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For Startups
What’s coming up?
What to measure?
Pirate metrics 101.
What tools can I use?
What does GoSquared track?
What should a
startup measure?
Big Data Upgrade
otations Follows
Hits Goals
Track everything.*
Focus on what matters.

* Everything you can think of. You never know when you might need it.

Vanity metrics are everywhere.
Analytics 101 for startups
We need to focus on
metrics that help us track
our business.
Let’s take a look at one of
the best ways to do that…
Pirate metrics
(none of these people are Dave McClure)
R etention
R evenue
R eferral
How you gain new users.
Track things like

Total signups
CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost)
Leading indicators:
Twitter Followers
New unique visitors to site
Facebook likes
Subscribers to mailing list
Turning mere signups into
activated users.
(Get the on-boarding right)
Some rather successful companies track things like

User follows more than 15 people.
Installs tracking code.
Downloads and installs the native app.
Finds what they searched for in
under 10 seconds.

Keeping users happy.
Reducing churn.
Track things like

Churn – % of users who
cancel in a given timeframe
(Daily / Weekly / Monthly Active Users)
Customer Support metrics
Making money.
Crazy, huh?
Track things like

MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue)
Average MRR / user
AOV (Average Order Value)
CLTV (Customer Lifetime Value)
People like your product
enough to recommend it to
their friends.
Track things like

NPS (Net Promoter Score)
No. of signups via referral
Cohort analysis
What is cohort analysis?
Cohort analysis allows a company to “see
patterns clearly across the lifecycle of a
customer (/user), rather than slicing
across all customers blindly without
accounting for the natural cycle that a
customer undergoes.”
Source: Alistair Croll; Benjamin Yoskovitz. Lean Analytics: Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster
Track by cohort
Break metrics apart.
Helps you understand how
you are improving things.
% of users who signed in

Cohort analysis for sign in activity


Signups in October
Signups in December

Signups in November
Signups in January

Signups in February
“Some basics”

Wordpress (Jetpack Stats)
Facebook Insights
Twitter Analytics
“Next steps”


“Full featured, but complex”

Google Analytics
A/B testing
Visualising data

Learn to love MySQL.
What does an
analytics company
like GoSquared track?
Metrics we obsess over
Signups (by source)
Activations by signup week

MRR, MRR / customer
Set targets.
Track everything.
Always be testing.
Ask “so what?”
Most importantly

Act now.
Not tomorrow.
You’ve been viewing

Analytics 101 for Startups

The GoSquared Team
Pirate Metrics by Dave McClure:
Lean Analytics: Alistair Croll; Benjamin Yoskovitz. Lean Analytics: Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster


Olly Plumstead:

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