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Bill Taylor, UW Area Community Development Educator
• The Handbook of Nonprofit Governance by
BoardSource, published by Jossey-Bass, 2010
• The Board Chair Handbook, Second Edition by Mindy
R. Wertheimer, published by BoardSource, 2008
• The Nonprofit Board’s Role in Mission, Planning and
Evaluation, Second Edition by Kay Sprinkel
Grace, MA; Amy McClellan, MNO; John A.
Yankey, Ph.D., 2009
• The Board Building Cycle: Nine Steps to
Finding, Recruiting, and Engaging Nonprofit Board
Members, Second Edition by Berit M. Lakey, published
by BoardSource, 2007
References (cont.)
• Evaluating Board Performance by Bob
Cropp, Director, University of Wisconsin Center for
Cooperatives, January 1966 at
• Board Performance Evaluation; Private Sector
Opinion, Issue 9 by the International Finance
Corporation at
• Corporate Governance: A Primer on Board Member
Evaluation by Bill Capps and Rob Steinberg of
Jeffer, Mangels, Butler & Mitchell LP at
“Exceptional boards embrace
the qualities of a continuous
organization, evaluating their
own performance and
assessing the value they add
to the organization.”
The Source: Twelve Principles of Governance That Power
Exceptional Boards

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Basic leadership-skills
Basic leadership-skillsBasic leadership-skills
Basic leadership-skills

The document provides an overview of basic leadership skills, including people skills, technical skills, values and behaviors, communication skills, cultural diversity initiatives, and leadership development. It discusses topics such as understanding others, effective delegation, coaching, and assessing career opportunities. The document is a guide for developing leadership abilities and includes examples, diagrams, and principles for skills like communication, planning, and evaluation.

The Essentials of Board Governance
The Essentials of Board GovernanceThe Essentials of Board Governance
The Essentials of Board Governance

The document provides an overview of key concepts related to nonprofit board governance. It discusses that a nonprofit board's main roles include determining the organization's mission and strategic direction, overseeing finances and the executive director, ensuring adequate resources, and enhancing public standing. The board is responsible for selecting the executive director and providing support and performance reviews. Additional responsibilities involve financial oversight, operations oversight, and organizational development. Effective board governance requires regular evaluation of the board's performance in fulfilling its duties.

Internal Audit Methodology.docx
Internal Audit Methodology.docxInternal Audit Methodology.docx
Internal Audit Methodology.docx

The document outlines the NBI Internal Audit Methodology which includes 6 phases: planning, execution, reporting, follow-up, enterprise risk assessment, and special assignments. The execution phase involves notifying the process owner, project planning, process description/audit program creation, testing and documenting findings, and confirming/reporting results. Special assignments can be requested for significant risks and involve establishing need, planning, and integrating into existing audit plans or urgent timelines if needed.

internal audit methodologyauaudit process
• Results-oriented
• Measure overall
efficiency, effectiveness, impact, outcomes
• Can’t afford complacency – keep
discovering ways to increase their value
“Figuring out something’s worth by looking at it
• Assessing the effectiveness and
performance of the organization, its
programs and its services
• Identify issues pushed aside during normal
• Identify strengths & weaknesses affecting
optimal performance
• Keep the board focused, on track
• Allow board chair, members, & chief exec.
to assess growth & progress in their roles
• Reinvigorate individual board members to
take responsibility as part of the team
• Reinforce that the board takes its work
seriously & models good governance

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The Role of Internal Audit
The Role of Internal AuditThe Role of Internal Audit
The Role of Internal Audit

This document discusses the role of internal auditing in banks. It defines internal auditing as an independent, objective function that evaluates risk management, controls, and governance processes to help an organization achieve its objectives. The document outlines key differences between internal and external auditing. Internal auditing resides within an organization, evaluates a wide range of risks and controls, and reports to the audit committee, while external auditing resides outside the organization and focuses on financial risks and statutory audits. The document also describes internal audit's role in risk-based auditing and reporting, advisory services, and continuous improvement of operations.

fedit governanceinternal audit
Internal audit ppt
Internal audit pptInternal audit ppt
Internal audit ppt

Internal audit is an independent appraisal activity within an organization that reviews systems, procedures, and compliance with policies. It helps ensure efficient controls are in place for all organizational activities and assets. The purpose of internal audit is to detect errors and fraud, identify risks, and forewarn management about deficiencies. It identifies both issues and opportunities to improve an organization's financial, operational, and planning processes. Certain companies and trusts are required by law to appoint an internal auditor, including those with a paid up capital over 50 lakh rupees or average annual turnover exceeding 5 crore rupees for the last three years.

internal auditbusiness consultingfind consultant
Internal Audit
Internal AuditInternal Audit
Internal Audit

The document discusses the purpose and functions of an internal audit department. It defines internal auditing as an independent process that evaluates risk management, controls, and governance to improve an organization's operations. An internal audit department is necessary to comply with regulations like SOX, ensure proper financial and risk controls, and review operations for effectiveness and compliance. The department performs several types of audits, including financial, operational, compliance, and special investigations audits. In conclusion, having an internal audit reduces risks for a company through systematic evaluation of controls, operations, and compliance.

• Varies with organization
• Suggested:
– Brief evaluation annually
– Extensive every 2-4 years

Governance committee
Ad hoc committee
Outside consultant
Board chair and the membership in
• Organizational – extent to which the
organization has met its stated goals &
objectives & how well it performed in the
• Programmatic – efficiency and outcomes
of various or individual programs
• Board – how well the board as a whole is
functioning and understanding its role
LEVELS (cont.)
• Individual Board Member – how well each
member is fulfilling his job description
• Board Chair – is the chair a good leader
and facilitator?
• Chief Executive – how well is the chief
executive fulfilling their job description and
assisting the organization to their annual

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Strategic Planning Workshop BY Francis Karugu, MSc, BComm, CPA
Strategic Planning Workshop BY Francis Karugu, MSc, BComm, CPAStrategic Planning Workshop BY Francis Karugu, MSc, BComm, CPA
Strategic Planning Workshop BY Francis Karugu, MSc, BComm, CPA

The document outlines plans for a strategic planning workshop at CDCL on February 14, 2014. The objectives are to understand strategic plans, define CDCL's 2014-2017 plan, and agree on implementation actions. Key topics to be covered include defining CDCL's vision, mission, values, current situation through a SWOT analysis, strategic issues, objectives, success factors, stakeholders, competitors, and implementation and monitoring plans. The workshop aims to develop a strategic plan to guide CDCL over the next three years.

Internal controls
Internal controlsInternal controls
Internal controls

Internal control is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following categories: Effectiveness and efficiency of operations Reliability of financial reporting Compliance with applicable laws and regulations This presentation examines ICs and their effectiveness.

internal controls.
Ppt on risk based internal audit
Ppt on risk based internal auditPpt on risk based internal audit
Ppt on risk based internal audit

The document summarizes Risk-Based Internal Audit (RBIA) framework requirements for Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) in India. It specifies that all deposit-taking NBFCs and non-deposit taking NBFCs with assets over ₹5,000 crore must implement an RBIA system by March 31, 2021. The framework outlines objectives to provide assurance on internal controls and risk management. It details responsibilities of the board, senior management, and internal audit function to ensure independence, competency, appropriate resourcing and oversight of the RBIA system.

LEVELS (cont.)
• Levels can be coordinated, mixed, or only
certain ones performed, according to
needs and structure of the organization
• One method – dashboard reporting
– Attached to meeting agenda
– 1-2 pages –
graphs, charts, tables, columns, limited text
• Showing progress toward goals & objectives

– Indicators to monitor:

Quality control
Human resources
– Benefits of dashboard reports:

Supports planning
Identifies performance drivers
Prioritizes information
Identifies problems early
Increases efficiency

– 15 minutes
• Provides accountability to funders
• Takes subjectivity out of justifying the
organization’s existence
• 2 components
– Outcomes measurement
• How a program is working – its results

– Performance measurement
• The inputs & outputs of a program
• Quality & effectiveness of the program

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Board of Directors: Duties and Liabilities - Quick Guide
Board of Directors: Duties and Liabilities - Quick GuideBoard of Directors: Duties and Liabilities - Quick Guide
Board of Directors: Duties and Liabilities - Quick Guide

The board of directors plays a central role in the corporate governance system. All countries require that publicly listed companies have a board. While their attributes vary across nations, they universally share common responsibilities. This Quick Guide provides an introduction to the roles and responsibilities of the board of directors. It answers the questions: • What is the purpose of a board? • How does a board function? • What does it mean to be “independent”? • What are the legal and fiduciary requirements? For an expanded discussion, see Corporate Governance Matters: A Closer Look at Organizational Choices and Their Consequences (Second Edition) by David Larcker and Brian Tayan (2015): Buy This Book: For permissions to use this material, please contact: E: Copyright 2015 by David F. Larcker and Brian Tayan. All rights reserved.

corporate governance researchglobal governance systemsboard functions
Corporate governance
Corporate governanceCorporate governance
Corporate governance

The document discusses the history and evolution of corporate governance in India. It provides details on key committees and recommendations that helped shape India's corporate governance framework over time. Some of the main elements of corporate governance that it outlines include the roles and responsibilities of boards of directors, shareholders and other stakeholders. It also discusses the impact of corporate governance on company performance and principles like transparency, accountability and protection of shareholder rights.

Evaluation of Board of Directors of the Company - Corporate Governance
Evaluation of Board of Directors of the Company - Corporate GovernanceEvaluation of Board of Directors of the Company - Corporate Governance
Evaluation of Board of Directors of the Company - Corporate Governance

Evaluation of the Board and of the individual directors is one potentially effective way to respond to the demand for greater board accountability and effectiveness of the company as well.

• Based on qualitative & quantitative data
• Methods
– Surveys, interviews, focus groups, pre- &
post-tests, observations, assessments of
products from program participation
• How well is the board meeting its
– Examine:

Identification & recruiting of new members
Relationship w/ constituents/stakeholders
Relationship w/ chief executive
Does committee structure work?
Are meetings well run?
• Questions:
– Is board clear about its roles &
– Members familiar and in support of mission?
Is mission appropriate for organization in 2-4
– Has board engaged in setting a strategic
direction? Is there a vision of the strategic
evolvement of the organization over the next
3-5 years?
• Questions (cont.)
– Is board knowledgeable about the programs? Is
there effective processes for tracking program
– Does board understand the finances & resource
strategy? Do all members participate in any
– Does budget reflect priorities of strategic or
annual plan? Are financial controls in place? Are
there established investment & risk management

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Audit ratings guide
Audit ratings guideAudit ratings guide
Audit ratings guide

The document provides guidelines and examples for rating audits. It includes five rating levels - Good, Satisfactory, Requires Improvement, Unsatisfactory, and Concurrence/Nonconcurrence. Sample 1 provides detailed descriptions of each rating level and examples of how to rate audits of internal controls, operations, and accounting records based on an audit rating grid. Sample 2 defines five audit report ratings on a scale from Strong to Unsatisfactory based on the effectiveness of risk management practices.

Accelerating Leadership Development
Accelerating Leadership DevelopmentAccelerating Leadership Development
Accelerating Leadership Development

The document discusses accelerating leadership development in uncertain times. It recommends aligning leadership strategy with business strategy, segmenting key leadership roles, defining leadership role requirements, assessing leadership gaps, and designing leadership development plans to measure, monitor, and close gaps. It emphasizes the importance of succession planning and talent reviews to evaluate the depth and breadth of the leadership pipeline and ensure critical roles are filled.

segmentationleadership developmentsuccession planning
Practical approach to Risk Based Internal Audit
Practical approach to Risk Based Internal AuditPractical approach to Risk Based Internal Audit
Practical approach to Risk Based Internal Audit

The document provides an overview of risk based internal auditing. It discusses key concepts like the definition of risk, COSO ERM framework, three lines of defense model, definition of internal audit, and risk based internal audit approach. The approach involves identifying the audit universe and processes, risk identification and assessment, risk scoring and heat mapping, developing the risk based internal audit plan, and executing the plan. Various tools for risk based auditing like the audit tracker, audit report templates, and resources are also outlined.

icairisk based internal auditerm
• Benefits:
– Moving from micromanaging organization’s
work & directing focus on governance
– More engaged & higher-performing board
– Developing team-building skills & better
problem-solving structure
– Showing stakeholders board members take
responsibility seriously
– Improved board-staff relations
• Benefits (cont.):
– Clarification of division of labor
– Identification of board structures needing
– Development of an action plan
• When:
– Every 2-3 years
– Exploring roles & responsibilities
– Identifying gaps in performance
– Discovering problems
– Developing plans for the future
• When (cont.):
– Critical points:
• In early stages of the organization’s life, especially
when hiring the 1st staff
• There is confusion about which responsibilities
belong to the board and which to the staff
• During changes of leadership on the board or of
chief executive
• When doing strategic planning

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Corporate governance
Corporate governanceCorporate governance
Corporate governance

Corporate governance is the system by which companies are directed and controlled. It specifies how power is distributed among shareholders, directors, and management. It also specifies the rules and procedures for making decisions on corporate affairs and structures the company's goals. The key principles of corporate governance are rights of shareholders, accountability, disclosure, integrity, and interest of stakeholders. SEBI issued a code of corporate governance for listed companies in India to improve standards. It covers requirements for boards, audit committees, disclosure, and shareholders.

Corporate governance
Corporate governanceCorporate governance
Corporate governance

Corporate governance involves structures and processes that direct and control companies. The main objectives are enhancing shareholder value while considering other stakeholders. Governance oversees ethics and performance, whereas management handles daily operations. Weak governance undermines a company's financial and operational performance and investors' faith. Key elements of good governance include accountability, transparency, regulatory frameworks, business ethics, and administrative structures. The audit committee oversees financial reporting, external auditors, risk management, and internal controls. It helps ensure independence and integrity in financial reporting and auditing.

potassium homeostasis and its renal handling
potassium homeostasis and its renal handlingpotassium homeostasis and its renal handling
potassium homeostasis and its renal handling

This presentation discusses potassium homeostasis and its renal handling. It begins with objectives and an introduction on potassium physiology. It then covers the roles of potassium, mechanisms maintaining potassium levels, and hormonal and other factors involved. A major section discusses renal handling of potassium by different regions of the nephron and how secretion is regulated. The presentation concludes by reviewing clinical implications of disorders like hyperkalemia and hypokalemia.

• Techniques:
– Mini or complete assessment
• Easy to complete surveys
• Anonymous responses to encourage candid
• Compiled in report to board
• Sample from The Handbook of Nonprofit
• Culminate w/ extended board session or retreat to
discuss & identify action steps

– Regular board training
• Techniques (cont.):
– External Audit
• Engage expert in governance
• Review articles of incorporation or establishing
resolution, bylaws, observe board & committee
meetings; interview officers, board
members, former board members, & chief
• Written/oral report to board and chief executive
• BoardSource provides online and custom
• Techniques (cont.):
– Evaluating board meetings
• 10-15 minute item on each agenda for discussion
– “Ideas for Improving the Board”

• Feedback form or round of comments at end of
each meeting
– 2 questions:
» “The thing I most liked about this meeting was…”
» “One thing that could have improved this meeting
• Techniques (cont.):
– Evaluating board meetings (cont.)
• Items to address:

Dealt w/ issues of substance & strategic importance?
Run efficiently?
Used board member’s time wisely?
Well organized?
Background materials available in advance?
Begin & end on time?
Everyone’s voice heard or did a few dominate?
Issues were discussed & debated?
Was something achieved? *Board Meeting Evaluation Exercise
– 2 minutes

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Board Evaluation - Getting it Right
Board Evaluation - Getting it RightBoard Evaluation - Getting it Right
Board Evaluation - Getting it Right

The document discusses best practices for conducting board evaluations. It states that board evaluations are important for continuous improvement and identifying areas for growth. A skilled evaluation can transform a group of individuals into an effective team. The document recommends using a third-party facilitator to provide objectivity, and outlines some risks and rewards of conducting evaluations. Overall, board evaluations are an opportunity for boards to enhance their performance through feedback and development.

boards of directorsboard assessmentboard evaluation
Spending in the Dark
Spending in the DarkSpending in the Dark
Spending in the Dark

Will you go over budget this holiday season? How will you know? Learn how to budget for periodic expenses. Learn how to track spending so you know how much you have to spend.

Better Bylaws
Better BylawsBetter Bylaws
Better Bylaws

This document provides guidance on developing bylaws for nonprofit and public boards. It discusses key elements to include such as the board's size, selection process, terms and voting procedures. For public boards, bylaws are not required but are recommended to establish standard operating rules. The document outlines relevant Wyoming statutes and differences between nonprofit and public boards. It emphasizes that bylaws should reflect the organization's mission and define duties, authority limits and standard procedures.

• Outcomes of a good board assessment:
– Measure progress
– Identify areas needing improvement
– Establish goals for the future
– Remind members of their responsibilities
– Reshape operations
– Build trust, facilitate communication
– Identify strategic planning initiatives
• Outcomes of a good board assessment (cont.):
– Improvements in monitoring program
– Enhanced board meetings & more effective use
of committees
– Improvements in process of reviewing chief
executive’s performance
– Strategies for more intentional board recruitment
– Establishment of a governance committee & and
a more thoughtful nomination process
*Full Board Evaluation
Exercise – 8 minutes
• Two methods
– Self-assessment
• Based on the board member job description or the
individual section of a board assessment
• Sample from The Handbook of Nonprofit
• Two methods (cont.)
– Peer evaluation
• A brief anonymous survey – each board member
rates others on items such as:

Follow-through on assignments
Quality of participation in discussion
Interactions w/ other board members
Interactions w/ staff

• Results tallied & shared privately w/ each board
* Board Member Self-Evaluation Exercise – 15 minutes

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Elder Finances
Elder FinancesElder Finances
Elder Finances

This document discusses financial issues in later life. It begins by listing references on topics like retirement planning strategies, creating retirement income, and managing retirement savings. It then discusses the importance of financial resilience to withstand life events. Some common financial challenges in later life like unemployment, health issues, death of a spouse, and investment losses are outlined. Strategies to increase financial resilience such as maintaining emergency savings, keeping skills sharp, and practicing healthy habits are provided. The document also discusses catch-up retirement planning strategies for those who got a late start on saving. Creating a regular "retirement paycheck" through withdrawal strategies, annuities, reverse mortgages or continued part-time work is presented as a way to manage finances in


This document provides guidelines for the governance of the Board of Directors of the National Adult Learning Organisation (AONTAS). It outlines the organization's mission and constitution. It describes the composition, meetings, agenda setting, and minutes for the Board. It addresses the selection and election of directors, as well as the induction of new board members. It also covers conflicts of interest and the key responsibilities, roles, and functions of the Board, President, CEO, and Corporate Secretary. The overall purpose is to establish policies and procedures for the Board to provide effective leadership and oversight of the organization in accordance with legal and ethical standards for nonprofit governance.

Directors: Duties, responsibilities, remuneration
Directors: Duties, responsibilities, remunerationDirectors: Duties, responsibilities, remuneration
Directors: Duties, responsibilities, remuneration

The presentation gives an overview of duties, responsibilities of Directors, Independent Directors, Managerial remuneration, definitions of Key managerial personnel, related party etc.

dutiesresponsibilitiesindependent directors
• Benefits:
– Clearer view of the position & its requirements
– Clarifies the work of the chair & where
improvement is desired
– Helps prevent informal mumbling & private
discussions about the chair
• Focus:
– Facilitation skills
– Relationships & interactions w/ board
– Use of board work structures
– Use of governance practices
• Handled by fellow board members (never
the chief executive)
• Anonymous survey
• Communicated directly to chair in private
• Job description
– Must be clear, unambiguous
– Basis for evaluation and measurement

• Expectations
– Annual expectations should be listed to
identify priorities and projected

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Function of board committee
Function of board committeeFunction of board committee
Function of board committee

The document discusses various committees that are part of corporate governance structures, including audit, remuneration, nomination, compliance, and shareholders grievance committees. It also notes important characteristics of effective committees such as empowerment to obtain information, independence, and the ability to seek explanations from the board of directors. Some potential challenges that committees may face are also outlined, such as a lack of clear definitions, performance measures, and standardized guidelines.

role and function of board committee
Delta school district_boardpolicyhandbook
 Delta school district_boardpolicyhandbook Delta school district_boardpolicyhandbook
Delta school district_boardpolicyhandbook

The Board Policy Handbook for Delta School District outlines the Board's governance role and responsibilities. It defines the Board's accountability for student learning, the community, and provincial legislation. The handbook establishes the Board's vision, mission, values and goals to guide the District. It also outlines the Board's policies on role definitions, operations, committees, advocacy, budget, and relations with the Superintendent.

Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel COMPANIES ACT, 2013
Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel COMPANIES ACT, 2013Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel COMPANIES ACT, 2013
Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel COMPANIES ACT, 2013

The document discusses the appointment and remuneration of managerial personnel in companies according to the Companies Act 2013. It states that every listed company and other public company with a paid up capital of over 10 crore rupees must have whole-time key managerial personnel. It also outlines the process for filing returns of appointment of managerial roles like MD, WTD, CEO, CS, and CFO. The document then describes the roles and responsibilities of KMPs and the process for paying sitting fees to directors. It concludes by discussing remuneration of managerial personnel in listed vs non-listed companies and the conditions for paying remuneration beyond specified ceilings.

international business and tradeindia business
• When
– End of fiscal year

• What to evaluate

Success in meeting organization’s overall goals
Strategic alignment w/ board’s directives
Accomplishment of management objectives
Programmatic & fundraising achievements
Fiscal management
Relationship w/ board, staff, community
• Process
– Organized by board chair
– Should fit the culture of the organization
– Should enhance working relationship between
board & chief executive
– Determine which instruments to use, who should
be involved, how results will be communicated
– 2 components
• Self-evaluation
• Board member questionnaire
– Comments compiled, tabulated
• Written report
– Shared privately with chief executive
• Placed in personnel file

– Provided to entire board
Board Evaluation

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Wealth Management in the Digital Age
Wealth Management in the Digital AgeWealth Management in the Digital Age
Wealth Management in the Digital Age

In today’s digital age, our clients are surrounded by a digitally enabled world to engage in constant, collaborative interactions. There are fundamental forces in the wider landscape that serve as unstoppable digital tailwinds. This presentation by Tej Vakta, Wealth Management Practice Leader, Capgemini, was presented as a keynote at FIBA and it discusses why the Investment Management industry needs to think beyond the Digital Revolution and get influenced by the Digital Disruption happening around their customers to re-imagine the engagement model for driving loyalty and becoming their strategic partner as a primary financial service provider.

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This presentation gives a brief overview of a process to develop systematic business plans in private banking and wealth management. More detailed information on the approach can be requested at

Corporate Governance Committee
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Corporate Governance Committee

The document summarizes several committees on corporate governance that were established in India and other countries from 1992 to 2003. It outlines the Cadbury Committee in the UK (1992), King Committee in South Africa (1994, 2002), CII Committee in India (1996), Hampel Committee in the UK (1998), Kumar Mangalam Birla Committee in India (2000), SEBI Committee in India (2000), and Narayana Murthy Committee in India (2003). For each committee, it provides brief details on the country, nature, code/legal reference, and key recommendations regarding board structure, remuneration, audit functions, shareholder interests, and other corporate governance best practices.

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Board Evaluation

  • 1. BOARD EVALUATION Bill Taylor, UW Area Community Development Educator
  • 2. References • The Handbook of Nonprofit Governance by BoardSource, published by Jossey-Bass, 2010 • The Board Chair Handbook, Second Edition by Mindy R. Wertheimer, published by BoardSource, 2008 • The Nonprofit Board’s Role in Mission, Planning and Evaluation, Second Edition by Kay Sprinkel Grace, MA; Amy McClellan, MNO; John A. Yankey, Ph.D., 2009 • The Board Building Cycle: Nine Steps to Finding, Recruiting, and Engaging Nonprofit Board Members, Second Edition by Berit M. Lakey, published by BoardSource, 2007
  • 3. References (cont.) • Evaluating Board Performance by Bob Cropp, Director, University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives, January 1966 at ml • Board Performance Evaluation; Private Sector Opinion, Issue 9 by the International Finance Corporation at • Corporate Governance: A Primer on Board Member Evaluation by Bill Capps and Rob Steinberg of Jeffer, Mangels, Butler & Mitchell LP at
  • 4. “Exceptional boards embrace the qualities of a continuous learning organization, evaluating their own performance and assessing the value they add to the organization.” The Source: Twelve Principles of Governance That Power Exceptional Boards
  • 5. EXCEPTIONAL BOARDS • Results-oriented • Measure overall efficiency, effectiveness, impact, outcomes • Can’t afford complacency – keep discovering ways to increase their value
  • 6. EVALUATION “Figuring out something’s worth by looking at it carefully.” • Assessing the effectiveness and performance of the organization, its programs and its services
  • 7. POTENTIAL • Identify issues pushed aside during normal business • Identify strengths & weaknesses affecting optimal performance • Keep the board focused, on track • Allow board chair, members, & chief exec. to assess growth & progress in their roles
  • 8. POTENTIAL (cont.) • Reinvigorate individual board members to take responsibility as part of the team • Reinforce that the board takes its work seriously & models good governance
  • 9. WHEN • Varies with organization • Suggested: – Brief evaluation annually – Extensive every 2-4 years
  • 10. WHO • • • • Governance committee Ad hoc committee Outside consultant Board chair and the membership in partnership
  • 11. LEVELS • Organizational – extent to which the organization has met its stated goals & objectives & how well it performed in the process • Programmatic – efficiency and outcomes of various or individual programs • Board – how well the board as a whole is functioning and understanding its role
  • 12. LEVELS (cont.) • Individual Board Member – how well each member is fulfilling his job description • Board Chair – is the chair a good leader and facilitator? • Chief Executive – how well is the chief executive fulfilling their job description and assisting the organization to their annual goals?
  • 13. LEVELS (cont.) • Levels can be coordinated, mixed, or only certain ones performed, according to needs and structure of the organization
  • 14. ORGANIZATIONAL EVALUATION • One method – dashboard reporting – Attached to meeting agenda – 1-2 pages – graphs, charts, tables, columns, limited text • Showing progress toward goals & objectives – Indicators to monitor: • • • • Finances Programs Quality control Human resources
  • 15. ORGANIZATIONAL EVALUATION (cont.) – Benefits of dashboard reports: • • • • • Supports planning Identifies performance drivers Prioritizes information Identifies problems early Increases efficiency *ORGANIZATIONAL EVALUATION EXERCISE – 15 minutes
  • 16. PROGRAM EVALUATION • Provides accountability to funders • Takes subjectivity out of justifying the organization’s existence • 2 components – Outcomes measurement • How a program is working – its results – Performance measurement • The inputs & outputs of a program • Quality & effectiveness of the program implementation
  • 17. PROGRAM EVALUATION (cont.) • Based on qualitative & quantitative data • Methods – Surveys, interviews, focus groups, pre- & post-tests, observations, assessments of products from program participation
  • 18. BOARD SELF-ASSESSMENT • How well is the board meeting its responsibilities? – Examine: • • • • • • Composition Identification & recruiting of new members Relationship w/ constituents/stakeholders Relationship w/ chief executive Does committee structure work? Are meetings well run?
  • 19. BOARD SELF-ASSESSMENT (cont.) • Questions: – Is board clear about its roles & responsibilities? – Members familiar and in support of mission? Is mission appropriate for organization in 2-4 years? – Has board engaged in setting a strategic direction? Is there a vision of the strategic evolvement of the organization over the next 3-5 years?
  • 20. BOARD SELF-ASSESSMENT (cont.) • Questions (cont.) – Is board knowledgeable about the programs? Is there effective processes for tracking program performance? – Does board understand the finances & resource strategy? Do all members participate in any fundraising? – Does budget reflect priorities of strategic or annual plan? Are financial controls in place? Are there established investment & risk management policies?
  • 21. BOARD SELF-ASSESSMENT (cont.) • Benefits: – Moving from micromanaging organization’s work & directing focus on governance – More engaged & higher-performing board – Developing team-building skills & better problem-solving structure – Showing stakeholders board members take responsibility seriously – Improved board-staff relations
  • 22. BOARD SELF-ASSESSMENT (cont.) • Benefits (cont.): – Clarification of division of labor – Identification of board structures needing improvement – Development of an action plan
  • 23. BOARD SELF-ASSESSMENT (cont.) • When: – Every 2-3 years – Exploring roles & responsibilities – Identifying gaps in performance – Discovering problems – Developing plans for the future
  • 24. BOARD SELF-ASSESSMENT (cont.) • When (cont.): – Critical points: • In early stages of the organization’s life, especially when hiring the 1st staff • There is confusion about which responsibilities belong to the board and which to the staff • During changes of leadership on the board or of chief executive • When doing strategic planning
  • 25. BOARD SELF-ASSESSMENT (cont.) • Techniques: – Mini or complete assessment • Easy to complete surveys • Anonymous responses to encourage candid comments • Compiled in report to board • Sample from The Handbook of Nonprofit Governance • Culminate w/ extended board session or retreat to discuss & identify action steps – Regular board training
  • 26. BOARD SELF-ASSESSMENT (cont.) • Techniques (cont.): – External Audit • Engage expert in governance • Review articles of incorporation or establishing resolution, bylaws, observe board & committee meetings; interview officers, board members, former board members, & chief executive • Written/oral report to board and chief executive • BoardSource provides online and custom evaluations –
  • 27. BOARD SELF-ASSESSMENT (cont.) • Techniques (cont.): – Evaluating board meetings • 10-15 minute item on each agenda for discussion – “Ideas for Improving the Board” • Feedback form or round of comments at end of each meeting – 2 questions: » “The thing I most liked about this meeting was…” » “One thing that could have improved this meeting was…”
  • 28. BOARD SELF-ASSESSMENT (cont.) • Techniques (cont.): – Evaluating board meetings (cont.) • Items to address: – – – – – – – – – Dealt w/ issues of substance & strategic importance? Run efficiently? Used board member’s time wisely? Well organized? Background materials available in advance? Begin & end on time? Everyone’s voice heard or did a few dominate? Issues were discussed & debated? Was something achieved? *Board Meeting Evaluation Exercise – 2 minutes
  • 29. BOARD SELF-ASSESSMENT (cont.) • Outcomes of a good board assessment: – Measure progress – Identify areas needing improvement – Establish goals for the future – Remind members of their responsibilities – Reshape operations – Build trust, facilitate communication – Identify strategic planning initiatives
  • 30. BOARD SELF-ASSESSMENT (cont.) • Outcomes of a good board assessment (cont.): – Improvements in monitoring program effectiveness – Enhanced board meetings & more effective use of committees – Improvements in process of reviewing chief executive’s performance – Strategies for more intentional board recruitment – Establishment of a governance committee & and a more thoughtful nomination process *Full Board Evaluation Exercise – 8 minutes
  • 31. BOARD MEMBER EVALUATION • Two methods – Self-assessment • Based on the board member job description or the individual section of a board assessment instrument • Sample from The Handbook of Nonprofit Governance
  • 32. BOARD MEMBER EVALUATION (cont.) • Two methods (cont.) – Peer evaluation • A brief anonymous survey – each board member rates others on items such as: – – – – – – Attendance Preparation Follow-through on assignments Quality of participation in discussion Interactions w/ other board members Interactions w/ staff • Results tallied & shared privately w/ each board member * Board Member Self-Evaluation Exercise – 15 minutes
  • 33. BOARD CHAIR EVALUATION • Benefits: – Clearer view of the position & its requirements – Clarifies the work of the chair & where improvement is desired – Helps prevent informal mumbling & private discussions about the chair
  • 34. BOARD CHAIR EVALUATION (cont.) • Focus: – Facilitation skills – Relationships & interactions w/ board members – Use of board work structures – Use of governance practices
  • 35. BOARD CHAIR EVALUATION (cont.) • Handled by fellow board members (never the chief executive) • Anonymous survey • Communicated directly to chair in private discussion
  • 36. CHIEF EXECUTIVE EVALUATION • Job description – Must be clear, unambiguous – Basis for evaluation and measurement • Expectations – Annual expectations should be listed to identify priorities and projected accomplishments
  • 37. CHIEF EXECUTIVE EVALUATION (cont.) • When – End of fiscal year • What to evaluate – – – – – – Success in meeting organization’s overall goals Strategic alignment w/ board’s directives Accomplishment of management objectives Programmatic & fundraising achievements Fiscal management Relationship w/ board, staff, community
  • 38. CHIEF EXECUTIVE EVALUATION (cont.) • Process – Organized by board chair – Should fit the culture of the organization – Should enhance working relationship between board & chief executive – Determine which instruments to use, who should be involved, how results will be communicated – 2 components • Self-evaluation • Board member questionnaire – Comments compiled, tabulated
  • 39. CHIEF EXECUTIVE EVALUATION (cont.) • Written report – Shared privately with chief executive • Placed in personnel file – Provided to entire board