonathan Stark for a look at the past, present, and future - and what we can do to prepare for the revolution.

Mobile strategy_E-recruitment congres 2015
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Mobile strategy_E-recruitment congres 2015

This document discusses trends in mobile technology and its impact on business. It notes that smartphones, tablets, and the Internet of Things are connecting more devices every day. It identifies three major trends: virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things. The document advises that for recruiting, companies should prioritize having an optimized website as essential, an app as preferential if reach allows, and original mobile concepts as differentiators to meet real needs. Examples given are a jobs version of Tinder and virtual reality office visits.

e-recruitment congrese-recruitmentmobile
How to improve customer engagement in the mobile web
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How to improve customer engagement in the mobile web

Essential tips to win customer loyalty in the mobile web. Workshop on the Global App Summit 2014 in Dubai.

appwebmedia7mobile web
It’s not just about the
smartphone anymore…
But the smartphone is still
the pivotal device.

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Orchestrating Your Global CMS; a planning framework
Orchestrating Your Global CMS; a planning frameworkOrchestrating Your Global CMS; a planning framework
Orchestrating Your Global CMS; a planning framework

When it comes to a content management system (CMS) it’s tempting to jump into execution; to get that website or sites set up quickly. That’s how a CMS is sold, right? There’s a promise that the gnarly inter-departmental problems will melt away, that content will create itself, that with a flip of a switch your enterprise will be a global market leader. The truth is that the magic of a CMS doesn’t happen without a lot of thinking and planning beforehand. Like a symphony orchestra, there are a lot of parts to coordinate and all must work in harmony to produce the desired results. This publication shares some of the things ISITE has learned through helping clients with CMS implementations, migrations, global rollouts, website redesigns, and content strategy. This is an ebook that I wrote as my last thought leadership piece and content contribution to ISITE Design, December 2014.

content strategycmsinternet
Razorfish Global Tech Summit 2015 - David Iudica, Yahoo
Razorfish Global Tech Summit 2015 - David Iudica, YahooRazorfish Global Tech Summit 2015 - David Iudica, Yahoo
Razorfish Global Tech Summit 2015 - David Iudica, Yahoo

The document discusses the rapid rise of smartphone dominance. It finds that within 5 years, 71% of users will rely primarily on their smartphones for digital activities. Currently, 18% of users are considered "smartphone dominant" but this will grow to 57% within 2-3 years as the behavior spreads to all demographics. Three factors will accelerate this shift: 1) developing experiences for larger screens like phablets that see the fastest growth, 2) improving cross-device experiences as many users multitask across devices, and 3) adapting to trends in app replacement and innovation to drive continued app usage. Marketers must recognize this mobile-first environment and create integrated, cross-device strategies using formats like native ads that work

ray velez#rftechrazorfish global
What's Next for The Mobile Landscape
What's Next for The Mobile LandscapeWhat's Next for The Mobile Landscape
What's Next for The Mobile Landscape

We hear 'mobile first' the whole time. But what does that actually mean? What are the opportunities for brands to be on mobile? How can they master eCommerce? Or excel at delivering great customer experiences? Find the answers and more hot topics on mobile in our webinar this week. We will look at: - Consumer behavior shift - The current app landscape - Insights and analytics on global mobile usage - Apps vs. Chatbots

ogilvyreddigital marketingogilvy
Internet of Things
IoT in 2016
• Beacons
• LoRa & SigFox
Artificial Intelligence
A.I. in 2016
• Cortana
• Google Now
• Siri
• Facebook M
• Watson

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Mobile Trends 2018 by Omelyanenko Nataliia
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Mobile Trends 2018 by Omelyanenko Nataliia

The document summarizes key mobile and internet trends from 2018. It notes that mobile devices are becoming cheaper, faster and smarter with features like portrait photos and wireless charging becoming common across devices. Internet penetration continues to grow globally while time spent on digital media, especially mobile apps, is increasing significantly and expected to double by 2021. Emerging technologies like 5G, internet of things, voice interfaces, virtual and augmented reality saw major developments and investments in 2018 and are poised for further growth. Security remains a major concern especially with more devices connecting to the internet.

Mobile advertising mena bpg bates slides & deloitte tmt may 2013
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The document discusses mobile advertising trends in the Middle East in 2013. It notes that while smartphone usage is growing, mobile advertising spending remains low in the region at less than 0.1% of global spending despite the Middle East accounting for 6% of smartphone shipments. Several barriers to mobile advertising adoption are discussed, including a lack of data and expertise, brands still focusing on basic online presences rather than mobile formats, and a reliance on push rather than pull strategies. The report predicts that digital ad spending could reach 10% of the total ad market in the region by 2015.

deloittemarketing and advertisingmobile advertising
Commercialization Challenges of Mobile Software Development in an Exponential...
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This is part 3 of the "Fragmented Mobile Ecosystem" decks I've done over the last 7 years. This 2017 version focuses on the journey of an entrepreneur, the state of mobile development today, where are we at (and going) and the journey of pivoting a young startup as iPhone and Android stunned the mobile world in Fall 2008. Presented at Mobile Monday Calgary #30, it also includes some advice for entrants in the technology field... and lastly it covers some resources that are available; developers networks, public funding and grants, Mobile Monday global. In the first deck of 2009, I look at the early mobile platform wars: In the second 2nd deck in 2012, I update for how the fragmented mobile ecosystem is affecting mobile enterprise development, and how enterprises are shifting billions of dollars to adopt mobile processes into the internal, customer and partner relationships.

software developmentcommercializatoin challengesandroid
Congres Ondernemen in de toekomst - In the pocket
What now, human?
Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality in 2016
• Cinematic VR
• Documentaries
• Gaming
• Therapy

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Complete IT solutions provider- Codiant Software
Complete IT solutions provider- Codiant SoftwareComplete IT solutions provider- Codiant Software
Complete IT solutions provider- Codiant Software

Codiant software technologies is your end-to-end IT solution provider company that covers complete stage of IT development. Whether it is Mobile App development, Web Development, UI/UX Development or Website Maintenance, Codiant outshines across all the software development stages. Know us closely through this insightful presentation.

startup solutionsmobile application developmentit service provider
eyeCam Crowdfunder Deck
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eyeCam Crowdfunder Deck

- The document describes a wearable smartphone called eyeHand that uses projection mapping and 3D gesture recognition to turn the hand into a touchscreen interface, eliminating the need for a handheld device. - eyeHand also includes biometric identification, health/fitness tracking, mobile wallet capabilities, and can be used for secure identification, payments, and accessing IoT devices. - The company plans to generate revenue by licensing its technology and reference designs to other companies to manufacture and sell eyeHand-enabled devices. Projections estimate $28 million in revenue in 2018 growing to $78 million in 2019 from licensing fees on unit sales.

iProspect Client Summit 2014
iProspect Client Summit 2014iProspect Client Summit 2014
iProspect Client Summit 2014

This document discusses how technology intersects with people and consumer behavior. It emphasizes understanding consumer needs and contexts over focusing on specific technologies. Key ideas include anticipating new demand patterns, embracing consumer behaviors, and enhancing experiences rather than trying to change behaviors. The goal is to use technology to create value for people through utility, relevance, immediacy and other factors.

The State of Mobile in 2025:
AR & brain implants
Congres Ondernemen in de toekomst - In the pocket
Deception of Lineair vs. Exponential

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What are users expecting from mobile assets, today and tomorrow?
What are users expecting from mobile assets, today and tomorrow?What are users expecting from mobile assets, today and tomorrow?
What are users expecting from mobile assets, today and tomorrow?

Mobile users expect engaging and convenient experiences from both apps and websites on their devices. While mobile engagement and time spent on devices is increasing, making purchases via mobile often faces hurdles like complicated checkout processes. Leading retailers are adopting approaches like one-click checkout, alternative payment options, and personalization to improve the mobile commerce experience. Chatbots, visual interfaces, computer vision capabilities, and voice assistants also show promise in enhancing how people interact with brands and make purchases from their mobile devices.

Top 15 Trends in Mobile App Development to Watch in 2023.pdf
Top 15 Trends in Mobile App Development to Watch in 2023.pdfTop 15 Trends in Mobile App Development to Watch in 2023.pdf
Top 15 Trends in Mobile App Development to Watch in 2023.pdf

We can create top-notch software for smartphones, tablets, and digital assistants, most frequently for the Android and iOS platforms, with the aid of mobile app development.To learn more about it, visit our website.

Advancement in mobile apps
Advancement in mobile appsAdvancement in mobile apps
Advancement in mobile apps

Mobile device usage has surpassed desktop usage, with the top activities being texting, emailing, using social media platforms like Facebook, taking photos with cameras, reading news, online shopping, and checking the weather. Two-thirds of the world's population now owns at least one mobile device. Mobile apps allow businesses to create brand awareness, engage customers through in-app offers and promotions, and increase access to users by providing local information and driving in-person visits. There are three main types of mobile apps: native apps designed for specific platforms, web-based apps that function through a browser, and hybrid apps that combine native and web-based elements.

#mobile #mobileapps #flutter #android
Keep it simple.
Never settle.

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