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Accessibility Hacks
For life's little inaccessible moments…
A bit about me
I’m a…
• Web Accessibility
• WordPress
Photo by Mike Pead
What I'm going to cover
Some small tweaks we can make when building accessible WP
themes for ourselves and our clients.
Specifically I'll be looking at:
• Using SVG images in an accessible way.
• CSS techniques that help with accessibility.
Using SVG
• SVG images are vector graphics, as opposed to raster or bitmapped
images like jpeg, png or gif.
• SVG images are described by the lines and blocks and other shapes,
combined to make up an entire images.
• This means that they can be infinitely scaled without any pixellation.
• And the file sizes are generally smaller than corresponding jpeg, png
or gif.
• But can they be accessed by assistive technology users?

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TOSSUG HTML5 讀書會 新標籤與表單
TOSSUG HTML5 讀書會 新標籤與表單TOSSUG HTML5 讀書會 新標籤與表單
TOSSUG HTML5 讀書會 新標籤與表單

The document discusses new features in HTML5 including semantic elements, form elements, and microdata. Some key points: 1. HTML5 introduces new semantic elements like <header>, <footer>, <nav>, <article>, and <section> to define different parts of a page and improve semantics and accessibility. 2. New form input types are added like email, url, tel, number, date to support validation and new UI widgets. Attributes like placeholder, autofocus, and autocomplete improve the form experience. 3. Microdata builds on microformats to embed structured data using attributes like itemscope, itemtype, and itemprop to identify items, properties and values for search engines and APIs

html5semantic web
Next generation Graphics: SVG
Next generation Graphics: SVGNext generation Graphics: SVG
Next generation Graphics: SVG

This document provides an overview and summary of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). It begins with a brief introduction to SVG concepts like basic shapes. It then discusses the history and evolution of SVG standards over time. It outlines how SVG is commonly used today in areas like logos, icons, charts and graphics. Examples are given of tools for editing, optimizing and automating SVG. Reasons for using SVG like crisp images, scriptability, animations and small file sizes are explained. The document discusses how SVG is used and its potential in Drupal. It concludes with an overview of the future SVG 2 standard and resources for learning more about SVG.

SVG - Scalable Vector Graphic
SVG - Scalable Vector GraphicSVG - Scalable Vector Graphic
SVG - Scalable Vector Graphic

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an open standard, XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics.

svgvector graphic
SVG Hack 1 - SVG files
Adding SVG files to web pages
Uses the trusty <img> element with the alt attribute to give
the accessible label…
<img src="https://path/images/home.svg"
alt="My logo">
So we're done here aren't we??
Using role="img" with SVG files
Well, SVG support within screen reader is still in its infancy,
so we need a helping hand from ARIA here...
<img src="https://path/images/home.svg"
alt="My logo" role="img">
This ensures that all screen readers can 'see' this image.
SVG files as links
Now the destination is the important bit, so that's what the
alt attribute should refer to.
<a href="/">
<img src="https://path/images/home.svg"
role="img" alt="Home Page">

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SVG Icons and Screen Reader Accessibility
SVG Icons and Screen Reader AccessibilitySVG Icons and Screen Reader Accessibility
SVG Icons and Screen Reader Accessibility

SVG is often used for content, linked icons, and buttons. Learn which coding methods perform best across a variety of screen reader and browser combinations. By @DennisL

Responsive Web Design: Tips and Tricks
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Responsive Web Design: Tips and Tricks

Here are some of the stuff I learnt while making it, and if you are working on responsive design, you should probably keep this as reference. Note: You are free to download, edit, distribute and use this work in any way you want.

Top 10 HTML5 features
Top 10 HTML5 featuresTop 10 HTML5 features
Top 10 HTML5 features

HTML5 contains many new interesting features that make the platform a capaple development platform. Sockets, SVG, geolocation, local storage and many more are included in the platform. In this one hour session, we will look at cool implementations of 10 features of HTML5

SVG Hack 2 - Inline SVG
Inline SVG in web pages
Example of inline SVG…
<svg version="1.1" width="100" height="75">
<rect width="75" height="50" rx="20" ry="20"
fill="#90ee90" stroke="#228b22"
stroke-fill="1" />
The challenge of inline SVG…
• Inline SVG is invisible to screen readers
• There is no <img> element
• And there is no alt attribute you can use to give it some
alternate text.
Using <title> with inline SVG
To solve the issue, use the <title> element within the <svg>
But also, connect it with the aria-labelledby attribute so all
screen readers can access the text in the <title> element.
And we still need the role="img" too.

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WAI-ARIA is More Than Accessibility
WAI-ARIA is More Than AccessibilityWAI-ARIA is More Than Accessibility
WAI-ARIA is More Than Accessibility

WAI-ARIA provides semantics and accessibility information to web pages and applications developed with technologies like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. It defines roles, states, and properties that can be applied to elements to define their purpose and relationships. This allows assistive technologies like screen readers to better understand the structure, functionality and relationships within complex JavaScript-driven applications and dynamic content.

WAI-ARIA - an introduction to accessible rich internet applications (1 day wo...
WAI-ARIA - an introduction to accessible rich internet applications (1 day wo...WAI-ARIA - an introduction to accessible rich internet applications (1 day wo...
WAI-ARIA - an introduction to accessible rich internet applications (1 day wo...

This document introduces the Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) specification. It discusses: 1) The need for ARIA to make complex web applications accessible to assistive technologies like screen readers, as traditional HTML elements may not adequately convey semantics. 2) Common interactive widgets and how ARIA attributes like role, state, and properties help expose their purpose and functionality. 3) Best practices for applying ARIA, including using native HTML where possible, and ensuring custom interactive elements are keyboard navigable and have accessible names. The document provides examples of how to make common structures and widgets like buttons, menus, sliders accessible with ARIA. It emphasizes ARIA enhances, rather than replaces, traditional

Real World Web components
Real World Web componentsReal World Web components
Real World Web components

The document discusses web components, which include HTML templates, custom elements, shadow DOM, and HTML imports. Web components allow the creation of reusable custom elements with their own styles and DOM structure. They provide encapsulation and help avoid issues with global namespaces. While browser support is still emerging for some features, polyfills exist and frameworks like Polymer make web components accessible today. Web components represent an important evolution of the web that will improve how code is structured and shared.

Using <title> with inline SVG
So we end up with this…
<svg version="1.1" width="100" height="75" aria-
labelledby="title" role="img">
<title id="title">Green rectangle</title>
<rect width="75" height="50" rx="20" ry="20"
fill="#90ee90" stroke="#228b22" stroke-fill="1"
Using <title> with inline SVG
Using the <title> element in <svg> container has an unexpected effect
in some browsers…
A hover over tooltip. A bit like you get with the title attribute on other
HTML elements...
Using <desc> with inline SVG
So alternatively, use <desc> element within the <svg> wrapper.
Once again, use aria-labelledby.
<svg version="1.1" width="100" height="75" aria-
labelledby="desc01" role="img">
<desc id="desc01">Green rectangle</desc>
<rect width="75" height="50" rx="20" ry="20"
fill="#90ee90" stroke="#228b22" stroke-fill="1"
Inline SVG in web pages
How do screen readers interpret this?

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Steph's Html5 and css presentation
Steph's Html5 and css presentationSteph's Html5 and css presentation
Steph's Html5 and css presentation

This presentation discusses using CSS to style HTML elements on a webpage. It focuses on positioning and styling an image. Specifically, it demonstrates how to add a border around an image, change the image size, position the image using static, relative, fixed and absolute positioning, float images left and right, and group images using the HTML <div> tag. It also mentions testing the CSS styling in Google Chrome and Internet Explorer browsers.

Game Development Using HTML 5
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Game Development Using HTML 5

The document discusses HTML5 game development. It covers various topics like game concepts, HTML5 components for games, developing a game step-by-step and advanced topics. It focuses on HTML5 canvas for graphics, local storage for data, and describes functions for animations, interactions, controls and other elements needed for game development. The document provides examples for drawing, colors, images and text on the canvas.

game development using html 5
Sizzle jQCon San Francisco 2012
Sizzle jQCon San Francisco 2012Sizzle jQCon San Francisco 2012
Sizzle jQCon San Francisco 2012

The document discusses improvements and changes to the Sizzle selector engine in jQuery 1.8. Key points include: - Matching and filtering performance improved by around 10% on average. - ID selections rooted at an element improved by 300%. - Bugs were fixed in how different browsers handle certain selectors with querySelectorAll and matchesSelector. - Support for combining multiple combinators in selectors was improved. - More changes are planned prior to release, including implementing a compiler to avoid re-looping elements.

jquery jqcon javascript sizzle keynote
Inline SVG and links
What if your inline SVG needs to be a link?
Inline SVG and links
Best solution - wrap link around SVG
<a href="/">
<svg version="1.1" width="100" height="75" aria-
labelledby="desc01" role="img">
<desc id="desc01">Home page</desc>
<rect width="75" height="50" rx="20" ry="20"
fill="#90ee90" stroke="#228b22" stroke-fill="1" />
The difference for screen readers
How do screen readers interpret all this?
Getting SVG into WordPress pages
• No native support for SVG in Media Manager.
• We'd need to paste SVG into pages/posts.
• Or need to rely on a plugin…
• There are a few available, but these next two seem the most
• But can they give us accessible SVG??

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How to build a static website in two and a half days with Nuxt and Tailwind CSS
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How to build a static website in two and a half days with Nuxt and Tailwind CSS

The document discusses building a static website in two and a half days using Nuxt and Tailwind CSS. Nuxt allows building static sites with Vue components, and Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework. The author had no experience with either but was able to create responsive pages for a podcast site that met requirements. Key features of Nuxt include pre-rendering, layouts, and assets handling. Tailwind CSS provides utilities for layout, typography, backgrounds and more. PurgeCSS was used to remove unused CSS and reduce file sizes.


The document discusses HTML5 and provides an agenda for an HTML5 training session. It introduces HTML5 and covers new HTML5 elements, the <canvas> element for drawing graphics, and how to draw paths, boxes, circles and text on the canvas using JavaScript. It also briefly mentions HTML5 features for media, storage, and forms.

Angular Js Advantages - Complete Reference
Angular Js Advantages - Complete ReferenceAngular Js Advantages - Complete Reference
Angular Js Advantages - Complete Reference

Angular Js Advantages.Developed by Google - Most Popular, SPA (Single Page Applications), Data Binding,Code Reduction, Easy to Test.

webuiweb development
SVG Support plugin
Does not include role in <img> tag, but does include alt.
Does not include role in <svg> tag, does not include <title> element in
inline SVG.
Plugin author is aware and has responded positively to my comments:
Safe SVG plugin
Does not include role in <img> tag, but does include alt.
Does not cater for inline SVG.
Plugin author contacted very recently.
CSS Accessibility Hacks
CSS techniques can be used to help ensure accessibility within
• Providing extra context for links, buttons and other
• Help with testing accessibility during theme development
• Accessibility help for content authors once a site is live
CSS Hack 1 - Screen reader text

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jQuery - the world's most popular java script library comes to XPages
jQuery - the world's most popular java script library comes to XPagesjQuery - the world's most popular java script library comes to XPages
jQuery - the world's most popular java script library comes to XPages

This document discusses using jQuery with XPages. It begins with an introduction to jQuery, explaining that it is a popular JavaScript library that simplifies document manipulation, events, animation, and AJAX. It then compares jQuery to Dojo and provides guidance on when each should be used. The document demonstrates how jQuery works via its API and methods. It also explains how to add jQuery to an XPages application either directly in code or via a theme. Finally, it discusses jQuery plugins and how they can provide ready-made functionality to solve requirements.

Is it time to start using HTML 5
Is it time to start using HTML 5Is it time to start using HTML 5
Is it time to start using HTML 5

The document discusses the history and evolution of HTML and web technologies from 1991 to present. It provides an overview of new semantic elements, multimedia capabilities, and client-side storage APIs introduced in HTML5. It also addresses techniques for detecting HTML5 support and workarounds for unknown elements in older browsers like Internet Explorer.

2022 HTML5: The future is now
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2022 HTML5: The future is now

The final spec of html5 won't be ready until 2022, but you don't have to wait that long to start using it today and build really advanced web apps.

Why screen reader text
What's it for?
A way of providing extra information for screen reader users that is not
seen by sighted users.
Can be used to:
• Provide real text when icons are used
• Provide skip links
• Disambiguate links like 'Read more' on a blog index page
How to use screen reader text
Define a class in your CSS
border: 0;
clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
height: 1px;
width: 1px;
margin: -1px;
padding: 0;
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute !important;
How to use screen reader text
Use the class in your HTML
<span class="accessibleHidden">This is hidden from
sighted users, but accessible by screen
Don't use these styles, as they will hide content from screen
readers as well:
• display:none
• visibility:hidden
It's used in WordPress themes

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"Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques". Vitaly Friedman, Smashin...
"Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques". Vitaly Friedman, Smashin..."Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques". Vitaly Friedman, Smashin...
"Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques". Vitaly Friedman, Smashin...

Responsive web design challenges web designers to apply a new mindset to their design processes, as well as to techniques they are using in design and coding. This talk provides an overview of various practical techniques, tips and tricks that you might want to be aware of when working on a new responsive design project.

Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques
Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and TechniquesResponsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques
Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques

Responsive Web design challenges Web designers to adapt a new mindset to their design and coding processes. This talk provides an overview of various practical techniques, tips and tricks that you might want to be aware of when working on a new responsive design project.

cssweb design and developmentresponsive
Html 5 mobile - nitty gritty
Html 5 mobile - nitty grittyHtml 5 mobile - nitty gritty
Html 5 mobile - nitty gritty

This document provides an overview of HTML5 best practices for mobile design. It begins with introductions and outlines the session agenda. The presenter then discusses high-level principles like universal design and progressive enhancement. Specific techniques covered include viewport meta tags, media queries, scalable images, HTML5 tags, and touch-friendly guidelines. CSS topics include grids, backgrounds, gradients, and transitions. JavaScript behaviors like navigation, forms, and geolocation are also reviewed. Useful frameworks, polyfills, and testing tools are presented. The overall message is that mobile design requires an adaptive, user-centered approach through careful content structuring, responsive presentation, and unobtrusive behavior.

It's used in WordPress admin
Screen reader text can be found in the WP admin screens.
Wouldn't aria-label do the same?
To a point, yes. aria-label can be used on elements with set
roles - like links, buttons, dialogues, etc.
But aria-label won't work for plain text items…
• Alternatives to icons in product comparison tables
• Explaining what values mean on pages.
CSS Hack 2 - Testing accessibility
during development
Ensuring landmarks are used properly
Wait, landmarks? What are they?
• A way of defining discrete regions of a page.
• For example banner, navigation, main content, etc.
• Increasingly used by screen reader users to help them
navigate around pages.
• Sometimes indicated by role="navigation", role="main",

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Web Accessibility for the 21st Century
Web Accessibility for the 21st CenturyWeb Accessibility for the 21st Century
Web Accessibility for the 21st Century

You know it's important for your web project to be accessible to people who use all kinds of assistive technology to access the internet. But all the guidelines for web accessibility you can find don't go much beyond "make sure all your images have alt text", and all the resources you can find treat "accessibility" as a synonym for "making your site work in a screen reader". You know there are other things you should be doing and other forms of assistive technology you should be accomodating, but all the best practices documents are a complicated morass of contradicting information (if you can find best practices documents at all.) Have no fear! This tutorial gives you a number of concrete steps to take to make things more accessible. This presentation has downloadable notes and exercises available at . Video of the talk should be available later.

D3.js and SVG
D3.js and SVGD3.js and SVG
D3.js and SVG

The document is a presentation about D3 and SVG technologies. It includes sections on networking opportunities, an interactive presentation format, polls about experience levels with D3 and SVG, examples of force-directed graphs and animated SVGs using D3, and details on implementing drag and drop as well as mouseover highlighting in a D3 visualization. The presentation source code is provided on GitHub and other examples are referenced, including alternatives to SVG. It concludes with another poll and a question and answer period.

Girl Develop It Cincinnati: Intro to HTML/CSS Class 4
Girl Develop It Cincinnati: Intro to HTML/CSS Class 4Girl Develop It Cincinnati: Intro to HTML/CSS Class 4
Girl Develop It Cincinnati: Intro to HTML/CSS Class 4

Here are the steps to build a basic horizontal navigation menu bar: 1. Create an unordered list <ul> with class="menu" 2. Add list items <li> for each menu item 3. Style the <ul> with display:inline-block and border-bottom 4. Style the <li> with display:inline-block, padding and hover effect 5. Add a class="current" to highlight the active page 6. Use a border-left on .current to create a left arrow Let me know if any part needs more explanation! Building menus is a common task and these techniques will serve you well.

girl develop it cincinnatigdi cincinnatigirl develop it
Ensuring landmarks are used properly
And if you think you're not using them, you probably are anyway -
if you use these HTML5 elements:
• <nav>
• <main>
and in certain situations…
• <header>, <footer>
• <section>, <article>
These are all understood as landmarks, by screen readers.
Ensuring landmarks are used properly
<header role="banner">
<nav role="navigation">
<footer role="contentinfo">
<main role="main"> <aside role=
<form role="search">
Ensuring landmarks are used properly
The key thing is if you're using them, they need to be used
And all content on the page needs to be in at least one
landmark, or screen reader users may miss key bits.
You can use a browser extension to highlight the landmarks
on a page, but it's not always possible to see whether or not
all content is within one.
Enter accessibility.css
In your dev environment you could have a CSS file that
could be temporarily attached to your pages - say

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The document summarizes an upcoming presentation on HTML5 and PHP. It lists the group members and covers the following topics in the presentation agenda: HTML5 elements like Canvas, SVG, drag/drop, geo-location, video, audio; PHP syntax, variables, and strings; and differences between SVG and Canvas. It provides code examples and explanations for several HTML5 elements and features including Canvas, SVG, drag/drop, geo-location, video, audio, and form handling.

Rwd slidedeck
Rwd slidedeckRwd slidedeck
Rwd slidedeck is the biggest Russian knowledge bank about presentations. We publish best presentations.

Responsive Web Design tips and tricks.
Responsive Web Design tips and tricks.Responsive Web Design tips and tricks.
Responsive Web Design tips and tricks.

This document summarizes Vitaly Friedman's talk on responsive design techniques and tricks. The talk covered resolution independence using SVG/icon fonts, content choreography with Flexbox, compressive images that maintain quality at different sizes, conditional loading of assets based on breakpoints, and lazy loading of JavaScript and social buttons. It also discussed maintaining aspect ratios for images and videos across screens, and serving different video files for different devices. The overall message was that responsive design requires a new mindset and pragmatic solutions rather than rigid rules.

web designweb developmentgraphic design
main, nav, header, footer,
section[aria-labelledby], section[aria-label], form[aria-
labelledby], form[aria-label],
[role="banner"], [role="navigation"], [role="main"],
[role="contentinfo"], [role="complementary"],
[role="search"], [role="form"],
[role="region"][aria-labelledby] {
background-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.1);
outline:3px solid red;
Now we want to 'unselect' <header> and <footer> elements that are
contained within <main>, <article>, <nav> and <section> - these
are not counted as landmarks by browsers and screen readers.
main header, article header, aside header,
nav header, section header,
main footer, article footer, aside footer,
nav footer, section footer {
background-color: transparent;
What does that look like?
Note that the
navigation is not
contained within
any of the
So what else could we do?
Images without alt attributes:
img:not([alt]) {
outline: solid 3px red;
SVG files without the role="img" attribute:
img[href$=".svg"]:not([role="img"]) {
outline: solid 3px red;

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Html5 CSS3 jQuery Basic
Html5 CSS3 jQuery BasicHtml5 CSS3 jQuery Basic
Html5 CSS3 jQuery Basic

The document provides an overview of new features in HTML5, including several new semantic elements (e.g., <header>, <nav>, <article>), multimedia elements (<video>, <audio>), form controls, and APIs (e.g., geolocation, local storage). It also compares the <canvas> and <svg> elements, and discusses features like offline application caching, drag and drop, and web workers.

The Image that called me - Active Content Injection with SVG Files
The Image that called me - Active Content Injection with SVG FilesThe Image that called me - Active Content Injection with SVG Files
The Image that called me - Active Content Injection with SVG Files

Mario Heiderich gave a presentation on active content injection using SVG files. He discussed how SVG files are XML-based and support scripting, allowing execution of JavaScript. This enables security issues like XSS. Browser implementations of SVG are inconsistent, with different levels of script support depending on how SVG files are deployed (inline, via <img>, etc). Exploits discussed SVG vulnerabilities in Firefox, Opera, and Chromium. Defense is difficult due to lack of documentation and filters, and new vectors are found weekly. Future work proposed a SVG purifier and raising awareness of issues.

HTML 5 Step By Step - Ebook
HTML 5 Step By Step - EbookHTML 5 Step By Step - Ebook
HTML 5 Step By Step - Ebook

Today’s designers when asked about HTML5 do hesitate to answer because of the lack of knowledge about HTML5.A Free Ebook On HTML 5 Step by Step Guide..

html 5 ebookshtml5 web developmenthtml 5
So what else could we do?
Empty links:
a:not([name]):empty {
outline: solid 3px red;
Empty buttons:
button:empty {
outline: solid 3px red;
So what else could we do?
Images where the title attribute has been used:
img[title] {
outline: solid 3px red;
So what else could we do?
Links with title attributes, or that open a new window:
a[title], a[target] {
outline: solid 3px gold;
Images with empty alt attributes:
img[alt=""] {
outline: solid 3px gold;
What does that look like?
Link with title attribute
Button with no content

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This document provides an introduction to HTML5 and its new features. It discusses HTML5 as the successor to HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.1, bringing new tags, features, and APIs. These include new structural elements, forms and validation, native audio and video, canvas, web storage, offline applications, geolocation, and drag and drop. It also outlines some of the new and updated HTML5 elements and semantic elements such as article, aside, footer, nav, progress, and meter. Finally, it provides examples of applications that can utilize various HTML5 features.


This document provides an introduction to HTML5 and its new features. It discusses HTML5 as the successor to HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.1, bringing new tags, features, and APIs. These include new structural elements, forms and validation, native audio and video, Canvas API, web storage, offline applications, geolocation, and drag and drop. It also outlines some of the new and updated HTML5 elements and semantic elements such as article, aside, footer, nav, progress, and meter. Examples are given of how to implement these new features in HTML5.

CSS and CSS3
CSS and CSS3CSS and CSS3
CSS and CSS3

CSS3 provides new features for layout, typography, visual effects and graphics. Some key features include multiple column layout, rounded corners, box shadows, opacity, gradients, reflections, transforms and animations. Browser support for CSS3 is evolving with many properties requiring vendor prefixes. CSS3 brings more powerful and flexible options for designing user interfaces beyond what is possible with CSS2.

CSS Hack 3 - Helping your
content authors get things right
Content authors can spoil the party
A WordPress website with a fully accessible theme won't stay accessible
for long if your content authors aren't aware how they can affect
accessibility of pages and posts.
• Empty headings
• Forgetting to add meaningful alternate text for images
• Links that open a new window/tab
• Links with title attributes
So how can CSS help here?
Hooking into post/page preview
Most content authors will preview their posts or pages before submitting
them for review or putting them live.
So let's have some diagnostic CSS definitions in our main CSS file that
will show up when users preview.
Sadly, there is no 'preview' class that is included in the <body> element
by default.
But we could use the 'logged-in' class…
The logged-in class

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Ease into HTML5 and CSS3
Ease into HTML5 and CSS3Ease into HTML5 and CSS3
Ease into HTML5 and CSS3

HTML5 and CSS3 offer some great features that everyone is clamoring to use. However, not everyone can simply rip apart their site and redo all of their markup and styling across the board. There are some quick wins, especially with CSS3, to be had that you can integrate into your site without rewriting your whole entire site.

Rich and Beautiful: Making Attractive Apps in HTML5 [Wpg 2013]
Rich and Beautiful: Making Attractive Apps in HTML5 [Wpg 2013]Rich and Beautiful: Making Attractive Apps in HTML5 [Wpg 2013]
Rich and Beautiful: Making Attractive Apps in HTML5 [Wpg 2013]

End-users are shallow and vein when it comes to applications. Whether you are selling apps in the marketplace, or trying to engage business users, without a sexy user experience, it can be hard to get people interested. HTML5, although very practical and functional as a platform, can do wonders when it comes to making sexy software. In this session, we will take a deeper dive into the HTML5 tools that can make your application a looker and really look good. We will learn how to take a regular HTML5 application and turn it into a rich user experience that stands out in the crown in HTML5 application using features like SVG, Canvas, and Audio/Video.

HTML5, just another presentation :)
HTML5, just another presentation :)HTML5, just another presentation :)
HTML5, just another presentation :)

I based my presention on the great "HTML5 for Web designers" by Jeremy Keith. Awesome and pragmatic book, the way I like it. Get your copy on:

Adding some warnings with CSS…
Looking for images with blank alt attribute, and links that
open a new window.
.logged-in img[alt=""],
.logged-in a[target] {
outline: solid 3px gold;
More serious issues…
.logged-in a[title],
.logged-in img:not([alt]),
.logged-in img[title],
.logged-in img[src$=".svg"]:not([role="img"]),
.logged-in svg:not([role="img"]) {
outline: solid 3px red;
Empty elements
h1:empty, h2:empty, h3:empty,
h4:empty, h5:empty, h6:empty,
button:empty {
min-width: 5em;
min-height: 1em;
outline: solid 3px red;
Going even further…
h1:empty::after, h2:empty::after, h3:empty::after,
h4:empty::after, h5:empty::after, h6:empty::after {
position: absolute;
outline: solid 3px red;
min-width: 10px;
min-height: 1em;
top: 0;
color: red;
content: "Empty Header";

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Front end full stack development module 1pptx
Front end full stack development module 1pptxFront end full stack development module 1pptx
Front end full stack development module 1pptx

The document provides information about the CSE3150 module which covers HTML5 and CSS3. It includes the following topics: - Module I syllabus covers HTML5 syntax, attributes, events, forms, storage, canvas, and web sockets as well as CSS3 colors, gradients, and transforms. - An assignment to develop an HR policy website is given. - Comparisons between HTML4 and HTML5 are provided focusing on new elements, multimedia, forms, storage and responsive design in HTML5. - Information about code editors such as VS Code, Sublime Text, Atom, Brackets, and WebStorm is listed.

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Useful Accessibility Tools Version 3 - Jul 2021Useful Accessibility Tools Version 3 - Jul 2021
Useful Accessibility Tools Version 3 - Jul 2021

A collection of tools used to check websites for accessibility, and it some cases improve the accessibility of a website. All the tools are free, so have a go.

accessibilityweb accessibilitywebsites
So how do i know if my wordpress website is accessible - WordPress Accessibil...
So how do i know if my wordpress website is accessible - WordPress Accessibil...So how do i know if my wordpress website is accessible - WordPress Accessibil...
So how do i know if my wordpress website is accessible - WordPress Accessibil...

Testing websites for accessibility can be a daunting undertaking if it's not something you're familiar with. The WCAG 2.1 accessibility guidelines can be hard to follow. But actually, many aspects of digital accessibility are not that complicated. In this talk I move away from the impenetrable guidelines, and introduce a simpler series of yes/no questions that anyone can answer about their own website. In the time available it can't cover every single potential accessibility problem, but instead I focus on some of the most common, and most serious accessibility issues that I've found when reviewing websites. Where possible, I'll also talk about how you can fix any issues founds.

So let's try it out
Link with title attribute
Image with empty alt
Link that opens new window
Empty header
What else could we do?
• Empty table cells - especially if header cells.
• Over to you…
Thanks for listening
Any questions?
@coolfields 56

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Accessibility Hacks Wordcamp Manchester October 2018

  • 1. @coolfields1 Accessibility Hacks For life's little inaccessible moments…
  • 2. @coolfields A bit about me 2 I’m a… • Web Accessibility Consultant • WordPress Developer Photo by Mike Pead
  • 3. @coolfields What I'm going to cover Some small tweaks we can make when building accessible WP themes for ourselves and our clients. Specifically I'll be looking at: • Using SVG images in an accessible way. • CSS techniques that help with accessibility.
  • 4. @coolfields Using SVG • SVG images are vector graphics, as opposed to raster or bitmapped images like jpeg, png or gif. • SVG images are described by the lines and blocks and other shapes, combined to make up an entire images. • This means that they can be infinitely scaled without any pixellation. • And the file sizes are generally smaller than corresponding jpeg, png or gif. • But can they be accessed by assistive technology users?
  • 6. @coolfields Adding SVG files to web pages Uses the trusty <img> element with the alt attribute to give the accessible label… <img src="https://path/images/home.svg" alt="My logo"> So we're done here aren't we??
  • 7. @coolfields Using role="img" with SVG files Well, SVG support within screen reader is still in its infancy, so we need a helping hand from ARIA here... <img src="https://path/images/home.svg" alt="My logo" role="img"> This ensures that all screen readers can 'see' this image.
  • 8. @coolfields SVG files as links Now the destination is the important bit, so that's what the alt attribute should refer to. <a href="/"> <img src="https://path/images/home.svg" role="img" alt="Home Page"> </a>
  • 9. @coolfields SVG Hack 2 - Inline SVG
  • 10. @coolfields Inline SVG in web pages Example of inline SVG… <svg version="1.1" width="100" height="75"> <rect width="75" height="50" rx="20" ry="20" fill="#90ee90" stroke="#228b22" stroke-fill="1" /> </svg>
  • 11. @coolfields The challenge of inline SVG… • Inline SVG is invisible to screen readers • There is no <img> element • And there is no alt attribute you can use to give it some alternate text.
  • 12. @coolfields Using <title> with inline SVG To solve the issue, use the <title> element within the <svg> wrapper. But also, connect it with the aria-labelledby attribute so all screen readers can access the text in the <title> element. And we still need the role="img" too.
  • 13. @coolfields Using <title> with inline SVG So we end up with this… <svg version="1.1" width="100" height="75" aria- labelledby="title" role="img"> <title id="title">Green rectangle</title> <rect width="75" height="50" rx="20" ry="20" fill="#90ee90" stroke="#228b22" stroke-fill="1" /> </svg>
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  • 15. @coolfields Using <desc> with inline SVG So alternatively, use <desc> element within the <svg> wrapper. Once again, use aria-labelledby. <svg version="1.1" width="100" height="75" aria- labelledby="desc01" role="img"> <desc id="desc01">Green rectangle</desc> <rect width="75" height="50" rx="20" ry="20" fill="#90ee90" stroke="#228b22" stroke-fill="1" /> </svg>
  • 16. @coolfields Inline SVG in web pages How do screen readers interpret this?
  • 17. @coolfields Inline SVG and links What if your inline SVG needs to be a link?
  • 18. @coolfields Inline SVG and links Best solution - wrap link around SVG <a href="/"> <svg version="1.1" width="100" height="75" aria- labelledby="desc01" role="img"> <desc id="desc01">Home page</desc> <rect width="75" height="50" rx="20" ry="20" fill="#90ee90" stroke="#228b22" stroke-fill="1" /> </svg> </a>
  • 19. @coolfields The difference for screen readers How do screen readers interpret all this?
  • 20. @coolfields Getting SVG into WordPress pages • No native support for SVG in Media Manager. • We'd need to paste SVG into pages/posts. • Or need to rely on a plugin… • There are a few available, but these next two seem the most popular. • But can they give us accessible SVG??
  • 21. @coolfields SVG Support plugin Does not include role in <img> tag, but does include alt. Does not include role in <svg> tag, does not include <title> element in inline SVG. Plugin author is aware and has responded positively to my comments: accessibility/
  • 22. @coolfields Safe SVG plugin Does not include role in <img> tag, but does include alt. Does not cater for inline SVG. Plugin author contacted very recently.
  • 23. @coolfields CSS Accessibility Hacks CSS techniques can be used to help ensure accessibility within websites: • Providing extra context for links, buttons and other elements • Help with testing accessibility during theme development • Accessibility help for content authors once a site is live
  • 24. @coolfields CSS Hack 1 - Screen reader text
  • 25. @coolfields Why screen reader text What's it for? A way of providing extra information for screen reader users that is not seen by sighted users. Can be used to: • Provide real text when icons are used • Provide skip links • Disambiguate links like 'Read more' on a blog index page
  • 26. @coolfields How to use screen reader text Define a class in your CSS .accessibleHidden{ border: 0; clip: rect(0 0 0 0); height: 1px; width: 1px; margin: -1px; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; position: absolute !important; }
  • 27. @coolfields How to use screen reader text Use the class in your HTML <span class="accessibleHidden">This is hidden from sighted users, but accessible by screen readers</span> Don't use these styles, as they will hide content from screen readers as well: • display:none • visibility:hidden
  • 28. @coolfields It's used in WordPress themes
  • 29. @coolfields It's used in WordPress admin Screen reader text can be found in the WP admin screens.
  • 30. @coolfields Wouldn't aria-label do the same? To a point, yes. aria-label can be used on elements with set roles - like links, buttons, dialogues, etc. But aria-label won't work for plain text items… • Alternatives to icons in product comparison tables • Explaining what values mean on pages.
  • 31. @coolfields32 CSS Hack 2 - Testing accessibility during development
  • 32. @coolfields Ensuring landmarks are used properly Wait, landmarks? What are they? • A way of defining discrete regions of a page. • For example banner, navigation, main content, etc. • Increasingly used by screen reader users to help them navigate around pages. • Sometimes indicated by role="navigation", role="main", etc
  • 33. @coolfields Ensuring landmarks are used properly And if you think you're not using them, you probably are anyway - if you use these HTML5 elements: • <nav> • <main> and in certain situations… • <header>, <footer> • <section>, <article> These are all understood as landmarks, by screen readers.
  • 34. @coolfields Ensuring landmarks are used properly <header role="banner"> <nav role="navigation"> <footer role="contentinfo"> <main role="main"> <aside role= "complementary"> <form role="search">
  • 35. @coolfields Ensuring landmarks are used properly The key thing is if you're using them, they need to be used properly. And all content on the page needs to be in at least one landmark, or screen reader users may miss key bits. You can use a browser extension to highlight the landmarks on a page, but it's not always possible to see whether or not all content is within one.
  • 36. @coolfields Enter accessibility.css In your dev environment you could have a CSS file that could be temporarily attached to your pages - say accessibility.css…
  • 37. @coolfields accessibility.css main, nav, header, footer, section[aria-labelledby], section[aria-label], form[aria- labelledby], form[aria-label], [role="banner"], [role="navigation"], [role="main"], [role="contentinfo"], [role="complementary"], [role="search"], [role="form"], [role="region"][aria-label], [role="region"][aria-labelledby] { background-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.1); outline:3px solid red; color:#000; }
  • 38. @coolfields accessibility.css Now we want to 'unselect' <header> and <footer> elements that are contained within <main>, <article>, <nav> and <section> - these are not counted as landmarks by browsers and screen readers. main header, article header, aside header, nav header, section header, main footer, article footer, aside footer, nav footer, section footer { background-color: transparent; outline:none; }
  • 39. @coolfields What does that look like? Note that the breadcrumb navigation is not contained within any of the landmarks.
  • 40. @coolfields So what else could we do? Images without alt attributes: img:not([alt]) { outline: solid 3px red; } SVG files without the role="img" attribute: img[href$=".svg"]:not([role="img"]) { outline: solid 3px red; }
  • 41. @coolfields So what else could we do? Empty links: a:not([name]):empty { outline: solid 3px red; } Empty buttons: button:empty { outline: solid 3px red; }
  • 42. @coolfields So what else could we do? Images where the title attribute has been used: img[title] { outline: solid 3px red; }
  • 43. @coolfields So what else could we do? Links with title attributes, or that open a new window: a[title], a[target] { outline: solid 3px gold; } Images with empty alt attributes: img[alt=""] { outline: solid 3px gold; }
  • 44. @coolfields What does that look like? Link with title attribute present Button with no content
  • 45. @coolfields46 CSS Hack 3 - Helping your content authors get things right
  • 46. @coolfields Content authors can spoil the party A WordPress website with a fully accessible theme won't stay accessible for long if your content authors aren't aware how they can affect accessibility of pages and posts. Examples: • Empty headings • Forgetting to add meaningful alternate text for images • Links that open a new window/tab • Links with title attributes So how can CSS help here?
  • 47. @coolfields Hooking into post/page preview Most content authors will preview their posts or pages before submitting them for review or putting them live. So let's have some diagnostic CSS definitions in our main CSS file that will show up when users preview. Sadly, there is no 'preview' class that is included in the <body> element by default. But we could use the 'logged-in' class…
  • 49. @coolfields Adding some warnings with CSS… Looking for images with blank alt attribute, and links that open a new window. .logged-in img[alt=""], .logged-in a[target] { outline: solid 3px gold; }
  • 50. @coolfields More serious issues… .logged-in a[title], .logged-in img:not([alt]), .logged-in img[title], .logged-in img[src$=".svg"]:not([role="img"]), .logged-in svg:not([role="img"]) { outline: solid 3px red; }
  • 51. @coolfields Empty elements h1:empty, h2:empty, h3:empty, h4:empty, h5:empty, h6:empty, a:not([name]):empty, button:empty { display:block; position:relative; min-width: 5em; min-height: 1em; outline: solid 3px red; }
  • 52. @coolfields Going even further… h1:empty::after, h2:empty::after, h3:empty::after, h4:empty::after, h5:empty::after, h6:empty::after { position: absolute; outline: solid 3px red; min-width: 10px; min-height: 1em; top: 0; color: red; content: "Empty Header"; }
  • 53. @coolfields So let's try it out Link with title attribute present Image with empty alt attribute Link that opens new window Empty header
  • 54. @coolfields What else could we do? • Empty table cells - especially if header cells. • Over to you…
  • 55. @coolfields Thanks for listening Any questions? @coolfields 56

Editor's Notes

  1. I work with organisations to help them improve the accessibility of their digital offerings. Do accessibility testing and guide designers and developers in solutions to the issues found. WordPress developer – have built many accessible websites using WordPress. I've delivered presentations to WordCamps in London, Sheffield, Edinburgh, Lancaster, Bournemouth – and a number of WordPress meetup groups. This is me in Sheffield a couple of years ago. The presentation is called So, How Do I Know if My WordPress Website is Accessible and focusses on easy accessibility tests that you can do on your own WordPress website. If you've not seen me do that one – and I know that some of you have - the slides are still on Slideshare , and the deck has been viewed over 12,000 times now.