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Coal Lectures SeriesAndrew W. CoxEnergy Intelligence & Marketing Research,192 Sandyford Road,Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 1RN, United Kingdom.Tel: 44 (0)191-261
Coal Lectures Series – An Introduction	Since 1995 Energy Intelligence & Marketing Research [EIMR] has developed a wide range of teaching material on coal-related topics. 	The key themes include: coal formation; coal properties; coal as a fuel source; coal mining technologies; the markets for coal; coal-based electricity systems; pollution abatement technologies; clean coal technologies; coal capture and storage; coal-to-liquid fuels; the coal/energy sectors of several countries [including the United Kingdom and China]; plus the international coal trade.	A shortened version of a basic teaching module is enclosed. 	In addition to the powerpoint presentations - a wide range of other supporting material is available - such as technical notes, case studies + video/movie clips.	Dr Andrew Cox and colleagues from EIMR can provide personal  teaching and lectures to university courses - plus companies seeking continuing professional development –  both in the UK and in other countries.	Please contact Dr Cox [] for further information.
Introduction toCoal Mining
Coal Mining Technologies	Various mining technologies are used throughout the world's coalfields.	The technology adopted in each mining project should be the one which will extract the coal at the lowest overall cost.	Mining commenced several hundred years ago by exploiting seams that reach the surface (outcrop). These were accessed by bell-pits or other simple mining techniques - such as bord and pillar (or room and pillar) extraction. Some of these techniques are still used by local non-mechanised miners in undeveloped coalfield areas throughout the world.	Extracting deeper coal seams led to the development of access by shafts and drifts - allowing large-scale extraction and removal of coal.	Modern Underground methods currently utilise longwall mining (either advancing or retreating systems) or continuous mining technologies.	Sometimes other techniques may be used - such as auger mining.	The development of ventilation technology has also allowed coal extraction to take place at greater depths - as well as further from a mine’s main shafts and drifts. 	The development and planning of underground and surface mines during the last 30 years has increasingly employed design and modelling software.

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Continuous miner
Continuous minerContinuous miner
Continuous miner

This document discusses continuous miners, an underground coal mining technology. Some key points: 1) Continuous miners use a mass production method and can be used for room and pillar and shortwall mining. Their use has increased production at some CIL mines in India to over 0.5 Mte annually. 2) Ideal conditions for continuous miners include seam thickness of 1.8-5m, gradients less than 1 in 8, and hard, dry floor conditions. Several CIL mines have been identified to introduce the technology. 3) The technology involves a continuous miner cutting coal which is loaded onto shuttle cars and transported to a feeder breaker. Roof bolting then occurs before the min

underground mining methods

Methane (CH4) is commonly known as firedamp in coal mines. There are three primary reasons for giving special attention to methane: 1) it is the gas most commonly found in underground coal mines, 2) it has caused more explosions and loss of life than any other cause in mining history, and 3) continued development of methane drainage technology. Methane is formed during the coalification process from decaying organic material and becomes trapped within coal seams. When coal is mined, methane can be released through gradual exudation, gas blowers, or violent outbursts. Due to its light weight, methane also has a tendency to form layers near mine ceilings, which can become explosive if ignition occurs.

Room & Pillar Mining Method
Room & Pillar Mining MethodRoom & Pillar Mining Method
Room & Pillar Mining Method

Room and Pillar mining method is one of the oldest existing mining methods. This system in which the mined material is extracted across a horizontal plane, creating horizontal arrays of rooms and pillars. Usually those room and pillars are uniform size. Pillars may or may not be removed after extraction. Used for soft as well as hard rock mining and is commonly associated with coal, potash, uranium, and other industrial materials.

room & pillarminingmining geology
	Mining termsRun of mine (ROM) production. This is the uncleaned output of a mine. In many mines ROM coal must undergo some form of washing and preparation to become the saleable product. 	ROM coal from surface mines usually has a lower level of ash and mineral matter - and so requires less preparation.Panel. A block of coal in a seam that is worked by longwall mining. A typical panel might be 1000-2000m+ long and up to 300m wide. 	The dimensions of the panel are determined by the geological conditions in the mine – such as strata stability.Pillar. A block of coal left behind in a coal seam to aid support of the overlying strata. Pillars may be needed to prevent excessive subsidence on the ground surface or to avoid excessive geological distortions in the mine workings. For example - a pillar is usually left between two panels of coal being extracted by longwall mining.
Drawing of Bell Pit MiningSource: of early mine workingsImage of pitfallen land at Daisy Hill, County Durham [mid-1980s]
Longwall MiningLongwall mining is a form of underground coalmining where a longwall face of coal is mined in a single slice (typically >1m thick). The longwall "panel" (the block of coal that is being mined) is typically 1-2 km long and 200m-300m wide.The longwall shearer is a sophisticated machine with a rotating cutting drum that moves mechanically back-and-forth across the coal seam in the panel. The broken, loosened coal is dropped on to a series of conveyor belts for removal from the working area and is then transported up to the surface..  	Self-advancing, hydraulic face supports temporarily hold up the roof whilst the coal is extracted. The roof over the area behind the face, from which the coal has been removed, is then allowed to collapse.	The supports allow for high levels of production and safety. Many faces have a high degree of automation – with sensors monitoring the progress of the face, plus machine and  environmental conditions.	There are two types of longwall face systems – Advancing and Retreat.	However - longwall mining takes place where geological conditions are relatively stable and where there is only a small inclination of the coal seams.
Headstock of a deep mine – access to mine shaft.Diagram of Longwall mining operations

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Underground mining
Underground miningUnderground mining
Underground mining

Underground mining is used to access ores and minerals located far beneath the ground when surface mining is not economical. It involves digging tunnels into the earth to extract resources. There are two main types - hard rock mining which extracts metals and gems, and soft rock mining which extracts materials like coal. Access tunnels or shafts are dug and levels are excavated horizontally to reach the ore body. Machinery is used to continue mining and remove material, while supports are installed to prevent cave-ins. Proper ventilation is needed to remove gases and regulate air flow and temperature. Underground mining can be more environmentally friendly than surface mining but is also more hazardous due to safety issues like gas exposure.

Roof supports in coal mines
Roof supports in coal minesRoof supports in coal mines
Roof supports in coal mines

This document discusses roof support in underground coal mines. There are two main types of roof support: intrinsic supports like roof bolts that are installed within the roof, and standing supports like timber props that are installed between the roof and floor. Timber supports are commonly used in Indian coal mines due to low cost and availability, though metal supports offer higher load capacity. A case study examines how roof bolts were used with a specific layout and spacing in the Tandshi coal mine in India. Proper roof support is necessary to prevent roof collapse and protect miners from rock falls.

miningengineeringroof support
Longwall Top Coal Caving Method
Longwall Top Coal Caving MethodLongwall Top Coal Caving Method
Longwall Top Coal Caving Method

The document discusses the Longwall Top Coal Caving (LTCC) method for underground mining of thick coal seams. LTCC uses a longwall setup and natural forces to aid in coal extraction. It addresses problems with traditional thick seam mining like coal loss and support costs. The document outlines the LTCC process, stress distribution during caving, and enhancements like using vibrators. Key advantages of LTCC are high resource recovery, reduced costs, improved productivity and safety. The conclusion states that LTCC can significantly increase production if site conditions allow for the method.

Advancing Longwall FacesFace advances away from roadwayMain RoadwaysTwo parallel tunnelsare driven away fromthe main roadwayand then connectedat the longwall faceto create a panel. The face works back – retreats - to the mainroadway.RetreatLongwall Faces
Underground mine plan - showing layout of roadways and longwall panels
Longwall face, Kellingley Colliery, Yorkshire, UKSource:  Coal Authority
Longwall face, Daw Mill Colliery, West Midlands, UKSource:  Coal AuthorityRoof bolting and additional roof support are used in most large underground mines

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Coal mining methods
Coal mining methodsCoal mining methods
Coal mining methods

This document discusses coal mining methods. It begins with an introduction and overview of the history of coal mining. It then describes and compares various surface mining techniques like strip mining and horizon mining as well as underground mining methods like bord and pillar, longwall and shortwall. Factors that influence the selection of mining methods and latest developments in coal mining techniques are also summarized. The conclusion restates that coal is an important energy source and mining methods continue to evolve and improve.

Bord and pillar working with LHD/SDL
Bord and pillar working with LHD/SDLBord and pillar working with LHD/SDL
Bord and pillar working with LHD/SDL

The document discusses mining methods and equipment used for underground coal mining using the bord and pillar method. It provides specifications for various mining equipment used including Load Haul Dumpers (LHDs), Side Discharge Loaders (SDLs), drilling machines, conveyors, haulage systems, and their capacities. Formulas are given to calculate production rates based on machine specifications and operating parameters.

coal mining
coal miningcoal mining
coal mining

This document discusses coal mining methods. It describes the objectives of coal prospecting and exploration. There are two main mining methods: underground and surface mining. The choice depends on factors like depth below surface and ore body shape and grade. Underground mining is used when the deposit is deep or the ore body is steep. It involves cutting rooms into the coal seam. Surface mining is used for large, high production deposits where the overburden is thin. It involves clearing vegetation, removing topsoil, drilling, blasting, and reclaiming the land.

Examples of Rock Bolts – used to stabilise roofs and walls of underground mines
Hydraulic face supportsSelf-advancing, hydraulic face supports. They move forward as the cutting face advances.Mine AutomationRemote control, automation and monitoring, are widely used throughout larger coal mines. All information is fed into a computer network system which can be monitored at the control room on the surface. In the UK mining engineers call this the Mine Operating System [MINOS]. These systems, which improve efficiency and safety, already control transport systems and monitor temperature, mine gas concentrations and ventilation underground. Similar systems are deployed to monitor and control a range of mining operations at the coalface.
Continuous Miners Continuous miners were first introduced in the late 1940s – allowing a significant increase in speed and efficiency of extracting coal. They now extract the majority of coal from US underground mines - and are used in mines throughout the world.These machines are designed to remove coal from the seam and to load it into shuttle cars and then conveyor belts in a continuous process. This allows the coal to be rapidly removed from the working area and transported to the surface.The continuous miner has a large rotating steel drum equipped with tungsten carbide teeth that cut coal from the seam. 	Standard continuous miners can extract coal at a rate of several tonnes a minute depending upon the seam thickness. Newer, more powerful continuous miners are highly productive and can be remotely controlled - being designed for a variety of seam and mining conditions.The standard working layout is a “room and pillar” system – where the mine is divided into a series of 6-9 metre “rooms” or work areas which are cut into the coal seam with pillars of coal left standing to help support the roof. Rock bolts, typically 1 to 3 metres long steel bolts, are inserted into holes drilled into the roof at regular intervals to bind the strata together and ensure support. 	Where the geological conditions permit, the pillars are subsequently extracted [“robbed”] - allowing very high levels of coal extraction.
Diagram of a mine with longwall and continuous mining system

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Drilling in mining
Drilling in miningDrilling in mining
Drilling in mining

Drilling is the process of making holes into hard surfaces like rock. In surface mining, drilling is used for blast hole drilling, core drilling for exploration, and technical drilling. Rotary blast hole drilling involves rotating drill pipes to which a bit is attached to break up rock. The main assemblies of a rotary drill rig include the mast, rod changer, rotary head, pull down mechanism, air compressor, drill pipes, hydraulic system, and dust control components.

Underground mining method
Underground mining methodUnderground mining method
Underground mining method

Underground mining methods include room-and-pillar, longwall mining, sublevel caving and block caving. Longwall mining involves completely removing the entire coal seam in one operation by leaving no pillars and allowing the roof to cave. Factors that influence the selection of an underground mining method include the deposit's size, shape, depth and geology, geotechnical properties, economic considerations, available technology, and environmental concerns. The optimal mining method maximizes resource recovery while maintaining safety and minimizing costs and environmental impacts.

Board & Pillar
Board & PillarBoard & Pillar
Board & Pillar

This document discusses two mining methods: step mining and post-pillar mining. Step mining involves creating horizontal floors to allow equipment use for deposits that are too steeply inclined. Post-pillar mining uses regularly spaced pillars to extract inclined deposits between 20-55 degrees and allows filling of the mined space. It also discusses considerations for gallery dimensions, pillar dimensions and configurations, recovery strategies, equipment used, and operational aspects of board and pillar mining.

gec bhujmining engineeringmining
Room and Pillar working – utilising continuous mining systems
The front of the continuous miner [above] – which cuts coal from the seam . The coal is carried to the back into a shuttle car [see below] which transfers it to a conveyor belt.
Joy continuous miner in one of Sasol Group’s mines, South Africa
Auger Mining	This is a method for recovering coal by boring into a coal seam at the base of strata exposed by excavation. 	It is normally one of the lowest-cost techniques of mining, it is limited to horizontal or slightly pitched seams that have been exposed.	Augering is usually associated with surface mining, recovering coal for a limited depth beyond the point where stripping become uneconomic because the seam of coal lies so far beneath the surface - or under land that can't be strip-mined/opencasted due to environmental and planning constraints.	An auger removes coal by drilling or cutting horizontally into the coal seam. They are usually either single auger or double auger mining equipment - which can reach depths of up to 1000 ft from the initial entry point into the seam. 	Some auger systems have also been developed for extracting coal from seams in underground mines.

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Topic 7-mining methods-part iii -surface mining- placer mining
Topic 7-mining methods-part iii -surface mining- placer miningTopic 7-mining methods-part iii -surface mining- placer mining
Topic 7-mining methods-part iii -surface mining- placer mining

Placer Deposits; PLACER MINING; Hydraulicking mining; Dredging mining; Types of Excavation Methods Using Dredging; BUCKET WHEEL HYDRAULIC DREDGES; BUCKETLINE DREDGES; SUCTION CUTTER DREDGES; PLACER MINING COSTS

placer mining costsbucketline dredgesplacer mining
support system in metal mine
support system in metal minesupport system in metal mine
support system in metal mine

There are five main types of mine support systems: (1) Wooden logs support which is cheap but cannot be reused and requires coating to prevent corrosion. (2) Metal rod support which is reusable but expensive and prone to corrosion. (3) Metal roof bolts provide strong ceiling support but are expensive. (4) Metal fence support provides warning of collapse while also collecting falling rocks but is also expensive. (5) Concrete and brick walls provide excellent support for soft, clayey rocks but are difficult to modify and remove once installed. Proper support systems are crucial to mine safety, production continuity, and equipment protection.

Oc mechanical excavation
Oc mechanical excavationOc mechanical excavation
Oc mechanical excavation

rock excavation, different open cast or open pit excavation machinery, application, limitations, highwall miner, bucket wheel excavatorr, bucket chain excavator, shovels

rock excavationdozershighwall miner
Surface Mining	Surface mining has rapidly developed during the second half of the 20th Century as larger earthmoving equipment has evolved.	The new technologies allow large surface mines to produce millions of tonnes of coal per year.	Extraction depths of surface mining are dependent upon the overburden ratio (the ratio of overburden moved to the volume of coal recovered) and the market price obtained for the coal - which is also dependent on the quality of the final product.	A wide range of mining equipment is used in surface mining.HambachMine,GermanyLarge surface mining excavator – used in lignite mining.  This excavator weighs 13,400 tonnes; has a height of 96m and a crew of 3. It can excavate 240,000 tonnes per day. It takes 2 years to assemble the excavator on site prior to coal production.
Coal Lectures Series   Mining Technology
Shotton Opencast Site, Northumberland, UKFfos-y-Fran surface mine, South Wales, UK

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Coal Lectures Series Mining Technology

  • 1. Coal Lectures SeriesAndrew W. CoxEnergy Intelligence & Marketing Research,192 Sandyford Road,Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 1RN, United Kingdom.Tel: 44 (0)191-261
  • 2. Coal Lectures Series – An Introduction Since 1995 Energy Intelligence & Marketing Research [EIMR] has developed a wide range of teaching material on coal-related topics. The key themes include: coal formation; coal properties; coal as a fuel source; coal mining technologies; the markets for coal; coal-based electricity systems; pollution abatement technologies; clean coal technologies; coal capture and storage; coal-to-liquid fuels; the coal/energy sectors of several countries [including the United Kingdom and China]; plus the international coal trade. A shortened version of a basic teaching module is enclosed. In addition to the powerpoint presentations - a wide range of other supporting material is available - such as technical notes, case studies + video/movie clips. Dr Andrew Cox and colleagues from EIMR can provide personal teaching and lectures to university courses - plus companies seeking continuing professional development – both in the UK and in other countries. Please contact Dr Cox [] for further information.
  • 4. Coal Mining Technologies Various mining technologies are used throughout the world's coalfields. The technology adopted in each mining project should be the one which will extract the coal at the lowest overall cost. Mining commenced several hundred years ago by exploiting seams that reach the surface (outcrop). These were accessed by bell-pits or other simple mining techniques - such as bord and pillar (or room and pillar) extraction. Some of these techniques are still used by local non-mechanised miners in undeveloped coalfield areas throughout the world. Extracting deeper coal seams led to the development of access by shafts and drifts - allowing large-scale extraction and removal of coal. Modern Underground methods currently utilise longwall mining (either advancing or retreating systems) or continuous mining technologies. Sometimes other techniques may be used - such as auger mining. The development of ventilation technology has also allowed coal extraction to take place at greater depths - as well as further from a mine’s main shafts and drifts. The development and planning of underground and surface mines during the last 30 years has increasingly employed design and modelling software.
  • 5. Mining termsRun of mine (ROM) production. This is the uncleaned output of a mine. In many mines ROM coal must undergo some form of washing and preparation to become the saleable product. ROM coal from surface mines usually has a lower level of ash and mineral matter - and so requires less preparation.Panel. A block of coal in a seam that is worked by longwall mining. A typical panel might be 1000-2000m+ long and up to 300m wide. The dimensions of the panel are determined by the geological conditions in the mine – such as strata stability.Pillar. A block of coal left behind in a coal seam to aid support of the overlying strata. Pillars may be needed to prevent excessive subsidence on the ground surface or to avoid excessive geological distortions in the mine workings. For example - a pillar is usually left between two panels of coal being extracted by longwall mining.
  • 6. Drawing of Bell Pit MiningSource: of early mine workingsImage of pitfallen land at Daisy Hill, County Durham [mid-1980s]
  • 7. Longwall MiningLongwall mining is a form of underground coalmining where a longwall face of coal is mined in a single slice (typically >1m thick). The longwall "panel" (the block of coal that is being mined) is typically 1-2 km long and 200m-300m wide.The longwall shearer is a sophisticated machine with a rotating cutting drum that moves mechanically back-and-forth across the coal seam in the panel. The broken, loosened coal is dropped on to a series of conveyor belts for removal from the working area and is then transported up to the surface.. Self-advancing, hydraulic face supports temporarily hold up the roof whilst the coal is extracted. The roof over the area behind the face, from which the coal has been removed, is then allowed to collapse. The supports allow for high levels of production and safety. Many faces have a high degree of automation – with sensors monitoring the progress of the face, plus machine and environmental conditions. There are two types of longwall face systems – Advancing and Retreat. However - longwall mining takes place where geological conditions are relatively stable and where there is only a small inclination of the coal seams.
  • 8. Headstock of a deep mine – access to mine shaft.Diagram of Longwall mining operations
  • 9. Advancing Longwall FacesFace advances away from roadwayMain RoadwaysTwo parallel tunnelsare driven away fromthe main roadwayand then connectedat the longwall faceto create a panel. The face works back – retreats - to the mainroadway.RetreatLongwall Faces
  • 10. Underground mine plan - showing layout of roadways and longwall panels
  • 11. Longwall face, Kellingley Colliery, Yorkshire, UKSource: Coal Authority
  • 12. Longwall face, Daw Mill Colliery, West Midlands, UKSource: Coal AuthorityRoof bolting and additional roof support are used in most large underground mines
  • 13. Examples of Rock Bolts – used to stabilise roofs and walls of underground mines
  • 14. Hydraulic face supportsSelf-advancing, hydraulic face supports. They move forward as the cutting face advances.Mine AutomationRemote control, automation and monitoring, are widely used throughout larger coal mines. All information is fed into a computer network system which can be monitored at the control room on the surface. In the UK mining engineers call this the Mine Operating System [MINOS]. These systems, which improve efficiency and safety, already control transport systems and monitor temperature, mine gas concentrations and ventilation underground. Similar systems are deployed to monitor and control a range of mining operations at the coalface.
  • 15. Continuous Miners Continuous miners were first introduced in the late 1940s – allowing a significant increase in speed and efficiency of extracting coal. They now extract the majority of coal from US underground mines - and are used in mines throughout the world.These machines are designed to remove coal from the seam and to load it into shuttle cars and then conveyor belts in a continuous process. This allows the coal to be rapidly removed from the working area and transported to the surface.The continuous miner has a large rotating steel drum equipped with tungsten carbide teeth that cut coal from the seam. Standard continuous miners can extract coal at a rate of several tonnes a minute depending upon the seam thickness. Newer, more powerful continuous miners are highly productive and can be remotely controlled - being designed for a variety of seam and mining conditions.The standard working layout is a “room and pillar” system – where the mine is divided into a series of 6-9 metre “rooms” or work areas which are cut into the coal seam with pillars of coal left standing to help support the roof. Rock bolts, typically 1 to 3 metres long steel bolts, are inserted into holes drilled into the roof at regular intervals to bind the strata together and ensure support. Where the geological conditions permit, the pillars are subsequently extracted [“robbed”] - allowing very high levels of coal extraction.
  • 16. Diagram of a mine with longwall and continuous mining system
  • 17. Room and Pillar working – utilising continuous mining systems
  • 18. The front of the continuous miner [above] – which cuts coal from the seam . The coal is carried to the back into a shuttle car [see below] which transfers it to a conveyor belt.
  • 19. Joy continuous miner in one of Sasol Group’s mines, South Africa
  • 20. Auger Mining This is a method for recovering coal by boring into a coal seam at the base of strata exposed by excavation. It is normally one of the lowest-cost techniques of mining, it is limited to horizontal or slightly pitched seams that have been exposed. Augering is usually associated with surface mining, recovering coal for a limited depth beyond the point where stripping become uneconomic because the seam of coal lies so far beneath the surface - or under land that can't be strip-mined/opencasted due to environmental and planning constraints. An auger removes coal by drilling or cutting horizontally into the coal seam. They are usually either single auger or double auger mining equipment - which can reach depths of up to 1000 ft from the initial entry point into the seam.  Some auger systems have also been developed for extracting coal from seams in underground mines.
  • 21. Surface Mining Surface mining has rapidly developed during the second half of the 20th Century as larger earthmoving equipment has evolved. The new technologies allow large surface mines to produce millions of tonnes of coal per year. Extraction depths of surface mining are dependent upon the overburden ratio (the ratio of overburden moved to the volume of coal recovered) and the market price obtained for the coal - which is also dependent on the quality of the final product. A wide range of mining equipment is used in surface mining.HambachMine,GermanyLarge surface mining excavator – used in lignite mining. This excavator weighs 13,400 tonnes; has a height of 96m and a crew of 3. It can excavate 240,000 tonnes per day. It takes 2 years to assemble the excavator on site prior to coal production.
  • 23. Shotton Opencast Site, Northumberland, UKFfos-y-Fran surface mine, South Wales, UK