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BDD with CucumberJS and WebdriverIO
With Docker and CI
Who am I?01
Selenium and Webdriver02
BDD and Gherkin03
The Cucumber!04Agenda
Run in Docker06
To the Audience
Assumption: audience have basic understanding of
software testing and automated testing.
I do not presume that the audience ever heard of cucumber
and gherkin (other than the vegetables)
This presentation is intended for the fresher as well
And I am not advocating any tool here 
I made this presentation organic themed just for no reason 
M Rizwanur Rashid
QA Lead, Inscale Malaysia (Adform)
Test Automation Specialist
Proud Dad
Tech Enthusiastic
Daughter’s Best Friend

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This presentation provides an overview of a Test Automation Framework with BDD and Cucumber. It also includes several open-source initiatives that Rhoynar Software Consulting ( has been working on in the fields of QA Automation and DevOps. Lastly, it also includes links to some of the open-source projects that you can use right now for your work. - Continuous Integration Infra a la OpenStack - - An Email Verification Library in Java: - Automatic Test Generation using Selenium WebDriver, Java and TestNG - Barebones BDD and Cucumber Framework integrated with Java Maven and TestNG:

selenium webdrivercontinuous integrationmaven
Test automation using selenium
Test automation using seleniumTest automation using selenium
Test automation using selenium

Get an overview of what is the importance of test automation tools. Know more about test automaton tool selenium, its components and TestNG framework.

test automation toolselenium
Introduction to Selenium Web Driver
Introduction to Selenium Web DriverIntroduction to Selenium Web Driver
Introduction to Selenium Web Driver

The document provides an introduction to Selenium WebDriver. It discusses the architecture and components of Selenium 1.0 and 2.0. It describes the Selenium WebDriver API for finding elements, performing actions, and handling windows/frames. It also provides an example of creating a test in Java to validate search results on the Rambler website using Selenium WebDriver.

Selenium & WebDriver
 A portable framework for web applications.
 Automates web browser.
 Opensource
 Supports multiple language through API
 Easy to establish incremental process
 An advanced framework of Selenium
 Still opensource
 Much faster than Selenium RC
 Communicates directly with the Browser
 Simpler and straightforward API
 Native version of API
 Not Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
 A process of Software Development
 Minimise the gap between devs and business people
(e.g. BA)
 Easy to establish an incremental process
 Provides grammar for BDD
 Unambiguous executable specification
 Helps to automate with simple English written
 Document how the system actually behaves
BDD & Gherkin
BDD with CucumberJS and WebdriverIO
The Cucumber!
Features and step
Given, When, Then
A tool to support BDD

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Selenium WebDriver training
Selenium WebDriver trainingSelenium WebDriver training
Selenium WebDriver training

This document provides an overview of a Selenium training course. The course is divided into modules covering Selenium User, Practitioner, and Expert topics. The Selenium User module focuses on the basics of Selenium and using the Selenium IDE. It includes exercises for locating elements and writing simple test scripts. The document also provides references and demo websites for practicing Selenium.

Automation - web testing with selenium
Automation - web testing with seleniumAutomation - web testing with selenium
Automation - web testing with selenium

Here is the presentation of the lectore that a gave at my work (3Base group) about the web testing with Selenium and TestNG

Introduction to selenium
Introduction to seleniumIntroduction to selenium
Introduction to selenium

This document provides an introduction to Selenium, an open source tool for automating web application testing. It discusses the history and components of Selenium, including Selenium RC, WebDriver, Grid, and IDE. Selenium RC and WebDriver are described as the main APIs for controlling browsers. Grid allows running tests on multiple browsers and machines in parallel. IDE is a plugin for recording and playing back tests in Firefox. The document explains how Selenium can test across different browsers, platforms and programming languages. It compares Selenium to other tools like QTP and outlines reasons for choosing Selenium, such as its powerful features, flexibility, support for parallel testing and integration with other tools.

seleniumgridadvantages of automation
BDD with CucumberJS and WebdriverIO
Content Here
Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully
designed. hope and I believe that this
Template will your Time.
Content Here
Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully
designed. hope and I believe that this
Template will your Time.
Content Here
Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully
designed. hope and I believe that this
Template will your Time.
Advanced and rich in feature
Easy to configure
NodeJS native
Easy to run with cloud like Browserstack or
Support different runner like Jest, Mocha, Jasmin.
Different reporting mechanism lke Allure or
Create empty directory.
yarn init or npm init
Verify wdio.conf.js
yarn add @wdio/cli –dev
npx wdio config
Lets dig in!
Setup WebdriverIO Project
Run in Docker
yarn add wdio-docker-service --dev
// wdio.conf.js
exports.config = {
// ...
services: ['docker’],
// ...

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An overview of selenium webdriver
An overview of selenium webdriverAn overview of selenium webdriver
An overview of selenium webdriver

This document provides an overview of Selenium WebDriver. It begins by explaining what Selenium is and that it is used to automate testing of web applications across different browsers. It then discusses the various components of Selenium, including Selenium IDE, Selenium Remote Control (RC), WebDriver, and Selenium Grid. A key section compares WebDriver to Selenium RC, noting that WebDriver has a simpler architecture that controls the browser at the OS level, is faster, and allows for more real-life user interaction compared to RC. The document concludes by thanking the reader.

seleniumselenium webdriverselenium automation
Selenium Automation in Java Using HttpWatch Plug-in
 Selenium Automation in Java Using HttpWatch Plug-in  Selenium Automation in Java Using HttpWatch Plug-in
Selenium Automation in Java Using HttpWatch Plug-in

This article will give the developers and testers who use Java selenium script for Browser Simulations and automation for IE browser to capture HTTP logs using HTTPWatch Plug-in HTTP Watch comes with inbuilt API support to integrate with selenium scripts written in C# or PHP scripts . But unfortunately they don’t have Support for JAVA. The solution given here is to use Java COM bridge and invoke HTTP Watch plugin API from Java based selenium scripts. Using this article you would learn how HttpWatch plug-in which component can be easily interfaced with Java code and then executed via selenium script.

internetexplorerperformance engineeringbrowser automation
Selenium WebDriver with C#
Selenium WebDriver with C#Selenium WebDriver with C#
Selenium WebDriver with C#

This document discusses test automation using Selenium with C# and SharpIDE. It covers creating a Selenium test project in SharpIDE, adding references to the Selenium WebDriver DLLs, using the Firefox developer toolbar to identify page objects, developing C# code using Selenium WebDriver, building and running the test solution. The document provides guidance on setting up a Selenium test automation framework with C# and SharpIDE.

selenium webdriver with c# (sharpide)
But, CI? How?
services: ['docker'],
dockerOptions: {
image: 'selenium/standalone-chrome',
healthCheck: 'http://localhost:4444',
options: {
p: ['4444:4444'],
shmSize: '2g'
- docker pull selenium/node-
- docker pull selenium/hub:latest
- docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --
name selenium-hub selenium/hub:latest
- docker run -d --link selenium-
hub:hub --name selenium-node-chrome -
v /dev/shm:/dev/shm selenium/node-
But, CI? How?
services: ['docker'],
dockerOptions: {
image: 'selenium/standalone-chrome',
healthCheck: 'http://localhost:4444',
options: {
p: ['4444:4444'],
shmSize: '2g'
- docker pull selenium/node-
- docker pull selenium/hub:latest
- docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --
name selenium-hub selenium/hub:latest
- docker run -d --link selenium-
hub:hub --name selenium-node-chrome -
v /dev/shm:/dev/shm selenium/node-

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Test automation using selenium
Test automation using seleniumTest automation using selenium
Test automation using selenium

This document provides an overview of test automation using Selenium. It discusses what test automation is, the benefits of automation including frequent regression testing and reducing human effort. It then describes some popular test automation tools before focusing on Selenium. Selenium allows cross-browser testing using various programming languages. It has components like Selenium IDE for recording and editing tests within Firefox, and Selenium Remote Control for distributing tests on a grid. The document provides details on using Selenium IDE, including installing it and recording tests by performing actions on a web application. It also discusses various Selenium commands for clicking, entering values, making selections and adding verifications and assertions to tests.

Selenium interview-questions-freshers
Selenium interview-questions-freshersSelenium interview-questions-freshers
Selenium interview-questions-freshers

Automation testing involves automating manual testing processes to test applications and systems. Selenium is an open source tool that is commonly used for automation testing of web applications. It supports cross-browser testing and has components like Selenium IDE, WebDriver, and Grid. Some key features of Selenium include being free, having a large user community, and supporting multiple programming languages.

selenium interview questionsfreshersselenium interview questions for 0 to 1 year
Cucumber & gherkin language
Cucumber & gherkin languageCucumber & gherkin language
Cucumber & gherkin language

Cucumber is a tool that allows software programmers to write automated tests for acceptance testing in a business-readable domain-specific language called Gherkin. Cucumber tests are written using a behavior-driven development (BDD) style with Given, When, Then steps. Cucumber supports testing applications developed in various programming languages and runs across different platforms and browsers.

Thank You

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