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Using Large Language Models (LLMs) with SharePoint within
the corporate firewall
Part 1: A brief introduction to Large Language Models
n to Large
• Definition and basic
• Brief history and
• Capabilities and
and Basic
• What are Large Language
Models (LLMs)?
• Key characteristics of LLMs
• How LLMs differ from
traditional NLP models
What are
• Large Language Models
(LLMs) are advanced
intelligence systems
designed to
understand, generate,
and manipulate human
• These models are
trained on vast
amounts of text data,
allowing them to
capture intricate
patterns and nuances
in language.

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The document discusses probabilistic modeling and learning probabilistic models. It describes probabilistic modeling as using random occurrences to forecast possible future results while accounting for uncertainty. The key steps in learning probabilistic models are selecting an appropriate model, collecting representative data, initializing model parameters, using an estimation algorithm to update parameters based on data, and evaluating and refining the model. Learning probabilistic models enables more accurate predictions and insights across many domains. Examples provided include Naive Bayes classifiers, hidden Markov models, and Gaussian mixture models.

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Chatbots are conversational agents that interact with users using natural language. They have numerous applications such as customer service and call centers. Chatbots work using pattern matching to recognize cue words from users and respond with pre-calculated responses. They have been used for entertainment, foreign language learning, and information retrieval. The goal of chatbot designers should be to help people and facilitate interactions using natural language, not to replace humans or perfectly imitate conversations.

Twitter data analysis using R
Twitter data analysis using RTwitter data analysis using R
Twitter data analysis using R

This document discusses using R for Twitter data analytics. It outlines the basics of Twitter data analytics using R, including collecting real-time Twitter data, text mining techniques for Twitter data, and sentiment analysis. Some key steps involved are exploring the Twitter corpus, preprocessing the text by removing stopwords and stemming words, creating a document-term matrix, and calculating TF-IDF weights. Cosine similarity is used to measure similarity between text documents. The goal is to extract useful patterns and insights from large amounts of Twitter data in real-time.

cs of LLMs
• Massive scale: Typically
containing billions of
• Generative capabilities: Able
to produce human-like text
• Contextual understanding: Can
interpret and respond to
complex prompts
How LLMs
differ from
NLP models
• NLP – Natural Language
• LLMs differ from
traditional NLP models
in their scale,
versatility, and
ability to perform a
wide range of language
tasks without task-
specific training.
Brief History
and Evolution
• Early language models and
their limitations
• Breakthrough developments
(e.g., transformer
• Major milestones in LLM
development (e.g., BERT, GPT
models and
• Lack of context understanding
• Limited vocabulary
• No common sense
• No understanding of figurative
• Lack of emotional intelligence

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INTRODUCTION TO Natural language processing
INTRODUCTION TO Natural language processingINTRODUCTION TO Natural language processing
INTRODUCTION TO Natural language processing

Natural language processing (NLP) is a machine learning technology that gives computers the ability to interpret, manipulate, and comprehend human language. •Ex: Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri utilize NLP to listen to user queries and find answers • We have large volumes of voice and text data from various communication channels like emails, text messages, social media newsfeeds, video, audio, and more. • They use NLP software to automatically process this data, analyze the intent or sentiment in the message, and respond in real time to human communication • When text mining and machine learning are combined, automated text analysis becomes possible PREPROCESSING STEPS IN NLP • Data preprocessing involves preparing and cleaning text data so that machines can analyze it. This can be done in following: • Tokenization. It substitutes sensitive information with nonsensitive information, or a token. Tokenization is often used in payment transactions to protect credit card data. • Stop word removal. Common words are removed from the text, so unique words that offer the most information about the text remain. • Lemmatization and stemming. Lemmatization groups together different inflected versions of the same word. For example, the word "walking" would be reduced to its root form, or stem, "walk" to process. • Part-of-speech tagging. Words are tagged based on which part of speech they correspond to -- such as nouns, verbs or adjectives

stemmingmorphological segmentationword segmentation

The document discusses metadata standards and practices. It begins by asking questions about how digital information is organized and found. It then discusses challenges like having to do new tasks without full knowledge and learning from others. The document provides overviews of various metadata standards like MODS, MIX, PREMIS, METS, and TEI. It also discusses topics such as metadata schemas, subject metadata, indexing metadata, and search relevance. Throughout, it offers advice on evaluating and implementing metadata standards.

Natural language processing and search
Natural language processing and searchNatural language processing and search
Natural language processing and search

An overview of some core concept in natural language processing, some example (experimental for now!) use cases, and a brief survey of some tools I have explored.

nlpainatural language processing
• Transformer Architecture
• Self-Attention Mechanism
• Pre-training on Large
• Adversarial Training
• Multitask Learning
in LLM
• Transformer
• BERT and its Variants
• Pre-training and Fine-
• Multitask Learning and
Transfer Learning
• Attention-Based
How LLMs Work
• Overview of neural network
• Training process:
unsupervised learning on vast
text corpora
• Concept of "understanding" in
Overview of
• “At their core, most
modern LLMs use
architectures, which
allow for parallel
processing of input
data and capture long-
range dependencies in
• What does THAT mean?

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This is about chat gpt and generative ai. How it is fine tuning the search based on prompt provided by user every time, and how search actually work

Rob Hanna: Leveraging Cognitive Science to Improve Topic- Based Authoring
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This document discusses leveraging cognitive science principles to improve topic-based authoring. It begins with an introduction to effective topic-based authoring using DITA. It then discusses how information overload has increased exponentially in the digital age. The document proposes that well-structured content based on cognitive principles can help users find, understand, and retain information. It presents experiments demonstrating how chunking, labeling, and organizing information by similarity improves memorization. Finally, it introduces the Precision Content methodology for applying language arts and information mapping principles to DITA topics.

Natural Language Processing, Techniques, Current Trends and Applications in I...
Natural Language Processing, Techniques, Current Trends and Applications in I...Natural Language Processing, Techniques, Current Trends and Applications in I...
Natural Language Processing, Techniques, Current Trends and Applications in I...

The document discusses natural language processing (NLP) techniques, current trends, and applications in industry. It covers common NLP techniques like morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. It also discusses word embeddings like Word2Vec and contextual embeddings like BERT. Finally, it discusses applications of NLP in healthcare like analyzing clinical notes and brand monitoring through sentiment analysis of user reviews.

natural language processingnatural language processing applicationsartificial intelligence
What is a
• A transformer architecture is
a type of artificial
intelligence (AI) model that
allows computers to process
and analyze large amounts of
data quickly and efficiently.
It's like a super-powerful,
ultra-fast librarian that can
find connections between
different pieces of
How does it
• Imagine you're reading
a long book. As you
read, you might notice
that certain words or
phrases keep appearing
throughout the text,
even if they're on
different pages. A
architecture is
designed to help
computers do the same
thing – it looks for
patterns and
connections between
different parts of a
• One of the key features of
transformers is their ability
to process multiple pieces of
information at the same time,
or "in parallel." This means
that instead of reading the
book page by page, the
computer can look at multiple
pages simultaneously and find
connections between them.
• Transformers are also
great at capturing "long-
range dependencies" in
data. What does this mean?
Well, imagine you're
trying to understand a
joke. The punchline might
not make sense until
you've heard the setup and
the context of the entire
joke – it's not just about
individual words or
phrases, but how they all
fit together. Transformers
can capture these long-
range dependencies by
looking at large chunks of
data and finding patterns
that connect different

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DMDS Winter 2015 Workshop 1 slides
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DMDS Winter 2015 Workshop 1 slides

Slides from the winter workshop on digital scholarship and programming at the Sherman Centre for Digital Scholarship at McMaster University.

programmingcodingdigital scholarship
Text Mining
Text MiningText Mining
Text Mining

Text mining is the process of extracting useful information and patterns from large collections of unstructured documents. It involves preprocessing texts, applying techniques like categorization, clustering, and summarization, and presenting or visualizing the results. While text mining has many applications in business, science, and other domains, it also faces challenges related to linguistics, analytics, and integrating domain knowledge. The document outlines the definition, techniques, applications, advantages, and limitations of text mining.

text miningdata miningbiniam asnake
Dmdh winter 2015 session #1
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Dmdh winter 2015 session #1

This document summarizes an introductory session on programming in the digital humanities. It discusses how programming involves complex work in figuring out what to do and which languages to use. Examples are provided of tasks a programming language could perform on text data, like finding quotes from a novel or allowing a user to search a text file. The document emphasizes that critical thinking is important to programming in the humanities. It also discusses different ways of structuring data, such as with markup languages like HTML and TEI, or in a structured format like a database. The goal is to make data understandable to computers while retaining its usefulness. Collaboration is important when creating structured data.

dmdhuwdigital humanities
Summary - What
is a
• in short, modern LLMs (Large
Language Models) use
transformer architectures to
process and analyze text
quickly and efficiently. This
allows them to find
connections between different
pieces of information, even
if they're far apart – which
is super helpful for tasks
like language translation,
text summarization, and more!
• How LLMs Learn
• Large Language Models (LLMs)
learn by reading lots of text
from the internet, books, and
articles. This helps them
understand how language works.
• The Training Process
• The model tries to predict
what word comes next in a
sentence or paragraph. As it
makes more predictions, it
gets better at understanding
patterns in language.
• Think of it like learning a
new language by reading lots
of texts, newspapers, and
books. You start to recognize
common phrases, sentence
structures, and even idioms!
The LLM is doing something
similar, but with computers
and algorithms.
Concept of
" in LLMs
• The concept of
"understanding" in LLMs is a
subject of debate.
• While they can produce
remarkably human-like
responses, their
"understanding" is based on
statistical patterns rather
than true comprehension.
s of LLMs
• Natural language
understanding and
• Translation and
• Text summarization and
• Question answering and
information retrieval
• Code generation and

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Can you Cope
Can you CopeCan you Cope
Can you Cope

If information stewards and custodians are to collect, create, appraise, preserve, store, use and access sophisticated, flexible, responsive and future- friendly content at scale, then they will have to think strategically about who's going to use the content, how and where they're going to consume it. COPE – Create Once, Publish Everywhere - is an acronym that describes how content should be conceived once and then disseminated through multiple conduits. The goal of COPE is to capture all content (text, media), context and metadata in a single manner, and then ensure that this content can be accessed and used across a range of publishing platforms.

content strategy
Automate your Job and Business with ChatGPT #3 - Fundamentals of LLM/GPT
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Automate your Job and Business with ChatGPT #3 - Fundamentals of LLM/GPT

This document provides an agenda for a full-day bootcamp on large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3. The bootcamp will cover fundamentals of machine learning and neural networks, the transformer architecture, how LLMs work, and popular LLMs beyond ChatGPT. The agenda includes sessions on LLM strategy and theory, design patterns for LLMs, no-code/code stacks for LLMs, and building a custom chatbot with an LLM and your own data.

nocodebig dataai
Using construction grammar in conversational systems
Using construction grammar in conversational systemsUsing construction grammar in conversational systems
Using construction grammar in conversational systems

This thesis explored using construction grammar and ontologies in conversational systems. The author built two early experimental systems using these techniques. Construction grammar represents language as constructions pairing form and meaning. Ontologies allow for more explicit semantics compared to databases. The author developed a stemmer called UEA-Lite and a system called KIA that incorporated construction grammar, ontologies, and machine learning to understand and respond to natural language.

and generation
• Question Answering and
Reading Comprehension
• Text Generation and
• Conversational AI and
Dialogue Systems
• Neural Machine
Translation (NMT)
• Multilingual Language
• Transliteration and
• Post-Editing Machine
Translation (PMT)
• Automatic Summarization
• Paraphrasing and Sentiment
• Summary Generation
• Multimodal Summarization
answering and
• Question Answering
(QA) Systems
• Information Retrieval
(IR) Models
• Passage Retrieval and
• Conversational QA and
Dialogue Systems

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How LLMs can significantly improve the accuracy of natural language processing tasks. Realize how to leverage LLMs to improve the accuracy of your NLP models in this comprehensive guide by Nexgits.

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How LLMs can significantly improve the accuracy of natural language processing tasks. Realize how to leverage LLMs to improve the accuracy of your NLP models in this comprehensive guide by Nexgits.

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一比一原版【微信:176555708】办理毕业证 成绩单 文凭 学位证offer(留信学历认证永久存档查询)采用学校原版纸张、特殊工艺完全按照原版一比一制作(包括:隐形水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠,文字图案浮雕,激光镭射,紫外荧光,温感,复印防伪)行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备,十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,业务范围有加拿大、英国、澳洲、韩国、美国、新加坡,新西兰等学历材料,包您满意。 【业务选择办理准则】 一、工作未确定,回国需先给父母、亲戚朋友看下文凭的情况,办理一份就读学校的毕业证【微信:176555708】文凭即可 二、回国进私企、外企、自己做生意的情况,这些单位是不查询毕业证真伪的,而且国内没有渠道去查询国外文凭的真假,也不需要提供真实教育部认证。鉴于此,办理一份毕业证【微信:176555708】即可 三、进国企,银行,事业单位,考公务员等等,这些单位是必需要提供真实教育部认证的,办理教育部认证所需资料众多且烦琐,所有材料您都必须提供原件,我们凭借丰富的经验,快捷的绿色通道帮您快速整合材料,让您少走弯路。 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份【微信:176555708】 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 → 【关于价格问题(保证一手价格) 我们所定的价格是非常合理的,而且我们现在做得单子大多数都是代理和回头客户介绍的所以一般现在有新的单子 我给客户的都是第一手的代理价格,因为我想坦诚对待大家 不想跟大家在价格方面浪费时间 对于老客户或者被老客户介绍过来的朋友,我们都会适当给一些优惠。 选择实体注册公司办理,更放心,更安全!我们的承诺:可来公司面谈,可签订合同,会陪同客户一起到教育部认证窗口递交认证材料,客户在教育部官方认证查询网站查询到认证通过结果后付款,不成功不收费! 外观非常精致,由特殊纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。

and analysis
• Code Completion and
• Code Generation from Natural
• Code Analysis and Inspection
• Code Synthesis and Generation
from Abstract Specifications
• Biases in training
data and outputs
• Hallucinations and
factual inaccuracies
• Lack of true
understanding or
• Ethical concerns and
potential misuse
Biases in
training data
and outputs
• Unintended Biases in Training
• Implicit Biases in Model
• Cascading Biases
• Lack of Representation
ons and
• AI-generated Content
that Doesn't Exist
• Factual Inaccuracies
in AI-generated Text
• AI-generated Images
with Incorrect Context
• Factual Biases in AI-
generated Content

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特殊工艺完全按照原版制作【微信:A575476】【(bristol毕业证书)英国布里斯托大学毕业证成绩单offer】【微信:A575476】(留信学历认证永久存档查询)采用学校原版纸张(包括:隐形水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠,文字图案浮雕,激光镭射,紫外荧光,温感,复印防伪)行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备,十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,业务范围有加拿大、英国、澳洲、韩国、美国、新加坡,新西兰等学历材料,包您满意。 【业务选择办理准则】 一、工作未确定,回国需先给父母、亲戚朋友看下文凭的情况,办理一份就读学校的毕业证【微信:A575476】文凭即可 二、回国进私企、外企、自己做生意的情况,这些单位是不查询毕业证真伪的,而且国内没有渠道去查询国外文凭的真假,也不需要提供真实教育部认证。鉴于此,办理一份毕业证【微信:A575476】即可 三、进国企,银行,事业单位,考公务员等等,这些单位是必需要提供真实教育部认证的,办理教育部认证所需资料众多且烦琐,所有材料您都必须提供原件,我们凭借丰富的经验,快捷的绿色通道帮您快速整合材料,让您少走弯路。 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份【微信:A575476】 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 → 【关于价格问题(保证一手价格) 我们所定的价格是非常合理的,而且我们现在做得单子大多数都是代理和回头客户介绍的所以一般现在有新的单子 我给客户的都是第一手的代理价格,因为我想坦诚对待大家 不想跟大家在价格方面浪费时间 对于老客户或者被老客户介绍过来的朋友,我们都会适当给一些优惠。 选择实体注册公司办理,更放心,更安全!我们的承诺:可来公司面谈,可签订合同,会陪同客户一起到教育部认证窗口递交认证材料,客户在教育部官方认证查询网站查询到认证通过结果后付款,不成功不收费! 办理(bristol毕业证书)英国布里斯托大学毕业证【微信:A575476】外观非常精致,由特殊纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理(bristol毕业证书)英国布里斯托大学毕业证【微信:A575476】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理(bristol毕业证书)英国布里斯托大学毕业证【微信:A575476】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理(bristol毕业证书)英国布里斯托大学毕业证【微信:A575476 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。


特殊工艺完全按照原版制作【微信:A575476】【澳洲巴拉特大学毕业证(utas毕业证书)成绩单offer】【微信:A575476】(留信学历认证永久存档查询)采用学校原版纸张(包括:隐形水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠,文字图案浮雕,激光镭射,紫外荧光,温感,复印防伪)行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备,十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,业务范围有加拿大、英国、澳洲、韩国、美国、新加坡,新西兰等学历材料,包您满意。 【业务选择办理准则】 一、工作未确定,回国需先给父母、亲戚朋友看下文凭的情况,办理一份就读学校的毕业证【微信:A575476】文凭即可 二、回国进私企、外企、自己做生意的情况,这些单位是不查询毕业证真伪的,而且国内没有渠道去查询国外文凭的真假,也不需要提供真实教育部认证。鉴于此,办理一份毕业证【微信:A575476】即可 三、进国企,银行,事业单位,考公务员等等,这些单位是必需要提供真实教育部认证的,办理教育部认证所需资料众多且烦琐,所有材料您都必须提供原件,我们凭借丰富的经验,快捷的绿色通道帮您快速整合材料,让您少走弯路。 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份【微信:A575476】 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 → 【关于价格问题(保证一手价格) 我们所定的价格是非常合理的,而且我们现在做得单子大多数都是代理和回头客户介绍的所以一般现在有新的单子 我给客户的都是第一手的代理价格,因为我想坦诚对待大家 不想跟大家在价格方面浪费时间 对于老客户或者被老客户介绍过来的朋友,我们都会适当给一些优惠。 选择实体注册公司办理,更放心,更安全!我们的承诺:可来公司面谈,可签订合同,会陪同客户一起到教育部认证窗口递交认证材料,客户在教育部官方认证查询网站查询到认证通过结果后付款,不成功不收费! 办理澳洲巴拉特大学毕业证(utas毕业证书)【微信:A575476】外观非常精致,由特殊纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理澳洲巴拉特大学毕业证(utas毕业证书)【微信:A575476】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理澳洲巴拉特大学毕业证(utas毕业证书)【微信:A575476】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理澳洲巴拉特大学毕业证(utas毕业证书)【微信:A575476 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。


特殊工艺完全按照原版制作【微信:A575476】【(london毕业证书)英国伦敦大学毕业证成绩单offer】【微信:A575476】(留信学历认证永久存档查询)采用学校原版纸张(包括:隐形水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠,文字图案浮雕,激光镭射,紫外荧光,温感,复印防伪)行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备,十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,业务范围有加拿大、英国、澳洲、韩国、美国、新加坡,新西兰等学历材料,包您满意。 【业务选择办理准则】 一、工作未确定,回国需先给父母、亲戚朋友看下文凭的情况,办理一份就读学校的毕业证【微信:A575476】文凭即可 二、回国进私企、外企、自己做生意的情况,这些单位是不查询毕业证真伪的,而且国内没有渠道去查询国外文凭的真假,也不需要提供真实教育部认证。鉴于此,办理一份毕业证【微信:A575476】即可 三、进国企,银行,事业单位,考公务员等等,这些单位是必需要提供真实教育部认证的,办理教育部认证所需资料众多且烦琐,所有材料您都必须提供原件,我们凭借丰富的经验,快捷的绿色通道帮您快速整合材料,让您少走弯路。 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份【微信:A575476】 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 → 【关于价格问题(保证一手价格) 我们所定的价格是非常合理的,而且我们现在做得单子大多数都是代理和回头客户介绍的所以一般现在有新的单子 我给客户的都是第一手的代理价格,因为我想坦诚对待大家 不想跟大家在价格方面浪费时间 对于老客户或者被老客户介绍过来的朋友,我们都会适当给一些优惠。 选择实体注册公司办理,更放心,更安全!我们的承诺:可来公司面谈,可签订合同,会陪同客户一起到教育部认证窗口递交认证材料,客户在教育部官方认证查询网站查询到认证通过结果后付款,不成功不收费! 办理(london毕业证书)英国伦敦大学毕业证【微信:A575476】外观非常精致,由特殊纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理(london毕业证书)英国伦敦大学毕业证【微信:A575476】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理(london毕业证书)英国伦敦大学毕业证【微信:A575476】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理(london毕业证书)英国伦敦大学毕业证【微信:A575476 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。

Lack of true
or reasoning
• AI Systems that Don't Truly
• Lack of Common Sense
• Insufficient Contextual
• Over-Reliance on Memorization
• Biased Decision-Making
• Privacy Violations
• Surveillance and
• Moral Responsibility
and Accountability
Popular LLM
• OpenAI's GPT models
• Google's BERT and LaMDA
• Meta's LLaMA
• Anthropic's Claude
Impact on
• How LLMs are
transforming business
• Potential applications
in different sectors
(e.g., healthcare,
finance, education)

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特殊工艺完全按照原版制作【微信:A575476】【(brunel毕业证书)英国布鲁内尔大学毕业证成绩单offer】【微信:A575476】(留信学历认证永久存档查询)采用学校原版纸张(包括:隐形水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠,文字图案浮雕,激光镭射,紫外荧光,温感,复印防伪)行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备,十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,业务范围有加拿大、英国、澳洲、韩国、美国、新加坡,新西兰等学历材料,包您满意。 【业务选择办理准则】 一、工作未确定,回国需先给父母、亲戚朋友看下文凭的情况,办理一份就读学校的毕业证【微信:A575476】文凭即可 二、回国进私企、外企、自己做生意的情况,这些单位是不查询毕业证真伪的,而且国内没有渠道去查询国外文凭的真假,也不需要提供真实教育部认证。鉴于此,办理一份毕业证【微信:A575476】即可 三、进国企,银行,事业单位,考公务员等等,这些单位是必需要提供真实教育部认证的,办理教育部认证所需资料众多且烦琐,所有材料您都必须提供原件,我们凭借丰富的经验,快捷的绿色通道帮您快速整合材料,让您少走弯路。 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份【微信:A575476】 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 → 【关于价格问题(保证一手价格) 我们所定的价格是非常合理的,而且我们现在做得单子大多数都是代理和回头客户介绍的所以一般现在有新的单子 我给客户的都是第一手的代理价格,因为我想坦诚对待大家 不想跟大家在价格方面浪费时间 对于老客户或者被老客户介绍过来的朋友,我们都会适当给一些优惠。 选择实体注册公司办理,更放心,更安全!我们的承诺:可来公司面谈,可签订合同,会陪同客户一起到教育部认证窗口递交认证材料,客户在教育部官方认证查询网站查询到认证通过结果后付款,不成功不收费! 办理(brunel毕业证书)英国布鲁内尔大学毕业证【微信:A575476】外观非常精致,由特殊纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理(brunel毕业证书)英国布鲁内尔大学毕业证【微信:A575476】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理(brunel毕业证书)英国布鲁内尔大学毕业证【微信:A575476】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理(brunel毕业证书)英国布鲁内尔大学毕业证【微信:A575476 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。

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SlideEgg_200767-ICC Mens T20 World Cup 2024.pptx

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特殊工艺完全按照原版制作【微信:A575476】【(mqu毕业证)麦考瑞大学毕业证成绩单offer】【微信:A575476】(留信学历认证永久存档查询)采用学校原版纸张(包括:隐形水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠,文字图案浮雕,激光镭射,紫外荧光,温感,复印防伪)行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备,十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,业务范围有加拿大、英国、澳洲、韩国、美国、新加坡,新西兰等学历材料,包您满意。 【业务选择办理准则】 一、工作未确定,回国需先给父母、亲戚朋友看下文凭的情况,办理一份就读学校的毕业证【微信:A575476】文凭即可 二、回国进私企、外企、自己做生意的情况,这些单位是不查询毕业证真伪的,而且国内没有渠道去查询国外文凭的真假,也不需要提供真实教育部认证。鉴于此,办理一份毕业证【微信:A575476】即可 三、进国企,银行,事业单位,考公务员等等,这些单位是必需要提供真实教育部认证的,办理教育部认证所需资料众多且烦琐,所有材料您都必须提供原件,我们凭借丰富的经验,快捷的绿色通道帮您快速整合材料,让您少走弯路。 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份【微信:A575476】 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 → 【关于价格问题(保证一手价格) 我们所定的价格是非常合理的,而且我们现在做得单子大多数都是代理和回头客户介绍的所以一般现在有新的单子 我给客户的都是第一手的代理价格,因为我想坦诚对待大家 不想跟大家在价格方面浪费时间 对于老客户或者被老客户介绍过来的朋友,我们都会适当给一些优惠。 选择实体注册公司办理,更放心,更安全!我们的承诺:可来公司面谈,可签订合同,会陪同客户一起到教育部认证窗口递交认证材料,客户在教育部官方认证查询网站查询到认证通过结果后付款,不成功不收费! 办理(mqu毕业证)麦考瑞大学毕业证【微信:A575476】外观非常精致,由特殊纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理(mqu毕业证)麦考瑞大学毕业证【微信:A575476】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理(mqu毕业证)麦考瑞大学毕业证【微信:A575476】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理(mqu毕业证)麦考瑞大学毕业证【微信:A575476 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。

• Automating Routine Tasks
• Improving Customer Service
• Enhancing Product Development
• Streamlining Compliance and
Risk Management
• Optimizing Operations and
Supply Chain Management
• Enabling Strategic Decision-
• Healthcare: Medical
Documentation and Research
• Finance: Risk Analysis and
• Education: Personalized
Learning and Research
• Oil and Gas: Predictive
Maintenance and Risk
• Telecommunications:
Network Optimization and
Customer Support
• Manufacturing: Quality
Control and Supply Chain
• Ongoing research and
development in LLMs
• Potential advancements and
their implications
• Multitask Learning
• Adversarial Training
• Explainable AI (XAI)
• Transfer Learning
• Low-Resource Languages
• Human-Like Language

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Cyber Security training


特殊工艺完全按照原版制作【微信:A575476】【(爱大毕业证书)英国爱丁堡大学毕业证成绩单offer】【微信:A575476】(留信学历认证永久存档查询)采用学校原版纸张(包括:隐形水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠,文字图案浮雕,激光镭射,紫外荧光,温感,复印防伪)行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备,十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,业务范围有加拿大、英国、澳洲、韩国、美国、新加坡,新西兰等学历材料,包您满意。 【业务选择办理准则】 一、工作未确定,回国需先给父母、亲戚朋友看下文凭的情况,办理一份就读学校的毕业证【微信:A575476】文凭即可 二、回国进私企、外企、自己做生意的情况,这些单位是不查询毕业证真伪的,而且国内没有渠道去查询国外文凭的真假,也不需要提供真实教育部认证。鉴于此,办理一份毕业证【微信:A575476】即可 三、进国企,银行,事业单位,考公务员等等,这些单位是必需要提供真实教育部认证的,办理教育部认证所需资料众多且烦琐,所有材料您都必须提供原件,我们凭借丰富的经验,快捷的绿色通道帮您快速整合材料,让您少走弯路。 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份【微信:A575476】 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 → 【关于价格问题(保证一手价格) 我们所定的价格是非常合理的,而且我们现在做得单子大多数都是代理和回头客户介绍的所以一般现在有新的单子 我给客户的都是第一手的代理价格,因为我想坦诚对待大家 不想跟大家在价格方面浪费时间 对于老客户或者被老客户介绍过来的朋友,我们都会适当给一些优惠。 选择实体注册公司办理,更放心,更安全!我们的承诺:可来公司面谈,可签订合同,会陪同客户一起到教育部认证窗口递交认证材料,客户在教育部官方认证查询网站查询到认证通过结果后付款,不成功不收费! 办理(爱大毕业证书)英国爱丁堡大学毕业证【微信:A575476】外观非常精致,由特殊纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理(爱大毕业证书)英国爱丁堡大学毕业证【微信:A575476】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理(爱大毕业证书)英国爱丁堡大学毕业证【微信:A575476】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理(爱大毕业证书)英国爱丁堡大学毕业证【微信:A575476 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。

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Here, we explore some of the common challenges faced in UI/UX design and how professional services can help overcome them.

best ui/ux design service
and their
• Improved Language
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Part 1: A brief introduction to Large Language Models
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Part 1 - Introduction to Large Language Models
Part 2 - Using Online LLMs
Part 3 - Local LLMs for Corporate Use
Part 4 - Installing and Configuring Local LLMs
Part 5 - Integrating LLMs with SharePoint
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An Introduction to AI LLMs & SharePoint For Champions and Super Users Part 1

  • 1. AI LLMs & SharePoint Using Large Language Models (LLMs) with SharePoint within the corporate firewall Part 1: A brief introduction to Large Language Models
  • 2. Introductio n to Large Language Models • Definition and basic concepts • Brief history and evolution • Capabilities and limitations
  • 3. Definition and Basic Concepts • What are Large Language Models (LLMs)? • Key characteristics of LLMs • How LLMs differ from traditional NLP models
  • 4. What are Large Language Models (LLMs)? • Large Language Models (LLMs) are advanced artificial intelligence systems designed to understand, generate, and manipulate human language. • These models are trained on vast amounts of text data, allowing them to capture intricate patterns and nuances in language.
  • 5. Key characteristi cs of LLMs • Massive scale: Typically containing billions of parameters • Generative capabilities: Able to produce human-like text • Contextual understanding: Can interpret and respond to complex prompts
  • 6. How LLMs differ from traditional NLP models • NLP – Natural Language Processing • LLMs differ from traditional NLP models in their scale, versatility, and ability to perform a wide range of language tasks without task- specific training.
  • 7. Brief History and Evolution • Early language models and their limitations • Breakthrough developments (e.g., transformer architecture) • Major milestones in LLM development (e.g., BERT, GPT series)
  • 8. Early language models and their limitations • Lack of context understanding • Limited vocabulary • No common sense • No understanding of figurative language • Lack of emotional intelligence
  • 9. Breakthrough developments (e.g., transformer architecture) • Transformer Architecture • Self-Attention Mechanism • Pre-training on Large Datasets • Adversarial Training • Multitask Learning
  • 10. Major milestones in LLM development • Transformer Architecture • BERT and its Variants • Pre-training and Fine- tuning • Multitask Learning and Transfer Learning • Attention-Based Mechanisms
  • 11. How LLMs Work • Overview of neural network architecture • Training process: unsupervised learning on vast text corpora • Concept of "understanding" in LLMs
  • 12. Overview of neural network architectur e • “At their core, most modern LLMs use transformer architectures, which allow for parallel processing of input data and capture long- range dependencies in text.” • What does THAT mean?
  • 13. What is a Transformer Architecture? • A transformer architecture is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) model that allows computers to process and analyze large amounts of data quickly and efficiently. It's like a super-powerful, ultra-fast librarian that can find connections between different pieces of information.
  • 14. How does it work? • Imagine you're reading a long book. As you read, you might notice that certain words or phrases keep appearing throughout the text, even if they're on different pages. A transformer architecture is designed to help computers do the same thing – it looks for patterns and connections between different parts of a
  • 15. Parallel Processing • One of the key features of transformers is their ability to process multiple pieces of information at the same time, or "in parallel." This means that instead of reading the book page by page, the computer can look at multiple pages simultaneously and find connections between them.
  • 16. Long-range Dependencie s • Transformers are also great at capturing "long- range dependencies" in data. What does this mean? Well, imagine you're trying to understand a joke. The punchline might not make sense until you've heard the setup and the context of the entire joke – it's not just about individual words or phrases, but how they all fit together. Transformers can capture these long- range dependencies by looking at large chunks of data and finding patterns that connect different
  • 17. Summary - What is a Transformer Architecture? • in short, modern LLMs (Large Language Models) use transformer architectures to process and analyze text quickly and efficiently. This allows them to find connections between different pieces of information, even if they're far apart – which is super helpful for tasks like language translation, text summarization, and more!
  • 18. Training process • How LLMs Learn • Large Language Models (LLMs) learn by reading lots of text from the internet, books, and articles. This helps them understand how language works. • The Training Process • The model tries to predict what word comes next in a sentence or paragraph. As it makes more predictions, it gets better at understanding patterns in language. • Think of it like learning a new language by reading lots of texts, newspapers, and books. You start to recognize common phrases, sentence structures, and even idioms! The LLM is doing something similar, but with computers and algorithms.
  • 19. Concept of "understanding " in LLMs • The concept of "understanding" in LLMs is a subject of debate. • While they can produce remarkably human-like responses, their "understanding" is based on statistical patterns rather than true comprehension.
  • 20. Capabilitie s of LLMs • Natural language understanding and generation • Translation and multilingual capabilities • Text summarization and paraphrasing • Question answering and information retrieval • Code generation and analysis
  • 21. Natural language understanding and generation • Question Answering and Reading Comprehension • Text Generation and Summarization • Conversational AI and Dialogue Systems
  • 22. Translation and multilingua l capabilitie s • Neural Machine Translation (NMT) • Multilingual Language Models • Transliteration and Transcription • Post-Editing Machine Translation (PMT)
  • 23. Text summarization and paraphrasing • Automatic Summarization • Paraphrasing and Sentiment Analysis • Summary Generation • Multimodal Summarization
  • 24. Question answering and information retrieval • Question Answering (QA) Systems • Information Retrieval (IR) Models • Passage Retrieval and Summarization • Conversational QA and Dialogue Systems
  • 25. Code generation and analysis • Code Completion and Suggestions • Code Generation from Natural Language • Code Analysis and Inspection • Code Synthesis and Generation from Abstract Specifications
  • 26. Limitations and Challenges • Biases in training data and outputs • Hallucinations and factual inaccuracies • Lack of true understanding or reasoning • Ethical concerns and potential misuse
  • 27. Biases in training data and outputs • Unintended Biases in Training Data • Implicit Biases in Model Outputs • Cascading Biases • Lack of Representation
  • 28. Hallucinati ons and factual inaccuracie s • AI-generated Content that Doesn't Exist • Factual Inaccuracies in AI-generated Text • AI-generated Images with Incorrect Context • Factual Biases in AI- generated Content
  • 29. Lack of true understanding or reasoning • AI Systems that Don't Truly Understand • Lack of Common Sense Reasoning • Insufficient Contextual Understanding • Over-Reliance on Memorization
  • 30. Ethical concerns and potential misuse • Biased Decision-Making • Privacy Violations • Surveillance and Monitoring • Moral Responsibility and Accountability
  • 31. Popular LLM Examples • OpenAI's GPT models • Google's BERT and LaMDA • Meta's LLaMA • Anthropic's Claude
  • 32. Impact on Various Industries • How LLMs are transforming business processes • Potential applications in different sectors (e.g., healthcare, finance, education)
  • 33. Transforming business • Automating Routine Tasks • Improving Customer Service • Enhancing Product Development • Streamlining Compliance and Risk Management • Optimizing Operations and Supply Chain Management • Enabling Strategic Decision- Making:
  • 34. Potential application s • Healthcare: Medical Documentation and Research • Finance: Risk Analysis and Compliance • Education: Personalized Learning and Research Support • Oil and Gas: Predictive Maintenance and Risk Analysis • Telecommunications: Network Optimization and Customer Support • Manufacturing: Quality Control and Supply Chain Optimization
  • 35. Future Directions • Ongoing research and development in LLMs • Potential advancements and their implications
  • 36. Ongoing research • Multitask Learning • Adversarial Training • Explainable AI (XAI) • Transfer Learning • Low-Resource Languages • Human-Like Language Generation
  • 37. Potential advancements and their implications • Improved Language Understanding • Increased Automation • Enhanced Creative Capabilities • Advanced Customer Service • Faster Discovery and Innovation • New Forms of Human-AI Interaction:
  • 38. AI LLMs & SharePoint Using Large Language Models (LLMs) with SharePoint within the corporate firewall Part 1: A brief introduction to Large Language Models
  • 39. AI LLMs & SharePoint Part 1 - Introduction to Large Language Models Part 2 - Using Online LLMs Part 3 - Local LLMs for Corporate Use Part 4 - Installing and Configuring Local LLMs Part 5 - Integrating LLMs with SharePoint Part 6 - Benefits of LLM-Enhanced SharePoint Part 7 - Best Practices and Governance Part 8 - Future Trends and Considerations