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Insights from industry leaders on how digital
transformation is driving business resilience,
sustainability, and talent management
About This Study
Business Value
Business Resilience
Emerges Amid
Heats Up
Thank You
The State of Design & Make report is a global, annual study for
leaders who design and make places, objects, and experiences.
It identifies the most pressing drivers of change that are shaping
today’s business decisions and helps leaders make informed,
strategic decisions about how to prioritize and invest in the future.
The industries that design and
make comprise a unique category
that connects the digital to the
physical. Architecture, engineering,
construction, product design,
manufacturing, gaming, and
filmmaking all require complex human
collaboration throughout a digital
design process and delivery of a
physical result. Executives in these
industries share their approaches
and points of view on the challenges
unique to their organizations and the
opportunities they are identifying.
Key areas of focus for this research
include: a macro view of the
industries; staying resilient and
relevant in an ever-changing world;
attracting, training, and retaining
a skilled workforce; and achieving
sustainable outcomes.
Autodesk partnered with Ipsos, a
leader in global research and insights,
to survey and interview 2,565 industry
leaders, futurists, and experts in the
architecture, engineering, construction,
and owners (AECO); design and
manufacturing (D&M); and media and
entertainment (M&E) industries from
countries around the globe.
Survey data has been broken down
by global region: Asia-Pacific (APAC),
which includes responses from
Australia, China, India, Japan, and
South Korea; Europe, with responses
from France, Germany, Italy, the
Netherlands, Sweden, and the United
Kingdom; and the Americas, with
responses from Canada and the
United States.
This report contains key findings
from this research, including details
at the sector and regional level. In
certain instances, responses have
been compared by country, but
only countries with 200 or more
respondents are included in these
comparisons: Australia, China, France,
Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom,
and the United States.
The quantitative data (n= 2,489)
was collected between October and
December 2022, through a 20-minute
online survey. In addition, 76
qualitative interviews with business
leaders and futurists were conducted
between September and December
2022. In some instances, Autodesk
references analysis of its aggregated
and anonymized data.
Leaders and experts in industries that design and make the
world are finding powerful ways to adapt to an accelerating rate
of change. Executives in architecture, engineering, construction,
product design, manufacturing, gaming, and filmmaking shared
their approaches and points of view on the obstacles they are
facing and opportunities they are identifying.
The future of the design and make industries relies on the understanding
and successful implementation of thoughtful moves where digitization,
sustainability, and workforce meet. As architecture, engineering,
construction, product design, manufacturing, games, and
filmmaking continue to transform at a rapid pace,
these three drivers of change provide
leaders a focus for their attention
and investments in the one-
to three-year time frame
to stay competitive.

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The document discusses a report by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services on business transformation and the CIO role. It finds that some companies called "Innovation Accelerators" are accelerating business transformation through IT-enabled innovation. These companies share six common traits: 1) innovation leadership starts at the top with the CEO; 2) they take a structured approach to innovation but value speed over perfection; 3) they collaborate across functions and boundaries to gain diverse perspectives; 4) their CIOs focus more on strategic activities; 5) IT actively contributes to innovation; and 6) they invest more in and reward innovation. The report provides examples of how Innovation Accelerators are using technologies like analytics and mobility to transform customer engagement, business

Leveraging Design Thinking for Value Enhancement of Digital Transformation
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Leveraging Design Thinking for Value Enhancement of Digital Transformation

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Digital Transformation has been making waves and has found widespread recognition in most industries. What started as a driver of marginal efficiency is now rapidly shifting to become an enabler of fundamental innovation and disruption within an organization. The scope and scale of digital-driven change continue to grow immensely. However, organizations are still grappling with the nuances of the journey of digital transformation implementation, its implications or its impact. Digital transformation is not about adopting technologies but having an integrated approach involving people and leadership. This white paper presents the context of digital transformation in manufacturing organizations. It redefines the process to incorporate important aspects such as breaking the silos, rescoping the challenge/ objectives, having an iterative approach and using design thinking to better understand the value implication of such an exercise. Case studies from clients have been used to illustrate the same. Keywords: Design Thinking, Industry 4.0, Manufacturing industries, Smart factory, Value Assessment, Digital Transformation, Value Implementation

design thinkingdesign thinking for growthindustry 4.0
*Leaders: Sixty-nine percent of survey participants are decision makers in their companies. In this report, this group is referred to as “leaders.” Job roles for the leaders group include director, industry consultant, president or CEO, senior executive, senior vice president, and vice president.
Experts: The remaining 31% of respondents are referred to as “experts.” This group includes managers, senior managers, mid-level employees, and a small number of educators and entry-level employees.
Business Resilience Emerges Amid Uncertainty
Most feel prepared
Business leaders and experts*reported
that the future global landscape feels
more uncertain than it did three years
ago. However, most also said that their
companies are prepared to respond
to this uncertainty.
Top business objectives
Sixty percent of respondents said that
business growth is a top objective for
their company, and 55% cited operational
efficiency as another top business
objective. An analysis of anonymized data
from Autodesk customer projects shows
that goals tied to business growth include
improvements to win rate and design
quality, while goals tied to operational
efficiency include improvements to
workflows and production, project
delivery, and facility management.
Adapting to the new normal
Leaders and experts reported making
significant changes in response to
the challenges of the pandemic. At
least half said they changed how their
companies worked day-to-day and how
they managed their workforce. Remote
work was the most significant area of
increased investment during the past
three years.
Digitization drives
the future
Seventy-nine percent of respondents
said that the future growth of their
company will depend on digital tools.
Those that are keeping up with the pace
of change in their industry are more
likely to have plans to increase existing
services, offer new services, and
potentially expand into new markets.
of respondents said that the
future growth of their company
will depend on digital tools
Remote work
was the most significant
area of increased investment
during the past three years
Business Resilience Emerges Amid Uncertainty
Digital maturity
promotes flexibility
Respondents from companies that are
more digitally mature*report that they
are prepared to handle change at higher
rates than those from less digitally
mature companies.
M&E leads in
digital maturity
Companies in the M&E industry appear
to be further along in their digital
transformation journey than those
in AECO and D&M.
Digital transformation
is boosting business
Business leaders and experts have
experienced several benefits from digital
transformation. The top benefits of digital
transformation include reduced costs,
increased innovation and better ideas,
and the ability to launch products and
services faster.
Regional reactions
to a shifting landscape
Business leaders and experts from
Europe were the most likely to say that
the global landscape feels uncertain
while those in the Asia-Pacific (APAC)
region were the most likely to say that
their companies were well-positioned
to handle global changes.
Respondents from companies that are more digitally mature report
that they are prepared to handle change at higher
rates than those from less digitally mature companies
Business leaders in the Asia-Pacific region were the most likely
to say that their companies were well-positioned
to handle global changes
*Digital maturity: Respondents were asked how far their companies were in their transformation journeys. Organizations that respondents said are in the “early stage” or “right in the middle” of their digital transformation journeys are considered less digitally mature companies.
Those that respondents identified as “approaching the goal” or having “achieved the goal” of digital transformation are considered more digitally mature companies.
of respondents said that the workforce
has evolved more in the past three
years than it had in the previous 25 years
Talent leads all challenges
More than any other factor, business
leaders and experts across industries
identified attracting and retaining talent
as a top challenge. Even for respondents
who did not cite talent as a top factor,
the majority said they have trouble
finding skilled employees.
The importance of upskilling
More than 90% of respondents agreed
that upskilling is important to their
companies. Also, more than half
said that their companies are hiring
employees who lack the skills needed
for their positions and plan to train
them on the job.
A rapidly changing
Seventy-two percent of respondents
said that the workforce has evolved
more in the past three years than it
had in the previous 25 years. Survey
respondents and interviewees
mentioned the impact of recent
changes such as the rise of remote
work, more flexible work styles and
hours, increased digitization, and more
global operations at many firms.
Digitally mature companies
invest in talent solutions
Leaders and experts at more digitally
mature companies were more likely to
say their organizations had implemented
various talent-related solutions than
those at less digitally mature companies.
These actions include investing in
technology, hiring from a broader
geographical area, and implementing
new training programs.
Talent Competition Heats Up
More than half
of respondents said that
their companies are hiring employees
who lack the skills needed for their
positions and plan to train them
Respondents from China were more likely to say they
face hurdles in attracting talent, including
challenges related to an aging workforce
Respondents from M&E were less likely
to say their companies have trouble
adapting to the needs and
desires of a younger generation
Talent Competition Heats Up
Skills of the future
Respondents identified a broad swath of
important competencies for the future,
including technology skills, collaboration
skills, regulatory knowledge, innovation
skills, and the capacity and motivation for
ongoing learning.
M&E faces fewer
demographic challenges
Respondents from all sectors said
that talent is a top challenge, but M&E
companies were less likely than those
in other industries to say that the
workforce is rapidly aging or that
their companies have trouble adapting
to the needs and desires of a younger
generation of workers.
Talent challenges
vary by region
Respondents from China were more
likely to say they face hurdles in
attracting talent, citing challenges
related to an aging workforce. By
contrast, Australian respondents
were less likely to cite an aging
workforce or a slowness to adapt
to a younger generation.

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1) Flexible IT policies play a major role in employee satisfaction and retention. Employees with access to flexible policies like telework and social media report higher satisfaction and are less likely to plan to leave their employer. 2) Employees expect work technology to be on par with their personal technology experiences, but report their work technology is often outdated, slower, and less user-friendly. Addressing basic IT issues like speed and support is important. 3) Employees are driving technological change in the workplace as they transfer their consumer technology experiences. Many expect to use similar tools at work and home.

social hrtalent managementemployee engagement
A broad consensus
Nearly 90% of respondents said that
their industry/organization has made
changes to improve sustainability.
Sustainability is
good for business
Eighty percent of respondents said
that improving sustainability practices
is a good long-term business decision.
More than half also said it is a good
short-term decision.
Internal sustainability goals
The majority of business leaders and
experts said it is important for their
companies to achieve their sustainability
goals. However, only 17% strongly agree
that they are proud of their company’s
sustainability initiatives.
US companies lag on action
Sustainability is an area where
companies’ practices vary significantly
based on geography. Most notably,
respondents from US companies are
more than twice as likely to report that
their organizations aren’t engaged in
any sustainability-related activities
compared to the worldwide average.
Sustainability Drives Business Value
of respondents said that improving
sustainability practices is a good
long-term business decision
Respondents from US companies are
more than twice as likely to report that their
organizations aren’t engaged in
any sustainability-related activities
compared to the worldwide average
Sustainability focus varies by industry
AECO and D&M companies are more likely to name sustainability
as a challenge and more likely to say that sustainability goals
are important. More than those from other industries, leaders
and experts at D&M companies said their organizations planned
to increase their efforts to design products while considering
environmental impacts in the next three years. Furthermore, in the
past three years, D&M respondents were more likely to have made
efforts to decrease waste from production or use recycled materials.
Pressure from customers and employees
Respondents reported that companies received pressure to define
and meet sustainability goals from several sets of outside forces and
internal stakeholders. Customers were the greatest source of this
pressure, with more than 80% of respondents saying that customers
are influencing their sustainability activities. Respondents also
identified employee pressure as a significant influence.
Sustainability Drives Business Value
In the next 3 years:
More than those from other industries, leaders
and experts at D&M companies said their organizations
planned to increase their efforts to design products
while considering environmental impacts
THAN 80%
of respondents said their company’s
sustainability activities are being
influenced by customers
“The thing that keeps me up at night is the idea of not
changing. We have stressed the model to its maximum
point. We are going to break the model, and someone
is going to disrupt the construction industry.”
–Frédéric Gal, Head of Business Modernisation Project, Bouygues Construction
Businesses face challenges
with talent, costs,
and global uncertainty
When asked to name the top three
challenges facing their companies
today, 48% cited the difficulty of
attracting and retaining talent. The
second most common challenge was
cost management, cited by 40% of
respondents, followed by the global
economy and global events, including
crises such as wars and pandemics,
cited by 36% of respondents.
Although these challenges affected
companies of all sizes* in all sectors and
geographies, the data did show some
significant differences among companies
in different categories. For instance,
40% of the respondents from large
companies and 37% from medium-sized
companies cited the global economy as
a challenge versus 31% of those from
smaller companies. Meanwhile, 52% of
the respondents from medium-sized
companies saw talent as a top challenge,
while only 42% of those from smaller
companies and 46% of those from larger
companies did.
Fifty-six percent of US respondents
cited talent as a top challenge, and 47%
cited cost management, more than those
from other countries. Respondents in
China were less likely to mention these
as top challenges, with 40% citing talent
and 30% citing cost management.
20% 21%
43% 56%
37% 38%
30% 33%
20% 23%
% of companies that selected each challenge
20% 30%
10% 40% 50% 60%
Attracting talent / maintaining the workforce /
employee retention
Cost control / management / cost efficiencies
Global economy / events
(e.g., wars, pandemics, etc.)
Data automation / technological advancement /
Product / service innovation
Business resiliency / improving the supply chain
Product / services diversification /
new business lines
Sustainability (relating to the environment)
The regulations from government and
regulatory bodies
Talent leads all challenges
Leaders and experts in the Americas were the most likely to cite talent as a top challenge
while those in Europe were the most likely to cite global events.
Survey question: What are the top three challenges this company faces today? Please select up to three.
*Throughout this report, “small” is used to refer to
companies with between one and 19 employees, “medium”
for companies with between 20 and 4,999 employees, and
“large” for companies with 5,000 or more employees.

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Digital transformation is fundamentally changing people’s lives and the ways companies do business. Around the world, we’re working to develop solutions that give time back, make us safer and healthier, and bring significant environmental benefits. People around the world are working hard to create a future where we’re never delayed during air travel due to mechanical issues. Where smart buildings have ambient intelligence that allows meeting rooms to adjust to your preferences. They’re envisioning a world where automobile accidents are almost nonexistent, and your car becomes a living room or office on wheels. And a world where medical treatment is personalized based on your DNA, dramatically improving your health and quality of life. This is what Microsoft calls the digital difference. We asked Harvard Business Review Analytic Services to help us look at the pace of innovation and how prepared business leaders are for this change. We also wanted to know what projects mattered most and what industries were most receptive to and ready for change. We were surprised by the strategy gap and encouraged by the optimism. Business leaders know their industries are ripe for transformation, and in most cases are eager to bring the benefits of technology to their businesses. At Microsoft, we aim to partner with business leaders to find the digital difference they can make. Partnering with companies of all sizes, we recognize that one big idea isn’t enough anymore. Decades ago an innovative shoe design, a beautiful device, or smartly designed software could lead a company to achieve market dominance for a long time. But now micro revolutions occur every 12-18 months, so companies must be in a continual state of transformation. We are moving into a time when rapid innovation and speed to market are more critical than ever. This makes the partnership between humans and machines critical—when we combine people’s ideas and creativity with advanced technology, we get digital leadership. A business leader interviewed for the study said we need to transform “the engine of the company.” To do this, leaders need to bring in tech and cultural changes that empower their employees, engage customers in new ways, optimize operations, and transform products. Rebuilding an organization around these areas creates a fully digital company that can change ahead of its customers and competition.


The document provides a summary of key findings from a 2023 survey on the state of digital transformation. Some of the main findings include: - The top goals for digital transformation were business growth and innovation, while top performers tracked metrics like innovation and digital literacy. - Budget limitations and cultural resistance were the biggest obstacles to transformation. - Despite economic challenges, mature companies were accelerating their transformation efforts by leveraging existing investments in areas like data, employees, and go-to-market integration. - Updating technology, improving operations, and utilizing data were the top transformation priorities.

0% 10% 20% 30%
% of companies that selected each metric
40% 50% 60%
Customer satisfaction
Profit margin
Employee satisfaction 15%
Throughout this report, readers will notice references to “companies that performed highly on their top business metrics”
(or simply “top-performing companies”). This category was determined by respondents’ answers to two survey questions:
First, respondents were asked to identify the top two business performance metrics that are tracked at their companies.
Survey question: What are the top two most important business performance metrics that are tracked for this company?
Top performers
Poor performance
Below-average performance
Met expectations
Above-average performance
Exceptional performance Top performers
Poor performers
Then, respondents were asked to rate their company’s performance against these metrics.
In 2021, 51% said their company’s performance was above average or exceptional, and these companies are considered “top performers”
in this report. Companies whose leaders and experts rated their organization’s performance on top business metrics as “above-average”
or “exceptional” are considered top performers.
Survey question: How has this company performed on these metrics compared to corporate expectations in each of the last three years? Responses for 2021.
Respondents report
year-over-year business
Respondents were asked to rate their
company’s performance against their
most important business metrics for
each of the past three years, compared
with company expectations. The portion
who identified their companies as top
performers increased each year from
35% in 2019 to 38% in 2020 to 51% in
2021. The APAC region saw the largest
increase in performance, with 56% of
respondents identifying their companies
as top performers, up from 31% in 2019.
2019 2020 2021
More digitally mature companies
Less digitally mature companies
Survey question: How has this company performed on these metrics compared to corporate expectations
in each of the last three years? In 2019, in 2020, in 2021. 5-point scale. Top two = top performers.
Companies that are more digitally mature outperformed those that are
less digitally mature in all three years. The performance gap between
more and less digitally mature companies appears to be growing.
The digital maturity difference
0% 10% 20% 30%
% of companies reporting being digitally mature
40% 50% 60%
United Kingdom
United States
All other
Calculation of digital transformation maturity by country. See glossary on p.52 for the definition of digital maturity.
Chinese companies lead in digital maturity.
Digital maturity global breakdown
70% 50%
More digitally mature companies
Less digitally mature companies
Calculation of digital transformation maturity by industry. See glossary on p.52 for the definition of digital maturity.
Digital maturity by industry
Defining digital maturity
To simplify these categories, companies
in the early and middle stages of their
digital transformation journeys have
been combined into one group of “less
digitally mature” organizations.
Companies that are approaching or
have already achieved their goals are
considered “more digitally mature.”
*In the survey question, digital transformation was defined as “the digital conversion of data and processes.”
Seventeen percent of respondents
reported that their company is
in the “early stage” of its digital
transformation*journey, and 45% found
their company is “right in the middle of
the effort.” Meanwhile, 25% said their
company is “approaching the goal,” and
13% said their company has “achieved
the goal.”
Companies are increasing investments
in remote work, tech, and innovation
new technology—more than three
times as many who mentioned any
other development.
In interviews conducted for this report,
several business leaders mentioned
the need to educate customers and
executives about what results are both
possible and realistic through digital
transformation. Andreas Rau, head of
product management at construction
company Max Bögl, noted that many
civil infrastructure customers believe
that it takes more than 20 years
to design and build a new public
transportation line—but, in reality,
digital workflows have shrunk that
process to less than five years. “Digital
transformation hasn’t reached the broad
industry yet,” he said.
“We need to educate upper-level
executives and help them define what’s
realistic,” said Carlos Caminos, manager
of data asset management at global tire
manufacturer Bridgestone Americas,
Inc. “They need to understand: What
is a digital twin? What is digital
transformation? And we need to be able
to speak in business terms about what
digitization will help us achieve.”
Technology to deliver improved
project outcomes
Product and/or service innovation
Developing new products and/or services
Improved processes and operations
Data management and analytics
Improved collaboration
Talent acquisition and employee retention
Sustainability (environmental)
Remote work
40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
% of companies that say “increase”
Survey question: How do you think this company’s investment in the following will shift in the next three years? 5-point scale. Top two = increase.
Areas of increased investment over the next three years
Planned investments are similar across industries
Where companies
plan to invest in
the coming years:
Organizations are making investments—
and plan to make more over the next
three years—to overcome the challenges
they identified. Unsurprisingly, given
the ubiquity of work-from-home
programs during the COVID-19
pandemic, remote work tools were
the most common investment made
by companies in the past three years,
with 76% of respondents saying
they increased their remote work
investments within that period.
Across all areas of investment other
than remote work, respondents said
that they plan to make increases over
the next three years at higher rates than
over the past three years.
As with the challenges, survey data
showed differences in the ways that
different types of companies are making
investments. APAC-based respondents
planned to increase investments more
than those from other regions, and
respondents from China were more likely
to make increases in investments than
those from any other country.
When asked what excites them about
the future of their industry, 23% of
respondents cited innovation and
in technology to deliver
project outcomes
in product and
service innovation
in data management
and analytics
Sustainability (environmental)
40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
Product and/or service innovation 68% 80%
Technology to deliver improved project outcomes 70% 81%
Developing new products and/or services 68% 80%
Data management and analytics
Improved processes and operations
Improved collaboration 61%
Remote work 62%
Talent acquisition and employee retention 57% 71%
Less digitally mature companies More digitally mature companies
% of respondents that say investments will increase
67% 75%
Survey question: How do you think this company’s investment in the following will shift in the next three years? 5-point scale. Top two = increase. See glossary on p.52 for the definition of digital maturity.
Companies that are more digitally mature plan to increase investments over the next three years at higher rates than less digitally mature companies.
This is true not only for investment areas that might be considered a part of a company’s digital transformation journey but also for investments
seemingly unrelated to technology.
Digital maturity informs investments
“We need to educate upper-level executives and help them define what’s realistic. They need to understand:
What is a digital twin? What is digital transformation? And we need to be able to speak in business terms about
what digitization will help us achieve.”
–Carlos Caminos, Manager of Data Asset Management, Bridgestone Americas, Inc., a global tire manufacturer

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The Institute for Public Relations synthesizes the top research studies that we think public relations professionals need to know about from the previous year. Last year, communicators across industries guided their organizations to dive deeper into supporting diversity, equity and inclusion as well as environmental, social and governance work. Research areas addressed these trends along with changes in the public relations field from rapid growth to increasing demand for services to burnout in professionals. The end of this report includes a list of IPR resources and IPR signature studies published in 2022. We want to extend a thank you to our Board of Trustees, comprising senior level executives and academic leaders in public relations, for driving the mission and work we do.

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Business transformation and the CIO role
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Business transformation and the CIO role

- The document discusses a report by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services on how IT-enabled innovation is transforming businesses and the role of the CIO. - It finds that about a third of surveyed companies are "Innovation Accelerators" that pursue technology-driven business innovation throughout the organization. - Innovation Accelerators are more likely to see significant changes to how they engage with customers, their business models, products/services, and employee processes over the next three years compared to other companies.

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Pwc digital-iq-report final
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Pwc digital-iq-report final

The document discusses how digital transformation and the measurement of Digital IQ has changed over the past decade based on surveys conducted by PwC. It notes that while companies have made significant investments in technology, Digital IQ scores have declined as expectations have accelerated. Top-performing companies have broader definitions of digital that focus on customer experience and emerging technologies. Maintaining high Digital IQ is challenging as the pace of technological change remains fast and standards continue rising.

Poor performers Top performers
Over the past three years Over the next three years
47% 71%
% of respondents that say investments will increase % of respondents that say investments will increase
20% 40%
30% 60%
50% 80%
70% 90% 40%
30% 60%
50% 80%
70% 90%
Developing new products and/or services
Improved processes and operations
Sustainability (environmental)
Improved collaboration
Data management and analytics
Technology to deliver improved
project outcomes
Talent acquisition and employee retention
Product and/or service innovation
Remote work
Survey question: How has this company’s investment in the following changed over the past three years? How do you think this company’s investment in the following will shift in the next three years? 5-point scale. Top two = increase.
See glossary on p.52 for the definition of performance.
High-performing companies increased investments over the past three years at higher rates than others. However, the gaps
narrow for planned investments over the next three years, suggesting that lower performers are attempting to catch up.
High performers invest at higher levels
Companies pursue business growth and operational efficiency
production, project delivery, and facility
management. Among customers who
identified improved collaboration as a
desired outcome, specific goals included
connecting teams and project data “from
design to done,” eliminating business
loss due to poor communication, and
expanding creative collaboration.
A significant portion of customers also
cited business growth as a desired
project outcome. Examples of goals tied
to this included improvements to win
rates and design quality.
Business growth and operational
efficiency were also the top objectives
cited by survey respondents. Sixty-two
percent of these leaders and experts
said that business growth is a top
objective for their company, and 56%
cited operational efficiency.
Across industries, respondents identified business growth as their top business driver
Rating of business objectives over the past 12 months:
Business growth
Health & safety
Risk reduction
Operational efficiency
Business growth
Health & safety
Schedule control
Quality control
Cost management
Business growth
Enable innovation
Product creation
Operational efficiency
Business growth
Technical competence
Operational efficiency
Creative excellence
In an analysis of anonymized data from
Autodesk customer projects from the
past five years, operational efficiency
was a common desired outcome. Within
this category, customers cited more
specific objectives such as improved
efficiency, improved collaboration,
and a reduction of overall design
time. Examples of objectives tied
to operational efficiency included
improvements to workflows and
Survey question: Which of these business objectives is this company currently focusing on or has it focused on in the last 12 months? Please select all that apply.
Investments increase – Companies are undaunted in
their plans to increase investments in technology, talent
acquisition, and other areas in the coming years, global
uncertainty notwithstanding.
Transformation brings benefits – Digital transformation is
yielding benefits that help companies to achieve their most
important business performance goals, even at organizations
in the early stages of the digital transformation journey.
Pace picks up – Top-performing businesses, and those that
are more digitally mature, plan to increase investments
more over the next three years than other organizations.
Data drives improvements – Companies are using internal
data to improve decision-making, speed up time-to-market,
and facilitate collaboration.
Maturity breeds confidence – Leaders and experts at
digitally mature companies feel more confident than others
about their organization’s ability to handle uncertainty.
Insights in Action
Leaders and experts cite the business benefits of digital transformation
and plan to continue increasing investments in the future.
This company is well prepared to handle
unforeseen future geopolitical changes
The future global landscape feels more
uncertain now than three years ago
Survey question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 5-point scale. Top two = agree.
Overall, 79% of respondents felt that global uncertainty has risen over the past three years. A smaller
number—but still a clear majority, 59%—said their companies are equipped to handle this uncertainty.
The future global landscape feels more uncertain than it used to,
but most leaders and experts feel prepared to handle it
79% agree 59% agree
Leaders feel prepared for a precarious future
put this uncertainty and confidence
into context. The COVID-19 pandemic
upended the status quo for most of the
world. This was followed by wars, an
energy crisis in Europe, ongoing refugee
crises, and a sudden spike in inflation in
much of the world. Yet many companies
have been able to weather these
unforeseen crises.
Leaders and experts report widespread uncertainty about
the future, but they also report high levels of preparedness.
Global events during the past several years have forced
businesses to change their operations and make new investments.
Respondents from companies that are more digitally mature
say they’re better positioned to handle change. Still, even
respondents from organizations that are less digitally mature
report an array of benefits from digital transformation.
Respondents said that the future global
landscape feels more uncertain than it
did three years ago. But encouragingly,
most also said they feel that their
companies are well prepared to respond
to unforeseen global events.
A quick glance at recent world events—
and the largely resilient response from
world governments and economies—may

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This document summarizes the findings of a survey conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit on how technology will impact how companies interact with their customers within the next 5 years. The survey found that customer-driven innovation will become more important, as empowered customers will be a leading source of innovative ideas. Companies will need to adopt digital channels that are relevant to younger generations and be prepared to more openly share information with and involve customers in business processes while maintaining security. Technology must also enable greater responsiveness to customer demand.

40% 60%
50% 70%
% of companies that agree
80% 90%
46% 69%
This company is well prepared
to handle unforeseen future
geopolitical changes
This industry is well prepared
to handle unforeseen future
geopolitical changes
The future global landscape
feels more uncertain now
than three years ago
Automotive and other transportation
Construction services
Consumer products
Engineering service providers
Advertising publishing and graphic design Game development
Film and television
Architecture services
AECO: Energy and natural resources
gap between automotive
and transportation and
game development
Survey question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 5-point scale. Top two = agree.
*Segments are small sample sizes. See survey methodology on p.51 for more information about the sample size for each industry segment.
Uncertainty versus readiness: an industry segment* view
Respondents from automotive and transportation companies felt that their industry is less prepared than others to handle global changes.
Respondents from game development companies felt that their industry is more prepared.
of European respondents said the global landscape feels uncertain, more than
the portion of respondents from the Americas or the APAC region (75% each).
of leaders and experts from large companies said that the future global
landscape feels uncertain—more than the 76% share from small companies—
although companies of all sizes feel prepared at similar rates.
of respondents from the APAC region said their companies are well-positioned
to handle global changes, compared with 58% of European respondents and
51% of respondents from the Americas.
of respondents from China said their companies are well-positioned
to handle global changes, showing the greatest level of confidence.
of leaders and experts in the D&M sector said they were confident in their
company’s ability to handle unforeseen events, compared to 62% of AECO
respondents and 60% of those in M&E.
Respondents’ perception
on global uncertainty
Companies are driving business growth
and adaptability with evolved operations
management solutions provider Delta
Electronics, said in an interview that the
organization has changed its planning
and management strategies to be
as nimble as possible in the face of
geopolitical uncertainty. The company
now drafts a new 10-year plan each
year. Also, Delta Electronics is moving
away from centralized management
and providing more resources to the
regional offices that will lead business
growth for the company in the future.
Although it is impossible to be ready for
everything, Lin noted, companies can
position themselves to respond quickly
to changing conditions.
Businesses are looking at new ways
to respond to clients faster, as well
as opportunities to increase existing
services and expand into new markets.
These efforts come on the heels of a
challenging era that required companies
to make significant operational changes.
Fifty-two percent of respondents said
their companies changed how they
worked to offset the impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic, and 50% said the
pandemic changed how the organization
managed its workforce. In addition,
40% reported that the pandemic
spurred their companies to find
innovative ways to meet customers’
needs, 33% said it led to a rethinking
of the company’s priorities, and 30%
said it led to unplanned technology
investments. Anonymized usage data
from Autodesk customers in the AECO
industries also showed this pattern,
with a 57% uptick in the consumption
of cloud resources in the first year
of the pandemic.
Kunyueh Lin, general manager,
building automation solution business
unit at global power and thermal
60% 70% 80% 90%
Less digitally mature companies More digitally mature companies
% of companies that agree
This company is looking
to increase existing services
The future growth of this company
will depend on using digital tools and
the digital approaches it develops
This company is looking to add new services
This company is looking at new ways
to respond to clients faster
This company is looking at new markets
This company prioritizes digital products
and/or services over non-digital versions
Survey question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 5-point scale. Top two = agree.
See glossary on p.52 for the definition of digital maturity.
Looking ahead, respondents said that the future of their companies will depend on digital tools
and that their organizations are planning to add new services and markets. These numbers are
even higher among more digitally mature companies.
Charting the future
Kunyueh Lin, general manager, building automation solution business unit at
global power and thermal management solutions provider Delta Electronics, said
in an interview that the organization has changed its planning and management
strategies to be as nimble as possible in the face of geopolitical uncertainty.
of respondents said their
companies changed how
they worked day-to-day
to offset the impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic
What steps should companies in your industry
take to prepare for an uncertain future?
“Over the next three years, the manufacturing industry needs to
prioritize trade skill development and supply chain diversification.
Widening the supply chain by supporting more raw materials suppliers
and regional hubs that fabricate critical components will create more
competition in the market, business opportunities, and jobs. It will
also ensure that the industry will still be functional if there are supply
chain disruptions.”
—Samantha Snabes, Co-founder & Catalyst, re:3D Inc., a large-scale 3D printer and
services company
“We’re trying to develop a new platform to digitalize our archive
so that every step of the engineers’ thoughts can be documented.
With these efforts, we can set up our library of knowledge, and the
resources in this library can be used to inspire similar projects in the
future. This end-to-end documentation of the whole process of idea,
development, inspiration, and iteration will be very valuable for our
future development.”
—GuoJin Zhu, Chief Engineer, Kunming Engineering Corporation Limited, Power China Group,
a design institute for hydropower projects
“The industry needs a comprehensive approach to making sense of
data. We need to start by outlining what data needs to be collected
and then consider how data collection will work; how analysis will
be conducted; and, finally, how we will use the data to create and
implement new strategies.”
—Steve Plumb, Senior Editor, SME Media, Manufacturing Engineering, a publication of SME,
a professional association of manufacturing engineers in North America

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Digital maturity is a differentiator
37% said it had led to increased
innovation/better ideas, and 36% said
it had helped them to launch products
and services more quickly.
At companies that respondents
identified as “very effective” at
leveraging data, these benefits
were often more pronounced. For
instance, 43% of respondents from
these companies reported that digital
transformation has helped their
organizations increase innovation,
compared with 34% of respondents
from other companies.
In the group identified as “very
effective” at leveraging data, 26% of
respondents said digital transformation
had increased business value, compared
with 19% of other respondents. Also,
26% of respondents from companies
identified as “very effective” at
leveraging data said that digital
transformation had resulted in a better
reputation for their organization,
compared with 20% of respondents
from other companies.
An analysis of anonymized data from
Autodesk customer projects showed
that customers are using artificial
intelligence to improve efficiency,
reduce errors, and increase flexibility
in manufacturing. For example, some
companies have set a goal of using
generative design to reduce time for
design work by 20%.
36% 46%
25% 26%
23% 27%
25% 36%
32% 46%
26% 32%
29% 30%
34% 43%
45% 52%
% of companies that selected each benefit
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
Able to launch products / services more quickly
Able to scale the business more easily / faster
Better reputation
Business is worth more (higher valuation)
Increased sustainability (e.g., reduce paper-
based processes, improved energy efficiency, etc.)
Increased innovation / better ideas
Less risk (e.g., business or financial risks, etc.)
Easier to plan and make better business decisions
More engaged and motivated staff
More satisfied customers
Reduced costs
Survey question: Has this company experienced any of the following benefits of digital transformation? Select all that apply.
The data showed differences in the digital transformation benefits seen by companies in different regions.
Most significantly, respondents from the Americas were more likely to report benefits of digital transformation,
followed by those in Europe.
Regional outlook of digital transformation benefits
Digital maturity appears to be
correlated with how well prepared
companies are to handle change.
Respondents from companies that are
less and more digitally mature said they
feel uncertain about the future at similar
rates (77% and 83%, respectively).
However, the gap was much larger when
respondents were asked whether their
companies are well prepared to handle
uncertainty: 72% of respondents from
more digitally mature companies said
their organization was well prepared
to handle unforeseen geopolitical
changes—significantly more than the
52% of respondents from less digitally
mature companies who expressed
such confidence.
Among companies identified as more
digitally mature, 40% said digital
transformation had helped them to
launch products and services more
quickly, and 39% said it increased
innovation/better ideas. Thirty-seven
percent cited each of the following
benefits of digital transformation: the
ability to scale the business more easily/
faster, more satisfied customers, and
reduced costs.
Even companies in the early and
middle stages of digital transformation
reported benefits from their efforts.
For instance, 43% of respondents from
organizations that are less digitally
mature said that digital transformation
had helped them to lower costs,
In an interview, Matteo Barale, co-
chief executive officer of autonomous
vehicle start-up PIX Moving, said that
digitization can enable customization
and improve the speed of product
delivery—providing companies with
a competitive edge. “Technology and
customization go hand-in-hand,” he
said. “To do this mass customization
and modularity, you need to have a fast
way of giving a quote to customers, and
you need to do this faster than your
competitors. No two products will be
the same. The digital processes are
the driving force, allowing us to be
personalized and agile.”
Overall rating D&M M&E
9 9
10 10 10
11 11 11 11
8 8 8
1 1
1 1
4 4
Able to launch products / services more quickly
Able to scale the business more easily / faster
Better reputation
Business is worth more (higher valuation)
Increased sustainability (e.g., reduce paper-based
processes, improved energy efficiency, etc.)
Increased innovation / better ideas
Less risk (e.g., business or financial risks, etc.)
Easier to plan and make better business decisions
More engaged and motivated staff
More satisfied customers
Reduced costs
Rating digital transformation benefits
Survey question: Has this company experienced any of the following benefits of digital transformation? Select all that apply.
Sorted by the % of respondents who selected each benefit.
Respondents listed cost reductions, decreased time to market, increased innovation, and the ability
to launch products and services more quickly among the top benefits of digital transformation.
In addition to customization, digital
tools are opening up new possibilities.
Ronald Ames, a film producer for the
first season of Amazon’s The Lord of
the Rings: The Rings of Power and
founder of The Modern Film Consortium,
noted that technology is allowing more
people and companies—even those
without large budgets—to work on a
wider array of projects. “Anything we
can imagine, we can create,” he said.
“That’s extremely exciting. The tools are
being democratized, and the barriers
to entry aren’t as steep as when I was a
young filmmaker. Now, anyone can tell a
meaningful story using their phone, and
I think that’s beautiful.”
“Technology and customization go hand-in-hand. To do this
mass customization and modularity, you need to have a fast
way of giving a quote to customers, and you need to do this
faster than your competitors. No two products will be the same.
The digital processes are the driving force, allowing us to be
personalized and agile.”
—Matteo Barale, Co-chief Executive Officer, PIX Moving, an autonomous vehicle start-up
“... With the volume of information we generate through
sources like project information, communications, sensors, and
technology, we have access to a lot of potentially high-value
data. The challenge for organizations and the industry will be
how we collectively create standards and a consistent approach
to realizing that value.”
—Megan Stanley, Manager of Technical Applications, GHD, a multidisciplinary AEC firm
French respondents
use data to collaborate
with AI and automation
the most (45%).
US respondents are the front-runners in using
data to develop products, projects, or services
faster (60%); support internal collaboration (59%);
support collaboration among partners (44%);
and gain an edge on their competitors (39%).
UK and German
respondents lead the way
in using data to drive faster
internal decision-making
(62% and 61%).
30% 50%
40% 60%
33% 36%
47% 52%
32% 33% 35%
51% 54%
% of companies that selected each reason
Collaboration among partners
Collaboration with AI, automation
Gaining an edge on the competition
Internal collaboration among teams
Developing products, services,
or projects faster
Making faster internal decisions
Survey question: Does this company leverage internal data for any of the following? Please select all that apply.
Data drives decision-making, product development, and collaboration
Insight into how companies are leveraging internal data
Global leaders:
Data delivers insights
Data has become a critical tool for
driving business decisions across
industries—to the point that the phrase
“every company is a data company” has
become a commonplace expression.
Indeed, survey results revealed that
large numbers of organizations are
leveraging internal data to achieve
their business goals. Fifty-two percent
of respondents said that internal data
has helped their companies to make
faster internal decisions; 50% said it
had helped their companies to develop
products, services, or projects more
quickly; and 46% said that internal data
had helped their companies to facilitate
internal collaboration among teams.
Large organizations are much more likely
to leverage data for most benefits than
their smaller and medium-sized peers.
Collecting data is, as SME Media,
Manufacturing Engineering Senior Editor
Steve Plumb said, often simpler than
managing it. “Managing data is easier
said than done,” Plumb said, adding that
companies may need to find ways to be
more precise about what data they are
gathering and how it is used.
Dr. Amy Hochadel—executive director
for global business at Connected
Places Catapult, the UK government’s
innovation agency for cities—pointed
out the importance of prioritizing
business questions, rather than
technology itself. Too often, Hochadel
noted, people start from the position
that “technology is the answer.” She
added: “But what is the question?”
Megan Stanley, manager of technical
applications for multidisciplinary AEC
firm GHD, said that companies must
work to manage the “explosion” of
data that they produce: “We realized
the potential value of data some time
ago, but today our sources of data
are nearly endless. This has created,
for many of us, a data explosion.
With the volume of information we
generate through sources like project
information, communications, sensors,
and technology, we have access to a
lot of potentially high-value data. The
challenge for organizations and the
industry will be how we collectively
create standards and a consistent
approach to realizing that value.”
How is digital transformation affecting
your company or industry?
“COVID has proven that digitization is required now. Businesses that
had already started on their digitization journeys fared better when
COVID hit, because they were able to transition to some of the changes
that were needed. If we’re digitized, we’re at an advantage. I think
that’s going to become more and more critical as we deal with climate
issues and changing environments. The places that are not digitized
need to get digitized quickly.”
—Dr. Amy Hochadel, Executive Director, Global Business, Connected Places Catapult, the
UK government’s innovation agency for cities
“We believe in the employee, and we believe in creating a space
that allows employees to thrive. We’re not bringing in automation
to replace the person. We’re bringing in automation to replace the
position. That way, we can take the person and find a higher-level
opportunity for them. Employees love it because they’re not just coming
in and mind-numbingly doing the same thing over and over again.”
—JJ Johnson, Chief Operating Officer, Viewrail, a modern stair and railing system company
“Digital is going to help us really bring continuity between the studio
and site parts of our company. Digital is going to break the silos that
are ingrained in company culture.”
—Frédéric Gal, Head of Business Modernisation Project, Bouygues Construction

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What workers want – Remote work and a reputation for
sustainability are important tools for companies looking
to fill talent gaps.
Taking action – Companies at all stages of the digital
transformation journey face talent-related challenges,
but digitally mature organizations report taking more
active steps to address the problem.
Rapid change – With jobs evolving faster over the past
three years than over the previous quarter century,
effective training is crucial to the success of recruitment
and retention programs.
Top skills – Businesses need employees with skills
in technology, collaboration, regulatory knowledge,
innovation, and active learning.
Tangible business impacts – Talent shortages are
delaying projects and hampering innovation goals.
Insights in Action
With job roles changing at a breakneck pace, companies are
embracing training and technology to shore up their talent gaps.
Talent: the most prevalent challenge
of respondents said the workforce has
evolved more in the past three years
than it did over the previous 25 years
during that quarter century. However,
survey respondents and interviewees
highlighted the impact of more recent
workplace changes such as widespread
remote work, ubiquitous digitization,
and increasingly global operations at
many companies.
Despite the magnitude of the challenge
of attracting and retaining talent,
only 15% of respondents identified
employee satisfaction among the top
two business performance metrics
tracked at their company—less than half
the number who cite any other major
metric. However, the data also shows
that large numbers of organizations are
making, or planning to make, increased
investments in training programs, as
well as strengthening their employee
recruitment and retention efforts.
Companies are struggling to attract and retain skilled workers,
and this challenge is leading to tangible negative business impacts,
including project delays. Rather than letting go of employees who
lack the skills that companies need, managers are opting to train
new and existing employees. Leaders and experts name a wide range
of competencies that workers will need over the next three years,
including skills related to technology, collaboration, regulations,
innovation, and active learning.
Forty-eight percent of respondents
across industries cited attracting and
retaining talent as a top challenge
for their companies, more than any
other factor. This challenge was more
pronounced in the M&E fields, where
53% of respondents cited talent as a top
challenge, but talent was also the most-
cited factor in both D&M and AECO.
The data backs up what has become
conventional wisdom over the past
couple of years, as companies around
the world have reported struggling with
labor shortages.
Seventy-two percent of respondents
said the workforce has evolved more
in the past three years than it had over
the previous 25 years. This may be
surprising, given all of the workplace
changes—including the rise of email
and smartphones—that occurred
What steps can employers take
to attract and retain top talent?
“There is a behavioral shift where people don’t want to commute
anymore. Companies need to realize this and pay attention to that if
they want to retain or hire talent. It’s kind of a double-edged sword,
because in the design industry, collaboration is key, and working in
silos is not always optimal. But there are ways to collaborate now with
technology, and if companies want to attract talent, they need to make
their offers attractive.”
—Leonard DiChiara, Senior Director of Design, HCP Packaging, a designer and manufacturer
of cosmetic packaging containers
“You have to offer a flexible working environment. If people need
to pick up their kids, or whatever else, it’s important to give them
that flexibility. It helps build loyalty when you’re able to meet your
employees in the middle. In hiring, we’ve been able to attract a lot
of people because of our technology infrastructure, which allows us
to hire people around the globe. It’s also important to keep projects
interesting. People really want to be stimulated.”
—Jeremy Smith, Chief Technology Officer, Jellyfish Pictures, a visual effects company
“To get the best talent, you need to have an appealing work culture.
Employees want to know that they won’t just be completing tasks
given to them. They want to bring their own viewpoints and creativity
to their jobs. That’s key.”
—Stefan List, Head of Cabin Market Insights, Airbus, a designer, manufacturer, and seller
of aircraft, helicopters and space vehicles
% of companies that agree
30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
This industry’s type of jobs has had to
evolved more rapidly the past three years
than it had the past 25 years
This company struggles to find people
with the right skills
Access to skilled employees is a barrier
to this organization’s growth
This company struggles understanding
what continuous learning program
should be offered
The workforce is rapidly aging
This company’s culture is too slow
to adapt to the younger generation’s
needs and desires
Across industries, respondents said that jobs are changing rapidly—and that their inability to find employees
with the right skills is a barrier to business growth.
Survey question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 5-point scale. Top two = agree.
Talent challenges vary by industry
JJ Johnson, chief operating officer at Viewrail, said the organization had moved to a four-day
work week, implemented unlimited paid time off, and taken steps to ensure that people are able
to take maternity and paternity leave—actions all aimed at improving the employee experience.
Companies struggle to find skilled employees
implemented unlimited paid time off,
and taken steps to ensure that people
are able to take maternity and paternity
leave—actions all aimed at improving
the employee experience.
Seventy-one percent of survey
respondents said they had faced
increased competition when recruiting
and hiring highly skilled employees
over the past 12 months. Most also
said that this difficulty was leading to
several specific business challenges.
For instance, 59% said they experienced
project delays over the past year
from a dearth of talent, 52% said that
an inability to find the right talent
prevented their companies from
meeting innovation goals, and 50% said
that employee turnover hindered their
company’s ability to meet overall goals.
Interestingly, large percentages of
respondents who did not indicate that
talent was a top challenge nevertheless
said they faced these obstacles. For
example, 65% of such respondents
said they’ve faced increased hiring
competition over the past year, 62%
said that they have difficulty finding
employees with the right skills, and
51% said their companies have been
forced to delay projects due to talent
gaps. In other words: Even for many
organizations where talent is not a top-
three challenge, the data shows that it
remains a formidable obstacle.
Sixty-seven percent of respondents said
that their companies struggle to find
employees with the right skills, and
64% said that access to skilled
employees presents a barrier to
business growth. In addition to skills,
demographic shifts present a challenge.
Forty-five percent of respondents said
that the workforce is aging “rapidly,”
and 42% said their companies are too
slow to adapt to the needs and desires
of the younger generation of workers.
Kunyueh Lin, general manager, building
automation solution business unit
at Delta Electronics, cited both the
declining birth rate and a new emphasis
on work-life balance in mainland China
and Taiwan as factors leading to talent
shortages. Coral Butler—group head of
digitally enabled lean project delivery
(DeLPD) at PM Group, a firm that
designs, constructs, and commissions
high-tech facilities—said that a number
of senior-level employees decided to
retire a year or two early during the
COVID-19 pandemic, leading to a loss of
institutional knowledge and depriving
junior employees of mentorship.
And several interviewees noted the
continued importance of striving to
meet diversity and inclusion goals.
JJ Johnson, chief operating officer at
Viewrail, a modern stair and railing
system company, said the organization
had moved to a four-day work week,

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This company’s culture is too
slow to adapt to the younger
generation’s needs and desires
Access to skilled employees is a
barrier to this organization’s growth
The workforce is rapidly aging
This company struggles to find
people with the right skills
United States
United Kingdom
France Japan
30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
38% 61%
34% 65%
% of companies that agree
companies in China
cite talent struggles
Survey question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 5-point scale. Top two = agree.
A global view of talent
Chinese companies cite talent struggles at higher rates than others.
Small Medium Large
20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
% of companies that experienced each issue
60% 63%
Increased competition when retaining
or hiring high performing / highly
skilled employees
Difficulty finding new employees
with the right technical skills
Delay in projects due to
not having enough talent
Difficulty hiring new employees with the
amount of experience needed for the job
This company faced higher departure
rate the past three years than before
This company has had to hire new
employees who do not have the skills
needed for the job and plans to train
them on the job
Employee turnover hindering this
company's ability to achieve goals
Inability to meet innovation goals
due to inability to find the right talent
Had to let employees go because
they lack technology skills
Survey question: Have you experienced any of the following issues regarding employee management in the past 12 months?
Employee management issues affect companies of all sizes
Survey question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 5-point scale. Top two, bottom two = agree.
Note: The category “Neither agree nor disagree” was omitted from this visualization.
40% 20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
% of companies that responded
This company doesn’t have the skills nor the
resources to design internal training programs
This company is looking to hire more people
to work remotely
This company is implementing a
continuous-learning program
In the next three years, this company is planning
to invest more in technology-focused training
This company is looking for talent outside
my local area
Bridging the talent gap
Companies are turning to training, technology, and hiring across geographies to solve their talent challenges.
Poor performers Top performers
Survey question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 5-point scale. Top two = agree.
See glossary on p.52 for the definition of performance.
This company doesn’t have the skills nor the
resources to design internal training programs
This company is looking to hire more people
to work remotely
This company is implementing a continuous
learning program
In the next three years, this company is planning
to invest more in technology focused training
This company is looking for talent outside
my local area
% of companies that agree
30% 50%
40% 60% 70% 80%
High performers invest in talent at higher rates
Training and technology fill talent gaps
needed for the job and plan to provide
these employees with on-the-job
training. This dynamic also showed
up in interviews, with some business
leaders saying that they are looking
for employees with broad, transferable
skills (such as problem-solving and
collaboration) who can then learn more
job- and industry-
specific skills after
they are hired.
This commitment to
upskilling also seems
to be reflected in the
relatively low rate at
which respondents
said their companies
have terminated
employees. Although
a majority said they
had experienced all
other cited employee
management issues
over the previous year,
only 29% said their companies had let
people go over the past 12 months due
to a lack of technology skills.
Respondents from small companies
face larger obstacles related to training,
with 46% saying they lack the skills and
resources needed to design internal
training programs—more than those at
large companies (39%).
An overwhelming majority of
respondents agree that training is
important to their companies. Forty-
nine percent said that employee
upskilling is “very important,” and an
additional 44% said that it is “somewhat
important”—for a total of 93% who
agree on the importance of upskilling.
Notably, this is one of
the broadest areas of
agreement across the
entire survey.
Largely, respondents
agreed on the
importance of training
at similar rates across
industries, companies
of different sizes, and
digital transformation
maturity levels.
However, a country-
by-country breakdown
of the data did reveal
some differences.
China was among the
top countries in this category, with 97%
of respondents agreeing that training
is important. Respondents from Japan
were least likely to agree (79%).
Broadly, respondents said their
companies are using upskilling to
shore up talent gaps. Fifty-six percent
said that their companies have hired
employees who do not have the skills
of respondents said
that their companies
have hired employees
who do not have the
skills needed for the
job and plan to provide
these employees with
on-the-job training
prefer that their workers learn a second
programming language. Upskilling is,
Makovsky noted, a “forever journey.”
In both survey data and interviews,
business leaders and executives
suggested that a focus on sustainability*
is important in attracting employees.
Most survey respondents said that
their organizations
face pressure
from employees
to take action on
sustainability, and in
interviews, several
leaders mentioned the
importance of the issue
to recruits.
“Sustainability attracts
talent,” said Fiona
Short, principal and
architect at Warren and Mahoney, a
multidisciplinary architectural practice.
“You want the right people to come and
want to work for you, and you want to
be a company that people are proud
to work for. A focus on sustainability
helps you to get the best out of people
because they’re passionate and their
work aligns with their values. It attracts
those like-minded people, and it is just
the right thing to do.”
In interviews, several leaders and
experts mentioned specific training,
incentive, and pipeline programs they
are leveraging to recruit and retain
employees. Some collaborate with
universities and industry associations,
both to create talent pipelines for their
organizations and to provide employees
with ongoing training. MingLei Ma,
chief of engineering
research institute at
China Construction
Eighth Engineering
Division Corporation
(CCEEDC), noted
the importance of
customized, company-
specific training. At
the organization,
employees participate
in a points-based
lifelong learning
system and receive tailored training
about the company’s patents and
research findings.
Paul Makovsky, editor in chief of
ARCHITECT magazine, pointed out
that the skills employees need will
continue to change—stating that, while
executives may have wanted their
employees to learn a second language
decades ago, those leaders might now
*In survey questions about sustainability, the actual phrase used was “sustainability (relating to the environment).”
In one-on-one interviews, this more expansive definition was used: “efforts related to the environment (mitigating effect
on climate change), the community (social well-being, improving the life of populations), and corporate governance.”
In both survey data
and interviews, business
leaders and executives
suggested that a
focus on sustainability
is important in
attracting employees

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The Ukrainian and German journalist Rostyslav Kasyanenko has dedicated himself to genealogical research and heraldry. Originally Ukrainian, now living in Munich (Bavaria) he working in Ukrainian Free University (Est. 1921) as archivist. Curator of Heraldic Teams, Member of Ukrainian Heraldry Society (UHS) R.Kasyanenko is Deviser of the Family and Municipal Coat of Arms and Author of the exhibition concept project: “Maritime flags and arms of the Black Sea countries vs. Mediterranean: what has changed in 175 years?” Author of scientific articles (2023-24): Parallels between the meaning of Symbol and Myth according to Hryhorii Skovoroda and heraldic systems Heraldry as a marker of evolution of national identity in Ukraine and Slovakia: from the Princely era to the "Spring of Nations" (XI-XIX centuries) Historical parallels in the formation of national awareness in Ukraine and Slovakia in modern times (1848-1992) Proto-heraldry of Kievan Rus': dynastic symbols of the Princely era, and how does the Palatine Lion relate to this? Symbols of the House of Romanovyches: the Bavarian influence in Ukrainian heraldry Participant of Scientific Conferences (2023-24): - XXХІІІ Heraldic Conference of the Ukrainian Heraldry Society, October 13, 2023, Lviv - International Conference “Slovak-Ukrainian Relations in the Field of Language, Literature, and Culture in Slovakia and the Central European Space”, University of Prešov, Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Faculty of Arts, 18-20.10.2023 - International Conference „The Past, Present, and Future of Heraldry: Universality and Interdisciplinarity“, Vilnius, 12-13.06.24 - International Conference "Coats of Arms as Weapons – Heraldic Symbols in Political, Dynastic, Military, and Legal Conflicts of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period”, Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald. According to the heraldist, he has worked with many heraldic artists over the years. However, he developed the ideas for all the coats of arms himself, except for his own. The case of the Kasyanenko (from the Shovkoplias clan) family coat of arms — featuring an audacious Cossack riding a rhinoceros — deserves special attention. "After all, one could talk about one's own crest, just like one's ancestors, for an eternity," he says.

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What skills do prospective employees
need to succeed, and where do you see gaps?
“Software skills are increasingly important. Problem-solving and
other so-called soft skills are becoming more important, as well:
being able to communicate well, being able to work with other people,
being able to work autonomously.”
—Steve Plumb, Senior Editor, SME Media, Manufacturing Engineering, a publication of SME,
a professional association of manufacturing engineers in North America
“It’s very important that we look at designers as people that
understand and anticipate users’ needs in connection with society’s
numerous problems, in order to solve them by design. And realize
that we are not simply driven by pure aesthetics and market trends.”
—Charles Cambianica, Design Director, Decathlon International, a sporting goods retailer
“Sometimes, new graduates’ knowledge appears to be outdated in
comparison to our industrial practices. In some cases, our internal
R&D is more advanced than the R&D at universities. We’ve developed
tutorials based on our own patent pool to help new employees acquire
knowledge about our internal development and patents.”
—MingLei Ma, Chief of Engineering Research Institute, China Construction Eighth Engineering
Division Corporation (CCEEDC)
Less digitally mature companies More digitally mature companies
64% 76%
30% 60% 70% 80% 90%
% of companies that agree
This company doesn’t have the skills nor the
resources to design internal training programs
This company is looking to hire more people
to work remotely
This company is implementing a
continuous-learning program
In the next three years, this company is planning
to invest more in technology-focused training
This company is looking for talent outside
my local area
Survey question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 5-point scale. Top two = agree.
See glossary on p.52 for the definition of digital maturity.
Digital transformation and talent solutions
Digitally mature companies are taking
more steps to solve talent challenges
Respondents from companies across
the spectrum of digital maturity
experienced issues related to talent
at nearly identical levels. For instance,
respondents from companies that are
more digitally mature were only three
percentage points more likely than those
from less digitally mature companies to
say that access to skilled employees is
a barrier to their organization’s growth
(65% vs. 62%) and only one point more
likely to struggle to find people with
the right skills (68% vs. 67%). However,
respondents from companies that are
more digitally mature were more likely
to say their organizations were taking
active steps to solve these talent-
related challenges.
In an interview, Catherine Topley—
former chief executive officer of
Scottish Canals, the government body
responsible for managing the country’s
inland waterways—noted the importance
of helping employees to see the value of
digital tools. Workers, Topley said, are
sometimes wary of new technologies,
thinking that their jobs might become
obsolete. But the Scottish Smart Canal
project was able to use sensors to help
workers monitor conditions—a move that
improved safety and working conditions
for employees. “That was a turning
point, being able to show employees the
value of the technology, as opposed to
the threat,” Topley said.
Construction and homebuilding
firm Daiwa House is using digital
transformation to improve products
and services, and the company actively
works to promote digitization skills and
creativity among its employees. “We
hold various events, such as digital
transformation contests and meetups,
to motivate people to work on digital
technology—and to spur the company as
a whole to increase digital motivation,”
said Senior Executive Officer Hiroshi
Kono. “We received about 1,000
applications for the contests, and the
board of directors and others served
as judges. We encourage the younger
generation to think about more efficient
collaboration among teams by trying out
new technologies in their workflow. It
harnesses their creativity and becomes
a power to transform the construction
industry itself.” Tomoaki Furukawa, vice
president and chief digital executive for
Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems
Corporation, said that a focus on digital
transformation can help companies lure
recent college graduates. “It appeals
to them because they’re doing new,
creative work,” he said. “...We encourage the younger generation to think about more efficient collaboration
among teams by trying out new technologies in their workflow. It harnesses
their creativity and becomes a power to transform the construction industry itself.”
—Hiroshi Kono, Senior Executive Officer, Daiwa House, a construction and homebuilding firm
■Knowledge of regulatory framework
■Understanding of industry standards
and codes
■Sustainability knowledge related
to ESG
Skills of the future
Technology use,
monitoring, and control
■3D modeling
■Cloud computing
■Data science, including
the ability to present, understand,
and leverage insights from data
■Cybersecurity and privacy
Technology design
and programming
■Artificial intelligence and
machine learning
■Analytics programming and
data management
■Software engineering
■Ability to develop sustainability
tracking tools
■Ability to design and program
technology to meet business needs
Innovation and
business development
■Ability to manage remote teams
■Knowledge of—and ability to
uncover—new trends in the industry
■Ability to work within a business
model that leverages digital
■Product formulation
■Customer engagement and
experience skills
■Digital collaboration with internal
and external stakeholders
■Project management
■Technical writing
■Strong interpersonal communication
Professional development
■Self-motivation and initiative
■Agility, adaptation, and resilience
■Ability to work in a world where
9-to-5 is irrelevant
■Understanding of technology and
how it affects customer
When survey respondents were asked
to identify the most important technical
skills for their company’s workforce
over the next three years, those working
in architecture services cited skills
related to technology use, monitoring,
and control more than the average
across industries. Respondents in both
engineering services and energy and
natural resources mentioned skills
related to technology design and
programming more often than others,
and respondents from automotive
and other transportation companies
emphasized innovation and business
development more than those from
other industries.
Survey question: In the next three years, what will be the two most important technical skills or digital knowledge for this company’s workforce? Please be specific.
Taking action – Leaders and experts say sustainability
goals are important. The majority say their companies and
industries have made changes to become more sustainable.
Link to talent – Sustainability-focused actions can
help businesses to recruit and retain employees.
Pressure to change – Customers, investors, and
employees are influencing companies to take action
on their sustainability goals.
Sustainability and revenue – Respondents see
sustainability as driving long-term business value, with
some saying sustainability measures will eventually
account for a substantial portion of revenue.
The business case – Most leaders and experts said that
improving sustainability practices is good for business—
both over the short term and the long term.
Insights in Action
A consensus emerges on the importance of sustainability,
and customers and employees pressure companies to act.

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Sustainability goals are important for most
at HCP Packaging, a designer and
manufacturer of cosmetic packaging
containers. “It’s a mandate.”
Nevertheless, only 20% of respondents
ranked sustainability among the top
challenges facing their organizations.
This is significant, as those who cited
sustainability as a top challenge were
nearly three times as likely as others to
report that their companies are engaged
in sustainability-centered activities.
In the United States—the world’s largest
economy—19% of respondents said that
their companies and industries aren’t
engaged in any sustainability-related
activities at all, a far higher portion
than any other country. Also, just 70%
of American respondents said that it
is important for their companies to
achieve their sustainability goals, lower
than the rest of the world.
Business leaders and experts say that corporate sustainability
goals are important, even though most say that sustainability
is not among the top challenges facing their company. The majority
of companies and industries already engage in sustainability-focused
activities, and respondents say that their industries and organizations
plan to take more steps in the near future, driven in part by pressure
from customers, investors, and employees.
The survey data contains both good
news and bad news for those concerned
about environmental sustainability.
Eighty-three percent of respondents
said that it was important that their
companies achieve their sustainability
goals, and only 7% perceived that their
industry/organization is doing nothing
in this area. Fifty-four percent also
said that their company’s sustainability
initiatives are a key part of their
business growth plan, 52% said that
they wish their companies prioritized
sustainability as much as profits, and
52% said that they are proud of their
company’s sustainability initiatives.
In an interview, one industry expert
contrasted the status of sustainability
in the business world a decade ago with
how the topic is viewed today: “It’s no
longer a ‘nice-to-have,’” said Leonard
DiChiara, senior director of design
Survey question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 5-point scale. Top two, bottom two = agree.
Note: The category “Neither agree nor disagree” was omitted from this visualization.
40% 20% 0% 20% 40% 60%
% of companies that responded
This company is leading the way
in this industry when it comes
to sustainability initiatives
Sustainability initiatives at this
company are less important now
than I feel they should be
I am proud of this company’s
sustainability initiatives
I wish this company prioritized
sustainability as much as profits
This company’s sustainability initiatives
are key parts of its business growth
strategy for the next three years
Around half of leaders and experts are proud of their company’s sustainability initiatives
Perspective on sustainability inaction
Although US respondents reported that their companies are taking no sustainability actions at rates more than twice
as high as other respondents, additional research conducted by Autodesk provides additional context. It is possible
that some respondents were reluctant to overstate their company’s efforts in self-reported data.
In a review of the sustainability commitments of nearly 11,000 companies (primarily in AECO and D&M), Autodesk found
that the United States ranks near worldwide averages on tangible measures related to corporate sustainability.
Twelve percent of US companies in the review were categorized as having a demonstrable commitment to sustainability
based on their activities or memberships. That number puts the United States ahead of Australia (6%) and on par with
Germany (11%) and the UK (18%) but further behind Japan, which leads this category (26%).
What are some of the top drivers
of sustainability in your industry?
“You can never go wrong when you’re doing the right thing. For AAF,
the right thing is to offer a product that lasts longer, that uses less
energy, and delivers the performance that improves air quality and
ultimately has a positive impact on human health. We must also focus
on delivering true value for money in terms of total cost of ownership.
Educating the customer is our daily work—there is an old expression,
‘you buy cheap, you buy twice,’ which is as true for the air filter industry
as it is in many others.”
—Sean O’Reilly, Global VP HP Sales & Innovation, AAF Flanders Inc., a manufacturer and provider
of air filtration products
“You need to have that use case that is scalable, where people
can leverage resources and data around repeatable opportunities.
Encouraging our partners in academia and small business to share
data allows us to learn from and explore the possibility of printing with
more sustainable and recycled materials. Seeing waste not as garbage,
but instead as a resource is going to continue to be a focus for many
groups. And I think we’ll see some real upsides in the next year to 10
years that will help recruit others into the conversation.”
—Samantha Snabes, Co-founder & Catalyst, re:3D Inc., a large-scale 3D printer and
services company
“We’re starting to measure sustainability in terms of equity. Whatever
you’re going to build, you need to be thinking about how it impacts your
community. Are the things that you are doing good for your company,
good for your community, and ultimately good for the world?”
—Paul Makovsky, Editor in Chief, ARCHITECT magazine
Companies take aim at decreasing waste, increasing
energy efficiency, and improving product design
expect their industry/organization to
make sustainability-focused changes in
the coming years.
In interviews, various leaders and
experts mentioned that their companies
are paying more
attention to the
sustainability of the
materials they use.
Several cited the
ability to improve
by reducing the
portion of embodied
carbon in projects.
Jeremy Smith,
chief technology
officer for VFX firm
Jellyfish Pictures,
mentioned working
with technology vendors to reduce the
amount of energy used by computing
hardware. “We’re making sure that our
workflows are as optimized as they can
be so that we’re not wasting computing
cycles,” he said. “That is one of the
easiest things you can do to be greener
and more sustainable in our area.”
Some interviewees mentioned the link
between digitization and sustainability.
One cited the ability of software tools
to immediately show the sustainability
impact of proposed design changes.
Another noted the potential for free and
open data to reduce cost barriers that
currently prevent some organizations
from measuring and managing carbon
emissions of projects and products.
Although most respondents said that
their industry or organization has made
changes to improve sustainability, these
efforts are spread across a wide variety
of activities. No single sustainability
initiative was cited by a majority
of respondents.
Among the top
sustainability changes
that companies and
industries have
already made, 35%
of respondents cited
decreasing waste
from production or
using more recycled
materials, 30%
said companies and
industries were
designing products
with sustainability impacts in mind,
and 30% mentioned the application of
sustainable design principles.
There was significant overlap when
respondents were asked what steps
they expect their companies and
industries to take over the next three
years. Here, applying sustainable
design principles took the top spot,
cited by 34% of respondents. Thirty-
two percent said they expected their
companies and industries to decrease
waste from production or use more
recycled materials, and 31% said
they expected their companies and
industries to develop or invest in more
energy-efficient processes or machinery.
Overall, 94% of respondents said they
of respondents said
they expect their
to make sustainability-
focused changes in
the coming years
34% 41%
5% 6%
24% 25%
0% 20%
10% 40%
30% 50%
% of companies that selected each change
Decreasing waste from production
and/or using more recycled materials
Designing products considering
environmental impacts (e.g., exploring
sustainable material alternatives, etc.)
Applying sustainable design principles
Increasing share of renewable
energy sources used
Developed or invested in
more energy-efficient processes
or machinery
Helping customers decrease
their carbon emissions
Using AI tools to be more sustainable
Creating clear goals
for carbon neutrality
Helping or requiring decreased
carbon emissions from suppliers
Participating in carbon project financing
Participating in voluntary carbon
markets or carbon offsets
Survey question: What changes are you aware of that this industry/organization has already made to be more sustainable?
Respondents say their companies and industries have already made these changes.
Sustainability activity by industry
second place with 9%. Among Chinese
respondents, only 1% reported that their
industry/organization had done nothing
to improve sustainability. However,
the United States did rank near the
middle of the pack for several specific
sustainability initiatives.
Generally, European
respondents reported
the highest levels
of sustainability-
centered activity.
percent of German
respondents said
their industry/
organization had
designed products
while considering
impacts, 42% said
they had increased
renewable energy use, 36% said
they had developed or invested in
more energy-efficient processes or
machinery), and 30% said they had
helped customers decrease their carbon
emissions. France led the way in the
portion of respondents whose industry/
organization had decreased waste
from production or increased the use
of recycled materials, with 47%, and
the portion that said their industry/
organization had participated in carbon
project financing, with 23%.
An analysis of the application of
generative design in anonymized data
from Autodesk customer projects shows
that customers are using generative
design to achieve sustainability
outcomes such as waste reduction. Also,
some companies are using generative
design to decrease the
weight of materials
when designing
airplanes or vehicles.
Survey data showed
several differences
in sustainability
actions by company
size and geography.
Most consistently,
respondents from
large companies
reported that
their industry/
organization had
made sustainability-focused changes
at higher rates than respondents from
small and medium-sized companies.
This may be explained by capacity,
as small companies typically lack
the resources needed to maintain a
dedicated sustainability team that can
implement ambitious initiatives and
track them over time. Nineteen percent
of US respondents–double the portion
of any other country—said their industry/
organization had not undertaken any
sustainability initiatives. Japan took
Respondents from large
companies reported
that their industry/
organization had made
changes at higher rates
than respondents from
small and medium-sized

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A visual identity is the heart and soul of a place, embodying its unique character and heritage. By carefully preserving this essence, we can ensure that new elements blend seamlessly, honoring the past while embracing the future.

What do the economics of sustainability
look like for your industry?
“If we can improve energy efficiency, we can see returns immediately.
Our data center consumes a lot of energy, and if we can improve our
energy efficiency by even 1%, we’ll save a lot of electricity. This is good
both for our customers and our planet.”
—Kunyueh Lin, General Manager, Building Automation Solution Business Unit, Delta Electronics,
a global power and thermal management solutions provider
“In the long run, the share of renewable energy will exceed that of fossil
fuels, but I’m concerned about the acceleration of the transition to new
energy. It’s easier to use energy from fossil fuels, and the cost of green
energy is still high. We need more technical advances to make green
energy more affordable.”
—GuoJin Zhu, Chief Engineer, Kunming Engineering Corporation Limited, Power China Group,
a design institute for hydropower projects
“The pressure to change and grow sustainably is coming from
everywhere—shareholders, employees, clients, governments. When you
have more constraints, you are more inventive. It’s a good thing for us,
but we have to implement sustainability practices without excluding
ourselves from society’s building and infrastructure needs.”
—Frédéric Gal, Head of Business Modernisation Project, Bouygues Construction
Belief in the business value of sustainability drives action
business. Fifty-five percent said that
improving sustainability practices is
a good short-term business decision,
and 80% said that it is also a good
long-term business decision. Eighty-
four percent of respondents from
large companies saw sustainability
improvements as a good long-term
business decision, compared to
77% of those from smaller companies.
Digitally mature companies appear
to be more likely to apply technology
solutions to their sustainability
challenges. Thirty-three percent of
respondents at such companies said
their organizations are using artificial
intelligence solutions to become more
sustainable, compared with 21% of those
at less digitally mature companies. Also,
respondents from companies that are
very effective at leveraging data were
the most likely to say they were proud of
their company’s sustainability initiatives
(60%, compared to 44% of others) and
to say that their company is “leading the
way” in sustainability for their industry
(52% vs. 35%).
0% 30%
10% 20%
% of companies that selected each response
Don’t know
Survey question: To the best of your knowledge, how much business value (as a % of annual revenue) can sustainability measures generate in the long term
for this company?
Companies see sustainability driving long-term revenue
Portion of annual long-term revenue expected to be generated by sustainability
Respondents’ attitudes toward
sustainability were a significant
predictor of how likely their companies
were to engage in sustainability-focused
activities. For instance, respondents
were asked to estimate how much
business value, as a percentage of
annual revenue, sustainability measures
could generate long-term for their
companies. Among the 18% who said
that sustainability initiatives would
likely account for more than 10% of
their company’s revenues, respondents
were much more likely to say their
companies had already undertaken
sustainability measures.
This difference was most pronounced
for questions about helping customers
decrease their carbon emissions
(39%, compared with 21% of other
respondents), designing products
considering environmental impact
(44% vs. 27%), and creating carbon
neutrality goals (36% vs. 22%).
A majority of respondents view
sustainability as being good for
said that improving sustainability practices
is a good short-term business decision
said that it is also a good
long-term business decision
10% 20% 30% 40%
Not a challenge Top challenge
% of companies that selected each change
Survey questions:
What changes are you aware of that this industry/organization has already made to be more sustainable?
What are the top three challenges this company faces today? Please select up to three. Selection = sustainability (related to the environment).
Decreasing waste from production
and/or using more recycled materials
Applying sustainable design principles
Designing products considering
environmental impacts
Developed or invested in more energy-
efficient processes or machinery
Increasing share of renewable energy
sources used
Creating clear goals for carbon
Helping customers decrease their
carbon emissions
Using AI tools to be more sustainable
Participating in voluntary carbon
markets or carbon offsets
Participating in voluntary carbon
markets or carbon offsets
Those who identified sustainability as a top challenge for their companies also reported that they had
undertaken sustainability initiatives at higher rates than others. This suggests that respondents who cited
sustainability as a challenge also see it as a priority.
Up to the challenge
“One of the biggest
challenges for sustainable
materials is making them
work commercially. There
are examples in aviation
where sustainable products
were released too early, and
they couldn’t stay in the
marketplace or keep their
competitive advantage.
The aircraft cabin is currently
responsible for approximately
5% to 10% of an aircraft’s
CO2 emissions. However, the
latest research and technology
developments and cabin
innovations we are currently
working on will contribute
to reducing these figures,
for example, by weight
reduction or circular materials.”
–Stefan List, Head of Cabin Market Insights,
Airbus, a designer, manufacturer, and seller
of aircraft, helicopters and space vehicles
Cost center or cost saver?
Depending on the context, audience, and speaker, sustainability is alternately discussed as a financial burden
on—or a boon for—businesses. This is also reflected in the survey data, with more respondents seeing sustainability
as a good business decision over the long term than the short term.
At Autodesk’s annual conference (Autodesk University) in October 2022, a group of industry leaders and experts
met to discuss challenges and opportunities related to decarbonization, with much of the discussion centering
on costs. Among the takeaways from that conversation:
Affordability drives adoption.
Environmental advocates point to the long-
term savings of sustainable products and
projects, but these often still carry higher
up-front price tags. Unless business leaders
prioritize sustainability, it may be difficult
for design teams to secure the budget for the
often-higher cost of green materials.
Sustainability strengthens brands. Participants cited the potential for sustainability-focused actions
to lead to benefits like an improved reputation, which may ultimately improve revenue and profits. By
pursuing sustainable products and projects, companies may increase their appeal to future customers,
particularly younger people who will pay a premium for sustainable products.
Opportunities exist in financing. Discussion
participants said that clients currently lack
the will to aggressively pursue sustainability
in their projects.
However, lower lending rates for carbon-
responsible construction could be a “carrot”
that helps to spur change, they said.
Companies are missing chances to
reduce costs. Although opportunities
already exist to achieve a positive return on
investment through decarbonization, these
opportunities are not being maximized.
Politics is one reason, with oil-producing
countries largely against decarbonization, as
is an individualistic mindset that often takes
precedence over collective action.
Short-term thinking limits action. The
prospect of increased short-term costs plays
a role in the lack of client demand for change.
Often, companies measure sustainable
approaches against the least expensive
possible baseline, rather than calculating the
overall return on these investments.

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40% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
17% 82%
Not influential
22% 74%
24% 74%
% of companies that responded
Survey question: How influential are the following groups in pressuring this organization to create and meet sustainability goals?
4-point scale. Top two, bottom two = influential.
Under pressure
More than any other group, customers are putting more pressure on companies to pursue sustainability goals.
A majority of respondents reported
receiving pressure from internal
stakeholders and outside forces to
create and meet sustainability goals.
Notably, 82% of respondents said their
companies feel pressure from customers
to pursue and achieve sustainability
goals, and 74% said their companies
feel this pressure
from investors.
In discussions
about corporate
sustainability, it is
common to hear
observers question
whether customers
truly care about the
issue. According
to the survey data,
the answer to this
question seems to
be yes. Anyone who has listened in on
a sustainability discussion has also, no
doubt, heard some participants say that
companies will not be moved to take
real action in this area until it affects
their bottom line. If investors begin to
direct their dollars away from companies
that refuse to implement sustainability-
focused actions, that would represent a
real threat to laggers in this area.
By the end of 2021, market watchers
reported, sustainable investments
accounted for more than one-third of
global assets*—with investors pouring
twice as much money into sustainable
investments that year than the year
before.** If this trend continues, it could
accelerate sustainability-focused efforts
at companies that rely
on outside investors.
Seventy-two percent
of respondents said
that employees
are influential in
pressuring their
companies to pursue
sustainability goals.
Non-decision makers
are more likely,
compared with
decision makers, to
say that sustainability is a top challenge,
and companies that are committed to
sustainability are less likely to cite talent
as one of their top challenges. This
connection mirrors what a number of
business leaders said during interviews
conducted for this report: that many
workers are demanding that their
employers prioritize sustainability.
Customers, investors, and employees
apply sustainability pressure
of respondents said
their companies feel
pressure from customers
to pursue and achieve
sustainability goals
D&M companies face
the most pressure
from customers
% of companies that say “influential”
60% 70% 80% 90%
82% 86%
Survey question: How influential are the following groups in pressuring this organization to create and meet sustainability goals? 4-point scale.
Top two = influential.
Sustainability influences by industry
The data showed some noteworthy differences in the sources
of sustainability pressure by industry and company size.
Employees are
the only group that
small companies
find more influential
than large companies
% of companies that say “influential”
60% 70% 80% 90%
69% 72%
67% 73%
Small Medium Large
Sustainability influences by company size
Survey question: How influential are the following groups in pressuring this organization to create and meet sustainability goals? 4-point scale.
Top two = influential.
“When you’re talking about making progress on decarbonization,
a major component comes down to cost. We have clients that
are very interested in carbon reductions and are accurately
valuing the cost of emissions, but we also have clients who
are not at that stage yet. At the end of the day, important
carbon reductions may not get implemented if they’re
not also cost-effective.”
—Dalton Ho, Regional Sustainable Design Leader, Associate, Perkins&Will, an interdisciplinary,
research-based architecture and design firm
The data showed some noteworthy
differences in the sources of
sustainability pressure by region,
industry, and company size. Companies
in the Americas are facing less pressure
from each category than companies in
the rest of the world. In one of the most
glaring gaps, just 61% of respondents at
US companies said they felt pressured
by investors to pursue sustainability,
compared with 91% of respondents
in China. The gap was similar among
those reporting that government was a
source of pressure: 59% in the United
States, compared with 88% of Chinese
respondents. Responses from Europe as
a whole largely mirrored those from the
APAC region.
In interviews, some leaders and
experts mentioned that a reputation
for environmental responsibility
can help companies attract talent—
especially younger workers. “Employees
coming out of college, up to those in
their mid-thirties and often beyond,
really care about this,” said Stacy
Smedley, executive director at Building
Transparency, a nonprofit organization
addressing embodied carbon in
construction. “If you can’t walk the
walk at your company, you may lose top
talent in your space.”
If there is one overarching
takeaway from the survey
data and interviews, it is this:
While business leaders and
experts expect to encounter
increased uncertainty in the
coming years, the exceptional
challenges they’ve already
faced will help them prepare
for any future.
Business resilience
Business leaders and experts said
that they will increase investments
in technology, product development,
sustainability, talent, and other areas
even more over the next three years
than they did over the past three
years. And more digitally mature
companies are increasing future
investments at higher rates than
other companies.
Across industries, more business
leaders and experts said that access
to skilled talent is a top challenge
for their companies than any other
factor. In addition to hiring from
outside their geographical areas and
continuing to make investments in
remote work, many businesses are
investing in training for new and
existing employees to ensure that
their workers have the skills needed
for the company to succeed.
Facing pressure from customers,
investors, employees, and regulators,
companies are taking concrete actions
to meet environmental sustainability
goals. Business leaders and experts
expect these steps to achieve a
long-term business payoff, with most
saying that sustainability measures
will eventually become sources of
revenue for their companies.
Ultimately, these challenges and solutions do not exist in silos, but rather intersect with one another.
By working across all three areas, companies are taking charge of their future and preparing for success
in an unpredictable world.
2023 State of Design & Make. By Autodesk

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2023 State of Design & Make. By Autodesk

  • 1. i 20 23 STATE OF & MAKE DESIGN Insights from industry leaders on how digital transformation is driving business resilience, sustainability, and talent management
  • 2. 1 About This Study Sustainability Drives Business Value Introduction Methodology Executive Summary Conclusion Business Resilience Emerges Amid Uncertainty Glossary Talent Competition Heats Up Thank You 2 39 10 51 3 50 18 52 28 53 CONTENTS 1
  • 3. 2 The State of Design & Make report is a global, annual study for leaders who design and make places, objects, and experiences. It identifies the most pressing drivers of change that are shaping today’s business decisions and helps leaders make informed, strategic decisions about how to prioritize and invest in the future. The industries that design and make comprise a unique category that connects the digital to the physical. Architecture, engineering, construction, product design, manufacturing, gaming, and filmmaking all require complex human collaboration throughout a digital design process and delivery of a physical result. Executives in these industries share their approaches and points of view on the challenges unique to their organizations and the opportunities they are identifying. Key areas of focus for this research include: a macro view of the industries; staying resilient and relevant in an ever-changing world; attracting, training, and retaining a skilled workforce; and achieving sustainable outcomes. Autodesk partnered with Ipsos, a leader in global research and insights, to survey and interview 2,565 industry leaders, futurists, and experts in the architecture, engineering, construction, and owners (AECO); design and manufacturing (D&M); and media and entertainment (M&E) industries from countries around the globe. Survey data has been broken down by global region: Asia-Pacific (APAC), which includes responses from Australia, China, India, Japan, and South Korea; Europe, with responses from France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom; and the Americas, with responses from Canada and the United States. This report contains key findings from this research, including details at the sector and regional level. In certain instances, responses have been compared by country, but only countries with 200 or more respondents are included in these comparisons: Australia, China, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The quantitative data (n= 2,489) was collected between October and December 2022, through a 20-minute online survey. In addition, 76 qualitative interviews with business leaders and futurists were conducted between September and December 2022. In some instances, Autodesk references analysis of its aggregated and anonymized data. ABOUT THIS STUDY 2
  • 4. 3 Leaders and experts in industries that design and make the world are finding powerful ways to adapt to an accelerating rate of change. Executives in architecture, engineering, construction, product design, manufacturing, gaming, and filmmaking shared their approaches and points of view on the obstacles they are facing and opportunities they are identifying. The future of the design and make industries relies on the understanding and successful implementation of thoughtful moves where digitization, sustainability, and workforce meet. As architecture, engineering, construction, product design, manufacturing, games, and filmmaking continue to transform at a rapid pace, these three drivers of change provide leaders a focus for their attention and investments in the one- to three-year time frame to stay competitive. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3
  • 5. *Leaders: Sixty-nine percent of survey participants are decision makers in their companies. In this report, this group is referred to as “leaders.” Job roles for the leaders group include director, industry consultant, president or CEO, senior executive, senior vice president, and vice president. Experts: The remaining 31% of respondents are referred to as “experts.” This group includes managers, senior managers, mid-level employees, and a small number of educators and entry-level employees. Business Resilience Emerges Amid Uncertainty Most feel prepared Business leaders and experts*reported that the future global landscape feels more uncertain than it did three years ago. However, most also said that their companies are prepared to respond to this uncertainty. Top business objectives Sixty percent of respondents said that business growth is a top objective for their company, and 55% cited operational efficiency as another top business objective. An analysis of anonymized data from Autodesk customer projects shows that goals tied to business growth include improvements to win rate and design quality, while goals tied to operational efficiency include improvements to workflows and production, project delivery, and facility management. Adapting to the new normal Leaders and experts reported making significant changes in response to the challenges of the pandemic. At least half said they changed how their companies worked day-to-day and how they managed their workforce. Remote work was the most significant area of increased investment during the past three years. Digitization drives the future Seventy-nine percent of respondents said that the future growth of their company will depend on digital tools. Those that are keeping up with the pace of change in their industry are more likely to have plans to increase existing services, offer new services, and potentially expand into new markets. 79% of respondents said that the future growth of their company will depend on digital tools Remote work was the most significant area of increased investment during the past three years 4
  • 6. 5 Business Resilience Emerges Amid Uncertainty Digital maturity promotes flexibility Respondents from companies that are more digitally mature*report that they are prepared to handle change at higher rates than those from less digitally mature companies. M&E leads in digital maturity Companies in the M&E industry appear to be further along in their digital transformation journey than those in AECO and D&M. Digital transformation is boosting business Business leaders and experts have experienced several benefits from digital transformation. The top benefits of digital transformation include reduced costs, increased innovation and better ideas, and the ability to launch products and services faster. Regional reactions to a shifting landscape Business leaders and experts from Europe were the most likely to say that the global landscape feels uncertain while those in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region were the most likely to say that their companies were well-positioned to handle global changes. Respondents from companies that are more digitally mature report that they are prepared to handle change at higher rates than those from less digitally mature companies Business leaders in the Asia-Pacific region were the most likely to say that their companies were well-positioned to handle global changes *Digital maturity: Respondents were asked how far their companies were in their transformation journeys. Organizations that respondents said are in the “early stage” or “right in the middle” of their digital transformation journeys are considered less digitally mature companies. Those that respondents identified as “approaching the goal” or having “achieved the goal” of digital transformation are considered more digitally mature companies.
  • 7. 6 72% of respondents said that the workforce has evolved more in the past three years than it had in the previous 25 years Talent leads all challenges More than any other factor, business leaders and experts across industries identified attracting and retaining talent as a top challenge. Even for respondents who did not cite talent as a top factor, the majority said they have trouble finding skilled employees. The importance of upskilling More than 90% of respondents agreed that upskilling is important to their companies. Also, more than half said that their companies are hiring employees who lack the skills needed for their positions and plan to train them on the job. A rapidly changing workforce Seventy-two percent of respondents said that the workforce has evolved more in the past three years than it had in the previous 25 years. Survey respondents and interviewees mentioned the impact of recent changes such as the rise of remote work, more flexible work styles and hours, increased digitization, and more global operations at many firms. Digitally mature companies invest in talent solutions Leaders and experts at more digitally mature companies were more likely to say their organizations had implemented various talent-related solutions than those at less digitally mature companies. These actions include investing in technology, hiring from a broader geographical area, and implementing new training programs. Talent Competition Heats Up More than half of respondents said that their companies are hiring employees who lack the skills needed for their positions and plan to train them
  • 8. 7 Respondents from China were more likely to say they face hurdles in attracting talent, including challenges related to an aging workforce Respondents from M&E were less likely to say their companies have trouble adapting to the needs and desires of a younger generation Talent Competition Heats Up Skills of the future Respondents identified a broad swath of important competencies for the future, including technology skills, collaboration skills, regulatory knowledge, innovation skills, and the capacity and motivation for ongoing learning. M&E faces fewer demographic challenges Respondents from all sectors said that talent is a top challenge, but M&E companies were less likely than those in other industries to say that the workforce is rapidly aging or that their companies have trouble adapting to the needs and desires of a younger generation of workers. Talent challenges vary by region Respondents from China were more likely to say they face hurdles in attracting talent, citing challenges related to an aging workforce. By contrast, Australian respondents were less likely to cite an aging workforce or a slowness to adapt to a younger generation.
  • 9. 8 A broad consensus Nearly 90% of respondents said that their industry/organization has made changes to improve sustainability. Sustainability is good for business Eighty percent of respondents said that improving sustainability practices is a good long-term business decision. More than half also said it is a good short-term decision. Internal sustainability goals The majority of business leaders and experts said it is important for their companies to achieve their sustainability goals. However, only 17% strongly agree that they are proud of their company’s sustainability initiatives. US companies lag on action Sustainability is an area where companies’ practices vary significantly based on geography. Most notably, respondents from US companies are more than twice as likely to report that their organizations aren’t engaged in any sustainability-related activities compared to the worldwide average. Sustainability Drives Business Value 80% of respondents said that improving sustainability practices is a good long-term business decision Respondents from US companies are more than twice as likely to report that their organizations aren’t engaged in any sustainability-related activities compared to the worldwide average
  • 10. 9 Sustainability focus varies by industry AECO and D&M companies are more likely to name sustainability as a challenge and more likely to say that sustainability goals are important. More than those from other industries, leaders and experts at D&M companies said their organizations planned to increase their efforts to design products while considering environmental impacts in the next three years. Furthermore, in the past three years, D&M respondents were more likely to have made efforts to decrease waste from production or use recycled materials. Pressure from customers and employees Respondents reported that companies received pressure to define and meet sustainability goals from several sets of outside forces and internal stakeholders. Customers were the greatest source of this pressure, with more than 80% of respondents saying that customers are influencing their sustainability activities. Respondents also identified employee pressure as a significant influence. Sustainability Drives Business Value In the next 3 years: More than those from other industries, leaders and experts at D&M companies said their organizations planned to increase their efforts to design products while considering environmental impacts THAN 80% of respondents said their company’s sustainability activities are being influenced by customers MORE
  • 11. 10 INTRODUCTION “The thing that keeps me up at night is the idea of not changing. We have stressed the model to its maximum point. We are going to break the model, and someone is going to disrupt the construction industry.” –Frédéric Gal, Head of Business Modernisation Project, Bouygues Construction 10
  • 12. 11 Businesses face challenges with talent, costs, and global uncertainty When asked to name the top three challenges facing their companies today, 48% cited the difficulty of attracting and retaining talent. The second most common challenge was cost management, cited by 40% of respondents, followed by the global economy and global events, including crises such as wars and pandemics, cited by 36% of respondents. Although these challenges affected companies of all sizes* in all sectors and geographies, the data did show some significant differences among companies in different categories. For instance, 40% of the respondents from large companies and 37% from medium-sized companies cited the global economy as a challenge versus 31% of those from smaller companies. Meanwhile, 52% of the respondents from medium-sized companies saw talent as a top challenge, while only 42% of those from smaller companies and 46% of those from larger companies did. Fifty-six percent of US respondents cited talent as a top challenge, and 47% cited cost management, more than those from other countries. Respondents in China were less likely to mention these as top challenges, with 40% citing talent and 30% citing cost management. APAC EMEA AMER Overall 34% 25% 23% 20% 21% 43% 56% 26% 21% 44% 35% 37% 38% 31% 30% 33% 20% 23% 11% 49% 30% 30% 28% 49% 31% % of companies that selected each challenge 20% 30% 10% 40% 50% 60% Attracting talent / maintaining the workforce / employee retention Cost control / management / cost efficiencies Global economy / events (e.g., wars, pandemics, etc.) Data automation / technological advancement / digitization Product / service innovation Business resiliency / improving the supply chain Product / services diversification / new business lines Sustainability (relating to the environment) The regulations from government and regulatory bodies Talent leads all challenges Leaders and experts in the Americas were the most likely to cite talent as a top challenge while those in Europe were the most likely to cite global events. Survey question: What are the top three challenges this company faces today? Please select up to three. *Throughout this report, “small” is used to refer to companies with between one and 19 employees, “medium” for companies with between 20 and 4,999 employees, and “large” for companies with 5,000 or more employees.
  • 13. 12 0% 10% 20% 30% % of companies that selected each metric 40% 50% 60% Customer satisfaction Profit margin Revenue Profit Employee satisfaction 15% 45% 43% 42% 49% Throughout this report, readers will notice references to “companies that performed highly on their top business metrics” (or simply “top-performing companies”). This category was determined by respondents’ answers to two survey questions: First, respondents were asked to identify the top two business performance metrics that are tracked at their companies. Survey question: What are the top two most important business performance metrics that are tracked for this company? Top performers Poor performance Below-average performance Met expectations Above-average performance 52% 18% AECO 48% 23% 53% 20% D&M M&E Exceptional performance Top performers Poor performers Then, respondents were asked to rate their company’s performance against these metrics. In 2021, 51% said their company’s performance was above average or exceptional, and these companies are considered “top performers” in this report. Companies whose leaders and experts rated their organization’s performance on top business metrics as “above-average” or “exceptional” are considered top performers. Survey question: How has this company performed on these metrics compared to corporate expectations in each of the last three years? Responses for 2021. Respondents report year-over-year business improvements Respondents were asked to rate their company’s performance against their most important business metrics for each of the past three years, compared with company expectations. The portion who identified their companies as top performers increased each year from 35% in 2019 to 38% in 2020 to 51% in 2021. The APAC region saw the largest increase in performance, with 56% of respondents identifying their companies as top performers, up from 31% in 2019.
  • 14. 13 20% 70% % of companies that identify as top performers 2019 2020 2021 40% 32% 29% 51% 43% More digitally mature companies Less digitally mature companies 64% Survey question: How has this company performed on these metrics compared to corporate expectations in each of the last three years? In 2019, in 2020, in 2021. 5-point scale. Top two = top performers. Companies that are more digitally mature outperformed those that are less digitally mature in all three years. The performance gap between more and less digitally mature companies appears to be growing. The digital maturity difference 0% 10% 20% 30% % of companies reporting being digitally mature 40% 50% 60% China France United Kingdom Germany Australia Japan United States All other 44% 33% 30% 38% 37% 37% 36% 57% Calculation of digital transformation maturity by country. See glossary on p.52 for the definition of digital maturity. Chinese companies lead in digital maturity. Digital maturity global breakdown 36% 64% 30% 70% 50% 50% AECO D&M M&E More digitally mature companies Less digitally mature companies Calculation of digital transformation maturity by industry. See glossary on p.52 for the definition of digital maturity. Digital maturity by industry Defining digital maturity To simplify these categories, companies in the early and middle stages of their digital transformation journeys have been combined into one group of “less digitally mature” organizations. Companies that are approaching or have already achieved their goals are considered “more digitally mature.” *In the survey question, digital transformation was defined as “the digital conversion of data and processes.” Seventeen percent of respondents reported that their company is in the “early stage” of its digital transformation*journey, and 45% found their company is “right in the middle of the effort.” Meanwhile, 25% said their company is “approaching the goal,” and 13% said their company has “achieved the goal.”
  • 15. 14 Companies are increasing investments in remote work, tech, and innovation new technology—more than three times as many who mentioned any other development. In interviews conducted for this report, several business leaders mentioned the need to educate customers and executives about what results are both possible and realistic through digital transformation. Andreas Rau, head of product management at construction company Max Bögl, noted that many civil infrastructure customers believe that it takes more than 20 years to design and build a new public transportation line—but, in reality, digital workflows have shrunk that process to less than five years. “Digital transformation hasn’t reached the broad industry yet,” he said. “We need to educate upper-level executives and help them define what’s realistic,” said Carlos Caminos, manager of data asset management at global tire manufacturer Bridgestone Americas, Inc. “They need to understand: What is a digital twin? What is digital transformation? And we need to be able to speak in business terms about what digitization will help us achieve.” AECO D&M M&E Technology to deliver improved project outcomes Product and/or service innovation Developing new products and/or services Improved processes and operations Data management and analytics Improved collaboration Talent acquisition and employee retention Sustainability (environmental) Remote work 73% 70% 69% 70% 69% 66% 64% 54% 71% 73% 72% 72% 63% 62% 62% 48% 79% 76% 77% 74% 70% 71% 64% 49% 56% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% % of companies that say “increase” Survey question: How do you think this company’s investment in the following will shift in the next three years? 5-point scale. Top two = increase. Areas of increased investment over the next three years Planned investments are similar across industries Where companies plan to invest in the coming years: Organizations are making investments— and plan to make more over the next three years—to overcome the challenges they identified. Unsurprisingly, given the ubiquity of work-from-home programs during the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work tools were the most common investment made by companies in the past three years, with 76% of respondents saying they increased their remote work investments within that period. Across all areas of investment other than remote work, respondents said that they plan to make increases over the next three years at higher rates than over the past three years. As with the challenges, survey data showed differences in the ways that different types of companies are making investments. APAC-based respondents planned to increase investments more than those from other regions, and respondents from China were more likely to make increases in investments than those from any other country. When asked what excites them about the future of their industry, 23% of respondents cited innovation and 74% in technology to deliver project outcomes 73% in product and service innovation 70% in data management and analytics
  • 16. 15 Sustainability (environmental) 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 58% Product and/or service innovation 68% 80% Technology to deliver improved project outcomes 70% 81% Developing new products and/or services 68% 80% Data management and analytics Improved processes and operations Improved collaboration 61% Remote work 62% Talent acquisition and employee retention 57% 71% 60% Less digitally mature companies More digitally mature companies % of respondents that say investments will increase 66% 67% 75% 75% 47% 79% Survey question: How do you think this company’s investment in the following will shift in the next three years? 5-point scale. Top two = increase. See glossary on p.52 for the definition of digital maturity. Companies that are more digitally mature plan to increase investments over the next three years at higher rates than less digitally mature companies. This is true not only for investment areas that might be considered a part of a company’s digital transformation journey but also for investments seemingly unrelated to technology. Digital maturity informs investments “We need to educate upper-level executives and help them define what’s realistic. They need to understand: What is a digital twin? What is digital transformation? And we need to be able to speak in business terms about what digitization will help us achieve.” –Carlos Caminos, Manager of Data Asset Management, Bridgestone Americas, Inc., a global tire manufacturer
  • 17. 16 81% 71% 70% 45% 70% 43% 70% 42% 69% 48% 67% 45% 58% 30% 51% 35% Poor performers Top performers Over the past three years Over the next three years 47% 71% 60% 42% 77% 62% 76% 63% 76% 63% 79% 65% 79% 69% 73% 57% 70% 47% 64% 47% % of respondents that say investments will increase % of respondents that say investments will increase 20% 40% 30% 60% 50% 80% 70% 90% 40% 30% 60% 50% 80% 70% 90% 20% Developing new products and/or services Improved processes and operations Sustainability (environmental) Improved collaboration Data management and analytics Technology to deliver improved project outcomes Talent acquisition and employee retention Product and/or service innovation Remote work Survey question: How has this company’s investment in the following changed over the past three years? How do you think this company’s investment in the following will shift in the next three years? 5-point scale. Top two = increase. See glossary on p.52 for the definition of performance. High-performing companies increased investments over the past three years at higher rates than others. However, the gaps narrow for planned investments over the next three years, suggesting that lower performers are attempting to catch up. High performers invest at higher levels
  • 18. 17 Companies pursue business growth and operational efficiency production, project delivery, and facility management. Among customers who identified improved collaboration as a desired outcome, specific goals included connecting teams and project data “from design to done,” eliminating business loss due to poor communication, and expanding creative collaboration. A significant portion of customers also cited business growth as a desired project outcome. Examples of goals tied to this included improvements to win rates and design quality. Business growth and operational efficiency were also the top objectives cited by survey respondents. Sixty-two percent of these leaders and experts said that business growth is a top objective for their company, and 56% cited operational efficiency. Across industries, respondents identified business growth as their top business driver Rating of business objectives over the past 12 months: ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING Business growth Health & safety Risk reduction Sustainability Operational efficiency CONSTRUCTION Business growth Health & safety Schedule control Quality control Sustainability Cost management DESIGN & MANUFACTURING Business growth Enable innovation Sustainability Product creation Operational efficiency MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT Business growth Technical competence Operational efficiency Creative excellence In an analysis of anonymized data from Autodesk customer projects from the past five years, operational efficiency was a common desired outcome. Within this category, customers cited more specific objectives such as improved efficiency, improved collaboration, and a reduction of overall design time. Examples of objectives tied to operational efficiency included improvements to workflows and Survey question: Which of these business objectives is this company currently focusing on or has it focused on in the last 12 months? Please select all that apply.
  • 19. 18 EMERGES AMID UNCERTAINTY BUSINESS RESILIENCE Investments increase – Companies are undaunted in their plans to increase investments in technology, talent acquisition, and other areas in the coming years, global uncertainty notwithstanding. Transformation brings benefits – Digital transformation is yielding benefits that help companies to achieve their most important business performance goals, even at organizations in the early stages of the digital transformation journey. Pace picks up – Top-performing businesses, and those that are more digitally mature, plan to increase investments more over the next three years than other organizations. Data drives improvements – Companies are using internal data to improve decision-making, speed up time-to-market, and facilitate collaboration. Maturity breeds confidence – Leaders and experts at digitally mature companies feel more confident than others about their organization’s ability to handle uncertainty. Insights in Action Leaders and experts cite the business benefits of digital transformation and plan to continue increasing investments in the future. 18
  • 20. 19 This company is well prepared to handle unforeseen future geopolitical changes The future global landscape feels more uncertain now than three years ago Survey question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 5-point scale. Top two = agree. Overall, 79% of respondents felt that global uncertainty has risen over the past three years. A smaller number—but still a clear majority, 59%—said their companies are equipped to handle this uncertainty. The future global landscape feels more uncertain than it used to, but most leaders and experts feel prepared to handle it 79% agree 59% agree Leaders feel prepared for a precarious future put this uncertainty and confidence into context. The COVID-19 pandemic upended the status quo for most of the world. This was followed by wars, an energy crisis in Europe, ongoing refugee crises, and a sudden spike in inflation in much of the world. Yet many companies have been able to weather these unforeseen crises. Leaders and experts report widespread uncertainty about the future, but they also report high levels of preparedness. Global events during the past several years have forced businesses to change their operations and make new investments. Respondents from companies that are more digitally mature say they’re better positioned to handle change. Still, even respondents from organizations that are less digitally mature report an array of benefits from digital transformation. Respondents said that the future global landscape feels more uncertain than it did three years ago. But encouragingly, most also said they feel that their companies are well prepared to respond to unforeseen global events. A quick glance at recent world events— and the largely resilient response from world governments and economies—may
  • 21. 20 40% 60% 50% 70% % of companies that agree 80% 90% 85% 76% 46% 69% This company is well prepared to handle unforeseen future geopolitical changes This industry is well prepared to handle unforeseen future geopolitical changes The future global landscape feels more uncertain now than three years ago 60% 40% Automotive and other transportation Construction services Consumer products Engineering service providers Advertising publishing and graphic design Game development Film and television Architecture services D&M: M&E: AECO: Energy and natural resources gap between automotive and transportation and game development 20% Survey question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 5-point scale. Top two = agree. *Segments are small sample sizes. See survey methodology on p.51 for more information about the sample size for each industry segment. Uncertainty versus readiness: an industry segment* view Respondents from automotive and transportation companies felt that their industry is less prepared than others to handle global changes. Respondents from game development companies felt that their industry is more prepared.
  • 22. 21 86% of European respondents said the global landscape feels uncertain, more than the portion of respondents from the Americas or the APAC region (75% each). 82% of leaders and experts from large companies said that the future global landscape feels uncertain—more than the 76% share from small companies— although companies of all sizes feel prepared at similar rates. 65% of respondents from the APAC region said their companies are well-positioned to handle global changes, compared with 58% of European respondents and 51% of respondents from the Americas. 77% of respondents from China said their companies are well-positioned to handle global changes, showing the greatest level of confidence. 56% of leaders and experts in the D&M sector said they were confident in their company’s ability to handle unforeseen events, compared to 62% of AECO respondents and 60% of those in M&E. Respondents’ perception on global uncertainty 21
  • 23. 22 Companies are driving business growth and adaptability with evolved operations management solutions provider Delta Electronics, said in an interview that the organization has changed its planning and management strategies to be as nimble as possible in the face of geopolitical uncertainty. The company now drafts a new 10-year plan each year. Also, Delta Electronics is moving away from centralized management and providing more resources to the regional offices that will lead business growth for the company in the future. Although it is impossible to be ready for everything, Lin noted, companies can position themselves to respond quickly to changing conditions. Businesses are looking at new ways to respond to clients faster, as well as opportunities to increase existing services and expand into new markets. These efforts come on the heels of a challenging era that required companies to make significant operational changes. Fifty-two percent of respondents said their companies changed how they worked to offset the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and 50% said the pandemic changed how the organization managed its workforce. In addition, 40% reported that the pandemic spurred their companies to find innovative ways to meet customers��� needs, 33% said it led to a rethinking of the company’s priorities, and 30% said it led to unplanned technology investments. Anonymized usage data from Autodesk customers in the AECO industries also showed this pattern, with a 57% uptick in the consumption of cloud resources in the first year of the pandemic. Kunyueh Lin, general manager, building automation solution business unit at global power and thermal 60% 70% 80% 90% 85% 84% 81% 80% 75% Less digitally mature companies More digitally mature companies % of companies that agree 85% 76% 68% 63% 74% 73% 79% This company is looking to increase existing services The future growth of this company will depend on using digital tools and the digital approaches it develops This company is looking to add new services This company is looking at new ways to respond to clients faster This company is looking at new markets This company prioritizes digital products and/or services over non-digital versions Survey question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 5-point scale. Top two = agree. See glossary on p.52 for the definition of digital maturity. Looking ahead, respondents said that the future of their companies will depend on digital tools and that their organizations are planning to add new services and markets. These numbers are even higher among more digitally mature companies. Charting the future Kunyueh Lin, general manager, building automation solution business unit at global power and thermal management solutions provider Delta Electronics, said in an interview that the organization has changed its planning and management strategies to be as nimble as possible in the face of geopolitical uncertainty. 52% of respondents said their companies changed how they worked day-to-day to offset the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • 24. 23 LEADERS AND EXPERTS SPEAK: What steps should companies in your industry take to prepare for an uncertain future? “Over the next three years, the manufacturing industry needs to prioritize trade skill development and supply chain diversification. Widening the supply chain by supporting more raw materials suppliers and regional hubs that fabricate critical components will create more competition in the market, business opportunities, and jobs. It will also ensure that the industry will still be functional if there are supply chain disruptions.” —Samantha Snabes, Co-founder & Catalyst, re:3D Inc., a large-scale 3D printer and services company “We’re trying to develop a new platform to digitalize our archive so that every step of the engineers’ thoughts can be documented. With these efforts, we can set up our library of knowledge, and the resources in this library can be used to inspire similar projects in the future. This end-to-end documentation of the whole process of idea, development, inspiration, and iteration will be very valuable for our future development.” —GuoJin Zhu, Chief Engineer, Kunming Engineering Corporation Limited, Power China Group, a design institute for hydropower projects “The industry needs a comprehensive approach to making sense of data. We need to start by outlining what data needs to be collected and then consider how data collection will work; how analysis will be conducted; and, finally, how we will use the data to create and implement new strategies.” —Steve Plumb, Senior Editor, SME Media, Manufacturing Engineering, a publication of SME, a professional association of manufacturing engineers in North America
  • 25. 24 Digital maturity is a differentiator 37% said it had led to increased innovation/better ideas, and 36% said it had helped them to launch products and services more quickly. At companies that respondents identified as “very effective” at leveraging data, these benefits were often more pronounced. For instance, 43% of respondents from these companies reported that digital transformation has helped their organizations increase innovation, compared with 34% of respondents from other companies. In the group identified as “very effective” at leveraging data, 26% of respondents said digital transformation had increased business value, compared with 19% of other respondents. Also, 26% of respondents from companies identified as “very effective” at leveraging data said that digital transformation had resulted in a better reputation for their organization, compared with 20% of respondents from other companies. An analysis of anonymized data from Autodesk customer projects showed that customers are using artificial intelligence to improve efficiency, reduce errors, and increase flexibility in manufacturing. For example, some companies have set a goal of using generative design to reduce time for design work by 20%. APAC EMEA AMER 36% 46% 25% 26% 23% 27% 25% 36% 32% 46% 22% 26% 32% 29% 30% 34% 43% 45% 52% 40% 41% 21% 20% 42% 19% 31% 30% 30% 32% 31% 49% 18% 16% % of companies that selected each benefit 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Able to launch products / services more quickly Able to scale the business more easily / faster Better reputation Business is worth more (higher valuation) Increased sustainability (e.g., reduce paper- based processes, improved energy efficiency, etc.) Increased innovation / better ideas Less risk (e.g., business or financial risks, etc.) Easier to plan and make better business decisions More engaged and motivated staff More satisfied customers Reduced costs Survey question: Has this company experienced any of the following benefits of digital transformation? Select all that apply. The data showed differences in the digital transformation benefits seen by companies in different regions. Most significantly, respondents from the Americas were more likely to report benefits of digital transformation, followed by those in Europe. Regional outlook of digital transformation benefits Digital maturity appears to be correlated with how well prepared companies are to handle change. Respondents from companies that are less and more digitally mature said they feel uncertain about the future at similar rates (77% and 83%, respectively). However, the gap was much larger when respondents were asked whether their companies are well prepared to handle uncertainty: 72% of respondents from more digitally mature companies said their organization was well prepared to handle unforeseen geopolitical changes—significantly more than the 52% of respondents from less digitally mature companies who expressed such confidence. Among companies identified as more digitally mature, 40% said digital transformation had helped them to launch products and services more quickly, and 39% said it increased innovation/better ideas. Thirty-seven percent cited each of the following benefits of digital transformation: the ability to scale the business more easily/ faster, more satisfied customers, and reduced costs. Even companies in the early and middle stages of digital transformation reported benefits from their efforts. For instance, 43% of respondents from organizations that are less digitally mature said that digital transformation had helped them to lower costs,
  • 26. 25 In an interview, Matteo Barale, co- chief executive officer of autonomous vehicle start-up PIX Moving, said that digitization can enable customization and improve the speed of product delivery—providing companies with a competitive edge. “Technology and customization go hand-in-hand,” he said. “To do this mass customization and modularity, you need to have a fast way of giving a quote to customers, and you need to do this faster than your competitors. No two products will be the same. The digital processes are the driving force, allowing us to be personalized and agile.” AECO Overall rating D&M M&E 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 8 8 8 8 2 2 2 2 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 Able to launch products / services more quickly Able to scale the business more easily / faster Better reputation Business is worth more (higher valuation) Increased sustainability (e.g., reduce paper-based processes, improved energy efficiency, etc.) Increased innovation / better ideas Less risk (e.g., business or financial risks, etc.) Easier to plan and make better business decisions More engaged and motivated staff More satisfied customers Reduced costs Rating digital transformation benefits Survey question: Has this company experienced any of the following benefits of digital transformation? Select all that apply. Sorted by the % of respondents who selected each benefit. Respondents listed cost reductions, decreased time to market, increased innovation, and the ability to launch products and services more quickly among the top benefits of digital transformation. In addition to customization, digital tools are opening up new possibilities. Ronald Ames, a film producer for the first season of Amazon’s The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power and founder of The Modern Film Consortium, noted that technology is allowing more people and companies—even those without large budgets—to work on a wider array of projects. “Anything we can imagine, we can create,” he said. “That’s extremely exciting. The tools are being democratized, and the barriers to entry aren’t as steep as when I was a young filmmaker. Now, anyone can tell a meaningful story using their phone, and I think that’s beautiful.” “Technology and customization go hand-in-hand. To do this mass customization and modularity, you need to have a fast way of giving a quote to customers, and you need to do this faster than your competitors. No two products will be the same. The digital processes are the driving force, allowing us to be personalized and agile.” —Matteo Barale, Co-chief Executive Officer, PIX Moving, an autonomous vehicle start-up
  • 27. 26 “... With the volume of information we generate through sources like project information, communications, sensors, and technology, we have access to a lot of potentially high-value data. The challenge for organizations and the industry will be how we collectively create standards and a consistent approach to realizing that value.” —Megan Stanley, Manager of Technical Applications, GHD, a multidisciplinary AEC firm French respondents use data to collaborate with AI and automation the most (45%). US respondents are the front-runners in using data to develop products, projects, or services faster (60%); support internal collaboration (59%); support collaboration among partners (44%); and gain an edge on their competitors (39%). UK and German respondents lead the way in using data to drive faster internal decision-making (62% and 61%). AECO D&M M&E 30% 50% 40% 60% 33% 36% 37% 35% 47% 52% 32% 33% 35% 46% 51% 54% 49% % of companies that selected each reason 41% 38% 50% 51% Collaboration among partners Collaboration with AI, automation Gaining an edge on the competition Internal collaboration among teams Developing products, services, or projects faster Making faster internal decisions Survey question: Does this company leverage internal data for any of the following? Please select all that apply. Data drives decision-making, product development, and collaboration Insight into how companies are leveraging internal data Global leaders: Data delivers insights Data has become a critical tool for driving business decisions across industries—to the point that the phrase “every company is a data company” has become a commonplace expression. Indeed, survey results revealed that large numbers of organizations are leveraging internal data to achieve their business goals. Fifty-two percent of respondents said that internal data has helped their companies to make faster internal decisions; 50% said it had helped their companies to develop products, services, or projects more quickly; and 46% said that internal data had helped their companies to facilitate internal collaboration among teams. Large organizations are much more likely to leverage data for most benefits than their smaller and medium-sized peers. Collecting data is, as SME Media, Manufacturing Engineering Senior Editor Steve Plumb said, often simpler than managing it. “Managing data is easier said than done,” Plumb said, adding that companies may need to find ways to be more precise about what data they are gathering and how it is used. Dr. Amy Hochadel—executive director for global business at Connected Places Catapult, the UK government’s innovation agency for cities—pointed out the importance of prioritizing business questions, rather than technology itself. Too often, Hochadel noted, people start from the position that “technology is the answer.” She added: “But what is the question?” Megan Stanley, manager of technical applications for multidisciplinary AEC firm GHD, said that companies must work to manage the “explosion” of data that they produce: “We realized the potential value of data some time ago, but today our sources of data are nearly endless. This has created, for many of us, a data explosion. With the volume of information we generate through sources like project information, communications, sensors, and technology, we have access to a lot of potentially high-value data. The challenge for organizations and the industry will be how we collectively create standards and a consistent approach to realizing that value.”
  • 28. 27 LEADERS AND EXPERTS SPEAK: How is digital transformation affecting your company or industry? “COVID has proven that digitization is required now. Businesses that had already started on their digitization journeys fared better when COVID hit, because they were able to transition to some of the changes that were needed. If we’re digitized, we’re at an advantage. I think that’s going to become more and more critical as we deal with climate issues and changing environments. The places that are not digitized need to get digitized quickly.” —Dr. Amy Hochadel, Executive Director, Global Business, Connected Places Catapult, the UK government’s innovation agency for cities “We believe in the employee, and we believe in creating a space that allows employees to thrive. We’re not bringing in automation to replace the person. We’re bringing in automation to replace the position. That way, we can take the person and find a higher-level opportunity for them. Employees love it because they’re not just coming in and mind-numbingly doing the same thing over and over again.” —JJ Johnson, Chief Operating Officer, Viewrail, a modern stair and railing system company “Digital is going to help us really bring continuity between the studio and site parts of our company. Digital is going to break the silos that are ingrained in company culture.” —Frédéric Gal, Head of Business Modernisation Project, Bouygues Construction
  • 29. 28 COMPETITION HEATS UP TALENT What workers want – Remote work and a reputation for sustainability are important tools for companies looking to fill talent gaps. Taking action – Companies at all stages of the digital transformation journey face talent-related challenges, but digitally mature organizations report taking more active steps to address the problem. Rapid change – With jobs evolving faster over the past three years than over the previous quarter century, effective training is crucial to the success of recruitment and retention programs. Top skills – Businesses need employees with skills in technology, collaboration, regulatory knowledge, innovation, and active learning. Tangible business impacts – Talent shortages are delaying projects and hampering innovation goals. Insights in Action With job roles changing at a breakneck pace, companies are embracing training and technology to shore up their talent gaps. 28
  • 30. 29 Talent: the most prevalent challenge 72% of respondents said the workforce has evolved more in the past three years than it did over the previous 25 years during that quarter century. However, survey respondents and interviewees highlighted the impact of more recent workplace changes such as widespread remote work, ubiquitous digitization, and increasingly global operations at many companies. Despite the magnitude of the challenge of attracting and retaining talent, only 15% of respondents identified employee satisfaction among the top two business performance metrics tracked at their company—less than half the number who cite any other major metric. However, the data also shows that large numbers of organizations are making, or planning to make, increased investments in training programs, as well as strengthening their employee recruitment and retention efforts. Companies are struggling to attract and retain skilled workers, and this challenge is leading to tangible negative business impacts, including project delays. Rather than letting go of employees who lack the skills that companies need, managers are opting to train new and existing employees. Leaders and experts name a wide range of competencies that workers will need over the next three years, including skills related to technology, collaboration, regulations, innovation, and active learning. Forty-eight percent of respondents across industries cited attracting and retaining talent as a top challenge for their companies, more than any other factor. This challenge was more pronounced in the M&E fields, where 53% of respondents cited talent as a top challenge, but talent was also the most- cited factor in both D&M and AECO. The data backs up what has become conventional wisdom over the past couple of years, as companies around the world have reported struggling with labor shortages. Seventy-two percent of respondents said the workforce has evolved more in the past three years than it had over the previous 25 years. This may be surprising, given all of the workplace changes—including the rise of email and smartphones—that occurred
  • 31. 30 LEADERS AND EXPERTS SPEAK: What steps can employers take to attract and retain top talent? “There is a behavioral shift where people don’t want to commute anymore. Companies need to realize this and pay attention to that if they want to retain or hire talent. It’s kind of a double-edged sword, because in the design industry, collaboration is key, and working in silos is not always optimal. But there are ways to collaborate now with technology, and if companies want to attract talent, they need to make their offers attractive.” —Leonard DiChiara, Senior Director of Design, HCP Packaging, a designer and manufacturer of cosmetic packaging containers “You have to offer a flexible working environment. If people need to pick up their kids, or whatever else, it’s important to give them that flexibility. It helps build loyalty when you’re able to meet your employees in the middle. In hiring, we’ve been able to attract a lot of people because of our technology infrastructure, which allows us to hire people around the globe. It’s also important to keep projects interesting. People really want to be stimulated.” —Jeremy Smith, Chief Technology Officer, Jellyfish Pictures, a visual effects company “To get the best talent, you need to have an appealing work culture. Employees want to know that they won’t just be completing tasks given to them. They want to bring their own viewpoints and creativity to their jobs. That’s key.” —Stefan List, Head of Cabin Market Insights, Airbus, a designer, manufacturer, and seller of aircraft, helicopters and space vehicles
  • 32. 31 51% 67% 63% 53% 44% 72% 47% 33% 34% 70% 68% 59% 47% 62% 50% AECO D&M M&E % of companies that agree 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% This industry’s type of jobs has had to evolved more rapidly the past three years than it had the past 25 years This company struggles to find people with the right skills Access to skilled employees is a barrier to this organization’s growth This company struggles understanding what continuous learning program should be offered The workforce is rapidly aging This company’s culture is too slow to adapt to the younger generation’s needs and desires Across industries, respondents said that jobs are changing rapidly—and that their inability to find employees with the right skills is a barrier to business growth. Survey question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 5-point scale. Top two = agree. Talent challenges vary by industry JJ Johnson, chief operating officer at Viewrail, said the organization had moved to a four-day work week, implemented unlimited paid time off, and taken steps to ensure that people are able to take maternity and paternity leave—actions all aimed at improving the employee experience. Companies struggle to find skilled employees implemented unlimited paid time off, and taken steps to ensure that people are able to take maternity and paternity leave—actions all aimed at improving the employee experience. Seventy-one percent of survey respondents said they had faced increased competition when recruiting and hiring highly skilled employees over the past 12 months. Most also said that this difficulty was leading to several specific business challenges. For instance, 59% said they experienced project delays over the past year from a dearth of talent, 52% said that an inability to find the right talent prevented their companies from meeting innovation goals, and 50% said that employee turnover hindered their company’s ability to meet overall goals. Interestingly, large percentages of respondents who did not indicate that talent was a top challenge nevertheless said they faced these obstacles. For example, 65% of such respondents said they’ve faced increased hiring competition over the past year, 62% said that they have difficulty finding employees with the right skills, and 51% said their companies have been forced to delay projects due to talent gaps. In other words: Even for many organizations where talent is not a top- three challenge, the data shows that it remains a formidable obstacle. Sixty-seven percent of respondents said that their companies struggle to find employees with the right skills, and 64% said that access to skilled employees presents a barrier to business growth. In addition to skills, demographic shifts present a challenge. Forty-five percent of respondents said that the workforce is aging “rapidly,” and 42% said their companies are too slow to adapt to the needs and desires of the younger generation of workers. Kunyueh Lin, general manager, building automation solution business unit at Delta Electronics, cited both the declining birth rate and a new emphasis on work-life balance in mainland China and Taiwan as factors leading to talent shortages. Coral Butler—group head of digitally enabled lean project delivery (DeLPD) at PM Group, a firm that designs, constructs, and commissions high-tech facilities—said that a number of senior-level employees decided to retire a year or two early during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to a loss of institutional knowledge and depriving junior employees of mentorship. And several interviewees noted the continued importance of striving to meet diversity and inclusion goals. JJ Johnson, chief operating officer at Viewrail, a modern stair and railing system company, said the organization had moved to a four-day work week,
  • 33. 32 This company’s culture is too slow to adapt to the younger generation’s needs and desires Access to skilled employees is a barrier to this organization’s growth The workforce is rapidly aging This company struggles to find people with the right skills United States United Kingdom France Japan Germany China Australia 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 75% 57% 38% 61% 66% 43% 34% 65% % of companies that agree companies in China cite talent struggles 2in3 Survey question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 5-point scale. Top two = agree. A global view of talent Chinese companies cite talent struggles at higher rates than others.
  • 34. 33 Small Medium Large 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 73% 65% 63% 28% 77% 74% 56% 56% 32% 66% 70% 59% 53% 43% 43% 88a943 % of companies that experienced each issue 78% 75% 63% 60% 63% 57% 58% 35% 51% 80% 73% Increased competition when retaining or hiring high performing / highly skilled employees Difficulty finding new employees with the right technical skills Delay in projects due to not having enough talent Difficulty hiring new employees with the amount of experience needed for the job This company faced higher departure rate the past three years than before This company has had to hire new employees who do not have the skills needed for the job and plans to train them on the job Employee turnover hindering this company's ability to achieve goals Inability to meet innovation goals due to inability to find the right talent Had to let employees go because they lack technology skills Survey question: Have you experienced any of the following issues regarding employee management in the past 12 months? Employee management issues affect companies of all sizes 33
  • 35. 34 Survey question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 5-point scale. Top two, bottom two = agree. Note: The category “Neither agree nor disagree” was omitted from this visualization. Agree Disagree 72% 68% 62% 55% 43% 12% 11% 19% 23% 37% 40% 20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% % of companies that responded This company doesn’t have the skills nor the resources to design internal training programs This company is looking to hire more people to work remotely This company is implementing a continuous-learning program In the next three years, this company is planning to invest more in technology-focused training This company is looking for talent outside my local area Bridging the talent gap Companies are turning to training, technology, and hiring across geographies to solve their talent challenges. Poor performers Top performers Survey question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 5-point scale. Top two = agree. See glossary on p.52 for the definition of performance. This company doesn’t have the skills nor the resources to design internal training programs This company is looking to hire more people to work remotely This company is implementing a continuous learning program In the next three years, this company is planning to invest more in technology focused training This company is looking for talent outside my local area 77% 76% 71% 64% 45% 61% 56% 44% 40% 42% % of companies that agree 30% 50% 40% 60% 70% 80% High performers invest in talent at higher rates Training and technology fill talent gaps needed for the job and plan to provide these employees with on-the-job training. This dynamic also showed up in interviews, with some business leaders saying that they are looking for employees with broad, transferable skills (such as problem-solving and collaboration) who can then learn more job- and industry- specific skills after they are hired. This commitment to upskilling also seems to be reflected in the relatively low rate at which respondents said their companies have terminated under-skilled employees. Although a majority said they had experienced all other cited employee management issues over the previous year, only 29% said their companies had let people go over the past 12 months due to a lack of technology skills. Respondents from small companies face larger obstacles related to training, with 46% saying they lack the skills and resources needed to design internal training programs—more than those at large companies (39%). An overwhelming majority of respondents agree that training is important to their companies. Forty- nine percent said that employee upskilling is “very important,” and an additional 44% said that it is “somewhat important”—for a total of 93% who agree on the importance of upskilling. Notably, this is one of the broadest areas of agreement across the entire survey. Largely, respondents agreed on the importance of training at similar rates across industries, companies of different sizes, and digital transformation maturity levels. However, a country- by-country breakdown of the data did reveal some differences. China was among the top countries in this category, with 97% of respondents agreeing that training is important. Respondents from Japan were least likely to agree (79%). Broadly, respondents said their companies are using upskilling to shore up talent gaps. Fifty-six percent said that their companies have hired employees who do not have the skills 56% of respondents said that their companies have hired employees who do not have the skills needed for the job and plan to provide these employees with on-the-job training
  • 36. 35 prefer that their workers learn a second programming language. Upskilling is, Makovsky noted, a “forever journey.” In both survey data and interviews, business leaders and executives suggested that a focus on sustainability* is important in attracting employees. Most survey respondents said that their organizations face pressure from employees to take action on sustainability, and in interviews, several leaders mentioned the importance of the issue to recruits. “Sustainability attracts talent,” said Fiona Short, principal and architect at Warren and Mahoney, a multidisciplinary architectural practice. “You want the right people to come and want to work for you, and you want to be a company that people are proud to work for. A focus on sustainability helps you to get the best out of people because they’re passionate and their work aligns with their values. It attracts those like-minded people, and it is just the right thing to do.” In interviews, several leaders and experts mentioned specific training, incentive, and pipeline programs they are leveraging to recruit and retain employees. Some collaborate with universities and industry associations, both to create talent pipelines for their organizations and to provide employees with ongoing training. MingLei Ma, chief of engineering research institute at China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corporation (CCEEDC), noted the importance of customized, company- specific training. At the organization, employees participate in a points-based lifelong learning system and receive tailored training about the company’s patents and research findings. Paul Makovsky, editor in chief of ARCHITECT magazine, pointed out that the skills employees need will continue to change—stating that, while executives may have wanted their employees to learn a second language decades ago, those leaders might now *In survey questions about sustainability, the actual phrase used was “sustainability (relating to the environment).” In one-on-one interviews, this more expansive definition was used: “efforts related to the environment (mitigating effect on climate change), the community (social well-being, improving the life of populations), and corporate governance.” In both survey data and interviews, business leaders and executives suggested that a focus on sustainability is important in attracting employees
  • 37. 36 LEADERS AND EXPERTS SPEAK: What skills do prospective employees need to succeed, and where do you see gaps? “Software skills are increasingly important. Problem-solving and other so-called soft skills are becoming more important, as well: being able to communicate well, being able to work with other people, being able to work autonomously.” —Steve Plumb, Senior Editor, SME Media, Manufacturing Engineering, a publication of SME, a professional association of manufacturing engineers in North America “It’s very important that we look at designers as people that understand and anticipate users’ needs in connection with society’s numerous problems, in order to solve them by design. And realize that we are not simply driven by pure aesthetics and market trends.” —Charles Cambianica, Design Director, Decathlon International, a sporting goods retailer “Sometimes, new graduates’ knowledge appears to be outdated in comparison to our industrial practices. In some cases, our internal R&D is more advanced than the R&D at universities. We’ve developed tutorials based on our own patent pool to help new employees acquire knowledge about our internal development and patents.” —MingLei Ma, Chief of Engineering Research Institute, China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corporation (CCEEDC)
  • 38. 37 79% 68% 41% Less digitally mature companies More digitally mature companies 67% 64% 76% 71% 48% 50% 40% 30% 60% 70% 80% 90% % of companies that agree 44% 56% This company doesn’t have the skills nor the resources to design internal training programs This company is looking to hire more people to work remotely This company is implementing a continuous-learning program In the next three years, this company is planning to invest more in technology-focused training This company is looking for talent outside my local area Survey question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 5-point scale. Top two = agree. See glossary on p.52 for the definition of digital maturity. Digital transformation and talent solutions Digitally mature companies are taking more steps to solve talent challenges Respondents from companies across the spectrum of digital maturity experienced issues related to talent at nearly identical levels. For instance, respondents from companies that are more digitally mature were only three percentage points more likely than those from less digitally mature companies to say that access to skilled employees is a barrier to their organization’s growth (65% vs. 62%) and only one point more likely to struggle to find people with the right skills (68% vs. 67%). However, respondents from companies that are more digitally mature were more likely to say their organizations were taking active steps to solve these talent- related challenges. In an interview, Catherine Topley— former chief executive officer of Scottish Canals, the government body responsible for managing the country’s inland waterways—noted the importance of helping employees to see the value of digital tools. Workers, Topley said, are sometimes wary of new technologies, thinking that their jobs might become obsolete. But the Scottish Smart Canal project was able to use sensors to help workers monitor conditions—a move that improved safety and working conditions for employees. “That was a turning point, being able to show employees the value of the technology, as opposed to the threat,” Topley said. Construction and homebuilding firm Daiwa House is using digital transformation to improve products and services, and the company actively works to promote digitization skills and creativity among its employees. “We hold various events, such as digital transformation contests and meetups, to motivate people to work on digital technology—and to spur the company as a whole to increase digital motivation,” said Senior Executive Officer Hiroshi Kono. “We received about 1,000 applications for the contests, and the board of directors and others served as judges. We encourage the younger generation to think about more efficient collaboration among teams by trying out new technologies in their workflow. It harnesses their creativity and becomes a power to transform the construction industry itself.” Tomoaki Furukawa, vice president and chief digital executive for Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation, said that a focus on digital transformation can help companies lure recent college graduates. “It appeals to them because they’re doing new, creative work,” he said. “...We encourage the younger generation to think about more efficient collaboration among teams by trying out new technologies in their workflow. It harnesses their creativity and becomes a power to transform the construction industry itself.” —Hiroshi Kono, Senior Executive Officer, Daiwa House, a construction and homebuilding firm
  • 39. 38 Regulatory ■Knowledge of regulatory framework ■Understanding of industry standards and codes ■Sustainability knowledge related to ESG Skills of the future Technology use, monitoring, and control ■3D modeling ■Automation ■Cloud computing ■Data science, including the ability to present, understand, and leverage insights from data ■Cybersecurity and privacy Technology design and programming ■Artificial intelligence and machine learning ■Analytics programming and data management ■Software engineering ■Ability to develop sustainability tracking tools ■Ability to design and program technology to meet business needs Innovation and business development ■Ability to manage remote teams ■Knowledge of—and ability to uncover—new trends in the industry ■Ability to work within a business model that leverages digital transformation ■Product formulation ■Customer engagement and experience skills Collaboration ■Digital collaboration with internal and external stakeholders ■Project management ■Technical writing ■Strong interpersonal communication Professional development ■Self-motivation and initiative ■Agility, adaptation, and resilience ■Ability to work in a world where 9-to-5 is irrelevant ■Understanding of technology and how it affects customer expectations When survey respondents were asked to identify the most important technical skills for their company’s workforce over the next three years, those working in architecture services cited skills related to technology use, monitoring, and control more than the average across industries. Respondents in both engineering services and energy and natural resources mentioned skills related to technology design and programming more often than others, and respondents from automotive and other transportation companies emphasized innovation and business development more than those from other industries. Survey question: In the next three years, what will be the two most important technical skills or digital knowledge for this company’s workforce? Please be specific.
  • 40. 39 DRIVES BUSINESS VALUE SUSTAINABILITY Taking action – Leaders and experts say sustainability goals are important. The majority say their companies and industries have made changes to become more sustainable. Link to talent – Sustainability-focused actions can help businesses to recruit and retain employees. Pressure to change – Customers, investors, and employees are influencing companies to take action on their sustainability goals. Sustainability and revenue – Respondents see sustainability as driving long-term business value, with some saying sustainability measures will eventually account for a substantial portion of revenue. The business case – Most leaders and experts said that improving sustainability practices is good for business— both over the short term and the long term. Insights in Action A consensus emerges on the importance of sustainability, and customers and employees pressure companies to act. 39
  • 41. 40 Sustainability goals are important for most at HCP Packaging, a designer and manufacturer of cosmetic packaging containers. “It’s a mandate.” Nevertheless, only 20% of respondents ranked sustainability among the top challenges facing their organizations. This is significant, as those who cited sustainability as a top challenge were nearly three times as likely as others to report that their companies are engaged in sustainability-centered activities. In the United States—the world’s largest economy—19% of respondents said that their companies and industries aren’t engaged in any sustainability-related activities at all, a far higher portion than any other country. Also, just 70% of American respondents said that it is important for their companies to achieve their sustainability goals, lower than the rest of the world. Business leaders and experts say that corporate sustainability goals are important, even though most say that sustainability is not among the top challenges facing their company. The majority of companies and industries already engage in sustainability-focused activities, and respondents say that their industries and organizations plan to take more steps in the near future, driven in part by pressure from customers, investors, and employees. The survey data contains both good news and bad news for those concerned about environmental sustainability. Eighty-three percent of respondents said that it was important that their companies achieve their sustainability goals, and only 7% perceived that their industry/organization is doing nothing in this area. Fifty-four percent also said that their company’s sustainability initiatives are a key part of their business growth plan, 52% said that they wish their companies prioritized sustainability as much as profits, and 52% said that they are proud of their company’s sustainability initiatives. In an interview, one industry expert contrasted the status of sustainability in the business world a decade ago with how the topic is viewed today: “It’s no longer a ‘nice-to-have,’” said Leonard DiChiara, senior director of design Survey question: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 5-point scale. Top two, bottom two = agree. Note: The category “Neither agree nor disagree” was omitted from this visualization. Agree Disagree 52% 52% 45% 43% 22% 19% 25% 27% 40% 20% 0% 20% 40% 60% % of companies that responded This company is leading the way in this industry when it comes to sustainability initiatives Sustainability initiatives at this company are less important now than I feel they should be I am proud of this company’s sustainability initiatives I wish this company prioritized sustainability as much as profits This company’s sustainability initiatives are key parts of its business growth strategy for the next three years 54% 16% Around half of leaders and experts are proud of their company’s sustainability initiatives Perspective on sustainability inaction Although US respondents reported that their companies are taking no sustainability actions at rates more than twice as high as other respondents, additional research conducted by Autodesk provides additional context. It is possible that some respondents were reluctant to overstate their company’s efforts in self-reported data. In a review of the sustainability commitments of nearly 11,000 companies (primarily in AECO and D&M), Autodesk found that the United States ranks near worldwide averages on tangible measures related to corporate sustainability. Twelve percent of US companies in the review were categorized as having a demonstrable commitment to sustainability based on their activities or memberships. That number puts the United States ahead of Australia (6%) and on par with Germany (11%) and the UK (18%) but further behind Japan, which leads this category (26%).
  • 42. 41 LEADERS AND EXPERTS SPEAK: What are some of the top drivers of sustainability in your industry? “You can never go wrong when you’re doing the right thing. For AAF, the right thing is to offer a product that lasts longer, that uses less energy, and delivers the performance that improves air quality and ultimately has a positive impact on human health. We must also focus on delivering true value for money in terms of total cost of ownership. Educating the customer is our daily work—there is an old expression, ‘you buy cheap, you buy twice,’ which is as true for the air filter industry as it is in many others.” —Sean O’Reilly, Global VP HP Sales & Innovation, AAF Flanders Inc., a manufacturer and provider of air filtration products “You need to have that use case that is scalable, where people can leverage resources and data around repeatable opportunities. Encouraging our partners in academia and small business to share data allows us to learn from and explore the possibility of printing with more sustainable and recycled materials. Seeing waste not as garbage, but instead as a resource is going to continue to be a focus for many groups. And I think we’ll see some real upsides in the next year to 10 years that will help recruit others into the conversation.” —Samantha Snabes, Co-founder & Catalyst, re:3D Inc., a large-scale 3D printer and services company “We’re starting to measure sustainability in terms of equity. Whatever you’re going to build, you need to be thinking about how it impacts your community. Are the things that you are doing good for your company, good for your community, and ultimately good for the world?” —Paul Makovsky, Editor in Chief, ARCHITECT magazine
  • 43. 42 Companies take aim at decreasing waste, increasing energy efficiency, and improving product design expect their industry/organization to make sustainability-focused changes in the coming years. In interviews, various leaders and experts mentioned that their companies are paying more attention to the sustainability of the materials they use. Several cited the ability to improve sustainability by reducing the portion of embodied carbon in projects. Jeremy Smith, chief technology officer for VFX firm Jellyfish Pictures, mentioned working with technology vendors to reduce the amount of energy used by computing hardware. “We’re making sure that our workflows are as optimized as they can be so that we’re not wasting computing cycles,” he said. “That is one of the easiest things you can do to be greener and more sustainable in our area.” Some interviewees mentioned the link between digitization and sustainability. One cited the ability of software tools to immediately show the sustainability impact of proposed design changes. Another noted the potential for free and open data to reduce cost barriers that currently prevent some organizations from measuring and managing carbon emissions of projects and products. Although most respondents said that their industry or organization has made changes to improve sustainability, these efforts are spread across a wide variety of activities. No single sustainability initiative was cited by a majority of respondents. Among the top sustainability changes that companies and industries have already made, 35% of respondents cited decreasing waste from production or using more recycled materials, 30% said companies and industries were designing products with sustainability impacts in mind, and 30% mentioned the application of sustainable design principles. There was significant overlap when respondents were asked what steps they expect their companies and industries to take over the next three years. Here, applying sustainable design principles took the top spot, cited by 34% of respondents. Thirty- two percent said they expected their companies and industries to decrease waste from production or use more recycled materials, and 31% said they expected their companies and industries to develop or invest in more energy-efficient processes or machinery. Overall, 94% of respondents said they 94% of respondents said they expect their industry/organization to make sustainability- focused changes in the coming years
  • 44. 43 27% 19% 34% 41% 28% 35% 22% 33% 26% 33% 19% 23% 17% 33% 22% 5% 6% 24% 25% 18% 17% 15% 19% 13% 25% 18% 0% 20% 10% 40% 30% 50% % of companies that selected each change 32% 30% 31% 29% 29% 28% 28% 12% 11% Decreasing waste from production and/or using more recycled materials Designing products considering environmental impacts (e.g., exploring sustainable material alternatives, etc.) Applying sustainable design principles Increasing share of renewable energy sources used Developed or invested in more energy-efficient processes or machinery Helping customers decrease their carbon emissions Using AI tools to be more sustainable Creating clear goals for carbon neutrality Helping or requiring decreased carbon emissions from suppliers Participating in carbon project financing Participating in voluntary carbon markets or carbon offsets None Survey question: What changes are you aware of that this industry/organization has already made to be more sustainable? AECO D&M M&E Respondents say their companies and industries have already made these changes. Sustainability activity by industry second place with 9%. Among Chinese respondents, only 1% reported that their industry/organization had done nothing to improve sustainability. However, the United States did rank near the middle of the pack for several specific sustainability initiatives. Generally, European respondents reported the highest levels of sustainability- centered activity. Thirty-seven percent of German respondents said their industry/ organization had designed products while considering environmental impacts, 42% said they had increased renewable energy use, 36% said they had developed or invested in more energy-efficient processes or machinery), and 30% said they had helped customers decrease their carbon emissions. France led the way in the portion of respondents whose industry/ organization had decreased waste from production or increased the use of recycled materials, with 47%, and the portion that said their industry/ organization had participated in carbon project financing, with 23%. An analysis of the application of generative design in anonymized data from Autodesk customer projects shows that customers are using generative design to achieve sustainability outcomes such as waste reduction. Also, some companies are using generative design to decrease the weight of materials when designing airplanes or vehicles. Survey data showed several differences in sustainability actions by company size and geography. Most consistently, respondents from large companies reported that their industry/ organization had made sustainability-focused changes at higher rates than respondents from small and medium-sized companies. This may be explained by capacity, as small companies typically lack the resources needed to maintain a dedicated sustainability team that can implement ambitious initiatives and track them over time. Nineteen percent of US respondents–double the portion of any other country—said their industry/ organization had not undertaken any sustainability initiatives. Japan took Respondents from large companies reported that their industry/ organization had made sustainability-focused changes at higher rates than respondents from small and medium-sized companies
  • 45. 44 LEADERS AND EXPERTS SPEAK: What do the economics of sustainability look like for your industry? “If we can improve energy efficiency, we can see returns immediately. Our data center consumes a lot of energy, and if we can improve our energy efficiency by even 1%, we’ll save a lot of electricity. This is good both for our customers and our planet.” —Kunyueh Lin, General Manager, Building Automation Solution Business Unit, Delta Electronics, a global power and thermal management solutions provider “In the long run, the share of renewable energy will exceed that of fossil fuels, but I’m concerned about the acceleration of the transition to new energy. It’s easier to use energy from fossil fuels, and the cost of green energy is still high. We need more technical advances to make green energy more affordable.” —GuoJin Zhu, Chief Engineer, Kunming Engineering Corporation Limited, Power China Group, a design institute for hydropower projects “The pressure to change and grow sustainably is coming from everywhere—shareholders, employees, clients, governments. When you have more constraints, you are more inventive. It’s a good thing for us, but we have to implement sustainability practices without excluding ourselves from society’s building and infrastructure needs.” —Frédéric Gal, Head of Business Modernisation Project, Bouygues Construction
  • 46. 45 Belief in the business value of sustainability drives action business. Fifty-five percent said that improving sustainability practices is a good short-term business decision, and 80% said that it is also a good long-term business decision. Eighty- four percent of respondents from large companies saw sustainability improvements as a good long-term business decision, compared to 77% of those from smaller companies. Digitally mature companies appear to be more likely to apply technology solutions to their sustainability challenges. Thirty-three percent of respondents at such companies said their organizations are using artificial intelligence solutions to become more sustainable, compared with 21% of those at less digitally mature companies. Also, respondents from companies that are very effective at leveraging data were the most likely to say they were proud of their company’s sustainability initiatives (60%, compared to 44% of others) and to say that their company is “leading the way” in sustainability for their industry (52% vs. 35%). 0% 30% 10% 20% % of companies that selected each response 16% 18% 27% 23% 17% Don’t know >10% 5%–10% 1%–5% <1% Survey question: To the best of your knowledge, how much business value (as a % of annual revenue) can sustainability measures generate in the long term for this company? Companies see sustainability driving long-term revenue Portion of annual long-term revenue expected to be generated by sustainability Respondents’ attitudes toward sustainability were a significant predictor of how likely their companies were to engage in sustainability-focused activities. For instance, respondents were asked to estimate how much business value, as a percentage of annual revenue, sustainability measures could generate long-term for their companies. Among the 18% who said that sustainability initiatives would likely account for more than 10% of their company’s revenues, respondents were much more likely to say their companies had already undertaken sustainability measures. This difference was most pronounced for questions about helping customers decrease their carbon emissions (39%, compared with 21% of other respondents), designing products considering environmental impact (44% vs. 27%), and creating carbon neutrality goals (36% vs. 22%). A majority of respondents view sustainability as being good for 55% said that improving sustainability practices is a good short-term business decision 80% said that it is also a good long-term business decision &
  • 47. 46 10% 20% 30% 40% 39% 34% 38% 28% 37% 29% 36% 25% 35% 28% 34% 22% 29% 23% 28% 19% 26% 26% 22% 15% 19% 14% Not a challenge Top challenge % of companies that selected each change Survey questions: What changes are you aware of that this industry/organization has already made to be more sustainable? What are the top three challenges this company faces today? Please select up to three. Selection = sustainability (related to the environment). Decreasing waste from production and/or using more recycled materials Applying sustainable design principles Designing products considering environmental impacts Developed or invested in more energy- efficient processes or machinery Increasing share of renewable energy sources used Creating clear goals for carbon neutrality Helping customers decrease their carbon emissions Using AI tools to be more sustainable Participating in voluntary carbon markets or carbon offsets Participating in voluntary carbon markets or carbon offsets Those who identified sustainability as a top challenge for their companies also reported that they had undertaken sustainability initiatives at higher rates than others. This suggests that respondents who cited sustainability as a challenge also see it as a priority. Up to the challenge “One of the biggest challenges for sustainable materials is making them work commercially. There are examples in aviation where sustainable products were released too early, and they couldn’t stay in the marketplace or keep their competitive advantage. The aircraft cabin is currently responsible for approximately 5% to 10% of an aircraft’s CO2 emissions. However, the latest research and technology developments and cabin innovations we are currently working on will contribute to reducing these figures, for example, by weight reduction or circular materials.” –Stefan List, Head of Cabin Market Insights, Airbus, a designer, manufacturer, and seller of aircraft, helicopters and space vehicles
  • 48. 47 Cost center or cost saver? Depending on the context, audience, and speaker, sustainability is alternately discussed as a financial burden on—or a boon for—businesses. This is also reflected in the survey data, with more respondents seeing sustainability as a good business decision over the long term than the short term. At Autodesk’s annual conference (Autodesk University) in October 2022, a group of industry leaders and experts met to discuss challenges and opportunities related to decarbonization, with much of the discussion centering on costs. Among the takeaways from that conversation: Affordability drives adoption. Environmental advocates point to the long- term savings of sustainable products and projects, but these often still carry higher up-front price tags. Unless business leaders prioritize sustainability, it may be difficult for design teams to secure the budget for the often-higher cost of green materials. Sustainability strengthens brands. Participants cited the potential for sustainability-focused actions to lead to benefits like an improved reputation, which may ultimately improve revenue and profits. By pursuing sustainable products and projects, companies may increase their appeal to future customers, particularly younger people who will pay a premium for sustainable products. Opportunities exist in financing. Discussion participants said that clients currently lack the will to aggressively pursue sustainability in their projects. However, lower lending rates for carbon- responsible construction could be a “carrot” that helps to spur change, they said. Companies are missing chances to reduce costs. Although opportunities already exist to achieve a positive return on investment through decarbonization, these opportunities are not being maximized. Politics is one reason, with oil-producing countries largely against decarbonization, as is an individualistic mindset that often takes precedence over collective action. Short-term thinking limits action. The prospect of increased short-term costs plays a role in the lack of client demand for change. Often, companies measure sustainable approaches against the least expensive possible baseline, rather than calculating the overall return on these investments.
  • 49. 48 Employees Customers Investors Government 20% 40% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 17% 82% Influential Not influential 22% 74% 24% 74% 72% 26% % of companies that responded Survey question: How influential are the following groups in pressuring this organization to create and meet sustainability goals? 4-point scale. Top two, bottom two = influential. Under pressure More than any other group, customers are putting more pressure on companies to pursue sustainability goals. * global-assets-2021-07-18/ ** boost-it-even-more A majority of respondents reported receiving pressure from internal stakeholders and outside forces to create and meet sustainability goals. Notably, 82% of respondents said their companies feel pressure from customers to pursue and achieve sustainability goals, and 74% said their companies feel this pressure from investors. In discussions about corporate sustainability, it is common to hear observers question whether customers truly care about the issue. According to the survey data, the answer to this question seems to be yes. Anyone who has listened in on a sustainability discussion has also, no doubt, heard some participants say that companies will not be moved to take real action in this area until it affects their bottom line. If investors begin to direct their dollars away from companies that refuse to implement sustainability- focused actions, that would represent a real threat to laggers in this area. By the end of 2021, market watchers reported, sustainable investments accounted for more than one-third of global assets*—with investors pouring twice as much money into sustainable investments that year than the year before.** If this trend continues, it could accelerate sustainability-focused efforts at companies that rely on outside investors. Seventy-two percent of respondents said that employees are influential in pressuring their companies to pursue sustainability goals. Non-decision makers are more likely, compared with decision makers, to say that sustainability is a top challenge, and companies that are committed to sustainability are less likely to cite talent as one of their top challenges. This connection mirrors what a number of business leaders said during interviews conducted for this report: that many workers are demanding that their employers prioritize sustainability. Customers, investors, and employees apply sustainability pressure 82% of respondents said their companies feel pressure from customers to pursue and achieve sustainability goals
  • 50. 49 D&M companies face the most pressure from customers AECO D&M M&E 73% 76% 66% 75% 79% 70% % of companies that say “influential” 60% 70% 80% 90% 78% 75% 67% Government Investors Employees 82% 86% 75% Customers Survey question: How influential are the following groups in pressuring this organization to create and meet sustainability goals? 4-point scale. Top two = influential. Sustainability influences by industry The data showed some noteworthy differences in the sources of sustainability pressure by industry and company size. Employees are the only group that small companies find more influential than large companies % of companies that say “influential” 60% 70% 80% 90% 85% 82% 80% 69% 72% 81% 76% 69% 67% 73% 73% 80% Small Medium Large Customers Government Investors Employees Sustainability influences by company size Survey question: How influential are the following groups in pressuring this organization to create and meet sustainability goals? 4-point scale. Top two = influential. “When you’re talking about making progress on decarbonization, a major component comes down to cost. We have clients that are very interested in carbon reductions and are accurately valuing the cost of emissions, but we also have clients who are not at that stage yet. At the end of the day, important carbon reductions may not get implemented if they’re not also cost-effective.” —Dalton Ho, Regional Sustainable Design Leader, Associate, Perkins&Will, an interdisciplinary, research-based architecture and design firm The data showed some noteworthy differences in the sources of sustainability pressure by region, industry, and company size. Companies in the Americas are facing less pressure from each category than companies in the rest of the world. In one of the most glaring gaps, just 61% of respondents at US companies said they felt pressured by investors to pursue sustainability, compared with 91% of respondents in China. The gap was similar among those reporting that government was a source of pressure: 59% in the United States, compared with 88% of Chinese respondents. Responses from Europe as a whole largely mirrored those from the APAC region. In interviews, some leaders and experts mentioned that a reputation for environmental responsibility can help companies attract talent— especially younger workers. “Employees coming out of college, up to those in their mid-thirties and often beyond, really care about this,” said Stacy Smedley, executive director at Building Transparency, a nonprofit organization addressing embodied carbon in construction. “If you can’t walk the walk at your company, you may lose top talent in your space.”
  • 51. 50 CONCLUSION If there is one overarching takeaway from the survey data and interviews, it is this: While business leaders and experts expect to encounter increased uncertainty in the coming years, the exceptional challenges they’ve already faced will help them prepare for any future. Business resilience Business leaders and experts said that they will increase investments in technology, product development, sustainability, talent, and other areas even more over the next three years than they did over the past three years. And more digitally mature companies are increasing future investments at higher rates than other companies. Talent Across industries, more business leaders and experts said that access to skilled talent is a top challenge for their companies than any other factor. In addition to hiring from outside their geographical areas and continuing to make investments in remote work, many businesses are investing in training for new and existing employees to ensure that their workers have the skills needed for the company to succeed. Sustainability Facing pressure from customers, investors, employees, and regulators, companies are taking concrete actions to meet environmental sustainability goals. Business leaders and experts expect these steps to achieve a long-term business payoff, with most saying that sustainability measures will eventually become sources of revenue for their companies. Ultimately, these challenges and solutions do not exist in silos, but rather intersect with one another. By working across all three areas, companies are taking charge of their future and preparing for success in an unpredictable world.