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Eward Driehuis - What we learned from 20.000 attacks - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019
Eward Driehuis - What we learned from 20.000 attacks - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019Eward Driehuis - What we learned from 20.000 attacks - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019
Eward Driehuis - What we learned from 20.000 attacks - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019

Eward Driehuis, SecureLink's research chief, will guide you through the bumpy ride we call the cyber threat landscape. As the industry has over a decade of experience of dealing with increasingly sophisticated attacks, you might be surprised to hear more attacks slip through the cracks than ever. From analyzing 20.000 of them in 2018, backed by a quarter of a million security events and over ten trillion data points, Eward will outline why this happens, how attacks are changing, and why it doesn't matter how neatly or securely you code.

codemotioncodemotion amsterdam 2019technology
Francesco Baldassarri - Deliver Data at Scale - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019 -
Francesco Baldassarri  - Deliver Data at Scale - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019 - Francesco Baldassarri  - Deliver Data at Scale - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019 -
Francesco Baldassarri - Deliver Data at Scale - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019 -

IoT revolution is ended. Thanks to hardware improvement, building an intelligent ecosystem is easier than never before for both startups and large-scale enterprises. The real challenge is now to connect, process, store and analyze data: in the cloud, but also, at the edge. We’ll give a quick look on frameworks that aggregate dispersed devices data into a single global optimized system allowing to improve operational efficiency, to predict maintenance, to track asset in real-time, to secure cloud-connected devices and much more.

codemotioncodemotion amsterdam 2019technology
Martin Förtsch, Thomas Endres - Stereoscopic Style Transfer AI - Codemotion A...
Martin Förtsch, Thomas Endres - Stereoscopic Style Transfer AI - Codemotion A...Martin Förtsch, Thomas Endres - Stereoscopic Style Transfer AI - Codemotion A...
Martin Förtsch, Thomas Endres - Stereoscopic Style Transfer AI - Codemotion A...

What if Virtual Reality glasses could transform your environment into a three-dimensional work of art in realtime in the style of a painting from Van Gogh? One of the many interesting developments in the field of Deep Learning is the so called "Style Transfer". It describes a possibility to create a patchwork (or pastiche) from two images. While one of these images defines the the artistic style of the result picture, the other one is used for extracting the image content. A team from TNG Technology Consulting managed to build an AI showcase using OpenCV and Tensorflow to realize such goggles.

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Google Maps
SBT 2.0
MiniSito Php

  Giorgio Marandola

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Melanie Rieback, Klaus Kursawe - Blockchain Security: Melting the "Silver Bul...

The document summarizes some of the security issues with blockchain technology. It discusses how blockchain is not a "silver bullet" and does not inherently solve problems like privacy and security of smart devices. It outlines various application security issues with complex code, protocols, and difficulty of updates on blockchains. Concerns over data immutability and security of smart contracts are also covered. The document questions whether blockchain truly provides the level of decentralization and anonymity claimed, and outlines some impossibility results and limitations of existing approaches to achieving security and privacy in blockchain systems.

technologycodemotion amsterdam 2019codemotion
Angelo van der Sijpt - How well do you know your network stack? - Codemotion ...
Angelo van der Sijpt - How well do you know your network stack? - Codemotion ...Angelo van der Sijpt - How well do you know your network stack? - Codemotion ...
Angelo van der Sijpt - How well do you know your network stack? - Codemotion ...

The document provides an overview of the HTTP network protocol in its early stages of development. It summarizes the initial IMP (Interface Message Processor) software used to establish connections and transmit messages over the ARPANET. It outlines some early requirements for host-to-host software to enable simple and advanced use between computer systems. The document also describes the initial host software specifications, including establishing connections, transmitting data efficiently, and implementing error checking between connected systems. This was one of the first documents to define core aspects of the early HTTP network protocol to enable information exchange over the fledgling internet.

codemotion amsterdam 2019technologycodemotion
Lars Wolff - Performance Testing for DevOps in the Cloud - Codemotion Amsterd...
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Performance tests are not only an important instrument for understanding a system and its runtime environment. It is also essential in order to check stability and scalability – non-functional requirements that might be decisive for success. But won't my cloud hosting service scale for me as long as I can afford it? Yes, but… It only operates and scales resources. It won't automatically make your system fast, stable and scalable. This talk shows how such and comparable questions can be clarified with performance tests and how DevOps teams benefit from regular test practise.

codemotioncodemotion amsterdam 2019technology
CITY 2.0
Perchè reinventare la ruota?
       per categorie,

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Sascha Wolter - Conversational AI Demystified - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019
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Sascha Wolter - Conversational AI Demystified - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019

Sascha will demonstrate the opportunities and challenges of Conversational AI learned from the practice. Both Technology and User Experience will be covered introducing a process finding micro-moments, writing happy paths, gathering intents, designing the conversational flow, and finally publishing on almost all channels including Voice Services and Chatbots. Valuable for enterprises, developers, and designers. All live on stage in just minutes and with almost no code.

codemotiontechnologycodemotion amsterdam 2019
Michele Tonutti - Scaling is caring - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019
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A key challenge we face at Pacmed is quickly calibrating and deploying our tools for clinical decision support in different hospitals, where data formats may vary greatly. Using Intensive Care Units as a case study, I’ll delve into our scalable Python pipeline, which leverages Pandas’ split-apply-combine approach to perform complex feature engineering and automatic quality checks on large time-varying data, e.g. vital signs. I’ll show how we use the resulting flexible and interpretable dataframes to quickly (re)train our models to predict mortality, discharge, and medical complications.

codemotioncodemotion amsterdam 2019technology
Pat Hermens - From 100 to 1,000+ deployments a day - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019
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Pat Hermens - From 100 to 1,000+ deployments a day - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019

Coolblue is a proud Dutch company, with a large internal development department; one that truly takes CI/CD to heart. Empowerment through automation is at the heart of these development teams, and with more than 1000 deployments a day, we think it's working out quite well. In this session, Pat Hermens (a Development Managers) will step you through what enables us to move so quickly, which tools we use, and most importantly, the mindset that is required to enable development teams to deliver at such a rapid pace.

codemotion amsterdam 2019codemotiontechnology

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Quantum computers can use all of the possible pathways generated by quantum decisions to solve problems that will forever remain intractable to classical compute power. As the mega players vie for quantum supremacy and Rigetti announces its $1M "quantum advantage" prize, we live in exciting times. IBM-Q and Microsoft Q# are two ways you can learn to program quantum computers so that you're ready when the quantum revolution comes. I'll demonstrate some quantum solutions to problems that will forever be out of reach of classical, including organic chemistry and large number factorisation.

codemotioncodemotion amsterdam 2019technology
Don Goodman-Wilson - Chinese food, motor scooters, and open source developmen...
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Don Goodman-Wilson - Chinese food, motor scooters, and open source developmen...

Chinese food exploded across America in the early 20th century, rapidly adapting to local tastes while also spreading like wildfire. How was it able to spread so fast? The GY6 is a family of scooter engines that has achieved near total ubiquity in Europe. It is reliable and cheap to manufacture, and it's made in factories across China. How are these factories able to remain afloat? Chinese-American food and the GY6 are both riveting studies in product-market fit, and both are the product of a distributed open source-like development model. What lessons can we learn for open source software?

codemotioncodemotion amsterdam 2019technology
Pieter Omvlee - The story behind Sketch - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019
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The design space has exploded in size within the last few years and Sketch is one of the most important milestones to represent the phenomenon. But behind the scenes of this growing reality there is a remote team that revolutionizes the design space all without leaving the home office. This talk will present how Sketch has grown to become a modern, product designer's tool.

codemotiontechnologycodemotion amsterdam 2019
SQL Injection
? Plugin
WordPress ?
    partecipare ?
  Vi aspettiamo su

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Dave Farley - Taking Back “Software Engineering” - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019
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Would you fly in a plane designed by a craftsman or would you prefer your aircraft to be designed by engineers? We are learning that science and empiricism works in software development, maybe now is the time to redefine what “Software Engineering” really means. Software isn't bridge-building, it is not car or aircraft development either, but then neither is Chemical Engineering. Engineering is different in different disciplines. Maybe it is time for us to begin thinking about retrieving the term "Software Engineering" maybe it is time to define what our "Engineering" discipline should be.

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Joshua Hoffman - Should the CTO be Coding? - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019
Joshua Hoffman - Should the CTO be Coding? - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019Joshua Hoffman - Should the CTO be Coding? - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019
Joshua Hoffman - Should the CTO be Coding? - Codemotion Amsterdam 2019

What is the job of a CTO and how does it change as a startup grows in size and scale? As a CTO, where should you spend your focus? As an engineer aspiring to be a CTO, what skills should you pursue? In this inspiring and personal talk, I describe my journey from early Red Hat engineer to CTO at Bloomon. I will share my view on what it means to be a CTO, and ultimately answer the question: Should the CTO be coding?

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Mike Kotsur - What can philosophy teach us about programming - Codemotion Ams...
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If Socrates met Linus Torvalds, what would they talk about? How much math should be bundled into a good programming language? Can compiler resolve an argument and prove, that someone is right? Trough semantics of code, that we write every day, when looking carefully, one can see foundations of logic and science, that has been build more than 2000 years ago. Why does it matter, and how can we leverage this enormous power to make our code safe and sound in languages with advanced type systems, like Typescript and Scala.

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