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A 5-Minute Guide 
to Delivering Flawless 
Mobile Apps
A 5-Minute Guide 
to Delivering Flawless 
Mobile Apps 
Specially for Mobile Testers
Evolution of Mobile Phone Usage 
Feature Phone – a simple communication device
Evolution of Mobile Phone Usage 
Smart Phone – a multi-purpose gadget

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Training Opportunity: Certified Mobile App Professional (CMAP) Testing
Training Opportunity: Certified Mobile App Professional (CMAP) TestingTraining Opportunity: Certified Mobile App Professional (CMAP) Testing
Training Opportunity: Certified Mobile App Professional (CMAP) Testing

Downloaded an app onto your phone lately? With app downloads mounting into the billions each year, there is a need for general standards in the creation and usage of mobile technology – and this provides a great opportunity for training companies: Meet Certified Mobile App Professional (CMAP). CMAP is a certification from the International Software Quality Institute (ISQI) specifically designed for anyone involved in Mobile App Testing. A great next step for those with Foundation Level certificate as “ISTQB Certified Tester” (CTFL). Agenda: Introduction: What will you learn today? About CMAP The Challenges of Mobile App Testing Business Needs Go-To-Market Strategies for CMAP How to Get Started Questions & Answers

cmapcertified mobile app professionalyaron tsubery
Cloud based Testing Mobile Apps
Cloud based Testing Mobile AppsCloud based Testing Mobile Apps
Cloud based Testing Mobile Apps

Cloud-based testing provides an effective way to test mobile apps across various devices and environments. Key benefits include access to many real devices globally through a web-based interface, ability to control testing processes remotely, and pay-per-use pricing. Challenges include firewall exceptions, application tuning, and security and performance issues across different cloud platforms. Best practices for cloud-based mobile testing include thorough test planning and execution across multiple devices to simulate real-world user experiences.

Mobile App Testing
Mobile App TestingMobile App Testing
Mobile App Testing

This document discusses mobile application testing. It begins with an introduction of the author and their position at Seesaa Viet Nam .Co.,Ltd. It then covers topics such as what a mobile application is, the challenges of testing mobile apps, how mobile application testing is done, and the differences between testing mobile apps versus mobile web apps. It emphasizes using test automation, emulators, and actual devices during the testing process. It concludes with best practices for mobile application testing such as understanding the network and device landscape and performing various types of testing on actual devices.

Increasing development of Mobile Applications for 
Android, iOS, Windows and Blackberry platforms
Some Statistics About Mobile Apps
Total Number of Apps in App Stores 
iPhone Android Windows Blackberry
Total App Downloads 
iPhone Android Windows Blackberry

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Hp perfecto webinar - UFT Mobile
Hp perfecto webinar - UFT MobileHp perfecto webinar - UFT Mobile
Hp perfecto webinar - UFT Mobile

The document discusses building an enterprise-grade mobile testing strategy. It recommends starting with tools that fit your current workflow and then transforming your strategy over time to improve coverage, reliability, and governance. A balanced strategy considers factors like time to market, device and network coverage, and existing tools and processes. The document describes using HP UFT Mobile for test automation across real mobile devices and emulators at scale.

mobile test automationuft mobileperfecto mobile
Mobile Testing in the Cloud
Mobile Testing in the CloudMobile Testing in the Cloud
Mobile Testing in the Cloud

Today, organizations are rapidly deploying mobile versions of their customer-facing and internal applications. With the prevalence of more agile-based approaches and the challenge of an ever-increasing diversity of devices and OS versions, testers are being asked to accomplish more testing in less time. Rachel Obstler shares how leading enterprises are improving the efficiency of their mobile testing using automation, and how they identify the right processes and tools for the job. Sharing some fascinating statistics from their recent mobile quality survey of more than 69,000 mobile app developers and QA organizations in the top US enterprises, Rachel dives into the challenges identified in the survey and shares five clear ways to improve your testing process: implementing a collaborative agile process, optimizing with a development tool that naturally facilitates testing, using a combination of real and emulated devices—and when to use them, and more.

software testingmobilecloud
Mobile Testing in the Cloud
Mobile Testing in the CloudMobile Testing in the Cloud
Mobile Testing in the Cloud

Helping QA organizations manage the challenges of a mobile-first world. Join Rachel Obstler, Sr. Director of Product Management with Keynote Systems as she covers how organizations are rapidly deploying mobile versions of their customer-facing and internal applications. With the prevalence of more agile-based approaches and the challenge of an ever-increasing diversity of devices and OS versions, testers are being asked to accomplish more testing in less time. Rachel shares how leading enterprises are improving the efficiency of their mobile testing using automation, and how they identify the right processes and tools for the job. Sharing some fascinating statistics from their recent mobile quality survey of more than 69,000 mobile app developers and QA organizations in the top US enterprises, Rachel dives into the challenges identified in the survey and shares how to improve your testing process through optimizing your device testing strategy, and automating your mobile tests.

keynotekeynote systemssqe
Interesting Facts about Mobile 
U 86% of time on Native Apps 
Research, April 2014
There are over 450,000 mobile apps installed 
in over 1.3 billion devices worldwide - Flurry 
Research, April 2014
By 2015, 80% of application development will 
be for smartphones & tablets – Gartner 

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6 tips for choosing the right app testing tool
6 tips for choosing the right app testing tool6 tips for choosing the right app testing tool
6 tips for choosing the right app testing tool

Mobile app performance testing provides several key benefits: 1) It helps improve an app's scalability by analyzing how the app performs under standard and high loads to ensure it can handle increased traffic and users. 2) It helps reduce costs by identifying bugs, bottlenecks and errors before launch to prevent downtime that could impact revenue. 3) It helps optimize user engagement by testing an app's onboarding process and performance across different devices and platforms. 4) It helps validate that an app's features and functions deliver as intended without impacting work speed or quality.

Mobile Test Coverage- Israel 4th meetup
Mobile Test Coverage- Israel 4th meetupMobile Test Coverage- Israel 4th meetup
Mobile Test Coverage- Israel 4th meetup

Assuring mobile test coverage depends on right devices, os version, environment parameters and requires a clear methodology which can meet the future changes in the market.


This document discusses building a Testing Center of Excellence (TCoE). It describes different models for a TCoE including a Testing Process CoE, Infrastructure & Tools CoE, and Non-Functional Testing (NFT) & Automation CoE. It outlines the pre-setup activities, services, critical success factors, and key considerations for successfully implementing each of these CoE models. The document concludes by describing the ecosystem and spectrum of services that a TCoE can provide.

The number of mobile app users will reach to 
4.4 billion by 2017 and will generate revenue 
of $63.5 billion – Portio Research, 2012
Increasing Mobile Apps = More 
The increasing adoption and popularity of 
mobile apps compel more companies to 
develop mobile apps. This means more 
Time to Deliver Quality Apps 
Increasing competition triggers the need to stay 
ahead of the curve with quality deliverables. 
Explosion of 
Mobile Apps 
Competition to 
Serve Market 
Need to 
Challenges in Developing Quality 
Mobile Apps 
 Variety Of Handsets 
 Myriads Of Screen Sizes 
 Different Screen Resolutions 
 Orientation Dynamics 
 Different Operating Systems

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How Digital Changed the Game... and how to cross platform test for it
How Digital Changed the Game... and how to cross platform test for itHow Digital Changed the Game... and how to cross platform test for it
How Digital Changed the Game... and how to cross platform test for it

Covered in this webinar: - Today's Digital Reality and Challenges - Perfecto's CQ Digital Lab - Devices and Platforms - Perfecto's Open Source Strategy - DEMO - Q & A By the end of this webinar, you'll be able to tackle the challenges of the digital experience and recommend the best solutions for your clients.

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SynapseIndia mobile apps

SynapseIndia mobile apps SynapseIndia Iphone Apps, SynapseIndia Android Apps, SynapseIndia Mobile Apps,

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Mobile Testing Service Desk_Own.ppt
Mobile Testing Service Desk_Own.pptMobile Testing Service Desk_Own.ppt
Mobile Testing Service Desk_Own.ppt

Mobile users have high expectations for apps, with nearly 80% deleting apps after first use due to bad design, slow loading, or crashes. Testing mobile apps is challenging due to a variety of devices, platforms, and user expectations. An effective mobile testing strategy uses a combination of emulators, physical devices, cloud/mobile testing tools, and both automated and manual testing methods across the application lifecycle to ensure quality, performance, and reliability.

This increases Customer Opt-out
What is Customer Opt-out?
What is Customer Opt-out? 
Apps used once and eventually deleted 
by users.
According to a survey conducted by Compuware 
and Mobilewalla, 80%-90% of apps are used 
once and eventually deleted by users.

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How to Test on the Right Mobile Platforms
How to Test on the Right Mobile PlatformsHow to Test on the Right Mobile Platforms
How to Test on the Right Mobile Platforms

Your mobile test plan can't be adhoc. Watch this webinar and learn how to start testing more methodically to provide test coverage that reflects your users and ensures a great digital experience. We'll cover the most important insights from the latest issue of the Digital Mobile Test Coverage Index, including benchmarks, geographies and the latest devices and OS's that app developers and testers need to know.

testingcontinuous qualitymobile application development
Juc oct 2014 final
Juc oct 2014 finalJuc oct 2014 final
Juc oct 2014 final

This document discusses extending continuous integration (CI) practices to mobile projects by integrating real devices into the testing process. It summarizes: 1. Plugging real devices into Jenkins allows for automatically deploying builds and performing automated functional testing on each build cycle. 2. A demonstration shows connecting a mobile testing cloud to a Jenkins build to deploy apps and run tests in parallel on real devices. 3. Using real devices for testing provides real feedback that emulators cannot, and helps shift testing left in the development cycle for continuous quality.

continuous integrationperfecto mobilecontinuous quality
Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari
Mobile Application Testing by Javed AnsariMobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari
Mobile Application Testing by Javed Ansari

This document discusses various topics related to mobile application testing. It covers what mobile application testing is, why it is important, challenges, different testing methodologies like legacy testing, behavior driven testing and crowd sourcing. It also discusses types of testing like functionality, UI, interruption, security and performance testing. Tools for testing on emulators and actual devices are compared. Specific test areas like UI, interruption, gesture testing are described.

mobile ui testingmobile interruption testingenterprise mobility
The same survey by Mobilewalla also 
revealed reasons for Customer Opt-outs
Reasons for Customer Opt-outs 
Applications crash or display errors after 
download – 62% of users reported
Reasons for Customer Opt-outs 
The downloaded applications run slow 
- 47% of users reported
Reasons for Customer Opt-outs 
Applications do not launch after download 
– 40% of users reported

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Mobile App Testing Strategy by RapidValue Solutions
Mobile App Testing Strategy by RapidValue SolutionsMobile App Testing Strategy by RapidValue Solutions
Mobile App Testing Strategy by RapidValue Solutions

There has been an increase in the adoption of smartphones, tablets and several mobile devices with the passage of time. And it has led to an enormous growth of mobile applications in recent years. Mobile device is considered to be the primary medium of interaction for the customers and also, businesses worldwide. And mobile applications are, actually, driving the communication. People, generally, do not give much importance to mobile application testing because of its expensive nature. But it is very much essential to ensure that the consumers have a great experience, every time they use the application. The aim of mobile application testing should be to acquire knowledge about the quality of the service that you are offering. Does it work properly or not? Will it provide services as per the expectation of the customer? These questions need to be answered to ensure that the customer comes back to you, for your service again. Mobile testing is becoming more and more complicated and complex with each passing day. Strategies are invented and used to simplify the mobile application testing. This presentation primarily addresses, the strategy to be adopted in mobile app testing, the types of mobile app testing and the stages to be followed, before the application is set live.

mobile app testingmobile application testingnetwork testing
Mobile Test Automation- Reduce Your Test Time To Market
Mobile Test Automation- Reduce Your Test Time To MarketMobile Test Automation- Reduce Your Test Time To Market
Mobile Test Automation- Reduce Your Test Time To Market

The testing process is vital for an application’s survival. Mobile test automation saves a lot of time and effort in comparison to manual testing. With the growing demand for mobile apps, new applications are developed to cater various platforms. Therefore, it has become imperative to have a robust automation framework that can help automate applications on any platform. Check out the PPT to know more about mobile test automation. To get to Know about BugRaptors' testing portfolio, visit

mobile app testingmobile app testing servicesmobile app testing tools
TestingWhiz-Code Less, Test More
TestingWhiz-Code Less, Test MoreTestingWhiz-Code Less, Test More
TestingWhiz-Code Less, Test More

TestingWhizeasilyautomatesthetestingofwebapplicationsacrossmultiplebrowsersbyrecordingteststepsjustonceandplayingthem back in any browser. It supports distributed test execution by running tests on multiple computers through a shared server. TestingWhizalsoallowsforautomatedregressiontestingbyrecordingteststepsintoregressiontest suites. It offers features like web UI comparison using pixel-by-pixel analysis, language translation, database testing, scheduling tests, and CAPTCHA automation through server-side APIs.

test automationmobile test automationagile testing
Reasons for Customer Opt-outs 
Applications do not function as expected 
- 37% users reported
If your application falls into any of the above 
four spaces, then it is tough to survive in the 
market and meet the desired business goals.
How to ensure flawless mobile apps
Mobile App Testing

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Some strategies for a business to use on social media

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Nintex Workflow 2010 adds powerful graphical workflow design, management tools, and over 100 actions to SharePoint 2010 workflows. It allows users to design, deploy, track and reuse workflows entirely within SharePoint without the need for additional software. Nintex Workflow enhances SharePoint workflows by making them easier to learn and use, more capable of modeling real-world business logic, and more governable and reusable across organizations.

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Cygnet CRM Solutions

Cygnet provides end-to-end Dynamics CRM solutions and services including consulting, implementation, customization, integration, migration, and maintenance support to help businesses improve sales, marketing and customer support. CRM is often considered a business strategy that enables companies to manage customer relationships and data across different business functions. The document then lists and describes various CRM solutions, features, reports, and trends including enterprise CRM, social CRM, mobile CRM, and how CRM is used for functions like marketing, sales, and customer service.

crmcrm indiamicrosoft
Why Mobile App Testing 
Mobile app testing ensures usability, scalability, quality, 
performance and security of mobile apps which is the 
key to let your apps soar high in the marketplace with 
excellent ratings.
But, it is difficult to conduct mobile 
app testing because…
There are frequent feature enhancements, 
version, and OS upgrades requiring continuous 
regression testing cycles 
Test Upgrade
Common challenges of performing mobile 
app testing

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Upgrade webinar
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Upgrade webinar

This document provides an overview of upgrading from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013. It discusses some key things to know before upgrading such as hardware requirements being higher and claims-based authentication being dominant. It also summarizes the valid upgrade methods, supported database types, and new features in SharePoint 2013 like the removal of the pre-upgrade checker tool and upgrades being handled at the site collection level rather than farm level. The document also provides guidance on testing upgrade evaluation site collections and running the upgrade process.

SharePoint Workflow Migration
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SharePoint Workflow Migration

This 60 min webinar will introduce you to all the ideas and best practices for migration of SharePoint workflows from SP2010 to SP2013. After this webinar, you will be able to plan your migration strategy for SharePoint workflows - an important component in the overall SharePoint architecture. Our SharePoint Expert Consultant will share his personal experiences of migrating workflows in SharePoint. Overview of the Webinar Topics - Personal Experiences in Workflow Migration - 5 Steps to Migrate SharePoint OOTB Workflows - 4 Keys to Migrate SharePoint Designer Workflows - 3 Challenges in Migrating SharePoint Custom Workflows - Workflow Migration using Visual Studio 2012 - Leveraging Workflow Manager in SharePoint 2013

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Launching Performance Support: It's the Message That Matters
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If your boss asks you to develop a performance support solution, do you know here to begin? There are varying definitions and degrees of understanding of what "performance support" means in practice. There are critical first steps to take when designing a solution that fits the needs and culture of your organization. Success is a balance of proper planning and figuring out how to address "what's in it for me?" for your stakeholders. This session explores cases of integrating performance support into learning strategy, with examples of how the speakers are adapting their training design processes. The goal is to make the five moments of learning need the focus instead of an afterthought. Using a case study detailing the launch of an initial performance support effort for a Federal agency, the speakers will examine valuable lessons for anyone launching their first performance support solution. They'll also study lessons from other first-time performance support efforts that reinforce the importance of a client champion, and the consequences of not clearly explaining what you're doing and why. This session will introduce basic skills and approaches that anyone can use to get started with a performance support project.

performance supporttrainingtraining strategy
Common challenges of performing mobile 
app testing 
Different Operating Systems
Common challenges of performing mobile 
app testing 
Variety of Devices
Common challenges of performing mobile 
app testing 
Network Incompatibility
Common challenges of performing mobile 
app testing 
Differences in UI & Navigation

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This document provides 10 reasons why a SharePoint migration may fail: 1) Lack of knowledge about SharePoint and its underlying technologies. 2) Ignoring training which helps with adoption and success. 3) Poor communication about the changes to users. 4) Relying only on database attach upgrades without considering custom solutions. 5) Not building a new architecture to take advantage of SharePoint 2013 features. 6) Not inventorying and testing all sites for upgrade issues. 7) Lack of governance, information architecture, and migration planning. 8) Not defining clear and measurable goals for a successful migration. 9) Underestimating the importance of branding for user experience

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Increased Time, Cost & Effort for testing a single app 
against different Operating Systems, Screen Sizes, 
Navigations & Networks
Then how to ensure great mobile 
Then how to ensure great mobile 
The answer lies in… 
Test Automation

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1) The document discusses the opportunity for technology to improve organizational efficiency and transition economies into a "smart and clean world." 2) It argues that aggregate efficiency has stalled at around 22% for 30 years due to limitations of the Second Industrial Revolution, but that digitizing transport, energy, and communication through technologies like blockchain can help manage resources and increase efficiency. 3) Technologies like precision agriculture, cloud computing, robotics, and autonomous vehicles may allow for "dematerialization" and do more with fewer physical resources through effects like reduced waste and need for transportation/logistics infrastructure.

Choosing the Right Testing Strategy to Scale up Mobile App Testing.pdf
Choosing the Right Testing Strategy to Scale up Mobile App Testing.pdfChoosing the Right Testing Strategy to Scale up Mobile App Testing.pdf
Choosing the Right Testing Strategy to Scale up Mobile App Testing.pdf

The document discusses the importance of developing a robust mobile app testing strategy to handle the challenges of mobile app testing at scale. It outlines 14 key elements that should be considered when creating a testing strategy, including device selection, deciding between automated and manual testing, network connectivity testing, performance testing, and security testing. The document stresses the need for a balanced approach that blends automated and manual testing techniques to effectively test mobile apps.

mobile app testing strategy
App Development Testing, App Testing Tools and Technologies 2023
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App Development Testing, App Testing Tools and Technologies 2023

At Xduce, our application testing services can help you significantly in testing your application and help you ensure quality at every level from inception till delivery.

app developmentapp development testingapp testing
What is Test Automation? 
Test automation is the key to ensuring quality 
and performance of apps in rapid roll-outs and 
agile market. 
Automation testing promises to test 
applications quickly and efficiently reducing 
the overall time-to-market.
Reasons to prefer Automation 
Testing for Mobile Apps over 
Traditional Testing
Reduces effort, time and cost of regression 
testing for mobile apps after every version 
Increases efficiency, resulting in accomplishing 
the release cycles ahead of schedule

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Welcome to What is website development? Due to the enormous diversity and extensive usage of mobile devices, providing excellent experiences on mobile is particularly difficult and gratifying. We discuss the difficulties involved with testing mobile applications in this guide, along with practical solutions. What Is Testing for Mobile Applications? Applications that are being created for mobile devices are tested using a procedure called mobile application testing. The primary goals are to test the apps' usability, stability, and functioning. For an app to survive in the market today, mobile application testing is essential. The application is also tested in numerous other areas, such as its performance, security, and UI, to provide the best quality for the end users. Various Mobile Apps The three primary categories of mobile applications are as follows: Native apps are those that are created App Testing specifically for a given platform or operating system (OS). They have the extra benefit of being faster and more dependable in terms of performance because they concentrate on a single OS, but they are expensive to maintain. Web apps: Similar to native apps, web apps have the primary distinction of being accessible on mobile devices using a web browser. Although it was inexpensive to design, it is totally reliant on the device's browser. Apps that combine native and web-based functionality are known as hybrid apps. The HTML and JavaScript files are shown in a full-screen format using a web view control. These apps are easy to create and affordable, but they lack the speed and power of native apps. It's time to start automating the test cases if you have a mobile application and have been running the same tests for it release after release in order to save time, effort, and increase your ROI. You should do this by spending money on a solution that enables automation in your mobile application. The Benefits of Mobile Testing for Your App To ensure compatibility, usability, and consistency, apps must currently be tested across a range of mobile platforms and operating systems. Automation testing can be used to create apps that are adaptable to different platforms and scalable. It makes sense to use automation for a variety of repetitive processes, including regression and performance testing, as manual testing is time-consuming, expensive, and prone to errors. The use of automated testing will enable testers to swiftly check for mistakes, flaws, and vulnerabilities in the application's new or most recent updates or changes. Furthermore, it aids them in: • Conducted parallel testing on multiple devices • Tests on reuse • Obtain better protection • Get a higher ROI Types And Techniques Of Testing Mobile Applications To find as many flaws as they can in various settings and scenarios, testers of mobile apps need a diversity of testing abilities and methods. For QA personnel to get started, the following are some essential mobile testing types and

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10 Most Effective Strategies for Mobile App Testing.pptx
10 Most Effective Strategies for Mobile App Testing.pptx10 Most Effective Strategies for Mobile App Testing.pptx
10 Most Effective Strategies for Mobile App Testing.pptx

Mobile app testing plays a vital role in identifying and resolving potential issues. And also helps improve functionality and enhance user satisfaction. Here we will explore essential strategies for mobile app testing. Hire dedicated QA tester team Canada for comprehensive testing. If you are seeking such a QA testing team, then collaborate with Oprim.For more visit us at :- or Call us at +1 (833) 556-7746

hire dedicated qa tester team
Quality Assurance and mobile applications!
Quality Assurance and mobile applications!Quality Assurance and mobile applications!
Quality Assurance and mobile applications!

Quality assurance is the planned and systematic set of activities that ensures that software processes and products conform to requirements, standards, and procedures. Processes include all of the activities involved in designing, developing, enhancing, and maintaining software. Products include the software, associated data, its documentation, and all supporting and reporting paperwork. QA includes the process of assuring that standards and procedures are established and are followed throughout the software development lifecycle. Standards are the established criteria to which the software products are compared. Procedures are the established criteria to which the development and control processes are compared. Compliance with established requirements, standards, and procedures is evaluated through process monitoring, product evaluation, audits, and testing. The three mutually supportive activities involved in the software development lifecycle are management, engineering, and quality assurance. Software management is the set of activities involved in planning, controlling, and directing the software project. Quality assurance at CodeMyMobile is a high priority and forms an integral part of our Mobile app development lifecycle.

Accelerates the process of identifying and 
reporting defects in the program and 
functioning of the given app
Delivers consistent, repeatable and improved 
testing processes
Provides better test coverage and resource 
Saves human resources to focus on advanced 

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Why Is Mobile App Automation Crucial for Your Business?
Why Is Mobile App Automation Crucial for Your Business?Why Is Mobile App Automation Crucial for Your Business?
Why Is Mobile App Automation Crucial for Your Business?

Supercharge your mobile app success! Learn why automation is vital for businesses, streamlining development, optimizing performance, and delighting users.

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Challenges In Mobile App Testing and Their Solution.pdf
Challenges In Mobile App Testing and Their Solution.pdfChallenges In Mobile App Testing and Their Solution.pdf
Challenges In Mobile App Testing and Their Solution.pdf

Mobile app testing faces many challenges due to device fragmentation, rapidly changing technology, and short development cycles. Some solutions to these challenges include automated testing tools, cloud-based testing platforms, and testing on actual devices rather than just emulators. Adopting strategies like automation, continuous testing, and usability and security testing can help ensure apps work across different devices and environments while meeting user needs.

mobile app testing
App Testing Tools and Frameworks A Comparative Analysis.pdf
App Testing Tools and Frameworks A Comparative Analysis.pdfApp Testing Tools and Frameworks A Comparative Analysis.pdf
App Testing Tools and Frameworks A Comparative Analysis.pdf

Welcome To App Testing Tools and Frameworks: A Comparative Analysis Because they provide convenience, enjoyment, and utility, mobile applications have become an essential part of our daily lives. The rivalry among developers is intense as the demand for these apps keeps growing. Delivering a top-notch, bug-free mobile application is essential for standing out in the crowded app market. Mobile app testing becomes crucial in this situation. App testing involves assessing a mobile app to make sure it works as intended, satisfies user expectations, and syncs up with App Testing different devices and operating systems. An effective testing method can find problems and fix them, improving user satisfaction, raising ratings, and eventually increasing the likelihood of success in the app market. This in-depth introduction to mobile app testing will cover the significance of. Content • Applications for Mobile Devices • How can a mobile app be tested? • Mobile App Functional Testing Checklist • Mobile App Usability Testing Checklist • Mobile App Performance Testing Checklist • Mobile App Security Testing Checklist Applications for Mobile Devices Let's first grasp the different types of applications before delving into the technicalities of mobile app testing. The three categories of mobile applications SEO Expate Bangladesh Ltd are as follows: Mobile Application Types Testing. Native apps are created specifically for a given operating system, as their name suggests. These programs do not support other operating systems; for example, apps made for Android OS will only run on Android OS-compatible devices; they will not run on iOS or Windows OS-compatible devices. These programs must first be loaded on the devices utilizing the online stores made accessible for the respective operating systems; for example, users can use the "Play Store" to download Android apps. Developers create these apps using native device APIs and UI, providing a positive user experience. How can a mobile app be tested? Mobile application testing is quite similar to other software testing in that a test strategy must be created prior to beginning the actual testing of the application.Among many other things, the test plan should include the scope of the testing, testing strategies or approaches for each type of testing, hardware and environment requirements, and a list of automation tools (if any). The testing team must also develop thorough test cases and scenarios with test data. Additionally, since not every scenario can be tested using automation technologies, the testing team must decide whether to use automated testing. The group must decide which test cases or locations will use automation technologies. Mobile App Functional Testing Checklist • Functional testing for mobile apps involves evaluating the features or functionalities of the created application. • Check the fields' validations. Mandatory checks, character checks, length checks, and error warnings are all exam

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What are the Key Points to be kept in mind 
before implementing Test Automation for 
Mobile Apps
Conduct Feasibility Study 
Conduct feasibility study to identify whether automation 
testing of the app is really feasible and whether it will really 
provide the expected results and benefits.
Create Proof-of-Concepts 
It is necessary to have proof-of-concepts ready before 
actually implementing test automation for mobile apps.
Select Framework 
Select a framework that gives the suitable methodology of 
testing a specific mobile application which will also serve as 
a foundation of the entire test automation project.

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A Mobile Application Testing Guide for Optimizing Apps.pptx
A Mobile Application Testing Guide for Optimizing Apps.pptxA Mobile Application Testing Guide for Optimizing Apps.pptx
A Mobile Application Testing Guide for Optimizing Apps.pptx

Navigate in-depth through mobile application testing and learn about its importance, effective deployment strategies, and how mobile app testing tools help develop perfect mobile apps to improve user experience and business outcomes.

mobile appstesting
7 Factors to Consider While Developing Mobile Apps
7 Factors to Consider While Developing Mobile Apps7 Factors to Consider While Developing Mobile Apps
7 Factors to Consider While Developing Mobile Apps

The document discusses 7 key factors to consider while developing mobile apps: 1) designing an intuitive user interface through crowd testing, 2) ensuring functionality and usability, 3) addressing compatibility across different devices and platforms, 4) accounting for variable internet bandwidth and interruptions through crowd-sourced testing, 5) planning for scalability as the app gains users, 6) allowing for updates and upgrades with additional testing, and 7) addressing security vulnerabilities. It recommends creating a comprehensive testing strategy addressing these factors to deliver a high quality app experience.

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Mobile application-testing for shanethatech
Mobile application-testing for shanethatechMobile application-testing for shanethatech
Mobile application-testing for shanethatech

This document discusses best practices for mobile application testing. It identifies several challenges of mobile testing, including device variation, lack of testing tools, need for skilled automation specialists, and cloud computing issues. It recommends a testing strategy that utilizes emulators, mobile cloud solutions with remote devices, and some real device testing. It also recommends automating tests to reduce manual work. The document outlines various types of mobile application tests, including usability, compatibility, interface, services, performance, security, and more. It stresses the importance of addressing the challenges of mobile testing to successfully deliver high quality mobile apps.

software testingmobile application testingshanethatech
Select the right mix of Simulators & Emulators 
Create combinations of simulators (software systems) and 
emulators (physical devices) with different memories and 
processors to understand different mechanisms and working of 
the application. This will help maximize test coverage
Select the Test Automation Tool 
Having a right test automation tool in place is also necessary to 
attain the desired level of testing and reduce the cost of 
regression testing. This will be beneficial for apps that require 
repetitive testing due to frequent upgrades.
Consider Network Environment 
It is also important to consider the primary network 
environment to base the testing project. Besides, one must also 
deploy tools to stimulate the different network connectivity and 
response of the application under test.
Analyze Type of Testing 
Tester must also analyze the different types of testing 
(functional, performance, security, and compliance) to check 
the different aspects of the given application.

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Mobile App Testing.pdf
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Welcome To Mobile App Testing Mobile app testing entails evaluating an app's usability, functionality, aesthetics, and consistency across various mobile devices. Regardless of the device used to access the app, it ensures the best user experience. Here is everything you need to know about mobile app testing, how to do it correctly, and why it matters for teams and developers creating more device-independent mobile apps. What is testing for mobile apps? Mobile app testing, as the name suggests, is the procedure of evaluating an Android or iOS mobile app for usability and functioning prior to its general release. Mobile app testing enables users to confirm whether an app satisfies the expected business and technical criteria. Teams must test apps across a range of screen resolutions, operating system iterations, and network bandwidths in order to conduct successful mobile app testing. When the app is made available to the general public, this helps to assure flawless performance across a variety of device setups. • Mobile app testing generally entails the following: • Evaluating the performance of apps on various OS versions (such as Android 7.0, 8.0, etc.) • Examining how an application would look in landscape and portrait modes Verifying an app's performance and compatibility when used with a SEO Expate Bangladesh LTD particular configuration checking the app's compatibility with mobile sensors such the GPS, accelerometer, and gyroscope. Checking the functionality of the app's GUI (Menus, dropdowns, navigation buttons, etc.) Why is testing mobile apps important? Creating mobile apps has as its ultimate objective expanding corporate reach to more users worldwide. However, if the software is broken or challenging to use, people are unlikely to use it. Naturally, no company wants their clients to uninstall their apps and use a rival. If mobile apps are not fully tested, there is a great likelihood that users could run into serious issues on their device, which could make for a poor user experience—especially for novice users. Keep in mind that each mobile app's success depends largely on its first impression. Any unanticipated app crash or fault in the functionality of the program can result in its instant deletion. Here are some important figures that demonstrate the importance of mobile app testing: • Eighty percent of users delete or uninstall an app if it falls short of their expectations. • 50% of users tend to remove apps that take up too much space from their devices. • If an app is too slow, 48% of customers remove it or stop using it. How can app testing help your company? End users in the real world can download and utilize the app on any of the more than 9000 different mobile devices. It goes without saying that the program must be sufficiently customized for that specific device in order to function properly. Mobile device usage has surged as a result of smartphones' ongoing growth.

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Mobile Application Testing - White Paper
Mobile Application Testing - White PaperMobile Application Testing - White Paper
Mobile Application Testing - White Paper

Mobile applications are the sole reason for the rise in popularity of smartphones. The ease and convenience of mobile applications usage has created a huge dependency on it. Over the years, the number and variety of consumer and enterprise mobile applications has grown phenomenally.

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Selecting the Right Mobile Test Automation Strategy: Challenges and Principles
Selecting the Right Mobile Test Automation Strategy: Challenges and PrinciplesSelecting the Right Mobile Test Automation Strategy: Challenges and Principles
Selecting the Right Mobile Test Automation Strategy: Challenges and Principles

By choosing the tools and automation processes best-suited to testing mobile apps, QA organizations can reduce complexity and speed time to value.

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Want to know more? 
Read on the complete guide here: http://www.cygnet-infotech. 
A Case in Point 
A telecommunication giant based in the USA implemented test 
automation using MonkeyTalk to test its mobile VOIP application 
developed for iPhone and Android devices. 
The company achieved the desired regression cycles and increased 
the test coverage which, ultimately saved 70% of human efforts, 
time and cost.
Lasting Words 
It is important to learn all these nuances of mobile testing to scale 
up your application in the market. Keep in mind, a well-orchestrated 
testing strategy for implementing automation testing 
will enable you to achieve the desired testing purpose with 
reduced efforts and accelerate your time-to-market. 
Take help of a dedicated test automation consultant who can guide 
to adopt the right mobile test automation process, tool and 
Happy Testing

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The Guide to Selecting The Right Mobile App Testing Tool.pdfThe Guide to Selecting The Right Mobile App Testing Tool.pdf
The Guide to Selecting The Right Mobile App Testing Tool.pdf

Mobile technology has revolutionized how we work and play, making it easier to stay connected with the world. As a result, businesses of all sizes are now investing in mobile applications to increase their customer base and reach new markets.

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Importance And Types of Mobile App Testing.pdfImportance And Types of Mobile App Testing.pdf
Importance And Types of Mobile App Testing.pdf

Mobile app testing is crucial for several reasons. Testing helps identify defects and errors in the app and ensures that the app is of high quality. A well-tested app is more reliable and stable and provides a better user experience. Mobile app testing ensures that the app works seamlessly on different devices and platforms and provides a great consumer experience. It helps to identify and fix usability issues, ensuring that the app meets the needs and expectations of the end users.

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Best Practices & Testing Process of Mobile Application Testing.pptxBest Practices & Testing Process of Mobile Application Testing.pptx
Best Practices & Testing Process of Mobile Application Testing.pptx

Mobile apps are a significant part of our lives; we use them in our daily activities, be it the workplace, leisure time, studying, or acquiring knowledge.

Want to know more about testing? 
Get in touch with us at 
Cygnet Infotech Pvt. Ltd 
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  • 6. Some Statistics About Mobile Apps
  • 7. Total Number of Apps in App Stores 130,000 220,000 850,000 905,000 iPhone Android Windows Blackberry
  • 8. Total App Downloads 27,000,000,000 4,100,000,000 29,000,000,000 2,400,000,000 iPhone Android Windows Blackberry
  • 9. Interesting Facts about Mobile Apps…
  • 10. U 86% of time on Native Apps Flurry Research, April 2014
  • 11. There are over 450,000 mobile apps installed in over 1.3 billion devices worldwide - Flurry Research, April 2014
  • 12. By 2015, 80% of application development will be for smartphones & tablets – Gartner Research
  • 13. The number of mobile app users will reach to 4.4 billion by 2017 and will generate revenue of $63.5 billion – Portio Research, 2012
  • 14. Increasing Mobile Apps = More Competition The increasing adoption and popularity of mobile apps compel more companies to develop mobile apps. This means more competition.
  • 15. Time to Deliver Quality Apps Increasing competition triggers the need to stay ahead of the curve with quality deliverables. Explosion of Mobile Apps Increased Competition to Serve Market Need to Deliver Quality Apps
  • 16. Challenges in Developing Quality Mobile Apps  Variety Of Handsets  Myriads Of Screen Sizes  Different Screen Resolutions  Orientation Dynamics  Different Operating Systems
  • 18. What is Customer Opt-out?
  • 19. What is Customer Opt-out? Apps used once and eventually deleted by users.
  • 20. According to a survey conducted by Compuware and Mobilewalla, 80%-90% of apps are used once and eventually deleted by users.
  • 21. The same survey by Mobilewalla also revealed reasons for Customer Opt-outs
  • 22. Reasons for Customer Opt-outs Applications crash or display errors after download – 62% of users reported
  • 23. Reasons for Customer Opt-outs The downloaded applications run slow - 47% of users reported
  • 24. Reasons for Customer Opt-outs Applications do not launch after download – 40% of users reported
  • 25. Reasons for Customer Opt-outs Applications do not function as expected - 37% users reported
  • 26. If your application falls into any of the above four spaces, then it is tough to survive in the market and meet the desired business goals.
  • 27. How to ensure flawless mobile apps
  • 28. Answer Mobile App Testing
  • 29. Why Mobile App Testing Mobile app testing ensures usability, scalability, quality, performance and security of mobile apps which is the key to let your apps soar high in the marketplace with excellent ratings.
  • 30. But, it is difficult to conduct mobile app testing because…
  • 31. There are frequent feature enhancements, version, and OS upgrades requiring continuous regression testing cycles Maintenance Test Upgrade
  • 32. Common challenges of performing mobile app testing
  • 33. Common challenges of performing mobile app testing Different Operating Systems
  • 34. Common challenges of performing mobile app testing Variety of Devices
  • 35. Common challenges of performing mobile app testing Network Incompatibility
  • 36. Common challenges of performing mobile app testing Differences in UI & Navigation
  • 38. Results? Increased Time, Cost & Effort for testing a single app against different Operating Systems, Screen Sizes, Navigations & Networks
  • 39. Then how to ensure great mobile apps?
  • 40. Then how to ensure great mobile apps? The answer lies in… Test Automation
  • 41. What is Test Automation? Test automation is the key to ensuring quality and performance of apps in rapid roll-outs and agile market. Automation testing promises to test applications quickly and efficiently reducing the overall time-to-market.
  • 42. Reasons to prefer Automation Testing for Mobile Apps over Traditional Testing
  • 43. Reduces effort, time and cost of regression testing for mobile apps after every version upgrade
  • 44. Increases efficiency, resulting in accomplishing the release cycles ahead of schedule
  • 45. Accelerates the process of identifying and reporting defects in the program and functioning of the given app
  • 46. Delivers consistent, repeatable and improved testing processes
  • 47. Provides better test coverage and resource utilization
  • 48. Saves human resources to focus on advanced testing
  • 49. What are the Key Points to be kept in mind before implementing Test Automation for Mobile Apps
  • 50. Conduct Feasibility Study Conduct feasibility study to identify whether automation testing of the app is really feasible and whether it will really provide the expected results and benefits.
  • 51. Create Proof-of-Concepts It is necessary to have proof-of-concepts ready before actually implementing test automation for mobile apps.
  • 52. Select Framework Select a framework that gives the suitable methodology of testing a specific mobile application which will also serve as a foundation of the entire test automation project.
  • 53. Select the right mix of Simulators & Emulators Create combinations of simulators (software systems) and emulators (physical devices) with different memories and processors to understand different mechanisms and working of the application. This will help maximize test coverage
  • 54. Select the Test Automation Tool Having a right test automation tool in place is also necessary to attain the desired level of testing and reduce the cost of regression testing. This will be beneficial for apps that require repetitive testing due to frequent upgrades.
  • 55. Consider Network Environment It is also important to consider the primary network environment to base the testing project. Besides, one must also deploy tools to stimulate the different network connectivity and response of the application under test.
  • 56. Analyze Type of Testing Tester must also analyze the different types of testing (functional, performance, security, and compliance) to check the different aspects of the given application.
  • 57. Want to know more? Read on the complete guide here: http://www.cygnet-infotech. com/sure-fire-ways-to-power-up-your-mobile-applications
  • 58. A Case in Point A telecommunication giant based in the USA implemented test automation using MonkeyTalk to test its mobile VOIP application developed for iPhone and Android devices. The company achieved the desired regression cycles and increased the test coverage which, ultimately saved 70% of human efforts, time and cost.
  • 59. Lasting Words It is important to learn all these nuances of mobile testing to scale up your application in the market. Keep in mind, a well-orchestrated testing strategy for implementing automation testing will enable you to achieve the desired testing purpose with reduced efforts and accelerate your time-to-market. Take help of a dedicated test automation consultant who can guide to adopt the right mobile test automation process, tool and framework.
  • 61. Want to know more about testing? Get in touch with us at Cygnet Infotech Pvt. Ltd Web: Email: Connect: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Google Plus