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Conducted for
Artificial Intelligence: Have No Fear
The revolution of AI at work
The Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
June 2018
Survey Design
7,077 individuals, 18 years old and
over, belonging to the active (that is,
working) population, with a minimum
of 1,000 people interviewed in each
of the surveyed countries
May 18 to June 6, 2018
Online interviews
Representative samples of the active
adult (18+) population in each
surveyed country
Quota method: gender, age,
occupation, region, and market size
This report has been produced in accordance with international standard ISO 20252 "Market, opinion, and
social research.” This report was proofread by Amandine Lama, account director.
Surveyed Countries and Number of People Interviewed
Total number of people
France 1,018
Germany 1,010
Spain 1,009
United Kingdom 1,009
United States 1,010
Canada 1,010
China 1,011
This questionnaire focuses on artificial intelligence
(AI)— specifically, on the techniques that enable
machines or software applications to solve problems
and accomplish tasks that in the past only humans could
To deliver pertinent results, AI must rely on large data
sets and extensive databases, from which programs can
learn and make correlations.
The development of AI facilitates technologies such as
self-driving cars, online virtual assistants, Siri on the
iPhone, automatic translation tools, facial recognition,
and behavior prediction.
5 © 2015 Ipsos.
When considering the consequences that AI will have for your work in the coming years, what feelings do you have?
Respondents have mixed feelings about AI: Curiosity comes first, but concern is
another common reaction
Respondents who cite at
least one positive feeling:
…including 34% who cite only positive feelings
Respondents who cite at
least one negative feeling:
…including 15% who cite only negative feelings
Answers in total (first + second)
Base: All respondents. Percentage totals exceed 100 because they reflect two answers from each respondent.
Curiosity 60 60 61 71 55 56 56 62
Concern 40 54 48 46 39 38 38 18
Optimism 35 25 29 35 29 35 31 62
Indifference 21 14 18 12 28 26 28 19
Confidence 17 14 9 18 15 17 16 31
Anxiety 15 18 16 7 21 18 19 8
Rejection 12 14 20 12 12 10 11 2
Cites at least one positive feeling 78 71 71 85 73 78 76 94
Cites at least one negative feeling 52 65 61 53 55 51 53 24
Enthusiasm for AI is especially high in China, but relatively low in France
Answers in total (first + second)
When considering the consequences that AI will have for your work in the coming years, what feelings do you have?
Base: All respondents. Percentage totals exceed 100 because they reflect two answers from each respondent.
Some are already in use
None are in use, but some are in the process of deployment
None are in use, but plans call for their deployment within
the next two years
None are in use, and no plan for their deployment exists
One active person in five works in a place where AI-enabled tools and applications
are already in use.
In your workplace, what is the current level of use of tools and applications enabled by AI?
Some are already in use
or will be deployed
within two years
Base: All respondents.
Some are already in use 22 16 15 18 20 24 26 31
None are in use, but some are in the
process of deployment
17 16 14 21 12 11 14 29
None are in use, but plans call for their
deployment within the next two years
14 12 16 18 15 11 11 18
None are in use, and no plan for their
deployment exists
47 56 55 43 53 54 49 22
Currently, employees in China, Canada, and the US use these tools the most
In your workplace, what is the current level of use of tools and applications enabled by AI?
Base: All respondents.
USE STATUS (IN %) TOTAL Men Women Under 35
35 years old
and over
Managers and
Some are already in use 22 23 21 27 19 26 20
None are in use, but some are in the
process of deployment
17 18 15 19 16 20 15
None are in use, but plans call for their
deployment within the next two years
14 15 13 15 14 16 14
None are in use, and no plan for their
deployment exists
47 44 51 39 51 38 51
Most differences in demographic profile are small between respondents who have
access to AI-enabled tools and respondents who don’t
In your workplace, what is the current level of use of tools and applications enabled by AI?
Base: All respondents.
USE STATUS (IN %) TOTAL PUBLIC PRIVATE Manufacturing Construction Retail Services
Some are already in use 22 25 20 25 20 19 18
None are in use, but some are in the
process of deployment
17 19 16 17 18 18 14
None are in use, but plans call for their
deployment within the next two years
14 13 15 18 12 15 14
None are in use, and no plan for their
deployment exists
47 43 49 40 50 48 54
Use of AI-enabled tools is highest in manufacturing, but differences between
sectors are limited
In your workplace, what is the current level of use of tools and applications enabled by artificial intelligence?
Base: All respondents.
Very positive Somewhat positive Somewhat negative Very negative Neither positive nor negative
A large majority of people who already have access to AI-enabled tools think that
the tools have had a positive impact on their work
On the whole, would you say that the use of these AI tools has had positive, negative, or neither positive nor negative implications for…?
Your effectiveness
Your results
How your work is organized
The appeal of your work
Your level of well-being at work
The training courses available to you
Base: Those who said their organization already uses AI-enabled tools (22% of all respondents).
POSITIVE (IN %) TOTAL Men Women Under 35
35 years old
and over
Managers and
Your effectiveness 75 75 76 80 72 81 72
Your results 75 77 73 80 72 82 71
How your work is organized 74 74 74 79 70 82 70
The appeal of your work 70 71 69 75 66 78 66
Your level of well-being at work 69 70 67 73 65 77 64
The training courses available to you 67 66 68 72 64 73 64
Most respondents across gender, age, and occupational categories see the overall
implications of AI as being positive
On the whole, would you say that the use of these AI tools has had positive, negative, or neither positive nor negative implications for…?
Base: Those who said their organization already uses AI-enabled tools (22% of all respondents).
Your effectiveness 75 62 65 72 74 77 72 91
Your results 75 62 68 70 67 76 75 92
How your work is organized 74 61 71 69 69 76 72 89
The appeal of your work 70 59 67 67 66 68 65 86
Your level of well-being at work 69 57 63 64 62 68 66 87
The training courses available to you 67 56 64 56 65 68 61 87
Respondents in North America and China tend to view the implications of AI more
positively than respondents in Europe—especially France—do
On the whole, would you say that the use of these AI tools has had positive, negative, or neither positive nor negative implications for…?
Base: Those who said their organization already uses AI-enabled tools (22% of all respondents).
17 © 2015 Ipsos.
Total AI users Nonusers
72 81 69
71 82 68
71 84 68
68 77 65
64 76 60
58 71 54
58 69 54
56 65 53
50 65 46
Respondents generally see AI as having positive implications for organizations, but are less
enthusiastic about its effect on their personal situation
Very positive Somewhat positive Somewhat negative Very negative
In your workplace, do you think the development of AI will have positive or negative consequences over the next five years with regard
The organization of work in your workplace
The relevance of the training courses available to you
The business growth of the organization in which you work
Your level of well-being at work
Your professional development
Your employability (ability to change positions, departments
or companies if you want to)
The capacity of the organization in which you work to hire
Job security
Your salary or buying power
Base: All respondents.
The organization of work in your workplace 72 61 68 75 64 76 73 85
The relevance of the training courses available
to you
71 61 65 75 64 73 71 86
The business growth of the organization in
which you work
71 60 72 71 62 72 74 90
Your level of well-being at work 68 59 58 75 62 69 66 87
Your professional development 64 50 57 67 59 67 65 81
Your employability (ability to change positions,
departments or companies if you want to)
58 50 55 58 53 58 57 74
The capacity of the organization in which you
work to hire individuals
58 41 48 57 57 61 60 78
Job security 56 50 50 61 55 53 52 71
Your salary or buying power 50 34 45 48 43 49 52 79
Respondents in North America and China have high expectations of positive future effects
In your workplace, do you think the development of AI will have positive or negative consequences over the next five years with regard to…?
Base: All respondents.
Your salary or buying power 50 65 55 51 57 51 48 21
Job security 44 50 50 38 45 47 47 29
The capacity of the organization in which you
work to hire individuals
42 59 52 42 43 39 39 22
Your employability (ability to change positions,
departments or companies if you want to)
42 49 44 42 47 42 43 26
Your professional development 36 49 43 33 41 33 34 19
Your level of well-being at work 32 41 42 25 38 31 33 13
The business growth of the organization in
which you work
29 40 28 29 38 28 26 10
The relevance of the training courses available
to you
29 39 35 25 36 27 29 14
The organization of work in your workplace 28 39 32 25 36 24 26 15
Respondents in Europe, especially in France, are wary of negative consequences of AI
In your workplace, do you think the development of AI will have positive or negative consequences over the next five years with regard to…?
Base: All respondents.
Total AI users Nonusers
72 85 69
68 82 64
67 79 64
64 77 60
63 79 59
61 76 57
61 77 57
A majority of employees—especially among those who already have access to AI—expect it
to help them work more efficently
More specifically, do you think that, in your workplace, the development of AI and its applications will contribute to…?
Reducing the time spent performing certain
tedious tasks
Enhancing your ability to meet your deadlines and
do things faster
Reducing the risks of error
Increasing the time spent on tasks with the most
added value
Enhancing the quality of your work
Reducing the danger associated with certain tasks
Enhancing your ability to innovate in your work
Yes, absolutely Yes, somewhat No, not really No, not at all
Base: All respondents.
Reducing the time spent performing
certain tedious tasks
72 67 68 73 66 71 70 92
Enhancing your ability to meet your
deadlines and do things faster
68 56 65 70 63 66 63 90
Reducing the risks of error 67 59 62 73 61 64 62 90
Increasing the time spent on tasks with
the most added value
64 54 64 64 61 63 61 80
Enhancing the quality of your work 63 54 59 67 53 59 58 93
Reducing the danger associated with
certain tasks
61 54 56 65 54 57 55 90
Enhancing your ability to innovate in
your work
61 49 57 66 56 62 58 81
Perceptions of AI’s effect on work efficiency differ markedly between countries
More specifically, do you think that, in your workplace, the development of AI and its applications will contribute to…?
Base: All respondents.
23 © 2015 Ipsos.
Yes: Total AI users Nonusers
76% 82% 75%
68% 76% 66%
65% 71% 63%
64% 71% 62%
Users of AI-enabled tools see higher risks—as well as greater benefits—than others do
Do you think that, in your workplace, there is a danger that the development of AI and its applications may…?
Result in more control and surveillance
Lead to job losses due to a reduced workload
Dehumanize work, resulting in less social
Pose ethical problems with regard to the
protection of personal data
Yes, absolutely Yes, somewhat No, not really No, not at all
Base: All respondents.
Concerns about specific workplace dangers of AI are especially high in China
Result in more control and surveillance 76 73 79 81 72 74 71 84
Lead to job losses due to a reduced
68 69 66 67 66 66 65 76
Dehumanize work, resulting in less
social cohesion
65 71 68 70 65 63 64 54
Pose ethical problems with regard to
the protection of personal data
64 69 58 63 63 64 62 70
Do you think that, in your workplace, there is a danger that the development of AI and its applications may…?
Base: All respondents.
Will increase inequalities/discrimination Will reduce inequalities/discrimination Will not change anything in this regard
In your opinion, will the development of AI and its applications contribute to increasing or reducing inequalities/discrimination between…?
Highly educated and uneducated people
Developed and developing countries
People from privileged
and underprivileged backgrounds
Men and women
Overall, AI users expect AI-powered tools to increase most forms of inequality
AI users Nonusers
52% 44%
51% 43%
48% 40%
27% 16%
Will increase
Base: All respondents.
Countries’ perceptions vary considerably with regard to how AI development will
affect the divide between highly educated and uneducated people
Will increase Will decrease Will not change
50 17 33
42 20 38
51 24 25
35 26 39
41 25 34
37 25 38
65 22 13
Highly educated and uneducated people
Will increase
Will decrease
Will not
In your opinion, will the development of AI and its applications contribute to increasing or reducing inequalities/discrimination between…?
Base: All respondents.
Will increase Will decrease Will not change
50 21 29
41 20 39
53 24 23
33 26 41
36 28 36
36 25 39
65 22 13
Developed and developing countries
Countries’ perceptions also differ with regard to the effect of AI development on
existing inequalities between developed and developing countries.
In your opinion, will the development of AI and its applications contribute to increasing or reducing inequalities/discrimination between…?
Will increase
Will decrease
Will not
Base: All respondents.
Will increase Will decrease Will not change
46 17 37
35 20 45
47 25 28
31 24 45
38 23 39
38 22 40
60 23 17
People from privileged
and underprivileged backgrounds
Countries again differ in their perceptions of the probable consequences of AI
development on people from privileged and unprivileged backgrounds
In your opinion, will the development of AI and its applications contribute to increasing or reducing inequalities/discrimination between…?
Will increase
Will decrease
Will not
Base: All respondents.
Will increase Will decrease Will not change
20 20 60
17 25 58
20 32 48
16 26 58
19 27 54
17 31 52
22 31 47
Men and women
19% of women
18% of men
25% of women
30% of men
And finally, countries have different perceptions of the likely consequences of AI
development on inequalities between men and women
In your opinion, will the development of AI and its applications contribute to increasing or reducing inequalities/discrimination between…?
Will increase
Will decrease
Will not
Base: All respondents.
Total AI users Nonusers
52 83 43
51 79 43
46 71 38
44 70 37
42 75 33
40 69 32
Most organizations—except those that already use AI—still do not view AI
development as a strategic issue
That is presented to you as being of
strategic importance for the future
That you expect your managers to make
statements and decisions about
That results in the hiring of new profiles
(data scientists, people who know how to
code, etc.)
That causes an increasing number of
training courses to be offered
That causes a large number of projects to
be launched
That your managers discuss with you
Yes, very much so Yes, a little No, not really No, not at all
Regarding the development of AI and the digital transformation of your company/organization administration, would you say that in your
workplace it is a subject...? Base: All respondents.
That is presented to you as being of strategic
importance for the future
52 40 49 55 44 43 46 85
That you expect your managers to make
statements and decisions about
51 37 46 51 48 44 46 84
That results in the hiring of new profiles (data
scientists, people who know how to code, etc.)
46 30 46 47 40 42 40 73
That causes an increasing number of training
courses to be offered
44 27 45 43 35 41 37 78
That causes a large number of projects to be
42 32 38 41 37 37 37 73
That your managers discuss with you 40 28 39 42 28 31 33 79
Employees in China and Spain are especially aware of AI’s strategic importance
Regarding the development of AI and the digital transformation of your company/organization administration, would you say that in your
workplace it is a subject...? Base: All respondents.
34 © 2015 Ipsos.
Artificial intelligence will be totally
It will be a major technological milestone, but
not a revolution
It will not really change anything
In your opinion, how will the development of AI affect your current workplace over the next five years, with regard to…?
Less than a third of employees expect the development of AI to revolutionize their
Employees’ specific tasks
(assignments, tools used, etc.)
Types of development opportunities
available to employees
(positions offered, salaries, training, etc.)
How the work is organized
(chain of command, jobs, working hours,
workstations, etc.)
Types of employees hired
(their experience, training, and skills)
« AI will be totally revolutionary »
AI users Nonusers
42 28
42 26
40 24
40 24
Base: All respondents.
Employees in China are likelier than those elsewhere to view AI as revolutionary
(in %) TOTAL
Employees’ specific tasks
(assignments, tools used, etc.)
31 27 37 35 21 22 23 52
Types of development opportunities
available to employees
(positions offered, salaries, training, etc.)
29 26 33 34 19 19 23 51
How the work is organized
(chain of command, jobs, working hours,
workstations, etc.)
28 24 34 28 23 20 21 43
Types of employees hired
(their experience, training, and skills)
27 22 32 32 19 23 18 45
‘Artificial intelligence will
be totally revolutionary’
In your opinion, how is the development of AI going to affect your current workplace over the next five years, with regard to…?
Base: All respondents.
Employees tend to have a similar perception of the likely effects of AI on their
workplace, regardless of their demographic profile
(in %) TOTAL Men Women Under 35
35 years old
and over
Managers and
Employees’ specific tasks
(assignments, tools used, etc.)
31 33 29 35 29 37 29
Types of development opportunities
available to employees
(positions offered, salaries, training, etc.)
29 31 27 34 27 35 27
How the work is organized
(chain of command, jobs, working hours,
workstations, etc.)
28 30 25 33 25 34 25
Types of employees hired
(their experience, training, and skills)
27 29 25 31 26 32 25
‘Artificial intelligence will
be totally revolutionary’
In your opinion, how is the development of AI going to affect your current workplace over the next five years, with regard to…?
Base: All respondents.
Most respondents expect AI development to have an impact on the economy as a whole, but
people in the UK and France are more skeptical of this than people elsewhere
In your opinion, the development of AI will have an impact on…?
Only certain
companies and
certain business
The economy as a
48 52
43 57
45 55
49 51
42 58
40 60
24 76
Only certain companies
and certain business
The economy
as a whole
AI users
55% Nonusers
Base: All respondents.
It is already the case
One year
Two years
Three to five years
Six to ten years
More than ten years
Never: AI cannot accomplish most
of the tasks I perform
Four in ten employees believe that, in the medium term, an AI-enabled machine
could handle most of the tasks they currently perform
When do you think that developments in AI will enable a machine/computer to accomplish most or all of the tasks that you currently perform?
Possible for
42% of the active
On average, within 13 years
Possible for 57% of those
already using AI-enabled tools
- On average, within 12 years
Possible for 38% of those not
already using AI-enabled tools
- On average, within 14 years
Base: All respondents.
It is already the case 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 4
One year 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1
Two years 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 3
Three to five years 11 8 8 10 9 13 11 21
Six to ten years 13 10 11 16 11 9 12 22
More than ten years 13 10 12 17 11 11 10 19
Total: Considered possible 42 31 33 46 37 40 38 70
Never: AI cannot accomplish most
of the tasks I perform
58 69 67 54 63 60 62 30
Except in China, employees have similar views of the time frame for AI advances
When do you think that developments in AI will enable a machine/computer to accomplish most or all of the tasks that you currently perform?
Base: All respondents.
Total AI users Nonusers
33 47 29
23 37 20
20 31 17
53 71 48
52 70 47
51 71 46
50 65 46
Definitely Probably Probably not Definitely not
Your job will no longer exist
Your profession will no longer exist
The company or organization you work for will no
longer exist
Your job will be profoundly transformed
Your profession will be profoundly transformed
The company or organization you work for will be
profoundly transformed
New jobs will be created
Although they do not expect their professional world to disappear, most employees—
particularly those who already work with AI—think that it will change a lot
Please indicate the likelihood that the following outcomes will occur as a result of AI over the next ten years?
Base: All respondents.
Your job will no longer exist 33 27 27 38 30 26 30 53
Your profession will no longer exist 23 22 16 24 23 20 20 39
The company or organization you work for will
no longer exist
20 18 16 20 21 18 18 31
Your job will be profoundly transformed 53 51 46 56 47 48 47 78
Your profession will be profoundly transformed 52 50 42 56 47 46 48 76
The company or organization you work for will
be profoundly transformed
51 47 40 55 47 45 46 77
New jobs will be created 50 42 37 44 40 48 47 91
Respondents in the countries surveyed widely share the feeling that big changes are coming
Please indicate the likelihood that the following outcomes will occur as a result of AI over the next ten years?
Base: All respondents.
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Artificial Intelligence: Have No Fear

  • 1. 1 Conducted for Artificial Intelligence: Have No Fear The revolution of AI at work The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) June 2018
  • 2. 2 Survey Design TARGET 7,077 individuals, 18 years old and over, belonging to the active (that is, working) population, with a minimum of 1,000 people interviewed in each of the surveyed countries COLLECTION DATES May 18 to June 6, 2018 METHOD Online interviews Representative samples of the active adult (18+) population in each surveyed country Quota method: gender, age, occupation, region, and market size This report has been produced in accordance with international standard ISO 20252 "Market, opinion, and social research.” This report was proofread by Amandine Lama, account director.
  • 3. 3 Surveyed Countries and Number of People Interviewed Total number of people interviewed 7,077 France 1,018 Germany 1,010 Spain 1,009 United Kingdom 1,009 United States 1,010 Canada 1,010 China 1,011
  • 4. Introduction This questionnaire focuses on artificial intelligence (AI)— specifically, on the techniques that enable machines or software applications to solve problems and accomplish tasks that in the past only humans could perform. To deliver pertinent results, AI must rely on large data sets and extensive databases, from which programs can learn and make correlations. The development of AI facilitates technologies such as self-driving cars, online virtual assistants, Siri on the iPhone, automatic translation tools, facial recognition, and behavior prediction.
  • 6. 6 60% 40% 35% 21% 17% 15% 12% When considering the consequences that AI will have for your work in the coming years, what feelings do you have? Curiosity Concern Optimism Indifference Confidence Anxiety Rejection Respondents have mixed feelings about AI: Curiosity comes first, but concern is another common reaction Respondents who cite at least one positive feeling: 78% …including 34% who cite only positive feelings Respondents who cite at least one negative feeling: 52% …including 15% who cite only negative feelings Answers in total (first + second) Base: All respondents. Percentage totals exceed 100 because they reflect two answers from each respondent.
  • 7. 7 BREAKDOWN BY COUNTRY % TOTAL Curiosity 60 60 61 71 55 56 56 62 Concern 40 54 48 46 39 38 38 18 Optimism 35 25 29 35 29 35 31 62 Indifference 21 14 18 12 28 26 28 19 Confidence 17 14 9 18 15 17 16 31 Anxiety 15 18 16 7 21 18 19 8 Rejection 12 14 20 12 12 10 11 2 Cites at least one positive feeling 78 71 71 85 73 78 76 94 Cites at least one negative feeling 52 65 61 53 55 51 53 24 Enthusiasm for AI is especially high in China, but relatively low in France Answers in total (first + second) When considering the consequences that AI will have for your work in the coming years, what feelings do you have? Base: All respondents. Percentage totals exceed 100 because they reflect two answers from each respondent.
  • 9. 9 22% 17% 14% 47% Some are already in use None are in use, but some are in the process of deployment None are in use, but plans call for their deployment within the next two years None are in use, and no plan for their deployment exists One active person in five works in a place where AI-enabled tools and applications are already in use. In your workplace, what is the current level of use of tools and applications enabled by AI? Some are already in use or will be deployed within two years 53% Base: All respondents.
  • 10. 10 BREAKDOWN BY COUNTRY USE STATUS (IN %) TOTAL Some are already in use 22 16 15 18 20 24 26 31 None are in use, but some are in the process of deployment 17 16 14 21 12 11 14 29 None are in use, but plans call for their deployment within the next two years 14 12 16 18 15 11 11 18 None are in use, and no plan for their deployment exists 47 56 55 43 53 54 49 22 Currently, employees in China, Canada, and the US use these tools the most In your workplace, what is the current level of use of tools and applications enabled by AI? Base: All respondents.
  • 11. 11 BREAKDOWN BY DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE USE STATUS (IN %) TOTAL Men Women Under 35 35 years old and over Managers and professionals Other occupations Some are already in use 22 23 21 27 19 26 20 None are in use, but some are in the process of deployment 17 18 15 19 16 20 15 None are in use, but plans call for their deployment within the next two years 14 15 13 15 14 16 14 None are in use, and no plan for their deployment exists 47 44 51 39 51 38 51 DÉTAIL SELON LE PROFIL Most differences in demographic profile are small between respondents who have access to AI-enabled tools and respondents who don’t In your workplace, what is the current level of use of tools and applications enabled by AI? Base: All respondents.
  • 12. 12 BREAKDOWN BY SECTOR USE STATUS (IN %) TOTAL PUBLIC PRIVATE Manufacturing Construction Retail Services Some are already in use 22 25 20 25 20 19 18 None are in use, but some are in the process of deployment 17 19 16 17 18 18 14 None are in use, but plans call for their deployment within the next two years 14 13 15 18 12 15 14 None are in use, and no plan for their deployment exists 47 43 49 40 50 48 54 Use of AI-enabled tools is highest in manufacturing, but differences between sectors are limited In your workplace, what is the current level of use of tools and applications enabled by artificial intelligence? Base: All respondents.
  • 14. 14 75 75 74 70 69 67 12 12 15 17 17 16 27 26 24 23 23 24 48 49 50 47 46 43 10 9 11 13 13 12 2 3 4 4 4 4 13 13 11 13 14 17 Positive Very positive Somewhat positive Somewhat negative Very negative Neither positive nor negative A large majority of people who already have access to AI-enabled tools think that the tools have had a positive impact on their work On the whole, would you say that the use of these AI tools has had positive, negative, or neither positive nor negative implications for…? Your effectiveness Your results How your work is organized The appeal of your work Your level of well-being at work The training courses available to you Negative Base: Those who said their organization already uses AI-enabled tools (22% of all respondents).
  • 15. 15 BREAKDOWN BY DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE POSITIVE (IN %) TOTAL Men Women Under 35 35 years old and over Managers and professionals Other occupations Your effectiveness 75 75 76 80 72 81 72 Your results 75 77 73 80 72 82 71 How your work is organized 74 74 74 79 70 82 70 The appeal of your work 70 71 69 75 66 78 66 Your level of well-being at work 69 70 67 73 65 77 64 The training courses available to you 67 66 68 72 64 73 64 DÉTAIL SELON LE PROFIL Most respondents across gender, age, and occupational categories see the overall implications of AI as being positive On the whole, would you say that the use of these AI tools has had positive, negative, or neither positive nor negative implications for…? Base: Those who said their organization already uses AI-enabled tools (22% of all respondents).
  • 16. 16 BREAKDOWN BY COUNTRY POSITIVE (IN %) TOTAL Your effectiveness 75 62 65 72 74 77 72 91 Your results 75 62 68 70 67 76 75 92 How your work is organized 74 61 71 69 69 76 72 89 The appeal of your work 70 59 67 67 66 68 65 86 Your level of well-being at work 69 57 63 64 62 68 66 87 The training courses available to you 67 56 64 56 65 68 61 87 DÉTAIL PAR PAYS Respondents in North America and China tend to view the implications of AI more positively than respondents in Europe—especially France—do On the whole, would you say that the use of these AI tools has had positive, negative, or neither positive nor negative implications for…? Base: Those who said their organization already uses AI-enabled tools (22% of all respondents).
  • 18. 18 Total AI users Nonusers 72 81 69 71 82 68 71 84 68 68 77 65 64 76 60 58 71 54 58 69 54 56 65 53 50 65 46 15 17 14 15 14 12 11 13 11 57 54 57 53 50 46 47 43 39 23 23 24 26 29 35 34 35 40 5 6 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 Respondents generally see AI as having positive implications for organizations, but are less enthusiastic about its effect on their personal situation Very positive Somewhat positive Somewhat negative Very negative In your workplace, do you think the development of AI will have positive or negative consequences over the next five years with regard to…? The organization of work in your workplace The relevance of the training courses available to you The business growth of the organization in which you work Your level of well-being at work Your professional development Your employability (ability to change positions, departments or companies if you want to) The capacity of the organization in which you work to hire individuals Job security Your salary or buying power Positive: Base: All respondents.
  • 19. 19 BREAKDOWN BY COUNTRY POSITIVE (IN %) TOTAL The organization of work in your workplace 72 61 68 75 64 76 73 85 The relevance of the training courses available to you 71 61 65 75 64 73 71 86 The business growth of the organization in which you work 71 60 72 71 62 72 74 90 Your level of well-being at work 68 59 58 75 62 69 66 87 Your professional development 64 50 57 67 59 67 65 81 Your employability (ability to change positions, departments or companies if you want to) 58 50 55 58 53 58 57 74 The capacity of the organization in which you work to hire individuals 58 41 48 57 57 61 60 78 Job security 56 50 50 61 55 53 52 71 Your salary or buying power 50 34 45 48 43 49 52 79 Respondents in North America and China have high expectations of positive future effects In your workplace, do you think the development of AI will have positive or negative consequences over the next five years with regard to…? Base: All respondents.
  • 20. 20 BREAKDOWN BY COUNTRY NEGATIVE (IN %) TOTAL Your salary or buying power 50 65 55 51 57 51 48 21 Job security 44 50 50 38 45 47 47 29 The capacity of the organization in which you work to hire individuals 42 59 52 42 43 39 39 22 Your employability (ability to change positions, departments or companies if you want to) 42 49 44 42 47 42 43 26 Your professional development 36 49 43 33 41 33 34 19 Your level of well-being at work 32 41 42 25 38 31 33 13 The business growth of the organization in which you work 29 40 28 29 38 28 26 10 The relevance of the training courses available to you 29 39 35 25 36 27 29 14 The organization of work in your workplace 28 39 32 25 36 24 26 15 Respondents in Europe, especially in France, are wary of negative consequences of AI In your workplace, do you think the development of AI will have positive or negative consequences over the next five years with regard to…? Base: All respondents.
  • 21. 21 Total AI users Nonusers 72 85 69 68 82 64 67 79 64 64 77 60 63 79 59 61 76 57 61 77 57 23 19 19 16 18 19 16 49 49 48 48 45 42 45 20 24 24 28 28 28 30 8 8 9 8 9 11 9 Yes: A majority of employees—especially among those who already have access to AI—expect it to help them work more efficently More specifically, do you think that, in your workplace, the development of AI and its applications will contribute to…? Reducing the time spent performing certain tedious tasks Enhancing your ability to meet your deadlines and do things faster Reducing the risks of error Increasing the time spent on tasks with the most added value Enhancing the quality of your work Reducing the danger associated with certain tasks Enhancing your ability to innovate in your work Yes, absolutely Yes, somewhat No, not really No, not at all Base: All respondents.
  • 22. 22 BREAKDOWN BY COUNTRY YES (IN %) TOTAL Reducing the time spent performing certain tedious tasks 72 67 68 73 66 71 70 92 Enhancing your ability to meet your deadlines and do things faster 68 56 65 70 63 66 63 90 Reducing the risks of error 67 59 62 73 61 64 62 90 Increasing the time spent on tasks with the most added value 64 54 64 64 61 63 61 80 Enhancing the quality of your work 63 54 59 67 53 59 58 93 Reducing the danger associated with certain tasks 61 54 56 65 54 57 55 90 Enhancing your ability to innovate in your work 61 49 57 66 56 62 58 81 Perceptions of AI’s effect on work efficiency differ markedly between countries More specifically, do you think that, in your workplace, the development of AI and its applications will contribute to…? Base: All respondents.
  • 24. 24 28 25 24 21 48 43 41 43 18 24 28 29 6 8 7 7 Yes: Total AI users Nonusers 76% 82% 75% 68% 76% 66% 65% 71% 63% 64% 71% 62% Users of AI-enabled tools see higher risks—as well as greater benefits—than others do Do you think that, in your workplace, there is a danger that the development of AI and its applications may…? Result in more control and surveillance Lead to job losses due to a reduced workload Dehumanize work, resulting in less social cohesion Pose ethical problems with regard to the protection of personal data Yes, absolutely Yes, somewhat No, not really No, not at all Base: All respondents.
  • 25. 25 Concerns about specific workplace dangers of AI are especially high in China BREAKDOWN BY COUNTRY YES (IN %) TOTAL Result in more control and surveillance 76 73 79 81 72 74 71 84 Lead to job losses due to a reduced workload 68 69 66 67 66 66 65 76 Dehumanize work, resulting in less social cohesion 65 71 68 70 65 63 64 54 Pose ethical problems with regard to the protection of personal data 64 69 58 63 63 64 62 70 Do you think that, in your workplace, there is a danger that the development of AI and its applications may…? Base: All respondents.
  • 26. 26 Will increase inequalities/discrimination Will reduce inequalities/discrimination Will not change anything in this regard In your opinion, will the development of AI and its applications contribute to increasing or reducing inequalities/discrimination between…? Highly educated and uneducated people Developed and developing countries People from privileged and underprivileged backgrounds Men and women 46% 45% 42% 19% 23% 23% 22% 27% 31% 32% 36% 54% Overall, AI users expect AI-powered tools to increase most forms of inequality AI users Nonusers 52% 44% 51% 43% 48% 40% 27% 16% Will increase inequalities/discrimination Base: All respondents.
  • 27. 27 Countries’ perceptions vary considerably with regard to how AI development will affect the divide between highly educated and uneducated people BREAKDOWN BY COUNTRY Will increase Will decrease Will not change 50 17 33 42 20 38 51 24 25 35 26 39 41 25 34 37 25 38 65 22 13 46% 23% 31% Highly educated and uneducated people Will increase Will decrease Will not change anything In your opinion, will the development of AI and its applications contribute to increasing or reducing inequalities/discrimination between…? Base: All respondents.
  • 28. 28 BREAKDOWN BY COUNTRY Will increase Will decrease Will not change 50 21 29 41 20 39 53 24 23 33 26 41 36 28 36 36 25 39 65 22 13 45% 23% 32% Developed and developing countries Countries’ perceptions also differ with regard to the effect of AI development on existing inequalities between developed and developing countries. In your opinion, will the development of AI and its applications contribute to increasing or reducing inequalities/discrimination between…? Will increase Will decrease Will not change anything Base: All respondents.
  • 29. 29 BREAKDOWN BY COUNTRY Will increase Will decrease Will not change 46 17 37 35 20 45 47 25 28 31 24 45 38 23 39 38 22 40 60 23 17 42% 22% 36% People from privileged and underprivileged backgrounds Countries again differ in their perceptions of the probable consequences of AI development on people from privileged and unprivileged backgrounds In your opinion, will the development of AI and its applications contribute to increasing or reducing inequalities/discrimination between…? Will increase Will decrease Will not change anything Base: All respondents.
  • 30. 30 BREAKDOWN BY COUNTRY Will increase Will decrease Will not change 20 20 60 17 25 58 20 32 48 16 26 58 19 27 54 17 31 52 22 31 47 19% 27% 54% Men and women 19% of women 18% of men 25% of women 30% of men And finally, countries have different perceptions of the likely consequences of AI development on inequalities between men and women In your opinion, will the development of AI and its applications contribute to increasing or reducing inequalities/discrimination between…? Will increase Will decrease Will not change anything Base: All respondents.
  • 32. 32 Total AI users Nonusers 52 83 43 51 79 43 46 71 38 44 70 37 42 75 33 40 69 32 15 14 13 12 11 11 37 37 33 32 31 29 27 28 30 32 32 30 21 21 24 24 26 30 Yes: Most organizations—except those that already use AI—still do not view AI development as a strategic issue That is presented to you as being of strategic importance for the future That you expect your managers to make statements and decisions about That results in the hiring of new profiles (data scientists, people who know how to code, etc.) That causes an increasing number of training courses to be offered That causes a large number of projects to be launched That your managers discuss with you Yes, very much so Yes, a little No, not really No, not at all Regarding the development of AI and the digital transformation of your company/organization administration, would you say that in your workplace it is a subject...? Base: All respondents.
  • 33. 33 BREAKDOWN BY COUNTRY YES (IN %) TOTAL That is presented to you as being of strategic importance for the future 52 40 49 55 44 43 46 85 That you expect your managers to make statements and decisions about 51 37 46 51 48 44 46 84 That results in the hiring of new profiles (data scientists, people who know how to code, etc.) 46 30 46 47 40 42 40 73 That causes an increasing number of training courses to be offered 44 27 45 43 35 41 37 78 That causes a large number of projects to be launched 42 32 38 41 37 37 37 73 That your managers discuss with you 40 28 39 42 28 31 33 79 Employees in China and Spain are especially aware of AI’s strategic importance Regarding the development of AI and the digital transformation of your company/organization administration, would you say that in your workplace it is a subject...? Base: All respondents.
  • 34. 34 AI: REVOLUTION OR EVOLUTION? 34 © 2015 Ipsos.
  • 35. 35 Artificial intelligence will be totally revolutionary It will be a major technological milestone, but not a revolution It will not really change anything In your opinion, how will the development of AI affect your current workplace over the next five years, with regard to…? Less than a third of employees expect the development of AI to revolutionize their workplace Employees’ specific tasks (assignments, tools used, etc.) Types of development opportunities available to employees (positions offered, salaries, training, etc.) How the work is organized (chain of command, jobs, working hours, workstations, etc.) Types of employees hired (their experience, training, and skills) 31% 29% 28% 27% 42% 42% 41% 42% 27% 29% 31% 31% « AI will be totally revolutionary » AI users Nonusers 42 28 42 26 40 24 40 24 Base: All respondents.
  • 36. 36 Employees in China are likelier than those elsewhere to view AI as revolutionary BREAKDOWN BY COUNTRY (in %) TOTAL Employees’ specific tasks (assignments, tools used, etc.) 31 27 37 35 21 22 23 52 Types of development opportunities available to employees (positions offered, salaries, training, etc.) 29 26 33 34 19 19 23 51 How the work is organized (chain of command, jobs, working hours, workstations, etc.) 28 24 34 28 23 20 21 43 Types of employees hired (their experience, training, and skills) 27 22 32 32 19 23 18 45 ‘Artificial intelligence will be totally revolutionary’ In your opinion, how is the development of AI going to affect your current workplace over the next five years, with regard to…? Base: All respondents.
  • 37. 37 DÉTAIL SELON LE PROFIL Employees tend to have a similar perception of the likely effects of AI on their workplace, regardless of their demographic profile BREAKDOWN BY DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE (in %) TOTAL Men Women Under 35 35 years old and over Managers and professionals Other occupations Employees’ specific tasks (assignments, tools used, etc.) 31 33 29 35 29 37 29 Types of development opportunities available to employees (positions offered, salaries, training, etc.) 29 31 27 34 27 35 27 How the work is organized (chain of command, jobs, working hours, workstations, etc.) 28 30 25 33 25 34 25 Types of employees hired (their experience, training, and skills) 27 29 25 31 26 32 25 ‘Artificial intelligence will be totally revolutionary’ In your opinion, how is the development of AI going to affect your current workplace over the next five years, with regard to…? Base: All respondents.
  • 38. 38 Most respondents expect AI development to have an impact on the economy as a whole, but people in the UK and France are more skeptical of this than people elsewhere In your opinion, the development of AI will have an impact on…? BREAKDOWN BY COUNTRY Only certain companies and certain business sectors The economy as a whole 48 52 43 57 45 55 49 51 42 58 40 60 24 76 42% 58% Only certain companies and certain business sectors The economy as a whole Total 28% 72% AI users 45% 55% Nonusers Base: All respondents.
  • 39. 39 2% 1% 2% 11% 13% 13% 58% It is already the case One year Two years Three to five years Six to ten years More than ten years Never: AI cannot accomplish most of the tasks I perform Four in ten employees believe that, in the medium term, an AI-enabled machine could handle most of the tasks they currently perform When do you think that developments in AI will enable a machine/computer to accomplish most or all of the tasks that you currently perform? Possible for 42% of the active population On average, within 13 years Possible for 57% of those already using AI-enabled tools - On average, within 12 years Possible for 38% of those not already using AI-enabled tools - On average, within 14 years Base: All respondents.
  • 40. 40 BREAKDOWN BY COUNTRY TOTAL It is already the case 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 4 One year 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 Two years 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 Three to five years 11 8 8 10 9 13 11 21 Six to ten years 13 10 11 16 11 9 12 22 More than ten years 13 10 12 17 11 11 10 19 Total: Considered possible 42 31 33 46 37 40 38 70 Never: AI cannot accomplish most of the tasks I perform 58 69 67 54 63 60 62 30 Except in China, employees have similar views of the time frame for AI advances When do you think that developments in AI will enable a machine/computer to accomplish most or all of the tasks that you currently perform? Base: All respondents.
  • 41. 41 Total AI users Nonusers 33 47 29 23 37 20 20 31 17 53 71 48 52 70 47 51 71 46 50 65 46 7 5 5 13 14 13 16 26 18 15 40 38 38 34 36 36 36 32 33 34 33 31 41 44 15 15 15 17 Definitely Probably Probably not Definitely not Your job will no longer exist Your profession will no longer exist The company or organization you work for will no longer exist Your job will be profoundly transformed Your profession will be profoundly transformed The company or organization you work for will be profoundly transformed New jobs will be created Although they do not expect their professional world to disappear, most employees— particularly those who already work with AI—think that it will change a lot Please indicate the likelihood that the following outcomes will occur as a result of AI over the next ten years? Base: All respondents. Yes:
  • 42. 42 BREAKDOWN BY COUNTRY YES (IN %) TOTAL Your job will no longer exist 33 27 27 38 30 26 30 53 Your profession will no longer exist 23 22 16 24 23 20 20 39 The company or organization you work for will no longer exist 20 18 16 20 21 18 18 31 Your job will be profoundly transformed 53 51 46 56 47 48 47 78 Your profession will be profoundly transformed 52 50 42 56 47 46 48 76 The company or organization you work for will be profoundly transformed 51 47 40 55 47 45 46 77 New jobs will be created 50 42 37 44 40 48 47 91 Respondents in the countries surveyed widely share the feeling that big changes are coming Please indicate the likelihood that the following outcomes will occur as a result of AI over the next ten years? Base: All respondents.
  • 43. 43 About Ipsos Ipsos ranks third in the global research industry. With a strong presence in 88 countries, Ipsos employs more than 16,000 people and has the ability to conduct research programs in more than 100 countries. Founded in France in 1975, Ipsos is controlled and managed by research professionals. They have built a solid Group around a multi-specialist positioning – Media and advertising research; Marketing research; Client and employee relationship management; Opinion & social research; Mobile, Online, Offline data collection and delivery. Game Changers At Ipsos we are passionately curious about people, markets, brands, and society. We deliver information and analysis that makes our complex world easier and faster to navigate and inspires our clients to make smarter decisions. We believe that our work is important. Security, simplicity, speed, and substance applies to everything we do. Through specialization, we offer our clients a unique depth of knowledge and expertise. Learning from different experiences gives us perspective and inspires us to boldly call things into question, to be creative. By nurturing a culture of collaboration and curiosity, we attract the highest caliber of people who have the ability and desire to influence and shape the future. “Game Changers”—our tagline—summarizes our ambition. Find Us ©Ipsos – The revolution of AI at work – June 2018 Syndicated studies © 2018 Ipsos. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This document constitutes the sole and exclusive property of Ipsos. Ipsos retains all copyrights and other rights over, without limitation, Ipsos' trademarks, technologies, methodologies, analyses and know how included or arising out of this document. The addressee of this document undertakes to maintain it confidential and not to disclose all or part of its content to any third party without the prior written consent of Ipsos. Ad hoc studies © 2018 Ipsos. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This document constitutes the sole and exclusive property of Ipsos. Ipsos retains all copyrights and other rights over, without limitation, Ipsos' trademarks, technologies, methodologies, analyses and know how included or arising out of this document. The addressee of this document undertakes to maintain it confidential and not to disclose all or part of its content to any third party without the prior written consent of Ipsos. Ipsos is listed on Eurolist - NYSE-Euronext. The company is part of the SBF 120 and the Mid-60 index and is eligible for the Deferred Settlement Service (SRD). ISIN code FR0000073298, Reuters ISOS.PA, Bloomberg IPS:FP