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Here2Shop DevOps Practice
Hochi Chuang
Who am I
• 熟悉Java相關開發技術 - client & server
• ⾃自動化整合與測試
• 雲端系統建置
• Startup 相關經驗
• ⺫⽬目標 -> 打造⼀一個⼤大系統環境,在台灣
About Here2shop
• 利⽤用Big Data技術讓商家和消費者更互惠
• 致⼒力達成⼝口碑⾏行銷和顛覆傳統的社交平台
• 你不需要懂電商,因為電商懂你
• 官網
• DevOps @ Here2Shop
• Development
• Test
• Deployment
• Monitoring
• EC 平台注意事項與安全性
• 經驗分享
• Java + Spring + Jenkins
• Test (JUnit + selenium)
• Deploy (AWS)
• Monitor (logs + selenium)
• Feedback (human involved)
• Agile Development
sprint — 2 weeks
daily scrum
review & planning
• Role
Scrum master
Product owner
Case: Agile?
• EC — online Web Application
Prioritise!! — bugs, features, data, etc…
Plan — exceptions… 經營模式、發票、特殊規格、
3rd party API
Flexibility — easy to refactor…
Code quality & style — peer co-working
2015 jcconf-h2s-devops-practice
• redmine ticket
commit subject: “refs|fixes|close #xxx: doing something”
• Code
github flow @ gitlab
• merge request
gitlab + jenkins (gitlab merge request builder)
• deploy to DEV environment
2015 jcconf-h2s-devops-practice
QA vs master
• Every work goes into QA branch first
• DEV machine has the latest code
• Staging machine has a subset of passed tests
• master branch is always deploy-able
QA vs master
• Every work goes into QA branch first
• DEV machine has the latest code
• Staging machine has a subset of passed tests
• master branch is always deploy-able
2015 jcconf-h2s-devops-practice
• DEVs be super CAREFUL!!!
merged? (QA or master)
• Complicated issue state
• Qualified code?
No code review
Peer comments
Github flow
We Expect
2015 jcconf-h2s-devops-practice
2015 jcconf-h2s-devops-practice
Case: in real world
• open source tools NOT integrated well
a)polling to build periodically…
b)cannot auto-update ticket status…
c)automation not yet ready…
• Keep DEV process in everyone’s mind!!!
Continuous Test
• from: Understanding DevOps part 4
deploy by each merge request
junit passed + BVT
• Daily automation
jenkins + selenium plugin (browse, login, logout, update product, search,
purchase, etc…)
• Acceptance Test on Staging - accessible from outside
Non RD team member
feature as design
data validation
3rd API integration - ⾦金流、簡訊
social media integration - Facebook, LINE, etc…
• Production
selenium - per hour
availability detector -,
change detector
site links validation - xenu
Vitual Studio Load test
2015 jcconf-h2s-devops-practice
Case: sth to know…
• wrong CSS layout - Sikuli
• Site speed tester
Google PageSpeed Insights
GTmetrix —
• Google webmaster tool
Structured Data, Data Highlighter, HTML
to AWS
the first - manually
jars bastion
scp -r v001_20151203 bastion:~/
Server 1
Server 2
scp -r v001_20151203
the first - manually
jars bastion
scp -r v001_20151203 bastion:~/
Server 1
Server 2
scp -r v001_20151203
need to CHANGE!!
• static resources
CDN, so resources need versioning!!
• app server retrieves the latest build by itself
jenkins S3 plugin + script
• HA without downtime
AWS API + script
• HA of ELB
# update service
aws autoscaling enter-standby --instance-ids i-dadfc329 --auto-
scaling-group-name prod-asg --should-decrement-desired-capacity
aws autoscaling exit-standby --instance-ids i-dadfc329 --auto-
scaling-group-name prod-asgaws autoscaling
describe-auto-scaling-instances --instance-ids i-dadfc329
# create a new instance
ec2-run-instances ami-xxxxxxxx -t m3.medium -s subnet-xxxxxxxx -
k prod-key -g sg-xxxxxxxx --associate-public-ip-address true
aws autoscaling attach-instances --instance-ids i-109228e5 --
auto-scaling-group-name prod-asg
Server 1
Server 2
# get latest jars from S3 bucket
java -jar latest-build.jar
Next goals
• pack static resources and separate from service jar
• one click to deploy
make 10+ deploy per day!!
• integrate with Hubot + slack
• rollback mechanism
challenge with Hibernate ORM
• CloudWatch —> alert notification
• still in stone age —> login, tail, vi, find & watch…
• lots of human involved actions
2015 jcconf-h2s-devops-practice
• PaperTrails / fluentd
• nagios
We Hope…
We Hope…
We Hope…
Case I: Spring boot
• spring boot is great for micro-service, but large project…
• pro
‣ convention over configuration
‣ standalone jar
• con
‣ eclipse & standalone jar NOT the same
‣ hard to replace a single static file…
Case II: Security Issue
• Redirect security concerns
nginx —> origin, md5 checksum by LUA
location ~ ^/(ad|edm)/(.*)* {
valid_referers none blocked server_names
if ($invalid_referer) {
return 403;
rewrite_by_lua "
HASH_KEY = 'secret_pass';
local redirect_url= ngx.unescape_uri(ngx.var['arg_r']);
local arg_checksum = ngx.var['arg_m'];
redirect_url_checksum = ngx.md5(redirect_url..HASH_KEY);
if(redirect_url_checksum==arg_checksum) then
return ngx.redirect(redirect_url, 302);
return ngx.exit(403);
Case III: more Security
• expose iframe
all site:
specific site:
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Case IV: Facebook
• Facebook doesn’t like cloudfront domain… —> malicious domain
Case V: caching
• 10k transactions in 16 hours
• concurrent: ~500
• hanging on single table —> move to Redis
• transaction:
from 5 min to 10 seconds
Thank You
mail to:

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CViewSurvey Digitech Pvt Ltd that works on a proven C.A.A.G. model.
CViewSurvey Digitech Pvt Ltd that  works on a proven C.A.A.G. model.CViewSurvey Digitech Pvt Ltd that  works on a proven C.A.A.G. model.
CViewSurvey Digitech Pvt Ltd that works on a proven C.A.A.G. model.

2015 jcconf-h2s-devops-practice

  • 2. Who am I • 熟悉Java相關開發技術 - client & server • ⾃自動化整合與測試 • 雲端系統建置 • Startup 相關經驗 • ⺫⽬目標 -> 打造⼀一個⼤大系統環境,在台灣
  • 3. About Here2shop • 利⽤用Big Data技術讓商家和消費者更互惠 • 致⼒力達成⼝口碑⾏行銷和顛覆傳統的社交平台 • 你不需要懂電商,因為電商懂你 • 官網
  • 4. Agenda • DevOps @ Here2Shop • Development • Test • Deployment • Monitoring • EC 平台注意事項與安全性 • 經驗分享
  • 6. @Here2Shop • Java + Spring + Jenkins • Test (JUnit + selenium) • Deploy (AWS) • Monitor (logs + selenium) • Feedback (human involved)
  • 8. • Agile Development sprint — 2 weeks daily scrum review & planning • Role Scrum master Product owner Team
  • 9. Case: Agile? • EC — online Web Application Prioritise!! — bugs, features, data, etc… Plan — exceptions… 經營模式、發票、特殊規格、 3rd party API Flexibility — easy to refactor… Code quality & style — peer co-working
  • 11. • redmine ticket commit subject: “refs|fixes|close #xxx: doing something” • Code github flow @ gitlab • merge request gitlab + jenkins (gitlab merge request builder) • deploy to DEV environment
  • 13. QA vs master • Every work goes into QA branch first • DEV machine has the latest code • Staging machine has a subset of passed tests code • master branch is always deploy-able
  • 14. QA vs master • Every work goes into QA branch first • DEV machine has the latest code • Staging machine has a subset of passed tests code • master branch is always deploy-able BUT…
  • 16. • DEVs be super CAREFUL!!! merged? (QA or master) • Complicated issue state Resolved Verified Feedback • Qualified code? No code review Peer comments
  • 21. Case: in real world • open source tools NOT integrated well a)polling to build periodically… b)cannot auto-update ticket status… c)automation not yet ready… • Keep DEV process in everyone’s mind!!!
  • 23. Test
  • 24. Continuous Test • from: Understanding DevOps part 4
  • 25. • DEV deploy by each merge request junit passed + BVT • Daily automation jenkins + selenium plugin (browse, login, logout, update product, search, purchase, etc…)
  • 26. • Acceptance Test on Staging - accessible from outside Non RD team member feature as design data validation 3rd API integration - ⾦金流、簡訊 social media integration - Facebook, LINE, etc…
  • 27. • Production selenium - per hour availability detector -, change detector site links validation - xenu Vitual Studio Load test
  • 28. Xenu
  • 30. Case: sth to know… • wrong CSS layout - Sikuli • Site speed tester Google PageSpeed Insights GTmetrix — • Google webmaster tool Structured Data, Data Highlighter, HTML Improvements
  • 33. the first - manually jars bastion scp -r v001_20151203 bastion:~/ Web Server 1 Web Server 2 scp -r v001_20151203
  • 34. the first - manually jars bastion scp -r v001_20151203 bastion:~/ Web Server 1 Web Server 2 Painful and Erroneous scp -r v001_20151203
  • 35. need to CHANGE!! • static resources CDN, so resources need versioning!! • app server retrieves the latest build by itself jenkins S3 plugin + script • HA without downtime AWS API + script //
  • 36. AWS CLI • HA of ELB # update service aws autoscaling enter-standby --instance-ids i-dadfc329 --auto- scaling-group-name prod-asg --should-decrement-desired-capacity aws autoscaling exit-standby --instance-ids i-dadfc329 --auto- scaling-group-name prod-asgaws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-instances --instance-ids i-dadfc329 # create a new instance ec2-run-instances ami-xxxxxxxx -t m3.medium -s subnet-xxxxxxxx - k prod-key -g sg-xxxxxxxx --associate-public-ip-address true aws autoscaling attach-instances --instance-ids i-109228e5 -- auto-scaling-group-name prod-asg
  • 37. semi-auto jars bastion Web Server 1 Web Server 2 # get latest jars from S3 bucket java -jar latest-build.jar S3 jenkins
  • 38. Next goals • pack static resources and separate from service jar • one click to deploy make 10+ deploy per day!! • integrate with Hubot + slack • rollback mechanism challenge with Hibernate ORM
  • 40. • CloudWatch —> alert notification • still in stone age —> login, tail, vi, find & watch… • lots of human involved actions
  • 42. Tools • PaperTrails / fluentd • nagios
  • 47. Case I: Spring boot • spring boot is great for micro-service, but large project… • pro ‣ convention over configuration ‣ standalone jar • con ‣ eclipse & standalone jar NOT the same ‣ hard to replace a single static file…
  • 48. Case II: Security Issue • Redirect security concerns nginx —> origin, md5 checksum by LUA location ~ ^/(ad|edm)/(.*)* { valid_referers none blocked server_names *; if ($invalid_referer) { return 403; } rewrite_by_lua " HASH_KEY = 'secret_pass'; local redirect_url= ngx.unescape_uri(ngx.var['arg_r']); local arg_checksum = ngx.var['arg_m']; redirect_url_checksum = ngx.md5(redirect_url..HASH_KEY); if(redirect_url_checksum==arg_checksum) then return ngx.redirect(redirect_url, 302); else return ngx.exit(403); end "; }
  • 49. Case III: more Security • expose iframe all site: specific site: X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Security-Policy:frame-ancestors
  • 50. Case IV: Facebook • Facebook doesn’t like cloudfront domain… —> malicious domain
  • 51. Case V: caching • 10k transactions in 16 hours • concurrent: ~500 • hanging on single table —> move to Redis • transaction: from 5 min to 10 seconds
  • 52. Thank You mail to:
  • 53. Q&A