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Clearwater on RINA
Matt Williams
Metaswitch Networks
22 February 2018
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• Background
• Why RINA?
• RINA Enhancements
• RINA Futures
• Interposer Approach (if time)
• Please ask questions!
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Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 3
What is Clearwater?
• An implementation of IMS built using web
development methods to provide voice, video and
messaging services to millions of users.
• Architected from the ground up for massively
scalable deployments within virtualized public or
private elastic compute clouds.
• Combines the economics of over-the-top (OTT)
style service platforms with the standards
compliance and reliability expected of telco-grade
communications network solutions.
• Web services-oriented design makes it ideal for
instantiation within NFV.
• Provided as open-source (Project Clearwater) and
commercially maintained and supported variant
(Clearwater Core)
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DIscussion of RINA principles, research results, implementations and demos. Presented at ETSI ISG NGP meeting # 8

rinanetwork architecturemobility
RINA Tutorial at ETSI ISG NGP#3
RINA Tutorial at ETSI ISG NGP#3RINA Tutorial at ETSI ISG NGP#3
RINA Tutorial at ETSI ISG NGP#3

RINA Tutorial presented at the 3rd meeting of the ETSI ISG NGP, showing basic RINA structure and mechanisms, as well as a "toy" example of a mobile network with RINA

mobile networketsirina
The hague rina-workshop-mobility-eduard
The hague rina-workshop-mobility-eduardThe hague rina-workshop-mobility-eduard
The hague rina-workshop-mobility-eduard

1) The ARCFIRE project is experimentally validating the benefits of RINA technology through large-scale experiments on the FIRE+ testbed involving over 100 nodes across multiple distributed information fields (DIFs). 2) In RINA, application names uniquely identify applications, addresses are location-dependent synonyms used for locating applications within a DIF, and other identifiers like port-ids and connection endpoint IDs are used to identify communication endpoints. 3) RINA's naming and addressing model simplifies multi-homing and mobility by assigning addresses to nodes instead of interfaces, avoiding the need for special protocols and allowing mobility to be treated as dynamic multi-homing with expected failures.

TADHack & ARCFIRE “RINA Rumba” Challenge
• TADHack
o Annual global hackathon (plus local mini hackathons)
o Held at sites across world, including Madrid
o Generally, Telecoms application focus
• ARCFIRE “RINA Rumba” Challenge
o “a TADHack application works across 3 nodes connected through a RINA network”
o IRATI and rlite implementations – we chose rlite
• Team of 2 over a weekend, made possible by
o Open-source
o Great support
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Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 6
• Clean slate – opportunity to avoid need for lots of “work-arounds” in TCP/IP-based solution
o Service discovery – implemented through DNS SRV (or proprietary, e.g. service mesh)
o Server failover – implemented at application level
o Authentication and encryption – uses TLS, but requires lots of application involvement
o Head-of-line blocking – solved by SCTP (if protocol supports), or use multiple TCP connections
o Policy enforcement – addressed by firewalling and IP ToS/DSCP
o Mobility – e.g. as addressed by GTP in LTE EPC
• Network management – in particular in multi-tenancy situations
• Performance (maybe)
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RINA Enhancements
Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 8

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The document discusses network architecture and proposes improvements to current approaches. It suggests treating layers as units that provide interprocess communication over different scopes. Each layer would provide a single type of service and the number of layers is not fixed. It also proposes having a single unified data transfer protocol framework and layer management protocol across all layers to reduce complexity. This would help standardization bodies design complete network protocols more easily.

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Multi-operator "IPC" VPN Slices: Applying RINA to Overlay Networking
Multi-operator "IPC" VPN Slices: Applying RINA to Overlay NetworkingMulti-operator "IPC" VPN Slices: Applying RINA to Overlay Networking
Multi-operator "IPC" VPN Slices: Applying RINA to Overlay Networking

This document discusses the concept of "IPC VPN slices" which provide distributed inter-process communication (IPC) between applications using the Recursive Internet Network Architecture (RINA). It describes how IPC VPN slices can be implemented across single and multiple domains/operators using RINA's distributed IPC facility (DIF) as an overlay. The objective is to provide an autonomous IPC VPN overlay and separation of concerns between the VPN and underlying L2 VPN fabric, as well as service continuity as endpoints attach across different access networks. It also shows how slice orchestration in this architecture provides recursive abstraction between different administrative domains.

The hageu rina-workshop-security-peter
The hageu rina-workshop-security-peterThe hageu rina-workshop-security-peter
The hageu rina-workshop-security-peter

RINA provides a framework to securely manage connectivity and network association. It protects layers instead of individual protocols, and addresses are contained within securable Distributed Interface Functions (DIFs). DIFs can replace firewalls and enable centralized policy-based authentication, authorization, and access control. RINA separates security mechanisms from policies, uses a common layer structure across layers, and minimizes complexity to improve security. It also provides a new access control architecture and key management system to securely manage network functions even if systems are compromised.

Project Clearwater Architecture (pre-RINA)
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• Project Clearwater
• IMS core (+ extras)
• Open-source (GPLv3)
Project Clearwater Architecture (HTTP over RINA)
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• HTTP Client
o libcurl
o “open connection” hook
o override for RINA
o recv -> read
o send -> write
• HTTP Server
o libevhtp
o built on libevent
o register for RINA events
Project Clearwater Architecture (SIP over RINA)
Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 11
• SIP (Client and Server)
o pluggable transports
o new RINA transport
o recv -> read
o send -> write
• Sprout
o Route headers
o transport=RINA
Prototype Deployment
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• Amazon AWS
• EC2 t2.small
• Ubuntu
• rlite
• rlite-shim-udp4

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Rumba is a Python framework that enables large-scale experimentation with the Recursive InterNetwork Architecture (RINA). It provides plugins that interface with different testbeds and prototypes. The document shows an example script that defines nodes and DIFs using the Rumba and rlite prototypes, runs the experiment on a JFed testbed, and starts a rinaperf client-server performance test between two nodes.

The hague rina-workshop-interop-deployment_vincenzo
The hague rina-workshop-interop-deployment_vincenzoThe hague rina-workshop-interop-deployment_vincenzo
The hague rina-workshop-interop-deployment_vincenzo

This document discusses interoperability between RINA and the Internet and approaches for porting existing network applications to RINA. It describes three solutions for deploying RINA together with the Internet: using RINA as an overlay network, as a substrate, or with RINA/TCP gateways. It also proposes a POSIX-like API for RINA to help port applications and demonstrates porting SSH and web servers to RINA with small code changes.

Pristine rina-tnc-2016
Pristine rina-tnc-2016Pristine rina-tnc-2016
Pristine rina-tnc-2016

This document summarizes an approach called RINA (Recursive InterNetwork Architecture) for simplifying multi-layer network management. RINA proposes a common, repeating structure across layers with only two protocols - one for data transfer and one for layer management. This significantly reduces the complexity of management models compared to the IP protocol suite, which has unique protocols at each layer. A case study shows how RINA could simplify network management in a large-scale data center network by reducing the number of required addresses, forwarding entities, and management protocols. The consistent structure of RINA opens the door to increased network automation by making management models simpler and more standardized.

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HTTP Traffic
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Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 15
RINA Futures
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This document discusses a proof-of-concept implementation of a RINA interior router using P4. The goals are to increase RINA credibility by providing a high-performance router implementation at a reasonable cost, and to understand limitations of current network programmability approaches. The implementation targets the BMv2 P4 software switch, demonstrating basic interior router functions for EFCP packets. Future work includes implementing the design on hardware and evaluating the feasibility of a border router.

IRATI: an open source RINA implementation for Linux/OS
IRATI: an open source RINA implementation for Linux/OSIRATI: an open source RINA implementation for Linux/OS
IRATI: an open source RINA implementation for Linux/OS

This document provides an overview of IRATI, an open source implementation of RINA for Linux/OS. It discusses the goals of being tightly integrated with the OS, supporting existing applications, and experimentation. The high-level design uses a Linux kernel with user-space daemons. Implementation status provides details on various IPCP components and policies. Experimental activities describe designing RINA networks and interoperating with legacy technologies. Open source initiatives discuss the IRATI GitHub organization and planned contributions from projects like PRISTINE and IRINA.

Rlite software-architecture (1)
Rlite software-architecture (1)Rlite software-architecture (1)
Rlite software-architecture (1)

This document provides an overview of Rlite, an open source light implementation of the RINA networking model for Linux. Rlite includes both user-space and kernel-space components. The kernel-space implementation provides basic RINA functionality like flow allocation and data transfer. The user-space components include libraries, daemons, and tools to administer the RINA stack. Rlite aims to provide a minimal but stable baseline RINA implementation for developing future RINA products and applications.

implementationsoftware architectureopen source
Project Clearwater & Clearwater Core
Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 17
Project Clearwater
Open source project
Freely available
Actively maintained/supported by community
IMS core
(Partial) HSS
Self-service portal
(Some) VoLTE MMTel TAS
RINA (prototype, via patch)
Clearwater Core
Hardened & tested by Metaswitch
Maintained and supported by Metaswitch
Not RINA (yet?)
Other Protocols over RINA
• HTTP and SIP can now be over RINA
• Clearwater also speaks
o External
o to resolve TEL URIs to SIP URIs
o Cx/Diameter to the HSS
o to retrieve subscriber data
o Rf/Diameter to the CDF
o for offline billing
o Internal
o Memcached protocol
o for distributed storage
o Thrift to Cassandra
o for subscriber profiles
o etcd protocol
o for clustered configuration
• Would need third-party RINA NEs
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Fault-tolerant servers
• Clearwater divided into
o Stateless compute processes
o (Simple) stateful datastore processes
• Horizontally scalable
• On failure of a compute process
o Route to another (identical) process
• On failure of a datastore process
o Route to a backup (replicated) process
• Supported by RINA architecture
o …but not yet implemented in rlite
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Process A
Process B
Process C
Process 1
Process 2
Process 3
RINA via Service Mesh?
• Microservices-based solutions consist of tiers of nodes with communications between them
• These communications need to
o discover the correct nodes to talk to
o load-balance between them
o retry on failure, back off on overload
o be secure.
• Most microservice architectures use a service mesh proxy for this, e.g.
o Linkerd
o Istio
o Conduit
• (Currently, Clearwater has this function built into the applications themselves)
• RINA-enabling a service mesh proxy (DAF?) would
o give new microservices the benefits of RINA
o avoid needing to modify the code
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The document describes an SDK to exploit the programmability of RINA. RINA is a networking architecture based on the theory that networking is inter-process communication. The SDK aims to provide programmable functions at each layer through consistent APIs. It discusses design decisions around using Linux, a user/kernel split, programming languages, and threading models. The goal is to separate mechanism from policy to simplify network structure and support new requirements through re-usable policies across layers.

Unifying WiFi and VLANs with the RINA model
Unifying WiFi and VLANs with the RINA modelUnifying WiFi and VLANs with the RINA model
Unifying WiFi and VLANs with the RINA model

This document proposes a unified model called WiLAN to characterize VLANs and Wi-Fi networks through the RINA model. It maps VLAN and Wi-Fi standards into aspects of the RINA model to create a unified representation. The key aspects of the WiLAN model include distinct "media DIFs" for wired and wireless networks, with one or more "common DIFs" operating over the media DIFs. This provides a simplified representation and potential improvements over current standards by reducing header overhead and improving security by removing MAC addresses from frames.

Distributed mobility management and application discovery
Distributed mobility management and application discoveryDistributed mobility management and application discovery
Distributed mobility management and application discovery

This document summarizes the results of Experiment 5 of the ARCFIRE project. The experiment demonstrated distributed mobility management (DMM) in RINA by allowing a mobile host to soft handover between different wireless access points while maintaining service continuity. It also showed application discovery across different DIFs as the mobile host moved. Finally, it demonstrated multi-access support by allowing the mobile host to connect to different physical networks and access applications hosted in different DIFs and locations as it moved. The key findings were that RINA's layered structure allows for mobility and multi-homing without specialized protocols or tunnels, and that service continuity is preserved during handovers despite some increase in packet loss and delay.

rinamobilityapplication discovery
Interposer Approach
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Kernellibc System CallsBSD Sockets/POSIX Calls
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read/write or send/recv
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Application-Engineered Routing Application programs the Segment Routing network to deliver end-to-end per-flow policy from DC through WAN to end-user Adding value at your own pace – Leveraging the existing MPLS dataplane without any change. SW upgrade only. – Simplification, Automated 50msec FRR, per-domain and then end-to-end policies Economic gains – Improved service richness and velocity – Optimized CAPEX and OPEX thanks to the simplicity of the SR architecture Segment Routing deployments in CY15 in all the markets – WEB, SP, Entreprise Strong partnership with lead operator group Commitment to standardization and multi-vendor support 

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The hague rina-workshop-congestioncontrol-peyman
The hague rina-workshop-congestioncontrol-peymanThe hague rina-workshop-congestioncontrol-peyman
The hague rina-workshop-congestioncontrol-peyman

Programmable Congestion Control allows for custom congestion controllers to be configured per Distributed Inter-networking (DIF) layer in RINA, taking advantage of RINA's flow aggregation and breaking the long end-to-end control loop into shorter loops. This programmability occurs through different DIF configurations and congestion control policies without any changes to the underlying mechanisms. A new congestion control policy called LGC is being developed based on logistic growth functions that takes advantage of RINA's flow aggregation capabilities.

L4-L7 services for SDN and NVF by Youcef Laribi
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L4-L7 services for SDN and NVF by Youcef Laribi

In this talk, we will discuss how L4-L7 devices can integrate in various SDN architectures, discuss benefits and some of the challenges that such integration represents. We will also talk about how SDN and NFV relate, and what are the different challenges to successfully deploy L4-L7 devices as Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) or provide such services to the NFV Infrastructure (VIM). Bio Youcef Laribi is a Principal Architect in the Delivery Networks BU at Citrix. He is responsible for driving the integration projects of the NetScaler ADC product with several Cloud, SDN and Automation environments including OpenStack, CloudStack, VMware NSX and Cisco ACI. He is also the Citrix representative on the OpenDaylight Technical Steering Committee. His background is mainly in Operating Systems and Distributed Systems, and he worked on several middleware technologies from DCE and CORBA in the early days, to J2EE and .NET to SOA and micro-services today. Youcef speaks 4 languages and holds a PhD and an MSc in Computer Science from the French INPG Institute in Grenoble, France.

RINA Interposer
System Calls
read/write or send/recv
IP setup and
RINA setup
Prototype in action…
$ RINA_DIF=normal.DIF RINA_LOCAL_APPL=nc RINA_REMOTE_APPL=homestead-server
LD_PRELOAD=$(pwd)/ nc 5678
socket(2, 1, 6)...
RINA_DIF=normal.DIF, RINA_LOCAL_APPL=nc => RINA interposer enabled!
...returns 3
...returns 3
connect(3, 0xed5270, 16)...
server => RINA interposer enabled!
rina_flow_alloc("normal.DIF", "nc", "homestead-server", NULL, 0)...
...returns 0
...returns 0
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This document summarizes an open source networking group meetup about 5G and brownfield networks. It discusses how 5G will utilize distributed micro data centers and container networking to deploy services. It also explains how an open source central controller using projects like OpenStack and OpenDaylight can provide orchestration, service paths, and abstraction of network elements. Finally, it provides examples of how container networking and an open source SDN controller can help establish service paths and enable the deployment of 5G in hybrid brownfield environments.

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4. Clearwater on rina

  • 1. Clearwater on RINA Matt Williams Metaswitch Networks 22 February 2018 Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 1
  • 2. Agenda • Background • Why RINA? • RINA Enhancements • RINA Futures • Interposer Approach (if time) • Please ask questions! Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 2
  • 3. Background Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 3
  • 4. What is Clearwater? • An implementation of IMS built using web development methods to provide voice, video and messaging services to millions of users. • Architected from the ground up for massively scalable deployments within virtualized public or private elastic compute clouds. • Combines the economics of over-the-top (OTT) style service platforms with the standards compliance and reliability expected of telco-grade communications network solutions. • Web services-oriented design makes it ideal for instantiation within NFV. • Provided as open-source (Project Clearwater) and commercially maintained and supported variant (Clearwater Core) Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 4
  • 5. TADHack & ARCFIRE “RINA Rumba” Challenge • TADHack o Annual global hackathon (plus local mini hackathons) o Held at sites across world, including Madrid o Generally, Telecoms application focus • ARCFIRE “RINA Rumba” Challenge o “a TADHack application works across 3 nodes connected through a RINA network” o IRATI and rlite implementations – we chose rlite • Team of 2 over a weekend, made possible by o Open-source o Great support Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 5
  • 6. Why RINA? Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 6
  • 7. Why RINA? • Clean slate – opportunity to avoid need for lots of “work-arounds” in TCP/IP-based solution o Service discovery – implemented through DNS SRV (or proprietary, e.g. service mesh) o Server failover – implemented at application level o Authentication and encryption – uses TLS, but requires lots of application involvement o Head-of-line blocking – solved by SCTP (if protocol supports), or use multiple TCP connections o Policy enforcement – addressed by firewalling and IP ToS/DSCP o Mobility – e.g. as addressed by GTP in LTE EPC • Network management – in particular in multi-tenancy situations • Performance (maybe) Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 7
  • 8. RINA Enhancements Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 8
  • 9. Project Clearwater Architecture (pre-RINA) Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 9 • Project Clearwater • IMS core (+ extras) • Open-source (GPLv3)
  • 10. Project Clearwater Architecture (HTTP over RINA) Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 10 • HTTP Client o libcurl o “open connection” hook o override for RINA o recv -> read o send -> write • HTTP Server o libevhtp o built on libevent o register for RINA events
  • 11. Project Clearwater Architecture (SIP over RINA) Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 11 • SIP (Client and Server) o PJSIP o pluggable transports o new RINA transport o recv -> read o send -> write • Sprout o Route headers o transport=RINA
  • 12. Prototype Deployment Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 12 • Amazon AWS • EC2 t2.small • Ubuntu • rlite • rlite-shim-udp4
  • 13. Configuration Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 13
  • 14. HTTP Traffic Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 14
  • 15. SIP Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 15
  • 16. RINA Futures Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 16
  • 17. Project Clearwater & Clearwater Core Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 17 Project Clearwater Open source project Freely available Actively maintained/supported by community IMS core (Partial) HSS XDMS WebRTC P-CSCF Self-service portal (Some) VoLTE MMTel TAS RINA (prototype, via patch) Clearwater Core IMS Core VNF Hardened & tested by Metaswitch Maintained and supported by Metaswitch I-CSCF S-CSCF BGCF Not RINA (yet?)
  • 18. Other Protocols over RINA • HTTP and SIP can now be over RINA • Clearwater also speaks o External o ENUM (DNS) o to resolve TEL URIs to SIP URIs o Cx/Diameter to the HSS o to retrieve subscriber data o Rf/Diameter to the CDF o for offline billing o Internal o Memcached protocol o for distributed storage o Thrift to Cassandra o for subscriber profiles o etcd protocol o for clustered configuration • Would need third-party RINA NEs Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 18
  • 19. Fault-tolerant servers • Clearwater divided into o Stateless compute processes o (Simple) stateful datastore processes • Horizontally scalable • On failure of a compute process o Route to another (identical) process • On failure of a datastore process o Route to a backup (replicated) process • Supported by RINA architecture o …but not yet implemented in rlite Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 19 Datastore Process A Datastore Process B Datastore Process C Compute Process 1 Compute Process 2 Compute Process 3 Replicate
  • 20. RINA via Service Mesh? • Microservices-based solutions consist of tiers of nodes with communications between them • These communications need to o discover the correct nodes to talk to o load-balance between them o retry on failure, back off on overload o be secure. • Most microservice architectures use a service mesh proxy for this, e.g. o Linkerd o Istio o Conduit • (Currently, Clearwater has this function built into the applications themselves) • RINA-enabling a service mesh proxy (DAF?) would o give new microservices the benefits of RINA o avoid needing to modify the code Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 20
  • 21. Interposer Approach Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 21
  • 23. BSD Sockets/POSIX BSD Sockets/ POSIX Process Kernellibc System Calls gethostbyname socket connect read/write or send/recv
  • 26. Prototype in action… $ RINA_DIF=normal.DIF RINA_LOCAL_APPL=nc RINA_REMOTE_APPL=homestead-server LD_PRELOAD=$(pwd)/ nc 5678 socket(2, 1, 6)... RINA_DIF=normal.DIF, RINA_LOCAL_APPL=nc => RINA interposer enabled! rina_open()... ...returns 3 ...returns 3 connect(3, 0xed5270, 16)... RINA_DIF=normal.DIF, RINA_LOCAL_APPL=nc, RINA_REMOTE_APPL=homestead- server => RINA interposer enabled! rina_flow_alloc("normal.DIF", "nc", "homestead-server", NULL, 0)... ...returns 0 ...returns 0
  • 27. Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 27
  • 28. Start slideshow and click here to update footer Metaswitch Networks | Proprietary and confidential | © 2018 | 28

Editor's Notes

  1. Open collaboration