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“ The internet is the first thing
  that humanity has built
  that humanity doesn’t understand,
  the largest experiment in anarchy
  we have ever had. ”
 Eric Schmidt, CEO Google
What might be true today,
may be false tomorrow


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Social Media Myth
Social Media MythSocial Media Myth
Social Media Myth

The document discusses several common myths about social media. It notes that social media is not truly "free" as it requires time and effort. While high-quality content is important, it also needs to be shared strategically to spread. The document also counters myths that social media is only for kids, has no rules or return on investment, and that all social networks are the same. Large companies are also using social media successfully.

seo server configurationseo managementseo resources
7 harsh realities in Social Media
7 harsh realities in Social Media7 harsh realities in Social Media
7 harsh realities in Social Media

The document outlines 7 harsh realities of social media according to Bart from webagency Netlash. Each reality is discussed in 3 points. The realities are that 1) nobody reads your blog, 2) your Twitter stream is boring, 3) your Facebook fan page will be empty, 4) your new social network site will not be used, 5) your great idea will not go viral, 6) your users will not generate content, and 7) your employees will not help with social media. The conclusion is that social media works but requires quality content, time, engagement, resources and expertise rather than being a free solution.

realitysocial media
Social Media... Woop! Woop! (February 2012)
Social Media... Woop! Woop! (February 2012)Social Media... Woop! Woop! (February 2012)
Social Media... Woop! Woop! (February 2012)

The document discusses various topics related to social media usage statistics and trends. It provides statistics on the number of social media users worldwide, top countries using Twitter, percentage of populations using Facebook in various countries/regions, and other usage data. It also discusses definitions and views of social media, how it is changing communications and business, and predictions for its future direction.

social media

A. 90%   B. 50%   C. 10%
Keep it simple.
Your audience is probably not
as smart as you

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Personal Branding
Personal BrandingPersonal Branding
Personal Branding

Personal branding and content marketing to re-write your story online, Social Media tools and case studies of the do's and don't's of social media.

content marketingpersonal brandingsocial media
How to do social media
How to do social mediaHow to do social media
How to do social media

How to put together a strategic plan for social media - made for the Exhibition and Event Association of Australasia (EEAA) industry day. Features Australian social media statistics, a step-by-step plan and some philosophy.

social media statisticssocial media strategyaustralian social media statistics
Evans DC Ethics of Behavioral Design
Evans DC Ethics of Behavioral DesignEvans DC Ethics of Behavioral Design
Evans DC Ethics of Behavioral Design

A general view of ethical and unethical UX design choices, based on Evans (2017) Bottlenecks: Aligning UX Design with User Psychology.


 I DO   I DO
SEO is great, but do it right
Google does not use keyword
meta tag in web ranking

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Green School Bali Online Media Training
Green School Bali Online Media TrainingGreen School Bali Online Media Training
Green School Bali Online Media Training

This is a presentation I was delighted to conduct at Green School on 6 May, 2011. It provides insight to how the world is changing and opportunities in education and business. Come visit me via for more information and Green School Bali at

parentsgreen school baligreen school
Social Marketing in the Digital Age - Huntington Beach Edition
Social Marketing in the Digital Age - Huntington Beach EditionSocial Marketing in the Digital Age - Huntington Beach Edition
Social Marketing in the Digital Age - Huntington Beach Edition

Marketing you Contract Instructor Classes can be a challenge... here's a quick start to marketing in the digital age!

#recreation #communityservices #contractinstructor
Highlighting Your Strengths as a Professional, Online
Highlighting Your Strengths as a Professional, OnlineHighlighting Your Strengths as a Professional, Online
Highlighting Your Strengths as a Professional, Online

This document provides tips for using social media to highlight your strengths as a professional. It outlines five building blocks for developing an online personal brand: having a clear focus expressed in under 140 characters; a five sentence bio; a good headshot; determining your online persona; and choosing which platforms to use. The document encourages consistency, dedicating time, following industry leaders, and letting your personality shine through online.

online presencehigher educationdigital stamp
What are you doing on   ?
1. Men are watching pictures and
   profiles of women they do not know

  Source: Harvard Business School, Mikolaj Jan Piskorski
1. Men are watching pictures and
   profiles of women they do not know
2. Men are watching pictures and
   profiles of women they do know

  Source: Harvard Business School, Mikolaj Jan Piskorski

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Social Media Tips
Social Media TipsSocial Media Tips
Social Media Tips

This document provides tips and best practices for using social media. It discusses using the right hashtags and keywords to maximize exposure of social media posts. It also recommends checking posts for tone, length, spelling and more before sharing. Additionally, it highlights top performing platforms in the Arab world like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and provides statistics on user bases. Tools for creating videos, graphics and scheduling posts are also mentioned. The overall document aims to help users optimize their social media strategy and content.

hashtagcontentsocial media strategy
Social media management
Social media managementSocial media management
Social media management

Social Media Management workshop at ZINCJordan hashtag #ZINCSM At King Hussein Business Park Amman, Jordan

ammankhaled elahmadsocial media marketing
Zombie PowerPoint by @ericpesik
Zombie PowerPoint by @ericpesikZombie PowerPoint by @ericpesik
Zombie PowerPoint by @ericpesik

Have you ever felt trapped in a bad PowerPoint presentation? Ever listen to a speaker drone on like a zombie? Do boring uninspiring slides leave you feeling like the walking dead? Don’t be a PowerPoint zombie! Here are 6 tips to avoid Death by Powerpoint!

1. Men are watching pictures and
   profiles of women they do not know
2. Men are watching pictures and
   profiles of women they do know
3. Women are watching pictures of
   women they do know

  Source: Harvard Business School, Mikolaj Jan Piskorski
1. Men are watching pictures and
   profiles of women they do not know
2. Men are watching pictures and
   profiles of women they do know
3. Women are watching pictures of
   women they do know

 70% is watching women!
  Source: Harvard Business School, Mikolaj Jan Piskorski
Didn’t you wish your brand was a   ?
Your brand toughest competition

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You Gotta Have Personality: how to connect to today’s customer with video
You Gotta Have Personality: how to connect to today’s customer with videoYou Gotta Have Personality: how to connect to today’s customer with video
You Gotta Have Personality: how to connect to today’s customer with video

Delivered at Digital Crossroads in Louisville, Kentucky on October 21, 2016. The core thesis of my presentation is that video is accessible for those who care about their audience (not for those who want a quick win) and, if you care, you should be making video...but only if you are committed to Hub content. Channels featured: (just launched) (launching soon) (launching soon) Podcast Creator: Articles/Resources: (lots of stats)

content strategyblendtecpodcast
Tips to stay safe and responsible on social media
Tips to stay safe and responsible on social mediaTips to stay safe and responsible on social media
Tips to stay safe and responsible on social media

Important information for college students to know when dealing with various social media platforms both personally and professionally.

Fighting Mental Health Stigma through social media
Fighting Mental Health Stigma through social mediaFighting Mental Health Stigma through social media
Fighting Mental Health Stigma through social media

This document provides guidance on using social media for organizations. It recommends starting with LinkedIn to build connections, then using Twitter to listen to conversations and share short updates. Taking photos or videos and sharing them on Flickr or YouTube is also suggested. The document advises creating a website to host content and track engagement. Using Facebook to connect with supporters, ask their opinions, and add applications is presented as a way to build a following. Throughout, the document emphasizes listening before broadcasting and starting small with one new tool.

social media overview for mental health orgs
Only 59.000 Belgians have
ever tweeted
Use social media…wisely

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Youtube secrets the ultimate guide to growing your following and making money...
Youtube secrets the ultimate guide to growing your following and making money...Youtube secrets the ultimate guide to growing your following and making money...
Youtube secrets the ultimate guide to growing your following and making money...

This document provides an introduction to the book "YouTube Secrets" which aims to teach readers the strategies and principles for building a successful YouTube channel and career. It discusses how YouTube has become a platform where regular people can build audiences in the millions and create full-time incomes. The introduction profiles several successful YouTubers and their journeys. It argues that YouTube provides an unprecedented opportunity for anyone to share their message and passions with the world for free. The authors provide their background and qualifications, having both built successful YouTube careers and businesses.

sean cannellyoutube secrets the ultimate guide pdfyoutube secrets the ultimate guide pdf free downlo
Social Media SGIA
Social Media SGIASocial Media SGIA
Social Media SGIA

This document discusses social media marketing strategies for small businesses. It begins by introducing Mandel/Screentech as a small business that provides prepress and graphic design services. It then discusses using various social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter to engage clients and prospects. The document provides tips on creating viral content, monitoring conversations, and using tools to link social media profiles. It emphasizes that social media is about conversation rather than overt selling. Overall, the document provides an overview of how a small business can leverage social media for marketing purposes.

10 things you should know, but no one ever told you-2010 version
10 things you should know, but no one ever told you-2010 version10 things you should know, but no one ever told you-2010 version
10 things you should know, but no one ever told you-2010 version

The first quote of the “10 things” presentation of DMF2009 was: “What might be true today, may be false tomorrow”. One year later, this quote seems more valid than ever. Times are changing at the speed of light. This year’s “10 things” presentation is an accurate update of what is still valid, what is not anymore valid and other nice things to know about the internet. So, everyone who wants an update in 25 minutes about what’s hot or not, is more than welcome.

internetthe parking lot10things
The Way Back Machine
You are not alone out there

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Social Media BICS Froum - Cassie Delaney
Social Media BICS Froum - Cassie DelaneySocial Media BICS Froum - Cassie Delaney
Social Media BICS Froum - Cassie Delaney

Cassie Delaney is a social media expert who has studied journalism and interned with publications. She is currently working on developing Her interests include travel, photography, design, documentaries, using social media to advance social causes, and new technologies. The presentation discusses what social media is, how to form an effective social media campaign by understanding your audience and their habits on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, strategies that worked well in 2012, and new technologies worth trying in 2013 like Trello, Thinglink, and Pinterest.

Crash Course in Facebook
Crash Course in FacebookCrash Course in Facebook
Crash Course in Facebook

The document provides an overview of Facebook and how businesses can effectively utilize the social media platform. It discusses key facts about Facebook and its users. It emphasizes that engagement is important for advertising on Facebook. The document then gives tips for businesses on creating Facebook pages, providing case studies and discussing how to measure return on investment from Facebook activities. It also outlines some common mistakes businesses make with Facebook.

twocentstwo cents groupadvertising
Understanding How to Use Social Media for Business
Understanding How  to  Use Social Media for BusinessUnderstanding How  to  Use Social Media for Business
Understanding How to Use Social Media for Business

The document provides an overview of social media, including what it is, how big it has become, and how businesses can use it. Some key points: - Social media allows people to share opinions and experiences online via platforms like blogs, social networks, videos, and more. - It has grown enormously, with billions of users on major platforms like Facebook and hundreds of millions of blogs. - Businesses can use social media for advertising, selling, reputation management, customer service, and more. It provides opportunities to listen to customers and engage with them. - A social media strategy for businesses should focus on people, purpose, planning, and processes according to the "4P model" to set goals and get started

business plansocial media businesssocial media business plan




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How Social Media enables the Job Search
How Social Media enables the Job SearchHow Social Media enables the Job Search
How Social Media enables the Job Search

What are recruiters doing with Social Media? How does Social Media enable your job search? It\'s all here and more.

GoldsmithsSocialmediamasterclass day2-25/02/17
GoldsmithsSocialmediamasterclass day2-25/02/17GoldsmithsSocialmediamasterclass day2-25/02/17
GoldsmithsSocialmediamasterclass day2-25/02/17

The Slides from Day 2 of Social Media Marketing for Cultural Entrepreneurs - Institute of Creative & Cutural Entreprenuership - Goldsmiths

social media marketingstorytellingentrepreneurship
Social Media 101
Social Media 101Social Media 101
Social Media 101

The document provides an overview of using social media for organizations. It discusses the benefits of social media including listening, publishing content, disseminating information, creating brands, and engaging in conversations. Specific platforms like Facebook, blogs, Twitter, and video are explained. Metrics, goals, audience profiling, and tools for social media are also covered. The document aims to help organizations develop social media strategies.



Flash is a wonderful multimedia
platform… if used properly

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Social Media for Business (with case studies)
Social Media for Business (with case studies)Social Media for Business (with case studies)
Social Media for Business (with case studies)

This presentation covers basic concepts, various social media platforms, the exponential growth of social media, case studies on how social media has benefited businesses and a detailed road map for building one's social media presence on the web.

Social networking for business success
Social networking for business successSocial networking for business success
Social networking for business success

This presentation gives small businesses a basic overview of how they can use social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to promote themselves. Using examples from Coos County, Oregon, it shows how businesses have been leveraging these tools to involve and reach out to their customers. This presentation was last given on October 5, 2010, as part of the Foundations of Business Success Skills to Prosper series by Southwestern Oregon Community College's Business Development Center.

social networkingsocial mediasmall businesses
Digital 4 Christ Conference Feedback Presentation
Digital 4 Christ Conference Feedback PresentationDigital 4 Christ Conference Feedback Presentation
Digital 4 Christ Conference Feedback Presentation

This is a feedback session of the "Digital 4 Christ" conference I was able to attend. The feedback was given to my colleagues shortly after the conference in Cape Town earlier this year (2011).

social networkd4csocial media
Who has ever clicked on a banner?
(accidentally clicking does not count)
Matthew Robson, Aged 15yrs & 7 months
“ Teenagers see adverts on websites
  (pop-up, banner ads) as extremely
  annoying and pointless,
  as they never pay attention to them
  and they are portrayed in such a
  negative light that no one follows
  them. ”
 Source: Morgan Stanley
Banners are not very sexy

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This document provides an overview of the evolution from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and the rise of social media. It discusses how Web 2.0 is focused on user interaction and user-generated content through tools like Wikipedia, YouTube, blogs and social networks. It emphasizes that people now trust recommendations from other consumers over brand advertising and will use social media to get opinions and recommendations about brands.

Syracuse Public
Syracuse PublicSyracuse Public
Syracuse Public

This document provides an overview of the evolution of the web from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and discusses various social media platforms. It notes that Web 2.0 is more collaborative and community-oriented, allowing two-way conversations between brands and consumers. It describes several major social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and how brands can create a presence and engage with customers on these platforms. It emphasizes that consumers increasingly rely on peer recommendations over traditional advertising.

twcbcsyracusesocial media
Dental Economics
Dental EconomicsDental Economics
Dental Economics

The document discusses the importance and benefits of using social media for dental practices. It addresses common concerns and misconceptions about social media, such as not having time or it being insecure. The author recommends starting with easy to use platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or YouTube. These allow practices to connect with patients, position themselves as experts, and market cost-effectively. While not a replacement for all marketing, social media makes practices seem more personable and can direct traffic to their website. The author encourages readers to get involved in social media to take control of their online presence and share their knowledge.

Online video is BOOMING!
10 things you should know, but no one ever told you - 2009 version
10 things you should know, but no one ever told you - 2009 version

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Introduction to Social Media 101 for real estate
Introduction to Social Media 101 for real estateIntroduction to Social Media 101 for real estate
Introduction to Social Media 101 for real estate

These are my slides for my 2011 2 hour social media basics for real estate presentation. For details on this presentation please contact me at peter

inlinemediapeter brewerpeterbrewer
19 ways non-profits can use social media to connect with donors
19 ways non-profits can use social media to connect with donors19 ways non-profits can use social media to connect with donors
19 ways non-profits can use social media to connect with donors

The document provides 19 ways for non-profits to use social media to connect with donors even with limited time and budget. It addresses the four main reasons non-profits do not use social media: not knowing how to use the technology, not knowing what content to create, not having time, and not having money. For each reason, several tips are provided, such as learning from online tutorials, creating short video stories and thank you messages, using tools to automate posting and scheduling, and taking advantage of free or low-cost social media services. The document emphasizes that social media is essential for connecting with donors and that the barriers of knowledge, content creation, time, and cost can all be overcome.

st mary developmenturban connectionaweber
9 Social Media Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
9 Social Media Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them9 Social Media Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
9 Social Media Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Can social media drive real results for your business? The answer is yes, as long as you have a strong strategy in place. If you’re already sold on the importance of social media, but you aren’t sure how to effectively engage your audience, you may be putting your company at risk by jumping into social media unprepared. All marketing tactics have their pitfalls and social media is no exception. Understanding these potential mistakes and learning how to avoid them is one of the best ways to ensure that your social media campaigns are successful. This 45 minute webinar will help you learn: • The biggest social media pitfalls and how to avoid them • Our tips for optimizing your current social media strategy • The key ways social media can help your business improve its online ROI

100.000.000 videos a day
Video is shared the most of all
Creates a rich experience and content

People want content!
“ Most teenagers enjoy and support
  viral marketing, as it often creates
  humorous and interesting content. ”
 Source: Morgan Stanley
10 things you should know, but no one ever told you - 2009 version

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10 things you should know, but no one ever told you - 2011 version
10 things you should know, but no one ever told you - 2011 version 10 things you should know, but no one ever told you - 2011 version
10 things you should know, but no one ever told you - 2011 version

Presentation about the latest trends in online advertising. This is the 2011 version. For more information about this topic, feel free to contact me.

internet marketingmarketing and advertisingonline advertising
Socialmediamasterclass arts admin day2-250217-161120180910
Socialmediamasterclass arts admin day2-250217-161120180910Socialmediamasterclass arts admin day2-250217-161120180910
Socialmediamasterclass arts admin day2-250217-161120180910

This document summarizes a social media masterclass for arts administrators held on February 28th, 2017 in London. The masterclass covered practical skills for using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and Snapchat to understand audiences, create engaging content, and manage online campaigns. Tips included using tools like Followerwonk to analyze followers, focusing on visual content for Instagram, and amplifying organically popular posts through paid promotions. The document stresses creating a consistent online presence and narrative through curating content like a festival across different social networks.

digital marketingsocial media marketingsocial media
Current Issues in Social Networking Presentation
Current Issues in Social Networking PresentationCurrent Issues in Social Networking Presentation
Current Issues in Social Networking Presentation

The document provides information from a May 2012 professional development workshop about social media and networking. It discusses what social media is, examples of popular sites, statistics on usage, considerations for using social media as a school employee or student, and resources for teaching digital citizenship. The workshop covered the impact and appropriate use of social media, risks of inappropriate sharing online, and how teachers can integrate social media into their classrooms while maintaining safety.

1% of the budget is spent on online video
13% of all media consumed in internet = video
WII (8853226 views)
Online video is steaming hot.

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Facebook for Business - BoQ
Facebook for Business - BoQFacebook for Business - BoQ
Facebook for Business - BoQ

My presentation to BoQ (Bank of Queensland) customers on the Sunshine Coast on Wednesday 9th February 2011.

There are about
108.000.000 websites out there
There are about
108.000.000 websites out there
1 of those is yours...
My feeling is that most people
have a similar surfing behaviour
 Facebook
 Yahoo Mail
 YouTube
 De Standaard Online
 Google

 Wikipedia
 Digimedia
 Twitter
 Some work related websites
 Some personal interest websites
 Links that friends referred me to (via Facebook!)

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Most people do not go online with
the intention to visit your
wonderful created campaign site…
Does that mean we have to stop
with online advertising at all?
While people are more online
than behind their TV.
(true for 15-25 yo, older people: TV has a very
small edge)
“ Teenagers are watching less
  television because services such as
  BBC iPlayer, which allows them to
  watch shows when THEY want. ”
 Source: Morgan Stanley

Recommended for you

 Become their friend...literally
 Be part of the conversation about your brand…
 A conversation they are having anyway…
 Build a brand online by giving them a story (content)
 Reputation and conversation is key!
 Widgets, applications, video, games,
  rich media creative banners
Still a big gap between budgets spent online and
traditional media, if we compare it with the actual time
spent online (1.5 hour/day).

Creation online              Creation offline
 Media online                 Media offline

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Change your way of thinking
never forget that ultimatly it is only
 What is the budget for a decent website?
 What is the budget for a decent website?
 Why is Drupal the best CMS?
  (see Keynote Robert Douglass 13:30)

Recommended for you

 What is the budget for a decent website?
 Why is Drupal the best CMS?
  (see Keynote Robert Douglass 13:30)
 Are there really naked women working at
  The Parking Lot?
                       WISDOM AT BOOTH D09

1.  What might be true today, may be false tomorrow
2.  Keep it simple, your audience is probably not as
    smart as you.
3. SEO: Google does not use keyword meta tag in web
4. Use social media, but do it wisely
5. They know more about you than you often realise
6. Flash is a wonderful multimedia platform…
    if used properly
7. banners are not very sexy
8. Online video is steaming hot.
9. Change your way of thinking
10. Never forget that ultimatly it is only advertising


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Syracuse Public
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Matt Hames
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Introduction to Social Media 101 for real estate
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Peter Brewer
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Evan Van Lissum
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TwoCents Group

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10 things you should know, but no one ever told you - 2011 version
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Facebook for Business - BoQ
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10 things you should know, but no one ever told you - 2009 version