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AWS IoT: From Testing to Scaling
© 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
From testing to scaling
I O T 3 0 7 - R
Catalin Vieru
Sr. Specialized Architect - IoT
Neel Sendas
Sr. Technical Account
Russell Potapinski
Head of Intelligent and
Autonomous Systems
Woodside Energy
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IOT312-R - [REPEAT] Bringing AWS IoT and robotics together (ft. Amazon
• What makes industrial IoT challenging
• Lessons learned: Woodside Energy
• Industrial AWS IoT architecture
• From 0 to 1: prototyping
• From 1 to N: scaling

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Google Vertex AI
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Google Vertex AI

The document provides an overview of Vertex AI, Google Cloud's managed machine learning platform. It discusses topics such as managing datasets, building and training machine learning models using both automated and custom approaches, implementing explainable AI, and deploying models. The document also includes references to the Vertex AI documentation and contact information for further information.

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goPaddle Quick Introduction
goPaddle Quick IntroductiongoPaddle Quick Introduction
goPaddle Quick Introduction

goPaddle is a container-based software development lifecycle (SDLC) platform that can forward and reverse engineer applications in a portable manner across different infrastructure and platform clouds. It uses containers to improve application performance and reduce costs. The forward engineering process involves creating a blueprint, adding application artifacts, testing across clouds, and deploying. The reverse engineering process discovers existing applications and infrastructure, converts them to blueprints, and deploys them to clouds. goPaddle allows applications to be portable across cloud layers, vendors, and operating systems. It offers benefits like faster development, more application density, and no vendor lock-in.

CQRS and Event Sourcing
CQRS and Event SourcingCQRS and Event Sourcing
CQRS and Event Sourcing

CQRS and Event Sourcing are popular architectural patterns that allow you to build effective event-driven micro-services. The basic idea of these patterns is to record each event that changes the state of the domain model into the event-storage. This approach allows you to reduce service latency for any data scale, as well as be able to restore the system without losing any data.

What makes industrial IoT challenging
• Same machine, different
places, different
performance. Why?
• Same facility: How to
stitch data together?
• Difficult to optimize
• Heterogenous solutions
• Proprietary integrations
• Share little data
• Specialized know-how
• Focuses on individual
pieces of machinery
• Promotes machine-
specific knowledge
• Difficult to embrace new
© 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
AWS IoT: From Testing to Scaling
AWS IoT: From Testing to Scaling

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Agile Development in .NET

The is from the book Agile Development in .NET by Dan Hermes. Most Agile methodologies used in .NET shops nationwide are variations of Scrum and Extreme Programming(XP). This booklet covers these tools and techniques: Test-driven Development (TDD), Behavior-driven Development (BDD), Continuous Integration (CI), and Refactoring to Patterns. The QuickNotes series covers relevant topics in software development to provide the reader with a swift overview of important trends, terms, and concepts. This book is available at

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This document discusses common patterns used in test automation frameworks, including page object, business layer, singleton, composition, and factory patterns. It describes the page object pattern and limitations like test intent becoming imperative. The business layer page object pattern addresses these by validating business requirements. Test data patterns are also discussed, with criteria like data being complex, unique, and potentially dynamic. External files, properties, and databases are examples of specifying test data. Locator patterns include specifying locators in page objects or separate files. Overall, patterns aid in communication, reduce complexity, and help tests be of production quality and easier to implement, maintain, and scale. The best pattern depends on the specific context.

Composite cloud & portable topologies
Composite cloud & portable topologiesComposite cloud & portable topologies
Composite cloud & portable topologies

This document discusses composite cloud applications and portable topologies. It covers the business drivers for continuous delivery and microservices, including the limitations of monolithic applications. Containers and federated clouds allow for increased portability and composability. Service templates can be used to define portable application topologies that can be deployed across different infrastructure layers and cloud vendors. Dynamic composition of applications and services using templates is a vision for the future that is still maturing. Service templates combined with containers allow both legacy and modern applications to be modernized and made portable.

Woodside IoT devices
Photo: Courtesy of Woodside Energy
Data ingestion
AWS Cloud
AWS IoT AnalyticsAWS IoT Core
AWS IoT Greengrass
LNG Plant
Sensors Edge Processing
Amazon S3
AWS IoT Events
Scaling from 1… to 100s… to 1,000s
Monitoring architecture
Enriching Monitoring / Alerting
Amazon DynamoDB
AWS LambdaAmazon Kinesis
Data Analytics
Amazon Elasticsearch
AWS IoT Core
rule Amazon CloudWatch
AWS IoT Events AWS Lambda WebEx Teams

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The document discusses how the Azure ecosystem plays a crucial role in IoT solutions. It outlines key Azure services for connecting devices, processing streaming data, implementing business logic, enabling connectivity, and providing insights. These services include IoT Hub for device connectivity, Stream Analytics for real-time analytics, Service Fabric for business logic, Logic Apps for connectivity, and Time Series Insights for streaming insights. The document also presents the Azure IoT reference architecture and recommends starting with preconfigured solutions like IoT Central to get up and running quickly.

AWS IoT Events – state machines made easy
Quickly build state
Notifications on
state changes
Less error-prone
than coding by
ChatOps - making the data accessible
Takeaways to your scaling success
- Real life is different from the lab
- Good monitoring is paramount to your success
- Native IoT services help you scale
- AWS IoT Events; state machines made easy
- Use an event-based architecture
- allows monitoring to evolve separately from development

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An introductory session on Internet of Things (IoT) to understand how to extract more value from your connected devices. During the session, we’ll look at AWS IoT-specific services, such as AWS Greengrass and AWS IoT. In particular, we’ll explain how they help you collect and send data from your connected devices to the cloud, analyse it and use it to manage your devices better. With less time spent collecting, loading and analysing data, you can focus on high-value projects. As part of the session, you will hear real industry examples, including a presentation from Intel on specific Intel IoT technologies, such as the Intel Developer Kit, and a case study that shows how Rio Tinto is using IoT to improve its operations. The session will also give you practical steps for getting started with IoT prototyping yourself. Speakers: Ian Massingham, AWS Evangelist and Scott Mordue, Intel IoT Developer Enabling Manager

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Conveyor Belt
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NVIDIA Jetson TX2 Gateway
MQTT topic
air update
AWS IoT Core
AWS IoT Greengrass
AWS IoT Greengrass
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Path to scalability starts with 1 device
Path to scalability: automation with AWS CDK
AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK): a software development framework for defining
cloud infrastructure in code and provisioning it through AWS CloudFormation
• Author AWS CDK projects which are executed to generate CloudFormation templates. AWS CDK
projects can be executed using the AWS CDK command line or in a continuous delivery system
Using CDK to create an AWS IoT Greengrass core
npm install -g aws-cdk
mkdir aws-cdk-greengrass-sample
cd aws-cdk-greengrass-sample
cdk init --language typescript
npm install --save @aws-cdk/aws-lambda
npm install --save @aws-cdk/aws-greengrass
npm install --save @aws-cdk/aws-iot

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Presented at AI NEXTCon Seattle 1/17-20, 2018 join our free online AI group with 50,000+ tech engineers to learn and practice AI technology, including: latest AI news, tech articles/blogs, tech talks, tutorial videos, and hands-on workshop/codelabs, on machine learning, deep learning, data science, etc..

AWS re:Invent 2016: Internet of Things (IoT) Edge and Device Services (IOT202)
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AWS IoT edge and device services make it easy to get started and scale quickly along with your business needs. Medical equipment, industrial machinery, building automation, and simple device to trigger services, are just a few physical-world use cases that are benefiting from elastic cloud computing while meeting the local execution requirements and real time responsiveness. This session covers the intersection between the device and cloud industries, and the way AWS and our customers will shape the future of those industries together. We will showcase how our customers are using AWS IoT Button, the IoT Device SDKs, and other AWS services to improve the existing business models, invent new way of working, and balance the benefits of the cloud services with the need for local execution.

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Using CDK to create an AWS IoT Greengrass core
import cdk = require('@aws-cdk/core');
import lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');
export class GreengrassLambdaStack extends cdk.Stack {
public readonly greengrassLambdaAlias: lambda.Alias;
constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps)
super(scope, id, props);
Using CDK to create an AWS IoT Greengrass core
// Create and Deploy Lambda to Greengrass
const greengrassLambda = new lambda.Function(this, 'GreengrassSampleHandler', {
runtime: lambda.Runtime.PYTHON_3_7,
code: lambda.Code.asset('handlers'),
handler: 'handler.handler',
const version = greengrassLambda.addVersion('GreengrassSampleVersion');
// Greengrass Lambda specify the alias
this.greengrassLambdaAlias = new lambda.Alias(this, 'GreengrassSampleAlias', {
aliasName: 'nvidiaLambda',
version: version
}) } }
Using CDK to develop an app
#!/usr/bin/env node
import 'source-map-support/register';
import cdk = require('@aws-cdk/core');
import { GreengrassNvidiaStack } from '../lib/greengrass-nvidia-stack';
import { GreengrassLambdaStack } from '../lib/greengrass-lambda-stack';
const app = new cdk.App();
const lambdaStack = new GreengrassLambdaStack(app, 'GreengrassLambdaStack');
new GreengrassNvidiaStack(app, 'GreengrassNvidiaStack', {
greengrassLambdaAlias: lambdaStack.greengrassLambdaAlias
Deploy AWS IoT Greengrass app
cdk bootstrap
npm run build
cdk GreengrassNvidiaStack deploy

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The document provides an overview of AWS core services including compute, storage, database, analytics, machine learning, IoT, and mobile services. It discusses AWS' breadth and depth of services across infrastructure, application services, management tools, and developer tools. It also highlights AWS' leadership in cloud computing with the largest customer base and most comprehensive set of services and features.

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Deploy AWS IoT Greengrass app
Including dependency stacks: GreengrassLambdaStack
This deployment will make potentially sensitive changes according to your current security
approval level (--require-approval broadening).
Please confirm you intend to make the following modifications:
IAM Statement Changes
│ │ Resource │ Effect │ Action │
Principal │ Condition │
creating CloudFormation changeset...
© 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Path to scalability: best practices—data processing
Know the difference
between data buffering and
• Kinesis can buffer data up to 7
• Real-time processing of data
• Multiple applications can read
from the same stream: fanning
out helps prevent a fragile
downstream architecture
• Enables stream-driven
IoT Data Buffering
Path to scalability: best practices—data processing
Stream processing at scale
• Have a safe way to persist your
data until you can process it, up
to 15 days
• Be able to handle data spikes
• Allow downstream services to
• When throttled, hold on to data
• Consider batch processing and
cost optimization
• Enables event-driven
Amazon SQS
Integration to
event streams
IoT Data Queuing

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Iniciando com AWS IoT
Iniciando com AWS IoTIniciando com AWS IoT
Iniciando com AWS IoT

AWS IoT é uma plataforma de nuvem que permite que dispositivos conectados interajam facilmente e de maneira segura com aplicações na nuvem e também com outros dispositivos. Nesta palestra técnica, nós iremos discutir como dispositivos podem utilizar o AWS IoT para enviar dados para a nuvem e receber comandos a partir da nuvem usando o protocolo da sua escolha. Nós iremos usar o AWS IoT Starter Kit para demonstrar a construção de um produto real, conectado de forma segura com a AWS usando MQTT, WebSockets, e protocolos HTTP, e mostraremos como desenvolvedores podem usar as features do AWS IoT como "Device Shadows" e o "Rules Engine", que fornece processamento de mensagens e integração com outros serviços AWS.

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4. aws enterprise summit seoul 기존 엔터프라이즈 it 솔루션 클라우드로 이전하기 - thomas park
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4. aws enterprise summit seoul 기존 엔터프라이즈 it 솔루션 클라우드로 이전하기 - thomas park

This document discusses strategies for migrating existing enterprise IT solutions to the cloud. It begins by outlining the typical adoption stages companies go through with new technologies like virtualization and cloud computing. It then provides examples of how companies like Shell, GE, Dole Foods, and the New York Times have benefited from migrating applications and workloads to AWS. Finally, it discusses additional AWS services and solutions that can help companies at various stages of their cloud migration journey.

Data & Analytics ReInvent Recap [AWS Basel Meetup - Jan 2023].pdf
Data & Analytics ReInvent Recap [AWS Basel Meetup - Jan 2023].pdfData & Analytics ReInvent Recap [AWS Basel Meetup - Jan 2023].pdf
Data & Analytics ReInvent Recap [AWS Basel Meetup - Jan 2023].pdf

The document discusses several announcements related to Amazon Web Services (AWS) data and analytics services. Some of the key announcements include: - Zero-ETL integration between Amazon Aurora and Amazon Redshift to eliminate the need for extract, transform, and load processes between the two services. - Updates to AWS Glue including new engines, data formats, and support for the Cloud Shuffle Service Plugin for Apache Spark. - Enhancements to Amazon SageMaker such as automated data preparation using machine learning, geospatial modeling capabilities, and shadow testing for machine learning models. - New services including Amazon DataZone for data discovery and access across organizations, Amazon Omics for genomic data storage and analysis, and AWS

awsaws iotaws datazone
Path to scalability: summary
Automate resource creation
• AWS CDK + CI/CD + Amazon CloudFormation
Architect for data ingestion at scale
• Build a common framework with interoperability in mind
• Introduce monitoring early on
Rely on native platform services and features
• AWS IoT Events
• AWS IoT SiteWise
• AWS IoT Analytics
© 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
25+ additional free digital courses cover topics related to IoT,
Take the free digital curriculum, Internet of Things (IoT)
Foundation Series, to build IoT skills and work through
common scenarios
Learn IoT with AWS Training and Certification
• AWS IoT Core
• AWS IoT Greengrass
• AWS IoT Analytics
• AWS IoT Device Management
• AWS IoT Events
Visit the Learning Library at
Resources created by the experts at AWS to help you build IoT skills
Thank you!
© 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
© 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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8KMiles Cloud Solutions is a global cloud consulting firm that helps companies integrate cloud computing into their IT strategies. They offer cloud consulting, implementation, infrastructure setup, migration, application development, and managed services. As an Amazon Web Services partner, they have expertise across AWS offerings and have experience migrating over 350 servers for startups, small businesses, and enterprises. They provide case studies of designing scalable and available cloud architectures for clients in media, gaming, and other industries.

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8KMiles Cloud Solutions Overview
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8KMiles Cloud Solutions is a global cloud consulting firm that helps companies integrate cloud computing into their IT strategies. They offer cloud consulting, implementation, infrastructure setup, migration, application development, and managed services. As an Amazon Web Services partner, they have expertise across AWS offerings and have experience migrating over 350 servers for startups, small businesses, and enterprises. They provide case studies of designing scalable and available cloud architectures for clients in media, gaming, and other industries.

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8kmiles Cloud Solutions Overview
8kmiles Cloud Solutions Overview8kmiles Cloud Solutions Overview
8kmiles Cloud Solutions Overview

8KMiles Cloud Solutions is a global cloud consulting firm that helps companies integrate cloud computing into their IT strategies. They offer cloud consulting, implementation, infrastructure setup, migration, application development, and managed services. As an Amazon Web Services partner, they have expertise across AWS offerings and have experience migrating over 350 servers for startups, small businesses, and enterprises. They provide case studies of designing scalable and available cloud architectures for clients in media, gaming, and other industries.

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AWS IoT: From Testing to Scaling

  • 2. © 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. From testing to scaling I O T 3 0 7 - R Catalin Vieru Sr. Specialized Architect - IoT AWS Neel Sendas Sr. Technical Account Manager AWS Russell Potapinski Head of Intelligent and Autonomous Systems Woodside Energy
  • 3. Related breakouts IOT207-R - [REPEAT] Digital transformation and IoT monetization (ft. AB InBev) IOT209-R - [REPEAT] Building smarter devices for a better life (ft. Belkin) IOT210-R - [REPEAT] Post-launch planning for IoT deployments (ft. iRobot) IOT312-R - [REPEAT] Bringing AWS IoT and robotics together (ft. Amazon Robotics)
  • 4. Agenda • What makes industrial IoT challenging • Lessons learned: Woodside Energy • Industrial AWS IoT architecture • From 0 to 1: prototyping • From 1 to N: scaling
  • 5. What makes industrial IoT challenging Insular • Same machine, different places, different performance. Why? • Same facility: How to stitch data together? • Difficult to optimize operations Legacy • Heterogenous solutions • Proprietary integrations • Share little data • Specialized know-how Culture • Focuses on individual pieces of machinery • Promotes machine- specific knowledge • Difficult to embrace new paradigms
  • 6. © 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  • 9. Woodside IoT devices Photo: Courtesy of Woodside Energy
  • 10. Data ingestion AWS Cloud AWS IoT AnalyticsAWS IoT Core AWS IoT Greengrass LNG Plant Device Gateway Sensors Edge Processing Amazon S3 AWS IoT Events
  • 11. Scaling from 1… to 100s… to 1,000s
  • 12. Monitoring architecture Enriching Monitoring / Alerting Amazon DynamoDB AWS LambdaAmazon Kinesis Data Analytics Amazon Elasticsearch Service AWS IoT Core IoT rule Amazon CloudWatch AWS IoT Events AWS Lambda WebEx Teams Ingestion Grafana
  • 13. AWS IoT Events – state machines made easy Quickly build state machines Notifications on state changes Less error-prone than coding by hand
  • 14. ChatOps - making the data accessible
  • 16. Takeaways to your scaling success - Real life is different from the lab - Good monitoring is paramount to your success - Native IoT services help you scale - AWS IoT Events; state machines made easy - Use an event-based architecture - allows monitoring to evolve separately from development
  • 17. Conveyor belt condition monitoring Factory Conveyor Belt Conveyor Belt NVIDIA Jetson TX2 Gateway IoT MQTT topic Over-the- air update Lambda function Inference Model AWS AWS IoT Core AWS IoT Greengrass AWS Lambda IoT rule IoT action AWS IoT Greengrass Resources Amazon Sagemaker NotebookModel Train Amazon Simple Storage Service Amazon DynamoDB AWS Elastic Beanstalk – web app Users IoT topic Camera Camera OPC-UA Adaptor
  • 18. Path to scalability starts with 1 device
  • 19. Path to scalability: automation with AWS CDK AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK): a software development framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code and provisioning it through AWS CloudFormation • Author AWS CDK projects which are executed to generate CloudFormation templates. AWS CDK projects can be executed using the AWS CDK command line or in a continuous delivery system AWS CDK Stack Lambda function Construct Lambda Construct Greengrass AWS IoT Greengrass AWS CloudFormation Template AWS Resources AWS AWS CDK CLI
  • 20. Using CDK to create an AWS IoT Greengrass core npm install -g aws-cdk mkdir aws-cdk-greengrass-sample cd aws-cdk-greengrass-sample cdk init --language typescript npm install --save @aws-cdk/aws-lambda npm install --save @aws-cdk/aws-greengrass npm install --save @aws-cdk/aws-iot
  • 21. Using CDK to create an AWS IoT Greengrass core import cdk = require('@aws-cdk/core'); import lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda'); export class GreengrassLambdaStack extends cdk.Stack { public readonly greengrassLambdaAlias: lambda.Alias; constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) { super(scope, id, props);
  • 22. Using CDK to create an AWS IoT Greengrass core // Create and Deploy Lambda to Greengrass const greengrassLambda = new lambda.Function(this, 'GreengrassSampleHandler', { runtime: lambda.Runtime.PYTHON_3_7, code: lambda.Code.asset('handlers'), handler: 'handler.handler', }); const version = greengrassLambda.addVersion('GreengrassSampleVersion'); // Greengrass Lambda specify the alias this.greengrassLambdaAlias = new lambda.Alias(this, 'GreengrassSampleAlias', { aliasName: 'nvidiaLambda', version: version }) } }
  • 23. Using CDK to develop an app #!/usr/bin/env node import 'source-map-support/register'; import cdk = require('@aws-cdk/core'); import { GreengrassNvidiaStack } from '../lib/greengrass-nvidia-stack'; import { GreengrassLambdaStack } from '../lib/greengrass-lambda-stack'; const app = new cdk.App(); const lambdaStack = new GreengrassLambdaStack(app, 'GreengrassLambdaStack'); new GreengrassNvidiaStack(app, 'GreengrassNvidiaStack', { greengrassLambdaAlias: lambdaStack.greengrassLambdaAlias });
  • 24. Deploy AWS IoT Greengrass app cdk bootstrap npm run build cdk GreengrassNvidiaStack deploy
  • 25. Deploy AWS IoT Greengrass app Including dependency stacks: GreengrassLambdaStack GreengrassLambdaStack This deployment will make potentially sensitive changes according to your current security approval level (--require-approval broadening). Please confirm you intend to make the following modifications: IAM Statement Changes ┌───┬────────────────────────────────────────────┬────────┬─────────┬────────────────────── ────────┬───────────┐ │ │ Resource │ Effect │ Action │ Principal │ Condition │ creating CloudFormation changeset...
  • 26. © 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  • 27. Path to scalability: best practices—data processing Know the difference between data buffering and queuing • Kinesis can buffer data up to 7 days • Real-time processing of data • Multiple applications can read from the same stream: fanning out helps prevent a fragile downstream architecture • Enables stream-driven architecture AWS IoT Core Kinesis Data source Lambda Data source IoT Data Buffering
  • 28. Path to scalability: best practices—data processing Stream processing at scale • Have a safe way to persist your data until you can process it, up to 15 days • Be able to handle data spikes seamlessly • Allow downstream services to scale • When throttled, hold on to data • Consider batch processing and cost optimization • Enables event-driven architecture AWS IoT Core Data Source Lambda Data Source Amazon SNS Amazon SQS Integration to event streams IoT Data Queuing
  • 29. Path to scalability: summary Automate resource creation • AWS CDK + CI/CD + Amazon CloudFormation Architect for data ingestion at scale • Build a common framework with interoperability in mind • Introduce monitoring early on Rely on native platform services and features • AWS IoT Events • AWS IoT SiteWise • AWS IoT Analytics
  • 30. © 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 25+ additional free digital courses cover topics related to IoT, including: Take the free digital curriculum, Internet of Things (IoT) Foundation Series, to build IoT skills and work through common scenarios Learn IoT with AWS Training and Certification • AWS IoT Core • AWS IoT Greengrass • AWS IoT Analytics • AWS IoT Device Management • AWS IoT Events Visit the Learning Library at Resources created by the experts at AWS to help you build IoT skills
  • 31. Thank you! © 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  • 32. © 2019, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Editor's Notes

  1. Who is Woodside Energy? Woodside is the pioneer of the LNG industry in Australia and the largest Australian natural gas producer. We have a global portfolio and are recognised for our world-class capabilities as an integrated upstream supplier of energy.   Our operated assets are renowned for their safety, reliability and efficiency and we have a strong track record in project development. As Australia's premier LNG operator, we produce 6% of global LNG supply. We operate two floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) facilities.   Technology, combined with our pioneering, innovative spirit, is a key supporter of our corporate strategy. From the first LNG plant in the southern hemisphere, to commissioning the world’s largest not-normally crewed offshore platform, innovation is in our DNA. We’ve long been a leader in applying conventional oil and gas technologies, supported by our growing capabilities in data science, analytics and machine learning. Now, we are taking the industry to new frontiers by adopting and developing innovations that build on our strengths, yet challenge our thinking. Our technology strategy increases focus on carbon management and developing new energy markets and sources, ensuring the resilience of our business for decades to come.
  2. We are installing a data-driven digital nerve system at our operating facilities that will provide real-time insights, enabling better decision making, cost reductions and higher reliability.  To achieve this, we are combining the use of IoT, Robotics and Data Science (AI?) to build an “Intelligent Asset”  with a goal of achieving “Better than human awareness”, allowing our staff to make better decisions, faster from where every they work.  Being aware that providing more data by its self does not add value, our approach for the intelligent asset follows our model of : Sense – Insight – Action. For sensing we are utilising low cost wireless sensors and robotics for mobile awareness, aiming to trivialise the cost of acquiring data. For Insight we work with our data science team to apply advanced analytics from recommendations and predictions. We also utilize computer vision and machine learning to automate visual inspections. We also know people are still our key decision makers and leverage advanced visualisation like AR and VR to providing engaging interfaces. In action we are working how to present this information to field workers to help them in their tasks and reduce the amount of manual data entry. We are also working on robotic manipulation with task autonomy and how this all comes together to provide an integrated control environment. 
  3. In house built devices: - ETPCam (audio snip and still image – wifi) - wake up every 6 hours, take image, transmit, sleep. battery lasts indefinitely with solar energy harvesting - Vibtemp - Ex zone 1 rated (LoRaWAN) – tx every 15 mins, battery lasts for 2-5 years All connecting back to AWS via IoT Core. Paramount importance to us is this data: firmware version power cycles battery level connectivity info
  4. We need to get the images, temp, vibration data into a place where we can easily retrieve and process it. Starting on prem at the LNG plant, the sensors securely send the data to a local device gateway, which then send into AWS Greengrass. Greengrass extends AWS to the edge, where we can perform compute and ML inferences, such as object detection, locally, which allows for a faster time to act. Also, Greengrass offers data caching, so in the event of network loss, no data is lost.. And is sent on reconnection. VERY useful for these remote sites When connection is available, data is sent from Greengrass into IoT Core – here you can specify actions depending on the data received. We always store the raw data in S3, enrich using Lambda’s with data such as device location, type etc We currently use Elasticsearch to query the data, but are looking forward to replacing this with IoT Analytics – a one stop shop where we can enrich, store and analyse the data. On top of all this and not depicted here are API’s and other processing which allows the data to be consumed by upstream applications. The front end queries these API’s and displays to the user. Woodside thought big here.. They did not settle that the only way to sense was to buy expensive off the shelf equipment. Building your own, and using the AWS IoT Device SDKs, they were able to create an Ex rated sensor that is in the order of a hundred bucks as opposed to many thousands.
  5. The real world is different! The wifi on our assets was not the same as the lab more powercycles as it switched between different access points monitoring gave us the data to retune and adapt (screenshots/quotes from the AWS Well Architected Framework ) Monitoring is key.. I’ll now talk about how we do this at Woodside
  6. Starting from the left.. Our data lands in the cloud in IoT Core. From here, we use Kinesis Data Analytics to batch up messages and send to a Lambda In the lambda we enrich the data eg. We get ”rssi” wifi strength. That figure on it’s own is not too useful. we want to know if it differs and is trending We look this up via Elasticsearch and dynamoDB. We can then push an enriched input into IoT Events I’ll speak more about IoT Events later, but this is where we determine the state of our devices. As we hit each state, we send out a message via lambda, hooked into Webex teams This means we get proactive alerting to our developers and admins. Additionally, we have dashboards, and we use Grafana for that – (next slide.. examples of dashboards)
  7. IoT Events, if you have not used it, was released at last reinvent. There are many IoT services now, and it’s hard to keep up! But this one we have found particularly useful for managing state IOT Events has a bunch of triggers, from SNS, SQS and also Lambda. We use it to create CloudWatch metrics which power our dashboards, and also to trigger the webhooks. Using IOTE over coding this up, we make it easy for our devs to update the machine.. it’s very visual, and takes away much of the room for error as opposed to coding it oh btw.. you can use the visual editor to create your state machine, but once you scale you want to export it and then convert to CloudFormaton (bottom right) I’ll give you a quick walkthrough of one of our state machines, and you can see how easy it is when using IOTE to create a useful state machine.
  8. (click to start Video... talk while it is in background) So the dashboards are good, but alerting is better Webex Teams is company chat tool, and we have a webhook and a bot to help bring the data closer Our bot allows admins and developers to query device data easily, especially useful for quick investigations. Making the data accessible via the bot has much improved investigation times, and we’d recommend implementing something similar from the start as you scale out your deployments. (transition) Now, the states you see being reported are being generated using IoT Events... (next slide)
  9. As well as dashboards, we have our alerting. Example on left : - Power cycles are really important - These devices wake up every 6 hours or so, so 4 cycles per day - normal operation, a linear graph. If we detect a spike, there is an issue more power cycles per day == less battery life. Something is wrong. Example on right: a simple graph of the status of our cameras. This is our staging environment, and you can see we have a few offline. but again, alerting is proactive, and we alert via webex teams (examples on next slide)
  10. Speaker Notes: You came to re:Invent to learn. There’s no need to stop when you go home. Keep re:Inventing with resources from AWS Training and Certification for IoT - for you and your teams. Using videos and hands-on exercises, you’ll explore a variety of AWS IoT service. On-demand and digital, IoT courses are convenient, available for free, and developed by the experts at AWS. The popular Internet of Things Foundation Series is a good place to start with 7 hours of on-demand instruction for everyone interested in the topic. For more information, visit and see the IoT courses in the Learning Library.