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Scalable Startups
30 Fundable SaaS Ideas
for the next decade
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and to offer general guidance. While efforts have been
made to ensure accuracy, it is important to note that the
data and recommenda ons presented may not be
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Entrepreneurs are encouraged to conduct their own
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30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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1. AI Marke ng Tools
2. Cybersecurity Tools Pla orm
3. AI Chat Bots
4. IoT SaaS
5. SaaS for Digital Twins
6. No Code Pla orms for Business Tools
7. Smart Content Crea on Pla orm
8. AI-Powered Legal Assistance
9. Automated Digital Marke ng Campaign Creator
10. AI-Powered Resume and Cover Le er Builder
11. AI Healthcare Support
12. Educa onal AI Tutor
13. AI-Powered Customer Service
14. AI-Based Business Analy cs
15. AI NLP Language Transla on and Localiza on
16. Automated Coding Assistant
17. Subscrip on-Based Meal Kit Delivery Service
18. Virtual Reality Pla orm for Remote Team Building
19. Mobile App Connec ng Consumers with Local Ar sanal Food Producers
20. Online Marketplace for Sustainable Fashion
21. Renewable Energy Consul ng and Installa on
22. Subscrip on-Based Mental Health and Wellness Coaching
23. Home Automa on and Security with AI
24. Virtual Event Planning and Management
25. Mobile App Connec ng Users with Health and Wellness Professionals
26. AI SMM Agency for Small and Medium-sized Businesses
27. Niche CRM
28. AI Training Datasets
29. Sales Dashboard
30. AI Interior, Building Design and Virtual Tours
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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1. AI Marke ng Tools
With the increasing demand for personalized marke ng strategies, AI marke ng tools have
immense poten al to revolu onize the industry. By leveraging AI algorithms, these tools can
analyze vast amounts of data to deliver targeted campaigns, op mize ad spend, and enhance
customer engagement, ul mately driving higher conversion rates and ROI for businesses.
Market Size:
 TAM (Total Addressable Market): $16B-27B in 2024 and will cross $100B by 2028
 CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate): 28%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: React.js
 Backend: Node.js
 Database: MongoDB
 AI Framework: TensorFlow or PyTorch
 Cloud: AWS or Azure
 Team Members:
Team Required
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 AI Specialist
 1 UI/UX Designer
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 3-4 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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2. Cybersecurity Tools Pla orm
As cyber threats con nue to evolve and escalate, the need for robust cybersecurity solu ons
is more cri cal than ever. A comprehensive cybersecurity tools pla orm can offer businesses
a centralized hub for threat detec on, incident response, and compliance management. By
providing advanced features such as threat intelligence, vulnerability scanning, and
automated incident remedia on, these pla orms can help organiza ons for fy their
defences and safeguard sensi ve data against cyber-a acks.
Market Size:
 TAM: $180-$200 Billion in 2024 and will reach $400B+ by 2030
 CAGR: 11%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: Angular
 Backend: Django
 Database: PostgreSQL
 Security Framework: OWASP
 Cloud: AWS
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 Security Specialist
 1 QA Engineer
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 4-5 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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3. AI Chat Bots
AI bots will get smarter and widely acceptable in the near future. Despite a lot of pla orms
offering custom chat bots, there is s ll a lot of room for new entrants. AI chatbots represent
a significant opportunity to streamline customer support, enhance user experiences, and
drive opera onal efficiency for businesses across various industries. By leveraging natural
language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms, AI chatbots can engage with
customers in real- me, addressing inquiries, providing personalized recommenda ons, and
even comple ng transac ons autonomously. With the poten al to reduce response mes,
increase customer sa sfac on, and scale support opera ons, AI chatbots are poised to
become indispensable tools for modern businesses.
Market Size:
 TAM: $11 Billion in 2024
 CAGR: 22%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: Vue.js
 Backend: Flask (Python)
 Natural Language Processing (NLP): SpaCy
 Cloud: Google Cloud Pla orm
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 AI/NLP Specialist
 1 UI/UX Designer
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 4-6 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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4. IoT SaaS
The Internet of Things (IoT) is ushering in a new era of connected devices and smart systems,
offering unprecedented opportuni es for innova on and efficiency. IoT SaaS solu ons
enable businesses to harness the power of IoT technology without the complexi es of
infrastructure management. By providing scalable pla orms for device management, data
analy cs, and remote monitoring, IoT SaaS offerings empower organiza ons to op mize
opera ons, improve asset u liza on, and unlock new revenue streams in diverse industries
such as manufacturing, healthcare, and transporta on.
Market Size:
 TAM: $8.5 Billion in 2024 (total IoT market is $400B+)
 CAGR: 17%
Tech Stack:
 IoT Pla orm: AWS IoT or Azure IoT Hub
 Backend: Express.js
 Database: MongoDB
 Device Management: MQTT Protocol
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 IoT Specialist
 1 UI/UX Designer
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 5-7 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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5. SaaS for Digital Twins
Digital twins, virtual replicas of physical assets or systems, are becoming increasingly
prevalent across industries, offering valuable insights for design, simula on, and predic ve
maintenance. SaaS solu ons tailored for digital twins provide businesses with intui ve
interfaces for crea ng, visualizing, and analyzing digital representa ons of assets in real-
me. By leveraging simula on data, predic ve analy cs, and machine learning algorithms,
these pla orms enable organiza ons to op mize performance, reduce down me, and drive
innova on in fields such as manufacturing, construc on, and urban planning.
Market Size:
 TAM: $10-15 Billion in 2024, and will exceed $100B by 2030
 CAGR: 35%+
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: React.js
 Backend: Django
 Database: PostgreSQL
 3D Modeling: Three.js
 Cloud: AWS or Azure
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 3D Modeling Specialist
 1 UI/UX Designer
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 6-8 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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6. No Code Pla orms for Business Tools
With the growing demand for agile and customizable solu ons, no-code pla orms offer
businesses the ability to build and deploy a wide range of applica ons without the need for
tradi onal coding exper se. These pla orms empower users across departments to develop
and iterate on business tools such as CRM systems, project management so ware, and
internal dashboards, accelera ng digital transforma on efforts and driving opera onal
Market Size:
 TAM: $20 Billion in 2024
 CAGR: 24%
Tech Stack:
 Backend: Node.js
 Database: MongoDB
 Frontend: React.js
 No Code Framework: Bubble or Adalo
 Cloud: AWS or Firebase
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 UI/UX Designer
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 3-5 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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7. Smart Content Crea on Pla orm
A pla orm that leverages OpenAI API for content crea on (blogs, ar cles, social media posts, etc.)
and further provides services like content strategy, SEO op miza on, audience targe ng, and
performance analysis. In the era of content marke ng, smart content crea on pla orms equipped
with AI capabili es hold significant poten al to revolu onize the way businesses produce, op mize,
and distribute content. By leveraging natural language processing and machine learning algorithms,
these pla orms can generate high-quality content across various formats, tailor messaging to target
audiences, and analyze performance metrics to refine content strategies over me, ul mately driving
engagement, brand awareness, and lead genera on.
Market Size:
 TAM: $2.5 Billion in 2024
 CAGR: 18%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: React.js
 Backend: Node.js
 Database: MongoDB
 AI Framework: OpenAI API
 Content Strategy: Conten ul
 SEO Op miza on: SEMrush
 Cloud: AWS or Azure
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 AI Specialist
 1 SEO Strategist
 1 Content Strategist
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 5-6 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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8. AI-Powered Legal Assistance
A service that combines OpenAI API with legal databases to help businesses generate
contracts, agreements, legal briefs, and also provides real- me legal advice. The legal
industry is ripe for disrup on with AI-powered legal assistance pla orms offering innova ve
solu ons for contract dra ing, legal research, and case management. By harnessing the
power of natural language processing and machine learning, these pla orms can streamline
tedious legal tasks, improve document accuracy, and provide real- me insights into case law
and regulatory changes, enabling legal professionals to deliver more efficient and cost-
effec ve services to clients.
Market Size:
 TAM: $37 Billion is expected to spent on AI legal tools 2024
 CAGR: 18%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: Angular
 Backend: Django
 Database: PostgreSQL
 Legal Databases: LexisNexis
 AI Framework: OpenAI API
 Cloud: AWS
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 AI Specialist
 1 Legal Expert
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 6-7 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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9. Automated Digital Marke ng Campaign Creator
A pla orm that generates marke ng campaigns (emails, social media posts, ads) using
OpenAI API. Addi onal features could include A/B tes ng, analy cs, campaign management,
and personaliza on based on customer data. As digital marke ng con nues to evolve,
automated campaign crea on pla orms powered by AI present a compelling opportunity to
simplify and op mize the campaign management process. These pla orms can analyze vast
amounts of customer data, iden fy trends and pa erns, and generate personalized
marke ng campaigns across mul ple channels, reducing manual effort and driving higher
conversion rates and ROI for marketers.
Market Size:
 TAM: $6 Billion
 CAGR: 12%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: Vue.js
 Backend: Express.js
 Database: MongoDB
 AI Framework: OpenAI API
 A/B Tes ng: Op mizely
 Analy cs: Google Analy cs
 Cloud: Google Cloud Pla orm
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 AI Specialist
 1 Marke ng Analyst
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 4-5 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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10. AI-Powered Resume and Cover Le er Builder
This service that uses OpenAI API to write resumes and cover le ers tailored to specific job
descrip ons. Addi onal features could include job matching, interview coaching, and career
advice. With job seekers facing fierce compe on in today's job market, AI-powered resume
and cover le er builders offer a valuable solu on for cra ing professional and compelling job
applica on materials. By leveraging AI algorithms, these pla orms can analyze job
descrip ons, iden fy relevant keywords, and generate tailored resumes and cover le ers
that resonate with hiring managers, increasing the chances of securing interviews and
landing job offers.
Market Size:
TAM: $100 Million (AI is yet to take off in the huge recrui ng industry )
CAGR: 8%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: React.js
 Backend: Django
 Database: MongoDB
 AI Framework: OpenAI API
 Job Matching: LinkedIn API
 Interview Coaching: InterviewBuddy
 Cloud: AWS
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 AI Specialist
 1 HR Expert
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 5-6 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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11. AI Healthcare Support
AI-powered healthcare support systems have immense poten al to revolu onize pa ent
care by assis ng medical professionals in diagnosis, treatment planning, and personalized
medicine. These pla orms can analyze vast amounts of pa ent data, including medical
records, lab results, and imaging scans, to provide real- me insights, predic ve analy cs, and
decision support, ul mately improving clinical outcomes, reducing medical errors, and
enhancing pa ent experiences.
Market Size:
 TAM: $25 Billion in 2024 and will reach $180+ Billion by 2030
 CAGR: 36%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: Angular
 Backend: Flask (Python)
 Database: MongoDB
 AI Framework: OpenAI API
 Electronic Health Records: Epic Systems
 Cloud: AWS
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 AI/Medical Specialist
 1 UX/UI Designer
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 6-7 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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12. Educa onal AI Tutor
A pla orm that uses OpenAI API to offer personalized learning assistance, answering ques ons and
explaining concepts across a range of subjects. Extra services could include study plan crea on,
learning analy cs, and resource recommenda on. With the shi towards online learning and
personalized educa on, AI-powered tutoring pla orms offer a scalable and adap ve solu on to meet
the diverse needs of learners. These pla orms leverage machine learning algorithms to assess
students' strengths and weaknesses, deliver customized learning paths and content, and provide
real- me feedback and support, fostering engagement, mastery, and academic success across
various subjects and skill levels.
Market Size:
 TAM: $1 Billion in 2024 (AI is yet to influence the EdTech market )
 CAGR: 36%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: Vue.js
 Backend: Express.js
 Database: MongoDB
 AI Framework: OpenAI API
 Learning Analy cs: Moodle
 Cloud: Google Cloud Pla orm
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 AI Specialist
 1 Educa onal Specialist
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 5-6 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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13. AI-Powered Customer Service
A SaaS pla orm that uses AI to automate customer service interac ons across various channels
(chat, email, social media). Added value services could include customer sen ment analysis,
customer profiling, and predic ve modelling for customer churn. While chat bots are the most visible
and popular form of AI customer service, there are several emerging areas such as AI call centres, AI
email marke ng, etc. AI-driven customer service pla orms are poised to transform the way
businesses interact with their customers by automa ng rou ne inquiries, resolving issues faster, and
delivering personalized experiences at scale. These pla orms u lize natural language processing and
machine learning techniques to understand customer queries, route them to the appropriate
channels or agents, and provide intelligent responses, leading to improved customer sa sfac on,
loyalty, and opera onal efficiency.
Market Size:
 TAM: $3 Billion in 2024 (Es ma on)
 CAGR: 30%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: React.js
 Backend: Django
 Database: PostgreSQL
 AI Framework: OpenAI API
 Customer Sen ment Analysis: MonkeyLearn
 Cloud: AWS
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 AI Specialist
 1 Customer Service Expert
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 6-7 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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14. AI-Based Business Analy cs
A service that leverages AI/ML analyse business data and provide ac onable insights. Extra
services could include predic ve modelling, anomaly detec on, and data visualiza on. AI’s
primary applica on is data analy cs which is a huge market. AI-powered business analy cs
solu ons hold significant promise for helping organiza ons unlock ac onable insights from
their data to drive informed decision-making and compe ve advantage. These pla orms
leverage advanced algorithms to analyze complex datasets, detect pa erns, trends, and
anomalies, and generate predic ve models and visualiza ons, empowering businesses to
op mize processes, iden fy growth opportuni es, and mi gate risks in real- me.
Market Size:
 TAM: $12-20 Billion in 2024
 CAGR: 28%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: Angular
 Backend: Flask (Python)
 Database: MongoDB
 AI Framework: Custom AI/ML
 Data Visualiza on: Tableau
 Cloud: Azure
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 AI Specialist
 1 Business Analyst
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 6-8 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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15. AI NLP Language Transla on and Localiza on
In our increasingly globalized world, AI-powered language transla on and localiza on
pla orms play a vital role in breaking down language barriers and facilita ng cross-cultural
communica on. These pla orms u lize natural language processing techniques to accurately
translate text, speech, and mul media content across mul ple languages, while also
considering cultural nuances and context, enabling businesses to expand their reach, engage
diverse audiences, and drive interna onal growth. A service that uses NLP to offer instant
transla on of text, and further offers localiza on services such as cultural adapta on of
content, SEO in different languages, and regional marke ng advice.
Market Size:
 TAM: $5 Billion in 2024
 CAGR: 12%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: React.js
 Backend: Node.js
 Database: MongoDB
 AI Framework: OpenAI API
 Cloud: AWS or Azure
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 AI Specialist
 1 Linguis cs Expert
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 5-6 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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16. Automated Coding Assistant
A pla orm that uses OpenAI, LangChain and other tools to provide real- me coding help,
debugging, code op miza on sugges ons, and even automated code genera on. Addi onal
features could include project management, code reviews, and integra on with popular
coding pla orms. With the increasing demand for so ware development talent and the rise
of remote work, automated coding assistants have significant growth poten al. These
pla orms leverage AI and machine learning to streamline the coding process, offering real-
me sugges ons, error detec on, and code op miza on, thereby improving developer
produc vity, code quality, and me-to-market for so ware products across industries.
Market Size:
 TAM: $5 Billion in 2024
 CAGR: 24%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: Vue.js
 Backend: Express.js
 Database: MongoDB
 AI Framework: OpenAI, LangChain
 Code Reviews: GitHub Ac ons
 Cloud: AWS
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 AI Specialist
 1 DevOps Engineer
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 5-6 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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17. Subscrip on-Based Meal Kit Delivery Service
The meal kit delivery market con nues to experience robust growth as consumers seek
convenient, personalized, and healthier meal op ons. By offering a subscrip on-based
model, these services can capitalize on recurring revenue streams, customer loyalty, and the
growing trend towards home cooking, dietary preferences, and sustainability, driving further
market penetra on and expansion into new geographic regions.
Market Size:
 TAM: $25 Billion in 2024
 CAGR: 15%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: React Na ve
 Backend: Django
 Database: PostgreSQL
 Payment Gateway: Stripe
 Delivery Tracking: Google Maps API
 Eco-Friendly Packaging: Sustainable Packaging Providers
 Cloud: AWS
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 UI/UX Designer
 1 Logis cs Specialist
 1 Sustainability Expert
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 6-8 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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18. Virtual Reality Pla orm for Remote Team Building
The VR market is booming at an unprecedented rate. There is a rise in virtual assistants and
hybrid assistants. A VR team pla orm connects virtual, real and hybrid assistants. As remote
work becomes the new norm, virtual reality pla orms for team building and collabora on
present an innova ve solu on to enhance employee engagement, communica on, and
produc vity. These pla orms offer immersive experiences, interac ve ac vi es, and social
interac ons in virtual environments, enabling distributed teams to foster stronger
rela onships, foster crea vity, and achieve common goals, thereby fuelling the adop on of
VR technology in corporate se ngs and driving market growth.
Market Size:
 TAM: $7 Billion in 2024
 CAGR: 30%
Tech Stack:
 VR Development: Unity or Unreal Engine
 Backend: Node.js
 Database: MongoDB
 Collabora on Tools: Slack API
 Cloud: AWS or Azure
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 VR Developers
 1 Backend Developer
 1 UI/UX Designer
 1 Collabora on Specialist
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 8-10 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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19. Mobile App Connec ng Consumers with Local Ar sanal
Food Producers
With the growing consumer interest in suppor ng local businesses, ar sanal food producers,
and sustainable food prac ces, mobile apps connec ng consumers with local food producers
have significant growth poten al. These apps provide a convenient pla orm for consumers
to discover and purchase fresh, locally-sourced products directly from producers, while also
fostering community engagement, transparency, and trust in the food supply chain, driving
adop on and market expansion.:
Market Size:
 TAM: 0.1 to 10 Billion in 2024 (These apps cater to small geographic areas)
 CAGR: 8%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: Flu er
 Backend: Django
 Database: Firebase
 Payment Gateway: Razorpay
 Loca on Services: Google Maps API
 Cloud: AWS or Firebase
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 UI/UX Designer
 1 Payment Integra on Specialist
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 6-8 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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20. Online Marketplace for Sustainable Fashion
As sustainability becomes a key considera on for consumers, online marketplaces for
sustainable fashion offer a compelling value proposi on by cura ng ethically-produced, eco-
friendly, and socially-responsible fashion brands and products. These marketplaces address
the growing demand for sustainable fashion alterna ves, drive awareness and adop on of
conscious consumerism, and create new opportuni es for fashion designers, ar sans, and
retailers to showcase their products to a broader audience, fuelling market growth and
industry transforma on.
Market Size:
 TAM: $6.5 Billion in 2024
 CAGR: 9%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: React.js
 Backend: Express.js
 Database: MongoDB
 Payment Gateway: PayPal
 Sustainability Ra ngs: Good On You API
 Cloud: AWS
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 UI/UX Designer
 1 Sustainability Expert
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 6-8 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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21. Renewable Energy Consul ng and Installa on
With the increasing emphasis on sustainability and the transi on towards renewable energy
sources, there is significant growth poten al for SaaS pla orms offering renewable energy
consul ng and installa on services. These pla orms can streamline the process of assessing
energy needs, designing customized solu ons, and managing installa ons for residen al,
commercial, and industrial clients, thereby facilita ng the adop on of renewable energy
technologies and driving market growth in the renewable energy sector.
Market Size:
 TAM: $6 Billion
 CAGR: 7%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: Angular
 Backend: Django
 Database: PostgreSQL
 Energy Analy cs: Uptake
 Cloud: AWS
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 Energy Consultant
 1 Sustainability Expert
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 8-10 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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22. Subscrip on-Based Mental Health and Wellness Coaching
As mental health awareness grows and individuals seek personalized support for their well-
being, subscrip on-based SaaS pla orms offering mental health and wellness coaching have
substan al growth poten al. These pla orms provide convenient access to professional
coaching, therapy sessions, mindfulness exercises, and self-care resources, enabling users to
proac vely manage their mental health and emo onal well-being from the comfort of their
homes, driving adop on and market expansion in the mental health and wellness industry.
Market Size:
 TAM: $400+ Billion in 2024
 CAGR: 3.5%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: React Na ve
 Backend: Node.js
 Database: MongoDB
 Video Conferencing: Twilio Video API
 Cloud: AWS or Firebase
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 Mental Health Coach
 1 UI/UX Designer
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 6-8 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
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23. Home Automa on and Security with AI
With the prolifera on of smart home devices and the increasing demand for home security
solu ons, SaaS pla orms integra ng AI-powered home automa on and security systems
have significant growth poten al. These pla orms offer advanced features such as intelligent
surveillance, predic ve analy cs, and automated response mechanisms to enhance home
security, convenience, and energy efficiency, driving adop on among homeowners, property
managers, and smart home enthusiasts, thereby fuelling market growth in the home
automa on and security industry.
Market Size:
 TAM: $60 Billion in 2024
 CAGR: 12%
Tech Stack:
 AI Integra on: TensorFlow
 Backend: Django
 Database: PostgreSQL
 Security Cameras: Nest or Arlo
 Cloud: AWS
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 AI Specialist
 1 Security Expert
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 8-10 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
h ps://
24. Virtual Event Planning and Management
It has a few different meanings
1. Planning and managing events virtually, but events happen in the real world
2. Planning, managing and conduc ng events virtually
Both are huge markets. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the shi towards virtual
experiences, there is substan al growth poten al for SaaS pla orms specializing in virtual event
planning and management. These pla orms provide comprehensive solu ons for organizing virtual
conferences, webinars, trade shows, and corporate events, offering features such as a endee
registra on, content management, networking tools, and analy cs, thereby enabling businesses and
organiza ons to adapt to the virtual event landscape and capitalize on new opportuni es for
engagement and collabora on.
Market Size:
 TAM: $150+ Billion in 2024
 CAGR: 13%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: Vue.js
 Backend: Express.js
 Database: MongoDB
 Virtual Event Pla orms: Hopin or Bizzabo
 Cloud: AWS
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 Event Planner
 1 UI/UX Designer
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 6-8 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
h ps://
25. Mobile App Connec ng Users with Health and Wellness
With the growing demand for accessible and personalized health and wellness services,
mobile apps connec ng users with health and wellness professionals have significant growth
poten al. These apps serve as digital marketplaces, allowing users to discover, book, and
connect with a diverse range of prac oners, including fitness trainers, nutri onists,
therapists, and alterna ve medicine prac oners, driving adop on among health-conscious
consumers and fuelling market growth in the health and wellness industry.
Market Size:
 TAM: $20 Billion in 2024
 CAGR: 10%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: Flu er
 Backend: Django
 Database: Firebase
 Video Conferencing: Agora
 Cloud: AWS or Firebase
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 UI/UX Designer
 1 Health and Wellness Expert
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 6-8 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
h ps://
26. AI SMM Agency for Small and Medium-sized Businesses
As businesses increasingly rely on social media marke ng (SMM) to engage with customers
and promote their products/services, there is significant growth poten al for SaaS pla orms
offering AI-powered SMM services tailored to the needs of small and medium-sized
businesses (SMBs). These pla orms leverage AI algorithms to analyze social media data,
automate content crea on and scheduling, op mize ad campaigns, and provide ac onable
insights, enabling SMBs to enhance their online presence, reach target audiences effec vely,
and drive business growth through social media channels.
Market Size:
 TAM: $2 Billion in 2024
 CAGR: 28%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: React.js
 Backend: Node.js
 Database: MongoDB
 Social Media Management: Buffer or Hootsuite
 Cloud: AWS
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Full-stack Developers
 1 Social Media Strategist
 1 UI/UX Designer
Project Timeline:
Basic MVP: 6-8 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
h ps://
27. Niche CRM
With the growing complexity of customer rela onship management (CRM) needs across
various industries and ver cals, there is substan al growth poten al for SaaS pla orms
offering niche CRM solu ons tailored to specific business sectors or ver cal markets. These
pla orms provide specialized features, customiza on op ons, and industry-specific
integra ons to address the unique CRM requirements of niche businesses, such as
healthcare, real estate, educa on, or nonprofit organiza ons, enabling them to streamline
customer interac ons, improve sales processes, and foster stronger client rela onships
within their respec ve industries.
Market Evalua on:
 TAM: Varies based on Niche
 CAGR: Varies based on Niche
 Niche focus caters to specific industry needs.
 Poten al for deep customiza on.
 Limited market size.
 May face compe on from established CRMs with customiza on op ons.
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: React.js
 Backend: Node.js
 Database: MongoDB or PostgreSQL
 Integra on: Zapier
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 3 Full-stack Developers
 1 Niche Specialist
 1 UI/UX Designer
Project Timeline:
MVP in 6-9 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
h ps://
28. AI Training Datasets
As AI and machine learning applica ons con nue to proliferate across industries, there is
significant demand for high-quality training datasets to fuel the development and
op miza on of AI models and algorithms. SaaS pla orms offering AI training datasets have
substan al growth poten al by providing curated, annotated, and labelled datasets across
diverse domains, such as image recogni on, natural language processing, speech
recogni on, and autonomous vehicles. These pla orms cater to AI developers, researchers,
and enterprises seeking reliable datasets to train and validate their AI models, driving
adop on and market growth in the AI training data industry.
Market Size:
 TAM: $2 Billion in 2024
 CAGR: 22%
Tech Stack:
 Hugging Face
 Cloud AI
Team Members:
 1 Project Manager
 2 Data Scien sts
 1 AI Engineer
 2 ML Engineers
 High demand for quality datasets.
 Poten al collabora on with AI developers.
 May require con nuous updates.
 Sensi ve data handling concerns.
Project Timeline:
2-3 months
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
h ps://
29. Sales Dashboard
A sales dashboard collects sales data from different CRMs and sales channels into a unified
repor ng dashboard. With businesses increasingly relying on data-driven insights to drive
sales performance and decision-making, there is significant growth poten al for SaaS
pla orms offering sales dashboard solu ons. These pla orms aggregate sales data from
various sources, such as CRM systems, e-commerce pla orms, and marke ng automa on
tools, and provide intui ve dashboards and analy cs tools to visualize key sales metrics,
track performance indicators, and iden fy ac onable insights. By empowering sales teams
and business leaders with real- me visibility into sales ac vi es and performance, sales
dashboard pla orms drive efficiency, produc vity, and revenue growth for organiza ons
across industries.
Market Size:
 TAM: $3 Billion in 2024 (Es ma on)
 CAGR: 10% es mated
 High demand for data visualiza on in sales.
 Integra on with popular CRMs.
 Compe on in the dashboard market.
 Essen al features might overlap with exis ng tools.
Tech Stack:
 Frontend: React.js
 Backend: Django
 Database: PostgreSQL
 CRM Integra on: Salesforce, HubSpot
 1 Product Manager.
 2 Backend Developers
 1 Frontend Developer
 1 UI/UX Designer
 1 Data Engineer
 1 Business Analyst
Project Timeline:
6-9 months for MVP
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
h ps://
30. AI Interior, Building Design and Virtual Tours
With advancements in AI, virtual reality (VR), and architectural visualiza on technologies,
there is substan al growth poten al for SaaS pla orms offering AI-powered interior and
building design solu ons with virtual tour capabili es. These pla orms leverage AI
algorithms and VR technologies to generate realis c 3D renderings, floor plans, and virtual
tours of interior spaces and buildings, enabling architects, interior designers, real estate
developers, and property managers to visualize design concepts, showcase proper es, and
engage clients more effec vely. By providing immersive and interac ve experiences, AI-
driven interior design and virtual tour pla orms enhance collabora on, decision-making, and
customer sa sfac on in the architecture and construc on industries.
Market Size:
 TAM: $150+ Billion in 2024
 CAGR: 20%
Tech Stack:
 Frontend Development: React.js or Angular.js.
 3D: Three.js or Babylon.js
 Backend Development: Node.js or Python and Express.js. MongoDB or PostgreSQL
 AI/ML: TensorFlow or PyTorch
 Virtual Tour: Unity3D or Unreal Engine
 Product Manager/Owner: 1
 Frontend Developer: 1-2
 Backend Developer: 1-2
 AI/ML Engineer: 1-2
 UI/UX Designer: 1-2
 3D Designer/Modeler: 1-2
 Quality Assurance Engineer: 1
 DevOps Engineer: 1
Project Timeline
9 to 15 months for MVP
30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come
h ps://
At Scalable Startups, we're commi ed to suppor ng entrepreneurs in their journey to success.
Whether you're just star ng out or looking to scale your business, our team is here to help. From
conduc ng market research and cra ing compelling pitch decks to developing comprehensive
business plans and securing funding, we offer a range of services tailored to your needs. Let us be
your partner in turning your vision into reality. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how
we can support your entrepreneurial endeavours.
LinkedIn group: h ps://
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30 SaaS Project Ideas That Are Still Getting Funded: A Developer’s Guide

  • 1. 2024 Scalable Startups 2/1/2024 30 Fundable SaaS Ideas for the next decade Disclaimer: The informa on and sugges ons provided herein are intended solely for informa onal purposes and to offer general guidance. While efforts have been made to ensure accuracy, it is important to note that the data and recommenda ons presented may not be exhaus ve or tailored to specific circumstances. Entrepreneurs are encouraged to conduct their own research and due diligence to obtain precise and relevant informa on before making any business decisions. The authors and publishers of this content disclaim any liability for ac ons taken based on the informa on provided.
  • 2. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// List 1. AI Marke ng Tools 2. Cybersecurity Tools Pla orm 3. AI Chat Bots 4. IoT SaaS 5. SaaS for Digital Twins 6. No Code Pla orms for Business Tools 7. Smart Content Crea on Pla orm 8. AI-Powered Legal Assistance 9. Automated Digital Marke ng Campaign Creator 10. AI-Powered Resume and Cover Le er Builder 11. AI Healthcare Support 12. Educa onal AI Tutor 13. AI-Powered Customer Service 14. AI-Based Business Analy cs 15. AI NLP Language Transla on and Localiza on 16. Automated Coding Assistant 17. Subscrip on-Based Meal Kit Delivery Service 18. Virtual Reality Pla orm for Remote Team Building 19. Mobile App Connec ng Consumers with Local Ar sanal Food Producers 20. Online Marketplace for Sustainable Fashion 21. Renewable Energy Consul ng and Installa on 22. Subscrip on-Based Mental Health and Wellness Coaching 23. Home Automa on and Security with AI 24. Virtual Event Planning and Management 25. Mobile App Connec ng Users with Health and Wellness Professionals 26. AI SMM Agency for Small and Medium-sized Businesses 27. Niche CRM 28. AI Training Datasets 29. Sales Dashboard 30. AI Interior, Building Design and Virtual Tours
  • 3. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 1. AI Marke ng Tools About: With the increasing demand for personalized marke ng strategies, AI marke ng tools have immense poten al to revolu onize the industry. By leveraging AI algorithms, these tools can analyze vast amounts of data to deliver targeted campaigns, op mize ad spend, and enhance customer engagement, ul mately driving higher conversion rates and ROI for businesses. Market Size:  TAM (Total Addressable Market): $16B-27B in 2024 and will cross $100B by 2028  CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate): 28% Tech Stack:  Frontend: React.js  Backend: Node.js  Database: MongoDB  AI Framework: TensorFlow or PyTorch  Cloud: AWS or Azure  Team Members: Team Required  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 AI Specialist  1 UI/UX Designer Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 3-4 months
  • 4. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 2. Cybersecurity Tools Pla orm As cyber threats con nue to evolve and escalate, the need for robust cybersecurity solu ons is more cri cal than ever. A comprehensive cybersecurity tools pla orm can offer businesses a centralized hub for threat detec on, incident response, and compliance management. By providing advanced features such as threat intelligence, vulnerability scanning, and automated incident remedia on, these pla orms can help organiza ons for fy their defences and safeguard sensi ve data against cyber-a acks. Market Size:  TAM: $180-$200 Billion in 2024 and will reach $400B+ by 2030  CAGR: 11% Tech Stack:  Frontend: Angular  Backend: Django  Database: PostgreSQL  Security Framework: OWASP  Cloud: AWS Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 Security Specialist  1 QA Engineer Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 4-5 months
  • 5. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 3. AI Chat Bots About: AI bots will get smarter and widely acceptable in the near future. Despite a lot of pla orms offering custom chat bots, there is s ll a lot of room for new entrants. AI chatbots represent a significant opportunity to streamline customer support, enhance user experiences, and drive opera onal efficiency for businesses across various industries. By leveraging natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms, AI chatbots can engage with customers in real- me, addressing inquiries, providing personalized recommenda ons, and even comple ng transac ons autonomously. With the poten al to reduce response mes, increase customer sa sfac on, and scale support opera ons, AI chatbots are poised to become indispensable tools for modern businesses. Market Size:  TAM: $11 Billion in 2024  CAGR: 22% Tech Stack:  Frontend: Vue.js  Backend: Flask (Python)  Natural Language Processing (NLP): SpaCy  Cloud: Google Cloud Pla orm Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 AI/NLP Specialist  1 UI/UX Designer Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 4-6 months
  • 6. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 4. IoT SaaS About: The Internet of Things (IoT) is ushering in a new era of connected devices and smart systems, offering unprecedented opportuni es for innova on and efficiency. IoT SaaS solu ons enable businesses to harness the power of IoT technology without the complexi es of infrastructure management. By providing scalable pla orms for device management, data analy cs, and remote monitoring, IoT SaaS offerings empower organiza ons to op mize opera ons, improve asset u liza on, and unlock new revenue streams in diverse industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and transporta on. Market Size:  TAM: $8.5 Billion in 2024 (total IoT market is $400B+)  CAGR: 17% Tech Stack:  IoT Pla orm: AWS IoT or Azure IoT Hub  Backend: Express.js  Database: MongoDB  Device Management: MQTT Protocol Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 IoT Specialist  1 UI/UX Designer Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 5-7 months
  • 7. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 5. SaaS for Digital Twins About: Digital twins, virtual replicas of physical assets or systems, are becoming increasingly prevalent across industries, offering valuable insights for design, simula on, and predic ve maintenance. SaaS solu ons tailored for digital twins provide businesses with intui ve interfaces for crea ng, visualizing, and analyzing digital representa ons of assets in real- me. By leveraging simula on data, predic ve analy cs, and machine learning algorithms, these pla orms enable organiza ons to op mize performance, reduce down me, and drive innova on in fields such as manufacturing, construc on, and urban planning. Market Size:  TAM: $10-15 Billion in 2024, and will exceed $100B by 2030  CAGR: 35%+ Tech Stack:  Frontend: React.js  Backend: Django  Database: PostgreSQL  3D Modeling: Three.js  Cloud: AWS or Azure Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 3D Modeling Specialist  1 UI/UX Designer Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 6-8 months
  • 8. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 6. No Code Pla orms for Business Tools About: With the growing demand for agile and customizable solu ons, no-code pla orms offer businesses the ability to build and deploy a wide range of applica ons without the need for tradi onal coding exper se. These pla orms empower users across departments to develop and iterate on business tools such as CRM systems, project management so ware, and internal dashboards, accelera ng digital transforma on efforts and driving opera onal efficiency. Market Size:  TAM: $20 Billion in 2024  CAGR: 24% Tech Stack:  Backend: Node.js  Database: MongoDB  Frontend: React.js  No Code Framework: Bubble or Adalo  Cloud: AWS or Firebase Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 UI/UX Designer Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 3-5 months
  • 9. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 7. Smart Content Crea on Pla orm About: A pla orm that leverages OpenAI API for content crea on (blogs, ar cles, social media posts, etc.) and further provides services like content strategy, SEO op miza on, audience targe ng, and performance analysis. In the era of content marke ng, smart content crea on pla orms equipped with AI capabili es hold significant poten al to revolu onize the way businesses produce, op mize, and distribute content. By leveraging natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, these pla orms can generate high-quality content across various formats, tailor messaging to target audiences, and analyze performance metrics to refine content strategies over me, ul mately driving engagement, brand awareness, and lead genera on. Market Size:  TAM: $2.5 Billion in 2024  CAGR: 18% Tech Stack:  Frontend: React.js  Backend: Node.js  Database: MongoDB  AI Framework: OpenAI API  Content Strategy: Conten ul  SEO Op miza on: SEMrush  Cloud: AWS or Azure Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 AI Specialist  1 SEO Strategist  1 Content Strategist Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 5-6 months
  • 10. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 8. AI-Powered Legal Assistance About: A service that combines OpenAI API with legal databases to help businesses generate contracts, agreements, legal briefs, and also provides real- me legal advice. The legal industry is ripe for disrup on with AI-powered legal assistance pla orms offering innova ve solu ons for contract dra ing, legal research, and case management. By harnessing the power of natural language processing and machine learning, these pla orms can streamline tedious legal tasks, improve document accuracy, and provide real- me insights into case law and regulatory changes, enabling legal professionals to deliver more efficient and cost- effec ve services to clients. Market Size:  TAM: $37 Billion is expected to spent on AI legal tools 2024  CAGR: 18% Tech Stack:  Frontend: Angular  Backend: Django  Database: PostgreSQL  Legal Databases: LexisNexis  AI Framework: OpenAI API  Cloud: AWS Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 AI Specialist  1 Legal Expert Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 6-7 months
  • 11. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 9. Automated Digital Marke ng Campaign Creator About: A pla orm that generates marke ng campaigns (emails, social media posts, ads) using OpenAI API. Addi onal features could include A/B tes ng, analy cs, campaign management, and personaliza on based on customer data. As digital marke ng con nues to evolve, automated campaign crea on pla orms powered by AI present a compelling opportunity to simplify and op mize the campaign management process. These pla orms can analyze vast amounts of customer data, iden fy trends and pa erns, and generate personalized marke ng campaigns across mul ple channels, reducing manual effort and driving higher conversion rates and ROI for marketers. Market Size:  TAM: $6 Billion  CAGR: 12% Tech Stack:  Frontend: Vue.js  Backend: Express.js  Database: MongoDB  AI Framework: OpenAI API  A/B Tes ng: Op mizely  Analy cs: Google Analy cs  Cloud: Google Cloud Pla orm Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 AI Specialist  1 Marke ng Analyst Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 4-5 months
  • 12. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 10. AI-Powered Resume and Cover Le er Builder About: This service that uses OpenAI API to write resumes and cover le ers tailored to specific job descrip ons. Addi onal features could include job matching, interview coaching, and career advice. With job seekers facing fierce compe on in today's job market, AI-powered resume and cover le er builders offer a valuable solu on for cra ing professional and compelling job applica on materials. By leveraging AI algorithms, these pla orms can analyze job descrip ons, iden fy relevant keywords, and generate tailored resumes and cover le ers that resonate with hiring managers, increasing the chances of securing interviews and landing job offers. Market Size: TAM: $100 Million (AI is yet to take off in the huge recrui ng industry ) CAGR: 8% Tech Stack:  Frontend: React.js  Backend: Django  Database: MongoDB  AI Framework: OpenAI API  Job Matching: LinkedIn API  Interview Coaching: InterviewBuddy  Cloud: AWS Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 AI Specialist  1 HR Expert Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 5-6 months
  • 13. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 11. AI Healthcare Support About: AI-powered healthcare support systems have immense poten al to revolu onize pa ent care by assis ng medical professionals in diagnosis, treatment planning, and personalized medicine. These pla orms can analyze vast amounts of pa ent data, including medical records, lab results, and imaging scans, to provide real- me insights, predic ve analy cs, and decision support, ul mately improving clinical outcomes, reducing medical errors, and enhancing pa ent experiences. Market Size:  TAM: $25 Billion in 2024 and will reach $180+ Billion by 2030  CAGR: 36% Tech Stack:  Frontend: Angular  Backend: Flask (Python)  Database: MongoDB  AI Framework: OpenAI API  Electronic Health Records: Epic Systems  Cloud: AWS Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 AI/Medical Specialist  1 UX/UI Designer Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 6-7 months
  • 14. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 12. Educa onal AI Tutor About: A pla orm that uses OpenAI API to offer personalized learning assistance, answering ques ons and explaining concepts across a range of subjects. Extra services could include study plan crea on, learning analy cs, and resource recommenda on. With the shi towards online learning and personalized educa on, AI-powered tutoring pla orms offer a scalable and adap ve solu on to meet the diverse needs of learners. These pla orms leverage machine learning algorithms to assess students' strengths and weaknesses, deliver customized learning paths and content, and provide real- me feedback and support, fostering engagement, mastery, and academic success across various subjects and skill levels. Market Size:  TAM: $1 Billion in 2024 (AI is yet to influence the EdTech market )  CAGR: 36% Tech Stack:  Frontend: Vue.js  Backend: Express.js  Database: MongoDB  AI Framework: OpenAI API  Learning Analy cs: Moodle  Cloud: Google Cloud Pla orm Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 AI Specialist  1 Educa onal Specialist Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 5-6 months
  • 15. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 13. AI-Powered Customer Service A SaaS pla orm that uses AI to automate customer service interac ons across various channels (chat, email, social media). Added value services could include customer sen ment analysis, customer profiling, and predic ve modelling for customer churn. While chat bots are the most visible and popular form of AI customer service, there are several emerging areas such as AI call centres, AI email marke ng, etc. AI-driven customer service pla orms are poised to transform the way businesses interact with their customers by automa ng rou ne inquiries, resolving issues faster, and delivering personalized experiences at scale. These pla orms u lize natural language processing and machine learning techniques to understand customer queries, route them to the appropriate channels or agents, and provide intelligent responses, leading to improved customer sa sfac on, loyalty, and opera onal efficiency. Market Size:  TAM: $3 Billion in 2024 (Es ma on)  CAGR: 30% Tech Stack:  Frontend: React.js  Backend: Django  Database: PostgreSQL  AI Framework: OpenAI API  Customer Sen ment Analysis: MonkeyLearn  Cloud: AWS Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 AI Specialist  1 Customer Service Expert Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 6-7 months
  • 16. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 14. AI-Based Business Analy cs About: A service that leverages AI/ML analyse business data and provide ac onable insights. Extra services could include predic ve modelling, anomaly detec on, and data visualiza on. AI’s primary applica on is data analy cs which is a huge market. AI-powered business analy cs solu ons hold significant promise for helping organiza ons unlock ac onable insights from their data to drive informed decision-making and compe ve advantage. These pla orms leverage advanced algorithms to analyze complex datasets, detect pa erns, trends, and anomalies, and generate predic ve models and visualiza ons, empowering businesses to op mize processes, iden fy growth opportuni es, and mi gate risks in real- me. Market Size:  TAM: $12-20 Billion in 2024  CAGR: 28% Tech Stack:  Frontend: Angular  Backend: Flask (Python)  Database: MongoDB  AI Framework: Custom AI/ML  Data Visualiza on: Tableau  Cloud: Azure Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 AI Specialist  1 Business Analyst Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 6-8 months
  • 17. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 15. AI NLP Language Transla on and Localiza on In our increasingly globalized world, AI-powered language transla on and localiza on pla orms play a vital role in breaking down language barriers and facilita ng cross-cultural communica on. These pla orms u lize natural language processing techniques to accurately translate text, speech, and mul media content across mul ple languages, while also considering cultural nuances and context, enabling businesses to expand their reach, engage diverse audiences, and drive interna onal growth. A service that uses NLP to offer instant transla on of text, and further offers localiza on services such as cultural adapta on of content, SEO in different languages, and regional marke ng advice. Market Size:  TAM: $5 Billion in 2024  CAGR: 12% Tech Stack:  Frontend: React.js  Backend: Node.js  Database: MongoDB  AI Framework: OpenAI API  Cloud: AWS or Azure Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 AI Specialist  1 Linguis cs Expert Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 5-6 months
  • 18. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 16. Automated Coding Assistant About: A pla orm that uses OpenAI, LangChain and other tools to provide real- me coding help, debugging, code op miza on sugges ons, and even automated code genera on. Addi onal features could include project management, code reviews, and integra on with popular coding pla orms. With the increasing demand for so ware development talent and the rise of remote work, automated coding assistants have significant growth poten al. These pla orms leverage AI and machine learning to streamline the coding process, offering real- me sugges ons, error detec on, and code op miza on, thereby improving developer produc vity, code quality, and me-to-market for so ware products across industries. Market Size:  TAM: $5 Billion in 2024  CAGR: 24% Tech Stack:  Frontend: Vue.js  Backend: Express.js  Database: MongoDB  AI Framework: OpenAI, LangChain  Code Reviews: GitHub Ac ons  Cloud: AWS Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 AI Specialist  1 DevOps Engineer Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 5-6 months
  • 19. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 17. Subscrip on-Based Meal Kit Delivery Service About: The meal kit delivery market con nues to experience robust growth as consumers seek convenient, personalized, and healthier meal op ons. By offering a subscrip on-based model, these services can capitalize on recurring revenue streams, customer loyalty, and the growing trend towards home cooking, dietary preferences, and sustainability, driving further market penetra on and expansion into new geographic regions. Market Size:  TAM: $25 Billion in 2024  CAGR: 15% Tech Stack:  Frontend: React Na ve  Backend: Django  Database: PostgreSQL  Payment Gateway: Stripe  Delivery Tracking: Google Maps API  Eco-Friendly Packaging: Sustainable Packaging Providers  Cloud: AWS Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 UI/UX Designer  1 Logis cs Specialist  1 Sustainability Expert Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 6-8 months
  • 20. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 18. Virtual Reality Pla orm for Remote Team Building About: The VR market is booming at an unprecedented rate. There is a rise in virtual assistants and hybrid assistants. A VR team pla orm connects virtual, real and hybrid assistants. As remote work becomes the new norm, virtual reality pla orms for team building and collabora on present an innova ve solu on to enhance employee engagement, communica on, and produc vity. These pla orms offer immersive experiences, interac ve ac vi es, and social interac ons in virtual environments, enabling distributed teams to foster stronger rela onships, foster crea vity, and achieve common goals, thereby fuelling the adop on of VR technology in corporate se ngs and driving market growth. Market Size:  TAM: $7 Billion in 2024  CAGR: 30% Tech Stack:  VR Development: Unity or Unreal Engine  Backend: Node.js  Database: MongoDB  Collabora on Tools: Slack API  Cloud: AWS or Azure Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 VR Developers  1 Backend Developer  1 UI/UX Designer  1 Collabora on Specialist Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 8-10 months
  • 21. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 19. Mobile App Connec ng Consumers with Local Ar sanal Food Producers About: With the growing consumer interest in suppor ng local businesses, ar sanal food producers, and sustainable food prac ces, mobile apps connec ng consumers with local food producers have significant growth poten al. These apps provide a convenient pla orm for consumers to discover and purchase fresh, locally-sourced products directly from producers, while also fostering community engagement, transparency, and trust in the food supply chain, driving adop on and market expansion.: Market Size:  TAM: 0.1 to 10 Billion in 2024 (These apps cater to small geographic areas)  CAGR: 8% Tech Stack:  Frontend: Flu er  Backend: Django  Database: Firebase  Payment Gateway: Razorpay  Loca on Services: Google Maps API  Cloud: AWS or Firebase Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 UI/UX Designer  1 Payment Integra on Specialist Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 6-8 months
  • 22. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 20. Online Marketplace for Sustainable Fashion About: As sustainability becomes a key considera on for consumers, online marketplaces for sustainable fashion offer a compelling value proposi on by cura ng ethically-produced, eco- friendly, and socially-responsible fashion brands and products. These marketplaces address the growing demand for sustainable fashion alterna ves, drive awareness and adop on of conscious consumerism, and create new opportuni es for fashion designers, ar sans, and retailers to showcase their products to a broader audience, fuelling market growth and industry transforma on. Market Size:  TAM: $6.5 Billion in 2024  CAGR: 9% Tech Stack:  Frontend: React.js  Backend: Express.js  Database: MongoDB  Payment Gateway: PayPal  Sustainability Ra ngs: Good On You API  Cloud: AWS Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 UI/UX Designer  1 Sustainability Expert Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 6-8 months
  • 23. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 21. Renewable Energy Consul ng and Installa on About: With the increasing emphasis on sustainability and the transi on towards renewable energy sources, there is significant growth poten al for SaaS pla orms offering renewable energy consul ng and installa on services. These pla orms can streamline the process of assessing energy needs, designing customized solu ons, and managing installa ons for residen al, commercial, and industrial clients, thereby facilita ng the adop on of renewable energy technologies and driving market growth in the renewable energy sector. Market Size:  TAM: $6 Billion  CAGR: 7% Tech Stack:  Frontend: Angular  Backend: Django  Database: PostgreSQL  Energy Analy cs: Uptake  Cloud: AWS Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 Energy Consultant  1 Sustainability Expert Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 8-10 months
  • 24. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 22. Subscrip on-Based Mental Health and Wellness Coaching About: As mental health awareness grows and individuals seek personalized support for their well- being, subscrip on-based SaaS pla orms offering mental health and wellness coaching have substan al growth poten al. These pla orms provide convenient access to professional coaching, therapy sessions, mindfulness exercises, and self-care resources, enabling users to proac vely manage their mental health and emo onal well-being from the comfort of their homes, driving adop on and market expansion in the mental health and wellness industry. Market Size:  TAM: $400+ Billion in 2024  CAGR: 3.5% Tech Stack:  Frontend: React Na ve  Backend: Node.js  Database: MongoDB  Video Conferencing: Twilio Video API  Cloud: AWS or Firebase Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 Mental Health Coach  1 UI/UX Designer Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 6-8 months
  • 25. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 23. Home Automa on and Security with AI About: With the prolifera on of smart home devices and the increasing demand for home security solu ons, SaaS pla orms integra ng AI-powered home automa on and security systems have significant growth poten al. These pla orms offer advanced features such as intelligent surveillance, predic ve analy cs, and automated response mechanisms to enhance home security, convenience, and energy efficiency, driving adop on among homeowners, property managers, and smart home enthusiasts, thereby fuelling market growth in the home automa on and security industry. Market Size:  TAM: $60 Billion in 2024  CAGR: 12% Tech Stack:  AI Integra on: TensorFlow  Backend: Django  Database: PostgreSQL  Security Cameras: Nest or Arlo  Cloud: AWS Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 AI Specialist  1 Security Expert Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 8-10 months
  • 26. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 24. Virtual Event Planning and Management It has a few different meanings 1. Planning and managing events virtually, but events happen in the real world 2. Planning, managing and conduc ng events virtually Both are huge markets. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the shi towards virtual experiences, there is substan al growth poten al for SaaS pla orms specializing in virtual event planning and management. These pla orms provide comprehensive solu ons for organizing virtual conferences, webinars, trade shows, and corporate events, offering features such as a endee registra on, content management, networking tools, and analy cs, thereby enabling businesses and organiza ons to adapt to the virtual event landscape and capitalize on new opportuni es for engagement and collabora on. Market Size:  TAM: $150+ Billion in 2024  CAGR: 13% Tech Stack:  Frontend: Vue.js  Backend: Express.js  Database: MongoDB  Virtual Event Pla orms: Hopin or Bizzabo  Cloud: AWS Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 Event Planner  1 UI/UX Designer Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 6-8 months
  • 27. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 25. Mobile App Connec ng Users with Health and Wellness Professionals About: With the growing demand for accessible and personalized health and wellness services, mobile apps connec ng users with health and wellness professionals have significant growth poten al. These apps serve as digital marketplaces, allowing users to discover, book, and connect with a diverse range of prac oners, including fitness trainers, nutri onists, therapists, and alterna ve medicine prac oners, driving adop on among health-conscious consumers and fuelling market growth in the health and wellness industry. Market Size:  TAM: $20 Billion in 2024  CAGR: 10% Tech Stack:  Frontend: Flu er  Backend: Django  Database: Firebase  Video Conferencing: Agora  Cloud: AWS or Firebase Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 UI/UX Designer  1 Health and Wellness Expert Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 6-8 months
  • 28. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 26. AI SMM Agency for Small and Medium-sized Businesses About: As businesses increasingly rely on social media marke ng (SMM) to engage with customers and promote their products/services, there is significant growth poten al for SaaS pla orms offering AI-powered SMM services tailored to the needs of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). These pla orms leverage AI algorithms to analyze social media data, automate content crea on and scheduling, op mize ad campaigns, and provide ac onable insights, enabling SMBs to enhance their online presence, reach target audiences effec vely, and drive business growth through social media channels. Market Size:  TAM: $2 Billion in 2024  CAGR: 28% Tech Stack:  Frontend: React.js  Backend: Node.js  Database: MongoDB  Social Media Management: Buffer or Hootsuite  Cloud: AWS Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Full-stack Developers  1 Social Media Strategist  1 UI/UX Designer Project Timeline: Basic MVP: 6-8 months
  • 29. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 27. Niche CRM About: With the growing complexity of customer rela onship management (CRM) needs across various industries and ver cals, there is substan al growth poten al for SaaS pla orms offering niche CRM solu ons tailored to specific business sectors or ver cal markets. These pla orms provide specialized features, customiza on op ons, and industry-specific integra ons to address the unique CRM requirements of niche businesses, such as healthcare, real estate, educa on, or nonprofit organiza ons, enabling them to streamline customer interac ons, improve sales processes, and foster stronger client rela onships within their respec ve industries. Market Evalua on:  TAM: Varies based on Niche  CAGR: Varies based on Niche Pros:  Niche focus caters to specific industry needs.  Poten al for deep customiza on. Cons:  Limited market size.  May face compe on from established CRMs with customiza on op ons. Tech Stack:  Frontend: React.js  Backend: Node.js  Database: MongoDB or PostgreSQL  Integra on: Zapier Team Members:  1 Project Manager  3 Full-stack Developers  1 Niche Specialist  1 UI/UX Designer Project Timeline: MVP in 6-9 months
  • 30. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 28. AI Training Datasets About: As AI and machine learning applica ons con nue to proliferate across industries, there is significant demand for high-quality training datasets to fuel the development and op miza on of AI models and algorithms. SaaS pla orms offering AI training datasets have substan al growth poten al by providing curated, annotated, and labelled datasets across diverse domains, such as image recogni on, natural language processing, speech recogni on, and autonomous vehicles. These pla orms cater to AI developers, researchers, and enterprises seeking reliable datasets to train and validate their AI models, driving adop on and market growth in the AI training data industry. Market Size:  TAM: $2 Billion in 2024  CAGR: 22% Tech Stack:  Hugging Face  Cloud AI Team Members:  1 Project Manager  2 Data Scien sts  1 AI Engineer  2 ML Engineers Pros:  High demand for quality datasets.  Poten al collabora on with AI developers. Cons:  May require con nuous updates.  Sensi ve data handling concerns. Project Timeline: 2-3 months
  • 31. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 29. Sales Dashboard A sales dashboard collects sales data from different CRMs and sales channels into a unified repor ng dashboard. With businesses increasingly relying on data-driven insights to drive sales performance and decision-making, there is significant growth poten al for SaaS pla orms offering sales dashboard solu ons. These pla orms aggregate sales data from various sources, such as CRM systems, e-commerce pla orms, and marke ng automa on tools, and provide intui ve dashboards and analy cs tools to visualize key sales metrics, track performance indicators, and iden fy ac onable insights. By empowering sales teams and business leaders with real- me visibility into sales ac vi es and performance, sales dashboard pla orms drive efficiency, produc vity, and revenue growth for organiza ons across industries. Market Size:  TAM: $3 Billion in 2024 (Es ma on)  CAGR: 10% es mated Pros:  High demand for data visualiza on in sales.  Integra on with popular CRMs. Cons:  Compe on in the dashboard market.  Essen al features might overlap with exis ng tools. Tech Stack:  Frontend: React.js  Backend: Django  Database: PostgreSQL  CRM Integra on: Salesforce, HubSpot Team:  1 Product Manager.  2 Backend Developers  1 Frontend Developer  1 UI/UX Designer  1 Data Engineer  1 Business Analyst Project Timeline: 6-9 months for MVP
  • 32. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// 30. AI Interior, Building Design and Virtual Tours About: With advancements in AI, virtual reality (VR), and architectural visualiza on technologies, there is substan al growth poten al for SaaS pla orms offering AI-powered interior and building design solu ons with virtual tour capabili es. These pla orms leverage AI algorithms and VR technologies to generate realis c 3D renderings, floor plans, and virtual tours of interior spaces and buildings, enabling architects, interior designers, real estate developers, and property managers to visualize design concepts, showcase proper es, and engage clients more effec vely. By providing immersive and interac ve experiences, AI- driven interior design and virtual tour pla orms enhance collabora on, decision-making, and customer sa sfac on in the architecture and construc on industries. Market Size:  TAM: $150+ Billion in 2024  CAGR: 20% Tech Stack:  Frontend Development: React.js or Angular.js.  3D: Three.js or Babylon.js  Backend Development: Node.js or Python and Express.js. MongoDB or PostgreSQL  AI/ML: TensorFlow or PyTorch  Virtual Tour: Unity3D or Unreal Engine Team  Product Manager/Owner: 1  Frontend Developer: 1-2  Backend Developer: 1-2  AI/ML Engineer: 1-2  UI/UX Designer: 1-2  3D Designer/Modeler: 1-2  Quality Assurance Engineer: 1  DevOps Engineer: 1 Project Timeline 9 to 15 months for MVP
  • 33. 30 SaaS Ideas Ready that are Fundable and Set to Thrive for Years to Come h ps:// At Scalable Startups, we're commi ed to suppor ng entrepreneurs in their journey to success. Whether you're just star ng out or looking to scale your business, our team is here to help. From conduc ng market research and cra ing compelling pitch decks to developing comprehensive business plans and securing funding, we offer a range of services tailored to your needs. Let us be your partner in turning your vision into reality. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can support your entrepreneurial endeavours. Email: LinkedIn group: h ps:// FB Group: h ps:// Thank You